Soap bubbles for mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Wedding instructions and tests for parents: mother-in-law, father-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law

Every wedding should be not only beautiful, but also fun. Absolutely all newlyweds dream that their wedding will be memorable, kind, and interesting. For such a wedding celebration, not only chic outfits of the newlyweds are needed, delicious dishes and a luxurious hall, but also a well-designed entertainment program so that guests do not get bored at the tables.

Usually, as additional entertainment for the guests, in addition to various performances by artists and groups, joke competitions are used. But very often only friends and relatives are invited to participate in such competitions, and parents remain at the tables. To avoid this, the site offers you wedding competitions for parents.

Sweet words

  • Props: not required
  • Participants: parents of newlyweds

The presenter invites the parents to come out and check whether the ardent feelings have been preserved since their wedding. To do this, each pair of parents turns to each other using affectionate words. Usually, after a while, the most popular words run out, and diminutive expressions like: fish, cat, and then even crocodile, etc. are used. The winner is the couple who finds as many kind words for each other as possible. Be sure to come up with a main prize for the winners and an incentive prize for the losing couple.

Chained by one chain

  • Props: 2 ropes, 2 sets: doll, diaper, diaper, bottle
  • Participants: parents on both sides

During festive event You can organize a wedding competition for the parents of the bride and groom, which will test future grandparents for their readiness to have grandchildren, as well as the coherence of the actions of spouses who have lived together for many years. Each pair of parents' hands are tied, for example, moms' right hands with dads' left hands. Both couples must put a diaper on the doll, swaddle it and give it a drink from a bottle, working with one free hand. The couple that completes the task better and faster is declared honorary grandparents.

Find son-in-law and daughter-in-law

  • Props: scarves
  • Participants: mothers on both sides, additionally several boys and girls

The mothers of the bride and groom are blindfolded. The bride stands in a row of girls, and the groom stands in a row of guys. The newly-made mother-in-law must guess her son-in-law by his voice, and to do this, the young people (including the groom himself) take turns saying the words: “Dear mother, I’m here.” The same competition is offered to the mother-in-law, only this time the words “Mom, I’m here” are spoken by the girls.


  • Props: not required
  • Participants: dads on both sides

This wedding competition for parents will be especially successful if the fathers of the bride and groom take part in it. The players’ task is to salute with their right hand, and at the same time extend their left hand forward and, raising their thumb, say “Wow!” Then clap and change the position of your hands. Now honor is thawed with the left hand, and with the right hand they show “Wow!” Then again clap your hands, and again change hands. The winner is the one who correctly performs all the movements without mixing up anything.


  • Props: not required
  • Participants: parents of the bride and groom

As you know, our parents love to sing drinking songs. So let's give them this pleasure. Parents choose one song and begin to sing it in chorus. Then, at the leader’s command “Quiet!”, the players continue to sing the chosen song to themselves (silently). After a few seconds, the presenter gives a new command, “Loud!”, and parents must continue the song without changing the tempo, but out loud. Very often after this the participants sing completely out of tune, which makes all the guests laugh.

Congratulations from parents

  • Props: sheet with blank congratulations
  • Participants: parents of the bride and groom

The presenter invites mothers and fathers of the newlyweds to compose a congratulation for the children (i.e., the newlyweds). And to do this, he asks each of the parents to name one of the adjectives, which he writes into the congratulation blank in the order of naming. After filling in all the blanks, the finished congratulation is read to the newlyweds.


The calm regularity of ___ life in our ___ city was stirred up by ___ event, the result of which was today's ___ marriage of our ___ children. We are celebrating the wedding of ___ bride and ___ groom.

Many people know that the newlyweds met in ___ month ___ (the month they met is included), when ___ (time of year) arrived in our ___ city. And now our ___ newlyweds are sitting at a ___ table laden with ___ fruits, ___ flowers, ___ dishes.

Next to them are ___ mother and ___ father ___ of the bride - the newly-made ___ mother-in-law and ___ father-in-law, as well as ___ mother and ___ father ___ of the groom, and now ___ mother-in-law and ___ father-in-law. Pay your ___ attention to their ___ faces! After all, ___ father acquired ___ daughter, and mother ___ son.

And we, the guests invited to this ___ celebration ___, endlessly rejoice at the creation of a ___ family. ___ parents of the bride and groom wish ___ newlyweds ___ life for many years ___ marriage. ___ guests chant “Bitter, bitter” and vow that in the near future they will help book ___ a place in ___ maternity hospital for the birth of ___ son or ___ daughter, and maybe even ___ twins.

Grandmothers want to nurse ___ grandchildren and even ___ great-grandchildren for as long as their ___ children throw them.

Now it’s time to shout “Bitter!” once again, and then say thank you to ___ the bride for not refusing ___ the groom to marry him, otherwise he would have burned out of ___ love, and also thank ___ the newlywed for having the courage and still getting married on ____ beauty. So let’s raise ___ glasses of ___ wine and sincerely wish ___ the newlyweds happiness. Dear newlyweds, may your life flow like a ___ river - rosy, fun and calm! ___ love to you and ___ marriage!

A wedding is one of the most significant days in the life of every person. This is a holiday, first of all, for young people, as well as their parents, friends and relatives. Parents, like young people, should be surrounded by special attention and respect on this day. When planning and selecting an entertainment program, do not forget to include wedding competitions for parents. But remember that you need to be extremely tactful with parents. This does not mean, of course, that they should not be involved in wedding games at all. Competitions like “Who can dance the most cheerfully” may well be addressed to the parents of the newlyweds at the wedding.

Ask the toastmaster to involve the parents in the wedding scenario. Mothers, at the request of the toastmaster, can present prizes and other awards to the winners of other competitions. It is possible to create many situations in which the honorary persons of the wedding ceremony - the parents - will take a place appropriate to their position. Let the toastmaster, before the wedding, collect information about the parents of the newlyweds, about the extent to which they have a sense of humor, and select games for the wedding taking this data into account. To ensure that the parents of the bride and groom are not “forgotten” by the guests, the toastmaster can announce the presentation of certificates for the parents of the newlyweds or read out orders about this.

We offer possible competition options for parents:

Wedding competition for parents “Find a son-in-law”

The new mother-in-law is blindfolded. A number of guys line up in front of her, including the groom. Each guy in the row must say in turn: “Beloved mother-in-law, I am your son-in-law.” The mother's task is to identify her son-in-law by his voice.

Competition "Find a daughter-in-law"

A row of girls, including the bride, is lined up behind the mother-in-law. Each girl in turn must say: “Mom, I am your daughter-in-law.”

Wedding competition “Moms, we are here”

The mothers turn away, and several couples line up behind them, including young ones. Couples take turns saying “Moms, we are here.” The task of mothers is to determine their children.

Wedding competition “20 years later” >

Wedding competition “20 years later”

Wedding competition “20 years later” >

One of the parents, most often the spouse, is asked to leave the room for a while. At this time, his wife is asked several questions.

For example:
- When and where did you meet?
- Under what circumstances did your husband confess his love to you?
- How many guests were at your wedding?
- What was the weather like on the day of your wedding?
- What wedding gift did you and your spouse like the most?

The spouse is asked to return to the hall and is asked the same questions. It doesn’t matter whether the spouses’ answers coincide or not. After the game, you can propose a toast to one of the most unforgettable events in life and to the fact that in twenty years the newlyweds will remember their wedding as well as their parents.

Competition "Animals"

The presenter gives each parent a blank sheet of paper and a pen, and asks them to write five animals in a column. From the character traits of our parents, we learn about the character of the newlyweds.
The presenter reads out the question, and the parents take turns answering the name of which animal they wrote.

Who were you before marriage?
Who are you at work?
Who are you at home?
Who are you in bed?
Who are you really?

Competition for parents "Who was born"

The presenter invites those interested. Then the players form pairs and the roles of “happy father” and “young mother” are determined. The presenter recalls the feelings of young parents, which many have already experienced, being outside the window and at the door of the maternity hospital, and hands out cards on which the newborn children are described. For example, a black child, weight 4.5 kg, big nose and big ears, etc. Moms stand opposite dads at a distance of 4-6 m from each other. Guests should be distributed among the players and, at the command of the host, try to create as much noise as possible. At the same time, music sounds. In this bustle, mothers explain to fathers who they had and what the baby looks like. After the music stops, the guests fall silent, the host interviews the happy dads. The couple in which the father correctly describes his child according to the description of the card is considered the winner.

It's hard to imagine a wedding without fun competitions and exciting games, which create a cheerful festive atmosphere in the hall. However, their choice should be taken very carefully so that the game scenarios are unconventional and interesting. Good competitions for parents they will not only have fun during the celebration, but also bring two completely different families closer together. A site for newlyweds, the site advises you to choose creative games in which moms and dads will actively compete and interact with each other, thereby strengthening relationships in their new big family!

Competitions for young and active parents

At a wedding celebration, mothers and fathers worry no less than their children, because often some of the organizational issues fall on their shoulders. Fun competitions for parents will allow them to feel more relaxed and free at the wedding, relax and enjoy the holiday. So, we present to you three games for active parents.

"Guess by Voice"

  • Participants: two teams of parents, 7 girls, including the bride, and 7 men, including the groom.
  • Props: a scarf over the eyes.

Competitions for parents and children always evoke a lot of positive emotions, because they always enjoy spending an extra minute together. Two teams take part in the game in turn - father-in-law and mother-in-law and father-in-law and mother-in-law. The groom's parents are blindfolded first. Seven girls line up in front of them, one of whom is the bride. The girls take turns saying the phrase “My dear, I love you!” The groom's parents have to guess the bride's voice. Next, the competition is held with the bride's parents. They will have to recognize the son-in-law's voice among the 7 male voices. The team that guesses the voice the first time wins. This competition for parents can be made even more fun by distributing helium balloons to girls and men. Before saying their phrase, they will need to inhale a little helium: the voice will change beyond recognition, which will complicate the task for parents.

"Dance Battle"

  • Participants: two teams of parents.
  • Props: not required.

Dance competitions are best suited for young parents who are in no way inferior to their children in their active lifestyle. The game is played in the form of a real dance battle. The presenter turns on melodies from a variety of genres, and the teams begin to dance energetically, trying to match the dance to the genre of music that they come across. Among the dance options there may be folk dances, waltz, polka, flamenco, break dance, oriental dances, hip-hop, R’n’B and many others. The team whose dances are the brightest and most fiery wins!

"Funny compliments"

  • Participants: two teams of parents.
  • Props: pieces of paper and pens.

Two teams of parents take part in the compliment competition, in each of which a woman needs to write ten compliments to her husband on a piece of paper as follows: “he is kind, like...”, “he is brave, like...”, “he is handsome, like...”, “ he’s smart, like…” etc. The male half of the teams will have to write a list of ten items on pieces of paper: these can be household items, animals or famous people. Then, one by one, the teams read out their compliments, combining the beginning from the spouse and the ending from the spouse. The compliments are very funny, for example, “he’s as kind as a fan,” or “he’s as handsome as a giraffe.” The team whose compliments evoke more emotions in the guests wins.

Creative games for dads

Dads love humor very much, so you can prepare funny wedding competitions for them. The website about weddings recommends choosing both intellectual and active competitions, and the best prizes will be good wine or cognac.


  • Participants: father-in-law and father-in-law.
  • Props: wooden blocks and planks, electrical tape, scissors.

The fathers of the bride and groom will have to show all their ingenuity to make a toy for their future grandchildren using a set of boards and electrical tape. 5 minutes of time - and guests will be able to evaluate the result, and also try to guess what kind of toy the dads were trying to make.

"The most dexterous"

  • Participants: father-in-law and father-in-law.
  • Props: Balloons.

15 balls are placed on the floor in front of the participants. of blue color and 15 green. In 30 seconds, the father-in-law and father-in-law have to burst as many balloons as possible to the music, and everyone needs to burst balloons of a certain color. If you burst a ball of a different color, you can only help your opponent, so you will have to be not only very fast and dexterous, but also attentive.

Fun competitions for moms

Beloved mothers can also compete with each other. Competitions for mothers that will be held at a wedding must be kind and positive.


  • Participants: mothers of the bride and groom.
  • Props: not required.

The mother of the groom and the mother of the bride just recently sang songs to their beloved children, and soon they will sing them to their grandchildren. IN creative competition mothers will have to remember all the lullabies they have ever sung to their children. As a prize, you can give each mother a collection of songs and lullabies.

The parents of the bride and groom on their wedding day may be even more worried than the newlyweds themselves. They prepared for this day, helped the young people realize their dream, organize a luxurious holiday. Therefore, it is important that they feel comfortable and relaxed at the celebration. Competitions for parents at a wedding will help them be the center of attention.

Words of love

This competition is to test your feelings. Two pairs of parents who have been together for a long time must take turns saying kind words to each other. Having gone through all the popular ones, they begin to invent cool words, for example: cat, baby, and even baby elephant. The good thing about the competition is that it can be held at a table. The winning couple receives a gift. You can also give out incentive prizes.

Kiss me harder!

You can check your feelings not only with touching words, but also with real actions. For example, a kiss from the parents of the bride and groom will say much more about the strength of their union than any words. The couple that lasts the longest in a passionate kiss will be listed in the Red Book and awarded a medal.

Question answer

You can hold a fun competition at a wedding with soap bubbles for the mother-in-law and mother-in-law. It is necessary to prepare questions for participants in advance. And they will answer them by blowing bubbles. Their number will be taken as the answer. Options for questions for mother-in-law:

  • How many grandchildren do you want your children to give you?
  • How many times a day will you call young people with advice?
  • How many times a year do you let your children go for a walk and spend time with your grandchildren?
  • How many pies will you fry for your son-in-law every Sunday?
  • How many thousand rubles will you give your son-in-law to buy a car?

The more interesting the questions, the more entertaining it will be for guests to follow the answers. Therefore, it is better for a person who knows the family to prepare the competition. Question for mother-in-law:

  • How many hours a day will you spend raising your grandchildren?
  • How many family jewels are you willing to give to your beloved daughter-in-law?
  • How long does your beloved son spend playing on the computer?
  • How many times are you ready to bake your signature pie for the newlyweds?
  • How many times a week are you ready to call your fiancée to find out if your son has eaten?

Team spirit

Competition for teamwork skills. Two pairs of parents are called. Mom and dad should stand next to each other and hug each other around the waist. They only have one hand free. Thus, they must quickly and efficiently swaddle the baby doll lying on the table in front of them. Without preparation, this can be very difficult, but soon future grandparents will find these skills very useful. Whoever completes the task first is declared the winner.

Get to know me

Everyone at a wedding loves balloon competitions, they are fun and interesting. They are easy to organize; you can do without a toastmaster. For props, only helium balloons are needed. The competition can be held for both mothers and fathers if desired. The mother of the bride, despite the participants, must guess her son-in-law by his voice. Meanwhile, a group of young people, including the groom, take turns inhaling helium from the balloons and uttering the phrase: “Dear mother, I’m here.” A guessing game can also be organized for the mother of the groom. She will guess her daughter-in-law's voice among other girls.

Close people

It is interesting to hear how well the father-in-law and mother-in-law know their son-in-law, and also how close the father-in-law and mother-in-law are with their daughter-in-law. Questions about the young bride are prepared for the groom's parents, to which they must give as many correct answers as possible:

  • Date of Birth;
  • shoe size;
  • favorite writer/book;
  • genre of film you are interested in;
  • how many A's are there in a school certificate?

Questions at a wedding can be both serious and humorous. For the bride's parents they will be about the young man:

  • whether you served in the army;
  • does he like cats?
  • how often does he go fishing?
  • favorite sport;
  • what was your name class teacher in graduating class.

This competition will perhaps reveal many unknown facts from the lives of the heroes of the occasion for the guests and the newlyweds themselves.

Karaoke or choir

What would a wedding be without table singing? You can hold a competition for your father-in-law and father-in-law for the best performance of any song. To do this, you need to select a soundtrack in advance or organize karaoke. Mothers of young people can also sing along.

Continuing musical theme, you can invite all guests, led by the parents of the newlyweds, to perform a Russian folk song. The competition is that the team first sings a song, then the leader shouts: “Quiet” and everyone must shut up and continue singing to themselves. Then, “Choir” is heard and everyone continues the same song. It turns out, as a rule, inconsistently, but this also causes uproarious laughter among the guests at the wedding.

Parents and guests present are also encouraged to recall as many lullabies as possible. This knowledge will be useful to them after the wedding, when they have their own grandchildren. Whoever has the most songs in stock wins.

Wall newspaper

Creative wedding competitions for parents, which contain soul and love, are always received with a bang at the holiday. Parents of young people are offered a large sheet of paper, newspaper or magazine. They must cut out letters or phrases from printed materials and paste them onto whatman paper, thereby formalizing their congratulations for the heroes of the occasion. Such a wall newspaper will become a decoration for the holiday, and perhaps will remain in the children’s house for many years after the wedding.


The newlyweds at the wedding are required to prepare several musical cuts of different genres for this competition. Parents are called to the center of the hall and begin to dance to the music. At first it can be a slow dance, then suddenly it turns into lambada, then into lezginka, breakdance and step. Based on the applause of the guests, a pair of winners is selected.

Finally, we suggest watching another video fun competition for mothers of the bride and groom:

Competitions for parents at a wedding are an important and necessary moment in organizing the entire entertainment program. You need to carefully select games, knowing the preferences of the parents, taking into account the age and status of those present. The main thing is that they have fun and remember this day for the rest of their lives.

Interesting to know:

Naturally, any wedding should not only be magnificent and chic, but also interesting and fun. Of course, all newlyweds want their wedding to be the best, one that will be remembered for a long time. For your celebration to be exactly like this, it’s not enough to choose beautiful wedding dresses, put together delicious menu and rent the most beautiful banquet hall. It is essential that you have a well-prepared program to entertain your guests. Basically, in order to make it fun, they invite not only some artists or special presenters, but also hold comic competitions not only for friends, but also for the parents of the bride and groom. What competitions might be suitable for parents?

In this competition, the toastmaster invites the parents of the newlyweds and invites them to check how much they love each other, whether they were able to carry their feelings through time. Parents, taking turns, turn to each other, calling various affectionate words that they remember. After a few minutes, usually the popular words end and then the imagination turns on. As soon as parents do not call each other from cat to crocodile. The pair that names the most of these words wins. Don't forget to prepare a good prize for the winners and some kind of incentive for the couple who lost.

To conduct this competition you will need some props: 2 ropes, as well as 1 set each for the parents of the bride and groom, which includes a baby doll, a bottle, a diaper and a diaper. In this competition you can test how ready your parents are to become grandparents for their future grandchildren. To do this, parents need to tie their hands in pairs, for example, the left hands of dads with the right hands of moms. Next, the parent couples must put a diaper on the baby doll, swaddle it well, and also bottle feed it. And all these manipulations need to be done with only one hand. The couple that completed the task faster is declared the winner and receives the title of honorary grandparents, and the second couple receives a consolation prize.

For this competition you will need scarves. Only mothers of newlyweds participate in this competition. The competition is for mothers to find their son-in-law and daughter-in-law. The bride stands in a row of girls, and the son-in-law stands in a row of boys. The mother-in-law must find her beloved son-in-law by his voice. The guys take turns saying the phrase: “Dear mom, your son-in-law is here,” and the mother-in-law is looking for her daughter-in-law in the same way. The girls from the row take turns shouting the phrase: “Dear mother, your daughter-in-law is here.” Whoever finds a son-in-law or daughter-in-law faster wins.

As you know, parents and guests love to sing various drinking songs. You can provide them with this opportunity by holding a competition on this topic. Parents of young people should choose a song and start singing it in chorus in one voice. Next, the presenter gives the command ‘Quiet!’ and the contestants continue to sing this song quietly, even to themselves. Then, after a few seconds, the presenter gives a new command, “Loud!” and the parents continue to sing the song loudly and without breaking the previous tempo. Of course, after the parents have sung a part of the song in silence, they will not be able to sing in unison anymore, so it will be fun and funny to listen to what happens at the end.