How to stimulate labor. Alternative methods of inducing labor. Why is labor stimulation necessary?

Nature made sure that children could be born without outside help. Of course, without medical help, any complications can lead to fatal consequences. Fortunately, in modern world Women are not left alone with their problems. Typically, labor begins between 38 and 42 weeks.

At the same time, they develop naturally and culminate in the birth of a child. But if the baby is in no hurry to be born at the appointed time, doctors may prescribe induction of labor.

In what cases may stimulation be required? labor activity? There are several indications for inducing the onset of labor:

  1. First of all, induction of labor in case of postmaturity. As you know, full-term birth is considered from the 38th week, and at 42 weeks they speak of a post-term pregnancy. This entails certain risks: the placenta begins to age and can no longer cope with its functions. The amniotic fluid changes color due to toxins accumulated in it, and the child may experience chronic oxygen starvation. Usually, when postmaturity occurs, stimulation is prescribed between 41 and 42 weeks, and if there are signs of post-maturity, at 40 weeks;
  2. In case the uterus is distended too much due to multiple pregnancy or polyhydramnios, most likely, it will also come from artificial stimulation of labor in the maternity hospital;
  3. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, some disorders of the cardiovascular system, kidney disease and other ailments that threaten the health of the mother and child, can also become a reason for stimulation as early as 38 weeks;
  4. Induction of labor may also be necessary for those who already have The amniotic fluid has broken, but contractions do not start for 12 hours or more. The fact is that after the rupture of the amniotic sac, the child becomes vulnerable to various infections.

In some cases, stimulation may be necessary when labor has begun spontaneously, but for one reason or another does not lead to natural delivery: contractions begin to fade or the cervix does not dilate.

What are the dangers of inducing labor: consequences

Like any intervention in the natural course of labor, induction of labor has consequences, including negative ones.

What are the dangers of inducing labor? First of all, it is worth mentioning that artificially induced contractions are often much more painful, and therefore there is a need for additional pain relief.

Some types of stimulation require the administration of drugs through a dropper, which creates additional inconvenience: the woman is forced to lie on her back, limited in movement. But this is far from the most comfortable position for a woman in labor; it is much more comfortable to walk or lie on her side.

In addition, stimulation in some cases causes the child oxygen starvation, which is unlikely to have a positive effect on his health.

Sometimes stimulation does not produce any results, in which case, depending on which method of stimulation is chosen, it is either postponed to another time, or a caesarean section has to be performed. Taking all this into account, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before agreeing to induce labor.

The doctor must be 100% sure that artificial stimulation is really necessary, that it will be more beneficial for the baby to be born right now and in this particular way.

There is evidence that when artificially stimulating labor in the maternity hospital, it is much more common to resort to forceps and other similar instruments. Many experts advocate that the reason for this is the stimulation itself. However, it is quite possible that the same complications that led to the need to stimulate labor lead to such consequences.

Is induction of labor harmful? Absolutely yes. Like any artificial intervention in a natural process. But according to the indications described above, such an approach to childbirth is really necessary.

Contraindications to induction of labor

Like any medical procedure, induction of labor has a list of contraindications. In particular, stimulation is not carried out if a woman, after a caesarean section in a previous birth, plans to give birth on her own for the second time. Hyperstimulation of the uterus can lead to rupture along the old seam.

In addition, incorrect position of the fetus or its size, in particular, a discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the size of the small pelvis, can also become a contraindication to induction of labor. The same as the health status of the fetus, based on CTG.

Types of stimulation

Depending on the indications and the stage at which labor is located, if any, various methods of stimulation are used.

Detachment of amniotic membranes

When pregnancy is carried to term, doctors sometimes resort to a procedure such as detachment of the amniotic membranes. This is done during a routine gynecological examination. The doctor carefully peels off the amniotic membrane at the very os of the uterus, which causes the onset of contractions. This procedure does not always lead to the desired results the first time.

Sometimes it is necessary to repeat it several times. If the desired effect cannot be achieved, then stimulation is transferred or other methods are used.

This method of stimulation does not carry any special risks. A woman should not experience pain when the membranes are detached, since there are no nerve endings in them. However, some unpleasant sensations are still possible.


Much more often they resort to another method - the introduction of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are physiologically active substances that the human body produces independently, and they are found in almost all organs and tissues of the body, as well as in all natural secretions. Especially in sperm and amniotic fluid. Prostaglandins act on the cervix, causing it to ripen and dilate.

Prostaglandin preparations are administered vaginally: in the form of suppositories or gel. Neither the gel nor the suppositories hinder a woman’s movements or cause any unpleasant sensations. Typically, contractions begin within half an hour after labor is stimulated by the gel, but in some cases labor does not begin after the gel is administered. If there are no contractions within 24 hours after the administration of drugs to induce labor, they can be reintroduced.

Why do gynecologists prefer to use this method? The fact is that the gel for inducing labor has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Of course, the risk of hyperstimulation remains in this case, but it is significantly lower than when using other methods. In addition, it does not penetrate the amniotic sac, which means it does not have any effect on the baby.

Unfortunately, in some cases, prostaglandin can cause a delay in the transition to active labor.

Puncture of the amniotic sac

Puncture of the amniotic sac to stimulate the onset of labor is used extremely rarely, as it is associated with some risks. In particular, a rupture of the amniotic sac leaves the fetus without natural protection, which can lead to infection. In addition, if the burst of the bladder does not cause the development of labor, you will have to resort to other methods of stimulation, or even to caesarean section.

More often, this method is used to speed up labor if contractions are prolonged. A puncture of the amniotic sac is done during a routine gynecological examination using an amino hook - a long plastic hook-shaped instrument that is inserted into the vagina, and through the cervix it is used to pick up the amniotic sac and pierce it, which causes rupture amniotic fluid.

Typically, puncture of the amniotic sac is performed when the baby’s head has already dropped into the pelvic area. In such a situation, the amniotic sac is compressed, and the vessels of the amniotic sac are also compressed. Otherwise, when puncturing, there is a risk of damaging the blood vessel and causing bleeding.

In addition, there is a risk of umbilical cord prolapse, which also leads to risks for the child: when passing through the birth canal, the fetus will press on the umbilical cord, and thereby deprive itself of oxygen. This is another reason why puncture of the bladder, as a way to provoke the onset of labor, is extremely rarely resorted to.


Oxytocin is an artificially synthesized analogue of the natural hormone that stimulates uterine contractions. It is produced by the pituitary gland under the influence of other hormones. Oxytocin is usually used if labor is attenuated or the intensity of contractions decreases. It is administered intravenously using a dropper.

An overdose of oxytocin very quickly leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus and even hyperstimulation of the uterus, so this is done under the supervision of a doctor. In parallel with the administration of oxytocin, the child’s condition is monitored, as well as the intensity of contractions.

If symptoms of fetal hypoxia begin to be observed, the administration of oxytocin is immediately stopped, and in some cases special drugs are administered that reduce the contractile activity of the uterus.

Considering that some women have hypersensitivity to oxytocin, the dose of the drug is selected strictly individually, in accordance with preliminary tests.

It is with oxytocin that, as a rule, the main complaints of women about excessive pain in contractions are associated. Therefore, very often, in parallel with the administration of the hormone, pain-relieving procedures or epidural anesthesia are practiced.

IN lately doctors began to use pills to induce labor containing artificially synthesized antigestogens. These drugs block a number of uterine receptors that are responsible for blocking progesterone.

As a result, the balance of the hormones progesterone and estrogen changes in favor of progesterone, which leads to the development of labor. In addition, hormones have a positive effect on the cervix, accelerating its ripening and opening.

Previously, such drugs were used for emergency contraception and termination of pregnancy early stages, up to 5-7 weeks. In these cases, effectiveness is achieved due to the same increase in progesterone levels.

Because these drugs are known to be abortifacients, many women are afraid to take them, believing that they will have a negative effect on the fetus. However, this drug has virtually no effect on the condition of the mother and child.

In terms of ease of use, effectiveness and number of side effects, at this stage this method of stimulating labor and preparing the cervix for dilatation can be considered the most preferable.

The number of cesarean sections when using antihistogen drugs, such as mifepristone and miropriston, to induce labor is significantly lower than with other methods of induction.

Contraindications for the use of this drug may be liver and adrenal failure, asthma, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, as well as individual intolerance to the drug.

It is quite natural to be afraid of new and untested, unfamiliar methods of influence. If you are offered this method of stimulation, and you are still afraid to use it, consult with several good doctors, find out from them about the pros and cons of the pills, and only then make a decision.

Natural methods of stimulation

We have looked at methods of stimulation in the maternity hospital, but in fairness it is worth mentioning that you can also stimulate at home. If, after talking with your doctor, you already understand the need to speed up the onset of labor, and you have already been assigned a day of stimulation, you can try to resort to one of the methods of natural stimulation of labor. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor first.

The simplest, most obvious and natural way to induce labor at home is sex. It is also jokingly called husband therapy. During sex and especially orgasm, the uterus contracts, which can become the natural beginning of labor. In addition, during sex, natural oxytocin is released into a woman’s blood, and semen, as already mentioned, contains a large amount of prostaglandins. As a result, the stimulation turns out to be truly natural and complex.

Of course, having sex for a long time is not very convenient; you will have to choose positions in which both partners can relax and enjoy. In addition, some men find it psychologically difficult to have sex with a woman before giving birth. However, all these problems are quite easily overcome.

Some use castor oil for childbirth simulation. There is no data on how this method actually works, or whether it actually works. In general, castor oil is a fairly strong laxative. It is assumed that the increased work of the intestines affects the uterus, which causes labor. Castor oil for inducing labor is a rather controversial remedy, as it can cause nausea and diarrhea, which is not very pleasant, and is also fraught with large water loss.

Walking and light exercise can also induce labor, so they can also be used to stimulate labor at home. It often happens that in recent weeks a woman has been eager to wash the floors, rearrange some things in the house, but her relatives dissuade her from this. Now is the time to satisfy your need to improve your own home. This will help you realize your instincts and calm down at the same time, and will also speed up the birth of your baby.

Acupuncture can also be a way to naturally stimulate labor. As you know, such a doctrine as acupuncture claims that there are points on the body that are responsible for the functioning of different organs and body systems. An injection with a fine game into a correctly chosen point, which is responsible for the uterus and its condition, can contribute to the onset of labor.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not be afraid of stimulation, although it is important to understand how necessary it really is in your case. Remember that without your consent, doctors do not have the right to carry out any intervention in the natural process of childbirth. And no one has the right to force you.

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Any child is a unique organism, with its own established character traits and disposition. All these individualities do not appear in a child at birth, but are formed during intrauterine development.

A normal pregnancy progresses from 39 to 42 weeks. If the pregnancy lasts longer than expected, then the obstetricians and gynecologists observing you will diagnose you with a prolonged pregnancy.

But as we said above, babies are all unique and decide for themselves when they need to be born. Sometimes this is due to incorrect timing of the onset of pregnancy.

But as they say in one very famous joke: more than one woman has not yet remained pregnant for the rest of her life. Everything has its time!

If the pregnancy continues longer than the prescribed period, then for medical reasons, during your stay in the hospital, the woman is prescribed induction of labor. It can be applied if:

Pregnancy lasts over forty-two weeks;
The fetus is very large, and there is a possibility of severe ruptures in the mother;
Multiple pregnancy;
A woman in labor may experience a hypertensive crisis due to constant high blood pressure;
A pregnant woman has been diagnosed with problems with her kidneys and thyroid gland;
Fetal suffocation and prolapse of the umbilical cord were recorded.

Possible risks when inducing labor

Remember that only your obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe a procedure such as induction of labor. This procedure can only be performed in a hospital and with the obligatory presence of a doctor.

But now, more and more often, expectant mothers want to bring the birth of their baby closer. And very often labor stimulation begins due to the following reasons:

The desire of many mothers is to give birth to a child by the desired date or desired zodiac sign;
Pregnancy has drunk all the “juices” from the body of the expectant mother, and the only way to gain strength is through early childbirth;
Before giving birth, the woman worked at a prestigious job, in a well-known company and held a high position.

Think about whether it is worth using such a complex and dangerous procedure as inducing labor. After all, nature itself prescribes a certain number of weeks for the baby to remain in the womb. Weigh the pros and cons of whether your baby's health is worth your lost job. Moreover, inducing labor at home is a very dangerous undertaking. Since everything can end very sadly, in especially severe cases, stimulation can lead to miscarriage or even the death of the mother.

And weed that seems light and harmless, not during pregnancy, can provoke stimulation and miscarriage.

Such beloved herbs as celery and parsley cause premature birth. And if, for example, the start date of pregnancy was incorrectly determined and there is a risk of giving birth to a very premature baby. Think about whether your risk is justified?

Natural stimulation of labor at home is not a safe process and requires extensive training and consultation with competent specialists.

You should not rely on stimulating labor in the old ways of our mothers and grandmothers - doing general cleaning every day and performing incredible physical activity. By doing this you can only harm both yourself and the baby.

Natural stimulation of labor– this is moderate physical activity after forty weeks. Be sure to walk every day, refuse the elevator - go up and down on your own. Be sure to breathe fresh air - it will only benefit both you and your baby.

In addition to quiet walks, active and long walks can be carried out; they are necessary for the correct movement of the baby to the prenatal place.

Sex as a labor stimulant

Stimulating labor at home can also include sex. But it is possible only if there are no contraindications.

Research by American scientists has revealed the presence of an active substance in male sperm - prostaglandin, which promotes the opening of the cervix, and therefore stimulates labor.

But remember that everything should be in moderation, do not choose uncomfortable poses or extreme positions. Your sex must be pleasant and not active. A pregnant woman must definitely experience an orgasm, since only during orgasm does she release oxytocin– a hormone that naturally stimulates labor.

But, as with everything, there are hidden disadvantages. Sex before childbirth is only possible if amniotic sac was not damaged. Otherwise, you risk getting an infection, and this is fraught with huge health problems for the baby.

In some cases, this occurs by massaging the nipples and areolas around them. Massage should be done up to 5 times a day for 1 hour, 30 minutes on each breast. This will be a good incentive to start labor.

Enema - labor stimulant

Enema – great way set in motion the process of starting labor. Natural stimulation of labor takes place in the following way - an enema is filled with water, the temperature of which should be + 20-25 degrees.

Stimulation of the intestinal walls is transmitted to the walls of the uterus, and thereby causes the onset of labor. But remember that it is dangerous to do this at home, as rapid labor may occur.

Castor oil works the same way. But remember that both of these methods can only be used in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor.

In special cases, castor oil can be prescribed in a volume of 100 ml with orange juice in the same proportion.

The taste and smell of castor oil causes severe vomiting and leads to intestinal upset. And thereby cause intestinal spasms, which are transmitted to the uterus. And the process of labor begins.

But remember that the two methods described above are applicable only in a hospital and under the strict supervision of a doctor! It’s dangerous to do them yourself at home!

To increase the elasticity of the uterus, be sure to eat 3 tablespoons of olive oil, as it has a laxative effect, which means it trains the uterus.

No matter how strange it may sound, constant conversations with your baby in the womb also stimulate labor. Tell your baby how you are waiting for him, how you are ready to love him. Very often, such conversations work positively. And the baby begins to strive to leave his secluded refuge.

In Russia and abroad, stimulation of labor occurs through the use of tincture of raspberry leaves. This decoction well tones the muscles of the uterus, as well as the pelvic organs. And this in turn leads to the beginning of the birth process.

In addition to decoctions and oils, homeopathy, which is widespread these days, is also used. But remember that self-administration of medications is not acceptable. Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required. And such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. Also, he must monitor the effect on your body and the body of your baby.

At the moment, homeopathic medicines are considered the safest, as they do not pose a threat to the life of you and your baby.

In the East, popular practices acupuncture. Moreover, needles are used both for conception and for carrying a pregnancy to term. There is also acupuncture to speed up the birth process. Some techniques are aimed specifically at increasing the number and frequency of contractions that have already begun.

Whichever method of inducing labor you choose, remember that the use of herbs or drugs is possible only with the permission of a doctor and under his constant supervision in a hospital. Remember that your life and the life of your child depend on it. And any printed or online material is just a list of tips. Only a doctor can give final recommendations and make an accurate diagnosis.

Take care of yourself and your kids.

You live in anticipation of the magical moment - the birth of your baby. The expected due date has already arrived, but the baby is in no hurry to be born. Doubts, fears and uncertainty appear in your head. What to do? How to speed up labor?

Before we commit, let's figure out what's what. So, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. Timely birth is considered from 38 to 42 weeks. Of course, some doctors try not to delay until the last minute, because it negatively affects the child’s development. Therefore, drug induction of labor is usually performed at 41 weeks. .

Stimulation of the labor process is carried out by a doctor only after a comprehensive and thorough examination, which includes:

  1. Controlling the baby's movements. The movements should be regular and constant.
  2. Ultrasound control. The amount of amniotic fluid and the general condition of the fetus are assessed.
  3. CTG control. The contractile characteristics of the uterus and the well-being of the fetus are assessed.
  4. Doppler indicators make it possible to assess the state of blood flow in the umbilical cord and the maturity of the placenta.
  5. Blood test. Determined by a pregnant woman. In post-term pregnancy, the level of hormones (progesterone, estriol, lactogen) is below normal. A fairly informative indicator is the hCG level.

If during the examination all indicators are normal, then, accordingly, the pregnancy develops properly.

Indications for artificial induction of labor

  1. Post-term pregnancy is dangerous for the baby. An aging placenta cannot provide adequate nutrition with necessary substances and saturate the fetus with oxygen. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs. In addition, they become denser, so the risk of birth injury increases. Aspiration of amniotic fluid may occur, in other words, it begins to linger in the lungs, which can lead to irreparable consequences.
  2. Suspension or complete cessation of labor. This is characterized by the cessation of contractions and insufficient dilatation of the cervix. These points are noted by the doctor while observing the birth.
  3. Premature placental abruption.
  4. Rhesus - conflict. If the treatment has insufficient effect, and the antibody titer is constantly increasing.

What methods are used to induce labor?

Oxytocin - used for weak labor and for artificial induction of labor. The drug is mainly administered by injection. Its effect does not affect readiness for the drug. Usually the drug is used in combination with antispasmodic drugs.

Prostaglandins are hormones that stimulate smooth muscles and the cervix to give birth. It is quite popular to insert suppositories or a viscous gel containing these hormones into the vagina.

Amniotomy is the process of opening the amniotic sac. This method is carried out during the examination and has absolutely no effect on the condition of the fetus. Induction of labor by amniotomy is the safest method affecting uterine activity.

How to induce labor yourself so as not to “go past” your due date?

It is believed that it is the baby who produces the hormones oxytocin and prostaglandins, which, entering the mother’s blood, begin to stimulate labor. Perhaps a lack of hormones or a failure in the chain of reactions contributes to the inhibition of labor.

Let's look at the methods used to induce labor independently.

  1. A decoction of raspberry leaves. This remedy is recognized as official medicine. The decoction contracts the muscles of the uterus and pelvis.
  2. Nipple massage. This massage promotes the release of oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract.
  3. Unprotected sexual intercourse. Sperm contains prostaglandins, which soften the muscles of the uterus and promote the onset of labor.
  4. Enema. With the help of a simple procedure, you can push the already ready uterus to the birth process.
  5. Physical activity. Long walks, light exercise, washing windows and mopping floors without using a mop help open the uterus and tone its muscles. However, excessive loads are harmful.

I would like to note that induction of labor is an artificial process, which carries a certain risk. Such births are always more painful than natural ones, and the baby experiences extreme stress during the process. Of course, there are also serious cases when additional stimulation is simply necessary. But if expectant mother If she gets ready and is mentally ready for childbirth, she most likely simply won’t need stimulation.

The birth of a child is programmed by Nature itself and should take place without outside intervention. As a rule, the onset of labor occurs between the 38th and 42nd weeks. Most people think about stimulation after the 40th week, after assessing the degree of readiness female body to childbirth and the condition of the cervix.

Indications for stimulation

There are several main indications for stimulating the onset of labor:

1. If the period is more than 40 weeks and signs of post-maturity appear. Basically, the stimulation procedure is offered until the 42nd week. Further delay in childbirth can lead to a number of consequences:

  • , which can no longer perform its functions;
  • accumulation of toxins in the amniotic fluid, as a result of which their color changes;
  • chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus.

4. When the water breaks and is absent for 12 hours. Once the amniotic sac has burst, the baby becomes extremely vulnerable to infections of any kind.

5. The need for stimulation sometimes arises after the onset of labor, which does not lead (for certain reasons) to delivery. In this case, it may not open or open slowly. Sometimes contractions are ineffective and gradually fade away.

6. A woman herself can initiate stimulation for personal reasons - for example, during the planned departure of her husband, who certainly wants to be present at the birth, or due to any complications during a previous or current pregnancy.

Basic stimulation methods

Today, several methods are used to speed up labor. The choice depends on the specific indications, as well as the stage of labor.

Detachment of amniotic membranes

The detachment procedure is performed to stimulate the onset of labor and can be offered to the patient during post-term pregnancy.

Its essence lies in the gradual careful peeling of the membranes surrounding the baby, starting from the lower parts of the uterus, located near the internal os of the cervix. The procedure is performed during a gynecological examination and can be repeated several times. If unsuccessful, move on to other methods of stimulation.

This method is not associated with any risks. There should be no pain, since there are no nerve endings in the amniotic sac. In some cases, unpleasant sensations may occur.

Use of prostaglandins

These drugs are used quite often. Prostaglandins are a group of lipid physiologically active substances produced by the body itself. They are found in all natural secretions, tissues, and organs. The concentration of compounds is especially high in amniotic fluid. The effect of prostaglandins stimulates cervical ripening and dilatation.

The drugs are available in gel form or in the form of suppositories and are administered vaginally without causing discomfort or stiffness of movement. Contractions usually begin half an hour after administration of the drug. If there is no result within 24 hours, the procedure is repeated.

This section also includes kelp - algae, which, due to the presence of uterine prostaglandin or F2a, helps to quickly begin labor.

Most gynecologists prefer this method, since it has no side effects and almost no contraindications.

  • The baby remains completely safe, since the drug cannot penetrate the membrane surrounding the fetus.
  • The risk of uterine hyperstimulation is minimal. If it occurs, the patient is given medications to slow down or stop uterine contractions in order to prevent possible complications.
  • Sometimes prostaglandin slows down the transition to the active stage of the labor process.
  • The worst-case scenario is uterine rupture, which is more likely if you have had a previous caesarean section - fortunately, such cases are rare.

Amniotomy (opening of the amniotic sac)

Amniotomy is an obstetric operation, the essence of which is the artificial rupture of the membranes. In maternity hospitals, it is performed in approximately 7% of cases according to strict indications and mainly when vaginal use of prostaglandins is impossible.

To carry out the operation, a special long thin hook (the so-called amnio-hook) is used, with which the amniotic sac is pierced. As a result of the procedure, the waters located in front of the fetal head are poured out, and those located behind the head are preserved: they gradually recede until the end of labor. The procedure is highly effective in cases where the cervix has already softened and is ready to open.

During the postoperative period, cardiac monitoring of the fetus is performed to study its reaction to the loss of amniotic fluid. The procedure extremely rarely leads to consequences for the child. In addition, it is completely painless.

The outpouring of water stimulates labor and increases the intensity of contractions. However, in some cases, after the manipulation, contractions do not begin. Prolonging the water-free period longer than 12 hours is associated with certain risks. Therefore, in such cases, to speed up labor, they are additionally administered.

When performing an amniotomy without sufficient indications, the opposite effect is possible - slowing down the process, since the anterior waters located above the baby’s head act as a kind of wedge, gently opening the cervix from the inside. In the natural course of the process, the waters leave only after the cervix is ​​fully dilated and the baby is ready to be born.

Carrying out an amniotomy is advisable only at the stage of passage of the baby’s head into the small pelvis and compression of the amniotic sac and the vessels located on its surface.

With an earlier puncture, the likelihood of development, infection of the fetus and umbilical cord prolapse significantly increases.


Oxytocin is a natural hormone synthesized in the hypothalamus, from where it penetrates the pituitary gland, then into the blood. Its function is to regulate the processes of lactation and childbirth.

Artificially produced Oxytocin is used to increase the contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The effect appears within a few minutes after administration and lasts about 3 hours. It consists of increasing the strength and duration of contractions, expanding the entrance to the uterus. To administer oxytocin, the cervix must be sufficiently softened and the canal open. The effect of the hormone begins when the cervix dilates by 6 centimeters or more.

Only strictly dosed use of the hormone is allowed in quantities that ensure the speed of cervical dilatation within the limits of natural labor. Excessive stimulation is dangerous as it can lead to early placental abruption, birth injuries, bleeding, and fetal hypoxia.

The use of oxytocin begins with a few drops, gradually increasing to 10 per minute to achieve vigorous labor. After sufficient activation of the process occurs, the administration of the hormone is continued in a minimal amount. Oxytocin-stimulated contractions are more painful than during contractions natural birth. To eliminate pain, epidural anesthesia is often used.

In addition to the methods listed, tablets with antigestagens and acupuncture are used. It is also possible to induce labor at home.

Mothers who have already given birth so often talk about stimulating labor, scaring their pregnant friends, that it seems to them that no childbirth can proceed without forcing the process of dilation of the cervix. In fact, childbirth does not have to be “pushed” very often - according to official statistics, in about seven out of a hundred women. How does this happen and why might induction of labor be needed?

The indications for inducing labor are obvious - labor does not begin, although it is long overdue, does not progress once it has begun, or for medical reasons it is necessary for the child to be born ahead of schedule. Stimulation can be natural or artificial.

With natural birth, the expectant mother speeds up the onset of labor with some simple actions. If this happens beyond 40 weeks, doctors most likely will not object. But, of course, you should consult with them first. As for artificial stimulation, it is performed only by doctors and only in a maternity hospital.

Administration of oxytocin

Why is it necessary? Oxytocin is a hormone that is responsible for triggering labor and enhancing the contractile activity of the uterus. Its synthesized analogue is administered to prepare the uterus for dilation if labor does not occur in the case of post-term (more than 42 weeks) pregnancy.

How is it administered? The hormone is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously by injection.

Pros and cons. If labor begins, but then labor suddenly stops, oxytocin will start contractions again. But they will be powerful and therefore very painful, so the woman must be given painkillers. There is a possibility of an overdose of the drug, and some women may develop increased sensitivity to it.

When should it not be used? In case of placenta previa, abnormal fetal position, narrow pelvis and other pathologies that complicate natural childbirth. Oxytocin should not be used after a previous caesarean section, when there is a scar on the uterus.

Administration of prostaglandins

Why is it necessary? In order to release the baby without injury, the cervix must ripen before birth - become soft, elastic, begin to stretch and open. If the due date has arrived, but the cervix is ​​not yet ready, its maturation is accelerated by prostaglandins - analogues of the hormones responsible for this process.

How is it administered? Gel or suppositories containing prostaglandin are injected deep into the vagina and cervical canal.

Pros and cons. The advantage is that prostaglandins do not penetrate the amniotic sac and do not affect the baby in any way. In addition, even with the drug administered, the woman is not limited in her movements in any way. But at the same time, prostaglandins can slow down the transition to the active stage of labor. Some women experience intolerance to the drug, resulting in headache or vomiting.

When should it not be used? As with any stimulation of labor, the administration of prostaglandins should not be used when a woman has endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, after a cesarean section, or when vaginal delivery is impossible due to abnormal position, size of the fetus or deteriorating state of its health.

Amniotomy - puncture of the amniotic sac

Why is it necessary? A puncture of the amniotic sac is done when the pregnancy is postterm, when the condition of the placenta worsens and, as a result, there is a high risk of developing hypoxia in the child. An amniotomy can also be performed when a woman quickly develops gestosis - in this state, the rupture of water speeds up the process and alleviates the condition of the woman in labor, simultaneously preventing labor complications that can develop in the case of prolonged labor. Sometimes the indication for amniotomy is the risk of developing Rh conflict.

How do they do it? The operation is completely painless and safe, but, like any other operation, it is performed only by an experienced doctor and only for medical reasons. A special hook is inserted into the vagina, the amniotic sac is grabbed and opened, which causes the amniotic fluid to leak.

Pros and cons. The rupture of amniotic fluid starts the process and intensifies contractions. But sometimes contractions may not come even after this manipulation, and the water-free period should not last more than 12 hours. So women in labor will sometimes need the same oxytocin to still stimulate labor. In addition, if you do an amniotomy without compelling indications, the process can only be slowed down. The anterior waters, which are located above the baby's head in the amniotic sac, are a wedge that gently opens the cervix from the inside. Normally, water flows out only after the cervix is ​​almost completely dilated and the baby is ready to be born.

When should it not be used? Amniotomy can be performed only after the baby’s head has passed into the pelvis, compressing the amniotic sac and the vessels on its surface. If the puncture is made earlier, there is a high risk of bleeding and prolapse of the umbilical cord, as well as infection.

Long walks, mopping floors without using a mop, and running up and down stairs are the most common methods for natural labor stimulation among expectant mothers. The most physiological way is walking.

How do they do it? During a long walk, the baby puts pressure on the cervix, which causes it to begin to open. Other active actions also contribute to this. However, the expectant mother should avoid extreme loads; they should be feasible and light.

Pros and cons. The method only works if the cervix has already begun to prepare for childbirth - to soften and smooth out. In addition, it is difficult for a woman who wants to give birth “as soon as possible” to refrain from overexertion, and washing floors in a half-bent position and conquering skyscrapers without the help of an elevator clearly belongs to them. All such actions can cause premature placental abruption!

When should it not be used? For gestosis and other complications of pregnancy, for indications for cesarean section, for up to 40 weeks of pregnancy, for chronic diseases not related to pregnancy.

Sexual intercourse

Why is it necessary? Semen contains natural hormones, prostaglandins, which soften the cervix, and orgasm promotes its muscle contractions. Massaging the breasts (especially the nipples) increases the level of oxytocin in the blood.

How do they do it? In the old fashioned way and taking into account the interesting position of the mother: a pregnant woman should not feel pain, but be comfortable and pleasant.

Pros and cons. What if the couple doesn’t want anything at all? Then the spouses will have to give up sex (and the woman will only have to go for a long walk). As for nipple massage, it’s not so simple either: in order for it to work, it needs to be done three times a day for 10-20 minutes. Not everyone can withstand such foreplay.

When should it not be used? The most obvious is if one of the partners has an STD. After all, contact protected by a condom may be pleasant, but it is an almost meaningless “stimulant”. If the couple was prescribed complete sexual rest during pregnancy, they should also consult a doctor.

Sometimes women resort to natural (but unconventional) methods of inducing labor such as acupuncture, aromatherapy and homeopathy. We must remember that, like any other medical procedure, stimulation of labor can be beneficial or harmful, especially when it is done unjustifiably and illiterately.

Comment on the article "Induction of labor: 5 methods. Drug administration or sex?"

Stimulation of labor: 5 ways. Drug injection or sex? With natural birth, the expectant mother speeds up the onset of labor with some simple actions.


What do you mean by stimulation - oxytocin? it gives continuous contractions, which are not only difficult for the mother, but also for the child, as he experiences constant and excessive compression for which he may not be ready. Natural contractions are always softer and intermittent.
opening the bubble? The cervix does not always open after it; often the entire ECS ends. or it opens, but the tissues are not elastic enough, hence ruptures and/or episiotomy. By the way, in cases of premature birth they almost always do an episiotomy, although the babies are tiny, but the tissues are not ready yet.
It’s better to prepare for childbirth and give birth when the time comes. You can always monitor the condition of the baby, umbilical cord and placenta using additional ultrasounds.
I gave birth at almost 41 weeks, a large baby 4250g, without tears or incisions. I was preparing for childbirth, breathing correctly, pushing correctly, helping my baby, and he helped me. I wish you an easy natural birth too:)

Now half of the children, if not more, have hypoxia without any walking or stimulation. Plus, not every woman will agree to stimulate and for this you need to go to the maternity hospital in advance, and there is not always room there. Everything is individual

Induction of labor without indications... Almost a horror story, but knowing is better than not knowing!!! And the risk of any complications exists even with natural childbirth...


So, Arisha and I were very lucky... We were pierced, and she had hypoxia, and a huge headache...

perhaps that is why in most RDs they are now waiting until the victory and do not stimulate. I was actually surprised when I started reading this conference that so many people were being stimulated. I remember last time, the doctor very clearly told me that now they are trying not to interfere, when there are no more options...

Stimulation is bad because it completely changes the course of natural childbirth and can cause depression in the child (the same oxytocin)... Of course, there are situations when stimulation...


Why no water?
New water is being produced all the time.
Both my first and second labors began with the rupture of water.
A few hours later in the maternity hospital, an ultrasound showed that there was still a lot of water left :) And the doctors said that EVERYTHING would not spill out.
About stimulation...
In the first birth, labor stopped after stimulation. I remember it like a nightmare: (I was exhausted myself and the child had a bruise on half his head:(
But I can’t say that the doctor was wrong. Who knows how it would have ended without stimulation?
The second time, when I was almost fully dilated and had contractions every minute, they also decided to stimulate me, under the guise of saline solution: (At first, during one contraction, the baby advanced so much that I thought I was going to die: (I tried to run away from the table:) Then the contractions stopped. The baby I gave birth, and then waited for about 40 minutes and no stimulation helped until the baby was put to the breast.
I would still not interfere with the natural process unless absolutely necessary...

Doctors have instructions - contractions should last this long, the period of pushing should be this long. And this does not depend on what weight the child is born with - 2.5. kg or 4.5., regardless of the mother’s build, one bone takes longer to adjust to the baby’s size, another faster. And this is all individual. One baby can be born in 3 hours, and another in two days. This is inconvenient for doctors. That’s why they put it in advance and prepare it for a certain day. Only you came and went for them, and all the problems remain with you. Apparently, for some reason, a child needs to be born for just that long, and not more and not less. A midwife told me a case where one woman had a period of pushing for 6 hours and the dilatation lasted for almost two days, and the baby was born large and absolutely healthy, well, he needed exactly that much time. Of course, in the maternity hospital they would have cut it right away, no one would have stood around and waited for so long. And yet, the water cannot leak out at all, it constantly flows in and the child does not suffer when the water breaks.

methods of natural stimulation of labor: 1. >. methods of natural stimulation of labor: 1. walk with your legs raised high (90 degrees) 2. walk up the stairs without an elevator 3. wash the floor...


It was precisely this sex that helped me and my firstborn :) otherwise we were desperate to wait. Neither walking up the stairs nor washing the floors gave any results :)

Copied from Irinad's account (who gave birth in 5 minutes):
“I warn you right away that I drank it only with the permission of the midwife and the gynecologist who observed me. Although I heard that it would not make things worse, I still do not advise drinking it solely on your own initiative.
1 glass of high-quality apricot juice, 1 glass of degassed dry (required) champagne (in the sense of stirring with a spoon so that the bubbles come out), 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped almonds - mix and drink this entire volume in small portions over 2-3 hours."

Girls, why is stimulation so bad? Only because it is not natural? The same prostaglandins are contained in sperm, so stimulation of labor with the help of the husband is often...


we were born 2 weeks ago with stimulation - in principle, nothing terrible, only everything was very fast (despite the fact that the cervix was ready and dilation had already occurred) and therefore the contractions were very painful. I didn’t have a break between contractions, which was not very pleasant. And the dilation progressed so quickly that there was no time to put an epidural. And the attempts, I think, were no different from usual - it didn’t even hurt. In general, if it is necessary to stimulate again next time, I will agree; As long as the child feels good and the pain can be endured.