Worldview position instead of the “National Idea”. "Man of Culture vs

Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin in April 2016 published an article on methods of combating extremism in Russia. As one of the main strongholds, Alexander Ivanovich noted the importance of having a national idea in society, adopted at the state level. In particular, he writes:

It is extremely important to create a concept for the ideological policy of the state. Its basic element could be a national idea that would truly unite a single multinational Russian people. The concept could provide for specific long-term and medium-term measures aimed at the ideological education and enlightenment of our younger generation.

The event seems significant for the reason that for the first time in modern history country, the head of one of the law enforcement agencies publicly declares the need to have a concept of ideological policy. This is especially curious due to the fact that in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 13, paragraph 2, there is a provision on this matter, which reads:

No ideology can be established as state or mandatory.

Legal scholars may well argue about whether it is possible to put an equal sign between the concepts “ ideology" And " concept of ideological politics" Surely there will be some nuances and differences, but it is important to see something else here - there is obvious concern on the part of the leadership of our country about the ideological and even ideological orientation of our society. But is this shift tectonic in nature (after all, we are talking, among other things, about introducing amendments to the Constitution!) or is it just an accidental slip of the tongue?

This article will attempt to explore the readiness of our society for possible fundamental changes, which A.I. may be pushing for. Bastrykin. In order to enter into the context of the issue, let us pay attention to some interesting points directly in the text itself. What interesting things can you see in this work?

Alexander Ivanovich was mentioned “ Russian people».

Today the concept " Russian people“has the character of something very vague, not yet formed. This happens largely due to the fact that the semantic containment of this phrase is in the very initial phase of its formation, and therefore is not yet suitable for full use. Thus, it is necessary to clearly understand that the inclusion of this expression in the text is an attempt to rely on something that has not yet been formed, but is present only because there are no real alternatives. For clarity, we can give several counter-examples where there is no such semantic emptiness, despite the similar context of use.

Example 1: "The American People"(English: American people). In saying this phrase, perhaps none of the Americans will mention that he does not understand what we are talking about. This is a completely established expression, which is even enshrined in their constitution. It is worth realizing that the semantic consolidation did not happen right away for them. After the founding fathers of the American nation developed a set of provisions in 1787, which they called the Constitution of the United States of America, many more years and many wars passed before the application for a new way of life was established. Thus, the use of the phrase "The American People" is not a fiction or a simulacrum. This is a completely stable semantic construction for today. US citizens, including the president of the country, are quite comfortable using this concept in their public and private speeches and no inconvenience arises.

Example 2. “Soviet people”. For those who did not experience the times of the USSR at a conscious age, it is difficult to understand what it is all about. Some meanings exist rather at the level of sensations and impressions, but talking about this can be difficult. Therefore, they may not be present in an obvious, clear (as in the previous example) form in the press, television, etc. This is entirely relevant to the concept discussed here. The successes of the USSR in education, culture, science, industry, etc. contributed to the appearance of a corresponding powerful phrase in the lexicon of countries around the world - “ Soviet people" But the USSR sank into oblivion and the Soviet people as a community ceased to exist without having time to fully form over the 73 years of its complex history. The idiom “Soviet people” today can be interpreted logically, but in practice its use is possible with certain restrictions. Were, for example, the peoples of the USSR in the last 5-7 years of their joint existence a single multinational Soviet people?

And, nevertheless, albeit in incomplete form, albeit rather from the field of logic, but “ Soviet people“is a phrase that has its own complex, but still tangible meaning.

By uttering the phrase “Russian people,” the speaker falls into a semantic vacuum. Today there is little behind this phrase; it is not filled with any strong meanings and ideas. Strictly speaking, it is impossible to rely on it, and therefore there is even a urge to replace it with something less contradictory, for example, with the phrase “ citizens of the Russian Federation" The word “has similar problems.” Russians", proposed, as they say, in the early 90s by B.N. Yeltsin. This state of affairs is partly explained by the fact that only a quarter of a century has passed since the introduction of these lexical units into circulation, which from the point of view of history is just a moment. During this period, neither one nor the other expression really had time to gain a foothold. This state of affairs, upon thoughtful reflection, is the hard-to-conceal tragedy of an entire generation of people, including, of course, A.I. Bastrykin, who have lost one creative signifier, but so far do not see anything worthy in return.

For those who would like to understand more deeply what a lexical unit is, how the meaning is formed, how the meaning differs from the concept, we can recommend the textbook by V.A. Beloshapkova " Modern Russian language" In the context of this article, for a better understanding of what the author bases his reasoning on, it is necessary to get acquainted with the work “ », .

A logical question arises, is it possible, instead of experimenting with new words, to take something from our history that could have a unifying effect not only for “ citizens of the Russian Federation», « Russians“, but ideally also for people from other countries for whom the Russian language and culture are part of their personal culture.

You don't need to search for long. There is such a word.


But why didn’t Alexander Ivanovich use this word in his public address? What made him look for a replacement for this seemingly quite appropriate word? Maybe he was afraid of something or was unsure of something?

The fact is that this powerful word, from the point of view of its place in language and history, is going through a period of complex transformation today. Like our entire society. It is the word Russian“- is very powerful, it contains a whole cosmos of meanings and it is unlikely that anyone (including our enemies) can remain indifferent when meeting this word. But, due to complex historical processes, today this signifier also does not have a strict structure, determined by the context of its use. By comparison, no collisions will arise today using words with a superficially similar context, for example “ Japanese», « Estonian"etc. But to use the word " Russian“Today it is more difficult than ever!

Can anyone today clearly answer the question of who is Russian? Most likely not, because the old supports are no longer there or they are unreliable, and new ones have not yet been formed.

For a long time now there has been no ethnic basis for this concept, because in Russia it is often impossible to unambiguously determine where one ethnic group ends and another begins. How, tell me, can we separate a Belarusian with Jewish roots from a Russian whose grandmother is a Tatar? Especially if it's husband and wife? The same one who “what if it works out»draw boundaries on this issue, tie this division to geographical map, and then also drive this into people’s heads, he can become the gravedigger of our state. Such provocateurs must be mercilessly flogged.

Some, however, may recall that the genome of Russians has already been read (halogroups R1a, I and N characterize Russians), and therefore it is quite possible to establish in the laboratory who is Russian and who is not. In this case, what should we do with peoples so close in this sense (that is, by blood), but so distant and mentally alien from us, such as the Poles, Czechs, and Balts? Should we forcefully Russify everyone or should we abandon the blind faith in the exclusivity of pure blood?

It is necessary to clearly understand that a Russian today is not only (and not so much!) someone who has a certain DNA structure in his blood. Reliance on pure bearers of any ethnic group in our country cannot play a creative role, this is absurd!

« Russia is being prepared for the fate of the USSR. Are there any options?»,

There cannot be a religious basis either. A Russian is not necessarily an Orthodox Christian. The role of Orthodoxy in the history of the country should not be underestimated or, conversely, exaggerated unnecessarily. This is part of our history. However, it is unlikely to be correct to believe that any religion, as a structure and set of provisions, should play a central role in the society of the future. Belief in the supernatural is too sensitive a topic to force anything on.

« Religion for salvation. Where to stay?»,

But then what remains?

Belonging to the Russian language and culture? Yes! This is without a doubt a strong support both now and for the future. Perhaps this is the very cement that holds our society together today, creates the much-needed community between people so different from an ethnic, religious point of view, different from the position of their current formal citizenship and location.

However, this support is shaky. It is a misconception that simply being fluent in the Russian language or reading all of Tolstoy’s novels provides some kind of guarantee of identifying oneself with a single multinational people. Unfortunately, there are many examples of the opposite, when this does not work.

Therefore, here we have to think further, even if it is painful, unbearably difficult. It is necessary to find the support that, together with the Russian language and culture, will create a holistic picture of worldview. Such a support, when presented, in its basic part should be understandable and clear to anyone, even a schoolchild. And at the same time, it must go deep to the extent that the deepest layers of the human structure are affected, and therefore have many levels of perception, in addition to the visible basic positions.

The reader who has encountered and was able to somehow get used to the author’s previous articles already understands what we are talking about. As a possible guideline for a new (but so natural for our culture) support, the idea of ​​a full restoration of the central role of the fatherly figure in our society was proposed.

It is with the restoration of the paternal paradigm in Russia that the real revival of our society can begin as the main ideological counterweight to the Western way of life, based on the ideas of neoliberalism and endless stimulation of consumption. Concerned people today talk and write a lot about how they are deeply disgusted by the above-mentioned way of life. And such responses are an excellent indicator that the direction, the vector of reflection is probably found correctly. However, it is necessary to understand what its origins are in the deep, even somewhere philosophical sense. Without this, it will be impossible to understand how a man as a father figure can be something at all interesting and capable of changing anything, because it is so contrastingly contrary to the feminized position of the West.

In order to understand the special importance of a man becoming a father, it is worth understanding that we are talking primarily about his structuring role in the relationship between the child and the mother. A certain order in the minds is laid down in a person from infancy. Under whose influence a person’s childhood years passed, how the transition from child to adulthood then took place, who the child was guided by in his development - all this lays the foundation, which inevitably determines what a person will be like in the future.

It is the father, as a structuring figure, who plays a decisive role in ensuring that the mother lets the child go from herself, allowing him to become independent. It is the father, as the one who sets the law, who explains to his son that his mother is his woman (and to his daughter that he is her mother’s man). And then the child will have to look for an object of attachment in the outside world, and not remain in destructive dyadic relationships! It is the father, as a symbolic figure, who shows the child how many truly interesting things and phenomena there are in the world, besides the mother. It is the father, as a representative of culture, who helps ensure that the child is unambiguously identified by gender and subsequently turns into a man (or woman), and does not remain forever in some intermediate state.

Failure or deliberate obstacle in fulfilling paternal functions with a high probability leads to the appearance in families, and therefore in society, of people with a disturbed mental structure. Experts in the field of psychiatry and psychoanalysis write a lot about this. And then schizophrenics, drug addicts, maniacs, pedophiles, etc. begin to appear on the streets of cities with ever increasing dynamics. It is worth recalling that the list of various personality disorders according to the DSM reference book ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) from version to version, that is, in recent decades, has grown significantly. It's not that diagnostics have improved. The point is the structural, deliberate collapse of the paternal paradigm in modern civilized society, and, as a consequence, the explosive growth of all kinds of disorders. Modern liberal approaches to the distribution of roles in the family, in matters of, for example, sexual education of children, aggravate the already difficult state of affairs. There is an overwhelming role in the current historical period of the negative female side, the dark all-consuming mother, which for brevity the author called “ Mother" . Can someone stop her?

As part of this review, for those who would like to see a more in-depth analysis of the stated positions, the following materials are strongly recommended for reading:

« What does failure to fulfill paternal functions lead to?», .
« Restoration of the paternal paradigm in Russia»,

In the current situation, someone on our small planet needs to stand on the other side, on the side of the masculine principle, and at the same time not slide into banal tyranny (despotism), which is certainly also terrible in its pure form. This is a time of transition from a society of civilization to a society of culture. At least in a separate space.

« Man of Culture vs. man of Civilization»,

The only country in which such a transition is again possible today is Russia. Why again? Because we already had one attempt. And even though that attempt ended in failure after 73 years, that invaluable experience was thus deeply embedded in the unconscious, in the language, in the very essence of the people. No one else in world history has tried to build a society that could provide a real alternative to capitalism as an entity (and neoliberalism as its modern representation). And now the time is coming again when it is necessary to remember the experience of the giants of the past and, at a new qualitative level, set our sights on building a new society.

« Russian language in the ideological confrontation of the 21st century", . A look at the question of why a society based on the Russian language and culture is the most suitable foundation for the restoration of the paternal paradigm.

It should be understood that the concept " Russian” will thereby be expanded to a philosophical or, more precisely, ideological position. Thus, we are talking about the struggle for minds and souls within each individual person. Let the positions Mother look unshakable, but this is only a matter of individual will strong people so that something starts to change. The fight between Mut And Ra , started in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago, continues today. According to the author, this confrontation in modern world called struggle Mother And Father . The main carriers of opposing ideological positions today are English speakers, as natural adherents Mother, and Russian speakers as bearers of order Father(yes, the latter is still a desired state, not an actual one). It is this deep-seated conflict that explains the severity of the long-standing enmity between the Western world, led by the USA and England, and Russia, which is gradually reaching a fundamentally new place in its history.

« What's hidden in the English language? The influence of grammatical structure on worldview" about the deep foundations of modern Anglo-American politics. This article is especially valuable for its comments!

Without being afraid to unambiguously take a new position, Russia will become the place where the rapid crystallization of a new (or well-forgotten old) world order will begin, offering an alternative to modern Western neoliberal society. And in this struggle we will have many supporters all over the world, who today are too downtrodden and depressed and therefore hardly show themselves in any way. Russians - that is, people with a certain ideological position - will become their last hope and stronghold. But in order for something to change, it is necessary for everyone who cares to realize the essence of the problem with all its severity as quickly as possible, and then make their own informed choice. In any society, even in any particular person internal struggle between Mother And Father will always go on, it is an endless struggle. This is as natural as the fact that hunger and sleep periodically occur. But, having a certain order in the head, a person will solve his problems very differently. Some will solve them through endless expansion, seizure of resources, suppression of dissenters, and others, knowing that somewhere they need to know when to stop and stop, will begin to build a joint creative existence.

As is usually the case, it is most valuable when a theory has supporting practice. A personal example can be more convincing than many volumes of theory.

The author has prepared such an example. And, although it concerns a person who has long been dead with us, his example is still relevant in our time. We will talk further about F.M. Dostoevsky. Most of the readers know his works well; some have even re-read some of his novels several times. However, only a few are well acquainted with the biography of our great thinker. Meanwhile, in the context of this article, there are pages in Dostoevsky’s life that will be very interesting to pay attention to.

Casino in Baden-Baden.

Already at the venerable age of 46, the writer went abroad for the first time (forced because creditors were pestering him) to Europe and immediately found himself in a casino network there. Fyodor Mikhailovich turned out to be a gambling, reckless gambler. He plunged into roulette with all his passion, exhausting himself to the very bottom. This hobby exhausted and plunged Dostoevsky into such abyss of hopelessness that it seemed that he would never get out of there. This is how L.I. describes Saraskina, biographer of Dostoevsky, his destructive passion:

“In the next seven days, F.M. lost again, won, lost again; pawned, bought back and pawned the watch again, asked to urgently send money, immediately lost everything sent, promising to “take it with hard work,” that is, to sit down to work, but stayed and continued to play. The idea of ​​living in a gambling city increasingly took hold of his mind...
However, the first thing that happened in Baden-Baden was the “voxal”, casino, roulette and loss. From now on, the writer follows the hero of “The Player” trail after trail; a wild thought is combined with a passionate desire, the combination of premonitions is taken for a fatal destiny, passion turns into mania. The demons of passion take possession of him completely.” (2, pp. 472-473)

“Happiness, however, did not last long: F.M. left for three days and returned without money, without a ring and without a coat. He played with the dream of ten thousand and did not part with it, even when he returned empty; and as soon as his wife calmed down a little, he announced to her that he would certainly go to Saxony again. Again it was necessary to humiliate myself before Katkov, beg Anna Nikolaevna for at least 25 rubles, write to Yanovsky, and in the meantime pawn things, endure the contempt of pawnbrokers, send the last francs to Saxony to buy back a coat and a ring... Two days later, the wife went around to several merchants to pawn or to sell a lace mantilla, and before going to bed I felt sharp jolts in my stomach - their child was kicking..."

“The excited experience of late parenthood, worries about daily bread, immediate and distant debts, intensified seizures (the climate of Geneva aggravated epilepsy), Anna Grigorievna’s postpartum ill health - all this did not fit well with the diligent work on the novel, the printing of which had already begun and required rhythmic continuation. And again - wanting to get out of a situation at once, when the credit is depleted, things are pawned, the midwife, nurse, landlady and merchant pawnbrokers are waiting for urgent payments, when there is no money to call a doctor and buy medicine for his wife, - F.M., obeying the damned dream, again rushed to Saxon-les-Bains: little Sonya was not even a month old when, leaving his wife with the baby in her arms, he went to roulette.
The demons of the game, however, did not sleep and mockingly laughed at the zero fanatic. Immediately upon arrival, in half an hour he lost more than 200 francs - everything he had with him. “I’m sorry, Anya, I poisoned your life! And also having Sonya!... My angel, I love you endlessly, but I am destined by the fate of all those I love to torment!... Send me as much money as possible.” He pawned the ring again, there was no money for a hotel and a return trip...
The next day he lost the money he got for the ring."

Roulette captured the writer's mind for many years, bringing a lot of grief to both the writer himself and his young wife. Thus, during their trip to Europe, the Dostoevsky family not only fell deeper into debt, spoiled relations with a number of acquaintances and relatives, but also went through mutual cruel, endless reproaches and, as an apotheosis, the death of their first-born. It seemed that nothing could snatch Fyodor Mikhailovich from the tenacious clutches of all-consuming passion, the same one that originates in dyadic relationships, when a mother does not let go of her child, tightly tying him to her symbolic breast.

But what happened next? No, he did not die as if from overeating, like a glutton, or like a drug addict from his last dose. He did not fall dead from his chair, like some current gamers, and did not jump from a high-rise building. At the moment of his deepest fall, Dostoevsky was influenced by his deep culture, which he certainly inherited thanks to his upbringing.

Fyodor Mikhailovich stopped!

Let's face how it happened:

“A week-long trip to roulette in April 1871, undertaken at a time of severe creative crisis, was initiated, as Anna Grigorievna later assured, by her, who gave her husband a hundred “free thalers” and foresaw a loss... For the first time in ten years, he was afraid of losing. The day before I saw my late father in a dream (“but in such a terrible form, in which he only appeared to me twice in my life, predicting a terrible disaster, and twice the dream came true”), as well as my 25-year-old Anya, but completely gray-haired. The dream shook him to the core. And yet he went, came to the station, stood at the table and began to bet mentally, guessed ten times in a row, even guessed the zero chance. He was so amazed by the miracle of mental luck that he joined the game and won 18 thalers in five minutes. He dreamed of bringing home at least something, at least 30 thalers, but he soon lost everything and responded to his wife’s excited, alarming letter “mean and cruel,” demanding to send money... That same evening, something happened to him strange story. Running out of the casino, F.M., like a madman, rushed to the priest Yanyshev, who once, in similar circumstances, had already rescued him. “I thought on the way, running to him, in the dark, along unknown streets: after all, he is the shepherd of God, I will speak to him not as a private person, but as in confession.” But he got lost and when he reached the church, which he mistook for a Russian one, he found out (he was told in a shop) that it was a Jewish synagogue. “It was like they poured cold water on me.” He rushed back to the hotel and wrote to Anya all night, cried, repented, asked for forgiveness - just like before, dozens of times.

Dostoevsky was sure that this time was the last. “Now this fantasy is over forever... I have never felt in myself the feeling with which I am writing now. Oh, now I have gotten rid of this dream and would bless God that it worked out this way... Don’t think that I’m crazy, Anya, my guardian angel! A great thing has happened to me, the vile fantasy that tormented me for almost 10 years has disappeared. For ten years... I kept dreaming of winning. I dreamed seriously, passionately. Now it's all over! It was COMPLETE last time! Do you believe, Anya, that my hands are now untied; I was bound by the game, now I will think about business and not dream about the game all night long, as happened in the past. And therefore, things will go better and faster, and God will bless!.. I will be reborn in these three days, I’m starting a new life... And until now, half of this damned fantasy belonged.”
Indeed, the experience of 1871 put an end to the long-term nightmare. Dostoevsky’s fiery Wiesbaden letters contained a passionate promise - not to go to the local priest Yanyshev for money that could be thrown back onto the gambling table. “Don’t worry, I haven’t been, I haven’t been and I won’t go!.. I won’t go to the priest, I won’t go, I swear I won’t go!”; “I won’t go to the priest, under no circumstances, under any circumstances. He is one of the witnesses of the old, past, former, disappeared! It will hurt me to even meet him!”

This story is also amazing because of the role and feat of the woman. If Anna Grigorievna had not been around, who knows how the writer would have ended his days. Her patience and love, faith that her husband would come to his senses, and her husband’s support even in the most desperate days became the key to a happy ending to this ordeal. But he could go to the police, he could get a divorce, he could throw constant tantrums with assault, etc. Please note that on the day of the writer’s epiphany, Dostoevskaya herself gave her husband “ free hundred thalers" This completely illogical action actually had a hidden, symbolic meaning, even if Anna Grigorievna herself did not fully realize this. She made a kind of bet, like in a casino, that her husband is a man of Culture and sooner or later he will definitely stop himself.

Today, this small fragment of the biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich can become a reason for contemporaries to think about what sits deep in each of us? Does each of us know how to stop in our own “ consumer preferences"in a world in which this consumption is stimulated by all kinds of tools? How to raise children in these conditions so as to develop in them a certain, healthy view of the world? What is the role of a woman in the family and in society - is she equal to a man in everything or does each gender have its own complex but special role?

The answers to these complex questions in the depths of each person will ultimately determine the outcome of the confrontation between “ Mother" And " Father" Will there be a full-fledged restoration of the paternal paradigm somewhere in the world? If yes, where?

And who are the Russians in the 21st century?

1. A. I. Bastrykin. It’s time to put an effective barrier to the information war // Kommersant-Vlast. No. 15 of April 18, 2016, p. 20.

2. Saraskina L.I. Dostoevsky. M.: Young Guard, 2011

3. Henri Troyat. Fyodor Dostoevsky. M.: Amphora, LLC, 2015.

Mauer Fedor Mikhailovich

(1897.25.IX - 1963.23.VI)

Scientist in the field of seed production, selection, genetics and cotton taxonomy. Doctor of Biological Sciences (1955). Professor (1956). Member of the All-Union Botanical Society since 1951. Born in Kokand. Son of the architect M.F. Mauer. After graduating from the Kokand Commercial School (1914), he entered the Kharkov Novo-Alekseevsky Institute of Agriculture and Forestry. In the summer of 1917 he returned to Kokand, organized an agricultural artel commune, and was drafted into the Red Army. In 1921 he was sent to the 2nd year of the agronomy faculty of Turkestan University to continue his studies. Mauer began his teaching career in 1922 at the biological faculty of Turkestan (from 1923 Central Asian - SAGU) University: assistant, teacher, associate professor. From 1923 he worked at the Turkestan breeding station, having already begun research work on cotton there in 1922 under the leadership of Professor G. S. Zaitsev; from 1925 head of the Control Department, from 1928 deputy director for scientific affairs, from 1929 - acting director. In September 1929, he was sent for six months to the USA, Germany, and France to become familiar with research and experimental selection work on cotton. On the initiative and with the participation of Mauer, during these years the republic developed a scientifically based methodology for cotton seed production and supplying cotton growing with pure-grade seed material, and selection work was launched, culminating in the creation of a number of early-ripening cotton varieties. In March 1931 he was arrested on charges of sabotage in the cotton industry and exiled for 5 years to Transcaucasia to work in his specialty (rehabilitated in November 1958). As an employee of the Transcaucasian Cotton Committee he worked in Tiflis, Baku, Kirovograd (until 1950); Head of the Egyptian Cotton Breeding Department of the Transcaucasian and Azerbaijan Cotton Research Institutes. In 1931-50, associate professor of the Department of Cotton Breeding and Genetics at the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute. During these years, he developed promising productive varieties of long-staple cotton, and for the first time in the USSR began breeding work with the most valuable cotton variety in the world - Sea Island. The 486-2 variety developed by Mauer was used in industrial crops and occupied more than 5,000 hectares in Azerbaijan in 1938. Since 1950, he headed the laboratory of speciation and taxonomy of cotton and other crops at the Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR. At the same time he taught at the biology and soil faculty of SASU. In 1951 candidate, in 1955, after defending his doctoral dissertation, Doctor of Biological Sciences, since 1956 professor. Gave lectures on selection and seed production of field crops, genetics (general course), plant genetics (private course), biology of plant development, history of biogenetics, taxonomy and origin of cotton, origin and taxonomy of cultivated plants. Mauer’s scientific interests include issues of biology and development , patterns of morphogenesis, evolution, ontophylogenesis of cotton, especially biology and genetics of botanical and varietal diversity, taxonomy and classification of this crop. The results of Mauer's research in these areas have been partially published (41 works), and have also found practical application in the high-yielding, high-quality and wilt-resistant varieties An-309, An-304, An-15, An-318, etc., which he developed. Mauer's main scientific work - monograph “The Origin and Taxonomy of Cotton” (prepared for publication in 1934, published in Tashkent, 1954; translated into many foreign languages). Author of numerous scientific articles on cotton growing in the USSR, China, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Turkey, and the USA. His knowledge of cotton plants was highly valued at the All-Union Plant Institute, academicians N.I. Vavilov and P.M. Zhukovsky repeatedly called him for consultations and invited him to work as the head of the cotton department. Mauer designed original instruments and apparatus for laboratory and field analyzes when working with cotton plants. Among them is the so-called. Mauer board - an apparatus for measuring the length of cotton fiber, which has gained recognition and widespread use, and the Mauer filiometer, designed for quickly determining the leaf surface on living plants in the field. Mauer F.M - participant of four All-Union Agricultural Exhibitions, the All-Union Botanical Congress (1957) . Awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War"(1946), medal of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (1955). Materials from Mauer’s personal archive, transferred by his wife in 1965 for storage at the Central State Agrarian University of Uzbekistan, are of scientific value: diaries, numerous field notebooks, manuscripts of his unpublished works, bibliographic thematic cards on cotton, etc. .Resided at Tashkent, 1 Pushkinsky proezd, 9. Burial place: Cl. No. 1 (Botkinskoe). Map No. 25.

He lived in the world for only 63 years, but, fortunately, he managed to do a lot - his unique garden tree and other scientific achievements are studied in university textbooks.He also left a good memory of himself, because possessed not only the gift of a scientist, but also the talent to live, love life and respect people. Therefore, today we will not talk about Zorin the scientist, but about Zorin the man.

Story aboutdetermination

Fyodor Mikhailovich was a kind, warm and non-conflict person. That did not at all prevent him from achieving his goals, without scandals, but solely thanks to his talent to find an approach to a variety of people.

Once, while still a student, Zorin ended up in the garden of the famous scientist Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. I walked along the alleys, studied the plants carefully and realized: this is where he belongs. In this garden, next to the famous breeder.

However, how to get to work with Michurin? His name thundered, walkers flocked to him from all over the country. How can a graduate of a provincial agricultural college stand out from this crowd?

And Fyodor Mikhailovich made up his mind. He came to his idol and said honestly: I dream of working with you. The venerable scientist tried to get rid of the annoying young man, citing the lack of vacancies, but no matter! Zorin was ready to even become a laborer, the main thing was to be close to Michurin, to adopt his experience and knowledge.

What about unskilled laborers? He expressed his readiness to go without salary and even spend the night at the station (at first, by the way, this was the case), just so that
Don't miss the chance to work with a great man.

And he gave up. He believed the persistent, awkward young man, allowed him to stay, and was not mistaken. His student, during his lifetime, became as much of a legend as Michurin himself.

A story about sensitivity

In 1958 in Moscow took place International competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. And in 1960, the winner, American pianist Van Cliburn, came on tour to Sochi. And of course I came to look at the Tree of Friendship.

Fyodor Mikhailovich always tried to find out more about his guests - he wanted to find for them exactly those words that would sink into their souls. This happened this time too. Fortunately, since we were talking about a celebrity, there was plenty of information.

From the book “The Legend of Van Cliburn” Zorin learned that the most main man for the musician - his mother, who is now in distant Texas. And the gardener had an idea. He remembered: his own mother, living in Moscow, not so long ago gave him an orange seedling. She understood that this heat-loving plant had no chance in the metropolitan climate and asked her son to take it to the South. And she added: “I would really like my orange to graft
Not every person goes to the Tree of Friendship, but the one who loves his mother very much."

... Fyodor Mikhailovich told this story to his famous guest after he walked around the garden and listened with interest about his work. The breeder brought the musician to a small orange and said: “We decided that you are the right person to make this vaccination.”

Van Cliburn was deeply touched. He took up a garden knife and... Here Fyodor Mikhailovich again showed himself to be an attentive and sensitive person. Realizing that a pianist needs to take care of his hands, the scientist prudently placed his own finger under the blade: if the musician makes the wrong move, the knife blade will come off, but will not injure the artist.

A story about how passion can melt the ice

Fyodor Mikhailovich's talent, his charm, passion and ability to talk about his work in an interesting language worked magic.

One day in May 1965, Danish journalists came to the garden. For some reason, they turned out to be gloomy, ungracious people, whose cold, hard looks could confuse anyone. But not Fedor Zorin.

He greeted the northerners in Danish. They were surprised. Then he showed them an elegant bamboo gazebo: “Our reception hall.”
They laughed. Then I took out photographs of a winter garden with snow that was atypical for Sochi and the ice was melted.

And now the Danes, as if spellbound, follow Fyodor Mikhailovich. And he interestingly, excitingly tells them about the secrets of his work, about the little secrets of nature, about the boiling of that life, which is most often hidden from the eyes of a random person.

An hour later, these interested, smiling people could not be recognized as those gloomy personalities who had recently crossed the threshold of the garden. The journalists were enthusiastically talking with the breeder about something, clarifying something and writing it down.

And finally they told Fedor Mikhailovich: “Your work warms cold heads. If all people could do this, then the whole world would be filled with sun, smiles and flowers.” There is a saying: “I came, I saw, I conquered!” But now it happened differently: we came, we saw... And you won!”

Yulia Zorina based on the books by L. M. Dmitrenko “Poet, Agronomist and Eccentric”

Breeder, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (1944). Born in the village of Krasnoye, Ryazan province. In 1932 he graduated from the Gorsky Agricultural Institute of the city of Vladikavkaz. Since 1933 he lived in Sochi. Worked at the Research Institute of Mountain Horticulture and Floriculture. He bred valuable varieties of tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, plums, figs, and hazelnuts. Author of more than 40 scientific papers. Creator of the Tree of Friendship.

One Tree Museum
Ekaterina Trubitsina
Perhaps there is not a single people on Earth, not a single clan or tribe in whose mythology, legends and tales the Sacred Tree is not mentioned. In different cultures, different representatives of the flora claim this title. The veneration of trees has its roots in deep pagan, magical antiquity, and from there it grows into all religions.
But then the twentieth century came, the century of the scientific and technological revolution, and in our country also of atheism. A consumer, utilitarian attitude towards nature prevailed on a huge scale. And it was at this time that a small, unprepossessing tree grew on the big planet and, by all indications, became truly mystical, magical, sacred. It didn’t seem to grow and become such on its own, but the more you learn about its history, the stronger the impression that this Tree itself chose its destiny, guiding and instructing the people around it.
It was born from a wild lemon seed on Plastunka near the fence of an old pre-revolutionary house. Probably, quite a few lemon seeds sprouted on the territory of Sochi, but it was this one that the breeder Fyodor Mikhailovich Zorin found and considered suitable. And he was looking for a strong citrus sprout for a reason. The idea to grow an entire garden on one tree was born in the fantasies of a twelve-year-old girl from Arkhangelsk, confined to a wheelchair. Zorin met her by chance on the Sochi beach, where her mother took her for a walk, and invited her to his garden.
“The truth speaks through the mouth of babes!” and Fyodor Mikhailovich listened to her voice. In 1934, a wild lemon sprout from Plastunka successfully took root in a new place in Zorin’s garden. And the next year the scientist made the first vaccinations on it. However, the tree had no intention of becoming just a scientific experiment.
The first guest to have his graft on the tree was the polar explorer Otto Yulievich Schmidt in 1940. And just a few years later, in the dense crown of the miracle tree, the branches of tangerine, lemon, grapefruit and other citrus fruits, grafted by people who wrote their lines in world history, from 126 countries, turned green, blossomed and bear fruit. Each type of flora has its own name, and this tree has acquired its own name - the Tree of Friendship. Heads of state and parliamentarians, scientists and writers, artists and musicians, religious and public figures, journalists, people different countries, skin color and religion, it was united by the idea of ​​​​friendship and mutual understanding. Gradually, customs and rituals associated with the Tree of Friendship took shape. The first and main thing is the autograph vaccination. Then, first spontaneously, and then traditionally, concerts began to be organized. Visitors' books appeared, in which it gradually became traditional to paste postage stamps of their countries. People began to give gifts to the Tree of Friendship and bring handfuls of soil from memorable places on the planet. The founder of this tradition was Dmitry Shostakovich, who sent soil from the grave of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
At the end of the 60s, the miracle tree, overloaded with grafts, felt bad, but, despite the competent forecasts of eminent scientists, it was not destined to die. His forces were supported by several strong young seedlings grafted onto the main one. Now there are 12 trunks under the crown of the famous tree. This unusual, hitherto unseen vaccine was again invented by F. M. Zorin.
Gifts to the Tree of Friendship accumulated and accumulated, forming an unusual exhibition “The World in the Struggle for Peace and Friendship,” and then it was decided to build an entire museum. It was designed by spaceship designers in their free time from their main work. And it was built with funds saved from testing atomic and thermonuclear weapons. Isn’t it true – this is no longer just symbolic?
The Proto-Slavs - our ancestors (by the way, according to many sources, lived precisely on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus) sacrificed memorable objects dear to their hearts to their gods. Gifts to the Tree of Friendship that make up the museum's exposition are such. The Proto-Slavs gave songs and dances to their gods. The museum has a cinema and concert hall for performances. This is truly a temple dedicated to a wonderful tree, uniting with its mystical power the thoughts of people, regardless of views and beliefs, in the name of humanism.
In Eden there grew a tree, after tasting the fruits of which the first people lost paradise. The Tree of Friendship was conceived by its creator as a purely scientific experiment, but it turned out that its global significance outgrew this framework. Sochi is often called a paradise, so maybe our Friendship Tree is designed to restore peace and harmony to our planet?!