The image of the main character of the story conveys a message. Essay on the story and

It was based on the features inherent in the writer’s biography. The characterization of Asya in the story “Asya” is impossible without a brief excursion into the life, or rather the love of Ivan Sergeevich.

Eternal friend of Pauline Viardot

The relationship between Polina Viardot and Ivan Sergeevich lasted 40 long years. It was a love story that settled in the heart of only one person, Turgenev, and the woman he passionately revered did not reciprocate his feelings. She was married. And for all four decades, Ivan Sergeevich came to their house as an eternal and forever faithful friend of the family. Having settled “on the edge of someone else’s nest,” the writer tried to build his own, but until the end of his life he loved Pauline Viardot. Viardot became a homewrecker, a killer of the happiness of girls who recklessly fell in love with Ivan Sergeevich.

It is worth saying that the tragic relationship with Viardot was not new to him. The very young Ivan, at the age of eighteen, fell in love with his daughter Katenka. The sweet angelic creature that the girl seemed to be at first glance, in fact, did not turn out to be such. She had a long relationship with the main village ladies' man. By evil irony, the girl’s heart was conquered by Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, the writer’s father.

However, not only did the writer have his heart broken, he himself more than once rejected the women who loved him. After all, until the end of his days he adored Pauline Viardot.

Characteristics of Asya in the story “Asya”. Type of Turgenev girl

Many people know that Turgenev’s girls exist, but few remember what she is like, the heroine from the writer’s stories.

The portrait characteristics of Asya found on the pages of the story are as follows.

As can be seen from the above lines, Asya had atypical beauty: her boyish appearance combined short large eyes fringed with long eyelashes and an unusually slender figure.

a brief description of Asya, her external image would be incomplete without mentioning that, most likely, it reflected Turgenev’s disappointment in the circle (consequences of Ekaterina Shakhovskaya).

It is here, on the pages of the story “Asya”, that not only Turgenev’s girl, but Turgenev’s feeling of love is born. Love is compared to revolution.

Love, like revolution, tests heroes and their feelings for stamina and vitality.

Asya's origin and character

The backstory of the heroine's life made a significant contribution to the girl's character. She is the illegitimate daughter of a landowner and a maid. Her mother tried to raise her strictly. However, after Tatyana’s death, Asya was taken in by her father. Because of him, feelings such as pride and distrust arose in the girl’s soul.

The characterization of Asya from Turgenev's story introduces initial inconsistencies into her image. She is contradictory and playful in her relationships with all people. If you take her interest in everything around her, you can understand that the girl shows this a little unnaturally. Since she looks at everything with curiosity, but in fact does not delve into anything carefully or peer into it.

Despite her inherent pride, she has a strange predilection: making acquaintances with people who are lower in class than her.

Moment of Spiritual Awakening

The characterization of Asya from Turgenev's story will be incomplete if you do not think about the question spiritual awakening main characters: Asya and Mr. N.N.

The hero and author of the story, having met Asya in a small German town, feels that his soul trembled. We can say that he came to life spiritually and opened up to his feelings. Asya removes the pink veil through which he looked at himself and his life. N.N. understands how false his existence was until the moment he met Asya: time wasted on travel now seems to him an unaffordable luxury.

The reborn worldview of Mr. N.N. looks forward to every meeting with trepidation. However, faced with a choice: love and responsibility or loneliness, he comes to the conclusion that it is absurd to marry someone whose temper he can never conquer.

Love also helps Asya’s character reveal itself. She begins to realize herself as an individual. Now she cannot get by with ordinary reading of books from which she gained knowledge about “true” love. Asya opens up to feelings and hopes. For the first time in her life, she stopped doubting and opened herself up to vivid feelings.

What is she like, Asya, in the eyes of Mr. N.N.?

The characterization of Asya in the story “Asya” is not carried out by Ivan Sergeevich himself; he assigns this task to his hero, Mr. N.N.

Thanks to this, we can notice the transformation of the hero’s attitude towards his beloved: from hostility to love and misunderstanding.

Mr. N.N. noted Asya’s spiritual impulse, wanting to show her “high” origin:

At first, all her actions seem like “childish antics” to him. But soon he saw her in the guise of a frightened but beautiful bird:

The relationship between Asya and Mr. N.N.

The verbal characterization of Asya in the story “Asya” predicts the tragic outcome of the emerging relationship between the heroine and Mr. N.N.

By nature, Asya is a contradictory person from her very roots. One has only to remember the girl’s attitude towards her mother and her origins:

The girl loved to be paid attention to, and at the same time was afraid of it, since she was quite timid and bashful.

Asya dreams of a hero who will become for her the embodiment of happiness, love and thought. A hero who can meekly oppose himself to “human vulgarity” in order to save love.

Asya saw her hero in Mr. N.N.

The girl fell in love with the narrator from the first moment they met. She wanted to intrigue him and at the same time show that she was a well-born young lady, and not some kind of daughter of Tatyana’s maid. This behavior, unusual for her, influenced the first impression formed by Mr. N.N.

Then she falls in love with N.N. and begins to expect from him not just actions, but an answer. The answer to the question that worries her: “What should I do?” The heroine dreams of a feat, but never receives it from her lover.

But why? The answer is simple: Mr. N.N. not endowed with the spiritual wealth inherent in Asa. His image is quite meager and a little sad, although not without a touch of edification. This is how he appears to us according to Chernyshevsky. Turgenev himself sees him as a man with a trembling, tormented soul.

“Asya”, characterization of N.N.

Soul impulses, thoughts about the meaning of life were unfamiliar to the hero of the story N.N., on whose behalf the story is told. He led a dissolute life in which he did what he wanted and thought only about his own desires, neglecting the opinions of others.

He did not care about a sense of morality, duty, responsibility. He never thought about the consequences of his actions, while shifting the most important decisions onto the shoulders of others.

However, N.N. - not the complete embodiment of the bad hero of the story. Despite everything, he did not lose the ability to understand and separate good from evil. He is quite curious and inquisitive. The purpose of his journey is not the desire to explore the world, but the dream of getting to know many new people and faces. N.N. He is quite proud, but he is not alien to the feeling of rejected love: he was previously in love with a widow who rejected him. Despite this, he remains a kind and quite pleasant young man of 25 years old.

Mr. N.N. realizes that Asya is a girl with oddities, therefore she is afraid to encounter unexpected turns her character. In addition, he sees marriage as an unbearable burden, the basis of which is responsibility for someone else’s fate and life.

Afraid of change and a changeable but full life, N.N. refuses possible mutual happiness, placing on Asya's shoulders the responsibility for deciding the outcome of their relationship. Having thus committed betrayal, he predicts in advance a lonely existence for himself. Having betrayed Asya, he rejected life, love, and the future. However, Ivan Sergeevich is in no hurry to reproach him. Since he himself paid for the mistake he made...

Asya, or Anna (the girl’s real name, although Turgenev persistently calls her Asya), is the heroine of the story of the same name. She appears to us from the first pages of the story as a young girl who first learned the feeling of all-consuming love. The writer reveals this path from an awkward, angular teenager to a woman who has known all the bitterness of disappointment.

Characteristics of the heroine

After the publication of the story, researchers of Turgenev’s work indulged in debates about whether the girls described in his works actually existed, or whether they were all a figment of his imagination. But even if the second assumption is true, the image he created on the pages of the work is striking in its depth and realism.

Reading chapter after chapter about how Asya’s love was revealed, you catch yourself thinking that this is exactly how everything happens in life, when the absence life experience forces the girl to find by touch the very image that will conquer her lover. The fact that at first N.N. took it for eccentricity, but in reality it turned out to be attempts to catch a response in his soul when he was still just a girl.

The most true characteristics of Asya can be considered honesty and openness, so unusual secular society. Her nature is richly gifted by nature, but at the same time it is not spoiled by the upbringing accepted in society at that time. Speaking fluently not only in Russian, but also in German and French she could be absolutely natural, or she could instantly transform herself, portraying a soldier or a maid. Simplicity, sincerity, purity of feelings captivate N.N.

The meeting of the main characters can be called completely accidental, their mutual sympathy as people similar in way of thinking, upbringing, and origin is natural. But the parting was hasty, crumpled, leaving N.N. an unhealed mark is rather unexpected, because other than prejudice there are no other reasons for it. And yet, it is they who outweigh in the end and separate the heroes to different cities, and then countries.

The image of the heroine in the work

Asya's beauty attracts no less than her unusual, even non-standard character. The desire to shock often takes precedence over common sense. Just an hour ago, childishly cheerful and spontaneous, she could show completely adult seriousness and thoughtfulness. The girl is only 17, but she is tormented by thoughts about her own future. She wants to achieve feats, but reality strictly outlines the boundaries of what is permissible and permissible. Prank is what you can do when your soul demands to break out of the captivity of idleness.

The complexity of Asya's character is understandable if we remember her origin. From the very early years she has to live in a contradiction that tears apart her consciousness - her father is a nobleman, her mother is a servant. An illegitimate, but recognized and beloved daughter - that’s what she became for her father. For a brother, a desired and dearly loved sister. What about N.N.? Gagin is convinced that they have no future, since his friend will not be able to overcome prejudices and marry a girl with such a history. The meeting, specially prepared by Asya, where she entrusts herself to her beloved and whispers: “Yours,” ends as her brother predicted.

The young man was frightened by the girl’s eccentric character and uncontrollability, but did not explain it directly to her, but preferred to blame Asya for not hiding from her brother. And only after discovering the disappearance of Gagin and his sister the next day, was he able to finally realize what really drew him day after day to seek meetings with them.

Why does Asya practically run away? Her honest and open character cannot come to terms with N.N.’s prudence and cowardice. Was she able to forget her first love? The author believes that this is what ultimately happened.


The main character of Turgenev's story is a young girl Asya. This is how the narrator describes her appearance: “The girl whom he called his sister seemed very pretty to me at first glance. There was something special about her dark, round face, with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black, light eyes. She was gracefully built, but seemed not yet fully developed.”

But each time Asya appeared new, unknown to the hero: sometimes she seemed to him too active and risky, sometimes extremely sincere and sincere. She could appear as a well-bred young lady, reminiscent of the homely Dorothea, and a truly Russian girl, humming “Mother, darling,” and a wild girl.

Such a rapid change in behavior was explained by Asya’s spiritual impulses for love, her desire for the main character. She was extremely open to her feelings and, at the same time, did not know how to express it, how to behave with her loved one. In the story, Asya goes through her evolution from a graceful, dreamy girl to a rejected girl, deceived in her hopes.

At the same time, her feeling gradually becomes more complicated and filled with new content. At first, Asya appears before the reader as open to the world, not afraid to stand over the abyss on an old tower, figuratively perceiving the world. She could trust nature, people, and was internally free. This state was inaccessible to the main character, who closed himself around his own Ego. Therefore, he was annoyed when looking at Asya.

At the same time, the heroine showed a cheeky grin, explained by Asya’s wounded pride and dual position in society. By origin, she is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy landowner, Gagaev’s father. By upbringing and outlook on life, she was a noble noblewoman who was capable of difficult feats and sacrifices.

The dual position developed distrust and pride in the heroine. She was ashamed of her painful feelings about her origins. Asya's whole being strived for the truth. She is used to making high spiritual demands on herself and the people around her. It is no coincidence that the story says that Asya resembles Raphael's Galatea. This is not a “chameleon” girl, as Mr. N thought of her. This strong personality demanding truth and frankness in everything. The outwardly fragile, graceful girl had enormous spiritual potential.

The strength of Asya’s experiences is difficult to compare with the cowardice of the protagonist, who oversteps his feelings for the sake of ridiculous prejudices. What Asya despises most in people is flattery and cowardice. That is why, during the final explanation with the main character, seeing his indecision and weakness of will, she immediately leaves him, leaves forever.

Turgenev shows what strength and spiritual take-off Asya’s feeling reached when she admits that she is ready to fly up like free birds. Asya opened up to her love so much that she was ready to entrust her fate to Mr. N. How much sincerity and gratitude is contained in just one word that she uttered during their last meeting - “yours”! Asya suffers, worries, does not want to be considered frivolous, even gets sick because of the uncertainty of the main character’s attitude towards her. And he, in turn, began to reproach her for being too open and sincere.

Only many years later, after gaining experience, the narrator understands the price of what he deprived himself of.

Other works on this work

Analysis of chapter 16 of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” Analysis of the XVI chapter of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” Asya as an example of a Turgenev girl (based on the story of the same name by I.S. Turgenev). Is Mr. N. to blame for his fate (based on Turgenev’s story “Asya”) The idea of ​​debt in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” How do we understand the phrase “Happiness has no tomorrow”? (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) The place of the image of Asya in the gallery of “Turgenev girls” (based on the story of the same name by I.S. Turgenev) My perception of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” My favorite work (essay - miniature) My reading of the story "Asya" My thoughts on the story "Asya" A new type of hero in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century (based on the story “Asya” by I. Turgenev) About I.S. Turgenev's story "Asya" The image of Turgenev's girl in the story "Asya" The image of Asya (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) The image of Asya in the story of the same name by I. S. Turgenev The image of Turgenev's girl The image of Turgenev's girl (based on the story "Asya") Why is the main character doomed to loneliness? (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) Why didn’t the relationship work out between Asya and Mr. N? (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) Subjective organization in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The plot, characters and problems of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The theme of secret psychologism in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” Essay based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev Analysis of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The meaning of the title The title of the story “Asya” “Happiness has no tomorrow...” (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) (3) Romantic ideals of Turgenev and their expression in the story “Asya” The hero of Turgenev's story "Asya" My perception of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The theme of love in I.S. Turgenev's story Asya And happiness could be so possible... (based on I.S. Turgenev’s story “Asya”) Characteristics of the main character Asya in Turgenev’s story Gagin - characteristics of a literary hero


The story “Asya” is one of the most lyrical in the works of I. S. Turgenev. Readers of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries are captivated by the writer’s subtle feelings, sincerity, and poetry of this work.

Undoubtedly, the main role in the story belongs to young Asa. This image embodied the features of a little girl who once interested the young writer, the illegitimate daughter of Uncle I. S. Turgenev and a serf peasant woman.

Asya is an amazing girl. Her image is associated with youth, spontaneity, and beauty. The hero, Mr. N., meets Asya when she is languishing from excess vitality. She is burdened by idleness. The girl is attracted by high impulses and aspirations. She admits that she dreams of going somewhere far away, to prayer, to a difficult feat.

The heroine is tormented by thoughts that are not yet accessible to the hero of the story - “days are passing, life will pass, but what have we done?” It is clear that Asya was raised by fate itself. The heroine's real name is Anna, but everyone calls her Asya. By the will of the work, from childhood she thought about her place in the world.

The daughter of a landowner and a serf peasant woman, Asya early realized the duality of her position. She was tormented by contradictions. She decided to be in no way inferior to the young ladies of high society.

Asya is not used to following the crowd. The heroine always had her own view of things. She considered flattery and cowardice to be the worst vices. The narrator fell in love with her not only for her beauty, but, above all, for her soul and poetry: “Her whole being strove for the truth.”

At the beginning of the story, the heroine is a mystery to the narrator and readers. But gradually we see the reasons for her inner restlessness and desire to “show off.” Mr. N. watches Asya’s pranks with curiosity. He found that she spoke French and German quite well. He concludes that “since childhood she was not in the hands of women and received a strange, unusual upbringing that had nothing in common with Gagin’s upbringing.”

Asya's character is deeply national, truly Russian. The lyricism and tenderness of Asya reveals the episode near the vineyard. Here, not only Asya’s “semi-wild charm” is revealed to us, but also her soul. The girl merges with the blue sky, striving upward with her whole being.

Asya deeply experiences the feeling that gripped her. Internal struggle, confusion is reflected in her rapid mood swings and contradictory words. She reveals to Mr. N. her innermost thoughts, her heart: “You always believe in advance what I tell you, only you be frank with me,” “I will always tell you the truth.” But with bitterness the heroine realizes that her wings have grown and there is nowhere to fly.

At first glance, the narrator saw something special in the features of this girl: “There was something unique, special in the fairy tale of her dark, round face with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black light eyes.” At the beginning of the story, her image is created using romantic colors. Asya presents us with a riddle, a secret, a contradiction. She appears either brave, invulnerable, direct, or suddenly becomes modest, shy, “a completely Russian girl, almost a maid.”

At first, it seems that the heroine is weird: she is able to “laugh for no reason” and immediately run away. Meanwhile, all her unexpected actions are easily explained. This is how a girl’s deep first feeling manifests itself outwardly. She is confused, fearful and hopeful at the same time.

As the plot develops, Asya's spiritual evolution occurs. She is growing in our eyes. For the first time in many years, she learned to trust people and opened her heart. Asya has matured. But this growing up comes at a difficult price - disappointment in a loved one, the collapse of many bright hopes.

But Asya has the strength to live on, to move forward. Turgenev's heroine encountered the cold, rational world of Mr. N. Now, many years later, he remembers dear Asya with tenderness and regret. There were other women in his life, but he truly loved only her.

Yes, man is a strange creature. The hero fell in love with Asya very much and he himself abandoned his love. He wanted to be happy, but doubts doomed him to loneliness. Many years later, he remembers Asya and the bright moments of love.

Spiritually and morally, Asya is higher than Mr. N. His image decreases towards the end of the story. The image of Asya, on the contrary, becomes more complex and evokes more sympathy in us. For me, Asya is a truly Russian, brave and sincere girl, who is alien to cowardice and cowardice.

Gradually, love brings the heroine more and more suffering. Outwardly, she changes dramatically, becomes pale, gloomy, as if she feels something unkind. Asya is melting before our eyes. She tries to escape from sudden love, asks her brother to leave, but escape would not be her salvation. Then Gagin asks Mr. N. to make a decision, to determine Asya’s fate. Her enthusiastic, half-childish love frightens the weak hero.

At one time, Chernyshevsky was surprised at the “slowness” of Mr. N., who stubbornly did not notice Asya’s feelings: “I myself don’t know what’s happening to me. Sometimes I want to cry, but I laugh. You shouldn't judge me by what I do. Oh, by the way, what is this story about Lorelei? After all, it is her rock that is visible. They say she drowned everyone first, and when she fell in love, she threw herself into the water. I like this fairy tale." “It seems clear what feeling has awakened in her...” the critic notes.

Gagin, Asya’s brother, tells her story to Mr. N. As a child, “she wanted to make the whole world forget about her origin.” She was simultaneously ashamed and proud of her mother. The girl began to read a lot and was precocious.

Having been deceived by people early on, she always made independent decisions. I got used to hiding my spiritual vulnerability behind external pride and quarrelsomeness. In Mr. N. Asya saw her dream. She expected an answer from him to the questions that tormented her: “How to live? Tell me what should I do? I will do whatever you tell me.”

Love gave the hero a chance to gain wings, but he showed cowardice, deceived the heroine’s best hopes, and was afraid of the future. In the climactic scene of the explanation, Asya’s emotional experiences are subtly described, her “eyes that begged, trusted, questioned.” She gave up her destiny, was ready to devote her life to her beloved: “Yours,” she whispered barely audibly.”

Realizing the hero’s weakness, his selfishness, Asya immediately broke all ties with him and disappeared from his life. By losing her, the hero deprived himself of happiness, the true meaning of life. The fate of the heroine is unknown to us, but her gentle appearance and strong, persistent character leave a deep mark on the soul of the hero and the reader: “I knew other women, but the feeling that Asya aroused in me, that burning, tender, deep feeling, was not repeated. Condemned to the loneliness of a familyless little boy..., I keep, like a shrine, her notes and a dried geranium flower, the same flower that she once threw to me from the window.” Annenkov, who felt the charm and significance of Asya’s image, wrote about her: “Such a poetic and at the same time real characterization of the heroine ... would deserve more development, a frame, for example, a novel, which she would completely resemble.”

The girl is true to her nature. Although about her future fate We don’t know anything, there is no doubt that Asya will not betray her moral ideals.

Other works on this work

Analysis of chapter 16 of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” Analysis of the XVI chapter of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” Asya as an example of a Turgenev girl (based on the story of the same name by I.S. Turgenev). Is Mr. N. to blame for his fate (based on Turgenev’s story “Asya”) The idea of ​​debt in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” How do we understand the phrase “Happiness has no tomorrow”? (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) The place of the image of Asya in the gallery of “Turgenev girls” (based on the story of the same name by I.S. Turgenev) My perception of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” My favorite work (essay - miniature) My reading of the story "Asya" My thoughts on the story "Asya" A new type of hero in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century (based on the story “Asya” by I. Turgenev) About I.S. Turgenev's story "Asya" The image of Turgenev's girl in the story "Asya" The image of Asya in the story of the same name by I. S. Turgenev The image of Turgenev's girl The image of Turgenev's girl (based on the story "Asya") Why is the main character doomed to loneliness? (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) Why didn’t the relationship work out between Asya and Mr. N? (based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev) Subjective organization in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The plot, characters and problems of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The theme of secret psychologism in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” Characteristics of Asya based on the story of the same name by I. S. Turgenev Essay based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev Analysis of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Asya” The meaning of the title The title of the story “Asya”

Here is an example of an essay-reasoning on the topic “The Image of Asya” for 8th grade. I hope this example will be useful to you when writing your own essay.


(Based on the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev)

I. S. Turgenev developed the plot of the story, according to the author himself, unexpectedly and immediately. Under the influence of that “special mood” that is born from communication with nature, from a mental return to one’s youth, to love, to the wonderful impulses of youth. Turgenev in his work preached “universal good feelings,” which were based on a deep belief in the triumph of light, goodness and moral beauty,” we read from M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The plot of the story “Asya” itself is very poetic. This is a story about two young people, different, but who experienced one, such a different feeling for each other. This is a story about Romeo and Juliet, whose happiness, it would seem, was not hindered by anything, but who themselves pushed this happiness away from themselves, perhaps by hastening events, or perhaps, on the contrary, by subordinating their feelings to sober thoughts.

The main character gives the story a special flavor - a semi-mysterious, extraordinary creature, unlike anyone or anything! Anyone could be in Mr. N.’s place, but Asya is unique and inimitable. She seems a little strange, but you have to get to know her well to judge her. The whole story is a story about her, deep, emotional, “rebellious” nature. All events unfold around this fragile and eccentric creature, which is why the story is called after her - “Asya”.

Fate decreed that Asya, the illegitimate daughter of a master and a maid, after the death of her mother, was taken by her father to the master's house. Asya soon realized that she was the main person in this house, that her father loved and spoiled her, but she also soon realized her false position; self-esteem had developed strongly in her. She wanted to make the whole world forget her origin, but she herself was ashamed of it. “A life that began incorrectly turned out incorrectly, but the heart in it did not deteriorate, the mind survived,” Gagin said about her. At the boarding school in St. Petersburg, where she studied for four years, she showed an independent character, was stubborn, “didn’t want to fit in with the general level.” And so, finding herself abroad with her brother, “she continues to play pranks and act weird.”

Turgenev paints Asya as pretty, well-built, very active, like a boy, she couldn’t sit still for a minute, “her big eyes looked straight, bright, bold, but sometimes her eyelids squinted slightly, and then her gaze suddenly became deep and gentle,” she found it difficult to communicate, her actions were strange and contradictory, she seemed sometimes forcedly cheerful, sometimes sad and embarrassed, sometimes proud, sometimes sweet and simple. Some kind of work was going on inside her all the time, conflicting passions were seething. “What a chameleon this girl is!” - N. thought about her. “By nature, shy and timid, she was annoyed at her shyness and, out of frustration, forcibly tried to be cheeky and bold, which she did not always succeed in,” this is how the author explains the inconsistency of her character.

Gagin knew and understood his sister well. She seemed “crazy” to him, but he treated her condescendingly and with understanding. He knew that she was hot as gunpowder, if she loved someone, there would be trouble, because “she never has a single feeling halfway,” she “needs a hero, an extraordinary person,” she feels deeply, and these feelings come over her so swiftly, like a thunderstorm, she is truthful, sincere, pure, “even though she pretends that she doesn’t care about everything, she values ​​​​everyone’s opinion,” she cannot endure what anyone else could easily endure, “she has a very kind heart, but she’s a bad head,” “it’s hard to get along with her.” “Oh, what a soul this girl has... but she will certainly destroy herself,” Gagin expresses his opinion about Asa.

So N., when he looked deeper into Asya’s soul, realized that Asya attracted him “not only with her semi-wild charm” - he liked her soul! But Asya, “with her fiery head, with her past, with her upbringing, this attractive but strange creature,” scared N. He was not ready for the feeling that arose between them. He could not fully understand Asin’s inner world and could not become a support for her. He postponed his happiness “for tomorrow”!

The hero of the story was consoled by the thought that he probably would not have been happy with a wife like Asya. She is, of course, a deep, romantic person. With such people it is extremely interesting, but also incredibly difficult. You yourself must be an extraordinary person, attentive, noble, with a deep inner world to understand and accept it. In a word, you must be worthy of her so that happiness is mutual.