Presentation on the topic Western culture. Presentation on history on the topic "culture of Western Europe in the early Middle Ages"

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Culture of medieval Europe

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The term “Middle Ages” was first coined by the Italian humanist Flavio Biondo (1453); before him, the dominant term for the period from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Renaissance was Petrarch’s concept of “dark ages,” which in modern historiography means a narrower period of time. (VI-VIII centuries).

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The Middle Ages are conventionally divided into three main periods: Early Middle Ages (end of the 5th - mid-11th century). High, or Classical, Middle Ages (mid-XI - late XIV centuries). Late Middle Ages or Early Modern Time (XIV-XVI centuries)

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Universities: masters and students
During the developed Middle Ages, the first scientists and educational communities - universities - appeared in European countries. The founders were, as a rule, kings, emperors, and popes.

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Dates of founding of universities

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In universities, at the lower, preparatory faculty, the so-called “liberal arts” were studied, united in two cycles - the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, logic) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music).

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Teaching staff
Thomas Aquinas (1225/26-1274) - theologian, philosopher. Dominican monk. In 1323 he was canonized. Studied in Paris, Cologne. He taught in Paris, Rome, Naples. In his works he proceeded from the position of harmony of faith and reason, and widely used the teachings of Aristotle, trying to adapt it to Christian doctrine. He formulated many of the fundamental theses of Catholic doctrine, including five proofs of the existence of God.

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Pierre Abelard
(1079-1142) - French theologian, philosopher, poet. He taught at the University of Paris. He made a significant contribution to the development of theology, tried to substantiate the connection between reason, logic and faith. His works were condemned by church councils. Its not easy life path he described in “The History of My Disasters,” one of the first autobiographies in medieval European literature.

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Roger Bacon
(1214-1292/94) - English philosopher, natural scientist. He studied and then taught at Oxford. Franciscan monk. He studied optics, astronomy, and alchemy. Attached great importance to experimental research. By studying the properties of the lens, he anticipated the creation of some optical instruments, and also predicted a number of scientific discoveries

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Development of literature
Medievalists of the 19th century distinguished two types of medieval literature, “scholarly” and “folk”. The first class included Latin texts and court poetry, the second class included all other works that, in the spirit of the romantics, were considered primary art. . At this time, the diversity of genres increased and the origins were laid national cultures. IN different countries ah, epic cycles were collected and recorded, uniting ancient folk tales and legends

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Romanesque style
This is a style in Western European art of the 10th-12th centuries. He expressed himself most fully in architecture. Romanesque style, artistic style, which dominated Western Europe (and also affected some countries of Eastern Europe) in the X-XII centuries. (in a number of places - in the 13th century), one of the most important stages in the development of medieval European art. The term "Romanesque style" was introduced in early XIX V.

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A period in the development of medieval art, covering almost all areas of material culture and developing in Western, Central and partly Eastern Europe from the 12th to the 15th centuries. Gothic replaced the Romanesque style, gradually displacing it. Although the term " gothic style"most often applied to architectural structures, Gothic also covered sculpture, painting, book miniatures, costume, ornament, etc. The concept of "Russian Gothic" is factually incorrect, but under Nicholas II it was fully approved in the British Empire, the Duchy of Darmstatz, Russian Empire, as well as in a number of Islamic states.

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North Dame Cathedral in Reims

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de Santa María de la Sede - cathedral in Seville (Andalusia, Spain)

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This term denotes the direction in the development of European, primarily Italian, culture in the mid-13th-16th centuries. In this case, three periods are distinguished: pre-Renaissance (Trecento), early Renaissance (Quattrocento), high Renaissance. Characteristics Revivals consisted of turning to ancient ideals of beauty, awakening interest in man as a perfect creature, part of the world around him.

In the form of a disk covered with the sky like a cap. The Sun, Moon and 5 then known planets make their way across the sky. The “navel” of the Earth is the city of Jerusalem, where the Tomb of Jesus Christ is located. The East was placed at the top, because in the East there is a mountain on which the earthly paradise is located. Rivers flow from paradise: Ganges, Tigris, Euphrates, Nile. The Indian Ocean is closed. People living far away are fabulous creatures.

The time and change of seasons were determined by natural signs (by the Sun, the crowing of a rooster, the phases of the Moon, the flowering of plants, by the nature of the wind and precipitation). They were indifferent to the exact time. Dates were counted from church holidays and important historical events(change of power, battles, epidemics, etc.) Sometimes they used the inventions of Ancient Rome and Greece - sundials. The night was divided into “three candles.” Night is the time of manifestation of the devil, evil spirits, and spirits.

4. Charles built churches and palaces, using late Roman buildings as a model 2. Entrusted the Anglo-Saxon monk Alcuin with the management of schools, who organized education and wrote textbooks 3. A society for scientific studies arose in Aachen - the “Palace Academy” 1. Invited educated people from England, Italy, Spain, Ireland

Salic truth (Frankish legislation) Einhard. Biography of Charlemagne Einhard. Biography of Charlemagne Isidore of Seville. The story is ready. Isidore of Seville. The story is ready. Gregory of Tours. History of the Franks. Gregory of Tours. History of the Franks. Trouble Hon. "Ecclesiastical History of the English People" Bede Hon. “Ecclesiastical history of the English people” Lives of the saints. Lives of the Saints. Capitularies of Charlemagne. Capitularies of Charlemagne. Tacitus. Annals. Tacitus. Annals. "Beowulf." "Beowulf." "The Elder Edda" "The Elder Edda" "The Song of Roland". "The Song of Roland" "Song of the Nibelungs" Song of the Nibelungs.

“Architecture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages” - Massive roof. Main tower. Romanesque style of architecture. Interior of a Romanesque church. Cathedral in Worms. Castles Portal. Castle Sully. Leeds Castle. Monastery. A combination of a clear architectural silhouette and laconic exterior decoration. Cathedral in Mainz. Donjon. Royal Alcazar Palace. Alcazar Castle. Rechester Castle.

“Culture of Medieval Europe” - Thomas Aquinas - a monk of the Dominican order. What two architectural styles developed one after another? Not church schools, but universities began to appear in cities in the 12th century. Peter Abelar. Many philosophers studied alchemy. In the 12th century, arose in Northern France new style. Education in the Middle Ages.

“The artistic culture of the European Middle Ages” - Lists of the Koran. V.I. Bazhenov. Principles. Principles of canonical image. Features of the culture of the information society. Romanticism. Main ideas. Periods of Old Russian icon painting. Phenomenon of culture. Science. Consultation. Traits of culture. Intelligence. Conceptual apparatus. Features of the culture of Ancient Rome. Problem. People of ancient Chinese civilization.

“Literature of the Middle Ages” - Knightly / courtly culture. Anglo-Saxon literature. Urban/folk culture. Church culture. Literature of the Middle Ages. Plot. Beowulf. Stylistic characteristics of the poem. Romance. Three types of medieval culture.

“Culture History of the Middle Ages” - Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris. Priority of socio-cultural values ​​of the Middle Ages. Churches are no longer like fortresses. Artistic culture. Liturgical drama. The alchemist was looking for a stone. Culture of the Middle Ages. The main forms of painting. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Facade. The term "Middle Ages". God came onto the stage.

“Culture of the Early Middle Ages” - Epic songs. Models and authorities. Culture Western Europe in the early Middle Ages. "The Seven Liberal Arts". The art of handwritten books. Jugglers and jesters. Change of seasons and days. Time. Medieval man's idea of ​​the world. Literature. Carolingian Renaissance. "Palace Academy".

There are 11 presentations in total

1. Medieval man’s ideas about the world. In the first centuries of the Middle Ages, few people traveled beyond their rural surroundings. Even about the border countries, only fragmentary information reached the people. But rulers and diplomats, warriors, merchants and missionaries traveled throughout Western Europe and left a lot for us interesting information about that time. However, Europeans for a long time knew almost nothing about what was happening outside Europe, and they composed fables about distant countries.

1. Medieval man’s ideas about the world. Medieval scientists imagined that the Earth was round, motionless, and located at the center of the Universe. But some of them disputed the sphericity of the Earth, arguing that people living on the opposite side of the globe would have to walk “upside down” and trees would have to grow “upside down.” they imagined the Earth in the form of a disk, covered with the sky, like a cap, and the Sun, the Moon and the five then known planets made their way across the sky.

1. Medieval man’s ideas about the world. The center, or “navel,” of the Earth was considered the city of Jerusalem, in which the Tomb of Jesus Christ is located. In the East there is a mountain, on it there is an earthly paradise. Rivers flow from paradise: Tigris, Euphrates, Ganges and Nile. The Indian Ocean was considered closed in the Middle Ages.

1. Medieval man’s ideas about the world. The time and change of seasons were determined by natural signs: the rising and setting of the Sun, the crow of a rooster, the phases of the Moon, the flowering and fruiting of trees and other plants, the nature of wind and precipitation. Medieval people had a unique attitude towards historical time. Chroniclers were indifferent to exact figures. They used vague expressions: “at that time,” “in the meantime,” “shortly thereafter.” Dates family life, events in a village or country were counted from church holidays and such memorable events as a change of sovereign, a great battle, famine or epidemic.

1. Medieval man’s ideas about the world. In the early Middle Ages, devices for measuring time, created in Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. Some of them were associated with the vagaries of nature - such were the sundials. There was no unified system countdown. In some countries, the year began with Easter, in others - with the Nativity of Christ. A medieval hour was approximately three modern hours. update month.

1. Medieval man’s ideas about the world. The day was divided into day and night. Night is the time when supernatural forces, ghosts and the devil appear. The night belongs to witches and demons. The day for a medieval man is bright and kind. Beautiful is the sun sparkling on the armor

2. Carolingian Renaissance. To govern a vast country, Charlemagne needed competent officials and judges. He understood: in order to revive the Roman Empire, it was necessary to revive culture, and above all ancient knowledge. Under him, a rise in culture began, which historians called the Carolingian Renaissance. Charlemagne invited educated people from other countries - Italy, Spain, England, Ireland - to his court. He assigned the Anglo-Saxon learned monk Alcuin to take charge of the schools. Alcuin not only organized training, but also wrote school textbooks.

3. “The Seven Liberal Arts.” Charlemagne ordered the opening of schools at large monasteries. Later, in the 10th-11th centuries, cathedral schools began to open at churches and cathedrals in large cities. In cathedral schools, children studied together with young men; there was no division into classes by age. The training was in Latin. No people spoke this language anymore. It was the international language of the educated people of Western Europe. Since ancient times, complete school education has included the study of the “seven liberal arts”: the sciences of the “trivium” and “quadrivium”. The Trivium included grammar (the ability to read and write Latin), rhetoric (eloquence) and dialectic (the art of reasoning). The second stage of education, the “quadrivium,” included arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. Only after mastering these sciences could one further study the “queen of sciences” - theology.

3. “The Seven Liberal Arts.” For that era, the concepts of “model” and “authority” were very important. It was assumed that in every field of knowledge there are authorities - sages. In dialectics, Aristotle was the undisputed authority. In poetry, the style of Virgil and Horace was considered “exemplary”, in prose - Cicero. In grammar and rhetoric lessons, the “exemplary” texts of Roman poets and orators were examined. But the most important “textbook” that one had to know by heart and be able to interpret was the Bible: the Old and New Testaments. An educated person was considered one who knew the opinion of authorities on any matter. Education consisted of memorizing quotes from authorities. The sciences of the “quadrivium” were poorly developed. Counting was done in Roman numerals for a long time and was difficult; usually only addition and subtraction were learned. Multiplication, division and fractions were given to few people. Geometry was used to solve the simplest practical problems, primarily those necessary for construction. Astronomy was used to calculate the dates of church holidays and the timing of field work.

4. The art of handwritten books. The art of handwritten books developed in monastic scriptoria. In ancient times, a book was most often a papyrus scroll; in the late Roman Empire, a parchment scroll. It was stronger than papyrus and could be folded and written on both sides. But parchment was very expensive: the skins of 300 calves were required to make a large-format Bible. Many people worked on one handwritten book for a long time: some wrote the text in calligraphic (beautiful) handwriting; others intricately decorated the capital letters at the beginning of the red line - initials, inscribing entire picturesque scenes - miniatures - into them; still others made headbands and ornaments.

5. Literature. Most of all they read the Gospels and the lives of saints, which told about the exploits of people recognized by the church as holy martyrs. The lives described how they tortured themselves in order to suppress temptations and draw their souls closer to God. The heroes of the lives performed miracles and endured torment for the sake of faith, for the sake of truth and the salvation of people, they bravely fought against injustice and evil.

5. Literature. From the 6th to 8th centuries, the culture of Western Europe increasingly included chronicles - manuscripts that told about the history of peoples and contemporary life to the chronicler. Thus, Gregory of Tours wrote the history of the Franks, Isidore of Seville wrote the history of the Goths and Vandals. In the chronicles, events were described year by year, as they followed each other. The Irish monk Bede the Venerable in his “Ecclesiastical History of the English People” was the first to use a new system of counting time - from the Nativity of Christ. Lombard Paul the Deacon created Roman History. In the 11th century, Bishop Adam of Bremen wrote an essay on the history of the Bremen episcopate and on the baptism of the Scandinavian peoples.

CULTURE OF WESTERN EUROPEAN IN THE MIDDLE AGES work was completed by a student of class 6A Volkova Ekaterina

1.Medieval man’s ideas about the world. In the first centuries of the Middle Ages, few people traveled beyond their local area. The long journey was dangerous and difficult. The center, or “navel,” of the Earth was considered the city of Jerusalem, where the tomb of Jesus Christ is located. East on medieval maps was most often placed at the top. The Indian Ocean was considered closed in the Middle Ages. The imagination of people populated the coast and islands of the ocean with fabulous people and animals. There was no single system for counting time. In some countries, the year began with Easter, in others - with the Birth of Christ. A medieval hour was approximately three modern hours. The night was divided into “three candles.”

1.Medieval man’s ideas about the world. The day was divided into day and night. Medieval laws punished crimes committed at night especially harshly. Night is the time when supernatural forces, ghosts, and demons appear. Therefore, monks and all deeply religious people prayed especially passionately at night: they fought a spiritual battle with the forces of the devil. With the development of cities and trade, business and diplomatic relations, and during the conquest of new territories, people began to leave their homes more often.

1.Medieval man’s ideas about the world. The Venetian merchant and traveler Marco Polo left a vivid story about the countries of the Far East in the 13th century. He spent about a quarter of a century traveling and lived in China for many years. Returning to Italy, he wrote a book in which he spoke about the life and customs of the peoples of Asia. The Book of Marco Polo has long served as a guide for the compilation of geographical maps.

Astrologer, mathematician and scribe.

2. Translations from Greek and Arabic. Residents of Western Europe of the 5th-10th centuries almost forgot the Greek language and did not at all strive to know eastern languages. In the 11th-12th centuries, a large number of translations into Latin of books by Greek and Arab scientists appeared: almost all of the works of Aristotle, the main works of the Greeks and medieval Arabs on geography, astronomy, and medicine. The range of knowledge of Europeans has expanded enormously.

Aristotle's book.

3. Medieval universities. Medieval society was corporate. Universities were corporations of intellectuals - professors and students. Classes were conducted everywhere in Latin, and people from different countries could study at any university. Students from one country united into communities (nations), and teachers created associations of faculties in subjects, headed by deans. Together they elected the head of the university - the rector. Usually, in addition to the preparatory one, there were three faculties: theological, legal and medical. In the 15th century there were already 60 universities in Europe.

4. Scholasticism. Thinkers of the early Middle Ages believed that faith and reason are incompatible. God cannot be understood with the mind; one must believe in him. Scientists of the 11th-13th centuries no longer wanted to believe blindly. School lessons in dialectics, the books of Aristotle and St. Augustine instilled in them a love of reasoning. To find out the truth, you need to reason, prove your conclusions and logically refute your opponent’s arguments. Thus, in cathedral schools and universities, scholasticism (school) was born - a religious and philosophical teaching that seeks to know God and the world through logical reasoning. The scholastics developed their own scientific method - a way to look for reasonable answers to questions posed.

5. Pierre Abelard and Bernard of Clairvaux. One of the most famous scholastic philosophers of the 12th century was the Frenchman Pierre Abelard (1079-1142). Abelard already became a traveling schoolboy at the age of 13. He quickly surpassed his professors and defeated them in debates. The strongest of Abelard's ideological opponents was the famous mystic, creator of the Templar Order and inspirer of the Second Crusade, Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153). Abelard argued in his lectures and in his books that matters of faith can only be understood with the help of reason. You need to believe, not reason, Bernard believed. The dispute between Abelard and Bernard became a dispute between two directions of medieval thought: rationalism and mysticism.

6. Great scholastic of the 13th century. The pinnacle of medieval scholasticism was the writings of the 13th century theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Thomas Aquinas was the son of an Italian count and studied at the university in Naples. Despite his family's protests, he became a monk of the Dominican order. Thomas was a humble, kind and unusually efficient person. His most famous work is “The Sum of God’s Words.” In this graceful book, Thomas collected all the knowledge about God and the world accumulated in the Middle Ages. He created a picture of the entire Christian Universe, showing that every detail, from man to ant, has its own place and role, intended by God. After his death, Thomas was called the “angelic doctor”, and the church declared him a Saint.

7. "The Amazing Doctor." A contemporary of Thomas Aquinas, a monk of the Franciscan order, the Englishman Roger Bacon (1214-1294) taught at the universities of Oxford and Paris. He argued that to know the truth, authority and reason are not enough, but observations and experiments are also needed. Only with their help can we check whether our knowledge is correct. Bacon conducted experiments with various substances, magnetic needles and magnifying glasses. He foresaw many future discoveries. Bacon was considered a wizard and was nicknamed the “amazing doctor.”