Carbonara pasta with ham and cream – buon appetito! Italian recipes for carbonara pasta with ham and cream. Spaghetti with ham - basic and complex recipes, classic and with sauce Pasta with ham in milk sauce

Like probably any pasta, it cooks very quickly. Creamy taste, a little nutty notes from the roasted garlic, strips of ham and spicy parmesan shavings on top - perfect, mmm!

What you need (for 2-3 servings):
200g pasta
100g ham
3 large cloves of garlic
200 ml cream
3 raw yolks
50g parmesan

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Bring the pasta water to a boil. At this time, cut the ham into thin strips and chop the garlic.

In a separate bowl, lightly whisk the cream, egg yolks and finely grated Parmesan.

While you cook the pasta (ideally until it’s “to the tooth”, al dente, i.e. 5-7 minutes), place a frying pan on the stove over high heat, pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil (unscented sunflower oil is also possible, but we are preparing “pasta”... sort of, “a la Italiana” :))). When the oil is hot, add the garlic. Fry for a minute, stirring to avoid burning, then add the ham strips. Continuously stirring everything with a spatula, cook so
in the pan for another 2-3 minutes (here it is important not to let the garlic burn. Burnt - it will ruin the whole dish).

Place the boiled tagliatelle in a colander to drain and then return it to the pan. This also includes ham with garlic and prepared sauce.

Place over medium heat and heat for 1-2 minutes. The sauce, due to the presence of yolks and cheese, will thicken when heated. Do not overcook the paste on the stove. It tastes better when the creamy sauce envelops each noodle and spreads a little more in the plate :)

Serve immediately, sprinkled with a handful of grated Parmesan.

Italian cuisine has somehow quietly and unobtrusively conquered the whole world. This is probably due to the fact that her dishes are versatile. They suit everyone’s tastes: from the absolutely undemanding person to the inveterate gourmet. Thanks to Italian cooking, pasta has ceased to be a boring everyday item and has acquired the status of a respected dish. Especially if served with ham and cream, it guarantees that the dinner will be tasty and savory.

Delicious carbonara

Initially, the dish was prepared completely differently than we are used to. Firstly, unsmoked and well-salted cheek, made according to a special recipe, was used for the sauce. It was called guanchile. People who do not eat meat replaced it with sun-dried tomatoes, zucchini and other vegetables. Secondly, the carbonara included sheep, well-aged Romano. In addition to the fact that it is extremely difficult to find in the Russian expanses, the product has a very specific taste, even for Italians who are accustomed to it. Thirdly, the original recipe did not contain cream. So the consistency of the dish was thicker and tougher.

However, everyone wants to enjoy them. Therefore, an “adapted” pasta was invented and the cream is easy to make, and its ingredients are available in any country. And the taste has become more pleasant and soft, without the flavor of lamb. According to the rules, the cheese component should be Parmesan. But in fact, you can take your favorite option from durum varieties.

Pasta carbonara: recipe with ham and cream

The preparation steps are simple. Even a novice housewife can master them:

  1. A few cloves of garlic are finely chopped. Italians do not recommend pushing.
  2. A quarter kilo of ham is cut very small - into cubes or strips.
  3. First, the garlic is fried for a short time - just until the smell appears. This should be done in olive oil. But you can also use sunflower, only unflavored.
  4. Next, add the ham and fry until the fat has rendered out.
  5. At the same time, a packet of spaghetti is being cooked. The time allotted for this process is a minute less than what is marked on the package so that the pasta turns out al dente.
  6. At the same time, carbonara is being prepared. In a bowl mix 4 yolks (whites are removed), half a glass of thicker cream, pepper and 50 grams of finely grated cheese. No need to beat!
  7. The sauce is mixed with hot spaghetti - it should “reach” its temperature a little.

The beauty is laid out last on top, sprinkled with parsley or basil and eaten immediately: when cooled, it will no longer be carbonara pasta. The recipe with ham and cream, by the way, allows for the use of bacon, bacon, smoked brisket and other delicacies. The only condition is that the meat component does not have too strong a taste, otherwise it will overwhelm the notes of the sauce. If you are interested in the simplest recipe for pasta carbonara with ham, you can simply exclude eggs from the list of ingredients. Only they usually cause grief to inexperienced housewives by curling up into balls. Although, of course, the taste will be slightly different.

Personal version

Each housewife has her own carbonara pasta. Homemade recipe may include a wide variety of spices, selected to suit family preferences. But there are also often additional ingredients not included in the original recipe. One of the most interesting ideas is the mushroom one.

The ham is cut similarly to the first recipe. The second component is immediately prepared: a can of canned champignons is opened, drained and squeezed a little. First, let the mushroom strips simmer in the frying pan for a very short time. As soon as she starts to get a “tan”, the ham is poured in. While everything is fried, the spaghetti is boiled. At the moment when the meat becomes a little brown, cream is poured in - a third of a liter per 200 grams of ham. When stirring, they evaporate until they thicken slightly. Then pepper and salt are added, but no yolks are needed. It's best to season the final touch - assembling the dish. The pasta is laid out in a nest, the sauce is poured into the middle, everything is generously sprinkled with grated cheese.

Taste harmony

It is important not only to prepare the dish, but also to serve it correctly. Italians often pour raw yolk directly into the plate. Be sure to sprinkle black pepper and fresh herbs on top. As a complement - vegetable salad, seasoned not with sour cream, but with butter. The best drink The dish will be accompanied by dry wine, certainly red.

To successfully implement the recipe, it is worth considering some subtleties. Firstly, the sauce hardens quite quickly, and is delicious only hot. Moreover, it does not tolerate heating. So the carbonara pasta is placed on warmed plates. Secondly, before adding cream to the sauce, it should also be warmed up a little. But not too much so that the yolks don’t curdle. Thirdly, to obtain the characteristic bright yellow shade of the gravy, the yolks are separated from the whites four hours before cooking, salted and covered with food-grade polyethylene.

Cooking instructions

30 minutes Print

    1. Boil the spaghetti. Boil in salted water until fully cooked. Tool Pasta pan The main rule of a good pan for cooking pasta is that it should be large. To cook just half a kilo of spaghetti, you need at least five liters of water. Another problem is draining so much hot water. The problem can be solved by purchasing a pan with a special insert that can be removed along with the spaghetti, and all the water will remain in the pan.

    2. While the spaghetti is cooking, pour olive oil into a frying pan and fry the ham and bacon. It is better to cut them into strips measuring approximately 3 cm by 0.5 cm. The Belgians of Green Pan rebelled against Teflon. With the passion of a preacher, they tell us that polytetrafluoroethylene heated to more than 260 degrees is toxic and even kills some birds on the spot. Instead, a new non-stick thermolon coating is offered, which does not contain harmful chemicals and allows you to fry in a small amount of oil.

    3. In a bowl, mix three eggs, cream and all the necessary seasonings. Beat a little until smooth. Add grated cheese. Mix.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    4. Place the prepared pasta into the frying pan with the ham (which is still on the stove) and bacon, stir and add the cream and eggs. Stir well once more until the spaghetti is completely covered in cheese and cream.
    Crib How to check egg quality

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

How often housewives complain about lack of time! This is especially true for those who work and cook for the whole family, without the help of mothers, grandmothers and mothers-in-law. Indeed, you come home from work tired, but you still need to “stand watch” in the kitchen to prepare dinner at home. As I understand it! I also work full time and cook myself. That is why I am constantly looking for dishes that are tasty and satisfying, but do not require a lot of time to prepare. You should not think that there are none or very few of them. Quite the opposite - there are ones that fully meet the given requirements. Here, for example, is one of them - pasta with raw and ham and cream. You know that psta cooks quite quickly. So, the sauce for it can be prepared just during the time that the spaghetti is on the stove. And this sauce is very interesting - with cheese, cream, garlic... And if you find some smoked meat in the refrigerator, you can safely tell your family that a truly royal feast awaits them! Well, I was convincing, and are you ready to spend a little time making pasta with cheese and ham and cream, like I do? Then - head to the kitchen!

- 150 g smoked meat;
- 100 g hard cheese;
- 100 g spaghetti;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tbsp. heavy cream or sour cream;
- 1-2 cloves of garlic;
- salt, black pepper.

For decoration:
- sun-dried tomatoes;
- greens.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Well, we need to prepare a dish that turns out to be nourishing and tasty, but at the same time you won’t need to spend a lot of your time in the kitchen. In just a few minutes, dinner (or lunch) is ready. Let's get started, it's time! Our first steps are to place a pan of water on the stove and wait for it to boil. Meanwhile, we take the smoked meat out of the refrigerator. Actually, it can be any smoked meat to your taste, the most important thing is good quality. This time I had smoked veal on hand - very tender and beautiful. But usually I use ham - it turns out simply amazingly delicious!

Place a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire and fry the smoked meat in it until lightly golden. Don’t overdo it, because the meat is already ready, we just need to essentially warm it up and brown it a little.

By that time, the water in the pan has already boiled, so add some salt to it and let the spaghetti cook. You see, only about five to seven minutes have passed, and we have already done almost half the work! We don’t slow down, we continue in the same spirit. By the way, about the pasta. It doesn't have to be spaghetti - any pasta of your choice. You can even cook it yourself. But let's not get distracted - it's time for us to get to the cheese and ham pasta sauce with cream. For this, grate hard cheese on a medium or fine grater.

Then combine cheese, egg and chopped garlic.

Let's not forget about cream. They should be fat. Alternatively, they can be replaced with sour cream. Both cream and sour cream should be fresh, not sour, remember this!

Now we work with a mixer - mix all the ingredients for the sauce.

In just a minute we will have a homogeneous mass.

Salt and pepper the mixture to taste. The sauce is ready!

How's our spaghetti? Are you ready yet? Great! Let's move on to the final part. Place the pasta in a plate (preferably a deep one, a little later you will understand why).

Add fried smoked meat to the pasta (it should be warm, like spaghetti).

And we also send pasta sauce with cheese and ham and cream there.

There is a lot of sauce, it is quite liquid - that is why I recommended that you take a deep plate, remember?

Now we arm ourselves with two forks (or a fork and a spoon) and quickly and quickly mix the pasta with cheese and ham and cream.

The sauce will be evenly distributed among the spaghetti, and it will no longer seem like there is too much of it.

So what do we have with time? I'm sure you didn't spend even 20 minutes preparing such a wonderful dish! We invite everyone to the kitchen, and we ourselves will decorate the pasta a little - greens and sun-dried tomatoes will do the job perfectly.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe. As a worthy alternative, I recommend trying to cook

The variety of pasta recipes allows you to create culinary surprises, so over time the circle of fans of this tasty and satisfying dish only expands. Pasta, seasoned with fresh cream and aromatic ham, easily becomes the main dish of any table.

It is the white sauce with a mild taste that combines all the ingredients into a single appetizing ensemble. Therefore, when sautéing onions, you should use low heat and only high-quality heavy cream and butter.

Pasta made from durum wheat is guaranteed to retain its shape. Their large assortment opens up wide scope for the owner’s imagination.


  • pasta - 300 g
  • ham - 200 g
  • cream - 100 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • butter - 30 g
  • ground black pepper


1. The main highlight of this dish is the sauce made with cream and ham. Let's start with him. Add a slice of butter to a deep, thick-bottomed frying pan. Place over high heat. Let the butter melt completely.

2. Cut a large onion into cubes and place in heated oil. Stirring with a spatula, cook over low heat until the onion becomes soft. You can cover with a lid and simmer a little over low heat - literally 5-7 minutes.

3. Cut the ham into arbitrary small cubes. Add to the pan when the onion is soft. Stir. Fry over the same heat for about 3-5 minutes.

4. Add cream, salt and ground pepper to taste. Stir. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

5. Boil water in a suitable saucepan. Add a few pinches of salt and paste to the water. Stir to prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom and cook until done. Cooking time is 8–10 minutes. The pasta should be soft, but not mushy. Transfer the pasta to a sieve and rinse with warm water.