Schedule of festive events for 9. Processions, concerts, volleys

Victory Day is celebrated in Russia on May 9. In the capital, festive events were prepared in honor of the holiday. Concerts, exhibitions and other activities will be held in city squares and streets, parks and squares. The Moscow 24 portal has collected information about the main events in honor of the holiday.

Procession "Immortal Regiment"

One of the central events will be the traditional Immortal Regiment procession. Hundreds of thousands of citizens will gather at the Dynamo stadium to carry portraits of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War and honor their memory.

The "Immortal Regiment" campaign starts in Moscow at 15:00

The organizers of the event note that the number of participants in the event in 2018 could reach a million. Citizens will have to cover a distance of 5.9 kilometers on foot. The procession will end on Red Square.

Volunteers will distribute water to people along the way. You will be able to have a snack in 47 field kitchens, which are located along the route of the column.

Victory Day in the Parks

Festive venues will open in 21 capital parks. Visitors of all ages will be able to try their hand at completing a historical quest based on the battles on the Kursk Bulge, watch theatrical performances, and also see military equipment of those years. Guests can also enjoy performances by military bands and retro-style dancing. In addition, everyone will be able to taste real soldier’s porridge from the army field kitchen.

On this day, the Hermitage Garden will be transported to the difficult war years: the atmosphere of the 1940s will be recreated here. From the very morning, a brass band and a men's chamber choir will perform military songs, and at 18:00 a Victory costume ball will begin on the dance floor. Here you will hear the melodies of tango, waltz, the popular Spanish dance Rio-rita in the 1930s, as well as the fast and fiery Polish Krakowiak. Even if you don’t know how to dance at all, don’t be afraid: professional dancers will help beginners.

A military-historical quest dedicated to the battles on the Kursk Bulge will be organized in Tagansky Park. It was one of the largest tank battles in world history: about two million people and six thousand tanks took part in it on both sides. Teams of participants will learn how front-line reconnaissance, defensive operations and counter-offensives took place. The quest will last from 13:00 to 18:00, and you can join it at any time.

A “Wall of Memory” will appear in Babushkinsky Park. At this stand, visitors will be able to write the names of their relatives and friends who participated in the Great Patriotic War. There you can also leave wishes for veterans. By the way, the T-34, the most famous tank of the war years, will be exhibited in the park (this model was widely used in 1942–1947 and later served for a long time on the remote borders of the country).

Vorontsovsky Park will present a theatrical and poetic production dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and Victory Day. Guests of the park will not be left out either - everyone can become a participant in the theatrical interactive program. In the central clearing, a wartime medical center, a field kitchen, and, of course, military equipment will be installed. There will also be an exhibition of works by contemporary photographers who photograph historical reconstructions of battles.

Street events

A festive program of more than 100 special performances was prepared by participants of the Moscow Spring a Capella festival. They will perform songs of the war years on the city streets.

Live concerts will also take place on May 9 at three train stations in the capital. There, musical groups will perform songs about the Great Patriotic War. Events in honor of the holiday were prepared at the Belorussky, Rizhsky and Kazansky stations.

You can watch a light show on the Manege building in the evening. In 2018, films broadcast using video mapping technology were dedicated to the history of the cities of heroes. A similar event will be held on May 9 at the Victory Museum.


Photo: portal Moscow 24/Lidiya Shironina

You can watch the festive fireworks at 33 sites in the city, 17 of them are located in parks. The pyrotechnic show will begin on May 9 at 22:00 and will last about five minutes. During this time, more than 80 thousand salvoes will be fired into the sky over Moscow.

One of the main traditions on Victory Day is the fireworks, which everyone looks forward to. This year, fireworks will be launched from 33 points, so they can be seen in any area of ​​the capital.

The volleys of most of the largest points are always clearly visible from the bridges over the Moscow River, so the main thing is to take your seat on time. You can watch the fireworks from the Pushkinsky, Krymsky and Patriarchal bridges, as well as from the Bohdan Khmelnitsky Bridge, located a stone's throw from the Kievskaya metro station (next to Europe Square).

Another great option to watch several fireworks displays at once is to take a trip along the Moscow River on a river boat. For this, direct routes between Kievsky Station and Novospassky Bridge are most suitable.

Traditionally, most Muscovites watch fireworks at the capital's viewing platforms, and the Victory Day fireworks are no exception. The most suitable sites for this are observation areas near the buildings of Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Advice: usually a lot of people gather there, so in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is better not to go there with children.

Another excellent observation point, which few people know about, is located on the roof of the gate to Gorky Park. True, for the opportunity not only to see the fireworks, but also to examine them through the binoculars installed there, you will have to pay

Finally, you can enjoy the view of the sky with colorful lights in any of the capital’s parks. A particularly beautiful view will open from Poklonnaya Gora and the “floating bridge” of Zaryadye Park.

In addition, in central district The fireworks can be viewed from Gorky Park, Bauman Garden, Hermitage Garden, Tagansky Park and Krasnaya Presnya Park.

Public transport operation

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

On May 9, Mosgortrans routes will operate according to a Sunday schedule with the maximum number of rolling stock from 12:00 to 19:00. At the same time, during the day, 55 routes were canceled or changed due to the parade on Red Square.

The metro and MCC operate as usual - until one in the morning. During the parade, the Ploshchad Revolyutsii, Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya, Aleksandrovsky Sad, Borovitskaya and Lenin Library metro stations were open for entry and transfer only.

Lobby No. 2 of the Park Pobedy station is open only for entrance. On this day it will be possible to exit to the odd side of Kutuzovsky Prospekt towards Victory Park only from lobby No. 1.

After the parade, the central stations "Revolution Square", "Okhotny Ryad", "Alexandrovsky Sad" and "Arbatskaya" of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line, "Borovitskaya", "Lubyanka", "Kuznetsky Most", "Kitay-Gorod", "Pushkinskaya" , "Chekhovskaya", "Tverskaya", "Park Kultury" of the Sokolnicheskaya and Circle lines, as well as at the Oktyabrskaya metro station of the Circle and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya lines, "Vorobyovy Gory", "University" and "Sportivnaya" stopped accepting passengers. You can go out into the city from them.

Suburban trains on May 9 will carry passengers according to the Sunday schedule. An additional train will be assigned to the Kursk direction. In addition, 64 electric trains will additionally stop at the Moscow-Sortirovochnaya-Kyiv station - this is the closest commuter station to Poklonnaya Hill.

In the capital, there will also be closures throughout the day. What streets in the city are impossible to drive on?

Festive events on the occasion May 9 V Moscow began the day before, but the main events will take place today. How to spend this holiday and where to go in the capital? We have put together a small program of the most important and interesting events for you.

Parade on Red Square

The most important event on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 will be the military parade on Red Square. More than 12 thousand people and 120 units of military equipment will take part in this solemn parade. Among them will be presented Tiger vehicles, armored personnel carriers, missile systems, Iskander-M, S-400 and many of the best Russian tanks. The parade will end with an aviation show, where 73 helicopters and airplanes will take to the skies, including the newest Su-57 fighter.

By the way, the victory parade can also be watched from large screens that will be installed on the square of three stations, on Poklonnaya Hill and several other important celebration sites.

"Immortal Regiment"

The “Immortal Regiment” action, which has already become a tradition, will again be held in Moscow. It is dedicated to the memory of the relatives and friends of all people who lost someone in the war. The procession will begin at 15:00 from the Dynamo metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt and end on Red Square. People will gather from 13:00. All marchers bring with them portraits of their loved ones who gave their lives for the free future of the Motherland.

Main venues for Victory Day celebrations

In addition to the main events, Moscow will also host many other venues with concerts, entertainment programs, performances and much more.

On Teatralnaya Square from 19:00 to 22:00 veterans are waiting entertainment program with an orchestra and songs of the war years. Also, a large concert of military songs will be held on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. At 20:00 on Tverskaya Zastava Square near the Belorussky Station there will be a concert of “Victory Songs” performed by the Turetsky Choir and the Soprano group.

Minute of silence

A minute of silence will be announced at 18:55. At this time, it is proposed to silently remember those who died defending their homeland.

Fireworks in honor of Victory Day

Of course, the holiday will end with a ceremonial fireworks display. According to the Ministry of Defense, on May 9, the Moscow sky will be lit up with five thousand fireworks. Holiday lights will come in 550 colors and shades. Fireworks will open at an altitude of 350 meters. To launch fireworks and salutes, installations of four calibers will be used - 105 mm, 125 mm, 195 mm and 310 mm. Moreover, on Poklonnaya Hill, at one of the fireworks sites, ZiS-3 guns from the Great Patriotic War will be used Patriotic War, which, as the military says, will “provide noise accompaniment” to complete the effect.

Mikhail Terentyev

Holidays 2020
Holiday calendar
Weekends: holiday transfer scheme

On this page we provide a calendar of non-working holidays and weekends for 2020 and 2019, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Holidays and weekends in 2020

(Government Decree Russian Federation"On postponing holidays in 2020" dated July 10, 2019 No. 875)

For reference:

In 2020, there are 248 working days in Russia (including 5 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of holidays in 2020 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only two such transfers:
light purple arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 5 (Monday);
light blue - from January 7 (Sunday) to May 2 (Wednesday)

- About shortened working days: directly

The government decree on the 2020 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government - 07/10/19. The scheme for transferring holidays in 2020 is very simple and fits into two lines:



About postponing holidays in 2020

Move the following holidays to 2020:

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Holidays and weekends in 2019

(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the postponement of weekends in 2019" dated... 2018 No. ..., approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev... 2018)

To enlarge the calendar image, click on it!

For reference:

In 2019, there are 247 working days in Russia (including 6 shortened working days) and 118 weekends (including 14 holidays).

- Rules for transferring days off: The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes 14 non-working holidays per year - these are January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - the general New Year holidays, January 7- Christmas, February 23- Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8- International Women's Day, May 1 - Spring and Labor Day, May 9- Victory Day, June 12- Russia Day and November 4- Day of National Unity.
If a non-working holiday coincides with a day off, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday. The scheme for the transfer of weekends in 2019 submitted for approval is shown in the calendar - there are only three such transfers:
light blue arrow - from January 5 (Saturday) to May 2 (Thursday);
light purple - from January 6 (Sunday) to May 3 (Friday);
light pink - from February 23 (Saturday) to May 10 (Friday).

- About shortened working days: Length of working day directly preceding a non-working holiday, is reduced by 1 hour.

The government decree on the 2019 holidays was approved by the Chairman of the Government in September 2018:



dated 2018 No.


About postponing holidays in 2019

For the purpose of rational use by employees of weekends and non-working holidays, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Move the following holidays to 2019:

From Saturday 5 January to Thursday 2 May;
from Sunday 6 January to Friday 3 May;
from Saturday 23 February to Friday 10 May.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation YES. Medvedev

Weekend transfer scheme.

Weekend transfer scheme.

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