A new commander has been appointed in the central military district. New appointments to leadership positions have been made in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Head of combat training of the Central Military District

In Yekaterinburg, the new commander of the Central Military District - the largest in Russia - a 53-year-old lieutenant general of tank forces took office Alexander Lapin. The general received a promotion after successfully fulfilling his duties on a Middle Eastern mission, where he served as chief of staff of the Russian Armed Forces group in the Syrian Arab Republic.

The day before, the standard of the commander of the district troops was presented to Lapin by the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov. "By presidential decree Russian Federation On November 22, Lieutenant General Alexander Pavlovich Lapin was appointed to the military post of commander of the troops of the Central Military District,” he announced.

Lapin’s appointment completed the rotation of district chiefs: now all four military formations are headed by military personnel with experience in the war in Syria.
Former commander of the Central Military District, 59-year-old Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitskystood out from this series: his business trip to Syria lasted three days, after which the president of this country, Bashar Assad, asked the Russian leadership to return to headquarters Colonel General Sergei Surovikin, whom Zarudnitsky had flown to replace him.

You can learn about who General Lapin is from his frank story about himself.
Born on January 1, 1964 in Kazan. After school he entered the Institute of Chemical Technology, in 1982 he was drafted into the army and served in a remote garrison in the Kazakh steppe. According to Lapin, there was very strong hazing in the unit. The old-timers beat him and the other young people every day and more than once.“They beat me, but I thought: I will become an officer and spend my whole life so that there is no hazing in the army.This thought helped me. When I wrote a report for the first time, 8 months later, that I wanted to enter a military school, the old-timers beat me and said: you won’t be an officer. And I did. He served for 22 months and entered the Kazan Tank School. Why exactly there? After the film “Officers” was released, tankers, one might say, were in fashion,” Alexander Lapin recalled in an interview.
After military school, Lapin went from lieutenant to general. Served as commander of a tank platoon, company, and battalion. He held various positions in the Leningrad Military District and in the Northern Fleet. After graduating from the Military Academy of Armored Forces, he was sent to the 58th Combined Arms Army of the North Caucasus Military District, where he served as commander of a separate tank battalion.Since 1999 - chief of staff, then commander of the separate 429th motorized rifle regiment of the 19th motorized rifle division in Mozdok. In the early 2000s, he served as chief of staff of the 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division in Volgograd. In 2003-06 he commanded the 205th separate motorized rifle brigade in Budyonnovsk, Stavropol Territory, in 2006-07 - the 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division.
After graduating from the General Staff Academy, he served as deputy commander of the 58th Army. In 2012, he became commander of the 20th Guards Combined Arms Army of the Western Military District. In 2014, he was appointed to the position of Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Eastern Military District, Colonel General Sergei Surovikin.It must be said that Lapin and Surovikin crossed their career paths more than once. Both served in the North Caucasus and took part in the Chechen wars. Both served in the 20th Army, where at different times Surovikin was deputy commander, and Lapin commanded it. Later they served together in the Eastern District and in Syria. Moreover, Lapin became known for regularly flying to the front line in Syria.

General Lapin has no illusions about the future and believes that Russia needs to prepare for war: “War is inevitable. She was, is and will be. This is a problem, the cross of our civilization.”
He considers the main quality of a real officer to be ready to die at any moment in the interests of the Motherland. Considers him an example of selflessness battle of Borodino, in which 40 Russian and 49 French generals were killed.

Lapin was appointed to command the key, largest military district in Russia. It is located on an area of ​​7.06 million square meters. km - more than 40% of the country's territory, and includes 29 federal subjects. The Central Military District also includes the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan, the Kant airbase in Kyrgyzstan, military units and facilities in Kazakhstan.The district is armed with all types of weapons existing in the country. On the territory of the Central Military District there are long-range aviation bases, although they are directly subordinate to Moscow. On the territory of the Central Military District there are two central tank reserve bases - in Verkhnyaya Pyshma in Sverdlovsk region and Kozulka in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The exact numbers of storage units for tanks and other armored vehicles are classified. But, according to experts, there is no less equipment deployed there than is currently in service with the army. Having such power at his command, Lapin’s task is to maintain troops in a state of combat readiness, especially against the background of the current aggravation of international relations.

“There are only two states in the army: either it is at war, or it is preparing for war,” said military expert, retired colonel Viktor Litovkin. “We must admit that Syria has given the country unique experience in conducting combat operations in difficult conditions. Not only generals, but also our pilots and sailors went through this military conflict. Essentially, we tested modern Russian technology, and it performed very well. That is why today people with experience in conducting real combat operations are worth their weight in gold. We understand perfectly well that we live in very turbulent times: in addition to Syria, the conflict with Ukraine has not been resolved, and relations with the West continue to worsen. Russia must be ready for any challenges and threats. I believe that those military leaders who refused to go to Syria had their further careers suspended».

“All commanders of military districts today have actually gone through the war in Syria. I think that this is precisely the professional wisdom of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu - not only ordinary military personnel, but also their leaders took a direct part in this conflict. In fact, the generals were immersed in the conditions of modern war, explains military observer, reserve colonel Alexander Zhilin. “They saw with their own eyes, and not in theory, what it was.That's why The current commanders are by no means armchair bosses or theorists. Today we are betting on them. Our military showed themselves there very honorably - in particular, we saw the brilliant work of the General Staff headed by Valery Gerasimov. In essence, we have tested in Syria everything that is necessary in the event that Ukraine follows the lead of the West and stages an anti-Russian military provocation.”

Appointed commander of the troops of the Central Military District (CMD). He replaced Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky in this post, who headed the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Central Military District (CMD) is a military-administrative unit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​responsibility of the Central Military District includes the Siberian, Ural and Volga Federal Districts, a total of 29 subjects of the Federation. Total area - 7.06 million square meters. km.

It was formed in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev dated September 20, 2010 on the basis of the Volga-Ural Military District and part of the troops of the Siberian Military District. The Central Military District also included the 2nd Air Force and Air Defense Command.

Composition of the district

The Central Military District includes two combined arms armies: the 2nd Guards (headquarters in Samara) and the 41st (Novosibirsk), the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army (created on the basis of the 2nd Command, Yekaterinburg). The district also includes the 90th Guards Tank Division (Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region), the 119th separate missile brigade (Elan, Sverdlovsk region), the 30th separate motorized rifle brigade (Samara) and a number of other formations, military units and organizations (mobile brigade for radiation, chemical and biological protection, three railway brigades, etc.)

The 31st Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade of the Airborne Forces (Ulyanovsk) and two separate special-purpose brigades are stationed on the territory of the Central Military District: the 3rd Guards (Togliatti) and the 24th (Novosibirsk).

The Central Military District also includes the 201st Gatchina military base (Dushanbe, Tajikistan), the Kant airbase in Kyrgyzstan, as well as units in Kazakhstan.

The operational subordination of the commander of the Eastern Military District also includes formations of the Border Service of the FSB, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments of the Russian Federation that perform tasks in the district. By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, formations and military units of the Russian Guard may be transferred to the operational subordination of the commander of the military district of the RF Armed Forces.

The headquarters of the Central Military District is located in Yekaterinburg.

Current state

According to information from the commander of the Central Military District, Vladimir Zarudnitsky, in 2016, the district’s units received more than 900 systems and models of weapons and special equipment. Tank units were re-equipped with T-72B3 tanks, anti-aircraft regiments received Pantsir-S self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems, and the 119th Missile Brigade received a set of the Iskandr-M operational-tactical missile system. In total, according to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, over the past three years, seven formations, two military units and 33 units have been completely re-equipped, which increased the combat power of the district by 24%.

In 2016, 52 organizational events, the plan for recruiting military personnel under the contract was fulfilled 100%. In 2016, district personnel participated in eliminating the consequences emergency situations: military personnel extinguished forest fires in the Baikal region, eliminated the consequences of an anthrax outbreak in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The 2nd Guards Combined Arms Army was recognized as the best formation of the Central Military District in 2017.


The first commander of the Central Military District in 2010-2012 was Lieutenant General Vladimir Chirkin (in 2012-2013 - Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; in 2013 he was convicted on charges of fraud, in 2015 he was released after an appeal).

In April - November 2012, the district was commanded by Colonel General Valery Gerasimov (now the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces).

In 2012-2014 - Colonel General Nikolai Bogdanovsky (now First Deputy Chief of the General Staff).

Before Alexander Lapin, the Central Military District was headed by Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky.

Lieutenant General Alexander Lapin has been appointed the new head of the Central Military District. The officer came to Yekaterinburg straight from Syria, where he led Russian troops. Immediately upon returning from combat operations, the military man was promoted to district commander. Little is known about the general himself. Like all military personnel, most of Alexander Pavlovich’s life is classified. Former colleagues only dryly say: “Responsible, very honest and worthy person, the best tanker.” In official sources there is only a brief biographical information.

To get to know the new head of the military district better, Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes the most interesting quotes from General Alexander Lapin.


My life does not belong to me ever since I went to serve the Motherland, the Fatherland, and the people. I remember my life with early childhood. Born into a working-class family in a barracks on the outskirts of Kazan. They lived very poorly. Even in distant relatives there was no one with higher education. I lost my father early and early on I thought that I had to take everything into my own hands, work, study. When I think about my mother, I first of all worry about how much I can give her with my support, in words, and actions. Love for my mother for me is, first of all, caring for her. I guess I'm keeping her in this life. I tell her: “You must live.”


For as long as I can remember, I have always been delirious about war and adventure. At first, however, he took a step aside - he passed the exams at the Institute of Chemical Technology. But I quickly realized: not mine. He joined the army for compulsory service. I ended up in Kazakhstan, in the middle of nowhere, 200 kilometers from the nearest town. Hazing in the unit was terrible. For the first six months they beat me brutally, several times a day. But I am convinced that it was the Lord God who taught me humility. They beat me, but I thought: I will become an officer and spend my whole life so that there is no hazing in the army. This thought helped me. When I wrote a report that I wanted to enter a military school, the old-timers beat me and said, “You won’t be an officer.” And I did. He served for 22 months and entered the Kazan Tank School. Why there? After the film "Officers" tankers were in vogue. I reviewed the picture many times and remembered three main phrases: “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland,” “Discipline is the first law of military service,” and “A commander must think, and not wave a saber.” These three postulates became the starting points for my whole life.

“MY WIFE DEVOTED HERSELF TO THE FATHERLAND” Main feature an officer's wife - the ability to wait for her husband. Sometimes you have to wait for weeks, months, six months. Service separates the husband from his wife, and the wife from her acquaintances, from her usual life. All the time getting ready and moving. Where? For what? How will life be in the new place? An ordinary woman will not cope with this unless she learns humility. If she doesn’t understand: her husband belongs to the state. Family comes second to an officer. And the Motherland is the first. To devote oneself to such a husband means to devote oneself to the Fatherland. You say: “There are few such women.” Right. But there are only a few of us like that.

“IF YOU DIDN’T SAVE A SOLDIER IN WAR, IT MEANS YOU DIDN’T TEACH” War is inevitable. She was, is and will be. This is the misfortune and cross of our civilization. The main lesson that the war taught me personally is to take care of the people for whom you are responsible. First of all, teach them to perform a combat mission skillfully and competently. If you didn’t save it, it means you didn’t teach it. Behind each fighter is not a medallion with a name, not a line in a report, but a whole life, his family, his future, unborn children. The loss of everyone is a tragedy for me.


Sometimes they say: a soldier’s feat is the result of a commander’s mistake. I strongly disagree! A feat is a reflection of the hero’s inner content. Only those who are spiritually rich are capable of feat. Who prepares for it all his life. Recently, during fire training classes, a grenade hit the camouflage mitten of a reconnaissance soldier. His commander, Senior Lieutenant Kiryanov, had a second to make a decision, and two more to implement it: in the fourth second, the grenade exploded. Can you imagine? A second to decide, two to execute. And this time was enough for him to grab a grenade and throw it over the parapet. He rushed to the soldier without hesitation: he was internally ready for this feat. This is a great officer! We nominated him for the Order of Courage, but I think he deserves more. Such actions are necessary for our spiritual, moral self. To follow their example, don’t become ossified, don’t harden.


Any position is difficult. When I was a company commander, I thought: nothing could be harder. Received a regiment - dear mother! Just a few hours of rest! Then he commanded a brigade of constant combat readiness. I lived on the landfills and thought that this was the edge! Now he is the commander of the army. I remember the times when I was a division commander, then I could at least sometimes raise my head. The higher, the more difficult. If you are a responsible person, you worry about the assigned area. Sometimes you come home and fall without legs and feelings. When failures happen, when things don’t work out, you can’t sleep. You understand: you have to get up soon, you need to somehow replenish your energy, but you can’t fall asleep. Then I ask my wife to take a drop of Corvalol - it helps.


For me, happiness is certainly not the general’s stars. This is an opportunity to be useful to the country and people. This is the meaning of my life. Deprive me of this meaning - I will be lost. I remember checking out the outpost one night. There were shortcomings there. He lined up the soldiers in two ranks and asked the officers to step back. I ask: “Which of you is ready to die doing your duty?” Silence. 5, 10, 20 seconds. There is a storm in my soul: is it really no one?! And suddenly a soldier from the first rank takes a step forward; in the darkness I couldn’t even see his face. And behind him the whole formation steps forward. This is worth living for,” the general told the project of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Voenternet.

Help "KP" Alexander Lapin was born on January 1, 1964 in Kazan. He began his conscript military service in 1982 as a rifleman. After graduating from the tank command school, he served in the Leningrad Military District, the Northern Fleet and the North Caucasus Military District. After graduating from the armored academy, he was the commander of a separate tank battalion, then the chief of staff and commander of a separate tank regiment of the 19th motorized rifle division of the 58th army. From 2003 to 2006 - commander of a separate motorized rifle brigade, from 2006 to 2007 - commander of the 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division. Since 2009, he served as deputy commander of the 58th Army in Vladikavkaz. In 2014, he was appointed chief of staff of the Eastern Military District. Until recently, he served as chief of staff of the Russian Armed Forces group in Syria. Married, has a son. Awarded the Order of Military Merit.

A military district is a combined arms formation located in a certain territory. In many states, it is customary to divide the country's territory into districts for conducting various military activities. Russia adheres to the same division. New military districts of the Russian Federation are being formed to optimize management

History of military districts

IN Russian Empire the districts appeared in 1862-1864. At first there were fifteen of them. In the nineteenth century, after serfdom was abolished, the period of military service was reduced to six years. And those who were released from service were enlisted in the militia. The structure of the military districts consisted of a council, headquarters, quartermaster department, artillery, engineering and military medical departments, and inspection of military hospitals.

By the First World War, the number of military districts was reduced to thirteen, in the RSFSR - to eleven. In the USSR at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War there were sixteen Baltic, Kiev and Leningrad fronts transformed into the Western, Northern, Northwestern and Southwestern Front. In other districts, mobilization work was carried out. Already in August 1941, two hundred and ninety-one divisions and ninety-four brigades from internal formations were sent to the army. The number of military districts changed during the war years, as some of them were also transformed into fronts.

After the war, the fronts were again transformed into military districts. In addition to the existing ones, new ones were created. There were a total of thirty-two districts immediately after the war. However, by 1948 their number again decreased significantly. In 1983, there were sixteen of them again in the USSR.

The military districts of the Russian Federation were reduced to five, and in 2010 - to four. Now they are called: Southern, Western, Eastern and Central. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

Central Military District

During the reform carried out in 2008-2010, by Presidential Decree of September 20, 2010, a Central Military District was formed in the territories of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia.
It is the largest Russian military district, located on an area of ​​seven million sixty thousand square kilometers, representing more than forty percent of Russia's territory, with a population of about sixty million people (thirty-nine percent of the population).

History of the Central Military District

On December 1, 2010, the Central Military District was formed. Yekaterinburg became the city where his headquarters were located. The Central Military District included troops of the Volga-Ural and Siberian military districts, as well as the Second Air Force and Air Defense Command. The Central Military District troops are located in three federal districts: the Ural, Volga and part of the Siberian.

The Central Military District is subordinate to all branches of Russia, except for space and strategic missile forces. Also subordinate to him are other departments, such as the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Border Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments and ministries that perform certain tasks in the district.


The headquarters of the Central Military District is located in the Sverdlovsk region in the city of Yekaterinburg. Headquarters address: Yekaterinburg, Lenin Street, building 71, index - 620219.

Central Military District Command

From the beginning of the formation of the Central Military District, Lieutenant General V.V. Chirkin was appointed acting Commander, and from the next year he became Commander of the Central Military District.
In 2012, three people were replaced in this position:

  1. Gerasimov V.V., Colonel General (since April).
  2. Dvornikov A.V., Major General (acting since November).
  3. Bogdanovsky N.V., Colonel General (since December).

The commander of the Central Military District is currently Colonel General V.B. Zarudnitsky. He was born in 1958 in the city of Abinsk, Krasnodar Territory, graduated from the combined arms command school in Vladikavkaz, the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze and the Military Academy of the General Staff. He went through the path of platoon commander, regimental reconnaissance chief, regiment commander, chief of staff and reached the position of deputy chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. He has been Commander of the Central Military District since June 12, 2014.

Zarudnitsky V.B. replaced Colonel General N.V. Bogdanovsky, who held this position since the end of 2012. By the way, N.V. Bogdanovsky did not resign, but, on the contrary, took the newly restored position of Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation.

Structure of the Central Military District

The Central Military District combines combined arms armies (consisting of the Second Guards Red Banner Combined Arms Army and the Forty-First Combined Arms Army), combined arms formations (the Second Command of the Air Force and Air Defense), military units and comprehensive support organizations (the two hundred and first Gatchina Order of Zhukov, twice Red Banner military base and Kant airbase in Kyrgyzstan).

Modernization of the Russian Armed Forces

In 2011, the State Armament Program for 2011-2020 was adopted. A large-scale replacement of outdated equipment with modern equipment and its updating is being carried out. The military districts of the Russian Federation have already received a significant amount of modern military equipment and this work will continue.

However, due to the economic and political crisis, the program to re-equip the Russian Armed Forces may take longer than previously planned. Both the President and the Prime Minister have already spoken about this. According to V.V. Putin, the period for implementing the program will have to be increased, and D.A. Medvedev stated that the defense budget in 2015 would be reduced by five percent and that in general the expenditures of more than twenty trillion rubles declared in the state program must be adjusted.

However, despite the complexity of the situation, Government program continues to function and all military districts receive updated modern equipment, including the Central Military District of the Russian Federation. In 2014, the ground forces acquired 294 repaired and modernized tanks, 296 repaired and new armored vehicles, and almost five thousand vehicles. The missile units received two Iskander-M missile systems and two S-300V4 anti-aircraft systems.

The Air Force now has 142 aircraft and 135 helicopters of various types in service. Three new submarines were delivered to the Navy: the missile carrier Vladimir Monomakh, the nuclear submarines Severodvinsk and Novorossiysk. In the coming years, five ships and ten combat boats will be commissioned.

Naval strategic nuclear forces received the Yuri Dolgoruky nuclear-powered missile submarine and R-30 Bulava ballistic missiles. In total, last year the fleet was replenished with 22 missiles for submarines. New launch sites were built at the Plesetsk cosmodrome by the VKO troops. They also put two radar stations on combat duty. The other two began experimental combat duty.

The strategic ones were replenished with three regiments, which are armed with the Yars rocket launcher. The Strategic Missile Forces built sixteen intercontinental missiles.
The Airborne Forces in 2015, after military tests of the previous year, will receive sixty-four BMD-4M and twenty BTR-MDM armored personnel carriers.

The equipment in service is constantly being repaired and modernized.
The military department is creating types of equipment with similar characteristics to those purchased abroad, thanks to which it is planned to significantly reduce the cost of re-equipping the army.

Modernization of Central Military District

By the spring of 2015, the Central Military District had already received new electronic warfare training systems, modernized navigators and the latest thermal imagers for reconnaissance officers, the latest Tachyon drones, the Pereselenets digital communications complex, 1P63 collimator sights, and UAZ Patriot vehicles.

Events in military districts in 2014

Last year, on the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, surprise combat readiness checks continued. They affected the Western, Eastern and Central military districts.
Their main goal is to check the condition of the troops and their combat readiness.

The inspection focused on preparing battalion tactical groups and command and control units to perform tasks in unfamiliar terrain.
During inspections, the Air Force increased the flight time of pilots, and the Navy increased the number of sailors.
The number of parachute jumps in the Airborne Forces has increased by sixty percent.
One hundred and twenty-five competitions for tank crews and eighty-five for pilots were held within the framework of the Tank Biathlon and Aviadarts project. They involved more than six hundred tanks and five hundred aircraft. In total, eighty-seven thousand people took part in all sporting events and competitions.

The work of the National Defense Control Center, designed to track and control troops, began. This Center is capable of managing individual units of the Russian Armed Forces, interdepartmental and even international groups.
In each of the military districts, similar control centers began to function, interacting with the main Center and troops. Such an organization ensures high combat effectiveness of troops, based on correct and timely adoption of the necessary decisions.

Central Military District exercises in 2015

The main teachings Russian army in 2015 there will be exercises “Center-2015”, which will take place on the territory of the Central Military District. Troops of the Central Military District and military personnel from various security agencies will take part in it. In total, the number of military personnel will be tens of thousands.

The events will take place in unfamiliar areas. In some regions, the mobilization task will be practiced. All types of the latest weapons will be used, during the use of which research issues will also be resolved. Commanders must use all possible forces and means, reducing, as far as possible, the time for making decisions.