How indifference is destructive for a person. An indifferent person in most cases deliberately puts on a “mask” of indifference

Indifference is a very immoral phenomenon that gives rise to various vices. It often leads to tragedies, when human lives are broken and dreams are destroyed. M. Gorky said that indifference is dangerous for the human soul. I agree with him, because it deprives us of interest in life and people. This idea is confirmed by many works of Russian literature.

Gorky himself, in his play “At the Lower Depths,” shows a marginal society in which indifference and indifference to the fate of one’s neighbor reigns. The heroes gathered in the shelter, although they live under the same roof, remain indifferent to each other’s troubles. These people are cruel, many of them have already begun to lose that humanity without which they cannot live. They don't know how to be compassionate: dying Anna does not arouse their pity, she only disturbs them with her cough. The Drunken Actor “runs into” Bubnov’s condemnation, because he still believes in his recovery, in the theatrical talent that, perhaps, still lives in him, although he does not have a single full-fledged role in his memory. The night shelters also laugh unkindly at the romantic Nastya, who dreams of love and composes stories based on what she reads. romance novels. In general, Gorky’s heroes are deaf to the experiences of others, and this indifference destroys them as people, turning them into indifferent creatures who are destined to spend their entire meager lives in this God-forsaken place described by the author.

Although not with such force, the destructive power of indifference is still shown in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Bela, a girl stolen from her home, becomes a toy for the main character Grigory Pechorin. The hero becomes interested in her and keeps her with him. Bela suffers greatly from this, and Pechorin, with the exception of rare moments, remains indifferent to her misfortune. He is shown to be a selfish person who is confident that he is right and does not even think about what his actions mean to others. The circumstances are such that Bela dies in pursuit at the hands of Kazbich: Pechorin is also indirectly guilty of this. Only after this does the hero seem to repent of what he has done, but this cannot change anything. “The love of a savage,” in his opinion, is no different from the love of a society young lady. Gregory talks about women as if they were things, and such indifference destroys his soul. He admits this in his numerous monologues from the Diary.

Indifference can make the life of a person and his loved ones unbearable; it truly destroys souls. Perhaps it is he who needs to be defeated first, and then humanity will again remember true morality, which is so lacking these days.

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Why is indifference dangerous? To answer this question, you need to understand the term itself. In my opinion, indifference is an indifferent attitude towards people, towards the environment, towards what is happening. People with this quality have been encountered at all times. The reasons for indifference are different, but we can say with confidence that it is directly related to selfishness. People who are indifferent to everything cannot but be selfish. And now we will try to understand why indifference is still dangerous.

In literature we can see many examples of human indifference, as well as its consequences. In addition, there are situations in which people show their indifference, and, perhaps, the internal torment of the selfish heroes of the works.

Let's look at a couple of examples from fiction.

The theme of indifference is raised in N.V. Gogol’s work “The Overcoat”. In this story the author presented the image little man with your little desires and possibilities. The dream of an overcoat for Akaki Akakievich was the only joy in life. In order to earn money for her, he saved on everything: he even went to bed early so as not to spend money on light. Finally, having bought an overcoat, the main character is immensely happy, everyone praises his purchase. But, returning home late in the evening, Akaki Akakievich is left without an overcoat. He is robbed and left in a snowdrift. The people who committed this atrocity, I am sure, are the most selfish. They didn’t care what kind of person he was, how scrupulously he saved money for his overcoat, how important it was to him. They thought only about themselves, and their indifference will continue to push the thieves to new atrocities.

In addition, an example from literature can be the story “The Man in a Case” by A.P. Chekhov. Main character works - Belikov, teacher of Greek. He was known throughout the city because of his “case” considerations. Belikov always tried to protect himself from everything, and had a negative attitude towards any deviations from the norm. It so happened that a new teacher was appointed to the gymnasium, who arrived with his sister, who immediately made an impression on everyone in the gymnasium, including Belikov. The main character walks with her and falls in love. However, he is very deeply impressed by the caricature in which he is depicted, and then by his beloved’s laughter, which hurt Belikov very much. Arriving home, he goes to bed, and a month later he dies. And in this work we clearly see how society does not understand and does not accept the considerations of an individual person. It treats him indifferently, indifferently, which ultimately destroys the main character.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the consequences of people’s indifference are often very tragic, and this is confirmed by a huge number of examples from life and literature. Indifference is one of the worst qualities of a person, which destroys not only himself, but also everyone around him.

Indifference is one of the human emotions or even a character trait of phlegmatic people. This is a state when a person does not rejoice at other people’s victories, does not sympathize with other people’s grief. In appearance, such people are calm, indifferent, and sad. Such a person can also be called selfish. How can you not help those in need? Avoid the beggar? After all, a person asks for help when absolutely necessary, when there is no way to cope on his own. It is inhumane to show indifference in such situations. You must always remember that today you helped, and tomorrow they will help you. Only no one helps soulless people; they are bypassed in order to completely exclude their presence in their lives.

Literary figures showed indifference in their works extremely cruelly. After reading books with such an idea, I want to rethink my behavior and think about whether I am like the indifferent characters?

The epic novel War and Peace touches on many aspects of human character. One of these is indifference. A suitable example for “dangerous” indifference is the behavior of the man himself. He saw that the battle was not going in his favor and rushed to flee, leaving his loyal army in the most difficult conditions. Thus, his indifference led to the death of many people whom he did not lead.

Selfish Ranevskaya - the heroine of the play by A.P. Chekhov " Cherry Orchard"left her daughters to survive alone. She didn’t think about them, about their existence and future. Only pride was the main character trait of this woman. Ranevskaya always treated servants with disdain and, as a result, left Firs locked up.

So, indifference to human destiny will never be rewarded. Indifference in both examples led to the most terrible ending - death and collapse. The danger of indifference is that it can influence the fate of others. Who knows what the fate of these heroes would have been. And such stories can be quite real and happen today.

Seeing a person in need, the modern generation will grimace, turn away, and maybe even snort. And tomorrow such a person may no longer exist. Maybe he asked for money for food or for an expensive operation. People need to become more humane and kinder, to treat what is happening with understanding. This will help not to become hardened in soul, and maybe save someone’s life.

It's never too late to try to become kinder and do good deeds!

We face indifference every day. When we encounter this quality in other people, we judge them, often without noticing the flaw in ourselves.

This article will look at what indifference is, its manifestations, why and how dangerous it is.


Indifference can be seen as both a character trait and a condition caused by external factors.

In the dictionary they give following definition indifference - lack of interest in the world around us, people, and oneself. But the concept is deeper and more multifaceted.

An indifferent person may not care about himself if his condition is caused by stress, or he may be a complete egoist and cynic, caring only about his own needs. Some people show indifference to the grief of strangers, while others hurt those closest to them in this way.

Indifference in any of its manifestations is scary and destructive.

Indifference as a defensive reaction of the psyche

Indifference is one of the manifestations of apathy, deliberate inaction when a person gives up and does not try to fight circumstances. This condition is caused by severe nervous tension, constant stress, and traumatic events. The human brain in this way prevents nervous exhaustion, which can lead to death.

What is indifference? This is psychological protection. A kind of energy saving mode. Staying in this state for a long time is a direct path to depression.

How to bring back the taste for life

How to get out of an apathetic state and begin to feel the joy of life again, and not give up in the face of difficulties? If indifference is caused by overwork, best medicine- rest. The nicer and brighter it is, the better. This method does not help in all cases.

You can cope with indifference and awaken interest in something with the help of such a psychological technique as convincing yourself of the opposite. As soon as you decide to give up everything and not waste time, the principle of the opposite will work and the desire to act will appear, you will feel sorry for the wasted effort.

If apathy is strong and there is simply no strength for psychological experiments, you can get out of the situation by forcing yourself to do important and urgent things. Even by participating in the slightest degree in the work process, a person becomes involved, begins to become interested, and indifference goes away.

How indifference manifests itself in various areas of life

The following types of indifference are distinguished:

  • in relation to a partner;
  • in relation to other people;
  • in relation to work;
  • in relation to children;
  • in relation to public life.

Indifference is one of the problems in family life: feelings have cooled down, the habit remains, the spouses move away from each other, living together by inertia. Feeling the indifference of a loved one is painful and offensive. But if there are no mutual feelings left, the best solution is separation.

Fatigue, eternal haste, prolonged stress lead to an indifferent attitude towards others, when you don’t feel sorry for an old man begging for alms or a person who has lost consciousness on the street. An indifferent person will pass by. Such people also experience difficulties in everyday communication with colleagues and relatives. They don't have close friends. Indifference, like an invisible dome, separates them from the world.

Loss of interest in work, reluctance to improve in the profession, to fulfill one’s duties are manifestations of indifference. What does such an attitude give a person in the end? Lack of career prospects, tense relationships with superiors. Not every employer is ready to tolerate an employee who lacks initiative and cannot cope with the task.

Parental indifference cripples the psyche of children. Without care and attention, a child becomes aggressive and lags behind in mental and mental development. Children, faced with such an attitude, adopt it, growing up no less indifferent than their parents.

A person who is indifferent to public life, politics, and the environment shifts his civic responsibility onto the shoulders of other people. He does not understand that such indifference worsens the quality of his life. Without declaring your rights, it is impossible to achieve improvements; allowing nature to be destroyed will not solve environmental problems.

Indifference as a character trait

An indifferent person does not think at all about the feelings of others, he does not care about any social problems. The only thing that might interest him is his own needs. It is in such people that indifference is a personality quality, a character trait. It develops in children deprived of parental love and care, faced with indifference and not seeing an example of other relationships between people.

Indifference manifests itself in such people:

  • lack of empathy,
  • prudence,
  • cynicism
  • lack of inclusion even in significant relationships.

An indifferent person, passing by a crime being committed, will always justify himself by saying that there are police to solve such problems, and he did nothing wrong.

Point of indifference. What is it?

Interesting fact: the term “indifference” is used not only in psychology, but also in economics. The concept of “point of indifference” implies a combination of production factors of an enterprise and the volume of its products, at which an increase in one of the factors entails an increase in costs equal to an increase in income from the increase in production volume due to an increase in the mentioned factor.

Indifference is a terrible phenomenon. It destroys not only those to whom they are indifferent, but also those who are indifferent, because our feelings have a huge impact on us and our destinies. It seems to me that everyone chooses for themselves whether to be a cold person or one with a trembling soul: even having fully experienced the injustice of life, you can remain a merciful person, capable of compassion and good deeds. Unfortunately, the number of such people is decreasing, which is why the world is becoming crueler. This is very dangerous for humanity, because if such people disappear, goodness, sincerity, and generosity will also disappear. The problem of indifference is a burning problem, and it is reflected in the pages of literature.
All literature is devoted to human feelings, one of the great thinkers even called it “human studies,” and the feeling of indifference with its consequences did not pass by. The works of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky “Telegram” are a vivid example of this. This story clearly shows what indifference to loved ones ultimately leads to. In this case, it is Nastya’s indifference to her mother, Katerina Petrovna, who very badly needs her, her love, support, and care. But Nastya only sends money every two or three months, not suspecting that it is not money that can satisfy her most important need. Nastya does not show real concern in her letters either; she only notifies her of her deep busyness, which, in turn, was not busy at all. The fact that Pershin admires the care and responsibility of Anastasia Semyonovna speaks about pseudo-employment: it was possible not to take on young Timofeev, but to contribute to the “improvement” of Katerina Petrovna, rather than the artist. When the courier gives Nastya a letter announcing her mother’s imminent death, she cries not about this, but from embarrassment caused by the applause. The feeling of guilt intensifies under the mocking gaze of Gorky and, unable to bear it, she still leaves the exhibition, but too late. It’s too late, because she always thinks about “crowded trains, transferring to a narrow-gauge railway, a shaking cart, a withered garden, inevitable maternal tears, about the viscous, uncolored boredom of rural days,” and she is too lazy to go to her homeland, she is selfish, not understands how hard it is for a mother alone in Zaborye, while strangers, Manyushka and Tikhon, feel sorry for and help the old woman. Nastya doesn’t have time for the funeral; she mourns Katerina Petrovna all night in an empty, dark room, which life has abandoned. This is her sentence, a sentence for inattention and indifference towards herself important person in the world.
Thus, indifference kills a person, kills his soul, faith, ability to feel. Reading stories such as “Telegram” by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, I once again understand that you need to take care and love your relatives, in the everyday bustle, do not forget about them, call, write, come to them and, of course, help them in old age.