What percentage of alcohol is in beer? Strong guy: how many degrees in beer Types of intoxicating drinks.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink with a long history; in addition, it is the most popular in the world. There are many types of alcohol, they all differ in production techniques, as well as in strength, that is, the percentage of ethyl alcohol.

This is a foamy drink that is produced on the basis of malt wort (from barley), with the help of brewer's yeast and hops. The average alcohol content in beer is 3-5.5%. Creating foam is difficult process, which includes the production of beer wort - malt is brewed with hops for several hours, yeast is added, and it matures. The duration of ripening depends on the brand, and can be from several days to several months. Next, the foam goes through filtration, preservatives are added, and it can already be consumed. The following are formed in the finished foam: alcohol, phytoestrogens, carbon dioxide, fusel oils.

The best and highest quality is considered to be traditional foam, which contains nothing but barley, hops, yeast and water. In some varieties, barley is partially or completely replaced by wheat, rice, corn and rye grains.

Bottom-fermented foam is the most popular and main product on the market, accounting for 90% of total sales turnover. It is usually called lager, and the production has the same name - lager. Bottom fermentation occurs due to special yeast, and for a long time due to low temperature of 5-10 °C. The taste becomes very rich.

The duration of top fermentation is much shorter. Occurs at a temperature of 15-20 °C due to top-fermenting yeast, and takes little time. Varieties of this method include ale and porter.

The indicator on the label of intoxicating drink indicates the lower limit of the ethanol content in it. The manufacturer does not have the right to indicate the number of % or revolutions lower than it actually is. Therefore, the real figure is often higher.

In Russia and Europe, alcohol is measured in percent by volume (% vol.) Therefore, if we say that beer is 5%, this means that in 100 liters of beer there are 5 liters of pure alcohol. In America, it is customary to calculate ethanol in weight fractions (% wt.). Knowing that the specific gravity of alcohol is 0.78, you can calculate how much pure ethanol is in beer. To do this, you need to divide the indicated percentage by 0.78.

For example, if the strength is 3.5%, then in percentage by volume it will be 3.5: 0.78 = 4.5%. If, for example, the figure is 6% (in weight fractions), again this figure must be divided by 0.78, and we get 7.7%.

If it is important for a buyer to know how much alcohol is in a drink, the country of origin should be checked on the label. If this is America, then the pure ethanol will be higher than what is stated on the label due to the units of measurement. And don’t forget that in most cases the % is always slightly higher.

Types of beer by strength

The percentage of ethanol depends on the production process. Main types:

  • Non-alcoholic. Contains 0.5-0.7% alcohol.
  • Light - up to 2% ethanol.
  • Classic. 3.5 – 7%.
  • Strong 8-14%.
  • Very strong - from 14%.

During the manufacturing process, after fermentation, classic beer usually contains 3.5 - 4.5% ethyl alcohol. After filtering, the percentage decreases. This process is necessary to remove any remaining yeast. Some filtration methods destroy the microflora of beer, thereby extending its shelf life. Exposure to high temperatures can also reduce the number of revolutions. The alcohol is heated to a certain temperature, as a result of which some of the alcohol evaporates.

To increase the percentage of alcohol in the drink, sugar is added and frozen. Typically, a high percentage of intoxicating drinks is directly related to the calories it contains. Lovers of strong beer, those suffering from obesity, type 2 diabetes, and people watching their figure need to take this fact into account.

Excess weight is affected not only by calorie content, but also by the phytoestrogens contained in intoxicating drinks - these are substances similar to sex hormones. They affect weight and appearance person. In men who abuse foam, the figure begins to change according to the female type - an enlargement of the mammary glands and hips, as well as the abdomen, occurs. Women develop excessive hair on their bodies and their voice becomes rougher.

Non-alcoholic beer

A soft drink still has a small number of revolutions, this figure ranges from 0.15 to 0.7%. To preserve the familiar taste and aroma, manufacturers use standard ingredients, but stop the process before full fermentation, and special filtration in this production is used to filter out ethyl alcohol. But it’s impossible to filter it 100%, so “non-alcoholic” intoxicating drinks are gaining momentum.

People who struggle with alcohol addiction, including those who are coded, need to be especially careful. Even such a low percentage of ethanol can trigger cravings for alcohol. In addition, all other components are contained in the drink in standard quantities, especially phytoestrogens. As with drinking a seemingly harmless drink, the load on the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system is high.

Strong intoxication

To prepare strong foam, special yeast is used, since in standard production the strength does not exceed 5%. The technology is also different - alcohol is repeatedly frozen to reduce the liquid, as a result of which the degree increases.

What percentage of alcohol in beer is the most popular strong:

  • Hakusekikan Brewery - “Hurricane”, 15%. Manufactured in Japan. Its special feature is aging with barley wine.
  • Bruery – “Chocolate Rain”, 19.5%. Belgium. A high percentage is achieved through fermentation in a whiskey tub.
  • De Struise Brouwers - “Five Squared”, 25%. Scotland.
  • Schorschbräu - “Schorschbock” 43% and “Schorschbock Finis Coronat Opus” 57%. Germany. Manufactured with multiple freezing.
  • Brew Dog - "End Of History", 55%, Scotland.
  • T’koelschip – “Start The Future”, 60%. Netherlands.
  • Brewmeister - "Armageddon", 65%. Scotland.
  • In 2013, the strongest beer in the world was released by the Scottish company Brewmeister, called “Snake Venom” and its strength reaches 67.5%.

When it comes to very strong beer, of course, a classic taste is out of the question. Manufacturers have to sacrifice taste for high numbers.

Beer has about 1,000 different varieties around the world, all of which differ in taste, color, density and strength. On the modern market you can find intoxicating drinks for every taste, from non-alcoholic to those whose strength exceeds strong alcohol. Beer remains the most popular drink in the world (after water and tea). However, it should be used with caution and in moderation. Because, like any other alcohol, it is addictive.

Can you become an alcoholic if you drink beer every day? Beer has less turnover than vodka, but addiction sets in even faster. How much beer can you drink without becoming addicted? Everyone has their own measure. A strong, healthy man can drink a liter a day and not get drunk. For a fragile girl, one glass a day will be enough. Degrees are not always the most important thing. It all depends on your build, health, snacks and even your mood. The percentage of alcohol in beer is less than in vodka, but abuse is even more dangerous. You can quickly get used to beer and not understand it. Beer alcoholism often affects young people, and this is not only a problem for the person himself and his loved ones, but also for society, a threat to the health of the nation.

What determines the strength of the drink?

The number of degrees directly depends on the technology of its manufacture. For example, as the producers of American Bud beer claim in their advertising, the technology for its production includes 240 operations. The traditional strength of beer is considered to be 3.5-4.7%. There are technological techniques that allow you to increase the speed in it, as well as reduce it.

  • To make this drink, barley is taken and boiled.
  • The resulting sweetish mass is flavored with a decoction of hops, which gives it bitterness, left to ferment, and then distilled.
  • This produces a drink containing a certain percentage of alcohol, fusel oils, and carbon dioxide (foam).
  • Often, special components are added to give a special taste (for example, in the process of obtaining “Bad”, beech shavings are added to neutralize bitterness).
  • To reduce the percentage of alcohol, beer undergoes careful filtration. Another technique for reducing speed is heating the composition and rapid evaporation of highly volatile substances (alcohol and by-products).
  • In order to increase the speed, sugar is added during production. That is why it is proportional to its strength.

What harm does excessive drinking of beer cause to the body?

What are the harmful effects of beer and how much should you drink per day, per week, so that it does not cause harm? When answering this question, one must take into account factors such as its strength and calorie content.

  • The strength of beer means the content of pure ethyl alcohol in it. Ethanol is a toxic substance. It is able to dissolve adipose tissue, disrupting the integrity of cells, including brain tissue, liver, and blood vessels. Changes appear in the composition of the blood. There is a risk of blood clots, as well as dangerous vasodilatation. A person develops problems with the functioning of the heart, neuropsychic abnormalities appear, and the immune system weakens. A symptom of systematic alcohol poisoning is a severe hangover. A healthy person is able to drink a certain dose of alcohol per day, after which the gag reflex is triggered (the body protects itself from the effects of toxins). In an alcoholic, all reflexes are impaired. His body is no longer able to regulate the content of toxic substances in the blood. Destroyed liver cells do not have time to ferment ethyl alcohol and other toxic substances that enter the body when drinking beer, vodka or other alcohol-containing drinks. There is another harmful factor. Hops contain phytoestrogens - substances similar to the female sex hormones estrogens. Systematic consumption of beer leads to hormonal imbalance. This affects the appearance of men: a large belly appears, mammary glands and hip volume increase. Women, on the contrary, become masculine: their voice becomes rougher, hair appears on their face and body, their movements become angular. Hormonal changes reduce sexual activity and pose undoubted harm to the health of both men and women.

Addiction can be acquired by drinking 1 glass of vodka or 2 liters of beer daily

  • The calorie content of foods reflects the amount of energy they can provide to the body after being broken down in the body. The calorie content of beer, vodka or other alcohol-containing drinks depends on both the speed and the sugar content in them. Stronger beer with higher sugar content is a high-calorie product. 1 bottle of beer contains as many calories as a large sausage sandwich. If you also take into account the calories contained in his usual snack (chips, nuts, smoked fish), it becomes obvious that it is impossible to lose weight by drinking beer, even if you eat nothing else. For example, the calorie content of “Baltika (strong)” beer is 60 kcal/100 grams, “Zhigulevskoye” - 42 kcal/100 grams, “Ohota (dark)” - 67 kcal/100 grams, “Baltika (non-alcoholic)” - 35 kcal/ 100 grams, “Bud” (American beer) – 42 kcal/100 grams. In order to consume the calories contained in 1 bottle of beer, you need to take a 2-hour walk or ride a bike for 40 minutes. Of course, it is not recommended to do this while intoxicated; at least 3 hours must pass after drinking. It turns out to be a vicious circle - in order not to get drunk, you need to eat more, and in order not to gain weight, you need to eat less. The harm from drinking beer, as well as other alcohol-containing drinks (whisky, vodka, wine), is greater if you drink them often (every day) and immoderately.

How many degrees are there in different types of beer?

Does it make a difference what kind of beer to drink to avoid addiction? In order to know how much beer you can drink per day or week, you need to have an idea of ​​how many degrees there are in its different varieties. Degrees, as well as calorie content, are indicated on the label.

Beer type Strength (gr.alcohol/100 grams of product),%
Baltika 9 Strong 8
Zhigulevskoe 4
Baltika 0 Non-alcoholic 0.5
Large mug (Amber) 4
Merchant (Classical) 4.5
Moresberry (Blackcurrant) 7
Nevskoe (Original) 5.7
Old Melnik (Strong) 7.2
Siberian Crown (Original) 4.7
Chernigovskoe (Maximum) 9.8
Reedhook(Belgian) 10.2
X-Beer33 (Czech) 14
Samiklaus (Austrian) 14
Bud (American) 4.8

If you consider that vodka has a strength of 40 degrees, then it is clear that 1 liter of weak beer contains as much pure alcohol as a 100 gram glass of vodka.

That is, you can become alcohol dependent if you drink 1 glass of vodka or 2 liters of beer daily with an alcohol content of no more than 4 percent (about 20-24 liters per week). Moreover, for some, a third of this volume will often be enough, since the rate of intoxication and the duration of a hangover is individual for everyone, depending on their state of health and complexion.

Beer (ale) contains, although a weak degree, but it is equated to alcoholic beverages. From abuse, you can get drunk, and in the morning you can experience something unpleasant, which is the first symptom. An alcohol-containing drink is obtained by fermenting hops, malt wort and brewer's yeast.

What determines the strength of the drink?

The most common raw material for making wort is barley. But beer can also be rye (wheat), rice, corn, as well as a non-traditional composition (potato, banana, cherry, etc.). The most popular varieties have 3-6° strength, which means the percentage of alcohol in it.

Traditional (craft) production technology:

  • barley is boiled;
  • the resulting mass is diluted with hop decoction (for taste, for bitterness);
  • yeast is added;
  • everything is left to ferment;
  • after this it is distilled and filtered.

During fermentation, the drink must go through several phases that increase the degree (turnover):

  • lower phase - the mixture ferments at a temperature from +4°C to +9°C, resulting in 4-5%;
  • top fermentation phase - at a temperature of +25°, with an increase in the number of revolutions.

The resulting drink contains:

  • alcohol;
  • fusel oils;
  • carbon dioxide (in the form of foam).

During fermentation, ordinary brewer's yeast brings the prepared composition to 5.5 revolutions (maximum value). If necessary, you can reduce the ethanol percentage by thoroughly filtering the beer. Another way to reduce the speed is to heat the drink to evaporate the alcohol.

After reaching the classic 5.5%, the yeast stops working (further increasing the degree). To increase the degree, sugar is added during production. Therefore, its calorie content depends on the strength (the higher the degree, the greater the calorie content).

How many degrees are there in different varieties?

Beer is divided into different types and varieties based on color, taste and strength (optimal alcohol content). The drink happens:

  • draft or bottled;
  • filtered and ;
  • velvety, dark, light;
  • home or industrial preparation.

But most of all, consumers are interested in the strength of the ale. The most popular varieties contain 3-5°. Light drinks include brands of 1-2 turns, and strong drinks - 8.5-15 degrees. They are classified as a separate variety (up to 0.5%).


Strong beers prepared using the traditional fermentation method and containing three main ingredients (brewer's yeast, hops and malt):

  • Vetter (Germany) - 10.5%;
  • Samichlaus (Austria) - 11.8-14%;
  • Eisbock (Germany) - 12%;
  • X-Beer 33 (Czech Republic) - 14%.

In order to increase the percentage of ethanol even higher, you do not need to add pure alcohol to the composition (as many believe). Large manufacturers are deviating from the traditional method of preparation and using special yeast, as well as using new methods:

  • Brewers have in their arsenal special “champagne yeast” that can raise the speed to 27 and 29° (Samuel Adams Utopias, Dave beer brands).
  • By freezing water from ethanol and placing it in whiskey barrels (for 1.5 years), Scottish producers achieved an ale strength of 32% (Tactical Nuclear Penguin beer).
  • You can increase the speed up to 43% if you freeze classic beer many times (15 times) and then filter the ice. This is what was done by German brewers, who separated 35 liters of strong beer from 350 liters of traditional beer.

As of 2017, the highest-proof beer is considered to be the product of the Brewmeister brewery, which created the Snake Venom brand, containing 67.5 revolutions (priced at $80).


More popular degrees in beer are the classic 3-8%. Here are some of their brands from both domestic and foreign breweries:

  • Zhigulevskoe - 4-5%;
  • Baltika No. 1 (light) - 4.45;
  • Special Baltika No. 2 (light) - 4.7%;
  • Baltka No. 3 (most popular) - 4.8%;
  • Original Baltika No. 4 (dark) - 4.5%;
  • Golden Baltika No. 5 - 5.3%;
  • Baltika Porter No. 6 (dark) - 7%;
  • Bud Light (Germany) - 3.6%;
  • Stella Artois (Belgium) - 4.8%;
  • Vollbier (Germany) - 4.5%;
  • Dortmunder (Germany) - 5.3-5.5%;
  • Munchner Dunkel (Germany) - 5%;
  • Saison (Belgium) - from 5 to 8%, etc.

Low alcohol

Low-alcohol beer can be obtained by reducing the degree during its preparation. Examples of weak beer include the following brands:

  • Victory Art Brew (Russia) - 1.5%;
  • Dünnbier (Germany) - 2%;
  • Light Bier (Germany) - from 2% to 3.2%.

Sample of weak beer - Dünnbier (Germany) - 2%.


Non-alcoholic beer tastes similar to alcoholic beer and has a very low alcohol content (up to 0.5%). It is obtained by suppressing fermentation or volatilization of alcohol from the finished product. This type of drink is prepared for people who do not drink strong alcohol for health reasons. Due to the additional technology used, this beer is more expensive. On the domestic market you can find the following brands:

  • Weihenstephaner (Germany) - 0.1%
  • Schneider Weisse (Germany) - 0.1%;
  • Stella Artois (Belgium) - 0.1%;
  • Bud (America) - 0.5%;
  • Clausthaler (Germany) - 0.5%;
  • BrewDog (Scotland) - 0.5%;
  • HopHead (Russia) - 0.3%.

How to find out the amount of alcohol in beer

The strength of an industrially produced drink is always indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

You can determine the ethanol content in homemade beer while preparing the drink by measuring the density of the mixture before and after fermentation (using a hydrometer).

Sequence of the process.

This foamy drink is appreciated and loved in many countries around the world. It is prepared from various ingredients in the East and West. The recipe may also vary, but the principle of natural fermentation remains in force everywhere - weak alcohol is produced. How many degrees should be in beer and what can this characteristic depend on? We’ll talk about this and much more, no less interesting, in our article.

A little about technology

How many degrees there are in beer directly depends on the technology of its preparation. Let us briefly recall the main stages of brewing this drink. It is obtained, as it was two thousand years ago, using wort from malt, brewer's yeast and hops. We won’t go into the intricacies of the process, but this method usually produces a drink that is not too strong. How many degrees does beer usually have? From 3 to 5 and a half.

Raw materials

The main raw material for making the drink is barley. But in some countries, beer is traditionally made from wheat (rye), rice, and corn. Drinks of the same nature can be made from non-cereals. There is dairy, herbal, potato, and even fruit. Of course, from the point of view of our traditions, it’s hard to call this beer!

Color and character of fermentation

By color, beer is divided mainly into light or dark, as well as white and red, but there is also semi-dark (mixed). The latter arises as a result of mixing dark and light.

By nature they are divided into grassroots and top. The first type of fermentation, also called lager, occurs at low temperatures (from 4 to 9 degrees) and occurs when special brewing yeast is used. How many degrees are there in this kind of beer? It usually has from 4 to 5.5. Top fermentation is the most ancient method of making a drink, known thousands of years ago, at fairly high temperatures (up to 25 degrees). Ale and stout, porter and wheat beer are its brightest representatives. Moreover, ale, for example, can be either dark or light - there are no special patterns between the color of beer and fermentation methods.


And yet, how many degrees of alcohol are in beer? Strength is the volume fraction (percentage) contained in a particular drink. For most varieties it traditionally does not exceed 3-5.5%. There are also higher percentage varieties - 6-8 degrees. This is due to the fact that ordinary yeast involved in the cooking process stops fermenting at strength degrees above 5.4%. To produce a higher strength drink, special hardy microorganisms are used, and modern technologies allow you to brew very strong foamy drinks. German “Vetter 33” - 10.5%. Austrian "Samiclaus" - 11.8. Czech X-Beer 33 - 14%. These are the strongest varieties, brewed using traditional methods. As a rule, to produce such beer, additional technologies of water freezing and distillation are used.

The strongest

The standards in this context can be considered the American beer Samuel Adams, which has a strength of 27%, and Dave with 29%. But these varieties are brewed using champagne yeast. The Scots recently released the Tactical Nuclear Penguin drink, which has an alcohol content of 32%. This high alcohol content is achieved because the water in the beer is removed by freezing. And then the strong drink matures in whiskey barrels. The same Scots in 2012 released a collectible beer “Armageddon”, with a strength of 65%!

How many degrees is there in Zhigulevsky beer?

But our people are accustomed to more traditional degrees in beer. So, in the regular Zhigulevsky, popular among the people, there is 4%, sometimes a little more (depending on the manufacturer). Typically these beers are no more than 5% ABV.

How many degrees are there in Baltika beer?

But with Baltika the situation is a little different. This brand produces beer of various strengths.

  1. "Zulevka". How many degrees are there in Baltika non-alcoholic beer? No more than 0.5%.
  2. No. 1 - light, 4.4% (special, light).
  3. No. 2 - light special, 4.7%.
  4. “Troechka” is the most famous and popular among the common population, light, 4.8%.
  5. No. 4 “Original” - dark, 4.5%.
  6. No. 5 “Golden” - light, 5.3%.
  7. No. 6 “Porter” - dark, 7%.


A few words about the so-called Contrary to its name, it still contains a small percentage of ethyl alcohol. Typically this rate is within 0.2-1%. The Donetsk plant "Sarmat" produced non-alcoholic drinks containing 1.5% ethyl alcohol. So those who like to give such beer to minors should know: this should not be done under any circumstances! As a rule, it is not possible to completely get rid of alcohol. By the way, it may contain even more than what is stated on the label. There are several types of technology for obtaining “zero”: vacuum distillation, dialysis, suppression of fermentation. In any case, a certain degree is necessarily present in such beer.