BSU Institute of Business and Management retraining. Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU - a modern university for those who want to succeed in life

Higher educational institution The Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU began operating in the spring of 1996. Initially it was called the Special Faculty of Retraining of Personnel at the Belarusian University.” Since 1999, the special faculty changed its name, after which it became known as the “International Graduate School of Management and Business.” Five years later, the higher education institution became known as the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU, the reviews of which are always positive.

The head of the university is V.V. Apanasovich, holding the post of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Today, almost 3,000 students are studying at the institution. The number of graduates is over 3,500 people.

Key features of a higher education institution

The Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU is a structural unit of the advanced educational institution Belarus. It is endowed with the right of a legal entity with high autonomy; it can independently obtain a license to conduct educational activities, it undergoes state accreditation, and can also receive all the necessary certificates.

IBMT is a government agency and will not receive money from the state budget. Since its founding, it has operated as a self-sustaining company. At the same time, state-funded places are allocated to universities; state-funded graduates must receive an allocation after completing their studies. As a rule, their number is about 4% of the total student population.

IBMT began its work as a special faculty of BSU. It was formed as a Western business school at the institutes.

To get a budget place at a higher education institution, you need to get a high passing grade. From 2005 to 2012, the indicator was one of the highest in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

A little history

The founders of the Higher Educational Institution reported that main reason His discovery was the need for highly qualified specialists who would be able to manage organizations for the economic development of the republic and the international market. When the institution was founded, the first graduates received an amazing opportunity to study and train in the United States. For 6 years, training was conducted exclusively in English, many courses were taught by leading European and American teachers. This has allowed the BSU Institute of Business and Technology Management to receive excellent reviews and gain an excellent reputation.

Main departments of the university

IBMT includes three faculties, six departments, an English language teaching center, a distance learning and IT center, and a branch in Orsha.

Since 2005, the Department of Business Administration began operating. It prepares specialists in business administration for levels I and II higher education. It conducts research activities in the field of social business. The head of the department is Lukin S.V. Associate Professor and Doctor of Economic Sciences.

In addition, the university has the following departments:

  • technology management;
  • logistics;
  • business communications;
  • economy.
  • Students can study in the MBA program. To do this, they must write an essay, the document containing the reasons why they are required to study in the program. Students take written tests in various subjects, including English. Motivational interviewing plays a key role.

    Today, the Institute of Business and Technology Management of the BSU trains real specialists, numerous reviews confirm this better than any words.

    Government agency Education "Institute of Business and Technology Management" of the Belarusian State University was created in April 1996 under the name “Special Faculty of Retraining of Personnel in Technology Management at the Belarusian State University.” In 1999, the special faculty received the name “International Higher School of Business and Technology Management”. In 2004, the International Graduate School of Business was renamed the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU.

    Since its foundation, the institute has been headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences, professor Vladimir Vladimirovich Apanasovich.

    Official names and abbreviation- State educational institution “Institute of Business and Technology Management” of the Belarusian State University, Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU, IBMT BSU.

    More than 2,800 students and trainees study at the institute. The total number of graduates is more than 3,500 people.

    Institute of Business and Management BSU -

    Features of IBMT BSU as an educational institution in Belarus

    • The Institute is a structural division of the leading university in Belarus - the Belarusian State University. At the same time, IBMT BSU is an institution of higher education with the right of a legal entity and has quite a lot of autonomy: it independently obtains a license for educational activities, undergoes (confirms) state accreditation, receives certificates for compliance with the quality management system of services provided, enters into cooperation agreements, including with foreign educational institutions, and, as an independent legal entity, has a separate current account, taxpayer registration number, etc.
    • The Institute of Business and Technology Management began work as a special faculty of BSU and was created on the principle of Western business schools at large universities. The Education Code of Belarus does not allow an institution of higher education to be called a business school. But the international name of the Institute retained this name - School of Business and Management of Technology of Belarusian State University (SBMT BSU).
    • Being a state educational institution, IBMT does not receive funds from the state budget and since its foundation has functioned as a self-sustaining organization. However, in the first higher education programs at IBMT BSU, budget-funded (free) places are allocated and a mandatory allocation procedure applies to state-funded students. The number of state-funded students usually does not exceed 3.8% of all students receiving their first higher education.

    At the same time, the passing rate and competition for budget places at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of BSU in the period from 2005 to 2012 were among the highest in BSU and Belarus. .


    According to the founders of the institute, the main prerequisite for the emergence of the IBMT BSU was the need to train specialists who could manage business in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy in Belarus and the international market. In the first years after the founding of the institute, all teachers underwent training and internship in America. For six years, teaching was conducted only in English; a number of courses were taught by teachers from the USA, Sweden, and France.

    • 1996 The beginning of a joint Belarusian-American educational project “Program in Economics and Management of Technology” (PEMT) between BSU and the Institute of Economics at the University of Colorado, USA.
    • 1998 The first graduation of masters in the specialty “Management” took place.
    • 1999 The master's level educational program “Master of Business Administration” (MBA) has begun work. A retraining program in the specialty “Finance and Credit” has been opened.
    • 2001 The first enrollment of students for the advanced training program “International Financial Reporting Standards” took place.
    • 2002 An agreement was concluded with the Philips company to begin a joint educational project for a retraining program in the specialty “Informatics”.
    • 2003 For the first time in Belarus, graduates of the Institute received a state master’s diploma in the specialty “Business Administration”.
    • 2004 Enrollment of students to study in the specialty “Business Administration” (bachelor’s degree) took place. The European Manager retraining program has begun.
    • 2005 Educational retraining programs “Web design and computer graphics” and “Smart Home” have been opened.
    • 2006 The modular program started working vocational training for financiers, economists, accountants “IFRS&DIP” (training program). As part of a partnership with Molde University College (Norway), a joint Belarusian-Norwegian master's program in logistics has been opened.
    • 2007 As part of the signed joint agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany, IBMT BSU was appointed coordinator of the Joint Belarusian-German program for training management personnel for the economy of the Republic of Belarus.
    • 2008 The first enrollment in the retraining program “Human Resources Management” took place.
    • 2009 The specialty of higher education “Management of Innovative Processes” has been opened. The retraining program “Innovation Management and Investment Management” has begun.
    • 2010 The English Language Center opened. The Logistics retraining program has recruited its first students.
    • 2012 Master's programs have been opened in the specialties “Management of Logistics Systems” and “Innovation Management”.

    Institute structure

    The structure of the institute includes 2 faculties, 5 departments, a center for distance education and information technology, an English language center, a branch in the city of Orsha, as well as a number of departments for providing educational and organizational work.

    Department of Business Administration was created in 2005 and is a graduate in the specialty “Business Administration” for the first and second (MBA) levels of higher education. The department is conducting research work on the topic “Socially responsible business: theoretical concepts and world practice.” The head of the department is Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Sergey Vladimirovich Lukin.

    Department of Logistics created on September 1, 2010. The department specializes in the specialty “Logistics”. The main scientific direction is improving the methodology and practice of developing logistics systems. The head of the department is Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anatoly Denisovich Molokovich.

    Department of Technology Management created in 2006, it graduates in the specialty “Information Resource Management”. Employees of the department conduct scientific research on the topic “Creation of an on-line information and educational environment for training, retraining and advanced training of management personnel in an innovative economy.” The head of the department is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Silkovich Yuri Nikolaevich.

    Department of Economics and Finance carries out training of students in economic and financial disciplines. Scientific directions: corporate and state social policy; public-private partnership; current problems of accounting and management accounting, cost management and budgeting; macroeconomic balance of the national economy of Belarus. The head of the department is Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Oksana Nikolaevna Erofeeva.

    Department of Business Communications provides training in humanities subjects, including political science, sociology, history and psychology. Particular emphasis in teaching is given to learning English. The head of the department is Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ekaterina Yuryevna Sadovskaya.

    Higher education (first stage)

    The Institute trains specialists at the first stage of higher education in the specialties “Business Administration”, “Logistics”, “Information Resources Management”. To enter the IBMT BSU, you must pass a centralized test.

    Business Administration

    Training in the specialty “Business Administration” at IBMT BSU has been conducted since 2004. The Institute is the initiator of the start of training specialists in this specialty in the Republic of Belarus and the educational institution that develops the specialty curriculum. Diploma qualification after graduation - “manager-economist”.


    Training in the specialty “Logistics” began in 2009. Upon completion of training, the graduate is awarded the qualification “logistics economist”.

    Information resource management

    Training in the specialty “Information Resource Management” began at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of BSU in 2011. The areas of professional activity of an information systems manager-economist include all sectors of the real sector of the economy, areas of management and business dealing with the search, storage, transmission, processing and protection of information.

    Master's programs at IBMT BSU

    MBA (Master of Business Administration)

    MBA IBMT BSU is the first MBA program in Belarus, which appeared in 1999. The MBA program of the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU is intended for those who have work experience ( mandatory condition for admission - at least 2 years after receiving the first higher education) and would like to accelerate my career growth.

    The MBA program of the IBMT BSU prepares masters in two formats - in Russian and English.

    Entrance tests: To be admitted to the MBA program, applicants must submit an essay justifying why they want to study in the program. Those wishing to study must also pass entrance examinations: written test of mathematical knowledge and skills, English exam (TOEFL) - for applicants to the English program, motivational oral interview. At the same time heaviest weight upon admission there is not a test, but a motivational interview.

    Traditions of the MBA program of the IBMT BSU: the charitable project “Good Deed”, the first meeting at the program “September 1 at the MBA”, “Initiation as Master’s Students”, “Autumn KlumMVA” (held by the MBA Alumni Club), as well as the master’s degree ceremony with a solemn ceremony speech best graduate year, singing the student anthem Gaudeamus and flying confederates. For several years in a row, the program has been holding the first Forum of Young Managers in Belarus.

    In 2010, on the basis of the existing English-language MBA program of the IBMT BSU, the possibility of creating the first Belarusian English-language MBA program, which could qualify for international accreditation CEEMAN and AMBA: the rector of BSU met with the US Chargé d'Affaires in Belarus Michael Scanlan, in August an Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on cooperation in the field of training management personnel in the master's program, in September a donor conference was held on the creation of the Institute of Business and Management technologies of BSU English-language MBA program. . This program was supposed to begin its work in September 2011. The project was financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). However, the project to create the program was frozen at the request of official Minsk in response to the decision of the US government to introduce economic restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus - this was stated on August 19, 2011 by the press secretary of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Andrei Savinykh.

    Master's Degree in Logistics Systems Management

    The program began training masters in logistics in September 2012. As stated on the official website of IBMT BSU, the goal of the master's program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of logistics and supply chain management, with the ability to bring enterprises and organizations to a new level of competitiveness and efficiency, thanks to the systematization of existing experience and acquired knowledge, skills in using an integral management tool - logistics .

    Master's Degree in Management

    In 2012, the institute opened a practice-oriented master's program in the specialty “Innovation Management”. The program prepares masters in the field of innovation, innovation management, commercialization of new ideas, intellectual property protection, venture financing.


    The Institute's retraining programs provide training for specialists in the fields of management, logistics, finance, and IT technologies:

    • European Manager (specialty "Business Administration")
    • Innovation management (specialty "Innovation management")
    • Logistics (specialty "Logistics")
    • Personnel management (specialty "Human Resources Management")
    • Finance (specialty "Finance")
    • Web design and computer graphics (specialty "Web design and computer graphics")

    The duration of the programs is from 12 to 20 months, the form of education is full-time (evening) and part-time.

    In the period from 2007 to 2010, the IBMT of BSU was official coordinator State program for innovative development of the Republic of Belarus in the field of retraining and advanced training of specialists in priority areas scientific, technical and innovative activities, the formation of a system of short-term courses, seminars and conferences to improve the skills of specialists in the field of innovative activities (clause 3.1 “Training of personnel for innovative activities” of Chapter 3 of the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2007–2010)

    Advanced training


    Institute partner universities

    • School of Management and Economics Vaxjo University (Sweden)
    • University of Molde (Norway)
    • Riga Business School (Latvia)
    • Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia)
    • University of Management and Economics (Lithuania)
    • German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) Ltd. (Germany)
    • International Business School of Vilnius University (Lithuania)
    • National Academy of Management (Ukraine)
    • University of Deusto (Spain)
    • Middle East Technical University (Türkiye)
    • Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Russia)
    • Faculty of Economics, Southern Federal University (Russia)
    • Moscow State Industrial University (Russia)

    Also partners of the Institute are:

    • Pontis Foundation (Slovakia)
    • Polish-Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Eurasia Foundation


    The Institute holds annual scientific conferences on the problems of business education, innovation and management - the International Scientific and Practical Conference " Current issues business education”, the International correspondence scientific and practical conference “Innovation processes and corporate governance”, and is also the organizer of the Republican forums of young managers.

    Charitable activities of the Institute

    Within the framework of IBMT, BSU operates on an ongoing basis the Institute’s charitable project of targeted assistance - “Good Deed”. The first charity event was held in 2001. The project represents ongoing fundraising events for children from a temporary shelter and elderly people from a nursing home in the Minsk region, as well as traditional events during student initiations, at Christmas program meetings, at graduation ceremonies and during the annual Strawberry Festival.

    IBMT BSU in world rankings

    According to the World Webometrics Ranking of business school websites for July 2012, the Institute’s website ranks second in the ranking of business school websites in Belarus and 416th among business schools in the world. In total, about 1,500 business schools participate in the ranking. (English)


    1. There is 1 day until the deadline for accepting documents. BSU has insane passing scores
    2. USAID on the creation of the first English-language MBA program in Belarus on the basis of IBMT BSU
    3. Business education in Belarus - great prospects for cooperation
    4. You need to learn how to manage a business
    5. IBMT graduates feel confident in Belarus and abroad
    6. IBMT BSU received quality management system certificates for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001 in the national certification system and in the German TGA certification system

    State Educational Institution "Institute of Business and Technology Management" BSU trains specialists in the field of business management, logistics, information technology, ecology, tourism.

    What does the BSU Institute of Business and Technology Management offer to its students?

    Up-to-date knowledge in the specialty from practicing teachers;
    . convenient training schedule (full-time and part-time forms, classes in the evening);
    . quality control of knowledge aimed at developing practical skills;
    . state-issued retraining diploma.

    The Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU has four buildings, each of which is located in the central part of Minsk.

    If you want to be a professional!
    If increasing the level of knowledge is one of your tasks on the path to professionalism!
    If you are interested in current information about your field of activity!

    Come visit us!


    Faculty of Business
    Faculty of Innovative Technologies and Management
    Faculty "Higher School of Business"

    The most important functions of the Faculty of Business are the organization of scientific and methodological support of the educational process, improving the quality of education, organizing and conducting educational work among students. The task of the faculty is to create optimal conditions for the comprehensive development of students.

    The main task of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies and Management is to create and promote a high-quality educational product aimed at students - managers of enterprises and organizations, specialists in various sectors of the country's national economy, aimed at constantly improving their competencies in the field of economics and business management.

    The Center "Higher School of Business" is designed to organize the educational process of master's programs with in-depth specialist training.


    business administration
    technology management
    business communications

    Speciality Forms and duration of education: Qualification upon completion of training Professions
    Business Administration

    Full-time - 4 years

    Part-time form -5 years

    • business analyst;
    • economist;
    • manager;
    • specialist in marketing, finance and accounting;
    • auditor;
    • Head of department of enterprise and company;
    • individual entrepreneur.

    Full-time - 4 years

    Part-time form - 5 years

    Correspondence form (2nd higher education) - 3 years

    "Logistics economist"
    • logistician;
    • economist, including sales and supply;
    • marketer;
    • head of logistics and marketing departments of enterprises in various sectors of the economy;
    • head of a department of a logistics company (center) or company involved;
    • cargo transportation.
    Information resource management

    Full-time - 4 years

    Part-time form - 5 years

    Correspondence form (2nd higher education) - 3 years

    "Manager-economist of information systems"
    • financial and systems analyst;
    • manager for the implementation of new information technologies and systems;
    • specialist in the development and design of information systems, etc.;
    • systems consultant;
    • IT project manager;
    • IT systems development specialist;
    • customer support specialist;
    • system administrator;
    • system integrator;
    • information systems designer;
    • ERP manager.
    Institute of Business and Technology Management
    (IBMT BSU)
    International name School of Business and Management of Technology of Belarusian State University (SBMT BSU)
    Motto By responding to the challenges of the present, we are preparing the leaders of the future!
    Year founded
    Type State
    Students 2800
    Location Belarus Belarus, Minsk
    Legal address 220030 Minsk, Moskovskaya street 5 - 204

    State educational institution "Institute of Business and Technology Management" of the Belarusian State University was created in April 1996 under the name “Special Faculty of Retraining of Personnel in Technology Management at the Belarusian State University.” In 1999, the special faculty received the name “International Higher School of Business and Technology Management”. In 2004, the International Graduate School of Business was renamed the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU.

    Since its foundation, the institute has been headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences, professor Vladimir Vladimirovich Apanasovich.

    Official names and abbreviation- State educational institution “Institute of Business and Technology Management” of the Belarusian State University, Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU, IBMT BSU.

    More than 2,800 students and trainees study at the institute. The total number of graduates is more than 3,500 people.

    Encyclopedic YouTube

      1 / 5

      IBMT BSU through the eyes of students.avi

      Reviews from 2016 graduates of IBMT BSU: Elena Yaroma, Business Administration

      BT1 about the teacher of IBMT BSU A. N. Steburako

      Reviews of graduates of the master's program "Innovation Management" of IBMT BSU

      Reviews from 2016 graduates of IBMT BSU: Ivan Kovalevsky, UIR


    Features of IBMT BSU as an educational institution in Belarus

    • The Institute is a structural division of the leading university in Belarus - the Belarusian State University. At the same time, IBMT BSU is an institution of higher education with the right of a legal entity and has quite a lot of autonomy: it independently obtains a license for educational activities, undergoes (confirms) state accreditation, receives certificates for compliance with the quality management system of services provided, enters into cooperation agreements, including with foreign educational institutions, and, as an independent legal entity, has a separate current account, taxpayer registration number, etc.
    • The Institute of Business and Technology Management began work as a special faculty of BSU and was created on the principle of Western business schools at large universities. The Education Code of Belarus does not allow an institution of higher education to be called a business school. But the international name of the Institute retained this name - School of Business and Management of Technology of Belarusian State University (SBMT BSU).
    • Being a state educational institution, IBMT does not receive funds from the state budget and has functioned as a self-sustaining organization since its foundation. However, in the first higher education programs at IBMT BSU, budget-funded (free) places are allocated and a mandatory allocation procedure applies to state-funded students. The number of state-funded students usually does not exceed 3.8% of all students receiving their first higher education.

    At the same time, the passing score and competition for budget-funded places at the Institute of Biotechnological Institute of BSU in the period from 2005 to 2012 were among the highest in BSU and Belarus. .


    According to the founders of the institute, the main prerequisite for the emergence of the IBMT BSU was the need to train specialists who could manage business in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy in Belarus and the international market. In the first years after the founding of the institute, all teachers underwent training and internship in America. For six years, teaching was conducted only in English; a number of courses were taught by teachers from the USA, Sweden, and France.

    • 1996 The beginning of a joint Belarusian-American educational project “Program in Economics and Management of Technology” (PEMT) between BSU and the Institute of Economics at the University of Colorado, USA.
    • 1998 The first graduation of masters in the specialty “Management” took place.
    • 1999 The master's level educational program “Master of Business Administration” (MBA) has begun work. A retraining program in the specialty “Finance and Credit” has been opened.
    • 2001 The first enrollment of students for the advanced training program “International Financial Reporting Standards” took place.
    • 2002 An agreement was concluded with the Philips company to begin a joint educational project for a retraining program in the specialty “Informatics”.
    • 2003 For the first time in Belarus, graduates of the Institute received a state master’s diploma in the specialty “Business Administration”.
    • 2004 Enrollment of students to study in the specialty “Business Administration” (bachelor’s degree) took place. The European Manager retraining program has begun.
    • 2005 Educational retraining programs “Web design and computer graphics” and “Smart Home” have been opened.
    • 2006 A modular professional training program for financiers, economists, and accountants “IFRS&DIP” (advanced training program) has begun. As part of a partnership with Molde University College (Norway), a joint Belarusian-Norwegian master's program in logistics has been opened.
    • 2007 As part of the signed joint agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany, IBMT BSU was appointed coordinator of the Joint Belarusian-German program for training management personnel for the economy of the Republic of Belarus.

    Institute structure

    The structure of the institute includes 3 faculties, 4 departments, a center for distance education and information technology, an English language center, a branch in the city of Orsha, as well as a number of departments to ensure educational and organizational work.

    Department of Business Administration was created in 2005 and is a graduate in the specialty “Business Administration” for the first and second (MBA) levels of higher education. The department is conducting research work on the topic “Socially responsible business: theoretical concepts and world practice.” The head of the department is the head of the department of business administration, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Yuri Yuryevich Korolev.

    In 2014, a branch of the Department of Business Administration was opened in Warsaw.

    Department of Logistics was created on September 1, 2010. The department graduates in the specialty “Logistics”. The main scientific direction is improving the methodology and practice of developing logistics systems. The head of the department is Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anatoly Denisovich Molokovich.

    Department of Technology Management established in 2006, it graduates in the specialty “Information Resource Management”. Employees of the department conduct scientific research on the topic “Creation of an on-line information and educational environment for training, retraining and advanced training of management personnel in an innovative economy.” The head of the department is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Silkovich Yuri Nikolaevich.

    Department of Business Communications provides training in humanities subjects, including political science, sociology, history and psychology. Particular emphasis in teaching is given to learning English. The head of the department is Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ekaterina Yuryevna Sadovskaya.

    Higher education (first stage)

    The Institute trains specialists at the first stage of higher education in the specialties “Business Administration”, “Logistics”, “Information Resources Management”. To enter the IBMT BSU, you must pass a centralized test.

    Business Administration

    Training in the specialty “Business Administration” at IBMT BSU has been conducted since 2004. The Institute is the initiator of the start of training specialists in this specialty in the Republic of Belarus and the educational institution that develops the specialty curriculum. Diploma qualification after graduation - “manager-economist”.

    In 2014, training in the specialty began entirely in English.


    Training in the specialty “Logistics” began in 2009. Upon completion of training, the graduate is awarded the qualification “logistics economist”. Since 2014, cooperation has been carried out with the Finnish University of Applied Sciences Kymenlaaksoo, thanks to which IBMT students have the opportunity to receive a double (Belarusian-Finnish) diploma in logistics.

    Information resource management

    Training in the specialty “Information Resource Management” began at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of BSU in 2011. The areas of professional activity of an information systems manager-economist include all sectors of the real sector of the economy, areas of management and business dealing with the search, storage, transmission, processing and protection of information.

    Master's programs at IBMT BSU

    MBA (Master of Business Administration)

    MBA IBMT BSU is the first classical MBA program in Belarus, which appeared in 1999. The MBA program of the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU is intended for those who have work experience ( mandatory condition for admission - at least 2 years after receiving the first higher education) and would like to accelerate my career growth.

    The MBA program of the IBMT BSU prepares masters in two formats - in Russian and English.

    Entrance tests: To be admitted to the MBA program, applicants must submit an essay justifying why they want to study in the program. Those wishing to study must also pass entrance tests: a written test of mathematical knowledge and skills, an English exam (TOEFL) - for applicants to the English program, a motivational oral interview. At the same time, the greatest weight in admission is not the test, but the motivational interview.

    Traditions of the MBA program of the IBMT BSU: the charitable project “Good Deed”, the first meeting at the program “September 1 at the MBA”, “Initiation as Master’s Students”, “Autumn KlumMVA” (held by the MBA Alumni Club), as well as the master’s degree ceremony with a solemn ceremony the speech of the best graduate of the year, the singing of the student anthem Gaudeamus and the flight of the Confederates. For several years in a row, the program has been holding the first Forum of Young Managers in Belarus.

    In 2010, on the basis of the existing English-language MBA program of the IBMT BSU, the possibility of creating the first Belarusian English-language MBA program, which could qualify for international accreditation CEEMAN and AMBA: the rector of the Belarusian State University met with the US Chargé d'Affaires in Belarus Michael Scanlan, in August an Agreement was signed between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Latvia on cooperation in the field of training management personnel in the master's program, in September a donor conference was held on the creation of the Institute of Business and Management technologies of BSU English-language MBA program. . In 2012, the project “Creation of an English-language MBA educational program” was included in the National Program of International Technical Cooperation of Belarus for 2012-2016 (NPITC).

    Master's Degree in Logistics Systems Management

    The program began training masters in logistics in September 2012. As stated on the official website of the IBMT BSU, the goal of the master's program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of logistics and supply chain management, with the ability to bring enterprises and organizations to a new level of competitiveness and efficiency, thanks to the systematization of existing experience and acquired knowledge, skills in using an integral management tool - logistics .

    Master's Degree in Innovation Management

    In 2012, the institute opened a practice-oriented master's program in the specialty “Innovation Management”. The program prepares masters in the field of innovation, innovation management, commercialization of new ideas, intellectual property protection, venture financing.

    Master's program "Human Resources Management Technologies"

    Since 2013, the institute has been implementing a master's program in the field of training HR specialists "Human Resources Management Technologies".

    Master's Degree in Financial Management

    The training was opened in 2015 and has a practice-oriented orientation, taking into account the requirements of the time for the competencies of financial management specialists.


    The Institute's retraining programs provide training for specialists in the field of management, logistics, finance, and IT technologies in the following specialties:

    • Accounting and control in industry
    • Business Administration
    • Documentation support of information technologies
    • Logistics
    • Hospitality Management
    • Tourism organization management
    • Organization of documentation support for management
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Information systems software
    • Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources
    • Advertising management
    • Modern foreign language
    • Personnel management
    • Finance
    • Environmental management
    • Economics in foreign economic activity
    • Economics and management in the hotel and restaurant industry
    • Economic cybernetics
    • Web design and computer graphics

    The duration of the programs is from 12 to 20 months, the form of education is full-time (evening) and part-time.

    In the period from 2007 to 2010, the IBMT of BSU was official coordinator State program for innovative development of the Republic of Belarus in the field of retraining and advanced training of specialists in priority areas of scientific, technical and innovative activities, the formation of a system of short-term courses, seminars and conferences to improve the skills of specialists in the field of innovative activities (clause 3.1 "Training of personnel for innovative activities" Chapter 3 of the State Program for Innovative Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2007–2010)

    Advanced training


    • International Financial Reporting Standards
    • Tax management
    • Eligibility for CAP
    • Financial Director
    • Management accounting and controlling

    Business management:

    • Business planning, innovative and anti-crisis development strategies
    • Foreign economic activity and customs regulation
    • Logistics: supply chain organization
    • Organization of corporate personnel training
    • Development of Belarusian-German economic cooperation
    • Strategy for entering foreign markets
    • Public Procurement Management
    • Document management in the organization
    • Competitive procurement management
    • Enterprise logistics management
    • Economics of sales in foreign markets


    • Energy and resource saving aspects of the operation of metal and reinforced concrete structures and pipeline systems. Corrosion protection


    Center for Distance Education and Information Technologies

    The center was opened in 2007 to create an information and educational environment for IBMT BSU, methodological and scientific support for the Institute’s activities in the field of distance learning and information technologies. The Center's educational portal allows you to use various tools (electronic textbooks, tests, webinars, etc.) to organize student learning at all stages, including the stage of knowledge control, and educational virtual communication.

    Career Development Center

    The mission of the Career Development Center, which began operating in 2009, is to motivate students and graduates to independently plan and build a career, help them adapt to the modern labor market and promote the most complete professional fulfillment. The main task of the center is to promote employment and career development of graduates and students of IBMT BSU, as well as to promote the brand of the employer company among students and graduates. The forms of work of the Center include guest lectures by representatives of organizations, master classes of successful businessmen, consultations on career development, excursions to enterprises, and seminars.

    Work at the Faculty of Innovative Technologies and Management of IBMT BSU 3 centers– English Language Center, Procurement Management Center, Corporate Governance and Finance Center.

    International cooperation of the Institute

    One of the activities of the Institute is international partnership.

    Lectures at the IBMT BSU over the years were given by Professor of the University of Colorado Susan Urroz-Korori, Professor of Economics from Duke University Charles M. Becker, Professor of the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga Robert Kilis, Professor of the University of Illinois at Springfield Nancy Scannell, Professor of the West Saxon Graduate School of Zwickau Karl Khan, Professor of the University of San Francisco Peter Young, Project Manager of the German Educational Society "InWEnt" Angela Leke, Rector of the Indian Institute of Management Dr. Swami Parthasarathy, Dean of the Graduate School of Management of the Higher School of Economics Sergei Filonovich, Professor of Marketing at the University of Northern Colorado James Reardon, Professor of the Department of Management Woodbury Business School of the University of Utah Jonathan Westover, teacher at the Schleswig-Holstein Academy of Economics Oksana Schneider, teacher at Molde University College Oyvind Halskau and others.

    Belarusian-Norwegian logistics program

    The master's program for training logisticians was opened in 2006 as part of a partnership with Molde University College (Norway). Duration of the program is 2 years (4 semesters). 1st and 2nd semesters - training at the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU. 3rd semester - training is conducted at Molde University College (Norway). 4th semester - preparation and defense of a master’s thesis. The program is the only master's program in logistics in Belarus, upon completion of which the student receives diplomas of education from two countries - Belarus and Norway.

    Belarusian-German program for advanced training of Belarusian managers

    The program has been operating since 2006 on the basis of a joint statement on cooperation in improving the skills of management personnel of the Belarusian economy, signed between the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. The Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU is the coordinator on the Belarusian side. . The program is financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany and consists of advanced training courses in cross-cultural management at IBMT BSU and a 4-week internship in Germany. In 2006-2012, more than 250 managers representing Belarusian enterprises were trained as part of the project various forms property.

    Institute partner universities

    • School of Management and Economics Vaxjo University (Sweden)
    • University of Molde (Norway)
    • Riga Business School (Latvia)
    • Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia)
    • University of Management and Economics (Lithuania)
    • German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) Ltd. (Germany)
    • International Business School of Vilnius University (Lithuania)
    • National Academy of Management (Ukraine)
    • University of Deusto (Spain)
    • Middle East Technical University (Türkiye)
    • Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (Russia)

    Today there is a lot of talk about entrepreneurship, innovation, and foreign investment in Belarus. Is it possible to learn business initiative and, if so, where is it better - at home or abroad? How about becoming a competent leader by learning from other people’s cases, and not from your own mistakes? Is an MBA a ticket to the big leagues of business? Such questions cause heated debate. One thing is certain: today managers should not argue, but learn a new management style, leading companies in conditions of constant risks and uncertainty. Where exactly? At business school - .

    Traditions and values

    It all started with a Belarusian-American project to train masters of management back in 1996. This was the first master's level program in Belarus that met international standards in form and content. The initiator and leader of the project was Professor Vladimir Apanasovich, who has led the institute since its founding. Already at that time, training was conducted in English from the best domestic and foreign teachers. Students had the opportunity to use a unique library, had access to electronic documents, textbooks on business and economics, audio and video materials. The possibilities of IT resources and the institute’s own IT developments were freely provided.

    Then the first graduating class consisted of 17 masters. And today the number of graduates is more than 1,100, of which about 400 have mastered the English-language MBA program. Today, this institute is a worthy alternative to foreign business schools. Spectrum educational programs very broad - this is higher education, including a master's degree, as well as retraining, advanced training, and business courses. Currently, 3,000 people are studying at the university. Passing scores for the first higher education specialty every year are among the highest among universities in the country.

    As part of BSU

    Belorussian state university- the only university in the country that has an independent business school - the Institute of Business and Technology Management, created on the basis of prestigious Western ones, such as Harvard Business School, Oxford Business School and others. This is a higher educational institution operating on the principles of full self-financing, which allows it to respond flexibly to the needs of the economy.

    International experience confirms: the more reputable the university, the more serious its business school. Such an alliance and these structural features allow the business school to respond to business demands, develop in parallel with the innovative economy, attract funding, including grants from abroad, and for the university they form an image as a center for training not only specialists, but also business leaders.

    It's time for business

    An important priority of the institute is the implementation of the entrepreneurial mission. To do this, the BSU IBMT attracts entrepreneurs and representatives of the business sector to implement student projects and startups. The disciplines “Business Planning”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Innovative Entrepreneurship” have been introduced into the curriculum; consulting projects are being implemented with the participation of students; a startup school has been organized here, where students from different universities can study.

    “It is important for children receiving business education to team up with peers from other faculties - this way interesting interdisciplinary teams are created that offer unique innovative projects. Future engineers, chemists and mathematicians have technological knowledge that can be the basis for new industries. In turn, our guys are well versed in business processes. So the skills of these two sides are complementary,” says startup school curator Rodion Morozov. - Our classes are taught by people from real business, which means there is no dry theory or memorization of definitions. And we invite experienced businessmen to “Expert Day” to evaluate the presented projects. And if they are original and commercially promising, investors are ready to support them.”

    And soon a business incubator with jobs will officially open at the institute to give the most capable students and listeners the opportunity to start entrepreneurial activities.

    Whatever one may say IT

    The Institute is one of the leaders among higher education institutions in the use of digital learning technologies. Access to own system All students, listeners and staff of the institute without exception have IT resources, and the use of interactive and electronic technologies is mandatory for teachers. Electronic courses on a special educational portal, tests and assignments, webinars and virtual conferences make it possible to interest the “digital” generation of students.

    Much attention is also paid to the professional development of teachers: seminars on studying new technologies are held on an ongoing basis, experience in introducing modern techniques is exchanged, internships and advanced training are carried out, including abroad.

    With business like you and without an accent

    A trend that appeared in Belarus relatively recently - training in a specialty exclusively in English - has been embodied in the institute since its foundation. IBMT BSU is the only educational institution in the country that has been offering business education in English for more than 20 years. There are two programs where students receive modern knowledge only in English - a higher education program in the specialty "Business Administration" and a master's degree (MBA, the oldest in Belarus).

    MBA graduate of IBMT BSU, co-founder and project manager at the IT company Biviar Partners Viktor Smusin:

    I am a programmer by profession, graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of BSU. I worked for a large company for four years. I came to the MBA, basically, by accident and immediately got involved in the process. Everything here was interesting, although I was able to appreciate the significance of some items only several years later.

    It is important that MBA lecturers are not academic teachers, but fundamentally entrepreneurial practitioners. The Institute also invites experienced lecturers from the USA, Norway, Italy, Holland, who teach courses for 1.5 - 2 months. For me, one of the most memorable was the “Business Presentation” course by the charismatic American Peter Young, who completely changed my idea of ​​how to speak in front of an audience with your project. It was psychology, disassembled into subtle technical nuances: what exactly needs to be done and what effect it will have. In general, some kind of magic, written down by notes...

    Studying in an MBA is, first of all, a deep understanding of how business and the economy work. Plus, you have all the important management tools in your hands, the knowledge that does not lose its relevance and helps the manager to be professional and competent. MBA is also a unique concentration of thinking, flexible, interesting people from a wide variety of fields - from pharmaceuticals to logistics, banking or automotive manufacturing.


    Recognition and confirmation of the high assessment of the overall work was the fact that in 2017, the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU became a member of the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the first business school in Belarus accepted into this status international organization. World practice shows that 2/3 of foreign students enrolling in MBA programs, and 60% choosing other master's programs, prefer an internationally accredited business school.

    Membership in AACSB is the first step towards international accreditation of the institute, recognition of Belarusian business education at the global level by experts in this field. Of course, this will increase the international rating of BSU, which means that the country’s leading university will become even more attractive for our and foreign students, which will lead to an increase in the export of educational services.

    By the way, today there are about 760 AACSB-accredited business schools in the world from 45 countries. For example, in Poland only 2 business schools are accredited. So far, universities in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia do not have international AACSB accreditation.


    Vladimir Apanasovich, director of the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU:

    Today, business support is one of the values ​​in the development of the Belarusian economy. And we train managers with deep knowledge of business processes, as well as proactive entrepreneurs. They see the problem, can formulate its essence and offer solutions within their competence. For many years we have been observing how our students go through all stages of personal transformation, turning into effective leaders and experienced managers.

    All the work of our institute contributes to blurring the boundaries between training and practical innovative and entrepreneurial activities, preparing the most competitive in the labor market, not only specialist applicants, but also owners of small and medium-sized businesses - job creators.