When is Maria's name day? All angel days according to the church calendar. When is Angel Mary Day celebrated? Mary's Name Day Family Relationships and Marriage

When church calendar Maria's name day: August 4 - Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, Myrrh-Bearer January 31, October 11 - Mary of Radonezh, schema-nun, mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh; on St. Sunday myrrh-bearing women - Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus of the Four Days; February 25 – Mary of Bithynia, venerable woman, who labored in male form.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Maria:

From the Hebrew language - bitter; according to other interpretations - excellent. In ancient texts the name was written using only consonants; in the 7th century. it began to be read in the Bible as Miriam, and in the Gospel as Miriam. Hence the Russian names - Marianna, Maryama, Maryana. Perhaps it comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, which, according to one version, comes from the root meaning “rejected”, according to another - from the word “sad”. Orthodox tradition translates the name as “madam.” According to the third version, the name comes from the word “mrim” - “beloved”, “desired”; according to the fourth - from the word “mara” - “to refuse”, “to resist”.

Congratulations on Maria's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Mary's name day and congratulate Mary on Angel's Day.

Maria is famous for her tenacity,

Both willpower and goodness.

On your name day - all toasts,

And warm wishes!

Let everything in life be beautiful -

I want to wish you.

Fate beautiful and happy

And never lose heart!

Manya, Marusya, Musya, Maria -

There is a lot of mash not only in Russia.

They have many saints in the Saints.

Today is a holiday in your honor only!

Our little Mashenka, congratulations to you

Happy birthday and wish you happiness!

There are many beauties around - you are the most beautiful of all!

Always be lovely, our Masha!

Be the smartest, most sincere, warm-hearted!

We will love you endlessly

We, like angels, will cherish forever,

Pray to God for Masha’s health.

Mary is the namesake of the mother of Christ,

May your path be the most excellent,

So that the bitter one does not smolder

Under the sky radiant and free.

And in Your hidden name

The man was comforted and protected.

Maria is a very ancient and very common name in the world. In Russia it is associated primarily with Orthodoxy, which brought it Slavic tribes. In this article we will talk about the holy women who bear this name, in whose honor their modern namesakes celebrate their name days.

October 11. Venerable Mary of Radonezh

The Russian saint - Venerable Mary of Radonezh - lived in the 13th-14th centuries in the Rostov principality. She was of boyar origin and owned an impressive fortune. During their lifetime, Mary and her husband were distinguished by their special piety and religious zeal. Among other things, they were destined to become the parents of one of the greatest Russian saints - St. Sergius of Radonezh. Towards the end of their lives, the righteous spouses took monastic vows, and then the great schema in the monastery. They died in 1337.

Mary, who was named in her honor, celebrates October 11; she can also celebrate at other times. For example, this saint is honored on September 28 and January 18. On these days, Maria, who bears the name in memory of the Russian ascetic, can also celebrate hers.

February 8. Martyr Mary (Tephanie)

Martyr Maria was born in 1878 in Odessa. She was not a nun, but was a simple parishioner all her life Orthodox churches. In 1937, she was arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activities and shot. Mary was canonized in the year 200. The date of her memory is February 8. According to the church calendar, Angel Mary’s Day can also be celebrated on the Feast of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, January 26. The same applies to the saint, who will be discussed below.

February 8. Confessor Maria (Korepova)

This woman was born in 1877. After the revolution, in 1919, she entered one of the monasteries of the Yaroslavl province. The monastery was closed in 1927. Then Maria settled in the city of Poshekhonye-Volodarsk. Nine years later, she was arrested for participation in an anti-Soviet church organization and sentenced to five years in correctional camps. In 1942, the nun was released. Further fate her is unknown. She was canonized as a saint in 2000. Mary, baptized in her honor, celebrates Angel Day on the date of her memory - February 8.

On this same day, it is necessary to remember another Mary - the venerable martyr from the Moscow province, born into the world in 1888. In 1916, she entered one of the monasteries, which was subsequently closed. For participation in anti-Soviet activities, she was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931, where she remained to live after the expiration of her exile. For participation in church activities and financial assistance to exiles, she was arrested again in 1937 and sentenced to death. In the year 200, she was canonized, establishing a day of church remembrance on February 8. Like all other new martyrs, she is also remembered on January 26th. Angel Day Mary, who bears her name in memory of this saint, can celebrate on one of the specified dates.

Venerable Mary of Constantinople

This saint came from Constantinople and was a noble city dweller. She was married and had two sons. When the children grew up, their parents sent them to study in Beirut, but the ship was shipwrecked, and the brothers were washed up on different shores. In grief over separation, they took monasticism, and the parents thought that their children had died. A few years later, the couple went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where, visiting various monasteries, they met first one and then their second son among the monks.

Out of gratitude to the Lord, they devoted the rest of their lives to service and even became famous for their miracles. Angel Day Mary, named in honor of this saint, like many of her namesakes, celebrates February 8th.

The name Mary, without a shadow of guile, can be called not only one of the most ancient and revered, but also one of the most widespread in many cultures of the world. When giving such a name to their baby, parents subconsciously want its significance to have the most beneficial impact on the child’s fate. After all, this is the name that many outstanding women have had throughout time. I immediately remember Mary - the mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, to whom all women pray, asking for help and intercession. And how many queens, queens and empresses bore this proud name! And also outstanding figures of science, art, politics, and public figures. What meaning did the ancients put into this name?

Meaning of the name Maria

This proud name has Hebrew origins and is interpreted by the science of names (onomastics) as “bitter”, “stubborn”. But also in the same way as “desired”, “beloved”, “mistress”. The name Maria, controlling the fate of its mistress, endows her with such traits as kindness and decency, reliability and humanity. The owners of this sonorous name have an inexhaustible supply of tenderness and love; they are always ready to help the weak and those in trouble. At the same time with such “tender” qualities, Marys have a strong character, sometimes even tough, and can stand up for themselves.

Maria's name day

And now about the name day. Name day is a celebration of a name. By choosing this biblical name for your baby and turning to the calendar, you can see that Mary’s name day is celebrated several times a year (January 31; February 8, 19 and 25; March 2; April 14, 21 and 25; May 17 and 19; 5 , 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24 June; 4, 22, 24 and 28 September; But, there are “big” name days or main and “small” name days. So, the “big” name days of Mary (their date) according to the church calendar are defined as the day of veneration of any Saint Mary, closest to the physical date of birth of the child. For example, a girl was born on September 20, then the main name day is celebrated on September 21. Sometimes this day is also called the day of the angel's name, in this case Mary. But this should not be confused with Guardian Angel Day! On this day you can arrange a family celebration, go to church, especially since Christmas is also celebrated on this day Holy Mother of God. And the remaining days of veneration of saints with the name Maria are “small” name days.

Angel Day

But the day of the Angel for Mary is the day of acceptance. It is this date that is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above Mary. Nobody knows his name, but he will protect Mashenka from hardships and adversity all his life. Do not forget to go to the temple on this day and thank your heavenly guardian.

Kindness Reliability Activity

Maria Sharapova, Russian tennis player

When is Maria's name day in 2019?

If you are invited to Mary's name day, be sure to stop by this celebration to express sincere respect to its generous and generous culprit.

To recognize Masha's character, you need to understand the meaning of her name. It has several translation options from the Hebrew language - “serene”, “bitterness”, “desired”.

The ambiguity of the definition also affects the internal contradictions with which Masha is filled. She is a selfless, meek, generous, but at the same time, a proud, strict girl, stingy with emotions.

The owner of this name is distinguished by a sharp mind, insight and incredible hard work. Communication with her is always a joy. She knows how to empathize, and is often ready to sacrifice her own interests for the well-being of loved ones.

She will be very pleased to hear congratulations on her name day. She will definitely thank you kind words or a culinary masterpiece of your own making.

It is believed that the patron saint of all who bear this name is the Venerable Mary of Egypt. According to Orthodox church custom, the day of honoring the memory falls on April 14 (or 1 according to the Julian calendar).

Her life became an example of the fact that no matter how low a person falls, his soul can still rise above the vanity of the world and receive forgiveness.

As a twelve-year-old girl, Mary ran away from home and indulged in fornication, but then accidentally accosted a group of pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem. Since then, she began to lead a righteous lifestyle, praying tirelessly for almost fifty years, atonement for her guilt.

According to the Saints, in 2014, as in any other year, there are many dates for Mary’s name day. The holiday closest to your date of birth should be taken as your angel day.

Mary's name day calendar

The ideal gift for Mary on her name day would be a beautiful item intended for her personally. She often denies herself everything while caring for others. Therefore, on the day of the angel, you must give her a pleasant surprise.

The name Mary is one of the most common in our country. Its owners are incredibly lucky, because they can celebrate their name days an incredible number of times a year. In total, there are more than forty holidays associated with this name. However, given that there are certain rules according to which it is not customary to name girls in honor of the Blessed Virgin, then, excluding about a dozen dates, we get thirty-eight days associated with a variety of representatives of the Orthodox Church, who were called Marys.


Mary's name day according to the church calendar

When is the day of the angel Mary according to the church calendar? The most popular and well-known dates are:

What does this name mean?

Many parents give this name to their daughter not only because the child was born on a date close to the day of remembrance of a saint. "Mary" is ancient and beautiful name, and girls wearing it often have a number of attractive qualities, including thriftiness and wisdom.

Its origins come from the Hebrew language. Everything about girls with this name is very harmonious: moderate severity is intertwined with kindness and cordiality, their character is sometimes contradictory. Marias are emotional, even too much, but they know how to hide all their feelings. They worry about others, empathize with everyone, are distinguished by exceptional trust and a desire to help at any moment.

Girls given this name have a well-organized mind and are excellent students: they can easily master both the humanities and the exact sciences. Maria very creative people. More in early childhood They show abilities for writing and versification, as well as painting. It is important to promote the development of the child’s talents, otherwise the energy that does not receive an outlet will turn into problems with the nervous system.

There are no health problems among girls, however, according to statistics, most of the owners of this wonderful name have some problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This means that they need to pay special attention to their diet and daily diet, and in rare cases, a strict diet may be necessary to avoid health problems and allergic reactions in the body.