The Skarsgård family: composition, biography, interesting facts, roles, photos. Alexander Skarsgard: the personal life of the actor Alexander Skarsgard with his wife

Alexander Skarsgård is a Swedish actor and director who became internationally popular after participating in the vampire saga True Blood. The actor also played the role of the main character in one of the most popular films of 2016, “Tarzan. Legend".

Alexander Skarsgård, whose last name should be correctly pronounced Skarsgård, was born in the Swedish capital in 1976. Alexandra Mu Gunther’s mother worked as a doctor, and her father is a popular film actor in his native country. Alexander became the couple’s first child, and then more children appeared in the family. The actor has a sister and six brothers. By the way, two of them, and, also act in films.

Alexander himself first came to the set at the age of 8 years. Alexander Skarsgård's first children's work was the film for young viewers "Oke and His World." Then there were many similar paintings, from which it is worth highlighting family drama"The Laughing Dog" In 1989, the young actor interrupted his career.

The boy turned out to be a popular child actor, but when Skarsgård turned 15, the young man was tired of popularity and the inability to walk the streets calmly. The teenager gives up his acting career and decides to study to become an architect. However, higher education As a result, Alexander received a different specialty, namely political science.

After college, the young man signs a contract with the Swedish armed forces and, at the age of 19, is sent to serve in the anti-terrorist unit of the coastal artillery of the Stockholm archipelago. The army gave Skarsgård the opportunity to reconsider his outlook on life. The guy realized that he had quit the movie in vain. Therefore, after demobilization, Alexander decides to resume his career, but to do it at a serious level. The young man leaves for England, where at Leeds City University he hones his English pronunciation and also studies drama. As a result, Alexander receives a doctorate in arts.

Skarsgård's next stop was New York, where the excellent acting school Marymount Manhattan is located. Even then, Alexander could gain a foothold in Hollywood, but due to family circumstances he was forced to return to Sweden, where he began actively acting in big films, as well as appearing in television series.


After 10 years, Alexander returned to Swedish cinema with the melodrama “Happy Ending”. At home, the actor also starred in such projects as the thriller “The Diver,” the romantic film “Wings of Glass” and the family saga “Kites from Helsinki.” The famous film of that period is Othman Karim’s drama “About Sarah,” for which the actor received an award at the Moscow Film Festival.

The first American film in Skarsgård's career was the comedy Zoolander. He got the role of a strange guy who moonlights as a fashion model. Alexander gained wide popularity after the release of the war drama Generation Kill, and the fantasy television series True Blood made him popular all over the world. In this multi-part film, he plays vampire Eric Northman, owner of the vampire bar Fangtasia. The actor was also involved in the singer’s video clip for the song “Paparazzi”.

Of the many subsequent star roles of Alexander Skarsgård, it is worth highlighting the thriller “ Straw dogs", the melodrama "Divorce in the City", the fairytale film "Melancholia", the horror film "Lurking" and the unusual family story "The Diary of a Teenage Girl".

In 2016, the comedy “War Against Everyone” and the adventure film “Tarzan”, expected by many movie lovers, were released. Legend". Alexander Skarsgård's partner on the set was a model and actress.

This is not the first time that directors have turned to the famous series of novels about Tarzan, a man raised by apes. But most of these adaptations focus on Tarzan's childhood, the wild man's introduction to people and civilization.

Film "Tarzan" The Legend begins with the fact that the former Tarzan, who took the legal name of John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, has already settled down in London and lives the ordinary life of a noble Briton with his wife Jane. But the intrigues and financial machinations of the film’s antagonists force Tarzan to go back into the jungle, and fans of Alexander Skarsgård are given the opportunity to see the actor in only a loincloth. The actor has a rather atypical, lean and lean figure. As Alexander himself admitted in an interview, the actor’s weight is 86 kg, and this is with a height of almost two meters - 194 cm.

Personal life

The number of star-studded novels by Alexander Skarsgård is simply off the charts. In his native Sweden, he had a long, serious relationship with a girl, because of whom the actor was forced to return home after studying in New York. But when there was a break between the lovers, Alexander again leaves for the USA and changes one girlfriend after another.

The first in the series of Skarsgård's chosen ones was the actress and singer, then the model Isabella Miko, star of the action movie "Clash of the Titans". Another fleeting romance of the actor was his relationship with his partner in the series “True Blood”.

The actor was also credited with an affair with an actress, the star of another vampire series. The actress appeared in a photo with Alexander Skarsgard and Michael McMillian, Skarsgard's co-star in True Blood. This photo provoked a wave of rumors, but later it turned out that Nina and Michael are good friends, but the girl does not communicate too much with Alexander.

And then Alexander fell in love for real. The girl who was able to turn the head of the Swedish womanizer was the famous actress. They were together for more than two years, the reasons for their breakup are unknown to the public, but much later Alexander admitted that he should not have kept Kate.

Further, the actor’s name was associated with one of the famous sisters, and with a popular singer, as well as with the young actress Ellen Page and the mature beauty. Since 2015, Alexander Skarsgård has been in a serious relationship with British TV presenter and model Alexa Chung.

The actor is known as an ardent fan of Swedish football. He is a fan of the Stockholm club Hammarby and even provided financial assistance to this team, and also attracted the public to matches through various events, for example, signing autographs at the stadium.

More than one account is registered on Instagram under the name of Alexander Skarsgård, but these pages are not marked as verified, and with a high degree of probability they are run by fans of the actor.

Alexander Skarsgård now

In the summer of 2017, the actor’s fans received encouraging news: Alexander Skarsgård’s heart is free again. The actor is with Alexa Chung after two years of dating. Moreover, as acquaintances of the couple told the press, the actor and TV presenter stopped communicating back in May 2017.

The former lovers did not comment on the breakup, just as they refused to comment on the beginning of the relationship. The press noted that the actor does not suffer from his ex-girlfriend. The Western press wrote about the actor's possible relationship with model Toni Garrn.

Professional biography Alexander Skarsgard also continues to attract the attention of fans. In 2017, the actor starred in the HBO drama series Big Little Lies. For his role in this television series, Skarsgård received an Emmy in the category “Outstanding Supporting Actor in a TV Movie.”

At the Emmy awards ceremony, who played the role of Skarsgård's character's wife in Big Little Lies, Alexander struck her lips after announcing the winner of the nomination. In such a strange way, Nicole congratulated her colleague, while not at all embarrassed that she kissed a man in front of her own husband.


  • 2008 – “Generation Killers”
  • 2008-2014 – “True Blood”
  • 2011 – “Straw Dogs”
  • 2011 – “Melancholia”
  • 2012 – “Battleship”
  • 2012 – “Divorce in the Big City”
  • 2014 – “Lurking”
  • 2015 – “The Diary of a Teenage Girl”
  • 2016 – “War against everyone”
  • 2016 – “Tarzan. Legend"
  • 2017 – “Big Little Lies”
Last update: 12/27/2018

Alexander Skarsgård stands on the roof of a Manhattan skyscraper, surveys the urban jungle below, and coughs into his chest. For a moment, it seems as if this is Tarzan, the most famous man to brave the wild. It turns out that it's actually just a chest cough. “Unfortunately, the cold can negatively affect even me,” he wheezes.

From this height, the 39-year-old Swede's older brother can easily see his home in Manhattan. After today's interview, he will accompany his girlfriend Alexa Chung, a British model, to one of the most famous events in the fashion world - the CFDA Awards in New York. Then in the morning he goes to Tokyo for the premiere of Tarzan, and then, if he can maintain such a rhythm, Alexander flies to France to see the Swedish football team play in the European Championship.

The childhood of modern Tarzan

Such is the life of a famous person. In The Legend of Tarzan, Skarsgård leads an all-star cast including Margot Robbie, Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz. The story begins with John Clayton (Skarsgard) living a monotonous aristocratic life in England with his wife Jane. Events change dramatically when they find themselves in the jungles of Africa, where Clayton was raised by gorillas as a wild child and here his name is already different - Tarzan.

Skarsgård also calls his own childhood wild, but in a completely different way. He was raised on the island of Södermalm, in a free-thinking community of artists and writers in the south of Stockholm, and is the eldest of six children - five boys and one girl. “It was an incredible childhood. Nobody ever locked the doors. We didn’t even carry keys,” he recalls. “My cousins ​​lived in the apartment above us, so all the kids were constantly running up and down. And my grandparents lived across the street."

Alexander's father, Stellan Skarsgård, a 65-year-old man, is Sweden's best-known and most beloved actor, having starred in films such as Thor, Mamma Mia!, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and many others. Apparently, Stellan's liberal approach to life extends to his wardrobe. He often walked around the house naked, despite the presence of guests.

Liberal education

“My dad is a very sociable guy. He also loves to cook. We always ate together as a family every evening,” says Alexander. Even after his parents divorced and his father married a younger woman, with whom he has two more sons, they remained best friends. So good that they still have lunch together sometimes, like a big, loud family, and have even bought holiday homes 200 meters away from each other. "It `s very unusual. I understand very well how lucky we are to live this way,” says Skarsgård.

As a child, young Alexander Skarsgård appeared on Swedish television. At the age of 13, he starred in the program “The dog that smiled,” which made him suddenly famous. Feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed about receiving so much attention at his age, he decided that he would not pursue it any further, a decision supported by his father. "Dad basically said, 'Well, if you don't feel like it's yours, don't do it.' Try to do other things, have fun, enjoy life, “says Alexander. “I am very grateful to my father for this, because if he forced me, I don’t think I would be an actor today. I needed a break from it all as a teenager."

Skarsgård spent his teenage years doing typical teenage things: getting drunk, listening to punk, watching his favorite football team play home and away. Then, at the age of 19, he surprised everyone by announcing that he wanted to join the Swedish military.

From bohemian life to the army

"I grew up in a very bohemian, hippie environment," he says. His whole family - artists and pacifists - drink, smoke and hate the idea of ​​the military. “Perhaps such a decision at age 19 was a common reaction to such an environment.” Not that he had any intention of going into a war zone. “I had no intention of visiting any military zone. In Sweden, our last war was 200 years ago, so it was more just like a personal challenge."

Alexander is not afraid to step out of his comfort zone. After 15 months of experience in the Swedish Marines, his next exciting educational phase took him to England - where he chanced upon Leeds, a "tough working class city". Why Leeds? “Well, my mate and I wanted to see how the British live. We thought, “If we go to London, we'll just hang out there with all our Swedish friends. So we looked at the map for a while and I saw Leeds.

Actor's blood

Eventually, perhaps even inevitably, Skarsgård returned to acting. Even though their father did not put any pressure on his children to follow his example, Gustav, Bill and Walter Skarsgård became actors along with their brother; it's clearly in the genes.

Although Alexander deliberately tried to avoid being typecast, there is a common theme across most of his roles. This feature is that he feels quite relaxed without clothes. And that is why in many films he breaks up with her.

Train or be forgotten

IN " The Legend of Tarzan", Skarsgård spends much of the film running, swinging and jumping shirtless. Warner Bros. offered him the services of one of their trainers to get him into the shape he wanted, but he instead chose to work with his friend, Magnus, a nutritional trainer. "When you have to see the same person every morning at 4:30, it's important that you get along well with them," says Skarsgård. Thus, he spent 3 months of hard training, and during this period he added more than 11 kg, eating an “insane” 7000 calories per day. After hitting green screens at Warner Bros. Studios, near London, he spent four months filming during eight weeks of pre-production.

Even though he hates diets, Skarsgård loves intense physical challenges for his body. In 2014, he traveled to the South Pole with Prince Harry to raise money for charity. "He's an incredible storyteller, so I think he'd be a very good actor," Skarsgård says wryly. He also spent three weeks at sea a couple of years ago, sailing the Atlantic Ocean on a sailboat. “I'm definitely a city guy, but I love the contrast of going into complete oblivion, without my phone,” he says. "It recharges my batteries."

Eligible Swedish bachelor

Now, after Tarzan, he has already signed a contract for three films, although he himself believes that this is very little to be confident in the further development of his career.

Having grown up in such a large family, does Skarsgård plan to start his own? "Yes. I am not married, I have no children. I feel fine without it,” he shrugs. “There is no midlife crisis yet.”

Bill Istvan Gunter Skarsgård is a famous Swedish actor, whose popularity was brought by his roles in the television series Hemlock Grove (Roman Godfrey) and in the box-office horror film It, where he played the clown with a demonic smile - Pennywise.

Despite his young age, his role as Simon (in the film “There are No Feelings in Space”) became a laureate of the Swedish national film award, the Golden Bug. The actor’s filmography is known to many fans of the star, but there is not much information about his personal life: the actor from the Skarsgård clan prefers not to advertise his relationships.

Numerous family

Skarsgård was born on 08/09/1990 in Vällingby (a suburb of Stockholm). The boy's childhood passed in a creative atmosphere: his father, Stellan Jun Skarsgård, was popular actor, winner of the Berlin Film Festival. However, the mother, Mu Gunter, chose a non-creative path for herself - the work of a doctor.

Bill grew up in a large family, where in addition to him there were seven more children. His brothers Alexander, Gustaf and Walter also act in films; Sam chose to become a doctor; Eya first worked as a model, then as a nightclub manager.

Bill Skarsgard his family

The childhood of the future actor was “saturated” with communication with the creative elite and bohemians. Bill Skarsgard grew up constantly traveling: his father took his sons with him to film films.

These travels left an imprint on the child’s character: the boy got rid of prejudices, became more curious and open to everything new.

Bill Skarsgard

Interesting fact: Bill Skarsgård and his family have a surname that no one else in their homeland has: the actor’s grandfather created it himself. In the mid-twentieth century in Sweden there was a proliferation of identical surnames, and the government encouraged people to invent new family names themselves.

Personal life of Bill Skarsgård

Not many facts are known about the personal life of the newly minted star. The Swedish actor does not like to talk too much about this topic, giving interviews or sharing photos on social networks.

At the beginning of 2011, the young man began to appear in public with Clara Girrell, and was later seen with American actress Alexis Knapp. However, this relationship was at the level of rumors.

Bill Skarsgård with Clara Girrell

In 2015, a young representative of the Skarsgård clan began dating actress Alida Morberg, known for the films “Mentally Ill” (2010), “Stockholm Stories” (2013) and “Sensitivity” (2015). It is known that the girl is 5 years older than her chosen one.

New film adaptation "It" Stephen King breaks box office records around the world. Last but not least, thanks to the really creepy clown Pennywise, played by Bill Skarsgar d. When the actor came to the premiere, many were amazed at how cute he was in real life. We tell you all the most important things about this sweet man - meet him!

1. Skarsgard clan

Bill is another son of the famous Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård, and brother of the actors Alexander Skarsgard ("Real blood") And Gustaf Skarsgård ("Vikings"). The Skarsgård acting clan also includes Sam and Walter, but they are not yet widely known to the world.

Gustaf, Bill and Alexander the troll at the premiere of "It"

2. He's not Skarsgård

In fact, Bill's (and Stellan's, and Alexander's, and Gustaf's) last names are pronounced "Skashgod". But we pronounce it in the English manner, along with the whole world. The clan reconciled.

3. Short Bill

Bill's height is 192 cm. He is the shortest in his family. See for yourself.

4. First time

Bill's first film came out in 2000, when he was only 10 years old - this Järngänget(White Water Fury V English version). The main role in the film was played by his brother Alexander Skarsgard.

5. First success

Bill was nominated for the Swedish equivalent of the Oscar - the Golden Bug Award for his role in the film “There are no feelings in space”: he played 18-year-old Simon with Asperger's syndrome.

6. Godfrey

Bill received his first sprouts of fame by playing in a mystical series "Hemlock Grove" from Netflix. His Roman Godfrey is the spoiled heir of a wealthy family who, along with newly arrived gypsy Peter, investigates the mysterious murder of a high school girl. This role also turned out... hmm... colorful. The series lasted season 3 with good ratings.

7. Not Godfrey alone

Movies that you definitely watched with Bill Skarsgård (or at least heard) - "Anna Karenina" Joe Wright, "Divergent Chapter 3: Beyond the Wall" And "Atomic Blonde".

Bill in Atomic Blonde

8. Pennywise not right away

Bill was not immediately approved for the role of Pennywise. At first the evil clown had to be played Will Poulter ("We are the Millers"), but he had a scheduling conflict. The role, according to rumors, was even offered Tilda Swinton- but it didn’t work out.

9. Scary and terrible

On the set of It, the children were really afraid of Bill. And he was worried that he had to scare the unfortunate people and not show any friendliness towards them according to the director’s plan. That's why Andres Muschietti I tried to keep Bill as far away from the children as possible and released him only in the necessary scenes. The effect is obvious: more than $300 million in worldwide receipts and the highest-grossing horror film to date.

10. Smile!

Bill really knows how to smile like Pennywise. These are not special effects - and what a horror!

11. Bonded with King

"It" is Bill's first work based on Stephen King - but there is a TV series ahead of him "Castle Rock" according to the writer's stories.

The personal life of Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgård interests the paparazzi no less than his successes in the film industry. It is worth noting that worldwide popularity came to him after starring in the series “True Blood” (2008-2014), where he played Eric Northman. But along with this, the yellow press began to become increasingly interested in his amorous affairs. This does not please the actor at all, but on the contrary, it infuriates him. In one of his interviews, he noted that the paparazzi would soon drive him crazy: “It seems to me that this popularity will erase my personal life. I can’t go to a restaurant or a party with my girlfriend like a normal person. These journalists with cameras follow me everywhere. I can’t just sit with her in the park on a bench anymore - they poke their noses everywhere.”

Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgard and his girls

The press is replete with a considerable number of articles about the celebrity’s numerous novels. So, before he had a serious relationship for the first time in his life, in 2008 he had an affair with the beauty Amanda Seyfried, an actress, singer and former model. A year later, Polish film star Isabella Miko became his new passion.

After just a couple of months in the personal life of Alexander Skarsgård, one girl was replaced by another. She became a colleague on the set, a nominee for the Golden Globe and Emmy awards, who played the role of Sophie-Anne Leclerc in the TV series True Blood, Evan Rachel Wood. But this novel, like the previous ones, ended as unexpectedly as it began. In 2009, the couple broke off their relationship. But the actor was not alone for long - his new lover was the sexy brown-haired Swedish actress and dancer Alicia Vikander. He and she were repeatedly seen kissing in the park, and soon they attended the Comic-Con festival. After some time, the actor officially announced that they were dating and, we quote, the relationship is quite serious.

True, they turned out to be not as serious as Alexander assured - after a couple of months, Alicia was replaced by Charlize Theron, with whom the actor actively flirted in public, hugged and gently held her hand. Soon his new hobby became no less famous person, Rihanna, with whom the ladies' man went to dinner. But the rumors that Alexander Skarsgård and Nina Dobrev are dating remained unconfirmed. The actor has repeatedly repeated in interviews that he and the actress support her exclusively. True, it is almost impossible to find photo evidence of this on the Internet.

Is Alexander Skarsgård gay?

Many fans had such thoughts after the next episode of “True Blood” was released, in which the handsome Swede’s hero had sex with his colleague on the set, Theo Alexander. Both played the scene so perfectly that many reporters wondered if they were both gay. Women can breathe a sigh of relief - their favorite is simply an incredibly talented actor, and therefore, for the sake of cinema, he is ready to become a vampire and kiss a man.

Kate Bosworth and Alexander Skarsgard

I would also like to mention the love story of these two celebrities. After short affairs with many stars, Kate became the only one who really turned the head of the sexy blonde. The two started dating in 2009 and met on the set of the film Straw Dogs. They did not hide their feelings from curious paparazzi, and they could often be seen walking hand in hand in city parks, at exhibitions, and parties. But in 2011, Kate and Alex separated by mutual consent.