Famous homosexuals. Gays in politics: list of famous personalities

They are talented artists, commanders, writers. Gays whom the whole world knows. Crazy and desperate love for men led many of them to death.

1. Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was accused of prostitution. The author of the book “Gay History” Jiří Fanel talks about the situations that helped Caesar achieve the imperial chair. For example, for three years Julius sold his body for a very modest sum to Nicomedes IV, the last king of Bithynia. Later, the ruler of Rome spent huge amounts of money from the state treasury on his pleasures with the youths.

2. Michelangelo Buonarroti
Paul Russell in his book “100 Brief Lives of Gays and Lesbians” mentions that the brilliant sculptor, only at the age of 57, suddenly experienced the feeling that lyricists of all times describe. Michelangelo fell in love with a young man named Tommaso de Cavalieri. He wrote letters to the young boy and painted him as an angel on the Last Judgment fresco.

3. Oscar Wilde
According to the memoirs of Oscar Wilde’s contemporaries, it is known that after the creative success of the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and the play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” the writer began openly dating men. However, fame could not protect him from prison: in 1985 he was accused of obscenity and sent to hard labor. This broke the writer.

4. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov
According to the author of the book “Gay History” Jiří Fanel, Kutuzov preferred the military. And the commander died at the moment when the Russian soldier was giving him a blowjob.

5. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana
Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are a creative duo, known to the world elegant ideas, a variety of fashionable lines of clothing and accessories. In 1985, the Dolce & Gabbana brand first participated in the show of emerging fashion designers at Milan Fashion Week. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were waiting for success. From the beginning of the collaboration, it was clear that the Dolce & Gabbana fashion house is a partnership between two talented designers, as well as people in love with each other. In 1986, at an unofficial ceremony, they took touching vows, which they still keep.

6. Elton John
The British rock singer, composer and pianist has given the world more than 300 million recordings that inspire people around the world. Fans of Elton John are not at all confused by the artist’s orientation. Already in 1993, he met his future husband, David Farnish, and today the couple has two sons. However, everything was not so smooth: before the happy family life Elton had an affair with secretary Linda Woodrow and a wedding with sound engineer Renata Blauel. It was only in 1988 that he publicly admitted his sexuality.

7. Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury is a legend. He was in love with his fiancée Mary, who until recently did not know that he was bisexual. He could not choose one person and canceled the wedding. “I can sleep with anyone,” Mercury admitted. “There are days when I live only for sex.” According to the stories of his friends, he had many lovers, most of all he liked mustachioed brutal men. Perhaps it was this passion that destroyed the brilliant artist. Freddie Mercury died at 45 from AIDS.

8. Sergei Diaghilev and Vaslav Nijinsky
Sergei Diaghilev was a talented theatrical and artistic figure, founded the Diaghilev Russian Ballet troupe, a truly significant phenomenon of the 20th century, and revealed the beauty of Russian ballet to Europeans. In 1908, he met Vaslav Nijinsky, a graceful dancer and choreographer who later became a living legend for his high jumps. For more than five years, Nijinsky was at Diaghilev’s complete disposal both on stage and in life.

9. Christian Dior
The French fashion designer hid his relationships with men for most of his life; the famous couturier’s affairs each time ended in a severe shock for him. At the age of 51, he met the young Algerian singer Jacques Benit, who was 25. Dior lost his head: he went out with the singer and tried to lose weight. Such activity and carelessness led the maestro to an attack - the lover’s heart stopped.

10. Adolf Hitler
Lothar Makhtan, head of the department of modern and modern history University of Bremen, has been studying Hitler's homosexuality for many years, he believes that this is what influenced the horrific decisions that ruined people's lives. Lothar claims that Hitler shot Nazi officials with whom he slept to hide his sexuality, and also supported the persecution of gays for the same reason. Hitler's most famous love affair was with Rudolf Hess, Adolf's deputy.

Homosexuals have existed since the beginning of humanity. Even in the biblical laws of Moses it is mentioned: “Do not lie with a man, as with a woman - it is disgusting.” Although the instruction did not stop anyone. Gays were found among the Romans, Jews, and Greeks. The indigenous inhabitants of the black continent and undiscovered America found pleasure in truly male love.

How does libido affect a person’s destiny? Based on the facts of history, conclusions suggest themselves. Many talented people were bi or gay. Freud also argued that in sexual fantasies there is a hidden, true “I-image”, without the brakes of culture and upbringing. What is the reason for versatility or the desire to learn new things? Gays in the history of Russia are found at every step of the textbook.

Gays in the history of Russia, as in other countries, created masterpieces, ruled the strange and danced until they dropped, led armies. They created this story, despite their sexual orientation and constant hostility from heterosexuals.

1. Ivan the Terrible. One of the first controversial homosexual images in Russian history is Ivan the Terrible. In his book “The Other Side of the Sun,” Lev Klein mentions the homosexual inclinations of the strict king. The writer points interesting facts from Litopis 13: 450. It says that Ivan (at that time still a prince) did not want to marry a girl from another state. He refers to differences in morals and possible conflicts. Although he could talk about religious differences and politics. Soon the king marries Anastasia. She gives birth to six children for him. Only two survived - son Ivan and Fedor. They said about the king's wife that she was a patient and affectionate woman. She was only jealous of the Tsar-husband towards the priest Sylvester. Ivan the Terrible intimidated the queen, fearing that his infidelities would spread. The fragile woman began to get sick and died before reaching thirty years of age. The sovereign's assistant, Adashev, and the would-be priest Sylvester were blamed for the early death of the queen. Soon the boyars advised Ivan to marry again. Subsequently, the king married nine times. According to historical statistics, he could only experience sexual pleasure with his first wife, Anastasia. All others were only short-term substitutes. Three of Ivan’s wives died early, he killed one himself, and imprisoned two within the walls of the monastery. I wanted to send another wife, but she died earlier.

2. N.V. Gogol. Some facts indicate that N.V. Gogol had a passion for men. Conclusions arise naturally after reading the autobiographical, little-known short story “Nights at the Villa.” The work describes love feelings for Count Joseph Vielgorsky, who died in the arms of the writer. Nikolai Vasilyevich’s second strong passion was the artist Ivanov Alexander Andreevich, famous for painting the canvas “The Appearance of Christ to the People.” Quite a lot of literary critics claim that Gogol was the first Russian metrosexual. He was gay, but it is not known whether he accepted himself as such? From the very early childhood little Kolya was surrounded by a world of men. First, brother Vanya, with whom they were inseparable. Then Sasha Dinilevky, Kolya Prokopovich, Vanya Pashchenko - friends from the Nizhyn gymnasium. And later the actors who played female roles with him in the theater. Nikosha (that was the name of Gogol among his family and friends) was not much liked. The young man had a strange appearance - long straight hair, a nose, a deep, piercing gaze. Critics either loved Gogol or terribly hated him. They referred to a detailed description of the writer’s personal life and his difference from others.

3. P.I. Tchaikovsky. Composer P.I. was very fond of various homosexual games. Tchaikovsky. The most favorite of them is collective masturbation on a bun. According to the rules of the game, whoever finished last had to eat it. The composer's biography recalls that he cohabited with many childhood and school friends: Vladimir Meshchersky, Vladimir Adamov, Alexei Apukhtin.

4.Sergei Diaghilev became famous not only for his relationship with Tchaikovsky. He was the mission of the ballet at that time. He was called the most European Russian person of the twentieth century. Diaghilev was a comprehensively developed person, a talent in the flesh, without postscripts or speculation. Even at the beginning of his career, he wrote music, created an opera, wrote books, and acted in plays. These activities did not become the core of life. He searched for himself, both in creativity and love. He first made a splash with the help of modernist artists, then moved into ticketed productions. Already at the end of his journey, Diaghilev strove to create a family. In his understanding, it was a union of three - Boris Kakhno, Sergei Lifar and him - Sergei Diaghilev. But Lifar sharply protested against the threesome’s love, he did not want to share his Seryozha with anyone. At the end of his life, only Sergei Lifar remains with him, supports him, helps him collect a library of old books, and together they fight nicotine addiction. Perhaps this was exactly the family life that the 20th century ballet guru, Sergei Diaghilev, dreamed of.

5. L. Bakst. The artist Leon Bakst is also listed as one of the famous homosexuals in Russia. Perhaps the effect of close cooperation on art exhibition with Sergei Diaghilev and Alexandre Benois. Then they collaborated for many years and communicated closely. Before his death, due to the growing conflict, Leon left Diaghilev's corpse. The artist’s biographers do not know the exact facts that would confirm or refute Bakst’s sexual orientation.

6. Felix Yusupov was a very rich man. He inherited capital from his father, which brought in 10 million rubles a year. At one time, he wrote “Memoirs”, in which he talked about his sexual desires. Felix wrote that homosexuality began to manifest itself in his youth, during a duel, when the elder Yusupov, Nikolai, was shot. When the boy was left alone in the family, he enjoyed all the delights of permissiveness, sometimes reaching moral extremes. The mother of Yusupov Jr. was expecting a daughter, so she had a whole chest of pink dowry. To dispel grief, until the age of five, Felix was dressed up as a girl. The boy liked to play with his mother’s jewelry, try on dresses, and comb his hair. The Memoirs recall that his mother’s whim left a significant imprint on the formation of Felix’s personality. At the age of 13, Yusupov lost his virginity to an Argentinean. In a cocktail with children's amusements, this completely turned the guy into a transvestite. Transformation into a woman for Felix became a necessity, an addiction, and not just fun. Yusupov became famous for ridding Russia of Rasputin. The Queen Mother longed for the death of the brave man, but the Tsar only sent him into exile. In 1919, he left Russia and went first to Malta, and then purchased a house in the Bois de Boulogne. Shortly before his death, he adopted a boy, Victor Contreras, who in the future became a popular sculptor.

7. Vaslav Nijinsky called the mad king of dance. He had a difficult fate, a life divided into several stages. The first ten years are childhood. Then ten years of study and ten years of all-consuming glory. After that - an abyss... and thirty long years in captivity of schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, darkness. In his diary “Feelings,” which he wrote while terminally ill, he paid a lot of attention to early sexual feelings for men. Vaclav considered them a vice. He often accused Diaghilev, as if he were a tempting serpent and forced the young dancer to have sex. In fact, Vaclav was already quite rich and popular at the moment when fate confronted him with Sergei Diaghilev. Pavel Lvov fell in love with Nijinsky; he was ready to do a lot for the sake of his god of dance. But the real Vaclav disappointed him in sex, because he was absolutely inexperienced in same-sex love. Lvov supported Vaclav for several months until he lost interest in him. After the breakup, the young dancer changed hands, but Pavel was the first man who made him suffer. Communication with Diaghilev, and soon joint project in Paris slammed the doors of a new golden cage. Vaclav was very worried about his homosexuality and passive position. He lied in the “Feelings” diary that Sergei allowed him to become an asset, but these were only attempts to justify himself. Nijinsky lived a closed life, outside society and outside reality, in the golden cage of dance and dependence on rich lovers.

8. Leonid Myasin. Another dancer from Diaghilev’s corpse possessed real male eroticism. His name is Leonid Myasin. When a dancer appeared on the Parisian stage wearing only a loincloth and a skin, it caused a sensation. Sargent French journalists even renamed the title of the ballet, “The Legend of Joseph,” to “Joseph’s Thighs.” Biographers and the dancer himself claim that he was heterosexual. Although at the time of working with Diaghilev he had experience of homosexual relations.

9. Sergei Eisenstein was a revolutionary director. His father was a talented architect. In Riga there are still houses in the Art Nouveau style built according to his designs. The boy received a good education, read a lot, attended exhibitions and other cultural events. The search for himself led Eisenstein from the theater to the cinema, where he truly revealed his talent to the world. Little is known about the director's personal life. One day during a rehearsal he met an actor, his name was Grigory Alexandrov. Simple, Grisha. Soon they became not only colleagues, but also film partners. Grisha was Sergei’s assistant when “Strikes,” “October,” and “Darkness” were filmed. Grisha then plays a strange role as Eisenstein. He becomes his confidant, hidden in relationships with women, in personal relationships. Sergei was greatly impressed by the return of his mother, who tried in every possible way to protect him from mistakes and control his life.

10. Pavel Chelishchev was not only a popular and talented artist. Surrounded by the meter was the famous serpent-tempter - Sergei Diaghilev. They met in Berlin. Afterwards, the artist went to work in Paris with Gertrude Stein, his serene patron. Before World War II, Chelishchev’s activities were classified as part of the homosexual movement of the avant-garde. Critics saw in his paintings psychoerotic desire, homo-energetic conflict.

Let's continue our story.

11. Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III added to the list - gays in the history of Russia. He sent his first wife to a monastery, because in 20 years of marriage they did not have a single child. Biographers claim that it was the husband’s fault. He then married Elena Glinskaya, who bore him two children. One boy was mentally retarded, and the second was Ivan the Terrible. Vasily could fulfill his marital duty with his wife only on the condition that there would be a naked officer in the chambers. The prince's favorite was Fyodor Basmanov, who skillfully danced in front of the king in women's dresses. Many facts of homosexual biography are open in historical novel Tolstoy "Prince Silver".

12. During the reign of Peter I, sexual pleasures between men and men were not uncommon. Many historians, despite the facts, are silent about this side of the life of the Great Tsar. Some details of the biography are revealed in the book about homosexuals in Russian history, “The Other Side of the Sun,” written by Lev Klein. Pyotr Alekseevich reigned when he was 17 years old, and there are a lot of assumptions and rumors that by this age, he was already familiar with non-traditional sexual relationships. Franz Yakovlevich Lefort, a native of Alpine Switzerland, allegedly contributed to this. They say that only after becoming the Tsar’s lover he was awarded the rank of admiral, and he introduced the young sovereign to a street pie vendor named Sashka Menshikov. Until Lefort’s death in 1699, this trio was tightly connected by something, and this something was not only state affairs.

13. Alexander I was the favorite grandson and successor of Catherine the Great. It was he who she wanted to see on the throne after her death. Alexander came to power only as a result of a palace coup. Sex games were quite popular at that time, both heterosexual and homosexual. The king’s orientation was not disclosed, but there is a fact that Alexander had affairs with her husbands more than once. According to other sources, the young prince loved and respected his wife, Elizabeth. Their marriage was both happy and sad at the same time. Two children of the young couple died immediately at birth. His grandmother, Catherine the Great, put a lot of strength and energy into Alexander. She involved the best teachers in Russia in her education and taught her grandson herself. The rule of her grandson did not disappoint her - he was a good king for his state, defeated Napoleon, took care of the peasants and nobles, and competently conducted foreign political affairs. Perhaps same-sex love affairs occurred in his practice. But most likely this is the enemy’s speculation.

14. The creator of the popular opera “Boris Godunov”, Modest Mussorgsky, loved men in his youth. The musician often fell into depression due to an unfulfilled career. His creations were not recognized in society. Modest was looking for himself both in personal and love terms, and in creative endeavors.

15. Another popular homosexual in the history of Russia is Lenin’s People’s Commissar Georgy Chicherin. He was a famous diplomat. Even Trotsky himself argued that Chicherin is a talented worker, he is able to quickly and efficiently organize a team and select personnel. In connection with the feigned righteous life of the communists, Gregory’s homosexual inclinations were furiously hidden by the party and his comrades.

16. M.I. Many considered Kutuzov to be a fan of same-sex relationships. He has been known to us all since school as a famous Russian commander. Mikhail Illarionovich spent his entire life side by side with military men like himself, and died at the moment when his own Russian soldier made him feel good. The commander’s heart could not stand it, and he left the earthly world, leaving his penis in the orderly’s mouth.

17. Georgy Millyar was a famous Soviet actor, Baba Yaga from children's fairy tales, and a homosexual. The actor put on the image for a reason. It was a child's game, obscene gestures from the point of view of the party, and blue pants that saved the actor from a trip to Kolyma. When in his youth he was caught in a somewhat awkward situation with a colleague. Then the young actor was kept in a common cell with thieves for several days, and then released, threatening not to do this again. And Georgy found a way out to preserve his internal priorities, not to hide, and at the same time not to end up in exile. He became an actor in children's films! After the incident, the Soviet government did not punish the actor, but did not encourage him either. He was given a small apartment (when the actor turned 80), was not allowed to spend evenings, anniversaries, and was not allowed to go abroad for prizes and awards. And Millyar received the People's Artist award only at the age of 85. George lived an unhappy life, despite his great popularity and love from the audience. At the beginning of his career, he hid his aristocratic roots, then homosexuality. He was a lonely man.

18. Rudolf Nureyev is a Russian genius, without whom the picture of post-war Russia cannot emerge. He never hid his sexuality, was rude, was infinitely brilliant and unbearable. They said he was a disgusting person. They called him everything - an upstart, a miser, a greedy hoarder, without a family... At the same time, a spark of God smoldered in him, which absorbed all the minuses of the dancer. He was a true gay who never hid his love and passion. Rudolf Nureyev died of AIDS. He was a big child who was amused by toys and spontaneity.

19. Nikolai Yezhov is known for his “Yezhovism”. A person whose hands are covered in blood. He was the head of the NKVD during the years of the Red Terror - 1937-38. Subsequently, he was accused of many things, including sodomy (homosexuality). Yezhov said that in his youth he worked as an apprentice to a tailor. There the guy was mocked, beaten, and then one tailor had a sexual relationship with him. To Nikolai's surprise, he liked it, even though Yezhov considered pederasty a vice. Soon his passion for the man was renewed in tsarist army. According to his autobiography, Nikolai resisted his eating as best he could. I tried to fill my time to capacity with work. The People's Commissar's superiors appreciated his work and even tried to treat him. At one time, Yezhov was sent to Germany to exchange experiences, in fact, to psychiatrists, in order to rid the head of the NKVD of pederasty. Nikolai Yezhov was shot in 1940, accused of treason and other mistakes.
20. The famous director Vsevolod Meyerhold delighted cinema connoisseurs and others. Ivan Ignatiev dedicated poems to him and confessed his sincere feelings. It is unknown whether they had an open relationship or whether it was just one-way love.

Despite such an ancient and rich past of gay Russia, in our society non-traditional sexual orientation is still considered a condemned vice and mental disorder. Therefore, homosexuals still have to hide their nature and defend themselves from the attacks of homophobes. Despite the ongoing struggle, gays are calm people who know how to love reverently and appreciate their feelings.

Today homosexuality is not considered a vice. In Hollywood, coming out of American actors is a completely common thing. Moreover, many gay couples around the world are popular among fans. Politicians in the Soviet Union did not treat representatives of sexual minorities so favorably, so theater, film, sports and pop stars were forced to hide their personal preferences so as not to get imprisoned.

One way or another, fans of the USSR stars still suspected some of them of homosexuality. The most famous “suspects” are in the material.


The Soviet actress never stated that she belonged to sexual minorities, but journalists and fans suspected her of this. Many people who knew Ranevskaya personally said that the actress sometimes allowed herself too much when communicating with girls. Because of this, according to Faina Ranevskaya’s friend Elena Lipova, Ekaterina Geltser stopped communicating with her. Ranevskaya’s unconventional orientation is also hinted at by her statements:

“Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are only two perversions: field hockey and ice ballet!”

Kino-Teatr.RU "

The young actor of the Soviet theater Gennady Bortnikov became famous thanks to the role of Raskolnikov in the Mossovet Theater. Bortnikov was a favorite of Faina Ranevskaya, who spoke positively about the young man’s creative abilities, as well as director Yuri Zavadsky. It was thanks to Zavadsky that Bortnikov received high-profile roles.

However, Bortnikov’s personal life always remained under a veil of secrecy, and this aroused suspicion, criticism and public condemnation. The actor’s personality was covered in legends, some even said that an unknown young student committed suicide because of his love for Gennady Bortnikov, but the actor did not officially confirm these rumors.

Kino-Teatr.RU "

People's Artist of the USSR Yuri Yuryev was considered one of his favorite actors, despite the rumors that were spread about him in Leningrad. According to some sources, Yuryev created a “salon” where romantic meetings between homosexuals and the city elite took place.

Later, many participants in this “salon” were repressed, but the organizer was not touched. Yuryev continued to work as an actor, theater teacher, and reader and died at the age of 76 in St. Petersburg.

KinoPoisk "

The Soviet actor, who often played anti-heroes in children's films, was a loner. Little is known about his personal life, which has led to rumors about his homosexuality. Millyar did not officially confirm this, but some media outlets say that he was close to going to prison for sodomy.

To dispel all the rumors, a friend of the actor suggested entering into a fictitious marriage with his neighbor in a communal apartment. Millyar got married at the age of 65, and a little later he and his wife were given an apartment on the outskirts of Moscow. There was also a positive shift in the actor’s career - serious roles began to be offered.

Ukrainian news "

A Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian theater director is suspected of homosexuality due to controversial performances. In Viktyuk’s productions, as a rule, men play female roles and do not hesitate to act out passionate love scenes with each other. Photos and videos from these shows surprise fans of theatrical art. There were rumors in Russia and the USSR that the director’s theater troupe was his “harem.”

Although Roman Viktyuk earned fame as “the main star of the gay firmament of show business,” the director did not officially confirm this information. One way or another, many of Viktyuk’s works are recognized as “homoerotic”, which prompted the public to think about his homosexuality.

Fear of harming a successful career is no longer a reason for stars to hide their homosexuality. After the legalization of same-sex marriage, coming out is not uncommon, especially among those celebrities who for many years have been sex symbols and a dream for all women.

In 1998, two-time Grammy Award winner George Michael was arrested in a public restroom in Beverly Hills for sexually assaulting a young man who turned out to be a plainclothes police officer. The incident had a detrimental effect on the artist’s popularity. Now the British singer does not hide his relationship.

Lance Bass admitted his preferences on the cover of People magazine. Last year, a member of the popular boy band N'Sync married his boyfriend Michael Turchin, whom he had been dating for about four years.

In 1976, Elton John first announced that he was bisexual. This statement, which had no precedent in the history of pop music, negatively affected his popularity.

Later, the famous Briton divorced his wife and admitted that he was gay. Now Elton John and David Furnish have two sons: Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John and Elijah Joseph Daniel Furnish-John.

The star of the series "Grey's Anatomy" Theodore Raymond Knight, who played the role of George O'Malley, officially legitimized his relationship with his long-time partner Patrick. The wedding ceremony took place in 2013.

In 2006, one of the founders of the duo Savage Garden, singer and composer Darren Hayes entered into a civil partnership in London with his friend Richard Cullen.

In 1988, actor Ian McKellen, known for his roles as Magneto in the X-Men film trilogy and Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy, openly declared his homosexuality.

In 1997, American designer Tom Ford, in an interview with The Advocate magazine, spoke for the first time about his relationship with the editor-in-chief of Vogue for Men, Richard Buckley.

Five years ago, Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin joined the ranks of openly gay people. The musician’s public statement on his official website shocked his fans. In August 2008, the musician became a father for the first time. He gave birth to twins Matteo and Valentino.

The performer of the popular hit Relax - British singer Mika - also decided not to remain silent. In 2012, the musician admitted to Instinct magazine that he was gay.

Wentworth Miller's membership of a sexual minority became known after the actor refused to come to Russia to protest against the law banning gay propaganda.

In 2012, director, actor and producer Alan Cumming entered into a same-sex marriage with graphic artist Grant Shaffer, with whom he had been in a registered civil partnership in the UK for five years.

Designer Marc Jacobs, after undergoing treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, announced his homosexual orientation. In March 2009, the fashion designer married Lorenzo Martone. In 2010, the couple separated.

Three years ago, Golden Globe and Emmy award winner Jim Parsons, known for his role as Sheldon Cooper in the comedy series The Big Bang Theory, spoke about his ten-year relationship with a man.

Famous Italian designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce told the public about their relationship in 2000. In 2004, the couple separated and have maintained exclusively business relations since then.

"I'm happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions, and I'm very proud to say that I'm totally happy with the gay lifestyle," How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris said in 2006. The actor and his partner David Bartky are raising twins: a girl and a boy.

Fashion designer John Galliano is openly gay and has never hidden his sexuality. For many years now, the designer has been dating stylist Alexis Roche.

In October 2011, Zachary Quinto, who became famous for his role as Commander Spock in the film " Star Trek" publicly declared that he has a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Do you support the idea of ​​same-sex marriage? If not, then you may not be interested in this article. We kindly ask you to get out of here. If you support gay rights, then welcome! I am glad that you are with us here in the twenty-first century.

When watching movies and TV, we begin to feel as if we know these celebrities. After watching it nightly, day after day, it's easy to assume that these actors and actresses ARE the characters they play. Well, we're here to tell you that you're wrong. For example, the stars on this particular list have something in common: these actors are gay men playing straight characters. For some of them this is quite obvious (for example, “Barney Stinson” and his beloved baby doll David Burtka), but for others it is quite unexpected! Read more about gay actors playing straight characters.

1 Sarah Paulson

Paulson, best known for her work in American Horror Story, is openly bisexual. She has had relationships with other gay celebrities, including Ryan Murphy (creator of AHS). Her first lesbian relationship was with actress Cherry Jones from 2007-2009. Before Jones, Paulson had no previous relationships with women. Following their split in 2009, she stated that she was open to romantic relationships with both men and women in the future.


There's no couple more legendary...wait for it...gifted than Neil Patrick Harris and his other half David Burtka. Look at them! They're fucking adorable. In 2006, the artist admitted that he was gay. Someone was shocked because... in 2005—2014 Neil Patrick Harris played the character of Barney Stinson, a film maestro and womanizer, in the TV series How I Met Your Mother. He was VERY convincing.

“I'm happy to dispel all the gossip and misunderstandings, and am absolutely proud to admit that I am a very happy gay man, living a full life own life, and consider myself extremely lucky to work with wonderful people in the business I love."


Ladies, arm yourself with paper napkins. Right. Matt Bomer, known for his work in the television series White Collar and the film Magic Mike, is openly gay. He and Simon Halls have been together since 2011. However, Matt Bomer first confessed in 2012, thanking Halls and their three children while accepting another award.

4 Jim Parsons

The New York Times in 2012 quelled numerous media rumors by confirming that Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory is indeed gay. Parsons has the most high income among gay actors on TV. He is paid a whopping $1,000,000 per episode. Besides keeping stacks and stacks of cash warm at night (I imagine him sleeping with his money), Parsons also cuddles up with his art director boyfriend of 12 years, Todd Spivak.

5 Cynthia Nixon

The fact that Nixon is openly gay is a true testament to just how much of a bad girl she is. Miranda Hobbs has taken countless gorgeous men to bed, and done it quite convincingly. In 2003, after the dissolution of a long-term union with her hubby, Cynthia entered into a relationship with Christine Marinoni. The couple married in 2012 and are active supporters of same-sex marriage in Marinoni's home state of Washington.


You may remember him playing the roles of strong heterosexual men in the films: “Sleepless in Seattle,” “Titanic,” “Legally Blonde,” “The First Wives Club,” “Titanic.” Victor Garber is openly gay. He appeared in public in this “role” in 2012. Since then, he has stated: “I don’t really talk about it, but everyone is aware.” Although it was not a big secret in Hollywood, it was a shock to many to learn that Jennifer Garner's father in the television series Alias ​​was gay. He has been living with his extremely attractive friend Rainer Andriesen for 15 years.

7 Kevin Spacey

There have been a lot of rumors about the romantic side of Kevin Spacey's life. He never confirmed, but he never denied that he was gay. When asked, he stated: “We must understand that those who prefer not to talk about their intimate life are not lying... No one’s personal life is of public interest. This is gossip and nothing more. And that’s all.” However, when asked if he would appear in “Things Will Get Better” videos (those where famous gay men show support and share advice with young gay men), he replied: “Yes. Undoubtedly. I would star in something like this... It's considered normal in the media, so if we stop using sex life as a weapon against people, perhaps everyone will eventually calm down about this.” Regardless of his personal life, Kevin Spacey is COOL! If you need more proof, watch the TV series House of Cards.

8 Jodie Foster

It's hard to count how many heterosexual characters the actress has played since her first breakout role in the 1970s film Taxi Driver. Foster had relationships with women for decades. Interestingly enough, Jodie Foster waited to explicitly declare her addictions and only came out openly in 2013 during the 70th Golden Globe Awards, which was both awkward and brave, and quite charming, damn it. We really enjoyed it. In 1993-2008 the actress was in a love affair with Sydney Bernard. And in 2014, Foster officially signed with Alexandra Hedison (actress and photographer).

9 Jonathan Bennett

The actor is known for his sexy look with his hair combed (and not combed, and cropped, and lengthened, and the like). BUT most of you know him as Aaron Samuels in Mean Girls. There was speculation about his sex life until recently when Julianne Hough inadvertently outed the Dancing With the Stars contestant during a side interview. Bennett, like Spacey, neither confirmed nor disputed the rumors. Additionally, he was previously linked to Kyle XY co-star Matt Dallas, who has since turned the tables.

10 Raven-Symone

Raven, known for her work on The Cosby Show and That's So Raven, announced her sexual orientation to the world via Twitter: “My sexuality is my own and whoever I date should know it. I’m not one of those who will put my life on public display.” In 2013: “I am thrilled to learn that many states have legalized same-sex marriage. Although I’m not going to get married in the near future, it’s nice to know that now I can, if I just want to.” Most recently, in an October 2014 interview with Oprah, she stated that she was in an "amazing, happy relationship" with her partner, America's Next Top Model contestant AzMarie Livingston.

11 Queen Latifah

The actress and rapper has always hidden her sex life, although she has always openly supported the LGBT community. Although she says she hasn't officially "come out", her relationship with longtime friend Ebony Nicholas is moving closer and closer to the spotlight.

12 Lily Tomlin

The legendary comedienne never hid her sexuality, but officially announced it in 2001 and has since been considered a significant member of the LGBT community.

13 Jonathan Groff

In one of the interviews, the actor said about himself: “I’m gay and proud of it.” Who would have thought? He fooled us by flattering his way into the heart of Lea Michele in the TV series Glee, when in fact they had known each other for years from working together on the hugely successful Broadway musical Spring Awakening.

14 Sarah Gilbert

Although she has never played a gay character, it is fair to say that she official recognition in 2010 was not perceived as very shocking. On screen, she played the rude Darlene in the television series Roseanne, but in real life she has two children with her former partner and is now dating musician Linda Perry and announced her pregnancy in September.

15 Zachary Quinto

After his big TV break on Heroes, the talented actor has since starred in blockbusters like Star Trek, in which he played the extremely heterosexual Spock. He came out in 2011 following a media frenzy over the tragic suicide of a gay teenager who had been mercilessly bullied by his peers because of his sexuality.

16 Portia de Rossi

The funny and beautiful Arrested Development star has always played heterosexual characters in her on-screen life, but she has been married to comedian Ellen DeGeneres since 2008.

17 David Hyde Pierce

The fun-loving entertainer has always been overly cautious about his behind-the-scenes life, but the Frasier star came out as gay to the media in 2007. A little later, he married his longtime boyfriend, writer/director Brian Hargrove.

18 Kelly McGillis

Tom Cruise's partner in the blockbuster "Top Gun" revealed her cards in 2009 in an interview.

19 Carrie Grant

Over the course of his long career, this stunning film actor set the standard for what was meant by “gallantry” and “socialite.” Rumors of Grant's bisexuality swirled around Hollywood for years, but reached their peak when he began living with his boyfriend Randolph Scott in a bachelor pad in straggling Santa Monica. Although the two men had numerous female guests, it is still unclear whether the men hid for 12 years a relationship that was much more inappropriate at the time.

20 Ser Ian McKellen

It's no secret that this iconic actor is gay, but his sexual orientation is the last thing that comes to your mind when watching the X-Men films and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

21 Alan Cumming

In an interview with Instinct magazine, The Good Wife star and Broadway actor said that despite his marriage to husband Grant Shaffer, he still identifies as bisexual. The Scottish actor tied the knot with Best Man in 2012, having previously been married to a woman.

22 Matt Dallas

The sexy, blue-eyed star of the now-cancelled ABC series Kyle XY publicly announced her engagement to her boyfriend, musician Blue Hamilton, on Twitter in January 2013.