FV4202: tank review, technical specifications and comparison. FV4202: tank review, technical characteristics and comparison Use in combat

The FV4202 is a British post-war medium tank project that was based on another medium tank, the Centurion. Work on the creation of this tank was carried out in Great Britain from 1956 to 1959. This combat vehicle was never produced in series, but the technical solutions and innovations that were implemented in the FV4202 tank became the basis for the FV4201 Chieftain main battle tank. Today, a surviving copy of the experimental tank FV4202 is kept in the collection of the Bovington Tank Museum.

Speaking about British tank building, it should be noted that during the Second World War it was far from being in the forefront. The first tank that could be called breakthrough was the Cromwell, designed by the British in 1941-1943. This tank was armed with 57 mm or 75 mm guns, and thanks to the installation of the Meteor aircraft engine on it, it could become the fastest English tank of that time period. The Cromwell was not a bad tank, but in 1943 it had to compete with the German Tigers and Panthers on the battlefield. Against these formidable “predators,” the Cromwell’s 75-mm cannon was no longer enough, and a more powerful gun could not be installed on it due to the small size of the turret and the turret ring itself.

A more powerful gun was installed only on the Cromwell’s successor, the Comet cruiser tank. The Komet, thanks to a larger turret with a developed rear niche, allowed the designers to install a new 77 mm gun. An armor-piercing projectile fired from this gun accelerated to 787 m/s. We can rightfully say that this was the most powerful British cruiser tank of the Second World War. In fact, this combat vehicle was inferior to the German Panther, but was significantly superior to the most popular German tank, the Pz IV.

At the same time, the cruising tank, which was nicknamed the “English Panther,” entered service with the British army after the end of the war in Europe. This tank was the Centurion. This tank had a welded hull with rational armor angles. At the same time, the combat vehicle was armed with a 17- or 20-pound gun and remained in service with the British army until the 1970s. Later versions of this tank (from about the mid-1950s) were armed with a rifled 105 mm L7 cannon.

It is worth noting that by the mid-1950s, tank builders around the world realized that the existing generation of tanks had reached its end. The military needed something revolutionary, new. For this reason, the 50s of the 20th century, especially its second half, became a time when a wide variety of, including bold, ideas were implemented in the field of tank building. The birthplace of tanks, Great Britain, was no exception to the general trends.

In Great Britain, on the basis of the Centurion tank, an experimental medium tank FV4202 was created, which, by reducing the linear dimensions of the hull, gained weight and, as a result, dynamics; it was also armed with a 105 mm cannon. Interesting feature This tank was called the “recumbent” location of the mechanical drive. However, it never went into production, since by that time the concept of creating a main battle tank was already in full swing. And the British themselves, since 1945, decided to abandon the division of tanks into cruising and infantry.

It is worth noting that the experimental tank FV4202 largely became the basis for the future Chieftain main battle tank. Development and research on this project was initiated by the British in the early 1950s; two prototypes were examined to evaluate the specific technical capabilities of the tank. One of them, and the most significant, was the 40-ton version of the Centurion tank, known as the FV4202, which featured a semi-recumbent position for the driver and mounting a gun without an external shield - a mantlet-less turret. The semi-recumbent position of the driver was provided by the tank designers in order to reduce the overall height of the combat vehicle. The second solution was intended to make the gun less vulnerable.

Well-known expert in the field of tank building, Yuri Pasholok, called the FV4202 tank the “younger brother” of the Centurion. This tank, which was the result of the work of British engineers during the Second World War, seemed to be approaching the end of its development in the 1950s. At that time, three main paths were open to the designers. The first of them provided for the development of a fundamentally new combat vehicle, the second - a deep modernization of the existing tank, the third - an evolutionary path of development. Initially, the third option for the development of the situation was considered by engineers as the least promising, but ultimately this path was chosen - the path of evolutionary development.

The appearance in England of the excellent 105-mm L7 cannon and the installation of additional armor on the tank extended its service for decades, and in some countries of the world the Centurion is still in combat service. And this is a tank, a prototype of which was built in Great Britain back in 1945. The product of its deep modernization was the Centurion Action X tank, which appeared in 1955. This tank appeared by installing a fundamentally new turret on the chassis of the Centurion Mk.7 tank, but things did not go further than experiments with this tank.

If we talk about the path to creating a fundamentally new tank, the first steps in this direction were taken by the British in 1956. It was this year that a tank known as the 40-ton Centurion entered testing. It is worth noting that we are talking about the unofficial nickname of the combat vehicle, better known under the symbol FV4202. The tank developed by Leyland Motors outperformed the competing Medium Gun Tank FV4201, which forever remained only in the form of a model. The metal-built FV4202 tank was an evolutionary development of the ideas found in the British Centurion and Centurion Action X tanks.

The hull of the new tank was a development of the Centurion hull, but it turned out to be somewhat lower. Thanks to this, the overall height of the FV4202 tank also decreased, which was only 2.75 m. This was 25 centimeters lower than the height of the Centurion tank. Reducing the height of the tank hull was used by the designers to reduce the angle of inclination of the front plate. Also, the hull was made almost half a meter shorter, this solution made it possible to reduce the number of road wheels to 5 on each side. Thanks to all the operations carried out on the tank, its weight was reduced from 51 to 40 tons.

The turret of the FV4202 tank also represented an evolutionary development, but now we were talking about the Centurion Action X tank. The frontal part of the turret was quite reminiscent of its predecessor, but there were also new solutions, for example, a “beard” under the gun mount. The two tanks had a lot in common in the design of the turret roof. Noticeable differences could only be seen in the stern. The tank's main armament was a 20-pound cannon of later modifications. By that time, she had already gotten rid of the massive knob, having acquired an ejector instead. Externally, this gun very much resembled the 105-mm L7 gun - many ordinary people appearance The guns of the FV4202 tank are misleading.

In total, three prototypes of the FV4202 tank were assembled in the UK. Testing of these combat vehicles went on for several years, however, the 40-ton tank was never given a chance to go into mass production. The idea of ​​an evolutionary development of the Centurion tank concept was nevertheless abandoned; instead, the FV4201 tank concept received further development. Already in September 1959, the P1 prototype was sent for testing, which became the ancestor of a whole family of Chieftain tanks. Today, no one can say how British tank building would have developed further if the British had adopted the FV4202 tank, which weighed significantly less than the Centurion, while possessing comparable weapons and levels of armor protection.

Despite the general similarity with the hull of the Centurion tank, the FV4202 hull had a lot of differences. First of all, the new British tank differed from its ancestor in its lower hull, which was especially noticeable in the bow. Reducing the height of the tank's hull allowed the designers to redesign the front plates, significantly reducing the angles of inclination. Thanks to this, with the same thickness of the frontal armor, the hull of the FV4202 tank turned out to be more protected. However, 80 mm of armor in the second half of the 1950s, even with significant angles of inclination, was clearly not enough. Like the Centurion tank, the driver's seat was located on the right side in the direction of travel. Reducing the height of the hull did not improve comfort; however, the driver can almost lie down on the Chieftain tank. In general, the operating conditions on the FV4202 tank were more or less comfortable. Moreover, unlike the Centurion tank, which used a double-hinged driver's hatch, the FV4202 tank had a hatch that lifted up and then moved to the side. This solution was better and more convenient.

The chassis of the new tank was carried over almost unchanged from the production Centurion Mk.5 tank. But here there were a number of nuances. Firstly, the number of road wheels was reduced to 5; therefore, the suspension of the first road wheel had to be redesigned. Secondly, the width of the track has decreased. The FV4202 medium tank used the Hortsman suspension system. With various modifications, it was used on British tanks starting in 1922. IN last time it was installed on the Chieftain tank. Despite the frankly conservative approach, the British were quite happy with this suspension. However, the answer to the question of how to dismantle such a cart in combat conditions remains open. One of the features of English tanks and the FV4202 in particular is the minimalism of the bottom design. There were no escape hatches at the bottom of the tank, only a few service hatches. If the tank was hit, the crew would have to abandon it under fire from the enemy.

It is curious that on the basis of the Chieftain main battle tank, the FV4202 BREM was created in 1971, serial production of which began in 1974. In addition to the recovery vehicle, the FV4205 bridge layer was also created on the basis of the tank in 1971, serial production of which began in 1975. Although the FV4202 medium tank forever remained only a prototype, its name was retained in . And with the appearance of World of Tanks in the game, even more people became acquainted with him.

The post-war English medium tank FV4202 never became a production model; its production was limited to a series of only three vehicles. One of these tanks was later scrapped, the second was converted into a repair and recovery vehicle, and the third has survived to this day, becoming an exhibit of the tank museum in Bovington. Today, this English museum houses more than 300 tanks, representing 30 countries. In this case, the tank is not in the very good condition. Time and unfavorable climate for equipment (the tank was stored under open air) have done their job: the tank needs serious restoration.

Sources of information:
Open source materials

World of Tanks is a game that has captivated millions of players to this day. Regular updates, tournaments and events keep many players online. But there are also disadvantages. For example, donate. Paid ammunition, reinforced tanks and additional benefits that premium players have. Today we will talk about the premium tank FV4202.

General description

The FV4202 review should begin with the fact that this is a real machine. Despite the fact that the production of this equipment was not put into production, an experimental model was assembled in the period 1956-1959.

In the game, the tank is a premium, middle-class vehicle that can be purchased for 7,300 coins. The price is unreasonably high for a tier 8 car. Considering that the repair of such equipment after a battle is also very high, the player will have to regularly spend money on a premium account. But this is a problem with all fights at levels after 6th. Fights are starting to pay off less often.


Continuing our review of the FV4202, we should evaluate its spare parts. Like most premium vehicles, there is no choice as to what exactly should be installed on the tank to increase its efficiency. But how beneficial is it to use it in battle in principle?


Now you can review the FV4202 based on the total parameters that are used directly in combat. How to view them correctly?

  • The firepower of the tank is such that with all successful hits it is capable of inflicting up to 1757 damage per minute. This may not be enough to destroy the enemy's heavy tank, so you should play very carefully.
  • The survivability of the tank is also not credible. 1400 units of “health”, low armor on the turret and even lower on the hull.
  • The tank is capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 km/h, which is good news. This indicator seems to hint that the machine's survival depends on its mobility and control, and not withstanding many hits.
  • The tank's stealth is very low and ranges around 10%.


The next thing we will look at in the FV4202(r) review is how to close the "holes" and weak points cars. This is usually done through additional equipment. What do you simply have to use?

  • Rammer - to increase reload speed.
  • Vertical aiming stabilizer - to reduce dispersion when firing.
  • Improved ventilation. If you are going to play with “active light”, then replace it with optics.

As consumables, you can use a standard set of first aid kit, repair kit and fire extinguisher. If necessary, the latter can be replaced with a large repair kit. Car fires are rare, despite the high chance.

It's better not to rush with ammunition. Armor-piercing shells, although they can damage heavy vehicles, are slightly more expensive than regular shells. But the damage is not reduced, like on many other tanks. Thus, when choosing between penetration/damage, there are only two options.

  • 226/230;
  • 258/230.

Crew - general skills

In our review of the FV4202 tank, we have already discussed how to cover its weak points. In order to make this technique even stronger, you will need a properly trained crew.

First of all, as with most other machines, you need to upgrade your “combat brotherhood”. It will increase everything important characteristics technology.

Then worry about "Camouflage" for all crew members. We have already found out in the FV4202 (WoT) review that this characteristic suffers greatly. Increase it by learning the corresponding skill from the crew.

We continue our review of the FV4202 perks. “Repair” is one of the most important components for any machine. It also needs to be studied by all your "military".

Thus, three out of five skill slots for your crew will be occupied by “general” perks. They are activated and work only when everyone is pumped up. Therefore, you do not need to study them separately. Be careful.

Individual skill

Then you can move on to individual training. For example, the commander needs the “sixth sense” and “eagle eye” perks. This will allow you not only to avoid detection, but also to be the first to notice the enemy.

The gunner must know the "Smooth turret rotation" and "Sniper" skills. The first will reduce the aiming time, the second will increase the force of the shot. Quite a typical skill set for medium tanks.

The driver should study “King of the Off-Road” and “Smooth Ride”. Everything is clear here. This is also a standard set of perks that allows you to move faster and shoot more accurately.

The last one is the loader. “Non-contact ammunition rack” will increase the survivability of the vehicle in cases of shooting at your vulnerable spots. Radio Interception will also increase your viewing range.

Remember that skills only begin to work once they are fully learned. What to download is up to you. If you take “combat brotherhood” from everyone as the first skill, then this will undoubtedly increase all the characteristics of the car. But you can think about the second skill. “Disguise” and “repair” are not so important, so they can be studied later, and before that, upgrade individual characteristics. This way you can increase not just one stat of a tank, but several at once: accuracy, speed, damage and others.

Thus, by collecting the full set of skills presented above, you can improve all the necessary parameters of a medium tank: reconnaissance, damage and survivability.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let's summarize what was said in the FV4202 review. This premium vehicle, like most paid vehicles, has a huge advantage over regular tanks:

  • precision weapon;
  • high armor penetration;
  • wide view;
  • good margin of safety;
  • Communication range is above average.

But even behind such laudatory reviews lies a fly in the ointment:

  • low one-time damage;
  • low speed;
  • weak armor.

As you can see, this tank is nothing special. A typical balanced machine that will require certain skills and playing style from the player. If you think that by spending a little real money on this technique you will defeat everyone, then you are deeply mistaken. Is it worth purchasing this tank if you have a certain skill level? Definitely yes - and this was shown in the review. The FV4202 (WoT Blitz) is also a top-class vehicle and a must-buy for all fans of the British branch of tanks.

Main Features



6.7 / 6.7 / 6.7 BR

4 people Crew

101% Visibility

forehead / side / stern Booking

51 / 51 / 31 cases

240 / 89 / 92 towers


37.2 tons Weight

973 l/s 510 l/s Engine power

26 hp/t 14 hp/t specific

34 km/h forward
5 km/h back31 km/h forward
4 km/h back


50 shells ammunition

8 first-stage shells

6.3 / 8.1 sec recharge

10° / 20° UVN

two-plane stabilizer

7,500 rounds of ammunition

8.0 / 10.4 sec recharge

250 shells clip size

500 rounds/min rate of fire



The FV4202 is a British post-war medium tank project that was created on the basis of another medium tank, the Centurion. Work on the creation of this tank was carried out in Great Britain from 1956 to 1959. This combat vehicle was never produced in series, but the technical solutions and innovations that were implemented in the FV4202 tank became the basis for the FV4201 Chieftain main battle tank. Today, a surviving copy of the experimental tank FV4202 is kept in the collection of the Bovington Tank Museum.

Main Features

Armor protection and survivability

The armor protection of the FV4202 is very complex. On the one hand we have a strong turret, from which shells even from Tiger II can bounce, and on the other we have a weak hull. The strongest part of the turret is close to the barrel, and can reach armor of more than 350 mm at a combat rating (BR) of 6.7! But despite the impressive numbers, such a zone is very small in size, and the rest of the turret is unable to cope with the same Tiger II shells, because the armor there has a thickness of 60 to 200 mm, but at good angles.

The hull armor is very weak for a combat rating of 6.7, because in the upper frontal part (or vld) the armor is 51.2 mm, but thanks to the angles of inclination it reaches 110-120 mm. The armor of the lower frontal part (nld) is slightly thicker than the vld and has a thickness of 74.8 mm and, thanks to the angles of inclination, reaches a thickness of 130-160 mm.

Armor of the sides - 51.2 mm, rear - 31 mm, turret roof - 60 mm, engine-transmission roof - 13-27.2 mm. There are 6 mm thick screens on the sides and in the turret, which protect the tank well from shrapnel and cumulative shells.

The FV4202 seats 4 crew members, three in the turret, one in the hull. It's not uncommon for the FV4202 to survive the opponent's first shot and not leave the fight immediately, giving us a chance to fire back.


Maximum forward speed - 32 km / h, which, unfortunately, is not too much for a lightly armored vehicle. Reverse speed is 4 km/h, which is a bad indicator. It is best to turn around in neutral gear.


Main weapon

The main armament of the FV4202 is a 20-pounder (or 84 mm) “20pdr Ordnance QF Mk.l” gun. Vertical aiming angles are -10/20 degrees, which is a good indicator. An excellent two-plane stabilizer, which competitors do not have, also saves the day. Reload - 8.19 (in stock) or 6.3 (in top). There are 4 types of projectiles available, let’s look at them separately:

  • Shot Mk.1 - an armor-piercing projectile with an armor-piercing tip and a ballistic cap, is the initial projectile, the initial speed is 1000 m/s, armor penetration for Br 6.7 is normal - 231 mm, but the damage of this projectile is good.
  • Shot Mk.3 - an armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile with a detachable tray, located at the second stage of pumping modules, the cost in silver lions is 270, the initial speed is as much as 1400 m/s! Which is a better result than competitors. In addition to its excellent initial velocity, this projectile has the best ballistics for Br 6.7. Also good armor penetration - 285 mm. But despite all the advantages, there is one disadvantage - poor damage, but thanks to good reloading we often manage to finish off the enemy.
  • Shell Mk.1 - high-explosive fragmentation projectile, is stock, initial speed 600 m/s, explosive mass 1.13 kg, armor penetration 15 mm
  • 20pdf Shell SS Mk.1 - smoke projectile, located at the fourth stage of pumping modules, cost in silver lions - 90, initial speed 250 m/s

Machine gun weapons

7.62 mm L3A1 machine gun, with 10 mm armor penetration, located in the turret

Use in combat

The FV4202 is a difficult machine to master with its own specific gameplay. Since we have a weak hull, but a strong turret with good vertical aiming angles, we should play from the turret and not go ahead of everyone else. The best maps for this machine are those with a lot of hills.

The FV4202 is an excellent sniper, because the ballistics of the Shot Mk.3 projectile allows you to accurately hit even at 1.5 km

It is better to take two types of shells at once - Shot Mk.1 and Shot Mk.3. It is better to take the Shot Mk.3 as the first shell, because at the beginning of the battle we will most likely meet the enemy head-on, and then the armor penetration of 285 mm will help a lot. Shot Mk.1 is better to shoot if you drive into a side or at not very protected vehicles.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Tower armor
  • Armor penetration Shot Mk.3
  • Ballistics Shot Mk.3
  • Elevation angles
  • 12 smoke grenades
  • Stabilizer


  • Speed
  • Hull armor
  • Shot Mk.3 damage is not good enough

Historical background

If we talk about the path to creating a fundamentally new tank, the first steps in this direction were taken by the British in 1956. It was this year that a tank known as the 40-ton Centurion entered testing. It is worth noting that we are talking about the unofficial nickname of the combat vehicle, better known under the symbol FV4202. The tank developed by Leyland Motors outperformed the competing Medium Gun Tank FV4201, which forever remained only in the form of a model. The metal-built FV4202 tank was an evolutionary development of the ideas found in the British Centurion and Centurion Action X tanks.

In total, three prototypes of the FV4202 tank were assembled in the UK. Testing of these combat vehicles went on for several years, however, the 40-ton tank was never given a chance to go into mass production. The idea of ​​an evolutionary development of the Centurion tank concept was nevertheless abandoned; instead, the FV4201 tank concept was further developed.

Its production was limited to a series of only three cars. One of these tanks was later scrapped, the second was converted into a repair and recovery vehicle, and the third has survived to this day, becoming an exhibit of the tank museum in Bovington.


See also


British medium tanks
Valentine Series Valentine Mk.I Valentine Mk.IX Valentine Mk.XI
Cromwell Series

FV4202 (P) is a premium tier 8 medium tank that appeared relatively recently to the British nation. The vehicle is quite interesting, although the gameplay on this tank largely depends on the direct curvature of the player’s hands.
Let us note that last year the tank was given out for free: therefore, some lucky winners received the “Briton” for completing combat missions. Those who were unlucky then are encouraged to buy fv4202 from the game store.
Considering that premium level 8 cars are quite expensive, we offer you a review of the fv4202, which will help you better understand the feasibility of the purchase.

FV4202 (P) performance characteristics

So, we are looking at the fv4202 tank, a guide for which is presented to your attention. Let's start with the survival parameters. "British" has a quite decent viewing radius of 421 meters.
Considering that we are talking about a premium ST, the indicator looks attractive: the car is quite capable of highlighting the team and shooting damage based on its own light. These actions are paid in hard cash, so the tank can become a good farmer.
The second key performance indicator for medium tanks in a random game is speed and dynamics. Machine weight 44 tons, the power of the installed engine is 510 horsepower. Taken together, the fv4202 premium gets an order of magnitude 12 l. s per ton of weight.
What does this ratio give? The car can accelerate to 40 km/h, which is a very good indicator for this class of equipment. At the same time, the tank clearly lacks power: the “British” accelerates hard and noticeably slows down on inclines and swampy ground. In terms of maneuverability, the car looks good, the chassis rotates at speed 47.4 degrees per second, so the ST-shka will easily circle clumsy opponents.
Let's talk about weapons. In this regard, the FV4202 (P) is capable of giving a head start to many of its classmates and even some tanks of a higher level. The prim Englishman is armed with 83mm QQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel. The barrel is capable of penetrating 226 millimeters of armor with armor-piercing shells, having loaded the sub-caliber, given value can be increased to 258 mm.

In principle, this is enough to confidently deal with most of your classmates, and most importantly, it hurts to bite level 10 equipment. The attractiveness of the second point is due to the fact that the fv4202 tank is not on preferential terms, so it will fall not only into the TOP, but also to the bottom of the list of teams.
In terms of rate of fire, everything looks tolerable: 7.5 seconds cooldown allow you to fire about 8 shots per minute. However, the one-time damage of the gun is slightly below average values ​​– 230 units, which gives DPM at 1,700-1,800.
In general, the weapon turns out to be extraordinary. The barrel is lowered to 10 degrees down, which ensures quite comfortable play on open maps with deep relief. The spread is also tolerable, but many indicators are undermined by the almost complete lack of stabilization. Therefore, effective shooting is possible only with full alignment. You can forget about beautiful and accurate shots in motion.

Helps eliminate many of the shortcomings of technology right choice additional modules. In the case of the “British”, we recommend trying this combination:

  • Rammer – the rate of fire of premium tanks always requires improvement, because this is one of the key sources of income.
  • Stabilizer – we are playing on a medium tank, which often has to shoot on the move, so stabilizing the gun is a must.
  • Ventilation is the best option for comprehensively improving basic characteristics.

However, the last slot can be left for coated optics in order to receive additional silver for light damage. In principle, the choice of modules remains with the player, so you can use our advice, or install your own set.

Time recharge(seconds) at different values:

Meaning review(meter) with pumped skills:

To make the fv4202 tank more effective in battle, you should not neglect upgrading the crew. There are 4 tank crews (no radio operator), so some crew members will have to combine positions. We recommend pumping out perks in the following order: Don’t neglect combat consumables, which will help you save your XP if you find yourself in a difficult situation. Therefore, we make sure to load fire extinguishers, first aid kits and repair kits. Some players swap the fire extinguisher for pudding and tea, but we don't recommend taking the risk. The fact is that after the last “up” of fv4202, the tank began to burn perfectly. Therefore, the fire extinguisher should not only be left, but it is also better to replace the basic version with an automatic analogue.

Remembering that the tank has relatively good speed performance, we can safely assume that in terms of security there will be serious problems. In principle, this is true. The armor of the hull in the frontal projection and sides is 50 mm, at the rear - 31. The VLD has a slight inclination, which allows you to increase the indicators of the given armor, but in general, this does not save the sad situation.

The tower looks more interesting. Here in the frontal projection there is 170 mm, complemented by rational angles for the location of parts. In principle, almost any classmate can penetrate the “British” even into the gun mask, but this is where His Majesty the FBR comes into play.

Sometimes the FV4202 (P) can easily deflect large-caliber projectiles from level 10 heavies with its turret, confidently tanking more than 2,000 blocked damage. Sometimes the opposite situation is observed, when a level 7 small fry, with almost no information, throws an Englishman into the tower with mandatory damage. It is impossible to explain this phenomenon, however, we recommend not to rely on chance and play in the style of a medium tank: bite and run away.

What do we end up with? The FV4202 (P) is capable of distributing damage well and quickly moving around the map, while the tank has no armor and the stabilization of the gun is very poor. The conclusion will be as follows: the machine will not be able to exchange damage equally in the clinch and effectively conduct remote firefights. Therefore, we always stay on line 2-3 and never climb ahead of the strands into the heat.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, we look for a position with a good shot and support the team’s attack, distributing damage to the light of allies. In some cases, you can similarly play from your own review, which will bring more profit.

If you find yourself in close combat, you should not stand like a pillar, exchanging damage with the enemy. For the same IS-3, slaps in the face will look more significant, and the “British” will, at best, penetrate the well-armored Soviet heavy aircraft every other time. Therefore, in such situations, you should always gain the maximum possible distance in order to fire from the terrain or from behind cover.

Don't forget that we are playing on a medium tank, so we always carefully monitor the mini-map in order to respond in a timely manner to the changed combat situation. The “British” can outflank the enemy, distributing damage to the unprotected sides and stern, twist the clumsy heavies and return to defend the base. The gameplay is supposed to be very varied, but you shouldn’t forget about the lack of armor.

Is it worth buying FV4202(P)?

To answer this question, we present comparative analysis good and bad characteristics to cover the whole picture.

Key the advantages are :

  • Armor penetration. The fv4202 has one of the most penetrating guns among tier 8 STs.
  • View radius. The ability to play from your exposure has a positive effect on profitability.
  • Ricochet tower. In principle, hits to the “Britishman’s” head more often end in failure to penetrate, so let’s write down the characteristics to the positive aspects.
  • UVN. The lack of comfortable gun declination angles is often fatal for an artillery vehicle that finds itself on an open map. In this regard, the fv4202 tank has no problems.

To the essential shortcomings can be attributed:

  • Speed. In this regard, the “British” loses to many of its classmates, so you need to prepare in advance that the position chosen when counting down the timer will be taken by the more agile “SuperPershing”.
  • No benefits. Getting to the 10th level, the tank will frankly suffer: two tasty hits from the E-100 and the car is guaranteed to go to the hangar.
  • No armor. There is not even anything to comment on here: cardboard, it is cardboard.
  • Relatively low DPM. We are talking about a premium tank, for which DPM is one of the key components of farming.
  • Overpriced ammunition. The price of 680 silver greatly underestimates the income, although this figure for the “British” was increased by 10% in one of the latest updates.

In general, the technique turns out to be quite playable and, with direct hands, will help the owner not only earn silver, but also increase personal efficiency. To complete the battle with a purple WIN8 value, it is enough to shoot about 2,000 units of damage. Given the excellent armor penetration, this does not seem to be a big problem.

In terms of returns, the returns on FV4202(P) are very volatile. For a turbo drain with a couple of effective shots, the player will be awarded about 5,000 credits. If you carry out the battle competently, shooting for 3,000 damage, you can bring about 60,000 silver to the hangar. If you don’t go to extremes, the average farm on this tank will be 25,000-30,000, excluding the premium account.

Note that in order to get the most out of the game, you need to know the cards thoroughly, occupying priority positions with excellent shooting. In addition, it would not be a bad idea to study the vulnerable zones of classmates and dozens, because constant shooting with gold will definitely drive the players into the minus.

FV4202(P) video

FV4202 (P) - 1.5 hours British Prem ST

How to farm premium - FV4202 (P)