What is the normal basal temperature for women. The process of measuring this indicator. How to make a schedule

Measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation is an easily accessible method that can be used at home without incurring any costs other than the scrupulousness and patience of the woman herself.

Why is basal temperature measured?

The essence of the method is to take rectal measurements, enter the indicators into a graph and build a curve by connecting points. Normal temperature is approximately 36.4-36.8°C. Under the influence of hormones, at different moments in the rhythm of life, indicators change slightly, only by fractions of tenths of a degree.

By systematically measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation, the graph records and displays these fluctuations. Through observations, it is easy to identify the day the cell enters the reproductive tract.

In the first phase of the cycle, when under the influence of estrogen the formation of a vesicle - the “house” of the future cell - occurs, the indicators are almost identical every day. Before the follicle ruptures, there is a slight decrease, which indicates its imminent onset (in 12-24 hours), and then a sharp jump upward. The latter is due to the release of the cell and the active production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of rupture of the ovarian membrane.

If after the “peaks” on the graph the curve is in the upper part, then fertilization has occurred. The indicators “freeze” due to progesterone, which intensively produces the corpus luteum, which works for all 9 months.

Measuring basal temperature is needed not only to determine ovulation; using the chart you can also find out about conception

When pregnancy is established, a fluctuation in the curve towards the lower plane may signal disturbances in the development of the fetus, and an increase above 38°C indicates the beginning of the inflammation process. A visit to the doctor would be the right decision.

Rules for taking measurements

Thus, the basal temperature measurement schedule solves several problems:

  • determining ovulation to plan fertilization;
  • identifying a safe period to have sexual intercourse without excessive protection;
  • observation of relevance in embryo development.

When taking basal temperature measurements to determine ovulation, the following rules should be observed:

  • take measurements first thing after waking up;
  • sleep should be restful;
  • standing in front of analytics is not recommended;
  • use one thermometer;
  • hold it only by the upper part so as not to confuse the readings;
  • shake off the thermometer in the evening to prevent movement in the morning;
  • When entering data into a graph, to complete the result, record the slightest errors in the form of stress, overwork, colds, etc.

Compliance with all the rules and current measurement of basal temperature to determine ovulation and reviews from experts on this issue lead us to the conclusion that the method does not provide a 100% guarantee of finding of a given day. At the slightest error, the values ​​are disrupted, which leads to incorrect reading of the graph and inaccurate determination of the gap for the cell to exit.

This deviation can be caused by:

  • drinking alcohol in the evening;
  • experienced stress;
  • use of medicines;
  • physical stress;
  • insomnia or too little sleep at night;
  • illness, even a mild cold.

To add credibility when using this method, you need to play it safe and choose another method to complete the picture, which can be done at home.

The easiest one is to pay attention to your feelings. At the moment of follicle rupture, you may feel slight pain on the side where ovulation occurred. The breasts enlarge and become more sensitive. It will not be difficult to observe the nature of the discharge. After all, only during this period of time does the cervical mucus become light, transparent and viscous,

Although measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation may contain errors due to its hypersensitivity to external influences on the body, it is acceptable to use.

All women have probably heard about the concept of “basal body temperature”. However, not everyone knows the meaning of the term. The study of basal temperature has become the basis of a method of preventing pregnancy. It is used to calculate days favorable for conception. What is this? How to measure? When to do it?

Basal body temperature is the temperature of relative rest, which appears during proper rest. Most often during sleep. More than 6 hours without waking up. Due to the influence of hormones, it changes throughout menstrual cycle. Ovulation contributes to an increase in basal temperature by 0.25-0.5 degrees Celsius. The process of measuring basal temperature takes approximately 3 minutes. They do this in the morning. Before any physical actions are taken. A regular thermometer is used, which everyone has available.

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Measuring basal body temperature is something else, functional diagnostics. With its help, you can assess the state of hormones in the body and calculate the most favorable moment for fertilization. Measuring basal temperature is used in couples as a biological method of contraception. It was first introduced by English professor Marshall in 1953.

Measuring basal temperature according to the rules

The countdown starts from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Measure at the same time. In this case, you can get a plausible picture of the changes. This is done in the mouth, vagina, anus. The anal measurement method provides more reliable indicators and is therefore preferable. You need to hold the thermometer in your mouth for 5 minutes, in your vagina and anus for 3 minutes.

Rules for accurately measuring basal temperature

  • If you decide to measure the temperature in your mouth, you cannot change the method throughout the entire menstrual cycle.
  • Temperature measurements are taken at the same time immediately after waking up. It is necessary to get out of bed after the procedure.
  • The thermometer can be changed to another only with the start of a new menstrual cycle.
  • If the night turns out to be restless, the basal temperature value will not be able to plausibly reflect the state of the cycle and the level of hormones.
  • All values ​​should be recorded. They are used to visually display a basal temperature graph.

Initially, everything seems easy and simple. But in reality, the situation is somewhat different. Every woman's body is individual. A plausible situation that will reflect the picture of the menstrual cycle can be assessed after 3-5 months of measurement. In this case, it is necessary to keep clarifying records. They indicate the consistency of vaginal discharge, emotional and physical state. Since there are a number of factors that influence the value of basal temperature.

Useful video:

Factors influencing the BT value

Female body- a complex system in which everything is interconnected. The BT value during measurement can be affected by:

  • Taking medications. Have a strong influence hormonal drugs, anti-inflammatory, psychotropic, hypnotics.
  • Alcoholic drinks. Even 1 glass of wine in the evening can change your basal temperature.
  • Diseases with an inflammatory process, acute respiratory infections. When the overall body temperature increases due to illness, the basal temperature also increases. Then its indicators will not reflect the true state of the egg.
  • Physical activity. This does not include moderate physical labor or exercise. Fatigue and excessive stress affect the indicator.
  • Sexual intercourse. A stormy night or having sex in the evening, early in the morning.
  • Psycho-emotional stress. Stress, nervous exhaustion, moral fatigue, and unstable state of the nervous system affect basal temperature indicators.

To use this measurement method, you need to learn to live by the rules. Constantly monitor the process and keep records.

Visualization of the basal temperature graph

You will need to purchase a notebook or notebook. Make columns with the designation:

  • Dates;
  • Day of the monthly cycle;
  • Basal temperature indicators;
  • The nature of the discharge;
  • Marking the state of emotional and physical health.

You can write down whatever you think is necessary. To make it easier to analyze basal temperature indicators later. It is necessary to understand how hormones should behave throughout the menstrual cycle, when the egg should mature, and how ovulation manifests itself.

The graph can be drawn immediately or at the end of the month. In this case, the days of the cycle are located on the “X” axis. On the “Y” axis is the value of degrees of basal temperature. The points are connected by lines. The scale should be taken such that it is easy to clearly see changes in temperature at the slightest fluctuation.

Development trend

The cycle is divided into 2 phases. First, the gradual maturation of the follicle is observed. From there the egg comes out. Full development and release of the egg is ensured by the hormone estrogen. At this stage, the basal temperature indicator remains at 37 degrees Celsius. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. This stage will occur on days 12-16 of the cycle. During this period, the value of the BZ indicators decreases by 2-5 degrees. The second important hormone progesterone is released. The basal temperature indicator is rising rapidly. What does it mean about the onset of ovulation? This lasts 1-3 days. At the second stage of the cycle, the situation can develop differently. A fertilized egg needs to form a corpus luteum. The basal temperature at this stage is in no hurry to decrease and remains within 37-37.5 degrees. In another case, after ovulation, the basal temperature decreases slightly and remains mainly at the level of 37-37.2 degrees. The cycle ends and menstruation begins. The day before, the temperature drops again by 2 degrees. Everything repeats itself again.

The peculiarities of the female body do not end there. The duration of the cycle and the nature of ovulation differ. There are several types of graphs. Some report problems during the cycle, others talk about the norm.

Types of basal temperature chart

Normally, for every woman, temperature fluctuations in the cycle occur according to the schedule described above. You can clearly trace the development of the egg, the period of ovulation, and the onset of menstruation. There are no jumps - you can declare the absence of ovulation. However, this phenomenon is also normal. If there are 1-2 anovulatory cycles throughout the year. Planning a pregnancy is out of the question in months like these.

  • 1 type of graph curve. The basal temperature indicator of the second phase increases by 0.4 degrees, no less. There is a clear drop in values ​​in the middle of the cycle and at the end. Your period comes 12-14 days after the sharp jump during ovulation. Such a schedule is considered the norm.
  • 2 type of graph. At stage 2, the basal temperature rises slightly. Just 0.3 °C. What does it mean about a lack of progesterone? Once pregnancy occurs, it will not be able to remain at this level.
  • 3 type of chart. Before menstruation, the basal temperature increases. Stage 2 lasts less than 10 days. The egg matures, but is unable to fertilize. In addition, this happens when there is inflammatory process.
  • 4 curve type. A monotonous graph where there are no significant jumps in basal temperature indicators. An anovulatory cycle occurs.
  • 5 type of schedule. The curve has a chaotic appearance. Sharp jumps or slight fluctuations in indicators are observed. Your period doesn't come on time. This may indicate either a lack of estrogen or a large number of external factors.

It is considered normal if menstruation comes without much delay, ovulation 1 in the middle of the cycle. However, there are 2 of them. This will also be the norm if a similar situation happens 1-2 times a year. The curve graph will also change.

Is there any cause for concern?

You can evaluate the overall picture by analyzing charts for 3-5 months. They can be so different that it is difficult to trace the trend.

  • If your period comes late or too early, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • Before the onset of ovulation, there may be no jump with a decrease in basal temperature. Only an increase can be observed. There is no reason to worry. However, it is not very convenient if the method is used to prevent pregnancy. It is difficult to predict when everything will happen with 100% probability. And the most favorable for conception is considered to be 1 day before and 2 days after.
  • The first stage of egg development can constantly change - become longer or shorter. The second should not be less than 10 days and more than 16. If such a phenomenon is present, you should contact a specialist.
  • If menstruation is delayed by 18 days or more, the temperature is in no hurry to drop - pregnancy has occurred. If the discharge is insignificant, there is a risk of interruption.
  • With a monophasic schedule, the body should be examined for hormones. Because imbalance causes infertility. Hormonal medications will be prescribed.

You can take an image of your basal temperature with you to your consultation with a gynecologist. In this case, he will assess the situation and choose methods to eliminate the problem. At the reception stage hormonal contraceptives or other medications, measuring basal temperature does not make sense.

For women planning to become a mother, this question is more than relevant. But at the same time this is in a great way learn many more subtleties of the female body. In this article we will try to understand as thoroughly as possible how to measure basal temperature and give a complete description of its indicators.

What does this indicator represent?

And it is nothing more than true indicators of body temperature. The area for measuring basal temperature is most often the vagina or rectum. Fluctuations in the numbers of this temperature depend on the reaction of the female body to the production of the hormone progesterone, therefore the results of its measurement indicate the approach of ovulation. In addition, basal temperature data can inform about the following conditions:

  • About the beginning of ovulation.
  • About the complete maturity of the egg.
  • They will indicate the hormonal background to diagnose various pathologies.
  • You will be informed about the pregnancy.
  • They will notify you about the beginning of menstruation.
  • They will make it possible to determine safe days for sexual intercourse, without the risk of pregnancy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure

Like any other procedure, monitoring basal temperature indicators has a number of advantages and disadvantages, which any woman who wants to become a mother must become familiar with. So, the main advantages of this method include:

  • Availability and ease of implementation, allowing you to perform the procedure while at home.
  • When this procedure is performed regularly, it becomes possible to identify factors that contribute to delayed menstruation. The cause may be late ovulation, lack of ovulation, or pregnancy.
  • You can quite accurately determine the safest days for intimacy without using contraception.

The main disadvantages of the method include:

  • Lack of accurate information about the timing of ovulation.
  • Does not provide accurate information about the timing of the end of the ovulation process. An upward change in temperature can be observed immediately after the end of ovulation, or maybe a few days later.
  • There is no objective information about the usefulness of the ovulation process. An example would be premature luteinization of the follicle.
  • It does not provide any information about the functional state of the corpus luteum, or about the level of the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum. Therefore, women often have to take a blood test to assess progesterone levels. This analysis carried out no earlier than a week after the end of ovulation.
  • Does not provide any information about the absence of ovulation as such. To clarify such details, the woman needs to undergo a control ultrasound examination and take a blood test for hormone levels.

The process of measuring this indicator

It must be remembered that only with the right approach, this procedure will be able to perform its function with maximum accuracy, and the results of its implementation will not mislead you. Use the following tips:

  • You should measure your basal temperature immediately after waking up in the morning. The most optimal time is considered to be from 7:00 to 7:30 am. During the measurement you should be in a calm state.
  • The thermometer should be inserted into the anus one centimeter and held for at least five minutes.
  • Basal temperature measurements must be taken every day, for 3 cycles in a row. If you want to confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy, then measure your basal temperature for several days in a row.
  • All temperature readings should be recorded on a special chart, which is then provided to the doctor.

The schedule should be divided into 2 parts that correspond to phases. In the first 2 weeks of the cycle, the basal temperature does not exceed 36.7 degrees, then there is a sharp rise in its indicators above 37 degrees, and is maintained at this level until the onset of menstruation. This rise in temperature is an indicator of the onset of ovulation, when a mature egg begins its release from the ovary. After the onset of menstruation, temperature indicators return to 36.8 degrees.

If the temperature readings look somewhat blurry, or if the period of temperature rise is completely absent, then this may indicate some problems with ovulation. But distortions in basal temperature readings can also be the result of incorrect measurements. Before you begin the procedure, you should carefully familiarize yourself with how to correctly measure basal temperature in order to avoid distorted data.

Remember that normally, the interval between the basal temperature figures of the first phase of the cycle and the second phase should be at least half a degree.

Basal temperature indicators are influenced by many factors, which should also be recorded in the above chart. These factors include:

  • Sleep less than 6 hours a day.
  • Diseases of infectious and non-infectious nature.
  • Taking medications.
  • Intimacy shortly before taking the temperature.

If you are planning a vacation in southern countries, then maintaining a schedule or using one that has already been drawn up is inappropriate in determining favorable days for sexual intercourse without using contraception. The female body is very sensitive to climate change, and the menstrual cycle always reacts with failure.

As for choosing days for safe sexual intercourse without the risk of becoming pregnant, here it is also very important to know how to correctly measure basal temperature so as not to receive false information. To obtain the most accurate data and determine safe days for unprotected sexual intercourse, as well as days that are most favorable for conceiving a child, you should measure your basal temperature for 4 cycles in a row.

From the very beginning of ovulation, you should count 4 days (this is the period of sperm activity), and you should also count 2 days ahead from the moment the egg is released. For example, over the course of 4 cycles, the earliest release of your egg occurred on the 13th day of the menstrual cycle (13-4=9), and the latest on the 18th day (18+2=20). It follows from this that the most favorable period for conception is the period of time between the 9th and 20th day of the menstrual cycle. And all other days of the cycle are relatively safe for engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse.

In order to finally understand how to measure basal temperature and get accurate results, you need to use some useful recommendations regarding this process. All the key conditions that guarantee the accuracy of this procedure will be listed below.

  • Determination of basal body temperature can be carried out in the rectum, in the oral cavity or in the vagina, it depends on the choice of the woman herself. The only condition is to secure this measurement method for the entire period of the menstrual cycle.
  • Basal temperature should be measured strictly at the same time, without getting out of bed and immediately after waking up in the morning. The obtained indicators must be recorded. Measurements must be taken throughout the entire cycle and not interrupted during menstruation.
  • If you use a regular thermometer, you should hold it for at least 5 minutes. If you use an electronic version of the thermometer, then you need to wait for its characteristic signal. If we talk about choosing the thermometer itself, then the ordinary mercury version is significantly inferior to an electronic thermometer. For the entire measurement period, only one specific thermometer is used. When changing a thermometer, you must indicate this in your notes.
  • Measure your basal temperature at the same time every day. If you like to sleep longer on weekends, be sure to include this in your schedule. Remember that every hour of your morning sleep increases your basal temperature by 1 tenth of a degree scale.
  • Try to measure your basal temperature no earlier than after three hours of sleep. For example, every day you wake up at 7 am, but one day you had to get up at 5 am to go to the toilet, and you should measure your basal temperature at 6 am, and also mention this in your schedule. Any other measurement will completely distort the overall picture and be misleading.
  • If you are using an ordinary mercury thermometer, it is important to remember to shake it off before use. This condition can significantly affect the results of measuring basal temperature.
  • For a more accurate interpretation of the graph, the procedure for determining basal temperature should be carried out for at least 3 months in a row.

How to make a schedule

The best option is to enter the results immediately after the measurement procedure. If you do not have the necessary time, then this procedure can be postponed until the evening, but care must be taken to ensure that the thermometer is not exposed to sunlight. If the thermometer scale is located between two indicators, then indicate in the graph the one that is lower. All events that happened to you (stressful situation, illness, travel to southern countries) must be mentioned in the schedule.

If the temperature readings are quite suspicious, then you should wait until the next day, and only then start drawing the connecting line. Since basal temperature is a rather sensitive and variable indicator, its decoding requires close attention. In case of unusual conditions (infectious diseases, alcohol consumption, stress), you should make special notes in your schedule, especially if insomnia has occurred.

Determination of ovulation

Actually, the main purpose of monitoring basal temperature is to identify the moment of ovulation, in order to select the most favorable days for conceiving a child. In anticipation of ovulation, the temperature is kept within low numbers due to the influence of the hormone estrogen. And after ovulation, temperature indicators begin to increase due to the heat-generating effect of the hormone progesterone. A decrease in temperature during ovulation is observed in a small percentage of women. A sharp decrease in basal temperature is very rare, therefore, to obtain more accurate information regarding the favorable moment for conception, you should rely on indicators of the position of the cervix and the intensity of cervical fluid secretion.

Fluctuation of indicators

Often this fluctuation tends to increase, but there are several types of fluctuations in basal temperature in women. These include:

  • Smooth rise. Temperatures increase gradually, within 0.1 degrees per day. The day of ovulation should be determined taking into account other characteristic signs.
  • Jumping rise. The increase in temperature occurs suddenly and persists for 3 days, after which it makes another sharp jump.
  • Return lift. Temperatures rise, and the very next day they drop below the separation line, and then rise again.

Note to women

Don't panic if there is a slight temperature difference between two phases of your menstrual cycle. Perhaps this is just an individual characteristic of your body, especially if your hormone levels are normal.

The concept of basal temperature is definitely familiar to women who have planned pregnancy at least once. The method of measuring it is also used with the calendar method of contraception. Despite its not so high effectiveness, many women are committed to this type of protection. A gynecologist can help you understand how basal temperature is measured and what to do with the results obtained. After all, correct measurements and charting can help determine favorable periods for conception, diagnose pregnancy, as well as some health problems.

Using the technique in practice

Basal body temperature is considered to be the period of complete rest after sleep. To obtain an extremely accurate result, the duration of the latter should exceed 6 hours. Since hormonal changes continuously occur in a woman’s body, affecting temperature values, basal values ​​fluctuate depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature testing is considered the simplest test available even at home. It is based on the effect of progesterone on the body's thermoregulation. The concentration of this hormone is constantly changing. The indicator will be different for different phases of the cycle. It is a long-term increase in the amount of progesterone that makes it possible to quickly detect pregnancy.

The concept of how to measure basal temperature will be useful in the following cases:
when attempts to conceive within a year have not been successful;
there is a suspicion of infertility of one of the partners;
signs hormonal disorders;
use of a calendar method of contraception.

Also, using this technique may be useful if:
there is a desire to increase the chances of getting pregnant;
are used different ways on planning the gender of the unborn child;
I would like to better understand the processes occurring in the female body.

It is necessary to measure basal temperature both to determine ovulation and its absence in the cycle. It is better to take measurements for at least 3 periods in a row. This is the only way to make the forecast as accurate as possible.

To reliably assess the results obtained, it is worth consulting with a specialist. He will help determine the most accurate date of ovulation and the favorable time for fertilization, identify the presence of disturbances in the secretion of hormones and prescribe treatment to correct the situation.

The principle of operation of the method

The period of ovulation is considered the most favorable for conception. Upon completion, a significant amount of progesterone is released into the body. This hormone affects thermoregulation and leads to a temperature jump of 0.5°C. The release occurs within a two-day period after ovulation occurs.

The entire menstrual cycle is conventionally divided into two phases: before and after ovulation. In the normal state of the body, it occurs almost in the middle of the cycle. The period before ovulation is characterized by lower temperatures than after it. If there are no disruptions in the secretion of progesterone, then in the middle of the cycle there is an increase in temperature, which indicates the onset of ovulation.

The duration of the second phase is usually 14 days. Before the next cycle begins, the temperature decreases again. If the temperature remains unchanged throughout the full cycle, we are talking about the absence of ovulation. The consequence of this situation may be infertility.

To use the technique, you need readings of basal temperature. This is due to continuous temperature fluctuations throughout the day. If a person is cold, it will decrease, if it is hot, it will increase. Physical activity, clothing, stress and emotions, food, etc. also influence it. It is almost impossible to take adequate measurements during the day, so basal temperature should be examined only after sleep lasting more than 6 hours, at rest.

How to measure basal temperature correctly?

Using a technique for diagnosing a woman’s condition based on basal temperature data is very useful in many cases. But women do not always have a clue about how to properly conduct research. Therefore, they receive distorted results, which leads to unexpected consequences.

Since fluctuations in body temperature can be influenced by many factors, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
1. Measurements must be taken only in one way. There are 3 measurement options: in the vagina, oral cavity or rectum. The last method gives the most accurate results. But, no matter which one is chosen, it should not be changed during the full cycle.
2. It is important to use one thermometer to avoid errors of different instruments. It is better to give preference to the mercury version, but you can also use the electronic one.
3. The duration of each measurement should be at least 5 minutes. This will allow you to get the most adequate result.
4. As mentioned earlier, measurements are taken in the morning, after sleep. You shouldn't get out of bed. It is better to limit movements as much as possible. If a woman works at night, then measurements can be taken after daytime sleep (more than 6 hours), but it is very difficult to judge their accuracy.
5. It is better to start research from the first day of the new menstrual cycle, although it is possible from any day. You cannot stop taking measurements during menstruation.
6. The results are usually entered into a table, and then a graph is built from them. Let's talk about the rules of its construction and use further.
7. The result is considered informative after 3 or more months of research.

Any data obtained should not be subject to self-diagnosis and self-medication. Only an experienced specialist can accurately and correctly decipher the graph. In addition, the result is considered adequate only after conducting the study for 3 or more cycles. Previously, it was quite difficult to accurately answer questions about the presence of ovulation or failures.

Data cannot be considered reliable and cannot be used for any purposes if:
measurements were made in different times, different instruments, in different places;
you have had a disease that caused an increase in temperature (cold, ARVI, bronchitis, flu, etc.);
were accepted medicines;
on the eve of the measurement, alcohol was consumed in large quantities;
there were long flights or transfers during the full cycle.

It makes no sense to use the method of studying changes in basal temperature during the period of taking the drug hormonal contraception, which is associated with blocking ovulation by synthetic hormones.

Graphic study of ovulation

Knowledge of how to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation allows you to determine its presence, identify possible disorders in the body, and predict the most suitable days for conception. The research technique itself is described above. But what to do with the data received? The best way to do this is to make a temperature chart. Its readings, among other things, make it possible to determine the occurrence of pregnancy. Also, stable high temperatures may indicate the presence of signs of endometritis.

Such a schedule is an integral tool when planning a pregnancy. Sometimes, its data may indicate anovulation, that is, non-ripening of the egg. This situation happens to every woman, usually at least once a year. But the systemic nature of such a disorder may indicate problems and the need to consult a specialist for appropriate treatment.

Each woman is individual, so all processes in the body occur differently. Ovulation is usually observed 14 days before the start of a new cycle. But it’s right to take daily measurements and create your schedule based on them. Only from this can one determine the presence and date of ovulation.

How is the graphical representation of the research formed?

Before building a schedule for measuring basal temperature to determine ovulation, you need to enter the data obtained in a notebook in the morning. If there is no way to write it down, you can use the memory function (available on the electronic thermometer). Mercury also does not change the value until you shake it. You can write it down a little later.

There is a situation when the value is between two digits. It is worth choosing the smaller one. If there are factors affecting temperature, it is advisable to write them in a separate column. In the future, this information can be analyzed and the degree of influence can be identified. So the temperature on a certain day may seem too high. There can be many reasons for this: illness, alcohol, stress, poor sleep, etc. you need to make an appropriate note and take measurements the next day.

It is recommended to connect all normal values ​​with a simple line, and unusual values ​​with a dotted line. But no matter how the graph is drawn, deviations should be properly analyzed. If you have problems conceiving, this may help. Additionally, you can also keep a column of secretions, where you can enter their consistency, color, etc.

You can measure basal temperature to detect ovulation both from the first day of the cycle and from any other. It is recommended to build a schedule from its beginning and continue until the next one. Next, build a new one. After taking measurements, put a dot over the desired value. The date is also noted.

Pregnancy detection using graphical analysis

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? Exactly the same as in the case of ovulation. There is only one method, but it allows you to determine different processes and the state of a woman’s body. Based on the chart, you can identify some signs indicating pregnancy. Among them:
After ovulation, usually on day 7 (maybe from 5 to 10) there is a one-day decrease in temperature by 0.3-0.5 ° C. This jump is explained by implantation retraction. At this moment, the embryo tries to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. Sometimes this process is accompanied by 1-2 days of bleeding, which is more like a light brown or cream-colored discharge.
The temperature indicator in the second phase is approaching 37°C or higher.
Before the start of the supposed new cycle, the temperature, instead of falling, begins to rise another 0.2-0.3 ° C. According to the schedule, this looks like the third phase.
Lack of menstruation on time, and basal temperature continues to be stably elevated for more than 16 days from the date of ovulation. Here you can use the test. There is a chance of seeing 2 stripes, although the period is still very short.

If the resulting schedule bears little resemblance to the schedule for pregnant women, do not be upset. There are cases when it is impossible to detect the onset of pregnancy according to the schedule, but it is there.

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy

Often, after conception, women stop recording their basal temperature. Experts do not recommend doing this. It is during this period that its meanings can give a lot useful information. Knowing how to measure basal temperature during pregnancy, you can easily monitor the condition of the body.

A clear sign of pregnancy is the persistence of an elevated basal temperature for more than 16 days after ovulation. This picture will continue to exist until the moment of birth. A sharp decrease in temperature that occurred at 12-14 weeks indicates the need for immediate contact with a leading gynecologist. This is a clear signal about the threat of miscarriage. You need to sound the alarm even with such jumps after the 5th month. In the case of a frozen pregnancy, the temperature will be below 37°C. Conversely, a strong increase (more than 37.8°C) is already an indicator of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. It is important to consult a doctor immediately, as the child’s health is at risk.

When should you contact a specialist?

If, when analyzing the graph, alarming signs are identified, you should immediately consult a doctor. These could be:
1. Anovulatory cycles – low temperature throughout the entire period.
2. Hyperprolactinemia - elevated temperature throughout the entire period.
3. Insufficiency of the corpus luteum - the difference between the temperatures in the first and second phases is less than 0.4 ° C.
4. Hormonal problems - slow rates of temperature rise in the middle of the cycle.
5. The duration of the first phase exceeds 17 days or the second less than 12 days.
6. Delayed menstruation in the absence of signs of pregnancy.
7. Non-standard cycles (duration exceeds 35 days or less than 21 days.

Thus, understanding how to measure basal temperature during pregnancy to determine ovulation and pregnancy is indispensable when planning it, using the calendar method of contraception. A graphical reflection of the study makes it possible to identify diseases in cases where it is not possible to undergo hormone tests every month, but there are prerequisites for violations. This technique is also very important when examining for infertility. Therefore, it is worth using such a simple, but functional and reliable way to assess the condition of the body.