Actions after postinor. Emergency contraception drug - Postinor: consequences and reviews of those who took it

The use of postinor in accordance with the instructions and taking into account contraindications for the use of this drug, as a rule, does not have any serious negative consequences. But if it is used frequently, the consequences can be the most unpredictable and sad.

Postinor requires strict adherence to instructions

Postinor is a postcoital contraceptive whose active ingredient is a synthetic analogue of progesterone - levonorgestrel. In order to effectively prevent pregnancy, Postinor contains a very large dose of levoengestrel, so its use requires compliance with the instructions developed by the manufacturer. The manufacturer of Postinor, the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter, conducted numerous laboratory studies and clinical trials before developing detailed instructions for the use of this drug.

That is why Postinor must be sold in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. The doctor decides in each individual case whether a woman can use Postinor or not.

Postinor shows the highest effectiveness when taken within 24 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, during which time it is quite possible to visit a doctor and consult with him whether postinor can be used in this case.

Consequences of using postinor for the female reproductive system

When taking large doses of hormones in accordance with the instructions, there are no significant consequences for the woman’s reproductive system. There may be a slight glitch menstrual cycle, but he recovers quickly. This manifests itself in the form of small intermenstrual bleeding, longer and heavier periods, or, on the contrary, in the absence of periods for five to seven days. All this goes away on its own and does not require treatment. But if your period is delayed by more than a week, you need to rule out pregnancy.

If postinor If used regularly and especially several times during one menstrual cycle, disruptions in the menstrual cycle can be significant.

In this case, much depends on the individual, often hereditary characteristics of the woman: in one woman, disruptions, even significant ones, will be temporary, while in another, after repeated use of postinor, the menstrual cycle may change for a long time, which will eventually lead to infertility.

Consequences from the vascular system

These consequences can develop only if postinor is taken incorrectly and not in all women. Women who have blood coagulation disorders will mainly be affected. Under the influence of repeated intake of very large doses of hormones, the clotting ability of the blood increases, which leads to the appearance of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Blood clots block the lumens of blood vessels, as a result of which the flow of blood to certain organs and tissues is reduced or completely stopped. Blood clots can also break off and move through blood vessels through the bloodstream, leading to thromboembolism - blockage of a vessel by a detached blood clot (embolus). Thrombosis and thromboembolism of the vessels of the brain and heart are especially dangerous - this can lead to the development of ischemic stroke or instant death due to blockage of the pulmonary artery.

What other consequences could the incorrect use of postinor have?

The use of postinor by women with impaired liver function can have serious consequences. Such disorders usually occur in severe, long-term diseases, in which the use of postinor is contraindicated. If a woman with impaired liver function nevertheless takes Postinor, her condition may worsen sharply.

The choice of modern contraceptives is large. Their actions boil down to two principles. Some need to be taken constantly, others - once and only in emergency cases. Postinor is an emergency drug. The drug reduces the possibility of unplanned pregnancy by 5-10 percent.

There is an opinion that postinor is a means of aggressive influence. Indeed, when misuse taking the drug may cause health problems. It cannot be used constantly. In addition, be sure to read the instructions before use. Postinor has contraindications and side effects. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Therefore, it is better to consult a gynecologist in advance.

Consequences of taking postinor

The consequences of taking postinor may not be dangerous to health if you take it too often. Some doctors recommend using it no more than once every 3 months. Others - no more than once a month. Abuse can lead to menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances. This is due to the active substance of the drug. It contains a concentrated dose of hormones. If no negative consequences of taking are observed, you do not need to consult a doctor. Otherwise, consultation with a gynecologist is required. Untimely diagnosis and treatment of the consequences of using prostinor can lead to many female diseases.

Pregnancy after postinor

  1. If you take the pill no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, then pregnancy after postinor is unlikely. In the first 24 hours, its effectiveness reaches 95 percent.
  2. If conception does occur, the consequences can be negative. There is a possibility of changes in the structure of the uterus, miscarriage, etc.
  3. But if the pregnancy continues, there is no need to worry. Doctors have not identified any danger of prostinor’s effect on the fetus.

Menstruation after postinor: features

Menstruation after postinor can begin in a timely manner. A cycle failure is also possible. It may return to normal after some time. The instructions for the drug say that it can only be used by women with regular periods. To avoid serious consequences after use, you should consult a gynecologist.

Postinor action

There are two tablets in a package of pastinor. First you need to take one, then after some time - another (after 12-16 hours). Some doctors recommend drinking two at once. It often happens that women forget to take the second dose of the drug.

The product works as follows: the active substance levonorgestrel, an artificially created hormone, slows down the movement of the egg to the uterus. If it nevertheless reaches its goal, it does not allow it to attach to the wall. This is due to changes in the surface of the uterus due to the action of the drug.

The effectiveness of the contraceptive depends most on how quickly you take the pill. Don't delay. After 72 hours, the likelihood of getting pregnant will increase. The effectiveness of postinor may decrease due to taking other medications: for tuberculosis, HIV therapy, epilepsy and fungus. In addition, a similar result is achieved by combining the drug and medications containing St. John's wort.

Bleeding after postinor

Many people confuse bleeding after postinoration with the onset of menstruation. Actually this is not true. The effect of the contraceptive may cause acyclic discharge. They look like very scanty menstrual flow. Bleeding may last for 1-2 days. A delay of up to 5 days is considered normal. If the period is longer, you should consult a doctor. Possible pregnancy or hormonal disbalance.

Postinor: side effects

After taking Postinor, many people feel nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise and weakness. This does not mean that all women should have this reaction. Side effects may not appear

Before using the drug, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Postinor should not be taken during adolescence. It can greatly affect the natural hormonal background of a girl’s growing body. The drug is contraindicated for people sensitive to the active substance, levonorgestrel, those who have suffered, women with liver diseases and thrombosis.

Postinor is used in emergency cases to prevent pregnancy. The tablets are taken once. The effectiveness of the contraceptive when used correctly can reach 95 percent. The main thing is timely use, no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Abuse of the drug can lead to health problems.

Greetings, dear readers! Today our topic will be Postinor: reviews, consequences of taking this drug for contraception. Many women are afraid of this remedy because it is considered a strong hormonal medicine. Let's consider whether there are grounds for concern and how to prevent undesirable consequences.

Emergency contraception

Postinor - contraceptive hormonal drug with levonorgestrel, which is included in the medication in a large dosage. The role of the hormone is to induce menstruation and prevent the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

Doctors' advice indicates that the optimal period for taking it is no more than 3 days after sexual intercourse has occurred. You can also take the medicine if other methods do not work or the condom breaks.

Since the medicine is considered very strong, it should not be taken by girls under 16 years of age who have unstable hormonal levels. It's better not to take risks and ladies with hormonal disorders, otherwise the disease may develop more severely.

The effect of the drug largely depends on how quickly after sexual intercourse it was taken. So, if you take pills a day after intimacy, the probability of an unwanted pregnancy is only 5%, on the second day - about 15%, on the third day - 40-50%.

It is important to follow the instructions and clearly know how to use the medication. Reviews from doctors say: the medicine in the amount of 2 tablets should be taken within 12 hours. The first tablet contains a gestagen, which inhibits ovulation and the formation of the endometrium in the uterus and prevents the embryo from attaching. The second tablet contains levonorgestrel, which reduces the activity of male sperm.

Consequences of taking Postinor

Usually, if a woman’s hormonal balance is not disturbed, menstruation occurs on time. It is possible to delay your period for a week, which is considered normal. If the delay is more than a week, you should consult a gynecologist and check whether an unwanted pregnancy has occurred.

The early arrival of your period should not be a cause for concern either. The cycle may shift, so a delay or early appearance of menstruation next month should not frighten a woman.

At the same time, ladies should remember: this is a medicine for one-time emergency use, it cannot be used frequently. You should only seek help from this drug in emergency cases.

After Postinor, minor bleeding is sometimes observed: this is endometrial rejection. There is no need to be afraid of them either, but if a woman’s condition worsens sharply, seek help from a doctor.

While taking Postinor, some complications may also occur. If there is no menstruation for a long time, the reasons may be:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • frequent use of a drug that negatively affects performance female organs;
  • disruption of the production of pituitary hormones.

Serious consequences of taking Postinor include:

  • heavy bleeding (occurs due to an increased dosage of gestagen);
  • long periods (if a woman already had hormonal imbalances, but she ignored contraindications);
  • severe pain during scanty periods;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • brown discharge.

If Postinor still does not “work” and you become pregnant, there is no need to fear for the life and health of the unborn child. Postinor will not affect the development of the baby’s organs and systems.

True, user reviews about this medication are mixed. Many ladies who have used it complain of irregular menstrual cycles, periodic bleeding, and deterioration of their condition. Sometimes a woman simply does not know about her contraindications to the use of a medication, which leads to unexpected consequences.

If you are afraid of an unplanned pregnancy, you should consult in advance with a gynecologist who will offer you safe contraception. Postinor is a last resort, and you should not be surprised if after taking it there is a failure in monthly cycle or other complications. Normally, after 1-2 months the situation will stabilize. However, if there are any deviations, you should consult a doctor.

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