Epigraph to the story: garnet bracelet. "Garnet Bracelet" - the story of the creation of A. Kuprin's story

  • Show how the writer depicts the influence of love on a person; Kuprin's skill in depicting the world of human feelings.
  • Reveal the meaning of the musical epigraph in the story.
  • Develop skills in analytical and research work on the text in the unity of form and content; culture of oral coherent speech; expressive reading skills; thinking.
  • Lesson equipment. Portrait of A.I. Kuprin. Recording of L. V. Beethoven's Second Sonata.

    Lesson progress

    1. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    2. Opening remarks teachers.

    3. Determining the theme of the story.

    The theme of the story should be reflected in the epigraph. What is an epigraph?

    Definition of an epigraph in the dictionary of literary terms: “Epigraph - words prefaced by a work of art, placed immediately before the text and designed to reveal the author’s artistic intent, to give the author’s assessment of the events being presented. The epigraph is closely related to the text.

    Reading epigraphs chosen at home.

    The epigraph in the story is musical.

    Briefly describe the plot of the story.

    Now we will listen to a Beethoven sonata. (Get the kids ready to listen to classical music, tell about the composer)

    Exercise. While the melody is playing, remember the story again and think about which episodes may correspond to the sonata.

    So, what episodes came to your mind? (Love, landscape, bracelet, Princess Vera’s farewell to Zheltkov, news of death, etc.)

    Look, the whole story is reflected in the music. Indeed, the musical epigraph is closely related to the text.

    Let's think about how the musical intonation changed? (Calm - love, landscape, forgiveness; light - friend’s play, landscape, love; intense - Zheltkov’s gift, conversation with Zheltkov, news of death)

    Let's compare the musical intonations with the lives of the characters. The composition of the story matches the music. The entire story is built on the basis of the epigraph.

    What two principles collide in music? (Tension and calm)

    The same thing happens in the heroine’s life. Tell me how it goes family life, what does the author say about this? (Love fades and becomes a habit)

    What is love? How do you understand?

    Let's determine the meaning of the word love using the dictionary. (Love is a feeling that is difficult to formally define. It is characterized by the highest emotional and spiritual tension and is based on the discovery of the maximum value of a particular person)

    Let's turn to the text. When and who talks about love in a work? (Author - 2 chapters, 12 chapters, 13 chapters; Vasily Lvovich - 5 chapters, 6 chapters, 10 chapters, 11 chapters; Zheltkov - 5 chapters, 10 chapters, 11 chapters, 13 chapters .).

    In what key are these stories given? (Vasily Lvovich - in a satirical-grotesque key; Anosov - in realistic tones)

    What two points of view on love do they express? (1 - love is the meaning of life; 2 - something unnecessary and commonplace)

    Who holds the view that love is the meaning of life? (Zheltkov, Anosov)

    What happened in the lives of these heroes? (They've been through it)

    So, the one who loves, who has suffered suffering, has the right to talk about love.

    Let us dwell on the image of Vera Nikolaevna. Is she talking about love? (No, she thinks, hints, asks. This topic is very interesting to her)

    How do you imagine her? Write down her features in your notebook. (A down-to-earth creature, balanced, with no fantasy, no romanticism, no desire for the sublime or at least for something unusual or risky in her)

    Who agrees with this characterization? Why?

    Does this life suit her? Is she looking for something unusual in life?

    Is a person who is interested in love and asks questions a down-to-earth person?

    To understand this issue, let's turn to the text. Open the first pages and find a description of Princess Vera’s name day. Where does the description begin?

    What do we know about the relationship with your husband? Read it.

    How did Vera Nikolaevna react to the prayer book that her sister gave her? Read it.

    How does this characterize Vera Nikolaevna? (Romantic nature)

    What punctuation mark did Kuprin use in this paragraph? (Ellipsis - pause - when we think about something, think...)

    Conclusion. It turns out that Vera Nikolaevna is a delicate, sensitive person. not indifferent to nature (text), enjoys lovely days (text).

    Who realizes that Vera Nikolaevna is not a statue, but a woman with a warm soul? (Zheltkov)

    Let's read Zheltkov's last letter (a trained student).

    Why didn't Princess Vera return her love? (Does not love; the soul does not lie; she is a married woman; different social status)

    What environment did she live in? (Life can be called idyllic: they don’t quarrel, don’t cheat on each other, there is complete mutual understanding between the spouses)

    When does Vera Nikolaevna discover something important for herself? (When listening to a Beethoven sonata)

    What's happening to her? (She calms down, understands that it was love, that a person needs to love, needs to live to the fullest, as his heart tells him - this is the idea of ​​the work)

    4. Teacher's generalization.

    The epigraph to the story suggests the main problem and helps reveal the character of the main character. The sonata’s music revealed the beauty of Zheltkov’s love and helped Vera Nikolaevna understand everything and feel forgiven.

    5. Lesson summary.

    1. Grading.

    2. Homework.

    Prepare for your essay.

    Like many of Kuprin’s works, “ Garnet bracelet” has a very real basis. The wife of the Russian governor Lyubimov, Lyudmila Ivanovna, became the object of passion of a telegraph official named Zheltikov, who once sent her a gift - a gold-plated chain with a pendant. And although in reality the incident seemed more like an anecdote, the writer’s talent turned it into a story about true love.

    Reading “Garnet Bracelet” online is not only interesting, but also instructive. There is a lot of tragedy in history, but there is also a lot true feeling. In addition, history is filled with symbols, played by gems. On the one hand - garnets from an unknown lover, a healing and calming stone, and pearls from a husband - not only a symbol of pure feeling, but also a bad omen.

    And it really comes true: Kuprin’s “Garnet Bracelet” is a symbol of dramatic, but at the same time surprising pure love, which raises the petty official Zheltkov above all the heroes of the work, without humiliating anyone. His feeling is like his gift - a rare beautiful stone in a cheap frame. And when a secret passion is brought out into the open, it does not make the hero funny, just as suicide does not make him weak. Downloading and reading the story will be enough to understand that taking one’s own life was the only way out for a man who could not lose his love, and at the same time he seems to be getting closer to the one he so desperately worshiped - she will now remember him until the end of his days, tenderly and reverently.

    This book is a real hymn to love, which makes the most insignificant person beautiful and always gives more than it takes away, even if what is taken away is life itself. Because only love is as strong as death.

  • Show how the writer depicts the influence of love on a person; Kuprin's skill in depicting the world of human feelings.
  • Reveal the meaning of the musical epigraph in the story.
  • Develop skills in analytical and research work on the text in the unity of form and content; culture of oral coherent speech; expressive reading skills; thinking.
  • Lesson equipment. Portrait of A.I. Kuprin. Recording of L. V. Beethoven's Second Sonata.

    Lesson progress

    1. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    2. Introductory speech by the teacher.

    3. Determining the theme of the story.

    The theme of the story should be reflected in the epigraph. What is an epigraph?

    Definition of an epigraph in the dictionary of literary terms: “Epigraph - words prefaced by a work of art, placed immediately before the text and designed to reveal the author’s artistic intent, to give the author’s assessment of the events being presented. The epigraph is closely related to the text.

    Reading epigraphs chosen at home.

    The epigraph in the story is musical.

    Briefly describe the plot of the story.

    Now we will listen to a Beethoven sonata. (Get the kids ready to listen to classical music, tell about the composer)

    Exercise. While the melody is playing, remember the story again and think about which episodes may correspond to the sonata.

    So, what episodes came to your mind? (Love, landscape, bracelet, Princess Vera’s farewell to Zheltkov, news of death, etc.)

    Look, the whole story is reflected in the music. Indeed, the musical epigraph is closely related to the text.

    Let's think about how the musical intonation changed? (Calm - love, landscape, forgiveness; light - friend’s play, landscape, love; intense - Zheltkov’s gift, conversation with Zheltkov, news of death)

    Let's compare the musical intonations with the lives of the characters. The composition of the story matches the music. The entire story is built on the basis of the epigraph.

    What two principles collide in music? (Tension and calm)

    The same thing happens in the heroine’s life. Tell me, how is her family life going, what does the author say about it? (Love fades and becomes a habit)

    What is love? How do you understand?

    Let's determine the meaning of the word love using the dictionary. (Love is a feeling that is difficult to formally define. It is characterized by the highest emotional and spiritual tension and is based on the discovery of the maximum value of a particular person)

    Let's turn to the text. When and who talks about love in a work? (Author - 2 chapters, 12 chapters, 13 chapters; Vasily Lvovich - 5 chapters, 6 chapters, 10 chapters, 11 chapters; Zheltkov - 5 chapters, 10 chapters, 11 chapters, 13 chapters .).

    In what key are these stories given? (Vasily Lvovich - in a satirical-grotesque key; Anosov - in realistic tones)

    What two points of view on love do they express? (1 - love is the meaning of life; 2 - something unnecessary and commonplace)

    Who holds the view that love is the meaning of life? (Zheltkov, Anosov)

    What happened in the lives of these heroes? (They've been through it)

    So, the one who loves, who has suffered suffering, has the right to talk about love.

    Let us dwell on the image of Vera Nikolaevna. Is she talking about love? (No, she thinks, hints, asks. This topic is very interesting to her)

    How do you imagine her? Write down her features in your notebook. (A down-to-earth creature, balanced, with no fantasy, no romanticism, no desire for the sublime or at least for something unusual or risky in her)

    Who agrees with this characterization? Why?

    Does this life suit her? Is she looking for something unusual in life?

    Is a person who is interested in love and asks questions a down-to-earth person?

    To understand this issue, let's turn to the text. Open the first pages and find a description of Princess Vera’s name day. Where does the description begin?

    What do we know about the relationship with your husband? Read it.

    How did Vera Nikolaevna react to the prayer book that her sister gave her? Read it.

    How does this characterize Vera Nikolaevna? (Romantic nature)

    What punctuation mark did Kuprin use in this paragraph? (Ellipsis - pause - when we think about something, think...)

    Conclusion. It turns out that Vera Nikolaevna is a delicate, sensitive person. not indifferent to nature (text), enjoys lovely days (text).

    Who realizes that Vera Nikolaevna is not a statue, but a woman with a warm soul? (Zheltkov)

    Let's read Zheltkov's last letter (a trained student).

    Why didn't Princess Vera return her love? (Does not love; the soul does not lie; she is a married woman; different social status)

    What environment did she live in? (Life can be called idyllic: they don’t quarrel, don’t cheat on each other, there is complete mutual understanding between the spouses)

    When does Vera Nikolaevna discover something important for herself? (When listening to a Beethoven sonata)

    What's happening to her? (She calms down, understands that it was love, that a person needs to love, needs to live to the fullest, as his heart tells him - this is the idea of ​​the work)

    4. Teacher's generalization.

    The epigraph to the story suggests the main problem and helps reveal the character of the main character. The sonata’s music revealed the beauty of Zheltkov’s love and helped Vera Nikolaevna understand everything and feel forgiven.

    5. Lesson summary.

    1. Grading.

    2. Homework.

    Prepare for your essay.

    It's very difficult to explain. The ending is messy, but both main ideas are expressed here. I formulated what I was trying to prove to everyone. It might be worth smearing.

    Everyone's task: come up with an epigraph!!!

    So, we got something like this:

    "What was it: love or madness?" (based on Kuprin's story "The Garnet Bracelet")

    It is difficult to find a writer or poet who has not touched upon the theme of love in his works. It is also difficult to find a person who has not experienced this feeling at least once. Love transforms a person. She can make him happy or, on the contrary, doom him to painful suffering.

    Kuprin often presents love as a kind of force beyond the control of people, and, at the same time, a priceless gift. A gift from God.

    The story described in the story "Garnet Bracelet" is real. It happened in Odessa. Kuprin wrote to Batyushkov: “Do you remember this? - the sad story of the little telegraph official P.P. Zheltikov, who was so hopelessly in love with Lyubimov’s wife... His face, who shot himself (she told him not to even try to see her), is important , deep, illuminated by that mysterious wisdom that only the dead comprehend..." Kuprin dealt with this incident in the same way as Prince Vasily Shein did in his story, about whom it was said that "he took a true episode as the basis for the story, but thus exaggerated the colors ", that in his presentation "truth was wonderfully intertwined with fiction."

    For Kuprin, love is one of the “secrets” of man. The image of General Anosov in the story is not accidental. Anosov expresses the writer’s own thoughts about love: “Where is love? Unselfish, selfless, not expecting a reward? The one about which it is said “strong as death”? You understand, the kind of love for which you will accomplish any feat, give life, going to torment is not work at all, but one joy." It is through the mouth of Anosov that the author proclaims that one cannot pass by great and pure love: “Maybe he’s just an abnormal fellow, a maniac, but - who knows? - maybe it’s yours.” life path, Verochka, crossed precisely the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

    The story ends sadly. Vera's brother and husband find Zheltkov and demand that he stop interfering in their personal lives. Powerless before the feeling, Zheltkov finds only one way out: to die. Vera is shocked. She visits his apartment, where she sees him for the first time, but already dead, and feels that “the love that every woman dreams of has passed her by.”

    It seems that the story is tragic: the lover dies without waiting for reciprocal love, and Vera is doomed to eternal suffering. But Kuprin does not reveal what happens to Vera after. The story ends with the words “No, no, he has forgiven me now. Everything is fine.” Love is stronger than death.

    Very beautiful. It's beautiful if you believe it's love. But is this love? Is it possible to love a person without once meeting his gaze, without once hearing a word from him?.. Is it possible to love such a “shadow”?

    You can love the way Ivan Timofeevich loved Olesya, loved her every word, every movement. And Zheltkov, seeing Vera extremely rarely, created an image with which he fell in love. Yes, he truly loved, but he loved his fantasy. It is likely that if he got to know Vera better, he would be disappointed in her.

    So, answering the question “Love or madness?”, I say: madness, because loving an image does not mean loving a real person with all his advantages and disadvantages.

    However, such love Zheltkova revealed to Vera new life. This is a bright ending.

    On this page you will find quotes about love from the Garnet Bracelet; you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

    And so, as soon as the locomotive lights caught up with the company, she suddenly whispers in the ear of the ensign: “You all say that you love me. But if I order you, you probably won’t throw yourself under the train.” And he, without answering a word, ran and ran under the train. He, they say, calculated correctly, right between the front and rear wheels: that way it would have been neatly cut in half. General Anosov

    ... a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years.

    And then, in the middle of a conversation, our eyes met, a spark like an electric one ran between us, and I felt that I fell in love right away - passionately and irrevocably. General Anosov

    At that second, she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.

    Like many deaf people, he was a passionate lover of opera, and sometimes, during some languid duet, his decisive bass voice could suddenly be heard throughout the entire theater: “But he took it clean, damn it! It’s like cracking a nut.”

    And since she is not there, women take revenge. Another thirty years will pass... I won’t see it, but maybe you will, Verochka. Mark my words, in thirty years women will occupy unprecedented power in the world. They will dress like Indian idols. They will trample on us men like despicable, groveling slaves. Their extravagant whims and caprices will become tormenting laws for us. And all because for entire generations we did not know how to bow and revere love. This will be revenge. You know the law: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction.

    Who knows, maybe your path in life has been crossed by true, selfless, true love.

    How many times in my life have I observed: as soon as a lady reaches fifty, and especially if she is a widow or an old girl, she is drawn to hang around someone else’s love. Either he spies, gloats and gossips, or tries to arrange someone else’s happiness, or spreads verbal gum arabic about sublime love. But I want to say that people nowadays have forgotten how to love. I don't see true love.

    I love her because there is nothing in the world like her, there is nothing better, there is no animal, no plant, no star, no more beautiful person.

    I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love.

    Think of me and I will be with you, because you and I loved each other only for a moment, but forever.

    Now I will show you in gentle sounds a life that has humbly and joyfully doomed itself to torment, suffering and death. I knew neither complaint, nor reproach, nor the pain of pride. I have one prayer before you: “Hallowed be your name.”