Max Korzh life story. Personal life, max korzh

Maxim Anatolyevich Korzh was born on November 23, 1988 in the small Belarusian town of Luninets. Many people mistakenly think that the singer’s last name is not his real name, but is a pseudonym. However, this is not true. Maxim is a descendant of Vasily Zakharovich Korzh, Hero Soviet Union and the head of the Belarusian partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Maxim's parents are still in preschool age noted his musical inclinations. When he went to first grade, his mother took her son to music school. Korzh graduated from it in piano class. At the same time, he independently mastered playing the guitar.

According to Maxim himself, he wrote his very first song at the age of thirteen. Then he was interested in the work of such rap artists as Eminem, Cypress Hill, Dr. Dre, "Onyx". Three years later, he and his friends created their own group, which they called LunClan. Although the guys were Belarusians, they preferred to rap in Russian. The group did not become popular and soon broke up.

After graduating from high school, Korzh wanted to continue his studies at a music school. However, his parents dissuaded him from this step, instilling in him that music is a “frivolous” activity in life. Maxim did not argue with them and entered the Belorussian state university(BSU). Within its walls, he began to study the specifics of international relations in order to subsequently become a diplomat. At the same time, Korzh did not abandon his hobby. On the contrary, he began to devote even more time to music. So, Maxim tried to put together a group again. But the second attempt was also unsuccessful.

After his second year, he dropped out of his studies at the Faculty of International Relations and plunged headlong into music. In the spring of 2012, Korzh was drafted into the army.


Before serving in the army, Maxim managed to record a song in a professional studio. It cost him $300. He posted a track called “Heaven Will Help Us” on social networks, and the next morning he went to the military registration and enlistment office. The song, written in the genre of lyrical rap, literally collected several thousand likes and views in a matter of days. Subsequently, her popularity only grew. The song was taken on the radio and played on the best Belarusian dance floors. Korzh returned from the army as a popular rapper. This is how his musical career began.

Soon the video for the debut song was released, which for a long time was a favorite of the music charts. Unprecedented popularity became an incentive and inspiration for Maxim. During that period, he began to write a lot of texts. At the same time, he gave concerts in Belarusian cities. All of them took place in front of full houses. At first, friends helped with organizing concerts. Later, Korzh got producer Ruslan Starikovsky, who has worked with the famous rapper Serega and the group “J: Mors”.

Despite the sudden fame, Maxim decides to finish higher education. He was reinstated at the Faculty of International Relations at BSU.

At the end of 2012, Korzh presented his debut album entitled “Animal World”. The main track, of course, was the song “The Sky Will Help Us.” The album also includes songs written over the past three years, including:

  • "Young";
  • "Open your eyes";
  • "White Fog";
  • "My friend";
  • “Where am I!” etc.

The songs had similar themes. However, Korzh himself stated that he created the album for listeners of different ages. In any case, it was a success.

In the same year, the rapper signed a contract with the Russian record label Respect Production. This allowed Maxim to become popular outside his homeland. He began to actively perform in Russia, Ukraine, as well as in other post-Soviet countries.

In 2013, Korzh released his second album and called it “Live in the High.” He described it as "more serious". The album includes tracks such as:

  • "Become";
  • "The smoke is melting";
  • "No news";
  • "Traliki";
  • "Green Suitcase";
  • "Moth" etc.

He soon shot a video for the last song, which became his directorial debut. At the moment, the video has collected more than 32 million views on the popular video hosting site.

In 2014, Korzh gave a concert at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium. The hall was full. This allowed Korzh to become the first Belarusian singer who managed to collect a full Luzhniki Stadium.

In the same year, the third album entitled “Home” was released. Its main track was the song “The Boy’s Word.” In 2016, the fourth album was released - “The Little One Has Grown Up. Part 1". A year later, the fifth album was presented - “The Little One Has Grown Up. Part 2".

In 2017, with the song “The Little One Has Grown Up,” Max Korzh became the winner of the VK Music Awards, where users of the social network “VKontakte” act as the jury.

Personal life

Maxim Korzh prefers to keep his personal life in the shadows. It is known that he is married to Tatyana Matskevich. The girl also comes from the city of Luninets and studied at BSU, like Maxim himself. They have known each other since childhood, but a romantic relationship began between them only while studying at the university.

The couple got married in 2012. The very next year, daughter Emilia was born. After the wedding, Tatyana took the surname Maxima. The girl has nothing to do with music. Before the wedding, she worked as an economist in one of the banks. Currently he is raising his daughter and doing charity work.

The young Russian performer has always considered family important life value. Max Korzh dated Tatyana Matskevich for four years, and in 2012 the lovers got married. The girl supports her husband in everything, which is a great incentive for his creativity.

The famous young singer was born on November 23, 1988 in Belarus. Parents were against musical career son, so he entered the Faculty of International Relations. Two years later he was drafted into the army, but after demobilization the guy recovered and took up creativity again. ABOUT .

Even before the service, the singer posted his composition “Heaven will help us,” recorded with money borrowed from his parents. The song was appreciated on the Internet, and it was even played several times on the radio. This news became an impetus for Max’s further development.

In 2012, the first video was released, and his album was soon recognized as the winner of the Muz-TV award. After this, the guy went on tour to European cities. Today Max continues to give concerts and record new songs.


What is the wife's name



On April 4, 2013, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Emilia. He calls her affectionately “Mimi.” The Russian pop star was unable to attend the birth because he was on tour.

Why Max Korzh and his wife broke up

There were rumors that Korzh divorced his wife Tatyana due to a busy concert schedule, as... Journalists wrote that the guy does not pay attention to his family, which had a negative impact on their lives, but this is not so. Tatyana is sympathetic to her husband’s work, just like her.

Korzh with his wife and daughter

The singer and his wife Tatyana strive to spend all their free time with each other. Touring and recording new songs still takes a lot of energy. But photos of his wife often appear on social networks; they try to be together as often as possible.

The territory of the former Soviet Union includes many countries with unique cultures and their own traditions. Besides the historical past, the only thing that unites all the peoples of these states is music. She has no nationality, no time and no boundaries. A huge number of performers and groups glorify the Slavic nationality far beyond the borders of the former Soviet countries. These include Max Korzh, whose age recently crossed the twenty-five year mark. In their early years The rap singer is extremely popular. At the same time, he owes his success only to himself. So where does Max Korzh come from, whose biography is so interesting to the “next” generation?

Made in Belarus

Russia's miniature neighbor, Belarus, has already released a popular one that is known not only in the CIS. The second was Max Korzh. The biography of the young master of rhyme and recitative began its narrative on November 23, 1988. On that autumn day in the city of Luninets, a little boy was born, whom his parents named Maxim. He, like his father, is a descendant of the Hero of the Soviet Union - Vasily Zakharovich Korzh, who led the territory of Belarus.

As a child, Maxim showed an inexplicable craving for music. I studied well at the Lyceum. Even better - at a music school. As a teenager, I became interested in rap and followed popular foreign artists: Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog, Cypress Hill and others. It was then that the young man decided to connect his future with music, seeing the name “Max Korzh” on the banners. The biography was completely different. His parents insisted that the young man choose a worthy profession, explaining his desire by saying that “ can’t earn your living from music.”

Prestige or dream?

In order to prove to mom and dad that prestige is very easy, Maxim entered the cool faculty of international relations at the best Minsk university - BSU. However, after studying for two years, the young man realized that the prioritization was wrong and again succumbed to his musical passion. He records his debut track “The Sky Will Help Us.” As soon as the opportunity arose, the young man left the university and joined the army.

It was thanks to this composition that the Internet community learned the name of the artist - Max Korzh. The biography of the young man upon his return from the army abruptly changed his priorities: he became a star. His song was played on several radio stations. He was known not only in Belarus, but also in Russia.

Debut album and personal life

In 2011, the singer graduated from university, but sees his future only in music. A year later, the album “Animal World” comes into rotation on the radio, the author and performer of which from “A” to “Z” is Max Korzh. The artist’s biography that same year was replenished with events in his personal life: he got married. His chosen one is the girl who supported Maxim for four years - Tatyana Matskevich. After some time, the couple gives birth to a beautiful baby Emilia.

In 2013, the artist’s second album, entitled “Live in High,” was released. Even before the release of the second disc, Maxim was touring the countries in full. His concert in Minsk brought unprecedented success - the hall was completely occupied by fans and admirers. Currently, the author and performer already has several awards. He received one of them in Belarus, and the second in Russia, from the Muz TV channel.

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Max Korzh - Army

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