Irina Zabiyaka: “They say that a man sings for me or that I’m even a transvestite! Who sings in a male voice in "Chile"? What's the name of the lead singer of the Chili band?

The lead singer of the group “Chi-Li” Irina ZABYAKA not only has an unusual surname and voice, but also her place of residence. The singer settled opposite the oldest Moscow prison Butyrka! Express Gazeta correspondents visited the red-haired beast.

I looked for an apartment on the Internet. I didn’t know that Butyrka was nearby - I’m not a Muscovite. I thought it was some kind of factory,” Irina laughs. - And then I went online and found out that this is the largest prison in the capital with the number of prisoners - 6.5 thousand people! How many suitors do I have outside my window! It's really no big deal. The prison is well guarded, with video cameras throughout the entire territory. There's a turret over there, see? ( Points out the window.) Emelyan Pugachev was sitting in it.

- You came to Moscow...

- ... from Kaliningrad. Together with a friend, Sergei Karpov. He is a composer and arranger, we have been writing music together for a long time. For a while we rented an apartment for a couple, but then Seryozha got a girlfriend and I moved here. All that remains is to transport the cat Klaus - after he is castrated. And then he immediately started marking everything to me here.

I got into boxing because of a guy

- At the moment, is the cat the only man in your life?

I don’t have a permanent boyfriend. I go to parties alone or with the guys from the group. My goal in life is not to find a husband and start a family. You can't dream about love. You just need to live. And she will come anyway.

- Were you “blown away” by your feelings?

All my love is like this. I'm a temperamental person.

- Did you do crazy things for love?

What may seem crazy to someone is a normal thing for me. For example, I liked a person: I found out where he lived, went to his house, and took him out for a walk. As a result, a wonderful romantic relationship began. In my actions I follow the dictates of my soul. As a child, my mother often repeated the word “must!” to me. But for me there is only “I want.”

- How many men did you have?

Madly in love with three people. And I got carried away very often.

You devote a lot of time to sports; you did kickboxing for two years. Have you had to put your skills into practice?

God forbid! I went into boxing because I liked a boy from the group - I'm wildly amorous. As a child, my upper teeth were chipped - my grandmother said: “Wow, my love, what a horror!” And I don't play sports that much. There is no time. I just keep myself in shape.

With such slender legs you can become a fashion model

- How do you manage to stay so thin?

I get on the scale more often. One kilogram more - for two days I eat only buckwheat porridge with salt.

- Is extreme sports present in your life?

Yes, but if for many extreme sports is to jump with a parachute, for me it is to get into a car and go somewhere. I did this in the fall. It became unbearable here, I wanted to run away. I got into the car and drove to Karelia: not knowing the places, alone, at night. Not a single lantern, forest on both sides. The worst thing is when headlights highlight owls sitting in the grass. They're creepy! It's like some kind of little people. In general, Karelia is very beautiful. Now I am planning to go to the White Sea. But my car can't handle it. Here you need an SUV, and I have a Peugeot 407.

Possibly under the tree

- Do you like extreme sex? Or do you prefer classics by candlelight?

Just at home by candlelight - this is extreme. But in nature it’s normal. We are born by nature. It's natural. Pleasure in sex lies not in where you are, but with whom. And what do you feel for this person? It makes no difference here, by candlelight or somewhere under the tree. But it’s terrible in the entrance, of course. I don’t understand how people are smart enough to do this.

- So you tried it at the entrance?

Just kissed. And it was in nature, of course. When you're just starting sex life, I want to try everything at once. And out of stupidity you don’t understand that this is not the point. You know, like in the movie Vanilla Sky: “If you have sex with a girl, then your body has already made a promise to her.”

Who said boxing is not for women?

-Have you had sex with a woman?

I tried something with a friend, but it’s not my thing. I didn't like it. It must be in the soul. She should attract you. But I still need a guy.

- Do you have a favorite sexual fantasy?

Like most people. I fantasize about some kind of rough, unbridled, animal sex. But without perversions.

This is only in porn films for onanists...

By the way, I haven’t watched pornography for many years. At first it was interesting, everyone was watching, everyone was downloading. It's a shame when men grow up on pornography and do the same to women. You see, I’m a living person, and there’s a porn actress playing there, and it’s not a fact that she likes it. Moreover, 90 percent of pornography is filmed for men, not women. It’s unlikely that a woman can imagine a scene where some man or guy she likes suddenly attacks and rapes her somewhere. And then suddenly he says: “Come on, I’ll cum in your mouth.” In pornography, the ending is always the same and it always happens with a terrible appetite, given that most women do not like to swallow sperm, and men usually never kiss a woman who has done it. That is, men disdain their own. It's funny, but it's a fact.

The singer likes to play the guitar before bed

Ira always does exercises in the morning.

An enviable bride - a jack of all trades

The star's refrigerator has everything you need: absinthe, pineapples and milk

In rare moments of relaxation, it’s nice to sit on your favorite sofa


Irina Zabiyaka is a Russian pop singer, lead singer of the group Chi-Li (Chili is her childhood nickname).

Irina Zabiyaka was born on December 20 1982 years and was raised without a father. Her mother went to sea, she is Ukrainian by nationality. When Irina was born, she was left to live in Kaliningrad.

When Irina asked her mother: “Who is my dad?” - the mother did not want to tell the truth that he died early, and answered: “He is a Chilean revolutionary.” And Irina believed. Moreover, for a Soviet girl it was very prestigious. When all the children were bragging about their parents, she said: “Your dad is a mechanic, and mine is from Chile.”

The nickname affected her character. Features of her voice Since childhood, she communicated mainly with boys and was a “difficult” child. But the voice was like all girls. Until in adolescence he began to “break down”, like boys. The result was a contralto. Milestones of creativity The singer met the composer and arranger Sergei at one of his student concerts.

“I was wearing new leather pants,” recalls Sergei, which seemed very cool to me. And then he approaches the stage beautiful girl and tugs my pant leg. It seemed to me that this was a frank hint of close acquaintance, and I felt like just a megastar. However, as it turned out later, she without further ado decided to check whether it was genuine leather.”

A few days later, the future participants of the musical tandem met again in the university hall, where Sergei was rehearsing behind the stage, and on the court was the KVN team, whose players Irina was friends with. “She said only a few phrases, and I immediately invited her to sing backing vocals,” says the musician. “She agreed, and that’s where our collaboration began.”

At first, the key role in the duet was played by Sergei, who was the composer, arranger and frontman at that time of his musical group “Scream” all rolled into one. Irina got only minor parts. After some time, the team changed its name from “Scream” to “Rio”.

TO 2002 year, the first album was recorded, and the guys with a box of discs set off to storm the capital's show business. Irina Zabiyaka came from Kaliningrad together with Sergei Karpov. When they first came to Moscow, nothing worked out for them. Despite a dozen successful club concerts, a month spent in Moscow does not bring strategic victories - record labels and radio stations do not react in any way to the demo recording. Upon returning home, the duo, which by that time had achieved local popularity in the Kaliningrad region, was invited to tour to nearby Poland.

For three summer months, the musicians tour local venues. They perform in small clubs and at festivals, the audience of which at times amounted to forty thousand people. But they still decided to finally settle in the capital. We started visiting different companies and handing out CDs. One director told them: “Of course, there is something in this, but no one will listen to it. If I take on you, I’ll go broke!” And this was said more than once. “Listening to our recording, we felt that it was somehow neutral,” says Sergei, “the drive appeared and then disappeared again.

Then the idea arose to make a castling, to bring Irina to the forefront.” The idea was so successful that the track of the Russian group, named after the “middle name” of the new soloist, hit the Polish radio airwaves. On the chart of one of the top FM stations in Warsaw, “Chi-Li” rose to third place and stayed in the TOP 20 for several weeks, ahead of even the star compatriots t.A.T.u., who only reached the fifth line. Having become popular touring performers in Poland, a year after the first visit to the capital, “Chi-Li” again storms Moscow. Then an acquaintance introduced them to his friend from his youth.

Through a friend who works at one of the recording studios, the demo gets to the famous sound producer Yaznur Garipov, who sensed remarkable potential in the recording and invited the musicians to record the material in the capital.

June 2 2005 year, recording began, for which the musicians managed to adequately prepare - 12 tracks for the new album were selected from more than a hundred songs composed by Irina and Sergei over the past few years. That same fall, the first single “Crime” reaches the program director of Russian Radio, Marcel Gonzalez, who instantly understands the huge potential of the new stars and the song ends up in rotation. Regional FM stations in Russia and the CIS countries immediately picked up the wave - in just a month, Irina’s unique voice sounded on the radio air in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

The first track was followed by the dramatic song “ New Year in bed”, which consolidated the success of “Chi-Li”. When the group first appeared, many could not understand for a long time who was singing: a woman or a man. In their first video, “New Year's Eve in Bed,” they took advantage of this feature. In this clip, Irina Zabiyaka sat at the table with Sergei Karpov, and they played the roles of producers. Over the years of its existence, the Chi-Li group was able to achieve popular recognition.

Proof of this are numerous awards and prizes: “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone” in Moscow, “Golden Gramophone” in Almaty, St. Petersburg and others. Character and stage image By nature, Irina Zabiyaka is an aggressive-positive-restless person, a very impulsive, temperamental, positively restless person. People are often scared of her powerful energy, because she usually rushes in like the wind. But she is not aggressive, but simply a very temperamental person. According to her horoscope, she is Sagittarius. She loves cats very much, she has a tattoo of a cat on her shoulder. The cat fully reflects her character.

She seems to be at home, but when she leaves the house she walks on her own. Irina Zabiyaka has been kickboxing for two years. And now he goes to the gym and works out intensely. He loves to read mysticism: Anne Rice, Stephen King, Dan Simmons, Dean Koontz. Upon arrival in Moscow, at first Irina Zabiyaka rented an apartment with the author and composer of the group, Sergei Karpov. One room was both a small home studio and a warehouse musical instruments. Irina spends most of the money she earns on the purchase of musical instruments: Guitars, the most best tools, for the best equipment, for microphones.

This is where the material that the Chi-Li group performs is written. There is voice processing and an analog mixing console. One day the group was invited to film the Comedy Club program. Irina Zabiyaka watched several episodes and was shocked. These freaks lower the stars below the plinth, and they sit and smile. I don’t have such a sense of humor, my director politely refused. And my hands were itching, I wanted to beat these wits. - she said.

January 8 2013 year, Irina Zabiyaka gave birth to a son from her boyfriend, leader of the Mama Band Vyacheslav Boykov.

The group "Chi-li" recorded its first album in 2002 - the name comes from the nickname of the group's lead singer Irina, who was nicknamed that way by her friends as a child after learning that her father was a Chilean revolutionary. The girl was told about this by her mother, who went on a long voyage on a merchant ship. The singer met another member of the group, composer and arranger Sergei, in Kaliningrad at one of the student concerts, and he immediately invited her to sing backing vocals. But then Irina came to the fore - and the group’s rating immediately jumped wildly. In 2005, the musicians were invited to record an album in the capital.

The main intrigue of the group is that from the first listen, no one can confidently determine the gender of the person who could own this unique voice. The girl's unique contralto - and she really is a girl, fiery red-haired, with huge green eyes and stunning energy - is woven into the modern rhythms of dance arrangements.

The intrigue was fueled by the group’s debut video clip for the song “New Year in Bed,” where, according to the script, Irina and Sergey play producers at the casting, and the words of the song are “performed” by applicants of different types, genders and races. The musicians, disguised as show business sharks, do not reveal their cards until the end of the video.

The group filmed their latest video for the song “Heart” in Egypt. But it was not the gentle sun that the artists, tired of the Moscow winter, so hoped for, met them there, but difficult trials - sandstorms, hand-to-hand fights with waiters, filming in icy water, clashes with the local police, guardians of morals, and even cannibalistic attempts - only Irina miraculously managed to avoid being bitten by a drunken plane passenger who had eaten half the cabin.

18.05 16:33
Has it changed what you played then and now?
It has changed a lot. We actually had techno music back then. Then there was no other option, because dance music generally appeared in the form in which we have it now in the late 90s, and therefore we evolved gradually, and now we are doing what we presented to listeners in our first album .

18.05 16:39
Are there two of you in the group?
There are five of us. We have two girl dancers, Svetlana Kulikova and Natalya Kruzhkina, and we have a backing vocalist Mikhail. We also took a percussionist, an African-American, he is quite positive, smiles when necessary and when not necessary, since he is new.

He really loves Russian folk songs and listens to them a lot.

How did you come up with the idea to hire such a band member?

We have many more different ideas.

Where are all these participants now?

They went about their business.

That is, the backbone of the group is still you.

18.05 16:40
And then you decided to create a group, right?
Sergei already had a group. That is, he was the soloist there.

I sang songs, made arrangements...

I was hired for backing vocals. I sang along.

Ismail 18.05 16:42
Why does the lead singer of the group “Chili” sing in a male voice?
Why is he male? Because now men sing with women's voices, in my opinion. Now male vocals have become too high. Now my vocals compare with, say, Petkun, Mazaev or Rammstein; of course, they stand out against the background of all male groups. The guys sing quite high. Nobody says that Presnyakov sings like a woman, although they sing high. Of course, against their background, I mean, if I sing next to them, then I look even more like that.

18.05 16:44
Is this the timbre of your voice you have had since childhood?
She was born, and she immediately had such a voice:ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooay!

I believe that the secret of success is the combination of hit compositions, original arrangements and such a voice. If I, say, sang some Russian folk songs, maybe I would be surprised, but then people wouldn’t come back.

18.05 16:44
Will it turn out that at first everyone was greatly surprised, and then they won’t come back?
Good music never goes out of popularity.

I actually thought about this, and remember, once there was a non-Russian singer, Skritman. He spoke very quickly. The fact is that he didn’t have a trick in timbre, he just had a trick in that he could quickly pronounce words and make some sounds. And they listened to him. He quickly left the stage. Because every song in this manner is not interesting to listen to. But first of all, I sing, and do not make any sounds. Look, again, people are very original, like Mumiy Troll, they remain, they are in demand, everyone still remembers Shura and wants to hear some of his new materials.

He put in teeth...

You can knock it out. It's a matter of two minutes.

Karina 18.05 16:47
What's your favorite color?
My favorite, probably, is still sandy, the kind with yellowness like hair, reddish. I can say that I don’t like black, but other colors... That is, I like many colors, but I don’t like black and red doesn’t suit me.

My favorite colors are green and blue. They are so calm and unobtrusive.

18.05 16:47
Are you a natural redhead?

So you feel more comfortable in this color?

Yes. I actually tried a lot of colors, black, white, even blue, and even once it turned out green.

I think there is more to come.

Red just goes with freckles, it seems to me, and it’s very rare that their color suits people.

18.05 17:02
Surely fame just fell on you.
We can’t take it straight away.

I didn’t feel like I woke up and became famous. Firstly, the artist is inside himself, in a shell, he does not understand how people treat him, he does not understand how popular he is or not. I remember these very first songs of ours, when...

These are: “Kalinka, Kalinka...” These are our songs.

These too, yes, I liked how many orders there were. And I was incredibly happy when I found out that the annotations were very good, that people constantly demanded to put on the group, this is an unfamiliar name, and, again, the first video... I would say that I didn’t fall over. It's all gradual.

The lead singer of the group “Chi-Li” fantasizes about rough sex

The lead singer of the group “Chi-Li” Irina ZABYAKA not only has an unusual surname and voice, but also her place of residence. The singer settled opposite the oldest Moscow prison Butyrka! Express Gazeta correspondents visited the red-haired beast.

I looked for an apartment on the Internet. I didn’t know that Butyrka was nearby - I’m not a Muscovite. I thought it was some kind of factory,” Irina laughs. - And then I went online and found out that this is the largest prison in the capital with the number of prisoners - 6.5 thousand people! How many suitors do I have outside my window! It's really no big deal. The prison is well guarded, with video cameras throughout the entire territory. There's a turret over there, see? ( Points out the window.) Emelyan Pugachev was sitting in it.

- You came to Moscow...

- ... from Kaliningrad. Together with a friend Sergei Karpov. He is a composer and arranger, we have been writing music together for a long time. For a while we rented an apartment for a couple, but then Seryozha got a girlfriend and I moved here. All that remains is to transport the cat Klaus - after he is castrated. And then he immediately started marking everything to me here.

I got into boxing because of a guy

- At the moment, is the cat the only man in your life?

I don’t have a permanent boyfriend. I go to parties alone or with the guys from the group. My goal in life is not to find a husband and start a family. You can't dream about love. You just need to live. And she will come anyway.

- Were you “blown away” by your feelings?

All my love is like this. I'm a temperamental person.

- Did you do crazy things for love?

What may seem crazy to someone is a normal thing for me. For example, I liked a person: I found out where he lived, went to his house, and took him out for a walk. As a result, a wonderful romantic relationship began. In my actions I follow the dictates of my soul. As a child, my mother often repeated the word “must!” to me. But for me there is only “I want.”

- How many men did you have?

Madly in love with three people. And I got carried away very often.

You devote a lot of time to sports; you did kickboxing for two years. Have you had to put your skills into practice?

God forbid! I went into boxing because I liked a boy from the group - I'm wildly amorous. As a child, my upper teeth were chipped - my grandmother said: “Wow, my love, what a horror!” And I don't play sports that much. There is no time. I just keep myself in shape.

- How do you manage to stay so thin?

I get on the scale more often. One kilogram more - for two days I eat only buckwheat porridge with salt.

- Is extreme sports present in your life?

Yes, but if for many extreme sports is to jump with a parachute, for me it is to get into a car and go somewhere. I did this in the fall. It became unbearable here, I wanted to run away. I got into the car and drove to Karelia: not knowing the places, alone, at night. Not a single lantern, forest on both sides. The worst thing is when headlights highlight owls sitting in the grass. They're creepy! It's like some kind of little people. In general, Karelia is very beautiful. Now I am planning to go to the White Sea. But my car can't handle it. Here you need an SUV, and I have a Peugeot 407.

Possibly under the tree

- Do you like extreme sex? Or do you prefer classics by candlelight?

Just at home by candlelight - this is extreme. But in nature it’s normal. We are born by nature. It's natural. Pleasure in sex lies not in where you are, but with whom. And what do you feel for this person? It makes no difference here, by candlelight or somewhere under the tree. But it’s terrible in the entrance, of course. I don’t understand how people are smart enough to do this.

- So you tried it at the entrance?

Just kissed. And it was in nature, of course. When you are just starting to have sex, you want to try everything at once. And out of stupidity you don’t understand that this is not the point. You know, like in the movie Vanilla Sky: “If you have sex with a girl, then your body has already made a promise to her.”

-Have you had sex with a woman?

I tried something with a friend, but it’s not my thing. I didn't like it. It must be in the soul. She should attract you. But I still need a guy.

- Do you have a favorite sexual fantasy?

Like most people. I fantasize about some kind of rough, unbridled, animal sex. But without perversions.

- This is only in porn films for onanists...

By the way, I haven’t watched pornography for many years. At first it was interesting, everyone was watching, everyone was downloading. It's a shame when men grow up on pornography and do the same to women. You see, I’m a living person, and there’s a porn actress playing there, and it’s not a fact that she likes it. Moreover, 90 percent of pornography is filmed for men, not women. It’s unlikely that a woman can imagine a scene where some man or guy she likes suddenly attacks and rapes her somewhere. And then suddenly he says: “Come on, I’ll cum in your mouth.” In pornography, the ending is always the same and it always happens with a terrible appetite, given that most women do not like to swallow sperm, and men usually never kiss a woman who has done it. That is, men disdain their own. It's funny, but it's a fact.

Recipe from Irina Zabiyaki

Meatball soup


Potatoes - 500 g

Mixed minced meat (beef, pork) - 600 g

Two carrots

One onion

Rusks - two to three spoons

I chop the potatoes finely - this way they cook faster, and put them in a pan with water. I add grated carrots and onions for flavor - I don’t fry them so that the soup doesn’t come out too greasy. Then I make meatballs from the meat. I definitely put grated crackers in the minced meat. I add a little pepper and salt. The potatoes are boiling - I throw in the meatballs. The soup is cooked for 30 - 40 minutes.

If you hear a pleasant contralto in the speakers, this does not mean at all that musical composition performed by a man. Maybe it’s Irina Zabiyaka, the lead singer of the popular pop group “Chi-Li”.

Chilean childhood of Irina Zabiyaka

Ira was born in Ukraine, in the city of Kirovograd with her grandmother, but grew up in Kaliningrad. Little Ira grew up without a father, and her mother was constantly on sea voyages. But as a child, Irina so wanted to know where her dad was, what he was doing, that her mother was forced to lie to her and classify the girl’s father as one of the Chilean revolutionaries. This answer satisfied the child so much that from now on all the kids in the yard knew that Ira’s dad was not just a mechanic, but a great and powerful revolutionary from Chile. The girl talked about it so much that the nickname “Chile” stuck to her forever, which would later become her name. music group.

As a child, Ira was constantly friends only with boys and was classified as one of those children who are classified as “difficult.” Despite this, the future singer was the most ordinary girl, even with the most ordinary voice, until the latter began to perform miracles and transformed into that very contralto that makes millions of fans of the group “Chile” around the world lose their minds.

Ira Zabiyaka's path to the stars

The road to popularity was not paved with yellow bricks for Irina. Everything was prosaic. Her music career would not have taken place without a significant meeting, which grew into friendship, and then into something more with Sergei Karpov. The first meeting took place in absentia at one of the student concerts of the group in which Sergei was a member at that time, and which Irina came to listen to. A few days later, fate brought the guys together again in the rehearsal hall of the student dormitory and forced them to get to know each other, and a few hours later Irina was already part of Sergei’s musical group - she sang backing vocals.

Chi-Li Irina Zabiyaka Gosha Kutsenko duet exclusive

From that moment on, Irina and Sergei began working towards a common result. At the very beginning, Sergei was the composer, arranger and frontman in the group, and Irina was a minor link in this chain. By 2002, the guys had the opportunity to record their own disc, with which they decided to try their luck with the capital’s music producers. In Moscow, as a reaction to their songs, they heard only a categorical “no.”

Chi-Li - Heart

During the first month in Belokamennaya, spent in search of a musical patron for the group, the guys had to be content with only a dozen concerts in clubs. But this could not bring in enough income, and the guys decided to go on a musical tour of Poland, which inspired Sergei to take Irina from backing vocals to leadership. And only after that the music producers reacted positively to the guys and gave them the green light. From that moment on, Irina became the leader of the groups, which were named after her childhood nickname “Chile”.

Today, Irina, as part of the group, has four albums: “Crime”, “Summer-Crime”, “Made in Chile”, “Time to Sing”. Her songs, the authorship of which she is also directly related to, remained in the tops of leading radio stations in Poland, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine for several weeks. The Chili group has repeatedly received awards from the Golden Gramophone and Russian Radio.

Peculiarities of Irina Zabiyaki’s nature

Irina Zabiyaka ranks herself among the category of women who tend to be moderately aggressive, moderately positive and moderately spontaneous, as well as impulsive, temperamental, but at the same time positive in all respects. Irina considers a cat to be her favorite animal; as proof of her love for the animal, she tattooed its image on her shoulder. The singer cannot imagine herself without sports. Her main hobby is kickboxing, which she practiced professionally for two years, and now she just regularly visits the gym to stay in shape. She lists Anne Rice, Stephen King, Dan Simmons, and Dean Koontz as her favorite writers, whose works reflect all the mysticism of her nature. Irina prefers to spend a significant part of the money she earns on purchasing professional musical instruments and equipment - everything that the Chili group directly performs with.

On January 8, 2013, Irina Zabiyaka joined the ranks of young mothers, having given birth to her common-law husband Vyacheslav Boykov - leader of the group "Mama Band" of his wonderful son Matvey. Now Irina knows for whom she will perform her songs on tour and hum lullabies under her breath at home. After all, she is a real cat who walks by herself, hugging her kitten.