L's real name is from the anime Death Note. Character history

Al (eng. L) - known under the pseudonym L as the best private detective in the world (and under two more pseudonyms Erald Coil, Danuve - like other outstanding detectives). In front of the investigation team and Yagami, Light asks to call himself Ryuzaki, according to him, for conspiracy. But in fact, his name is Lauliet El. He solved many cases, but took on only those cases that interested him. He successfully hid his name, origin and face even from Interpol, but during the investigation of Kira’s case, he revealed his face to the most reliable police officers and two suspects. The only confidant known to viewers at the beginning of the series is Watari. He was brought up in Wammy House (an elite orphanage based on Watari's funds, which he earned thanks to L, who, while still a child, advised him to buy out shares in a company). He was a role model for many pupils of this orphanage. Since childhood, he was distinguished by his love for various kinds of puzzles, which is why he became a detective.

He has a number of interesting habits, in particular, he always sits with one leg (or both) crossed, does not sleep or sleeps when no one is looking, and in the same position as he sits, loves sweets, but despite this, he remains very thin. One of the most interesting habits is that he almost always chews his thumb. In one of the episodes he says to Misa: “If you think too much, you won’t get better from sweets.” Probably, the love for sweets is due to the fact that L grew up in an orphanage. Or the fact that glucose affects the improvement of brain function. Also distinguished by straightforwardness, dispassion, and excessive suspicion. He was brave because he was not afraid to show his face to the one whom he considered Kira from the very beginning. Despite his rather weak appearance, he has good physical characteristics, which is clearly demonstrated during fights with Light. L himself said about himself that he is childish and does not like to lose, just like Kira. He also knows how to pilot a helicopter, but as L said, “It’s a hobby.”

From the very beginning, L is sure that Kira is Light. Throughout the entire plot he plays a double game with him, but as a result he realizes that he missed something and realizes that his death is inevitable. Before L's death in the anime, there is an episode where, after standing with Light in the rain, he then wipes his feet. At first Light resisted, and then said: “Do what you want!” According to one interpretation, this was the last test of L, this incident proved to him that in front of him was really Kira ( true friend wouldn't let L wipe his feet). However, this makes L very upset because he has actually started to consider Light and Misa to be his only friends. However, this episode is absent in the manga, and it can be considered nothing more than a trick by the producers. L died, suspecting Light and Misa, in the 25th episode of the series (in the 58th chapter of the manga) at the hands of Rem. L's successors are Mello and Near. In the film, L defeated Kira on his own, but at the cost of his own life. But even this outcome was foreseen: he sent all the data on Kira’s case to the orphanage where his successors were raised, who finished his work.

Creator Voice actor Information Nickname

L, Ryuzaki, Ryuga Hideki, Erald Coyle, Donuv

Floor Blood type



25 years old (at time of death)

Height Weight Date of Birth Date of death Occupation Rank

the world's best detective


All world law enforcement agencies



Number of episodes Number of chapters In the manga In the anime

He successfully hid his name, origin and face even from Interpol, but during the investigation of Kira’s case he revealed his face to the most reliable police officers and two suspects. He communicated with everyone else, hiding his face behind the letter L, written in the Old English Text MT font. The only confidant known to viewers at the beginning of the series is Watari. In addition to the pseudonym “L”, the character uses two more pseudonyms - “Erald Coil” (Japanese: エラルド=コイル erarudo koiru) and "Donuv" (Japanese: ドヌーヴ donwoo:woo) , who are known as other outstanding detectives. In front of the investigation team and Light Yagami, he asks to call himself Ryuzaki. (Japanese: 竜崎), according to him, for conspiracy. Real name, according to the manga, is L. Lawlight (Japanese: エル・ローライト Eru ro:raito, L. Lawliet)


He has a number of unusual habits, in particular, he sits with his legs crossed, practically does not sleep, loves sweets, but despite this, he has a thin physique. L claims that if he sits in a normal position, his brain activity will decrease by 40%. Obviously, for the same reason he constantly slouches. In one of the episodes, he tells Misa that if you think too much, you won’t get better from eating sweets. Probably, the love for sweets is due to both the fact that L grew up in an orphanage and the fact that glucose affects the improvement of brain function. Characterized by straightforwardness, impartiality, and honesty. He builds his reasoning exclusively on logic and deduction. L himself said about himself that he is touchy and does not like to lose, just like Kira. Brave enough because he was not afraid to show his face to the one whom he considered Kira from the very beginning. Despite his rather weak appearance, he has good physical characteristics. He knows how to pilot a helicopter, but as L himself said, “It’s a hobby.” He is unkempt in appearance, wears the same clothes every day, and whenever possible goes barefoot. Also characteristic feature L is black, disheveled hair and dark circles under the eyes (probably the result of chronic lack of sleep). He prefers to communicate with the outside world through Watari.

L and Light

Soon after the investigation begins, L becomes convinced that Kira is Light. Throughout the entire plot he plays a double game with him, but as a result he realizes that he missed something and realizes that his death is inevitable. L died, suspecting Light and Misa, in the 25th episode of the series (in the 58th chapter of the manga) at the hands of Rem. But even this outcome was foreseen: he sent all the data on Kira’s case to the orphanage, where his successors Mello and Near were raised, who finished his work. In the film, L defeated Kira on his own, but at the cost of his own life.

Successors L

First generation

L understood that if something happened to him, then someone would have to take his place as the greatest detective on the planet and continue to fight criminals. Naturally, this must be a pupil of the Wammy Orphanage for talented children. The very first applicant was A, but he committed suicide, unable to bear life in the shadow of the great L. The next on the list of successors was B (Beyond Bezdey), but he mysteriously had the eyes of the God of Death from birth and, several years after A's suicide , he became a serial killer out of a desire to lead the great detective into a dead end with a series of mysterious murders. L was able to catch Beyond Bezdey with the help of Naomi Misora, these events are described in the book "". Seven years later, the maniac was killed in his cell with the help of the Death Note by Kira. The novel also briefly mentions X, Y and Z, who are described as the last of the first generation.

Light Yagami

The investigation into the Kira case, due to the danger, again raised the question of an heir, but new candidates for the role of L were not yet ready. While investigating, L noticed that Soichiro Yagami's son was very smart. But Light Yagami was a suspect in the Kira case, and the only suspect. There was a lot of evidence against him: he was being followed by FBI agent Ray Penber, who was later killed, and as the son of a Japanese police deputy, he could have information on the Kira case, which the killer repeatedly demonstrated. The fact that the girl was also a suspect, but for the role of Second Kira, only increased L’s suspicions. But there was no one else worthy of being the new L. Moreover, Light was the only one L could call a friend. The great detective has repeatedly said that Light has an unusually sharp mind and great deductive abilities. Yagami Jr. showed these qualities perfectly in his search for Kira. Thanks to Light's abilities and the help of his girlfriend Misa, Kyosuke Higuchi, who was Kira at that moment, was captured. Shortly after L's death actually occurred, members of the Kira case investigation headquarters decided that the only worthy successor to L's case could only be Light Yagami, despite L's suspicions.

Fourth generation

From the text of the book “Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases” it is known that A and B are the first generation of candidates, and Nia, Mello and Matt are the fourth, nothing is known about the other two generations.

After L’s death, a message from L himself came to the “Wammy’s House” orphanage, where Al himself, as well as other brilliant children, were raised. The message contained all the information about Kira known to the detective. But even in his last letter, L did not indicate which of the two main contenders - the orphanage residents, who had the nicknames “Nia” and “Mello”, should be the successor. Watari's deputy, Roger Ruvier, suggested that Mello and Near work together, but due to differences in character, they refused to cooperate. And everyone began to conduct Kira’s case in their own way.

L in volume 13 of the manga

In the last volume of the manga, the authors provided the official data of the character: height, weight, blood type, etc. Also, the real name of the hero finally became known - L. Lowlight. In addition, you can find out information such as what L likes most (sweets) and what he dislikes most (socks). L characteristics: intelligence: 8, activity: 9, motivation: 10, creativity: 10, sociality: 1, love of sweets: 10.

Character in films

Main article: Death Note (film series)

The hero appears in all three Death Note films. In addition, the film L: Change the World is a spin-off, in the center of the narrative of which is L. In all three films, the role was played by Japanese actor Kenichi Matsuyama (Japanese: 松山ケンイチ Matsuyama Kenichi).

Reviews and criticism

Many manga and anime reviewers have commented on L's character, with IGN describing him as "the coolest, most complete anime character to date." He also noted the high-quality dubbing and translation of the character's lines in the American version. Theron Martin of Anime News Network found the confrontation between L and Light compelling to viewers as they simultaneously try to figure out each other's identity and hide their own. The staff of Hyper magazine and Mania Entertainent agreed with this point of view, noting that L and Light's rivalry is one of best moments in the manga, making it original.

While the PopCultureShock reviewer also praised Light and L's storyline, he found the latter to be "too clever" and wrote that an attentive viewer with critical thinking skills would immediately see holes in L's supposedly superhuman logic that, given the character's nature, should not be the case. A reviewer for Mania Entertainment, reviewing the third volume of the manga, calls L the "volume engine": he gets extremely close to Light in no time and causes the usually unflappable Light to lose his cool.

L is ranked #12 on IGN's list of the top 25 anime characters.


Based on the manga of the same name by Tsugumi Oba and Takeshi Obata and its film adaptations


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Character Groups

Total characters - 64

L (Ryuzaki)

72 24 6

One of the main characters in the manga, anime series and films Death Note. Considered the best detective in the world. In the story, he opposes Kira. He solved many cases, but only took on those cases where more than a million dollars or the lives of ten people were at stake, in rare cases only those that interested him. He successfully hid his name, origin and face even from Interpol, but during the investigation of Kira’s case, he revealed his face to the most reliable police officers and two suspects. Also known as Al Lawlight, Erald Coyle, Deneuve

0 0 0

Mafiosi. Traded Sayu Yagami for the Death Note. He killed Miller to test the notebook's authenticity, and then Zack Irius and the plane's captain to cover his tracks. Ross promised that if Y462 succeeded in the exchange with the notebook, then Ross would forget about Y462's past failures. After Y462 placed the Death Note in a rocket and escaped in a helicopter, Ross blew up the helicopter to kill Y462 and eliminate the last link in the chain.

Adolf Tucker

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

Aiber (Tierri Morrello)

0 0 0

Assistant L. Fraudster and swindler. An excellent psychologist, he can gain the trust of any person. During the company's investigation, Yotsuba provided great support by playing the role of Erald Coyle (one of L's alter egos) in front of Yotsuba's board members. After L's death, Light eliminated Aiber, causing him to have a heart attack. Loves arguments, and does not like weapons

Amane Misa

8 9 0

A famous fashion model and actress who won the Readers' Choice contest in 18 magazine. Based on the film, she is a popular TV presenter. Few would recognize her as the killer who caused a commotion at the Sakura TV studio, the second Kira. Grateful to Kira for punishing her parents' killer, she is willing to do anything to find him. Having fallen in love with Light Yagami, she makes a deal with the god of death twice in order to obtain the eyes of the god of death and be useful to him. Often refers to himself in the third person, calling himself Misa-Misa

Watari (Quillsh Wammy)

3 2 0

Creator of Wammy's orphanage, teacher, right hand and faithful servant of L. Inventor and millionaire. Before L revealed his identity to the police from the Japanese investigation headquarters, he always went to police, FBI and Interpol meetings, representing L himself. An excellent sniper. Loves Earl Gray tea and doesn't like dirty rooms.

Gurren Hangfreeze (Ralph Bay)

0 0 0

Daril Mocry

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

Demegawa Hitoshi

0 0 0

The director of the Sakura-TV channel considered himself Kira's confidant. He was killed by Mikami Teru after he became unnecessary, “crossed boundaries”, and arbitrarily began to beg money from people on television for the construction of the Kira Palace. In the film, his name is Yuji Demegawa. Loves money and doesn't like words

Jack Nylon (Kal Snyder)

0 0 0

One of the members of Ross's gang, a cowardly man, under pressure from his boss, became the owner of the Death Note and, in exchange for half of his life span, received the eyes of the god of death from Sido. Because of this, Misa was able to identify him because she did not see his life expectancy, and only the owners of the notebook can have this. After this, Light began to control him, forcing him to give up his hideout to the mafia. After twenty three three days dies of a heart attack. Likes brunettes, doesn't like Mello

John McEnloe (Lextor Henderson)

0 0 0

An SPK detective (formerly an FBI agent), N also described him as an "excellent pilot." After the mafia kidnapping of the Japanese police director, he came to the deputy director, Yagami Soichiro, to discuss with him the terms of cooperation, which implied the transfer of the Death Note, which was in the hands of the Japanese investigation headquarters, into the hands of the United States, which he failed, but he agreed on the cooperation of the Japanese police and SPK against the mafia. He later evacuates Soichiro and his daughter from the desert after a deal with the mafia. Escaped from the SEC after the massacre of group members

John Skyner

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

George Sairas

0 0 0

Vice President of the USA. After his death, Hoopa became president. On behalf of the United States, he capitulated to Kira. Gave Kira secret information about the SPK. In the anime, he is immediately shown as the president and plays the role of Hoop. In the second full-length anime film Death Note Rewrite 2: L's Successors story line about the mafia is missing and he was blackmailed by Light, who passed on the information received to Takada and Mikami, who destroyed the SPK. Described in How to Read as a weak-willed person who clearly lacks leadership qualities

David Hoope

0 0 0

President of the U.S.A. Mello blackmailed him into supplying data on the SEC. I turned to L, who was Light at that time, for help. Provided L with a squad of mercenaries to eliminate Mello. Committed suicide after the operation failed, thinking that Mello could use it to use nuclear weapons. He is not present in the anime, his role is played by Cyrus. How to Read says that most likely he was eliminated by Kira

Zakk Irius

0 0 0

Mafiosi. Met Soichiro Yagami at Tokyo airport and accompanied him throughout the flight. He was killed through an entry in a death note on Ross's orders in order to eliminate leads to the gang.

Ide Hideki

0 0 0

A silent and calm man, who was one of the six policemen who risked working on Kira’s case together with L, but the increased security measures seemed to him a sign of distrust on the part of the great detective, and did not go to meet him. But after L's death, he returned to the investigation headquarters, although he claimed that it was only to work with Aizawa

Ill Ratt (Carl Darlingbin)

0 0 0

A member of the SPK, in the manga he is also a spy for Mello with the code name Y320, who supplies him with information from the organization's headquarters. However, this did not save him from death - Mello eliminated him, among others. Unlike most other SPK detectives, Ill did not die of a heart attack, but committed suicide under the influence of the notebook, shooting himself in the head with a pistol in front of the few survivors

Isak Gathane (Joe Morton)

0 0 0

Head of a special covert operations unit from the Middle East. On instructions from the president, he tried to capture Mello with his team, but during the operation, the god of death, Sido, began tearing off the soldiers’ helmets, after which Cal Snyder reported the names to his boss Gordon, who wrote them down in the death note. Does not appear in the anime due to these events being omitted from the plot

Kida Masahiko

0 0 0

Manages the finances of the secret committee. By decision of secret meetings, he hired Erald Coyle (in fact, the pseudonym L under which Aiber acted) to search for L. He panicked when Coyle contacted him. Graduated from the Technological Faculty of Too. Started working for Yotsuba Corporation in 1994. Married. Parents are professors in the field of biology. Hobby: collecting glasses. How to Read 13 describes him as "cool and collected" but not prepared for the unexpected. Loves performances and does not like contact lenses

Kitamura Koreyoshi

0 0 0

Deputy Director of the Japanese Police and Chief Soichiro Yagami. Reports that the police are stopping the search for Kira because of his threats to start killing politicians. How to read says that “he’s not a bad guy”

Kurt McBride

0 0 0

One of the members of the SPK died

Lind L. Taylor

0 0 0

A criminal sentenced to death. He played the role of L by addressing Kira on television and was killed by Light

0 0 0

Pupil of the same Wammy House as Nia, Mello, Matt. In the manga, it is shown once when he calls Near outside to play with the others. Having matured, she became a famous artist. At the request of Aizawa and Moga, she drew portraits of young Nia and Mello, who helped Light in his plans

Matsuda Tota

6 3 0

The youngest and most inexperienced at the investigation headquarters. Everyone, including L, tends to underestimate Matsuda's powers. Despite this, Matsuda is always ready to risk his life for the sake of the investigation. He would like to be smart, calculating, calm, but instead he is noisy, absent-minded, naive and always honest. During Kira's search for the corporation, Yotsuba was Amane Misa's manager. He believed more than anyone that Light was not Kira and always stood on his side, but when it was revealed that Light was still Kira, he was terribly upset. When Light tried to write Near's name, Matsuda shot Light in the arm and thus saved Near's life. In anger, he almost killed Light, but was stopped by other police officers. Also in the second part of the manga, he was in love with Saya, Light Yagami’s sister.

Mido Shingo

0 0 0

Very smart and thoughtful. Misa admits that he looks like Light. Together with Namikawa, they often discussed the necessary issues and drew the necessary conclusions, which greatly helped the secret committee. Just like Namikawa and Shimura, he was dissatisfied with Kira’s actions because even without killing his competitors they could become successful businessmen. Five months later, he is killed by Light along with the other five remaining members of Yotsuba's secret meetings. In the full-length director's cut of the anime Death Note Rewrite: The Visualizing God, he dies from falling from a skyscraper. Graduate of Touou Law Faculty. His father, Eigo Mido, is a member of the House of Councilors, the upper house of the Japanese Diet. Loves fencing and dislikes the financial world

Mikami Teru

4 3 0

Supporter, and a little later - executor of Kira's will. Since childhood, he clearly divided people into good and evil, punishing those whom he classified in the latter category. I chose the profession of a prosecutor to bring justice. Those whom he considered evil were punished. Misa, on Light's instructions, sent him the Death Note. Teru made a deal with Ryuk and, using the eyes of the shinigami, began to punish criminals. Having not received gratitude from Kira for his actions, he lost faith in him as his god in the manga, but in the anime he remained faithful to him and helped him escape by piercing his heart with a pen and thereby distracting the others. As told in last chapter manga, died in prison. According to Matsuda's theory, Near killed him using the sheets of a notebook

Misora ​​Naomi

2 0 0

Ray Penber's fiancee. After his death, she began to investigate and soon found out that Kira could kill not only through heart attacks. She knew that Ray Penber had been caught on a hijacked bus and had been forced to show his ID. It was enough to find out exactly who Rey was following that day. I wanted to report this to the investigation group, but, by chance, there was no one there. At the police station, she met with Light, who managed to extract from her all the information that she had managed to find out and even tricked her into finding out her real name. After which Light wrote down her name in a notebook, with a description that she must commit suicide so that her body is not found. L found out about Misora's disappearance, causing him to turn his attention to Ray Penber and those he was following, after which L began to suspect Light. Several years ago, she was an FBI agent and even worked under L on the case of the serial killer BB in Los Angeles, for which she performed well. These events are described in the prequel novel Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases. According to the book Death note: Another Note, he masters the martial art of capoeira. Loves leather clothes and doesn't like stalkers

Mogi Kanzo

1 2 0

Silent and hardworking, he spent all his time working on papers. Likes to cook, doesn't like it - using your professional qualities

Mello (Michael Keehl)

16 16 1

One of the candidates to be L's successor. Like L and Near, he has his own strange feature - he always eats chocolate. But Mello has a more impulsive character and the inability to fully think through his actions, unlike L and Near, which brings him a lot of trouble. But basically he is also gifted and is able to take L's place despite his penchant for crime

Matt (Mail Jeevas)

7 13 1

Mello's only assistant after the destruction of the Los Angeles mafia. Just like Near and Mello, he is a pupil of the Wammy orphanage, where he was the third smartest genius from the orphanage, but was not chosen by L as a candidate for the role of heir. After Mello escaped, he escaped himself. Four years later, Matt was able to find Mello, Matt began to help Mello with all his might in the investigation. On instructions, Mello kept an eye on Misa, and later also on Aizawa and Mogi. He dies at the hands of Takada's guards, whom he distracted while Mello kidnapped the TV presenter herself. After his death, Mello expresses regret that his friend had to die. Later in the manga, it is reported that the Japanese authorities failed to find out Matt's identity, and the guards were forced to shoot him due to his dangerous behavior. Appears in Near's memories in Post series - One Shot among children listening to L through a computer. Matt's main traits are his ability to handle any technology, hacking and fast driving. In addition, he simply cannot live without video games and cigarettes; he spends his last breath puffing on a cigarette. Loves video games, dislikes open space

Namikawa Reiji

1 0 0

The youngest participant in the secret meetings in Yotsuba. He has high intelligence and the ability to influence people. He has a completely impartial face. At first he encouraged Kira’s activities in the company. But then, he begins to believe that the company will achieve success without Kira’s murders. Light, believing that Namikawa is the least like Kira of all, calls him and asks him to delay the deaths planned by the secret committee. Together with Shimura and Mido, he figured out that only Higuchi could be Kira. After which, at L’s request, he helped the investigation team in capturing Higuchi by calling him about the transmission that revealed Kira’s identity. Five months later, Light eliminated him, as well as the rest of the Yotsuba group - with the help of heart attacks. The son of the head of the American branch of Yotsuba, he lived in the United States for six years. Graduate of the Faculty of Economics at Harvard University. He is a professional shogi player and holds a fourth dan rank in shogi. Loves chess and doesn't like useless subordinates

Near (Nate River)

6 4 0

One of the contenders for L's place, who later became his heir. While thinking about the investigation, he plays various children's games. Like L, he is eccentric, withdrawn and emotionless. L was definitely an authority figure for him, but after the news of the detective's death, Near states that "he lost because he couldn't play correctly." Unlike Mello, he has a calm and balanced character. He often plays with children's toys, and also constantly fiddles with his hair and sits on the floor. Near used Lego figures at the beginning of the second season, and puppets at the end, as images of his enemies. Sometimes uses tarot cards to build card houses. His communication with other people is minimal. It seems like there's no one in Wammy's house he can call a friend.

Ooi Takeshi

0 0 0

The most senior participant in secret meetings of which he is the chairman. Often manages other participants. Silent, always calm. He hates large events and never agrees to go to parties, although he was also at that party when Misa arrived. Just like the others, he was killed by Light. How to Read 13 describes him as "a tough guy who doesn't worry about details." Graduated from Vasyogi Faculty of Law. Single. His father serves in the Ministry of Defense. Loves weapon models and doesn't like bee nests

Osoreda Kiichiro

0 0 0

The criminal who was used by Kira to find out the name of Ray Penber

Otoharada Kuro

0 0 0

Kira's first victim. Took hostages in kindergarten. Light still didn’t believe that the notebook was real, and tested its effect on him

Rushuall Bid (Al Meem)

0 0 0

Mafiosi. A veteran of the gang, he was killed by Misa using a Death Note before the police assault began.

Raye Penber

0 1 0

One of twelve agents sent to check Japanese police officers and members of their families, on the instructions of L. He monitored the family members of Deputy Director Kitamura and Department Head Yagami. But Ryuk noticed his surveillance and told Light. And on the day when he had already decided to pass on the report that Light was not suspicious, he was forced to show Light his FBI agent badge because the bus was seized by a criminal (controlled by Kira). After this, Light, who learned his name, was able to control him. At the appointed time (written in the Death Note), Ray Penber came to the subway, where Light forced him to write on pieces of paper from the Notebook the names of all the FBI agents working in Japan on the Kira case. Ray Penber died of a heart attack after leaving a subway car. Loves Naomi Misora, doesn't like working overtime

4 2 0

God of death. She first appeared to Misa Amana and has been protecting her ever since. In order to save Misa from persecution, he enters into an agreement with Light: if something happens to Misa, Rem promises to kill Light, and Rem undertakes to kill L. He fulfills his promise by writing L’s real name on a piece of paper from the Death Note, after which he disappears, crumbling into sand

Rod Ross (Dwhite Godon)

0 0 0

The head of a mafia group from Los Angeles. A very cruel person. Loves champagne and doesn't like football

Roger Ruvie

0 0 0

Quilsh's close friend Wammy (Watari), who became the director of Wammy House when he went with L to Japan to investigate the Kira case. After L and Watari died, he received a message that L was dead. He told Near and Mello that they were contenders for the role of the detective’s heir, but he did not have time to make his choice. Gives them the data collected during the investigation of Kira's case. He tried to persuade Mello and Near to work together to catch the killer of their predecessor, but Mello refused and left the orphanage. Later, when Near became the new L, Roger became his assistant as Watari. Likes the company of insects, does not like children


0 0 0

Mafiosi. He was not killed like the others, he tried to take away the Death Note with Roy on Mello's orders, but the Japanese police arrested both of them. Dies when Mello's building explodes

Stephen Gevanni (Stephen Loud)

0 1 0

Member of the SPK. Survived after the massacre of people working in this organization. He played an important role in Near's plans as he followed Mikami, studied his habits, which helped him get his Death Note, and then forge it in just one night, which made it possible to prove the guilt of the first Kira - Light Yagami. In Post Series - One Shot, he is shown with Restore and Lidner, they continue to work with Near, who has become the new L. He is excellent at surveillance and picking locks. Likes to make ships in bottles, does not like arrogant bosses

Steeve Maison

0 0 0

FBI Director. First appears when, at L's request, he sends agents to Japan to spy on the police. After their deaths, he informs the detective about the termination of the FBI investigation into Kira's case. Then he helps Nia open the SEC, introducing it to the US President. Killed by Mello using the Death Note

Shuichi Aizawa

0 2 0

A respectable family man, he loves his wife, Eriko, and daughter, Yumi. For the sake of his family, he refuses to leave the police and help L. Although later, during the chase for Higuchi, he really helped the investigation headquarters, after which he joins the headquarters again. After L's death, L eventually begins to suspect Light that he is Kira and contacts Near, agrees to cooperate with him and tells him some facts about the investigation. As shown in a special edition of the manga, which takes place three years later, Aizawa became the deputy chief of the Japanese police, that is, he took the place of the deceased Soichiro Yagami

Takada Kiyomi

3 1 0

At the beginning of the anime and manga - Light Yagami's classmate, whom he dated for a short time. Then - the famous TV presenter, “the voice of Kira,” Light’s lover. She believed that Kira was right and wanted to help him. And she was happy when Kira turned out to be the person she loved - Light. She became the link between Mikami and Light. When Near became suspicious of Mikami, she passed judgment in his place. Takada Kiyomi was kidnapped by Mello and killed him by writing his name on a piece of paper from the Death Note. After that, Light wrote down her name on a piece of paper torn from a notebook, and she committed suicide. Due to the presence of her name in one Death Note and its absence in the other, Near was able to figure out which Notebook was real and eventually develop a plan to expose Kira.

Light "Kira" Yagami

Light "Kira" Yagami

Born February 28, 1986 (according to the manga). At the beginning of the story, he is a 3rd year student (12th year) at Daikoku Private Academy, and also attends additional preparatory classes.

In the spring of 2004, Light becomes a freshman at the university.

Light Yagami is a brilliant university student. Under the nickname "Kira", he uses the Death Note to create the ideal world as he sees it - a world of justice led by him; he is his new god. Despite the fact that he looks frail, Light is a very athletic person, capable of finding weak spots enemy. He is a genius, which adds confidence to his idea - only he is capable of judging humanity and guiding it along the right moral path. The Shinigami who gave Light the Death Note and accompanying him is Ryuk.

L, Al "Ryuga Hideki, Ryuzaki, Erald Coyle, Deneuve" Lolight

L also uses many aliases. Using the aliases Erald Coyle and Deneuve, he earned a reputation as the second and third best detectives in the world. L is quite reserved and only communicates with the world through his assistant Watari.

He has never shown his real face to the world; instead, he introduces himself as the letter L, which is written in the Old English Text MT font. After he meets with a group created to investigate Kira's activities and capture him, he requests that everyone refer to him as Ryuzaki as a precaution. The team never heard his real name. Tsugumi Ohba (author of the manga) said that L is the smartest character in the manga because "the plot demands it." Oba also stated that he personally intended L to be "a bit evil", for example, in chapter 109 of the manga, Near reveals the fact that, according to L, he only investigated cases out of his own personal interest, without being guided by great feeling justice.

When it came to L's nationality, Oba replied: “I think of him as being a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian and... maybe a quarter French or Italian? Something like that".

Oba said that his favorite character is L, as he believes that L is the "strongest" character, well, "besides Light."

Takeshi Obata (manga artist) chose L as his favorite due to "looks, personality, everything." Obata said he never created L, he just liked drawing it. Obata also added that he likes L because he is "not real." When asked "Who was the most fun to draw?", Both and Obata answered "L".

Disheveled and lethargic appearance L masks the great strength of his logical thinking and intuition. He has the ability to analyze and predict everything, and is extremely meticulous. He has a few quirks - he prefers to squat rather than sit, he only eats sweets, such as desserts and fruit, and does it very delicately. L lived in England for 5 years and during this time was the champion of the English Youth Tennis Cup.

In Chapter 38 of the manga, L says that even though he only eats sweets, his weight remains below normal because the brain uses more calories than any other organ. He also says that if he were to sit in a normal position, his deductive abilities would decrease by 40%.

Whenever L talks about a percentage to indicate how much he suspects a person of committing a particular crime, for example, "five percent", he actually means more than 90%. Although L gives Light a low percentage indicating how suspicious he is of him, L is actually "pretty sure" that Light is Kira. Oba said about L: "The truth is that he is a liar."

Misa "Misa-Misa, 2nd Kira" Amane

A famous model, singer and actress is madly in love with Light Yagami. Usually refers to himself in the third person, calling himself "Misa-Misa"; hyperactive. Poses as the second Kira to attract the attention of the first.

Misa decides to dedicate her life to Light because he punished the criminal who killed her parents when she was younger; the robber killed Misa's parents right in front of her eyes. Misa, unable to forgive the killer and wanting to punish him herself, could only watch the constant delays in the killer's trial until Kira killed him. The Shinigami accompanying Misa is Rem. Misa also exchanged eyes with the Shinigami twice, thereby reducing her lifespan by half twice: the first time this happened with Rem, the second time with Ryuk.

In the 13th volume of the manga, a guide to Death Note, it is reported that after Light's death, Misa falls into despair. In the manga, a year later, on February 14, 2011, he commits suicide. This also suggests that the woman in the cloak who appeared at the end of the manga is not Misa, but simply a follower of Kira.


Version 1

In the ending of the anime, Misa's suicide is not mentioned or shown. Before the closing credits, she stands on the edge of the roof with a sad face and looks at the horizon.

Version 2

At the end of the anime we see Misa committing suicide. It can be seen that she is standing on the edge of the bridge and looking at the horizon.

Michael "Mello" Kehl

Mello is the eldest of L's two successors, raised at Wammy's Orphanage for Gifted Children. It's in Winchester, England; Watari was in charge of the orphanage. When it was decided that Mello should work with another successor - Near, Mello refuses, citing the impossibility of working with Near, who is considered second only to L. Similar to L's love of sweets, Mello is often seen eating a chocolate bar. Volume 13 states that Mello is "possessed of superior mental abilities" and "sometimes allows his emotions to get the better of him." And also “hatred of Near” gave rise to a “personality vice” in Mello. Mello is not completely evil, given his protectiveness and genuine concern for Matt's well-being.

Tsugumi Ohba stated that Mello "works hard at whatever he does" and also added that the name Mello "doesn't really mean anything" unlike Nia, which means "Nate River" etc.

Mello decides to find Kira in his own way by joining the mafia. Having kidnapped Sayu Yagami, he receives one of the Death Notes from SPK; Yagami Light organizes a raid, as a result of which Mello is injured, and his real name is in the hands of Light. Having learned that Light is Kira, and that Nia plans to detain him, she kidnaps Takada Kiyomi, but soon dies from a page from the Death Note hidden from Takada. The incident forces Mikami Teru to use his Death Note to kill Takada. The fact that Near is already close to him ultimately forces Teru to agree to use the notebook to stop Light's plans. During the final confrontation, Near notes that Mello was the only person who helped in uncovering Light's plans. Halle Lidner further speculates that Mello deliberately allowed himself to be killed in order to expose Light's plans, but Near rejects this theory.

Mello tells the story in the novel Death Note Another Notebook: The Case of the Los Angeles BB Killer, a prequel to the main manga.

Nate "Nia, N" River

Near is the younger of L's two successors, raised in Wammy's orphanage. Unlike the emotional Mello, who acts without thinking, Near is more cool-headed and calmly assesses the situation. Just like L, Nia is acting strange. He usually sits crouched. In addition, he constantly plays with various toys, which he likes to use when constructing his theories, and also lazily twirls the ends of his hair. He shows great respect for L, uses his methods in solving crimes, even takes on only those cases that interest him in some way, instead of dispensing justice. Nia uses the letters "N" and "L" in Wedding Text to represent herself and the fake L, respectively. Later, "L" is written using Old English font, just like the real L did.

Some time after L's death, Nia works for the United States as part of the SPK project (team to capture Kira). He soon deduces that Light Yagami, posing as L, is actually Kira.

After he learns that Mikami Teru is Light's agent and Mello kidnaps Takada Kiyomi, Near decides to replace Mikami's Death Note with a fake, which results in a final confrontation exposing Light. Near says that neither he nor Mello could have surpassed L on their own, but managed to do so by unintentionally collaborating. Nia soon takes the remaining SPK members under her command.

Tsugumi Ohba said that Near "became less attractive" as the story continued. According to Near's plan, mastering the Death Note was supposed to put an end to history. Oba stated that the backlash was due to a "difference in views" and people may have seen Near as a "cheater." Oba also added that the "cheeky behavior" was meant to "reinforce his childishness" but was interpreted as "annoying."

In the final volume, Near has puppets with her. Takeshi Obata says that Near bought the Kira puppet first and decorated it with a magic marker. Obata added that Near must have created other puppets later, but he wouldn't say that Near has much affection for L, since he portrays him as "ugly", and that Near "worked hard" on the Mello puppet, as if Near "liked Mello."

Obata stated that he enjoyed drawing Near, and that he is also one of his favorites, considering that Near is the most cocky character in the manga, "because he cheats."

When Obu was asked which character was most like him, he said Near and "maybe Light". Regarding Nia, Oba said that he often does not leave his house.


The same Shinigami who dropped the Death Note into the human world, which Light picked up. The story of the Death Note began on the whim of Ryuk, driven by simple boredom. Being an observer by nature, Ryuk often refuses to help Light and prefers to observe Light's efforts to achieve his goals. The most important character trait of Ryuk is that he is not Light's friend. He acts out of self-interest and for fun, and often leaves out significant details regarding the Death Note that Light should know. Ryuk is an egoist, however, he can help Light, but only if it serves his purposes, for example, it will amuse him or provide him with apples, which are considered his favorite delicacy.


Rem is the same Shinigami who gave Misa the Death Note and Shinigami eyes. Like Ryuk, he has two Death Notes; deliberately gives one to Misa. Rem received the second Death Note from Jelous, another Shinigami who died saving Misa's life. Rem considered it right to give the notebook to Misa. Together with the notebook, Rem inherits from Jelous a sincere love for Misa, which pushes Rem to protect her even at the cost of her life. She shows this when she openly states her distrust of Light. Ram says that if Misa dies before her time, she will kill Light herself. In the manga and anime, Rem tells Misa that she is actually a woman, but in the second live-action film this is not mentioned, making this fact questionable. It is she who will later kill El Lolight.

Teru "X-Kira" Mikami

Teru "X-Kira" Mikami

A young man with a strong sense of justice who worships Kira. This goes so far as to call Light "God". I am ready to help Kira by any means, even sacrifice my life.

When Mikami was still in school, he was bullied by other children, and it was then that he decided to become a prosecutor in the future. He was an excellent student and excelled in his studies. He acted as the arbiter of destinies, deciding who deserves punishment and carrying it out.

Mikami lives alone, is a workaholic, went to Gym even in New Year. Manically scrupulous and punctual. Overall he is talented and clever man who is able to act independently.

Soichiro Yagami

Soichiro Yagami

Soichiro Yagami is the father of Light and Sai. He is a police officer who initially leads the investigation into Kira's activities. However, due to a lack of police forces, he is forced to join L and form a special team called SPK. When L begins to suspect Light of being Kira, Soichiro can't believe his son is capable of such things. Despite eventually suffering a stress-related heart attack, he insists on remaining useful to the team and breaks into the Sakura TV station using a bus.

After L was killed and Light took his place, Soichiro facilitates the return of the Death Note, which Mello received from them in exchange for the release of the kidnapped Sayu Yagami. Using Kira's Death Note, which Misa gives him according to Light's instructions, Soichiro receives Shinigami eyes from Ryuk.

With the help of his eyes, he is able to recognize Mello's real name, although he is near death because of one of Mello's henchmen. Since Light has given up using his Death Note at this point and his lifespan can be seen through the eyes of a Shinigami, Soichiro dies happy, believing that Light is not Kira.

Tota "Taro Matsui" Matsuda

Tota "Taro Matsui" Matsuda

Tota is the most sincere member of the investigative team. Plays a key role in the investigation of the Yotsuba Corporation, quietly sneaking into the company's building without informing anyone from the team. The team gave him the nickname "Taro Matsui".

Following L's instructions, Matsuda earns the trust of the board members of the Yotsuba corporation and arranges his death (to do this, he uses the pseudonym Taro Matsui so that the Yotsuba members cannot kill him). And also in the studio, Sakura TV serves as bait to lure the suspect there. Despite his excitable and naive nature, Matsuda manages to get out of many dangerous situations alive. Matsuda sees Soichiro as his mentor.

While it's clear that most members of the investigation team consider Kira to be a terrible criminal, Matsuda often wonders if Kira is doing good deeds, especially as more and more people seem to agree with what he's doing.

Matsuda is frightened by Mikami's strong devotion to Kira when he hears Mikami's public statement on Sakura TV. And yet, Matsuda treats Kira’s followers very favorably and sympathetically.

When it was revealed that Light was Kira, Matsuda was the most shocked of the entire team. He has always liked Light, and is very indignant when he learns that he was fooled; but he is especially upset that Light's actions led to Soichiro's death. Matsuda manages to save Near's life when he shoots Light in the arm, causing him to drop the pen he was using to write Near's name on a piece of paper he had hidden. Matsuda shoots him several more times to prevent Light from writing Near's name with his own blood. Enraged, he almost kills Light with a shot to the head, but is stopped by the rest of the team.

Aizawa Shuichi

While working in the investigation team, he goes by the pseudonym Aihara. Leaves the team and becomes a regular police officer after L gives the team members a choice - they can leave, but continue to help the team as members of the police when needed. After L's death, Aizawa returns to the team to work under Light's command. After learning that the 13-day rule (referring to one of the rules written in the Death Note) is false, Aizawa begins to suspect Light of being Kira and contacts Near. He gives Near some information, from which Near concludes that real personality Kira (i.e. about Light), then Near keeps him at SPK headquarters for some time. Nia subsequently agrees to free Aizawa and Mogi. In the finals, Aizawa became the leader of the police investigation team.

Aizawa has a wife and two children; youngest daughter name is Eriko, and the eldest is Yumi.

In the first arc, he works as Misa's manager (as Kankichi Moji) after Matsuda's fake death. Misa gives him the nickname "Mochi", based on his nickname.

In the second arc, Mello demands to meet with Mogi to gather information about Kira and tricks Mogi into meeting Near at SPK headquarters. Mogi is then held hostage by Near until Aizawa shows up to rescue him.

Ide Hideki

Ide Hideki

Ide Hideki is one of the few police officers who stayed with Soichiro to work on Kira's case. At first, not agreeing with L's methods, he leaves the team. But later returns and plays a rather minor role in SPK. He helps coordinate the team's actions and also organizes a blockade of police cars to lure Higuchi into a trap. After L's death, he rejoins the team, although he states that he simply did so to be with Aizawa. Ide trusts Light more than anyone else on the team, except Light's father, of course.

Manga and anime receive a lot of coverage in youth culture. Having originated as a genre in the East, the format is gradually conquering the audience of Europe and America, winning more and more new fans. "Death Note" is a popular manga that is recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Culture best example this genre.

History of creation

L from the anime "Death Note"

The manga was created by Tsugumi Oboi and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The work served as the basis for animated series and films. Many short stories and even video games have been created based on it. While working on the essay, the authors wondered whether it was possible to improve people's lives by killing others. They were worried about the reaction of a person who was ready to commit a crime, and of the society in which what was happening was being analyzed.

The manga was published in 2003. The public got acquainted with the pilot version of the work. In 2004, they launched regular publication of the work in the Weekly Shonen Jump publication. Until 2006, 12 volumes of Death Note were published. The thirteenth became a kind of guide to her universe.

Drawing from the manga "Death Note"

Based on the plot of the manga, the films “Death Note” and “Death Note: The Last Name” were made. In 2008, the spin-off “L: Change the World” was released. In 2007, television directors inspired by the work released Death Note - The Other Note: The Los Angeles BB Murders, followed by Death Note - The Rewrite: Through the Eyes of God. These two projects were broadcast on the Nippon TV channel.

In 2007, a license for the production of analogue products was acquired in the USA and Russia. Fans of anime and manga watched the animated series “Death Note”, shown by the “2x2” channel. All 12 volumes of the work were published in Russian by 2012.

"Death note"

El is the main thing actor"Death Notes". He displays professional detective skills and has no equal in this matter. The antagonist of the hero is Kira, a character with superpowers. El has many solved crimes behind her. But only those investigations in which we are talking about an amount exceeding a million dollars and 10 human victims are of interest to him.

The man's real name remained a mystery even to the intelligence services, since the detective used the Latin letter L as an alias. His identity is known to a couple of trusted police officials.

Al is a specific character with a lot of interesting habits and principles. The hero has his own motivation for everything. He likes to sit in an uncomfortable position, refuses to sleep and constantly eats sweets. He cannot change his usual position, because in this case his mental activity will seriously decrease. Raised in orphanage, the hero does not limit himself to sweets, arguing also for the beneficial effects of glucose on the brain. The detective is capable of unexpected moves: for example, he pretends to be dead, and subsequently surprises his acquaintances with the fact that he is alive.

His character is complex. Al is straightforward, honest and doesn't tend to take sides. Using methods of deduction and logical arguments, the detective, who does not tolerate defeat, builds his own theories. The man is brave, resilient and strong, and can easily control a helicopter. Al is touchy and unsociable, which is why he has no friends. The hero's main fear is meeting the God of Death. He believes in the triumph of justice in a world where there are no criminals.

His appearance is far from ideal. Al is unkempt, neglects to change clothes and does not take care of his hair. He prefers walking barefoot to regular shoes. The detective appears before strangers wearing a mask, and maintains contact with the outside world through Watari or a laptop.

Starting an investigation into the murders, L becomes convinced that Kira is hiding under Light's mask. Playing a double game during the development of the action, the detective understands that he made a mistake somewhere, and the price of this omission will be his own life. The hero died with suspicion falling on Misa as well. El's death was Rem's doing. Kira's case was solved by the hero's successors, Mello and Nia. Although the filmmakers allowed El to defeat the criminal on her own.

Having become the greatest detective on the planet, the hero understood that sooner or later someone had to take this place for him. He turned his attention to the children raised in Wammy's orphanage. And he was the first to start working with El. He didn't pass the test new life and died by committing suicide. B also could not continue the work of the teacher. He became a mercenary who was later hunted by El. X, Wy and Zed also tried to become El's successors. Nia Mello and Matt are mentioned in the story as the detective's fourth generation of students.

After the investigator’s funeral, the shelter received information regarding Kira that he had. The detective provided information, but did not announce the names of successors. Nia and Mello got together because of their similar temperaments.

Detailed information about El is provided by the authors of the manga in the final volume, which reveals the mysteries of the work. So, it became clear that Al's name is Lowlight.

  • In the Japanese anime, L is voiced by artist Kappei Yamaguchi. The performer of this role in three films based on the manga was Kanichi Matsuyama.

  • Experts and critics highly praised the character created by the authors of the project. He has great ratings. Al is rightfully considered a full-fledged character in comparison with the heroes of alternative projects. The confrontation between the antagonists L and Light sets the intensity of passions in the manga, maintaining the intrigue. The heroes are the same age, so they act as equal opponents.
  • In 2017, the American film Death Note, based on the manga, was released. The Death Note has become a kind of symbol of the work, since the names of the victims are written in it.
  • At cosplay festivals, L is the most sought-after character among anime fans.


The hero is unusual, like any original character who turns out to be the central figure in a project about brilliant detectives, doctors or criminals. The creators endowed him with strange habits that emphasize the specificity and creativity of El's image. At the same time, the hero is able to give an explanation for any actions:

“When I sit differently, my deductive abilities are reduced by 40%,” says the hero about the strange sitting position.

El has a specific attitude towards death. He perceives her as a materialist. Speaking about her, the detective seems to be discussing a new move in a cunning game:

“There are no hopeless situations... You just have to die before they kill you.”

Like heroes with similar temperaments, Al is lonely. The justification for this is his unusual lifestyle, speed of thinking, and talent as a detective. It's a rare person who can exist in the shadow of a talented detective. His successors failed to do this. However, Al knows the value of friendship. Although, contrary to logic, he best friend becomes an enemy.

“You know, Light, I have never had a friend like you... Because, Light, you are my first friend.”

But what else can you expect from a person whose life is spent in investigations and attempts to unravel complex crimes...