Integrated music classes according to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) middle group. "Colors of Music"

Target.Introducing children to the values ​​of traditional Russian culture, maintaining interest in various types musical activity.


To teach to actively perceive music through the use of musical folklore;

To develop performing skills in the field of singing, movement, music playing;

Develop creative song imagination, the ability to compose your own melody for the chicks’ song;

To form a pitch and rhythmic ear, the ability to convey the character of music through movements, to change movements in accordance with musical phrases;

Continue to learn to navigate freely in space.

Material and equipment.

Technical equipment: multimedia screen and computer, music center;

Musical material (audio recordings): the song “Autumn has come,” the sound of rain, songs from the film “Masha and the Bear”;
Demonstration material: cards depicting nesting dolls for orientation in the hall (scattered, in pairs, in a column, in a circle);

cards with images of mother birds and their chicks according to the number of children, a musical ladder;

hammer - dog;

magnetic board.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on chairs, greet each other and the teacher with a greeting song.

Greeting song "Hello"

(at the discretion of the music director)

Slide 2. Masha in the village.

Musical director. Guys, do you know who is inviting us to visit today? Girl Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". She has various pets and birds at home, and she wants to introduce us to them.

Rice. 1. Masha.

Musical director. How can you go to visit the village? (Children's answers.) Sonya suggests taking the train. Do you agree? Stand exactly like the Matryoshka dolls on the card (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Matryoshka dolls.

Musical director. Get into the trailers, and Egorka will be the driver (see photo 1.)

Photo 1.

Slide 3.A train rides through the forest.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Train”.

Children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and move with stomping steps around the hall to the music of “Steam Locomotive” by L. Kompaneets .

Slides 4 - 5.Masha meets the children.

Musical director. Here we are.

Slide 6.Masha's house with pets.

Musical director. Look at the screen and tell me who lives at Masha’s house. (Children answer that this is a cat, a dog, a hen with chickens and a duck with ducklings.)

Vaska the cat is the first pet that Masha wants to introduce us to.

Slide 7. Vaska the cat.

Musical director. How does he meow? (Children answer.) Each of you cats has your own voice and character. Now, please show how the cat Vaska meows when he is in a good mood, for example, basking in the sun. (Children meow affectionately and tenderly).

Musical director. And what will Vaska’s voice be like when he’s upset? Imagine, for example, that he ran out of milk or the mouse ran away.

Musical director. You already know that a person who writes music is called... (composer). And then there is folk music, which was composed by people who lived a long, long time ago. Everyone who listened to such music added something of their own to it. And so the original authorship was forgotten. Today I want to introduce you to the Russian folk song “Vaska the gray one is walking.” Listen to it carefully and hear how the cat’s character and behavior changes (See Fig. 2)

Listening to the Russian folk song “Vaska the gray one is walking” ( “From the yard, from the yard” Russian folk round dance games for young children. Comp. M. Medvedev. Moscow, 2005)

Fig 2.Vasnetsov Yu. A cat walks on a bench.

Musical director. Guys, tell me what music was played? (Performs fragments of a musical work).

At first the music was calm, smooth - it was Vaska walking and washing his face.

Then the cat quietly walked around the house - and the music began to sound more cautious, quieter.

And at the end of the song, Vaska the cat threatened the mice - and the music became bold, brave, decisive.

Did you like the song? Let me sing it for you again at the next lesson.

Slide 8.Masha's house, cat and dog.

Musical director. A dog came running to the porch. Her name is Druzhok.

Slides 9, 10. Dog Friend.

Musical director. A friend asks to come into the house because it’s going to rain, but Masha won’t let the dog into the house. Let's show how Buddy climbs the stairs onto the porch and descends from it. Look, I have a small hammer - with a tip in the shape of a dog, Druzhka. Let him walk along the ladder on the magnetic board together with the teacher, and we will show the movement of the melody with our hand.

Slides 11, 12.Dog on the stairs.

Chant "Ladder" (N.A. Vetlugina “Musical primer”, Moscow, “Music”, 1985)

Musical director. What's the name of this one? musical instrument? (Demonstrates a metallophone.) Let's make musical riddles about the dog, how it moves along the stairs: up, down, or standing in one place. Let me remind you how to hold the hammer correctly.

Riddles on the metallophone.

One child plays a melody on a metallophone, and the other uses a hammer on a magnetic board to show the movement of a dog along a ladder (see photo 2

Photo 2.Riddles on the metallophone “Where does the dog go.”

The sound of rain is heard in the sound recording.

Slide 13.Masha's house, rain. All the animals hid.

Musical director. So it started to rain, all the Machine’s pets ran away. Children, let's sing a song about autumn rain.

Children perform the song “Autumn has come” Music and lyrics by S.G. Nasaulenko (collection “In the forest in autumn”, “Bell” No. 19, 2000).

See Appendix 1.

Slide 14.Masha's house. No chicks.

Musical director. Well done guys, you sang the song well. The rain has stopped. Oh, look, is someone missing in the picture after the rain? (Children answer that there are no chicks). Yes, guys, the chicks were probably scared of the rain and hid. Let's call them.

Slides 15-17.Chicken, duck, goose.

Musical and didactic game “Where are my kids?”

The teacher invites each child to take a card with a picture of a chicken, duckling or gosling. The music director shows a slide with a picture of a mother chicken and sings on the C note of the first octave: “Where are my kids? Ko-ko-ko." Children who have cards with chickens sing on the G note of the first octave: “Mommy, we are here. Ko-ko-ko." Next, the mother duck and mother goose look for their chicks (see Fig. 3).

Fig 3.Vasnetsov Yu. Kurochka.

Musical director. Guys, who wants to come up with their own new song for your chicks?

Song creativity. Children improvise in the performance of simple melodies.

Slide 18.Masha's house. All pets are present.

Musical director. All the chicks came out of hiding. But the two cheerful geese just don’t want to get out of the ditch. Who were they hiding from? From Granny's car? Let's show a reenactment. Stand scattered around the hall.

Re-enactment of the r. adv. songs "Two cheerful geese".

(M. Kartushina “Vocal and choral work in kindergarten.” Moscow, 2010)

Slides 19, 20.Two cheerful geese.

Children perform a dramatization of the song “Two Cheerful Geese.”

Fig 4. Two cheerful geese.

Musical director. All the birds were found. Masha was delighted and wanted to dance with you. Come out, guys, to the “Pair Dance”.

Children perform the “Pair Dance” lit.nar.mel. sample T. Popatenko (Collection “Music in kindergarten: songs, games, plays for children 4-5 years old” Compiled by N.A. Vetlugina, I.L. Dzerzhinskaya, Moscow, 1967)

Slide 21. Vaska the cat.

Musical director. Vaska the car cat really wants you to play with him. A counting rhyme will help determine who will be the cat. Yes, it’s not simple, but it was invented in the old days in our Vologda region in the Kaduysky district.

- Marfushka, give me the bucket.

- What's the bucket for?

- Milk the cows. You should drive.

Musical and rhythmic game "Sly Cat". Music and lyrics by S.G. Nasaulenko (Collection “Musical Games” “Bell”, No. 12, 1999).

The cat comes out for the introduction and squats down in the middle of the players. Mice children walk around the hall and sing. When the song ends, the cat catches the mice. Repeat the game 2 - 3 times with a change of hosts.

See Appendix 2.

Figure 4. Yu. Vasnetsov. Shadow-sweating.

Slide 22.Masha with a cockerel.

Musical director. It's very fun to play in Masha's yard, but it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Say goodbye to Mashenka, sing “Goodbye” to her. What will we take back? Stand behind each other - our train is leaving for kindergarten.

Slide 23.A train rides through the forest.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Train”.

Children, as at the beginning of a lesson, stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and walk along the hall with a stomping step to the music of “Steam Locomotive” by L. Kompaneets .

song "Steam Locomotive" music. Z. Kompaneitsa, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya, Spanish Yulia Stepanova-Pinus.

Slides 24, 25. Kindergarten.

Musical director. We returned to kindergarten. Let's stand in a circle and you say: did you like our journey to Masha? Or maybe next time Masha will invite us to visit the bear Misha himself. Let's say goodbye together and quietly say: “We are great.” (Children say the phrase.) Now say it a little louder, and even louder. You are really great!

(Children leave the hall to the music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”).

Makarova Yulia Igorevna , musical director,

MBDOU "Sudsky kindergarten of the combined type "Firefly",

Suda village, Vologda region.


holding musical

integrated lesson

in the middle group


Music head: Verdiyan I. D.

Educator: Sakau A. Zh.

Subject: "Journey into the Forest"


Development of musical and creative abilities


  1. Strengthen knowledge about birds;
  2. Continue to develop in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with the music, consolidate performance dance moves;
  3. Develop the ability to sing with pure intonation without tension;
  4. Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey various rhythmic patterns;
  5. Develop speech abilities;
  6. Encourage children to take active independent action;
  7. Cultivate a sense of beauty;

Previous work:

  1. Learning a dance with Mishka;
  2. Learning a song;
  3. Listening to the play "Bear";
  4. Conversation with children about birds;
  5. Making a flower applique


  1. Music Center;
  2. CD discs;
  3. Audio recording of birds singing;
  4. Tambourines, spoons, boxes, cubes;
  5. Pictures of birds

Musical material:

  1. Song "";
  2. Communicative game “Hello” lyrics. and music M. Kartushina.
  3. Musical rhythmic game “Train” (M/r 8/2001)
  4. T. Tyutyunnikova, V. Suslova
  5. The play "Bear" by Tilicheeva
  6. Singing “Who has what song”

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the music room to calm, light music.

M.R. Hello guys. You came to a music lesson, so you need to say hello with a song.

Communication game "Hello""

Hello, palms! -Extend your arms and turn your palms up.
Clap-clap-clap! -
3 claps .
Hello legs! -
Top-top-top! - They stomp their feet.
Hello cheeks! -They stroke their cheeks with their palms.
Plop-plop-plop! -
Chubby cheeks! -
Circular movements with fists on the cheeks.
Plop-plop-plop! - Lightly pat the cheeks 3 times.
Hello sponges! -
Shaking their head left and right.
Smack-smack-smack! -
Smack lips 3 times.
Hello, teeth! -
Shaking their head left and right.
Click-click-click! -
Click teeth 3 times.
Hello, my nose! -
Stroke your nose with your palm.
Beep-beep-beep! - Press on the nose with the index finger.
Hello, guests! -
Stretch your arms forward, palms up.
Hello! - They wave their hand.

M.R.: This morning I received a letter. Let's see who it's from and what's written there.

"Dear Guys!

I invite you to my birthday!

I'm waiting for you in the forest. Bear"

M. r. Well, let's go visit Mishka?

Children: Yes!

M. R.: And it’s customary to go on a visit with good mood. Are you in a good mood?

Children: Yes!

M.R.: Well, let's go! And we will go not by car, and not by bus, but by train.

Musical rhythm game "Train"

The locomotive is driving, driving, you can hear the sound of wheels,

And there are a lot of little kids sitting in the trailers.

M.R.: So you and I arrived in the forest. Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest! Do you hear the birds singing?(voices of birds are heard in the audio recording)

Let's sit down on the stumps and listen to the birds singing.(Children take apart gymnastics mats and sit on the floor to listen)

M.R.: Did you hear how loudly and joyfully the birds sang? It was as if in winter they were afraid of catching a cold in their voices, but now, finally, they waited for the spring warmth and sang at the top of their voices. Guys, what birds' voices do we hear in the forest? Look at the pictures, do you recognize these birds? Who is this?(woodpecker, cuckoo, lark) Why did you decide so?

Game "Who's the odd one out"

M.R.: I’ll tell you a riddle about one of these birds, guess who we’re talking about:

« It knocks all the time, it hits trees.

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them.»

Children: Woodpecker

M.R.: Let's clap our hands like a woodpecker knocks.

Exercise “Spring Telegram”

T. Tyutyunnikova, V. Suslova

M.R.: And now I suggest you compose a song of other birds and clap their rhythmic pattern.



M.R.: Well done, guys.

M.R.: How beautiful it is in the forest: the sun is shining gently, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming. Let's play with our fingers and show how flowers bloom.

Finger gymnastics “Flowers”

Like in the forest on a hummock

Flowers bloomed– alternately release the fingers from the clenched fist

Flowers, flowers,

Flowers, flowers -"flashlights"

They whispered with the wind -rubbing your palms together

Smiled at the sun -shake their heads

The chorus repeats.

Listening to "Bear" Tilicheeva

M.R.: Guys, did you find out? musical composition? What is it called? What is the character of the music?

Bear appears (preparatory group child)

M.R.: Guys, who is coming to us?

Children: Bear!

Bear: good afternoon my friends, I’m glad to see you in the forest!

M.R.: Hello Mishka! Happy birthday to you! The guys and I have prepared gifts for you: these are such beautiful flowers.

Bear: Thanks, guys! I really liked your gifts. I am a very cheerful bear, I love to sing and dance, what about you guys?

Children: Yes!

M.R.: Bear, our guys know a funny song. Shall we sing a song for Mishka?

Children: Yes!

M.R.: But first you need to prepare your voice so that it sounds beautiful.

Singing “Who has what song”(m/r 5/2009 p.8)


M.R.: Guys, it’s time for us to say goodbye to Mishka and return to kindergarten. Goodbye Misha.

Bear: Goodbye, guys.

Children walk around the hall to the song of the Little Engine.

M.R.: Well, here we are at home. Did you guys like our trip? What did you like most?(children answer)

The music director says goodbye to the children.

Updated 07/12/2017 12:56 Created 07/12/2017 12:56

integrated music


for middle group children

on the topic of:

"Journey into the Forest"

Compiled by: teacher Nadezhda Mikhailovna Kropinova


Development of musical and creative abilities


ü Consolidate knowledge about birds;

ü Continue to develop in children the skill of rhythmic movement in accordance with music, to consolidate the performance of dance movements;

ü Develop the ability to sing with pure intonation without tension;

ü Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey various rhythmic patterns;

ü Develop speech abilities;

ü Encourage children to take active independent action;

ü Cultivate a sense of beauty;

Previous work:

ü Learning a dance with Mishka;

ü Learning a song;

ü Listening to the play “Bear”;

ü Conversation with children about birds;

ü Making a “flower” applique


ü Music center;

ü CD disks;

ü Audio recording of birds singing;

ü Tambourines, spoons, boxes, cubes;

ü Pictures of birds

Musical material:

ü Song "";

ü Communication game “Hello” verse. and music M. Kartushina.

ü Musical rhythmic game “Train” (M/r 8/2001)

ü Exercise “Spring Telegram” T. Tyutyunnikova, V. Suslova

ü Finger gymnastics “Flowers”

ü The play “Bear” by Tilicheeva

ü Singing “Who has what song”

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the music room to calm, light music.

M.r. Hello guys. You came to a music lesson, so you need to say hello with a song.

Communication game "Hello""

Hello, palms! - Extend your arms and turn your palms up.
Clap-clap-clap! - 3 claps.
Hello legs! - Spring.
Top-top-top! - They stomp their feet.
Hello cheeks! - They stroke their cheeks with their palms.
Plop-plop-plop! -
Chubby cheeks! - Circular movements with fists on the cheeks.
Plop-plop-plop! - Lightly pat the cheeks 3 times.
Hello sponges! - Shaking their head left and right.
Smack-smack-smack! - Smack lips 3 times.
Hello, teeth! - Shaking their head left and right.
Click-click-click! - Click teeth 3 times.
Hello, my nose! - Stroke your nose with your palm.
Beep-beep-beep! - Press on the nose with the index finger.
Hello, guests! - Stretch your arms forward, palms up.
Hello! - They wave their hand.

M.R.: This morning I received a letter. Let's see who it's from and what's written there.

"Dear Guys!

I invite you to my birthday!

I'm waiting for you in the forest. Bear"

M. r. Well, let's go visit Mishka?

M.R.: And it’s customary to go on a visit in a good mood. Are you in a good mood?

M.R.: Well, let's go! And we will go not by car, and not by bus, but by train.

Musical rhythm game "Train"

The locomotive is driving, driving, you can hear the sound of wheels,

And there are a lot of little kids sitting in the trailers.

M.R.: So you and I arrived in the forest. Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest! Do you hear the birds singing? (voices of birds are heard in the audio recording)

Let's sit down on the stumps and listen to the birds singing. (Children take apart gymnastics mats and sit on the floor to listen)

M.R.: Did you hear how loudly and joyfully the birds sang? It was as if in winter they were afraid of catching a cold in their voices, but now, finally, they waited for the spring warmth and sang at the top of their voices. Guys, what birds' voices do we hear in the forest? Look at the pictures, do you recognize these birds? Who is this? (woodpecker, cuckoo, lark) Why did you decide so?

Game "Who's the odd one out"

M.R.: I’ll tell you a riddle about one of these birds, guess which one we’re talking about:

« It knocks all the time, it hits trees.

But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them.»

Children: Woodpecker

M.R.: Let's clap our hands like a woodpecker knocks.

Exercise “Spring Telegram”

T. Tyutyunnikova, V. Suslova

M.R.: And now I suggest you compose a song of other birds and clap their rhythmic pattern.



M.R.: Well done, guys.

M.R.: How beautiful it is in the forest: the sun is shining gently, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming. Let's play with our fingers and show how flowers bloom.

Finger gymnastics “Flowers”

Like in the forest on a hummock

Flowers bloomed – alternately release the fingers from the clenched fist

Flowers, flowers,

Flowers, flowers - "flashlights"

They whispered with the wind - rubbing your palms together

Smiled at the sun - shake their heads

The chorus repeats.

Listening to "Bear"Tilicheeva

M.R.: Guys, did you recognize the piece of music? What is it called? What is the character of the music?

Bear appears (preparatory group child)

M.R.: Guys, who is this coming to us?

Children: Bear!

Bear: good afternoon my friends, I’m glad to see you in the forest!

M.R.: Hello Mishka! Happy birthday to you! The guys and I have prepared gifts for you: these are such beautiful flowers.

Bear: Thanks, guys! I really liked your gifts. I am a very cheerful bear, I love to sing and dance, what about you guys?

M.R.: Bear, our guys know a funny song. Shall we sing a song for Mishka?

Singing “Who has what song”(m/r 5/2009 p.8)


M.R.: Guys, it’s time for us to say goodbye to Mishka and return to kindergarten. Goodbye Misha.

Bear: Goodbye, guys.

Children walk around the hall to the song of the Little Engine.

M.R.: Well, here we are at home. Did you guys like our trip? What did you like most? (children answer)

The music director says goodbye to the children.

Shobotkina Oyuna Bairovna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: MBDOU Kurumkan kindergarten "Rosinka"
Locality: Kurumkan village, Republic of Buryatia
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Musical integrated lesson in the middle group "Music and Animals"
Publication date: 09.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Musical integrated lesson in the middle group

"Music and Animals"

Compiled by: music director

Shobotkina Oyuna Bairovna

Program content.

To cultivate in children a sense of beauty and a love for animals through

the surrounding world, music and physical culture.

Through the emotional perception of music, consolidate and generalize knowledge about


Develop the ability to give aesthetic assessments, express one’s opinion,

by the sound of the music.

Arouse fantasy and imagination, develop associative and figurative


Encourage children to remember familiar music and analyze it.

Improve the ability to understand the mood of a piece of music,

convey it in singing, in movement.

Develop figurative speech of preschoolers, expand vocabulary

Target: To form aesthetic feelings in children, to evoke positive






performance of songs. Learn to imitate the movements of hares and bears. Learn

distinguish sounds by pitch.


1. Learning tasks:

learn to recognize familiar works;

teach children to get used to the musical image of a work;

2. Developmental tasks:






the sound of music;

develop a sense of rhythm;

reflect contrasting emotionality in the listened work







3. Educational tasks:

cultivate interest in music;

cultivate a love of music, a desire to share your emotions in

the process of listening to works;

cultivate a culture of communication.

Preliminary work.

Introduce children to wild animals and their habitats.






Learning the game.

Musical material.


E. Tilicheeva;




Finarovsky, V. Antonova; "Bunny" arranged by G. Lobachov, T. Babazhdan.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys, today we will go to the forest, and the road is forest

complex. So are you ready? (Yes)

It's about to start playing

we'll go. (Music "In the world" sounds


the path is calm and easy, but our forest path

becomes winding (walking like a snake), there are large stones on our way

you need to step over (imitation of stepping over stones), there are trees in the forest

(walking with bending), and now a ravine has appeared on our way and we

we need to jump over it and we are in the right place.

So you and I came to the forest. Look who's meeting us there? (Hare). A

let's say hello to the hare, and we'll say hello to him musically.

And now the bunny invites you to guess the riddles and find out who else lives in

He sleeps in a den in winter. He snores little by little.

And he wakes up, well, roar. What is his name...(bear)

Lives in trees and gnaws nuts (squirrel)

A ball of fluff

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots (hare)

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread. (hedgehog)

The tail is fluffy, golden fur

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox).

Who is cold in winter

An angry, hungry (wolf) wanders.

(pictures of animals appear on the screen)

Well done guys, they guessed all the riddles. Guys, you know that music

can depict animals. Let's listen to music now and

Let's guess who the composer wanted to portray.

Listening: “Bunnies” by E. Tilicheeva; “Bear” by V. Rebikov.

Now let's play this game: I'll play music for you, and you

lift up





(Music from listening)

Guys, tell me, when you get lost in the forest, what should you do? (call on

help and shout "Oy"). That's right, let's sing "Au" now.

(chanting is carried out). Not only animals live in the forest, but butterflies also fly,

so let's imagine that we have a butterfly sitting on our palm, let's give it

gently blow it away, like this (show M.R.)

Do you guys think the bunny will be pleased if we sing him a song?

Song performance: Bunny

Guys, look, who else came to our clearing? (bear).

The bear came to play with us, do you agree? (Yes). (the game is played

"Game with a bear").

With this, our wonderful journey has come to an end.

Tell me, did you like it in the forest? What did you like most? What we are

did they work with you? (solved riddles, sang songs, played). What happened

most memorable?

Now let's say goodbye to the bunny and the bear and tell them "Goodbye"

dates" also in music, (held)

Let's go back along the path home. (music "In the Animal World" plays and

children go back to the group).