Cute bedtime story. Tatiana Antre - Romantic bedtime stories (collection)

Tatiana Antre

Since childhood I have loved fairy tales. Probably the most favorite of them are the Azerbaijani ones - they have so much feeling and romance that I definitely wanted to listen to each of them to the end. Now I have grown up, but my love for mysterious magical stories has remained with me.

Fairy tales are such simple stories that are described in a special language, as if you were little. But this doesn’t hurt you at all, because you get the impression that you and the author have some kind of extraordinary secret that they will definitely tell you about.

I admire the world around me, I love the people who live in it. I like to find something unique in every seemingly inconspicuous thing - something that no one has noticed before (or maybe I just didn’t want to admit it to myself?).

Fairy tales are not as ephemeral as you might think at first glance. After all, if you have never seen the planet Saturn with your own eyes (pictures and even videos do not count, because in our time everything can be faked and edited) - this does not mean that it does not exist. It’s the same with any “magic” story. Of course, it contains many different epithets, metaphors and “little” exaggerations, but its very essence is always very truthful.

Reading or listening to any fairy tales, we, unnoticed by ourselves, involuntarily immerse ourselves in their plot. It develops our imagination and makes us think.

My fairy tales are very romantic and, perhaps, some would say, idealistic. I completely agree with you. But if you have your own ideals, then you have something to strive for. You are on the right track. After all, only sensitive heart will tell you where to go, what to believe and how to behave in any situation.

Believe in yourself! Trust yourself! Feel free to create your future, because it begins here and now.

A fairy tale makes you better and kinder. It gives a person hope for the best and makes him take a closer look at the world around him. After all, there are so many interesting, inexplicable and very, very touching things in life.

Now let’s get comfortable and dive into magical world romantic fairy tales, where any obstacles can be overcome on the way to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Little bright star

Beloved... My little Ray of Light... My Princess! I'm so glad that you and I are together.

It’s so nice to feel such a dear, warm, fragile body next to you. Feel your breath. Inhale the scent of your hair...

I almost whisper to you so as not to frighten your sweet half-asleep.

You smile at my words - and my heart begins to beat even faster.

I am grateful to you for suddenly bursting into my life and charming me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And everything I do is for you.

In the meantime, you closed your eyes, enjoying the words that I whisper in your ear, I will tell you a fairy tale.

* * *

Once upon a time there lived a small but very bright star. She was so beautiful - almost diamond-like in appearance.

She really liked to appear in the sky when the sun set below the horizon. She believed that she brought great benefits by illuminating the Earth at night. Although her friends, who were next to her in heaven, took it for granted.

The star tried very hard to shine brighter than everyone else, with the exception, of course, of the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, she helped a lost evening traveler find his way home. Or if any person could not sleep, he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his secret thoughts.

But in lately she began to feel that something was wrong. Something darkened the joyful thoughts of the little star.

She began to think about what made her so sad.

And then the little bright star realized that she was very sorry beautiful girl with golden-red silky hair. Every evening the little girl watched the girl sitting on the windowsill, turning her sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she didn’t know how yet.

From her heavenly friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true.

“But then you’ll die...” her friends were saddened.

- But I will be of great benefit! – she answered joyfully.

The little star really wanted to help the sad girl at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

Looking in last time on a beautiful red-haired girl, a star, breaking away from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She no longer felt anything except the noise of her own flight...

And then, suddenly, she was overcome by an indescribable all-consuming frantic joy - the girl took advantage of the moment and made her cherished wish. The little star was very glad that she could help the beautiful stranger. Now this little girl knew that she had fulfilled her true purpose. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last thing the star thought about before disappearing into oblivion...

The star’s deed was not in vain - the stranger’s wish soon came true...

And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one...

Who knows, maybe she will be the one who will be able to fulfill one of your deepest desires, Darling...

* * *

You are already sleeping, My Precious... I will kiss the top of your head, gently touch your eyelids with my lips and also fall asleep, greedily wrapping you in my arms, guarding your sacred sleep...

Sweet dreams, My Angel!..

Little New Year's miracle

This year the winter was especially beautiful: the trees and roofs of houses were covered in snow, shimmering silver in the gentle rays of the sun. Today was the last day of the passing year.

A girl sat by the window, peering into the fluffy flakes of falling snow. She had long dark brown wavy hair and a graceful figure. The sun blinded her blue eyes, but transparent crystals of tears slowly flowed down her pale cheeks for a completely different reason. Today Lila will have to celebrate her favorite holiday completely alone...

It seemed that she had quarreled with Dan for a very long time - she no longer remembers how many nights in a row she cried into her pillow. But only two weeks had passed since he left, slamming the door loudly - then she jumped at the sound.

You don’t even remember what they quarreled about. You know, sometimes you quarrel “to smithereens” with your loved one, firmly believing that, of course, HE is to blame. But then, some time passes and you no longer fully understand: “What was that?” Lilya was now in the same state. She would be glad to be the first to apologize, but he doesn’t answer the phone, and no one opens his house. But the girl reassured herself that she at least tried to correct the situation.

Now she was sitting alone in the apartment that THEY had decorated together with such tenderness and love. She didn't want to go celebrate New Year to her friends, because this holiday was very personal for her...

She and Dan met a week before the New Year, when she was still in the 5th grade. That day Lilya was walking home with her friends after school. The girls chatted cheerfully, sharing their expectations of what they would give to whom for the holiday. Suddenly, the girl unexpectedly felt a sharp pain in her head from a blow with a blunt object, and the back of her head quickly began to get cold. Lilya couldn't keep her balance and fell. Next to her, a snowball drowned in a snowdrift, finally unstuck from the top of her head.

Suddenly, a tall, handsome boy with light brown hair and honey-colored eyes appeared next to her.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you,” he said, guiltily lowering his black fluffy eyelashes.

Lilya, out of confusion, could neither move nor say anything in response. Then the guy extended his hand to her, prudently freeing her from the snow-covered glove and said:

- Let me help you get up.

Lily's girlfriends giggled and whispered to each other, surrounding the resulting couple in a circle.

“My name is Denis, but my friends call me Dan,” said the young man, helping the girl shake off the snow from her clothes.

“And I’m Lilya,” she was finally able to answer.

The young man volunteered to help the girl who had been hit by his snowball, taking her home and making sure she was okay. Lilya said goodbye to her envious friends, and Dan said goodbye to the boy he was playing with.

– How does such a lovely and fragile person manage to drag such a heavy backpack? – the guy was surprised, picking up her things.

Lilya loved to study and every day she took with her to school all the books that she might need. She considered this absolutely normal.

The old man threw the net into the sea the first time and pulled out a lot of fish, the old man threw the net into the sea the second time, and all the fish swam away.

The father gathered his sons, took the rod in his hands, bent it - and the rod broke. Then he took a bundle of rods and began to bend it in every way - but the rods did not break.
- So, sons, this is the moral. If you need to bend someone, it’s better to have the whole team at once. No one will break down, no one will quit.

Bear Hut
– who ate from my plate? - Father Bear asks menacingly.
- who ate from my plate? - asks the eldest son.
- who ate from my plate? - the youngest son squeaks.
“You idiots, I haven’t poured some for you yet,” the bear answers.

-Where are you going with these charred firebrands?
- We'll grill shish kebab.
- Stupid, this is a hospital!?
- Yes, we're joking. We take Pinocchio to the burn center.

The old man caught a goldfish, she prayed and said to her grandfather:
- Let me go, grandfather, I will fulfill any of your wishes.
– I want to be a hero of the Soviet Union.
And the grandfather was left alone with two grenades against five tanks.

A guy and a girl got married. And they agreed that each would put aside a grain of rice after the betrayal. They lived to a ripe old age and decided to open up to each other. The grandfather took out his pile, which fit in the palm of his hand. The grandmother unties the handkerchief - and there are only a few grains.
Grandfather asks in surprise:
– Is that all?
– Who fed you porridge throughout the war?

Once upon a time there lived a Bunny and a Squirrel. They were friends and loved each other. Somehow Bunny suggests:
- Squirrel, let's live together, let's get married.
- How so, because you are a Bunny, and I am a Squirrel.
– The power of our love is higher than stereotypes and species-racial considerations, Squirrel.
We began to live as a family, and there is love, and understanding, and sex. There are just no children. They became sad. Bunny says:
- Do we really not have children because I am a Bunny and you are a Squirrel? How so? Let's go to Owl, she's smart, she knows everything.
We came to the Owl and the Bunny said:
- Owl, tell me why we don’t have children? Because we are Bunny and Squirrel?
- Are you crazy or what? You don’t have children because you are a boy and he is also a boy!

Night. Little Red Riding Hood is walking along a forest path. Suddenly, a Wolf comes towards us.
- Hat, what are you doing? Night! Forest! You never know - they will attack, rob, rape!
- Come on! I still have no money, but I love to have sex!

We decided to get Koschey the Immortal, Kikimora and Baba Yaga higher education. They meet six years later and ask each other who became who. Koschey says:
“I entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys, and I made some amazing armor!”
“And I,” Kikimora answers, “I studied to be an ecologist, and now I have complete order in the swamp.”
“And,” says Baba Yaga, “I studied at Physics and Technology!”
Koschey and Kikimora are surprised:
- Why are you doing this all of a sudden?
– And I’m the most beautiful girl there!

Your eyes are closed, and sleep is already creeping across your face. I won't disturb you, my dear, sleep. You heard me enter, but didn’t open your eyes, only your lips moved in a slight smile... I love it when you smile... your lips look like a small hunting bow with raised tips, in the depths of which lives a pink tongue-arrow. Oh, this multi-functional arrow! She knows how to kill on the spot with well-aimed words, knows how to give imperious orders to subordinate men, knows how to gently coo under my chin, or can simply remain silent while doing her amazing work!
Go to sleep, my dear, I won’t disturb you. I will not lie down next to you, but will lower myself to the floor to be level with your face.
I love such moments of mental unity with you. At these moments there are no physical contacts, only our souls speak. For me now you are a little girl whom I want to caress, stroke her curls and whisper something absurd to the sweet future sleep. You are an adult, beautiful, confident woman, but you, too, like when you were a child, miss tender words, I know this and I am ready to tell you them. They have accumulated in me, crowding both in my chest and in my head, they want to be heard. Mom could tell you a lot of magic words, but mom won't say what she can say loving man. Sleep, sleep soundly to my muttering, and it’s even better that you fell asleep. You sleep, and I will whisper to you what my heart is filled with.
It’s a pity that I’m not an oriental poet - Ferdowsi, for example, or Hafiz, or Alisher Navoi... they knew a lot of beautiful words with which they sang their beloved.

A living spring is your mouth and the sweetest of all joys,
my sobs are no match for the Nile and the Euphrates itself.

All sweets have lost their taste and are cheap in price:
The nectar of your sweetest lips is the most beautiful of all delights.

And even the sun has a hard time competing with you:
your mirrored brow is a hundred times brighter than his.

Sweet words gurgle like a fast mountain stream, flow like a smooth majestic river, rustle with a gentle spring breeze, surround you with a viscous pink aroma... everything is for you, everything is for you...
I look at your bare shoulders. What are you wearing under the covers now? You have a flannel nightie with a lace collar at the neck, a funny cambric shirt, sometimes you wore flirty pajamas with ties at the throat and under the knees... I know all your night outfits, I know them with my eyes, teeth and touch, because I’ve taken them off more than once from you... and now I still see not the blanket on you, not your clothes, but your skin underneath... Just recently you were humming something in the bath, basking in clouds of snow-white foam, just recently you were leaving the bathroom, and the undried droplets the water glistened on your shoulders and on your chest above the towel, and here, right at the dimple on your throat... this dimple has always driven me crazy... and now my tongue habitually moved in my mouth... I love to kiss you on this dimple... no, no, I’m quiet and humble today, I’m just talking to you... in words, but silently... yes, it happens, thoughts are also words, only they are a thousand times faster!
I admire you. You are now lying on a high pillow, surrounded by hair golden from the light of the night lamp, still damp at the ends, although you tried to hide it under a cap, but it still got wet and became a dark bronze color... you smell of sea water, salty wind and something else... then painfully familiar, which makes you dizzy and takes your breath away... It smells like you... I inhale this smell, there is nothing more beautiful in the world... my roses, my beloved roses, forgive me, your aroma is magnificent, but there is no smell sweeter than the smell of a beloved woman!
I look at your eyes, they are closed, I remember them perfectly, I know what they look like in the twilight, the black dots of the pupils become huge, like a black universe, they attract me, and I drown in them...
I take your hand, bring it to my lips... I kiss every finger of yours, every nail, I run your palm over my cheek, do you feel how smooth it is? I shaved, you love it when my cheeks are smooth, you love to rub against them, touch them with your tongue. Of course, my cheeks will never compare with yours with their soft velvet skin, but somewhere in the very depths of me I am ready for the fact that you may suddenly wake up and want to press your cheek to mine... I am always ready! Do you remember how one day your cheeks were stubbled by my stubble and the next morning they were covered with many small red spots... To the puzzled looks of the employees, you casually answered that you had eaten too much strawberries... an allergy, they say, and no one asked where you can get strawberries in winter...
Therefore, I found pleasure in the once unpleasant activity for me - shaving... everything is for you, everything is for you!
I always want to call you baby, I want to caress and pamper you like a little girl, smooth your eyebrows with my finger, run it along the line of your nose, along the curve of your lips, along your chin, neck, down, down... stop...
You moved and smiled happily at the dream, sighing briefly...
Sleep, my beloved... sleep, it was I who entered your dream.

It was time to sleep, and the little bunny grabbed the big hare tightly by the long, long ears. He wanted to know for sure that the big hare was listening to him.

- Do you know how much I love you?
- Of course not, baby. How should I know?
- I love you - that’s how it is! – and the little bunny spread his paws wide, wide.

But a big hare has longer legs.
- And I love you - that’s how.
“Wow, how wide,” thought the bunny.

- Then I love you - that’s how it is! – and he stretched upward with all his might.
“And you too,” the big hare reached out after him.
“Wow, how high,” the bunny thought. “I wish I could!”

Then the little bunny guessed: somersault on his front paws, and up the trunk with his back paws!
– I love you to the very tips of your hind legs!
“And I’ll take you to the very tips of your paws,” the big hare picked him up and threw him up.

- Well, then... then... Do you know how much I love you?... That's it! - and the little hare jumped and tumbled around the clearing.
“And I like that,” the big hare grinned, and jumped so much that his ears reached the branches!

“What a jump! - thought the little bunny. “If only I could do that!”

“I love you far, far along this path, like from us to the river itself!”
- And I’ll take you - like across the river and oh-oh-he’s over those hills...

“How far away,” the little bunny thought sleepily. Nothing else came to his mind.

Here above, above the bushes, he saw a large dark sky. There is nothing further than the sky!

“I love you to the moon,” the little bunny whispered and closed his eyes.
“Wow, how far away...” The big hare laid him on a bed of leaves.

He settled down next to him, kissed him goodnight... and whispered in his ear:

“And I love you to the moon.” All the way to the moon... and back.

“That’s how I love you” - translation of the fairy tale in poetic form:

The little bunny smiled at his mother:
– I love you like this! – and spread his hands.
- And that’s how I love you! - his mother told him,
She spread her hands and showed too.

– This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
“He crouched down and jumped high like a ball.
– I love you like this! – the bunny laughed.

And then in response, running wildly,
- That's how much I love you! – the bunny jumped.
“That’s a lot,” whispered the little bunny, “

– I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
And he somersaulted on the grassy grass.
- And that’s how I love you! - Mommy said,
She tumbled, hugged and kissed.

“That’s a lot,” whispered the little bunny, “
This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
Do you see a tree growing right next to the river?
I love you like this - you understand, mom!

And in my mother’s arms I can see the whole valley.
- That's how much I love you! - the mother told her son.
So it was a fun day. At the hour when it was getting dark,
The yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.

At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
- From the earth to the moon, and then back -
That's how much I love you! Isn't it clear?..

Having tucked a blanket around the bunny on all sides,
Quietly before going to bed, my mother whispered:
- This is very, very much, it’s so nice,
If you love to the moon, and then back.

Love is a wonderful feeling that is usually accompanied by romance. If a young man wants to please his beloved, then he can tell his beloved girl a fairy tale before going to bed. After such an end to the day, her night dreams will only be pleasant and memorable.

“He who seeks will find”

Tell your loved one this story before bed. The girl will definitely like it.

There lived one laywoman in the world, she had everything: food, shelter, and housekeeping. The only thing she lacked was communication with someone and intimacy.

And then one day she set off across the world in search of her happiness. Every time the girl came across someone on her way, she thought that these were the ones she was looking for. But the wanderers quickly got tired of her, or they stopped noticing her, since our heroine’s disposition was quiet and modest.

One day, on a damp, chilly night, a lonely girl came across a house on her way. She decided to try her luck and pulled the bell. The door was opened by a pleasant young man who surprised the wanderer with his polite manners, so she entered the home without fear. She was so tired that they immediately fed her and put her to bed.

But at night an evil spell fell on the house, and she woke up in the morning without any strength on the street. But stronger than fatigue was fear, which paralyzed the girl, and she began to run as fast as she could.

Since then, the poor wanderer did not trust anyone. But faith in love made her move on.

But one day she sat down to rest on the river bank and saw the same wandering young man. They talked, and the girl found out that, it turns out, the traveler was also looking for salvation from loneliness. And they realized that this was fate and that the one who seeks will definitely find his happiness.

Such a fairy tale for your beloved girl before bed will touch your heart.

"Angel and Shadow"

This fairy tale about love, told to a girl before bed, will be remembered for a long time, since it says that a great feeling brings even opposites together.

One day an angel, beautiful with his light, kindness and beauty, fell in love with a shadow, terrible with his darkness, evil and ugliness. But his love did not reciprocate, saying that they were not destined to be together.

Later, the shadow decided to accept the angel’s courtship, but this did not last long, as she was tired of the gifts brought to her. Then the poor angel began to suffer and cry.

And awakened tears in her black soul bright feelings. For the first time, the shadow felt the need to do good, and then it began to do small good deeds.

The dark forces saw this and decided to drive her away from the earth. The unfortunate woman found herself not on earth, not in heaven, but in a gray abyss.

The angel learned about his beloved’s misfortune and set off on a long journey to her. She saw the shadow of the young man and realized that she loved him and that good conquers evil, and then she reincarnated as an angel.

The lovers flew to heaven and began to live there happily ever after.

Funny short story for a girl before bed

In one kingdom there lived a queen who lost everything. Every day she could not find the clothes, shoes, jewelry, or books she needed. The king really didn’t like the queen’s forgetfulness, but he couldn’t do anything about it.

One day they were throwing a feast in a neighboring kingdom, the king and queen were already getting ready to set off, when the confused woman realized that she couldn’t find her crown. She examined the entire castle, searched all the rooms, but the right thing I never found it. Then the ruler burst into tears, she felt feverish, and she went to the kitchen to drink water and calm down. And then he sees his loss on the table, next to the food. Then the wife laughed and remembered that she got up to eat at night and then took off the tiara so as not to interfere, and forgot it here.

From that moment on, the ruler stopped forgetting anything.

This fairy tale is short and funny. Before going to bed, you can tell it to a girl to cheer up her beloved.

“Wish Fulfilled”

There was one bright star in the sky who really wanted to fulfill good wishes. But she was so far away that no one thought anything about her. This made our star sad and became dimmer.

The month laughed at our star, boasting that it was big and many people admired it every day, and that it also illuminates the roads for wanderers at night, which means it brings a lot of benefits, unlike such a small star.

One day the little girl saw a sad girl on the ground, yearning for her beloved. He once left for another kingdom and disappeared.

Then the star began to ask her friends how they could make people’s wishes come true. “To do this, you need to fall into the abyss and die,” the other luminaries answered her.

And then one night our little star gathered and threw herself into the abyss. And while she was falling, the girl made her cherished wish. The star performed it and died, bringing great joy to man.

The next morning the girl's betrothed arrived, and there was no limit to her happiness.


On one amazing island lived a tribe of Indians, among whom there was one beautiful and cheerful girl. Her name was Ai. One day the woman stopped smiling and became sad and sad. And the reason for this was Avitira, a guy who came to the island of Paqueta to fish.

He did not pay attention to Ai, because she yearned and shed bitter tears for the young man. She stopped going out into the street, she kept sitting by the window and singing sad songs about love.

The girl began to go out early in the morning to a high cliff to look at Avitira, who was getting into his boat and sailing away to his favorite island.

Aya’s tears were so bitter that they burned through the drops of the cliff, and the songs were so sad that they echoed from the grotto throughout the entire area.

One day a guy lay down in a rock grotto to rest and heard enchanting songs. They enchanted him, and he began to come to listen to them every day.

Once the young man wanted to drink, he pressed his lips to the water flowing down the walls, but it turned out to be Ai’s bitter tears. Then his heart was filled strong love to the girl, and they began to live together happily ever after.

Since then, there has been a rumor that the water flows to this day and whoever drinks it will fall in love with Ai forever.

“Enchanted Woman”

She lived on the same lake Swan. She did not communicate with other birds, but always swam by herself. And then one day a fisherman came to the lake. He was fishing and saw a beautiful white bird. He liked the bird so much that he married her.

The man built a house over the water, and he and Swan began to live there for a long time and peacefully. But one day the fisherman wanted to go to his hometown, because he was homesick for his family and friends. The bird felt a bad feeling and began to persuade the guy to stay home. But he did not listen to her and left, but returned with his friends.

They drank and decided to hunt poor Swan. And the fisherman was so drunk that he fell into oblivion. And when he woke up, he did not see his bird. There was only a girl lying there with an arrow in her chest. The man then realized that his wife was bewitched. From then on, he began to feel sad and live alone in the forest.

A short story for your girlfriend before bed

There lived a girl named Fairy. She was once picking strawberries in the forest and met a prince. They looked into each other's eyes and fell in love.

The king got angry when he found out about this and put the Fairy in the tallest tower of the kingdom. He said that he would only release the girl if the prince married the princess.

The young man stole his beloved and they ran away into the forest, but suddenly they heard a chase. They then asked the nymphs for help. The nymphs told them to throw themselves from a high mountain - they did so. The horsemen galloped up, looked over the cliff and saw only dead bodies, and then they left with nothing.

Suddenly the bodies disappeared, and in their place two flowers appeared, in the buds of which there were two little men - a prince and a fairy. Since then, they have lived in that forest and fulfilled the wishes of the wanderers they met.


Once a peasant’s daughter fell ill. He called the celestial being to heal her. Since then, the guy became a frequent guest of the peasant, drinking, eating with him and relaxing.

The celestial realized that it was good to have a lot of money, and now began to sell his medicines and treat people for coins. They found out about this in heaven and scolded him, deprived him of his magical powers and sent him to live on earth.

Then the celestial inhabitant settled near the river bank and began to cultivate the land to feed himself. He took a peasant's daughter as his wife, and they began to live together, giving birth to many children.

Many people began to come to that area, and a village grew there. The land here was considered very lucky, because a celestial being settled here.

“Princess Love”

This is another fairy tale. Before going to bed, you can tell your girlfriend this story so that she can fall asleep faster.

Once upon a time there was a princess who dreamed of great love. One day the king summoned princes from neighboring states and held a feast. But the girl did not like any of the young men, since they only thought about power and money.

While dancing, the princess saw a handsome young man, who turned out to be a servant, and fell in love with him.

The next day, the princess went out for a walk in the garden and met a guy she liked. They stood opposite each other and did not dare to utter a word. Finally, the lovers started talking and decided to run away into the forest and build a hut there. The forest became brighter because of love, and the animals, in gratitude, began to come to the sparkling hut and bring food to it: nuts, berries, honey.

The king looked for the girl everywhere and could not calm down. Having found her in the forest, he wanted to put the servant in prison. But the old man saw how happy his daughter was and how she loved the man. Then the father took pity on the young people and allowed them to live together. And then the lovers got married.

These are the sad and funny fairy tales you can tell a girl before going to bed.