How to write a fairy tale and what is needed for this? The structure of a fairy tale: how to learn to create magical stories Why does a hare have long ears.

Antonina Komarova
How we write fairy tales.

How do we we write fairy tales.

Make up fairy tales It's very interesting with preschoolers. Children are wonderful dreamers, inventors, and, in essence, amazing inventors, thinkers, storytellers.

To the stage writing fairy tales, we didn’t get there right away. First, the children listened and watched a large number of different fairy tales about animals, household fairy tales, small in volume. The compact plot gave children the opportunity to more easily understand the narrative, put it in their heads and retell the content of a fairy tale, later transform it, filling it with new events and characters. Working creatively with friends fairy tales, the child begins to intuitively understand what opportunities for a fairy tale gives the gift of writing.

Children are always interested in coming up with associative riddles from five to six components - questions. For example, the riddle about the fox, invented by children and supported by crossed out drawings:

1. Red, but not autumn foliage;

2. Cunning, but not Boy Thumb;

3. Fluffy, but not feathery;

4. Predator, but not a lioness;

5. Long-tailed, but not a squirrel;

6. Lives in the forest, but is not a hedgehog.

In this work, associations that are distant in meaning are welcomed, For example: in the riddle about the wolf - gray, but not asphalt, but not a cloud, but not smoke, etc.

Associative riddles are exercises for the mind, thinking "simulator".

We used different techniques to writing fairy tales. The most popular were fairy tales, created by "binomial fantasy" Gianni Rodari. This technique is great Italian storyteller stated in his book "The Grammar of Fantasy or Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories".

Our task was to invent fairy tale combine two randomly selected and different concepts, For example: jug and branch. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, if a child comes up with fairy tale, connected in your imagination two or more objects of the surrounding world, which means you can say with confidence that the child has learned to think.

Here are some fairy tales,invented by our children:

Slava B. 6 years old.

Good Deer.

The bow was blown off the girl's head by the wind. He fluttered around the city like a butterfly for a long time until he was carried away into the forest. There the Deer found him and put a bow on his horn and went to show off through the forest. Suddenly a Bear crawled out of the thicket. The Bear asked the Deer:

Where do they give out such beautiful bows? I need it too.

Deer said:

I don't know, I took it off the branch.

The Bear admired the beauty of the bow, and the Deer was very kind and said:

Let's divide this bow into two and we'll both be beautiful.

The Bear was delighted with such a gift and then always protected the Deer in the forest.

Sasha P. 6 years old.

Jug and Birch Branch.

The jug stood on the windowsill and basked in the sun. It was empty and was glad that nothing was poured into it, that it was free from all worries. The jug relaxed and fell asleep. At this time a strong wind arose. The birch branch began to sway from side to side and knocked the Jug off the window.

The jug fell to the ground and broke.

The branch was very upset that it had destroyed the Jug. She cried and shook her leaves. But then the children came running, saw the broken Jug and glued it together with superglue. The jug was a little sick, but the Artist came and decorated it with multi-colored drawings, which healed all his wounds. The jug got better and became even more beautiful.

Sveta O. 6 years old

Horse and Hedgehog.

Once upon a time there lived a Horse. One day she went out into the field and saw a Hedgehog. The hedgehog complained that he was lonely. horse said:

Sit on me, I'll take you for a ride.

She crouched down so that the Hedgehog could climb onto her back, but nothing worked. The hedgehog was clumsy and also very prickly. He kept rolling off the Horse. The horse called its owner, who put the Hedgehog in a basket and tied it to the Horse's saddle. So the Hedgehog rode the Horse. He felt happy.

Alisa L. 6 years old.

How Vasilisa the Wise outwitted the Fox.

Once upon a time there lived a cunning, cunning Fox. Her name was Lisa Patrikeevna. One day the Fox was walking near the pond, saw a very beautiful fish there and wanted to eat it. Suddenly Vasilisa the Wise appeared and did not allow the Fox to catch the Fish, because she was very small, beautiful and magical. Lisa Patrikeevna said, that she was very hungry and asked Vasilisa the Wise not to interfere with her catching the Fish. Vasilisa replied that she had a whole bag of delicious bunnies at home, and that the Fox could take them. The fox rushed to the house of Vasilisa the Wise and actually found a whole bag of hares, only the hares were chocolate. “This is a joke!”- thought Lisa.

Semyon K. 6 years old.

Flower and Butterfly.

Once upon a time there lived a Flower. A Butterfly flew up to him and sat on him.

The flower asked her:

What is your name?

I am the Nettle Butterfly.

Where are you flying to?

I’m flying to my friend Butterfly - Lemongrass to drink tea, and I sat down on you to rest and refresh myself.

But then, unexpectedly, it started to rain, the Butterfly’s wings got very wet, and she could no longer fly any further. The flower invited her to hide under it and wait out the rain. The rain quickly stopped, and the Butterfly crawled out from under the Flower, and the Flower began to wave its leaves and petals to dry it. The Butterfly dried up, thanked the Flower for saving her, and the Flower gave her a whole jar of delicious pollen. Since then they became friends.

The teacher’s task in this work is not only to help the child correctly formulate his thoughts, then be able to express them, but to direct the creative process in a logical direction, since a butterfly cannot save a giant, a mouse cannot defeat a fox, etc. .

Having gained some experience in writing prose fairy tales, we dared to try write fairy tales in verse.Here are some of them:

Slava B. 6 years old.

Curious boy.

The boy approached the puddle,

The microscope was pointed at her.

How many different microbes are there in it?

White, pink and red.

Our boy called his friends

Showed them microbes

The kids were surprised

Both girls and boys

Everyone learned about microbes

And to all the guys they said:

“We need to be friends with soap,

Wash your hands very often.”

Semyon K. 6 years old.

Cat and Puppy.

The cat got lost in the park.

He found himself in a ravine,

He kept meowing, crying, calling,

But no one heard.

He's cold, he's hungry,

I was seriously scared.

There was one Puppy running here.

He carried a bundle in his teeth,

There was a sausage there,

Smelled delicious, distracted,

He wanted to eat it himself

He quickly ran to the bushes.

Suddenly he runs out at the smell

The cat is very small.

You, Puppy, have a sausage,

Can I have a piece?

I'm cold and lost

I got away from mommy

Have pity on me, Puppy,

Give me a piece of sausage

The puppy took pity on him,

Gave me a piece of sausage

I took the kitten home,

Still a small child,

I gave it to my mother's paws

And he became a hero to everyone.

Children are extremely interested in this work, especially when something works out, their enthusiasm increases, and more and more people want to first listen to the finished work, and then unexpectedly come up with their own.

Sometimes caring parents may feel that their little child is bored when they read to him at night. And it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s Russian folk or the fruit of the creativity of the famous Brothers Grimm, the baby is still bored. In this case, caring parents are faced with the question: “How to compose a fairy tale on your own to captivate your child before bedtime?” And how to come up with something worthwhile when ideas about a cramped mansion and a sleeping beauty come to mind is unclear.

How to come up with an original fairy tale

And if parents cannot master the art of composition, what should they do? Let's try to figure this out. There are several ways to compose a fairy tale yourself, and with their help new ideas will appear in your head. So, if you have no thoughts about a future magical story, then use these tips.

You can slightly “twist” a fairy tale already known to your child. For example, send Cinderella not to the Prince Charming for the ball, but to where she will meet her lover.

Make a familiar fairy tale “a story in reverse.” Let's say the cunning red Fox makes friends with Kolobok, or let the Beauty find a way to wake up the Sleeping Prince, who managed to prick himself with an arrow while hunting.

Another option is to continue an already completed fairy tale. You can take the same Cinderella and describe her life with the Prince, come up with new adventures for her sisters and evil stepmother.

You can also mix two or more fairy tales: describe the friendship of the wooden boy Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood, talk about their escape from the terrible Ogre and meeting Puss in Boots.

And the last method that will help you understand the complex issue of “how to write a fairy tale” (perhaps the simplest of all). You can simply transfer the heroes of your work to our time. Let's say we realize the idea of ​​how Thumbelina will behave when she finds herself in a world full of cars and other machines that are scary for her.

Perhaps, when remaking old familiar fairy tales, you will be visited by new, no less interesting ideas.

Features of the genre

Before you compose your own fairy tale, you should understand what features of this genre exist, what features similar works have in common. Of course, you don’t have to write according to plan, but in this case it’s not a fact that the child will appreciate the fruit of your imagination. Still, it is better to stick to the old proven truths.

Firstly, a fairy tale always has a happy ending. Let in real life this is not at all true, but you want to learn the science of how to compose a fairy tale (a magical one, by the way). Therefore, you need to remember: in fantasy reality, everything always ends well, and bad heroes either lose to positive characters and leave forever, or take the right path and change for the better.

Secondly, you need to raise a certain problem in the fairy tale, make it moral. For example, to show that due to the fact that the hero deceived his friends many times, he lost them all. Or describe a situation similar to the scene from The Golden Key, in which Pinocchio so easily believes the deceitful cat and fox, which does not end very well for him.

Thirdly, elements of magic are needed. This is a fairy tale after all. You can come up with some talking animals, magical household items would also be appropriate. For example, let the main character be a friend and adviser talking cat. And an enchanted ball of thread will show him the way to his goal.

Well, it is also desirable for the main character to have a faithful assistant who will always give wise advice, or better yet, two such friends. After all, three is a magical number, which means the fairy tale will become even more magical. Well, all events need to be described in colorful, lively language. Successful comparative phrases, hyperboles, metaphors and epithets will arouse admiration in the child.

A fairy tale for the little ones

If your child is small and does not want to listen to big interesting tales, you can compose a short magical story, just a few sentences long. In order to understand how to compose a short but interesting fairy tale, you need to understand one thing. In these stories, ordinary objects and phenomena are made magical. For example, you can tell your child about the journey of his favorite toy into a noisy yard or about the life of a blue pencil in a box with eleven brothers. Later, when the child grows up, you can expand the little fairy tale by adding some more events and details. Or even create a whole series about the travels of a teddy bear and tell your baby every night new story about a soft pet. Then the child will not be bored, he will fall asleep faster at night and give his parents some free time for themselves. And such fairy tales will become a very pleasant tradition and will remain in the memories of your child for life. Perhaps he will also come up with little stories about toys for his children.

How to describe an animal in a fairy tale

You need to think things through carefully before doing this. Where to start? You should come up with an animal and give it the appropriate characteristics. For example, an owl will be wise and a little grumpy, and a donkey will be an identification of stupidity. Animals should be given the qualities of people carefully, because in most fairy tales the same representatives of the animal world have the same character traits. In addition, it is advisable to think through all the motives of the animals’ actions, as well as their appearance. Let's say that the same owl is given points, and the pig is given a funny overalls as a cheerful joker.

Mistakes of novice storytellers

Unfortunately, the first experience is not always successful. Therefore, it is better to analyze the most common mistakes of parents who are trying to write a fairy tale for the first time.

A big fairy tale, but without a plan. Due to the lack of an initial plan, even the simplest one, it is very easy to get confused and write too much. Creating the structure of a fairy tale is not so difficult, but following it is even easier.

Pointless story. The lack of morality in fairy tales is often incomprehensible, because they are designed to teach children, and in a way that is not boring for them. If the story has no purpose other than to entertain the child, then nothing good will come of it.

The opposite of the previous problem - too cautionary tale. When, apart from words about what is good and what is bad, nothing is heard in the work, then it will become uninteresting and will not “hook” the child at all. Everything should be in moderation.


If you believe in yourself and adhere to the tips described in this article, then there will be no doubt about how to compose a fairy tale that is interesting specifically for your child. After all, you, like no one else, know what is interesting to your baby and what will win him over from the first sentence.

If you noticed, we really love to compose fairy tales, for example, we recently composed musical tales about and .

I say “we” because I, as a mother, also put my efforts into this and help, correct what I come up with.

In general, it is imperative to develop this writing skill in a child, because even if you don’t have it in the future famous writer, then in any case this will be useful to him at school in reading, literature, history, geography lessons and simply where something needs to be explained or told.

Let's try it together with you today.

In general, a fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and a special plan.

The first thing to do is to determine the topic, that is, what our story (fairy tale) will be about.

Secondly, be sure to formulate the main idea of ​​the future story, that is, why, for what purpose are you writing it, what it should teach listeners.

And third, directly construct the story according to the following scheme:

  1. Exposition (who, where, when, what did)
  2. The beginning of the action (how it all began)
  3. Development of action
  4. Climax (the most important moments)
  5. Decay of action
  6. Denouement (how it all ended)
  7. Ending

Do not be afraid to name such complex concepts as “exposition” and “culmination” to your preschooler. Even if he doesn’t remember them now, he will definitely learn the principle of construction and will be able to apply it in the future.

According to exactly the same rules, stories are compiled and essays are written at school, so this material can be safely used by schoolchildren.

So, let's now move directly to inventing a fairy tale.

Here is the fairy tale “The Journey of the Ball,” which Seraphim composed when he was 5 years old. And using her example, we will see how to compose a fairy tale.

To compose a fairy tale, you can expand the algorithm a little to make it easier for your child to navigate.

1. Beginning (for example, once upon a time there was rain, a flower, sunshine, etc.)

2. Commencement (one day, one day he went or decided to do it, etc.)

3. Development of action (met someone, for example)

  • passed the first test
  • passed the second test

4. Climax (the third test after which she or he turns into someone or something)

5. Decline of action (someone does something so that our hero regains his original form)

6. Denouement (since then or since then)

7. Ending (and they began to live as before or he did not go anywhere else, etc.)

Once upon a time there was a boy, Alyosha, who had a balloon. And one day, when Alyosha fell asleep, he decided to go for a walk.

The ball flies and flies, and a rainbow meets it.

- Why are you flying here? Where is your home? You might get lost or burst!

And the ball answers her:

“I want to see the world and show myself.”

It flies and flies, and a cloud meets it.

- How did you end up here? There are so many dangers all around!

And the ball answers:

- Don't bother me! I want to see the world and show myself. And he flew on.

It flies and flies, and the wind meets it.

- Why are you walking here? You might burst!

But the ball again did not listen to the elders. And then the wise wind decided to teach him a lesson.

“Uh-uh-uh,” the wind blew.

The ball flew in the opposite direction with great speed and caught on a branch. And his thread came untied, and he hung on the branch like a rag.

And at this very time our boy Alyosha was walking along the path. He was picking mushrooms in the forest and suddenly he saw a rag hanging on a branch. He looks and this is his balloon. The boy was very happy, took the balloon home and inflated it again.

And the ball at home told Alyosha about his adventures and never went for a walk without Alyosha again.

Such interesting tasks, for example, are given to children in her lessons by a wonderful teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature - Nadezhda Ivanovna Popova. Huge thanks to her!!!

Having learned before school to correctly compose fairy tales, stories, and retell short texts, at school you will be able to retell, write summaries and essays without any problems. Therefore, don’t be lazy and start doing this with your child before school.

Well, so that the baby can see his result clearly, as they say, you can write down your fairy tales there, which is what you and I will do tomorrow.

Children's writer Sergei Kolovorotny will teach us how to write fairy tales.

In one of my past articles, I shared my experience as a children's writer and gave some advice that a child can have.

One of these recommendations was quite original, namely, to write a book for your child yourself. However, the most unexpected was the reaction of parents who read the material. Letters poured in to me asking me to tell me how to do this practically? What does this require? How to approach such a responsible, but very interesting and creative task? Is it possible for ordinary people - fathers and mothers, grandparents who want to surprise their children and grandchildren?

Of course, writing a children's book is not easy. This requires not only a good knowledge of child psychology, but also literary talent, imagination, and a rich imagination. It is these qualities that are inherent in a professional children's writer, a person who loves children and treats them very kindly, with warmth and kindness.

But why not try? And for those who are ready to take risks and “go out to the open sea under their own sail” - this article is intended.

The first question to answer is: what exactly would you like to receive, or what to achieve, with this work? Will this be just an entertaining story, or do you want to put some kind of certain meaning? It depends on this, for example, who the heroes of your book will be - fairy-tale characters, fictional heroes or... Yes, yes, you can make your own children a hero too! A book in which the child himself is the main character is doubly useful. Psychologists say that seeing a positive image of himself, a child tries to match it in life. And the book will, in this case, be the most the best gift, both for him and for you.

It is from the book that a child can learn about what is good and what is bad, what friendship is, and what rash actions can lead to. How to treat other people - family and friends, neighbors, friends, schoolmates. And, of course, to the animals!

Psychologists say that seeing a positive image of himself, a child tries to match it in life.

If you can instill in your child from childhood a love of animals, feelings of empathy, care, you can be sure that this greatly increases the chances that adult life your child will be a patient, tolerant person, attentive to other people. Including to you. It is love for “our smaller brothers” that will help cultivate such good feelings in him!

Thus, even your pets can become the heroes of your books - a cat, a dog, a parrot... For example, I can recommend reading a story from my last book- “”, about a cat who was abandoned by his owners, and about the touching care that two boys showed him - Slavik and Pavlik. What did they not do to find a home for a stray cat who, moreover, was not averse to a little mischief! Find out for yourself how this story ends. By the way, this story was also published in the wonderful children's magazine “Young Naturalist” in Moscow, and one wonderful artist was even inspired to create a whole painting, which she also called “Kotovasia”.

Do not immediately aim for a work that is grandiose in form. Namely, write a big novel at once. Especially if you have little idea what will be in this book already on the second page. Believe me, writing this kind of work is a titanic mental work. Start with small, short stories.

For example, describe some incident that happened to you in reality, or to your child. Embellish it a little, add humor, and try to retell it so that the child is interested in listening. Next, you can try to write it down on paper.

Don’t pay too much attention to spelling errors, not everyone has a philological education! Any school teacher you know will help you correct them. Another important thing is the style of presentation. It should be as simple and easy as possible, and this is not easy to achieve. Such is the paradox of writing complex sentences much easier than simple and short...

Pay attention to the vocabulary (words) you use to write your works. You should not use a lot of “colloquial”, although it can bring perception closer to reality, but also try not to overdo it with literary vocabulary. The same goes for terms. Remember that your reader is your baby, not the professor!

As an option, take the child himself to help you. Start a plot and invite him to continue it, develop it, add his own characters. This is one of the best ways to develop his imagination and imagination. For life, these are simply extremely necessary qualities, since it is imagination that allows you to find non-standard solutions, invent something new, and generally live a full, extraordinary and not boring life!

You can even invite him to write down his thoughts and keep a diary. All the famous children's writers did this! Surely you remember such a famous children's writer Valery Medvedev, he wrote a book about the adventures of Yura Barankin - “Barankin, be a man!” and many others. Our meeting took place quite a long time ago, in the early 90s, when I was just starting my literary activity. And the first question he asked me was: do I keep my notes, diaries? And then he complained that he was unable to save his own, and how this would help him in his literary work, and in general - how interesting it would be to plunge back into your childhood experiences!

Such “diaries” would help you to better reveal inner world your child: how he lives, what he dreams about, what worries him. And help him figure it out. For your baby, such recordings would also play a very positive role. The ability to correctly express his thoughts will help him in the future in any profession, no matter who he becomes. And what a valuable quality this is in communicating with people - here, in general, any arguments are unnecessary!

If your child is still just a baby, and so far only perceives fairy tales best, you can use characters that he knows well from books - Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Thumbelina, Puss in Boots or Goldfish... If this book is in a single copy, that is, not is intended for sale, you can absolutely safely write something with the participation of these characters.

You can also publish a book if you wish. The number of publishing and printing services is now simply unlimited. To print a book in one copy, it is no longer necessary to go to a printing house - they publish books in large editions, and publishing one copy will be a rather expensive undertaking. There are other printing options; employees of publishing houses or small firms specializing in providing printing services will tell you about this. All you need is a manuscript.

Try writing a fairy tale to your child yourself, and you yourself will understand what your hidden potential is. It’s never too early and never too late to learn to write yourself. And if something doesn’t work out and you need advice from a children’s writer, don’t hesitate to write ( [email protected]), and I will try to answer your questions, and even help with writing a book!

I was with you children's writer, . See you again!

Do you want to be surrounded by miracles? Are you willing to create magic yourself? Then become a good storyteller! And if you don’t know how to write a fairy tale, this article was created especially for you!

Where to start a fairy tale

Come up with characters for your fairy tale: good and evil, main characters and minor ones. Think over their features, their “zest”. There are no halftones in a fairy tale: the world is divided into black and white, good and bad. AND main character He should definitely evoke sympathy, even if he is a fool like Ivan or a lazy person like Emelya. And anyone and anything can become a hero - there is complete scope for imagination. Remember your first fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba the Hen”, “Turnip”. The characters can be more intricate, as in modern fairy tales. You can create your own copyright, not on anyone similar hero! Actually, it is with its definition, a certain characteristic, that the plot of the fairy tale begins. “Who, where, when lived” - you can follow this scheme.

Calm notes give way to intriguing ones: some unexpected event happens, from which bright, incredible adventures with miracles, transformations, and magical objects begin for the main character! The main part of the tale is devoted to this story. The hero completes tasks and overcomes obstacles. And his friends help him with this - magical assistants (a classic example is the Little Humpbacked Horse). But a fairy tale can also be calmer, while remaining instructive and wise. For example, in the children's fairy tale "Teremok", in fact, no adventures occur. But the fairy tale teaches us friendship, help, responsiveness, and also hard work: together we can move mountains or build a new tower. But if you want your fairy tale to be listened to with your mouth open, get ready for an intricate plot with a chase and miracles. At some point it becomes scary, and then it becomes fun. The hero may be on the verge of death, but living water will come to the rescue or a faithful assistant will be right there: fairy tale hero It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

In order to correctly write a fairy tale, use stylistic devices: triple repetitions, exaggerations (hyperbole), oppositions (antithesis: “big and small”, “thick and thin”) and, of course, decorating definitions (epithets: “wise”, “beautiful” "). This creates a traditional fairy-tale atmosphere and allows you to characterize the characters.

The fairy tale is not written in the same words, in the same syllable as an ordinary essay. And that is why it is read in one breath. And it’s also easy to remember!

Stress point

In any fairy tale, sooner or later the most intense moment occurs - the climax, when good and evil directly collide or when the hero faces the most serious test. But no matter what befalls him, good invariably triumphs over evil. This is perhaps the most important fairy tale law. This is stated in the denouement: “And they began to live and live well and make good things” or “And they lived happily ever after” - traditional happy fairy tale endings. You don’t have to put an end to your fairy tale (an open ending), let everyone speculate on how it might end. Or maybe your fairy tale will have a continuation?

We hope you have decided how to write an essay - a fairy tale, and will soon be able to delight your little readers with a new story. And if you can still create illustrations and design your creation, your fairy tale will have no price! I wish you creative success and inspiration!