Scenario for Mother's Day with presentation. Scenario for a holiday in elementary school dedicated to Mother's Day

Maria Shumakova
Holiday scenario with presentation “Mother’s Day”

Holiday script for Mother's Day.

1st child:

Mother's Day - a solemn day

Day of joy and beauty,

All over the world he gives to mothers

Your smiles and flowers

2nd child:

Oh, how wonderful the word mom is.

Everything on earth is from mother's hands

She makes us naughty and stubborn

Taught goodness - the highest of sciences

3rd child:

Mother! Mother! With this name

I'd like to go up in a rocket

Above the highest clouds.

I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -

And he would scatter them over the planet.

Moms will receive them, smile -

And immediately summer will come everywhere

4th child:

Without knowing any fatigue,

No peace every hour

Day and night dear mother

Everyone is worried about us.

She lulled us, fed us,

She sang songs to us by the bed.

She taught us first

Kind joyful words.

5th child:

I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know

Probably because I live and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun and the bright day,

Why do I love you, dear?

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you, mom,

You are my best friend

Leading: Who came to me in the morning? (All children in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Who said “it’s time to get up?” (All children in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Who managed to cook the porridge? (All children in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Should I pour some tea into my glass? (All children in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Who picked the flowers in the garden? (All in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Who kissed me? (All in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Who childishly loves laughter? (All in chorus): Mommy!

Leading: Who is the best in the world? (We all shout): Mommy

Song "Zorenki are more beautiful"

Leading: I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition 1. “Find the child by the palm of his hand”. Mom has to eyes closed find your child by palm

2nd competition "Venicobol" (for moms)

Mothers line up in a column. It is suggested to use a broom to roll the balloon to the counter and back. The one who gets the job done faster wins.

Dance: "Hearts"

3rd competition for children "Carry the groceries"

Competition 4 "Merry Tambourine" Leading: I ask everyone to stand up together, we will now play. We will play with a tambourine and dance to the music together... You roll the cheerful tambourine, Quickly, quickly through your hands, Whoever has the tambourine left will now dance for us. (Child dances with mother) Moms and children try to dance to melodies: 1."Lambada", 2. Rock and roll (Elvis Presley, 3. Moscow Quadrille, 4. "Lezginka" 5. Dance "Merry Ducklings", 6. Dance of the little swans (from the ballet “Swan Lake”)

Leading: We danced a little and got tired. Tired? And our mothers never get tired. They always find the time and energy to console you, listen to you, and caress you. After all, you are their favorite sunshine. That's why our emblem holiday - sun. So let's congratulate our mothers and please them with a song "Here and there"

Children read poems.

1. Dear mom, I love you!

I give you all the flowers I have.

The sun smiles, looking from above.

How great it is - I have you

2. Happy Day Mothers, we congratulate you!

We wish everyone happiness, laughter, joy and health!

May all your dreams come true today.

How great it is that we exist in the world!

3. Forgive us for our involuntary grievances,

Nights without sleep don't make things any more beautiful.

Oh how stubborn we can be sometimes

Mom, dear mother!

We will be in your debt forever.

We are eternally grateful to you for everything.

Be the happiest, most loved one.

Mom, dear mother!

Scene"Three Moms"

In the center of the hall or on stage table, three chairs.

A doll sits on one of the chairs.

There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table).


Our children are so stubborn!

Everyone knows this themselves.

Mothers often tell them,

But they don't hear their mothers.

Masha in the evening

I came from a walk

And I asked the doll:

Masha enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, and takes the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

I sat there all over again a day without lunch?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Mom's car came home from work

And she asked Masha:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair next to Masha.


How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny screamed for dinner more than once,

And you answered: now yes now.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go have lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Here grandmother - mother's mother - came

And I asked my mother:

Grandmother enters, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the bank for a whole day

Again there was not a minute to eat,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

You can't do it all sitting without lunch for a day.

I’ve already become an accountant, but I’m still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster.

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother

Now turn your attention to the screen (presentation)


We We're finishing the holiday.

We wish mothers:

So that they laugh and joke!

And you were healthy.

We want our mothers!

They became even more beautiful.

To make everyone happier

All the children in chorus: Our mothers are dear.

Scenario and presentation for Mother's Day "My angel mother"

Presenter 1 (slide2)

“My light, mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth:

Who is the wisest in the world?

Loved and kinder than everyone?”

Presenter 2

And the mirror answered her:

“All the girls here are beautiful,

There is no doubt about that, of course!

There is only such a word

What is more expensive than dear!

This word contains the first cry,

The joy of a sunny smile,

This word contains a moment of happiness

Dear and very close!”


This word is MOM!

Presenter 1

Close your eyes, listen

He lives in you so dearly.

It cannot be confused with any other voice.

Even when you become an adult,

You will always remember your mother's eyes, mother's voice, mother's hands.

Presenter 2

You couldn’t speak yet, but your mother understood you without words,

I guessed what you wanted, what hurt you.

You couldn’t walk, your mother carried you in her arms.

And then your mother taught you to talk and walk.

Mom read you the first book.

(Song “Mom is the first word.”) 2 pairs of presenters come out. (slide 3)

Presenter 1

Hello, dear guests, mothers, teachers, guys!

Presenter 2

Today we are gathered in this hall for a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day.It is celebrated in last days autumn, paying tribute to maternal work and selfless sacrifice for the good of their children.


On this cold autumn day it is warm and sunny in our school. Not just a simple, but a magical sun is shining, and every ray illuminates a proverb and gives it to our mothers. Listen to them carefully:(slide4)

1. The sun is warm, the mother is kind.

2. There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

3. The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.

4. The bird is happy about spring, like a mother’s baby.

5. Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot falls, but it will soon melt.

Sketch (slide5)


The day before birth, the child asked God:


I don't know what I should do in this world.

Ved. 1 God answered:

Teacher - I will give you an Angel who will be next to you.

Ved. 2 - But I don't understand his language.

Teacher - The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

Ved. 2 - What is the name of my Angel?

Teacher - It doesn't matter what his name is... you will call him: MOM.

(Verse. Read by L. A.(slide6)

Presenter 1.(slide7)

A mother can do anything!

She is the beginning of life

The Guardian is the protector of Home, Life, Love, Soul and high Spirit.

All of you sitting in this room have one thing in common - you are MOMS.

Presenter 2

Happy holiday to you!

I believe that a woman is

Such a miracle

What on the Milky Way

Can't find

And if “beloved” -

Holy word

That is three times more sacred -

"Woman - Mother"!

(Photo show students with their mothers in the background songs “How I love you, Mom” (slide 8)

The teacher asks questions:

Tell me, guys, why do you love your mothers? (children from the audience speak)

- Kindness. Every mother who loves her child has this quality. (Slide 9)

1st grade poem

Our dear mother!

These gentle lines are for you,

The sweetest and most beautiful,

The kindest on this earth.

Tenderness. This property of the soul can be seen in the mother’s gaze, heard in her voice.-.(slide10)

1st grade poem

There is the most tender word in the world:

It is pronounced by children in infancy,

He is remembered in separation and torment -


Wisdom, the ability to intelligently solve various complex issues and give wise advice.(slide 11)

1st grade poem

Mother! What a good word!

Mom is ready to be there all the time

In times of misfortune she is always there,

He will support you with a smile, a word, and a look.

He will share hopes, comfort, understand.

He will confidently go through life next to him.

You can always trust her without looking back,

It’s not difficult to trust her with any secret.

Both day and dark night, children wait for their mother's love and affection. For this, children pay their mothers with gratitude and tender love.

Mother's love... she gives strength to the weak, helps those who doubt, and inspires many to heroism. (Slide 12)

My dear man. (Reader)

“You, daughter, are 10 years old

And you’re already big,”

My mother tells me every day,

Braiding pigtails.

And I want to cuddle up to her,

Hug her around the neck.

And I quietly whisper:

“You, mom, are the cutest of all!

When you lie down to rest,

I'll sit and sit.

Wake up - I'll see you again

I surround you with care.

I'm ready to sing for you

Knit and embroider.

You are my gift, a talisman,

And we are together forever!

And we are not afraid of thunder, storm,

My dear man.

Presenter 2

(melody "Baby Mammoth") - backing track (slide 13)

And now, guys, we will praise our mothers, repeating these words all together, in unison:

    The sun is brighter for me - MOTHER!

    Peace and happiness for me - MOM!

    The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - MOTHER!

    The call of the flying cranes - MOTHER!

    The spring water is pure - MAMA!

    There is a bright star in the sky - MAMA!

Sketch and “Three Mothers” (primary grades) (slide 14)

There are 4 chairs at the table. Tanyusha is sitting on one with a doll.


Tanyusha in the evening
I came from a walk
And she asked the doll...


How are you, daughter?
Again you got dirty
Hands and feet,
She probably played
With a dog and a cat?
Again you climbed
Under the table, fidget?
I sat there again
All day without lunch?
With these daughters
Just a disaster!
Soon you will be
Like a match, thin.
Go to lunch, spinner!"

(Sits the doll next to the table.)


Tanya's mom
I came home from work
And Tanya asked...


“How are you, daughter?
I started playing again
Probably in the garden?
I managed again
Forget about food?
“Have lunch!” –
Granny screamed 100 times
And you answered:
"Now yes now"
With these daughters -
Just a disaster!

(Seats her daughter at the table.)


Grandma is here
Mom's mom, she's here
And I asked my mother:


How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital
For the whole day
Again for food
There wasn't a moment to spare
And in the evening I ate
Dry sandwich.
After all, you have so much
There are worries and troubles.
You can't sit
A whole day without lunch
I've already become a doctor,
And everyone is restless.
You, my dear, are so young...
With these daughters
Just a disaster!

(Mom sits down at the table, grandmother arranges the cups.)


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room.
Three mothers look at their daughters:
What to do with stubborn daughters?


Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Presenter 1.

Let's play with you now. (slide 15 -20)

5th grade kids are visiting with riddles.

    What kind of house is this, even in summer it’s cold in it? (refrigerator)

    If a river runs through a pipe into your house and rules it - what do we call it? (plumbing)

    And it shines and glitters, it doesn’t flatter anyone, but it will tell anyone the truth - it will tell him everything as it is? (mirror)

    Rubber Akulinka went for a walk on the back. And while she was walking, her back became pink. (soap)

    Am I sitting in the locker room, holding my coat hanging? (hanger)

Presenter 2 Quiz on fairy tales. Be careful. Children can help their mothers. (slide 21- 29)

Presenter 2

Game “Guess the flowers according to the tasks (slide 30-40)

Presenter 1

Did you know? “This is what our mothers are like!” - (slide 41)

Mothers who are not qualified cooks cook more than 500 types of a wide variety of dishes during their lives;

On average, mothers spend more than 3,000 sleepless hours at the bedside of their sick children;

They also wash mountains of laundry. If you add up all the washed laundry, you will get a mountain as tall as Elbrus;

If you fold all the towels they have ironed, you will get a belt for the entire globe;

Mothers also sing songs, read poems, knit and sew;

They are happy and sad... most often because of us, children;

And mothers cry. Mom’s tears are a sea or even an ocean, which can be called the Ocean of Sadness;

And being a mother means seeing the happy faces of your children, and if the children have grown up and moved away, then waiting for them.


We graduated from our school, the graduates have moved away, each has their own destiny: someone got married, Ruslan Sochnev and Egor Zapopatko are serving in the army, many are studying, and their mothers are waiting for them... On behalf of the graduates of our school, the song “Bogomolitsa” sounds for all mothers "(slide 42)

(song by S. Lazareva“Bogomolitsa” and photos of graduates)

All participants come out and read the poem in turn.(slide 43-44)

Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice.
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness,
“Thank you” for everything I say to you.
Live, smile through adversity,
We will share the worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
We will illuminate your life path with love.

Saying “thank you” is not enough.
We are all in your debt.
God bless you, mom,
A big wish from the bottom of my heart.
Your warmth, your goodness,
It always surrounds us.

We cherish your love sacredly.

You caressed us, you understood.
We say “thank you” to you for everything,
Live longer without knowing old age.

Let your dreams be calm and easy,
We love you very much, dear,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!
Today our whole family
We are celebrating a big day.

We praise all women

Thank you,

For beauty, for kindness and for tenderness.

Do you remember - we love you very much,

And we will try to live up to expectations.

We praise you, whose name is Woman.

Peace and happiness to your home, your family, your family.

Peace and happiness to the land on which you walk, Woman.

After all, the earth itself rotates

Only because you walk on it.

Our mother is our joy,

There is no word for us that is dearer,

So please accept my gratitude

To you from loving children.

(gifts) The song of the Baby Mammoth sounds. (slide 45)

Mother's Day is coming very soon. This holiday will be celebrated in schools by students of all classes and ages. That's why we came up with a universal scenario for celebrating Mother's Day at school with an interesting presentation. Our scenario is different in that we will not just give gifts to mothers, but will do it in the form of a game. Namely, we will hold a win-win lottery. Pupils, both junior and senior students, can actively participate in the scenario. After all, it will be better and brighter.

Good afternoon, my friends!
It is not in vain that we have gathered here today.
We congratulate all mothers today,
We wish you all health, love and happiness!
And we don’t just congratulate you,
And we will show the concert for you!
So make yourself comfortable,
And get ready to clap your hearts out for us!

Two boys come onto the stage. They are talking.

Boy 1:
Damn, who came up with Mother's Day in November? It's almost winter, it's already so cold!

Boy 2:
Yes, winter! And flowers don’t grow in winter, and it’s so cold to go to the store to buy them!

Boy 1:
That's for sure. Maybe we shouldn't go for flowers? Let's come up with something else, otherwise it's the same thing every year! Moms are probably already tired of receiving flowers.

Boy 2:
So what do you suggest?

Boy 1:
Let's go, I'll tell you along the way!

And they leave the stage.
The other two children come on stage.

Child 1:
Damn, adults are like that, they are like that! They think that only they are right in everything and always!

Child 2:
It's exactly like we don't have an opinion. I want to speak out the same way and influence the decision-making. For example, yesterday they cooked fish for me again. And I say that I don’t like fish! So they tell me - fish is good for the mind and bones! But I’m both smart and bony!

Child 1:
This is definitely a problem with adults! This is the rule - when I eat, I am deaf and dumb! Who invented it? I was late for dinner yesterday, and I just wanted to say something, so I immediately - shut your mouth and eat in silence! And when I ate, they asked me - what did you want to say? I answer - in the hallway the youngest takes condensed milk and spills it on his shoes! And I was punished for not telling them this right away! That’s what I wanted to say, but they didn’t let me, because when I eat, I’m deaf and dumb!

Child 2:
Yes, this is the highest degree of injustice! Well, it’s not all bad, you can manipulate adults too!

Child 1:
Yes? and how?

Child 2:
My parents force me to play the violin in the evenings, and they themselves go for a walk. And so that I can play, they buy me ice cream. And my neighbor, so that I don’t play, buys me three ice creams! This is how I “sweetly” spend my evenings in the company of four ice creams!

Child 1:
Cool! This is how I want to spend my evenings!

Child 2:
Let's go, let's figure out how else we can make sure that our parents go out, and we feel good and sweet!

And the children leave the stage.
Music sounds, schoolchildren appear on stage and perform ditties.


We congratulate mothers,
And we wish them health!
Our mothers are the best
We love your laughter!

I'll help mom in the morning,
I'll sweep the floor for her.
And I’ll help her at lunchtime,
I’ll sleep for her at lunchtime!

I love my mommy
And I’ll give her flowers!
But I don’t like my neighbor
He's got flowers!

I'm really looking forward to Saturday
I'll spend Saturday with my mom!
We'll visit guests,
And spend time together!

Mom and I will go for a walk,
We'll have fun jumping around.
Along the roads, along the alleys,
Let's dance together!

Children who wanted to go for flowers, but went for something else (those who were the very first to go on stage) return to the stage.

Child 1:
Dear mothers!

Child 2:
Every year we give you flowers.

Child 1:
Yes, they are beautiful, but they quickly fade and are forgotten.

Child 2:
Therefore, this year we decided to give you something that you will keep for a long time, and you will remember both us and this holiday.

Child 1:
But since the gifts are different, we don’t know which ones to give and to whom. Therefore, a win-win lottery awaits us!

A win-win lottery is being held. You can carry it out according to your own rules, we offer you here's how.
Mothers take turns going on stage and taking out one number at a time. And each number corresponds to a gift.

Number 1.
You got the first number,
And you get this chest!
You store your wealth in it,
And take care of them in it!
(a chest or casket is presented)

Number 2.
Number number two!
We congratulate you!
And a soft, gentle towel
We give it to you!
(gift towel)

Number 3.
And we will give you from the bottom of our hearts,
These are sweet perfumes!
(perfume gift)

Number 4.
Number four
What a success!
Hair comb,
And scissors to boot!
(gift comb and scissors)

Number 5.
You have number five
And this is simply top class!
We will give you a rolling pin,
You will need it in the kitchen!
(gift rolling pin)

Number 6.
Winter is coming
The cold weather has arrived.
Gloves for cold weather
They will always save you!
(gift of gloves)

Number 7.
Number seven is a lucky number!
A surprise for you - a gift!
(any surprise gift is given)

Number 8.
I give you a photo frame,
Insert your photo into it!
(gift photo frame)

Number 9.
You will receive a warm scarf,
Save your throat!
(gift scarf)

Number 10.
Number ten - get it!
And you will go home with a gift.
And the gift for you is not simple,
It's in the box like this!
(candy gift in a box)

The abstract is presented on 12 sheets and is accompanied by a colorful presentation.

The progress of the holiday

Presentation "Mom"

Presenter 1.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries!
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

Conjuring from any misfortune
(She really has a lot to offer!)
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud exalted mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And so it stands for centuries
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is molded with traces
No matter how many paths you walk,
Apple tree - decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun forever applaud her,
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms! .

Presenter 2.

Playing with primordial power
Mother nature created the world,
And, apparently, she invested in a woman
All the beauty and grace.
History is stubbornly silent
We hear the names of men
And the woman remained a mother,
And we honor her for that.

“Hello, today we are pleased to welcome our dear guests, all the children, and, of course, the sweetest, beloved and only mothers to this hall!” “Oh, how wonderful this word is: “mother”! Today we would like to give pleasant moments of joy to the mothers sitting in the hall, and twice to mothers and grandmothers. I think it will be fair if today all attention is paid only to you - our relatives! After all, today is Mother’s Day.”

Presenter 1.

The words “mother” and “mother” are among the most ancient on earth and sound almost identical in languages different nations. Mom, mommy! How much warmth is hidden in the magic word that is used to call the closest, dearest, only person. Mom watches our path in life. Mother's love warms us until old age.

Presenter 2.

Mom not only doesn’t get enough sleep at night, she worries and takes care that the child is healthy, well-fed, cheerful, and happy. Mother is the window to big world. It helps the child understand the beauty of the world: the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... these are beauty lessons for life...

(Ballroom dance performed)


From the bottom of my heart in simple words
Let's talk about mom, friends.
We love her like good friend
Because she and I have everything together.
Because when things get tough for us,
We can cry at our own shoulder.

We love her because sometimes
It becomes stricter in the wrinkles of the eyes,
But it’s worth confessing your head,
The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.

For always being straightforward and straightforward,
We can open our hearts to her.
And simply because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and tenderly.

There is the most tender word in the world:

It is pronounced by children in infancy,

He is remembered in separation and torment -

Let our feelings come out -

You warm like the sun, both in the rain and in the cold,

Your mother's hands can do anything -

Forgive us for our involuntary grievances,

Nights without sleep don't make things any more beautiful.

Oh, how stubborn we can be sometimes,

We will be in your debt forever.

We are eternally grateful to you for everything.

Be the happiest, most loved,

Nobody knows everything like a mother

No one understands like a mother,

No one can caress like that

No one has compassion like a mother.

No one can give like a mother,

No one can forgive like a mother.

And so to love and expect

No one like a mother can either.

Who spins when we
Sad at times.
How much joy does mom have?
If someone praises us.
How much torment she had with us,
And she doesn’t need awards,
Mothers dream of one thing -
About the love of your children.

If it hurts me,

Mom with a kind hand

Soothes pain

And brings with it peace.

And when the toy is new

I rejoice loudly

Smiles with me

My dear mother.

Let the wind carry with it

What I will reveal to everyone:

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mother is the best.

This happens -

The dog barks.

The rosehip will prick,

The nettle will sting.

And at night I’ll dream

A huge hole.

You'll fail

As you fall, you will shout:

And mom will appear

Next to me

And everything that scared

It will pass by.

She will smile -

The splinters will disappear

Scratches, abrasions,

Bitter tears…

“What luck! –

I'll think -

What is the best mother?

Mom is loved by everyone in the world.

Mom is your best friend!

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around!

If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble -

Mommy will come to the rescue

Always helps!

Moms have a lot of strength and health

They give it to all of us.

So, the truth is not in the world

Better than our mothers!

Happy holiday today

Congratulations to mom,

I'm holding you tight by the neck

I hug my mom.

The most beautiful

My mommy.

Obedient all day...

I promise to be.

Who warms with love,

Everything in the world succeeds,

Even play a little?

Who will always console you,

And he washes and combs his hair,

Kisses on the cheek - smack?

That's what she's always like -

My dear mother!

Mom can, without shame,

Give the medal "Hero of Labor"

All her deeds cannot be counted,

There's not even time to sit down

And cooks and washes,

Reads a bedtime story

And in the morning with great desire

Mom goes to work

And then - shopping.

No, we can’t live without our mother.

We are happy to arrange a holiday

I'm sorry for nothing

Only one reward for everything

And one sadness for all,

So that we learn willingly

Don't disgrace the class

So that people can turn out to be honest among us.

So that we don't live in vain

On your own land

And we haven’t forgotten yet

Never about her.

We are simple girls

We are simple boys

We declare to the whole world

What is more valuable than mom?

There is no man!

We are wonderful gifts

We give it to mom for the holiday

Bouquets of bright flowers,

Red air balloon.

We also give a song,

It rings and flows,

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

(The song sounds based on A. Pugacheva’s song “Daughter”)

And today is a special day for us,

Most best holiday- Mother's Day!

The holiday is the most tender, the kindest.

He is, of course, very dear to us!


We'll bake for mom

The pie is big - big,

Fragrant and rosy,

A little golden.

And on this day we decided

My dad and sister and I

What will we all do

For mommy dear!

Dad and I have been wise for so long:

What good could we do?

And they decided to congratulate the mothers with a song.

We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!



Presenter 2.

Today we are holding a fun competition and game program. Five teams take part in the game.

(The presenter introduces the competition participants)

Presenter 1.

Our first competition is called “Presentation”. In this competition, our participants will have to talk about their family and joint hobbies.

(The “Presentation” competition is taking place)

Presenter 2.

While the jury is summing up the results of the first competition, we will watch the sketch “Three Mothers”

(The sketch “Three Mothers” is performed)

(There are four chairs around the table. In the foreground is a toy chair with an elegant doll sitting on it. To the side are other toys).


Tanyusha in the evening

I came from a walk

And the doll asked:


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are in real trouble!

Go to lunch, spinner!

(Takes the doll and places it at the table)


Tanya's mom came home from work

And Tanya asked:


How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

"Dinner!" - Grandma shouted a hundred times,

And you answered: “Now and now.”

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be like a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!


Here grandma, my mother's mother, came

And I asked my mother:


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

There's no time left for food again?

Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?

You can't work all day without lunch!

Soon you will be like a matchstick.

These daughters are just a disaster,

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still a fidget.

Go to lunch, spinner!


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters -

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Presenter 1.

Let's continue competitive program. What will the next competition be like? You decide for yourself by tearing off a petal and saying the magic words

Fly, fly, petal,

Through joy and delight

Just touch your hand

Read the assignment for us.

Competition "Shifters"

We replaced each word in the proverb with almost the opposite meaning. Your task is to return the proverb to its original form.

— The new enemy is worse than the old nine ( old friend better than the new two)

- Sell the stroller in winter and the dump truck in summer (prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter)

— Milk boils over standing sand (water does not flow under a lying stone)

- The night is fun in the morning, because there is no one to rest (The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do)

- With laziness you will catch a bird in the forest (Without difficulty you will not catch a fish from a pond)

Competition "Sensitive Heart"

They say that a mother feels her child in her heart. Each mother, blindfolded, touching only the children's hands or heads, must choose her own.

Concert number

In the house good deeds busy,
Quietly, kindness walks around the apartment.
Good morning here.
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where do you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house,
What comes from this kindness
Flowers are taking root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I'll answer you straight:
This is mom, mom, mom!

"Overtaking" competition

All teams take part in this competition at once. The task of the participants is to guess the intended word faster than others.

- This is in every home

— This word consists of a root, a prefix, a suffix and the ending A

— They can be different, for example, wooden

— This word begins with the same letter as the capital of France.

- You can attach something to her

- This word has the same root with the missing word “They cut down the forest, ... fly”

- Usually they are on a rope

— They are used to hang clothes after washing

Competition "Friendly Family"

This competition will help us determine the most friendly family, where everyone knows each other well. The presenter asks a question, the mother writes the answer on a piece of paper, and the child gives the answer out loud. Whoever has the most matches will be the winner of this competition.

— What is mom’s favorite dish?

— What color are mom’s eyes?

— What perfume does mom use?

— Mom’s favorite flowers?

— Mom’s favorite TV show.

— How does mom spend her free time?

- What could upset mom?

— What words does your mother greet you with when you return from school?

— What would my mother spend her winnings of one million rubles on?

— How do you help your mother around the house?

(A game is played with the audience. Two mothers participate. Boys stand around the first, girls around the second. Everyone runs around or dances to the music (mothers too). At the end of the music, everyone must stand next to “their” mother. The game is repeated with other mothers)

Competition "Culinary"

Our mothers have another profession - housewife. The house rests on mom. They take care of children and husbands, cook, clean and know how to do a lot. Do you know that during the year mothers wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year. During the year, our mothers walk more than 2000 km for shopping.

Determine the name of the dish based on the set of products

- 5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, teaspoon salt, teaspoon soda (biscuit dough)

- 3 cups milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 25 g butter, 0.5 teaspoon sugar, 0.5 teaspoon salt, minced meat(pancakes with meat)

- 4-5 boiled potatoes, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 2 pickled cucumbers, 1 fresh or soaked apple, 100 g sauerkraut, 50 g green onions, 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil, ¼ cup vinegar, 1 teaspoon mustard, sugar to taste (vinaigrette)

- For 400 g of fatty lamb - 2-3 cups of rice, 200 - 300 g of carrots, 150 - 200 g of onion, 200 g of lamb (or beef) lard or vegetable oil, salt, salt, pepper (Uzbek pilaf)

- 500 g cottage cheese, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons sour cream, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons semolina, 100 g raisins, ¼ vanillin powder, 1 cup berry or fruit syrup, 3 tablespoons butter (curd casserole)

Competition "Literary"

Today we will see how well our participants know fairy tales. In 5 seconds you need to find the answer to the question asked. Either the mother or the child can answer. If participants do not answer a question, it goes to the next one. So we ask questions and you answer.

— A fabulous creature who knew how to mint gold coins with the blow of a hoof (antelope)

— Chip and Dale - what animals are these? (chipmunks)

— Snake from the book “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” (Basilisk)

— He visited the land of Lilliputians and giants (Gulliver)

— He used a heating device as transport (Emelya)

— The bird that became the wife of Prince Guidon (Swan)

— What title did Puss in Boots give to his master (marquis)

— The scientist cat told tales, heading in this direction (to the right)

— A shrub with beautiful white flowers, which gave the name to this heroine (Jasmine)

- In fairy tales it is said to make a miracle happen (spell)

— A genie from a bottle who performed many miracles for his savior (Hottabych)

- He is actor in Hoffmann's story about mouse king(Nutcracker)

— Fairy-tale creatures, guardians of mountain treasures (elves)

— What is the name of the heroine of one of Astrid Lindgren’s works, whose name became the title of the story (Pippi — Long Stocking)

— The tiny girl who rescued a swallow from trouble (Thumbelina)

Concert number “Ditties”

Don't be afraid for me, mom

I won't fall off my chair.

So what if I'm swinging

I'm holding on to the cup!

Mom, I broke my watch

Give me some chocolate -

After all, good always leads to evil

Everyone needs to answer!

Olya and her mother had a fight,

She sat down on the floor and roared:

- Let the stork take me back

It will carry you away in its beak!

Mom told me “you can’t”

Today exactly a thousand times!

About the abolition of an evil word

We need to issue a Decree.

- You again, dear son,

Played with hooligans.

- So I have good children

No one was allowed close.

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,

Cabbage pies –

Petya learned his lessons,

Everything and even oral!

I train with a barbell

I started to pump up my muscles,

But here's mommy's bag

I can't lift it!

Mom looks so angry

After all, I eat without appetite.

As if from this porridge

Everything depends on our happiness!

- Who is the most obedient in the family?

Tell us straight.

- Well, of course, we will answer you.

This is our mother!

Competition "Charades"

The first syllable for me means that place,

Where do the ships come from?

The second is the savior of animals on earth;

And the whole is the one who dresses us all. (tailor)

We walk on the first one,

And this is in all houses;

We find the second in the alphabet;

And the whole thing is in the closets. (shelf)

My first syllable is a preposition.

The second syllable is summer house.

And sometimes the whole

It is difficult to solve. (task)

I am made up of two syllables.

Are you ready to guess me?

From the beginning the note sounded,

Then comes the all-important seasoning.

And together I am a vegetable in the garden.

I grow in a pod in the garden. (Beans)

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole thing is in the museum

You will find it without difficulty. (painting)

Presenter 2.

The competition program has come to an end, but we continue. Let the jury sum up the results of the competition, and you, our dear, beloved, family, accept congratulations from your children.

Our dear darlings, relatives,
We promise you in unison:
First things first, get A's in class.
Drive carefully down the hill.
Don't tear new trousers.
And don't fight, don't swear
Do not break glass with washers,
Don't go into the attic
Eat soup and porridge so be it.

You mothers will forgive us and understand.
Don't you mothers scold us.
We are such children of the people.
It's hard to adjust
But don’t talk about us, dear ones.
Too worried
We love you very much - that's it!
And we don’t take a single step without you – that’s two!

We wish you peace and love,
We wish you eternal youth!
May the joys be long
And sorrows are fleeting,
Let everything be as it is
IN good fairy tale:
Good luck, thousands of flowers,
Health, laughter, smiles, happiness,
Deeds worthy of poetry.

(Children give gifts to mothers)

The jury announces the results of the competition.

(The song “We wish you happiness”)

In a world where crazy snow is swirling

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where for a long time

Sometimes we wait for news.

What would make it easier in difficult times?

Each of us really needs it, everyone really needs it

Know that there is happiness!


We wish you happiness

Happiness in this big world.

Like the sun in the morning

Let it come into the house.