Rehabilitation after abortion. Recovery after termination of pregnancy. What should you be wary of after a medical abortion?

The recovery period after a medical abortion is usually much shorter than after other types of pregnancy termination.

The current level of medical development makes it possible to carry out this operation with the least harm to a woman’s health, so that she can bear and give birth to a healthy child in the future. But for this, it is very important to follow all doctor’s prescriptions for post-abortion recovery and show up for scheduled examinations on time.

Save years of suffering by avoiding behaviors that are harmful to your well-being. . What behavior is harmful? Therefore, to avoid developing an addiction, we urge you to avoid consumption. Don't expect your friends and family, even your partner, to have all the answers to help you, especially if these people were involved in the abortion decision, they will have strong feelings to work through an abortion experience that may be different from yours. Be patient with yourself and with others. Do not punish or treat in any way. You cannot recover the loss of this pregnancy by hurting yourself. Instead, begin your recovery by trying to honestly reflect what you want to learn through this “painful episode.” You deserve rejuvenation, not harsh judgment or punishment. We want a hopeful future for you. If you have any thoughts of harming yourself, and especially if you are having suicidal thoughts, seek professional help immediately by calling your local authorities or going directly to a hospital emergency department .

  • Don't isolate yourself from loving and compassionating others.
  • Don't bury your burdens or try to hide your thoughts about abortion.
  • If you don't feel good, don't pretend everything is "right."
  • Don't deny or minimize your feelings, even if they are embarrassed.
  • They are real and common for people who have experienced abortion.
There are also two Green Numbers, which operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with specialized volunteers in capable and compassionate listening to people who are experiencing a crisis.

The first days after medical abortion

After taking the second dose of medication, it is recommended to spend some time in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. This is done in order to prevent short-term side effects: allergies to drugs, severe vomiting. If such reactions do not make themselves felt, you can go home.

They are determined to care about who is behind suicide, despair, loneliness and depression. What are normal reactions immediately after an abortion? This feeling of relief has a lot to do with it. To know that abortions have ended with the fears and fears associated with pregnancy. The loss of a child, even for a “voluntary” abortion, is not an erasable event. You must go through mourning, don't avoid it. We share with you the poem that appears on our page and let Christ speak the words for you.

Medical abortion in one of the private clinics

The endless conversation will be decided in Him. Don't worry. Be sweet, be gentle with those who go in mourning. If this is you, be nice to yourself. Quit now, go slow and take plenty of breaks. Be gentle with yourself as you walk through mourning. - Celtic prayer opened in a small chapel in England.

It is advisable that at this time there is someone close to you at home who could, if necessary, provide first aid.

Most often, women complain of severe pain and intense bleeding. This is a natural reaction to the effects of drugs. To relieve pain, take no-shpa or other medications recommended by your doctor.

Recovery after medical abortion

We will endeavor to respond to you within 48 hours, if not sooner. If this site was shown to you by a friend or relative, you may have already found someone who is interested in you. A friend always loves, especially in the darkest moments of life. The friendship of a confident person can help you essentially move beyond the darkness of the present moment into a future touched by light and a future full of hope. Poliaki during a protest in Warsaw.

The last days at Mike Mill are very triggered by the madness that is happening in Poland. One European country is moving to ban all abortions and criminalize them, regardless of whether the concept is desirable, whether it is the result of violence, or whether the fetus is so damaged that it has no chance of life.

Bleeding is also considered normal if it does not exceed 1-2 large pads per hour. Otherwise, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Bleeding usually lasts 2-3 days, turning into weak spotting, which ends on average after a week, sometimes can last up to a month.

A few days after the abortion, a repeat ultrasound is prescribed to make sure that the fertilized egg has come out of the uterus. In 2−5% of cases this does not happen, and the pregnancy develops further. Then the doctor, at his discretion, recommends a vacuum or surgical abortion.

“I feel my thumbs itching, so evil is on the way!” The world has already discovered a nuclear reactor, a credit card, contraception and a computer modem. The world once traveled the Earth, set foot on the Moon and wore sunglasses. And he expects the world to return after work, his wife getting ready, dressed, taking care of the children, paid, entertained and providing the comfort and coziness that the world deems necessary. And in just one day, they became a historical benchmark in the fight for equality.

A long Friday passed, and the world again saw that she had already accepted a woman as an equal. Science influences progress and quality of life through technology and modern medicine. The intellectual world is being transformed by enormous scientific advances, spanning the material world from elementary particles to billions of galaxies in an expanding universe.

The day drug-induced bleeding begins is considered the first day of the cycle. The next menstruation begins in the usual number of days.

Recovery after abortion

  • In the first month after an abortion, it is recommended to exclude all options for immersion in water: bath, swimming pool, ponds. You can only wash in the shower. This prevents pathogenic microbes from entering the internal genital organs through the vagina.
  • You should avoid physical activity for a month, including active sports. It is advisable to get more rest.
  • You need to eat well, take B vitamins and folic acid.
  • It is necessary to be attentive to changes in the state of the body, especially monitor the nature of the discharge from the uterus. If they become much more abundant than always, have an unpleasant odor and are accompanied by burning, itching or cause any discomfort, you need to consult a gynecologist.
  • You should abstain from sexual activity until the end of your first menstruation.
  • If after 3 months menstrual cycle does not return to normal, you may need to take hormone tests and correct deviations from the norm.
  • It is advisable to avoid pregnancy in the first six months after an abortion so that the body has time to fully recover.

Medical abortion in one of the private clinics

When a woman, for whatever reason, decides to terminate her pregnancy, it is important that doctors pay as much attention to her health as possible. Experienced specialists from private clinics will do everything to ensure that this period of a woman’s life is as traumatic as possible for her.

The world enjoys the happiness of these achievements, the sunglasses are already three-dimensional, but still, as it was ten years ago, the world is expected to return after work, his wife cooks, dresses, takes care of the children who paid the salary, entertains him and everything to to create the comfort and convenience that the World feels it is entitled to. On the streets of Dublin, also known as the "City of Youth", angry crowds are tolerated due to the average age of its residents. The case is the death of a young woman of Indian origin who died of sepsis in the 17th week of pregnancy due to doctors' refusal to perform an abortion for medical reasons.

Private clinics have been offering this medical service for several years. Doctors at private clinics have experience in terminating unwanted pregnancies in a variety of situations and indications.

Think again about all the pros and cons and, if you still decide to terminate your pregnancy, our Help Desk for private clinics in Moscow “Your Doctor” will help you find a medical facility in an area close to your residence and make an appointment with a gynecologist at a time convenient for you time.

By this date, abortion was criminalized in Ireland. A year later, an angry civil society in Ireland will succeed in making Savita Halapanavar's death not unjustified - she will succeed in making changes, and the legal ban on abortion in Catholic Ireland is cracked after Parliament allows abortion for medical reasons. The Friday on which Savita dies has no name. But she will remain black for her relatives.

The black women dressed up on the streets of Warsaw wear their bright minds and refuse to turn their wombs into a piece of something else, even if it were legal. And, in general, women in the world, and we, the women in Bulgaria told them, we will not mess around, we will wear our black sweaters, open our bright minds and walk side by side. For your right to be free not only in your mind, but also in your bodies.

Whatever the reason for the abortion, the woman needs physical and psychological rehabilitation. During this difficult period of life, the body needs to be helped to overcome stress and prevent possible complications.

Post-abortion risks

A few months ago, news from the world media showed that the Polish parliament, supported by the Catholic Church, discussed the criminalization of all abortions. Simply put - a complete ban. Whether you are dying, whether the fetus is dying and killing you, whether you want to be a mother or a victim of sexual assault. With civil unrest in the country ongoing for months, the Polish government and president have voiced their support for proposed legislative changes.

Restoring regular periods after an abortion

The Prime Minister of Poland is Catholic. Only a few months ago, having felt massive public pressure, she was disconcerted that at the moment this abortion was not on the agenda, and at least pro forma shelved consideration of the bill. In fact, nothing has changed, because Catholic fundamentalism in the country, extremely strong and actively influencing the state, does not stop fighting. And for several months now, the shock of an absolute ban on abortion has been driving spirits into one of the perhaps progressive societies of the Old Continent.

Termination of pregnancy is a powerful physical and psychological trauma. And how quickly the body recovers after an abortion largely depends on the type and quality of the operation performed.

If the intervention was carried out by a specialist (vacuum aspiration) or medicinal interruption was performed, the risks of complications are reduced significantly. More difficult for rehabilitation are cases of surgical intervention - classic abortion (curettage). Such an interruption leads to a large number of complications - bleeding, perforation, infection and future infertility.

Restoring the body after medical abortion

We are well educated to have knowledge and on the dark side of life, we are brave enough not to forget this news. There are thousands of Polish women walking on the streets of Poland dressed in black. For the fact that religious fundamentalism, regardless of religion, is one of the roots of evil on this earth, there is no point in saying. The world has always been full of demons, feeding on religion, but one thing is undeniable - not gods, causing death, destruction, pain and humiliation.

And, at the risk of accusing me of militant feminism, a significant portion of these people are men. The reason they want to ban termination of pregnancy, whether due to physical or psychological abuse, and pregnancy that is harmful to the fetus or the pregnant woman is to ENHANCE THE LIFE of the pregnant woman. Vad retro, ladies legislators. You have a more important task than “saving women”, you have black souls to save.

The menstrual cycle suffers the most. With an interruption, ovarian-menstrual regulation remains completely disrupted, which can further lead to cyclic insufficiency, secondary polycystic disease, endometrial hyperplasia, and uterine fibroids. Termination of pregnancy is dangerous due to metabolic disorders (exhaustion or excessive weight gain), diseases of the mammary glands, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and the growth of benign neoplasms.

You will say that this is so, this is not the case, such a law will not be adopted in our country. But history remembers how a local problem turned into a global one. And it doesn't matter where it happens, because the earth is round - it's always close enough to have a bright red light. It is also a matter of solidarity. Women have no other strength except their unity. We are an easy target and an even easier victim. And you understand that our Church is the last problem. It begins in our heads, passes through our families, spreads through society and grows into various ultra-formations that have one main goal, formulated in different ways, but one to build our own well-being by submitting to and considering the other.

Sometimes it will take months or years for the ovarian-menstrual function to fully recover after an abortion. It all depends on age and general condition of the body. Physiologically, if menstruation begins in about a month.

Normal and pathological discharge

The simplest way is through power, the simplest target is women, children and minorities. The issue of “voluntary abortion” is not currently being implemented. The question DEFINITELY does not rely on appropriate medical manipulation. But it is precisely this medical manipulation that, barring medical urgency, there must be a decision as a result of the exercise of personal will, because it affects your body personally, and because the very existence of such a law deprives a woman of the right to even YES YOU THINK IT IS FOR FREE.

The human body belongs to no one except the person who inhabits it. And the legalization of the proposed absolute ban represents a modern manifestation of the attitude of women as something that existed in the dark times of the Middle Ages and was tested in the Maleus Maleficarum witch hunt manual. Your beautiful physical and sexual health due to the fact that at home, asking or telling you without asking something about a subject has never been a taboo. It's never too late to talk about this with your children.

After an artificial interruption, the cycle shortens or, conversely, becomes longer. Allocations may change:

  1. Scanty spotting for more than two cycles is a signal that the endometrium is not completely restored.
  2. Heavy, prolonged periods indicate that endometrial hyperplasia is developing.

If the interruption was completed without complications, normal discharge should be moderate, with a small number of clots and last from 7 to 10 days. When they last longer than this period, you should see a doctor. In this case, there is a high probability of subinvolution (violation of uterine contractility), placental polyp, hematometra, and remnants of the fertilized egg.

By the age of pre-puberty, they already know so much about men, women and the clash of hearts, bodies, minds and passions that delay their sexual education during puberty. There is a point in their growth after which our children must learn new life lessons. Playing frivolously with our body health, reckless sex, low sexual culture, poor knowledge of sexual hygiene, lack of or blurred moral boundaries are all of which we, mothers and fathers, are the main culprits.

Today the progressive world is witnessing events that are trying to bring us back. But also those that show that women can be a factor. Keep the achievements to this day and move forward. You know that feeling that overcomes you when you predict the worst?

In order for rehabilitation after an abortion to be successful and productive, it is important to adhere to several rules:

  • The first is to exclude sexual intercourse before the first postoperative menstruation ends. This must be done in order to prevent bleeding and prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the uterine cavity.
  • The second rule is to completely eliminate physical activity for two weeks and not lift weights. The abdominal muscles should recover at rest, without stress.
  • Third, avoid taking baths, swimming in open water, and visiting saunas and steam baths.

After surgery, proper genital hygiene is especially important:

  • Wash yourself at least morning and evening.
  • Avoid synthetic underwear.
  • Do not wear thongs or tight shorts.
  • Change panty liners every time you go to the toilet.
  • Don't use tampons.
  • Don't douche.

In the first days after an interruption, antibacterial solutions should be used for hygiene procedures of the genitals: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

A balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins, beneficial microelements, proteins and fiber will help a depleted body recover.

With disrupted hormonal levels, a woman can gain weight, so it is better to completely avoid sweet and starchy foods. For six months, the daily calorie content of food should be within 2500 kcal. The basis of the daily diet should include boiled, steamed and baked dishes. Fresh vegetables and fruit should be about half a kilogram daily.

How to prevent complications?

After termination of pregnancy, a woman will need a thorough examination. In addition to visiting a gynecologist, consultation with a mammologist and endocrinologist is mandatory. Specialists will help to identify late complications in a timely manner and prescribe the necessary course of treatment. The mandatory program of additional research includes:

  • Clinical tests of urine and blood
  • Vaginal smear for flora
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Cardiogram.

The attending physician may prescribe additional restorative measures. How to recover after an abortion with restorative procedures: take a massage course, manual therapy, hydrotherapy.

Psychological aspect

Of course, an interrupted pregnancy is a test and a great emotional trauma. Almost 90% of women develop post-abortion syndrome to one degree or another against this background. Signs that can help identify a mental disorder:

  • Obsessive thoughts, deep feelings of guilt.
  • Anxiety, nervousness, tearfulness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Lack of performance.
  • Unreasonable fatigue.
  • Desire for solitude.
  • Decreased libido.

If a woman has such signs, urgent measures must be taken to prevent severe depression and apathy. What is important here is the support of loved ones, heart-to-heart conversations, the opportunity to talk and communicate with those who have experienced such a period in life.

If nothing helps, and recovery after an abortion occurs with worsening signs of the syndrome, you should not hesitate and seek help from a specialist. The deeper psychological problem, the more difficult it will be to heal it and return to a normal lifestyle.

Planning a pregnancy

Reconception after vacuum aspiration or medication interruption probably already in the next cycle. But doctors advise to take precautions during this period. It is necessary to give the body the opportunity to fully recover and not risk the life and health of the unborn child.

Immediately after an abortion, and especially curettage, pregnancy may be under constant threat of failure. In addition, there is another danger: the possibility ectopic pregnancy after interruption increases sixfold.

Gynecologists insist: you need to plan a healthy conception no earlier than six months later. A year is considered the best option.

But if it so happens that pregnancy does occur, it will not be interrupted. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible and make sure everything is going well.