Biography. How old is Buinov: the artist’s personal life and his creative path Buinov Alexander biography family

Like any famous person, the biography and personal life of Alexander Buinov worries many. Moreover, there is something to gossip about here.

Back in the 70s, Buinov’s heart was won by his colleague, a woman older than him, who was married at that time. The musician remembers the few years that they were in a relationship with trepidation and warmth.

Was married three times. He first got married during his army years. The second time was on Lyudmila, because of her pregnancy, which I later regretted.

He does not consider his lovers to be mere affairs; all the women in his life, without exception, were sent to him for a reason. Each woman of Buinov played some role in his life.

The current wife of Alexander Buinov is Alena Gutman, his third wife. About professions - dermatologist.

Alena is the third wife of the famous artist, with whom he found true family happiness. Alexander Buinov’s two previous marriages did not bring him the peace and sense of security in the home front that people hope to find when starting a family. Buynov met Alena when he was still in his second marriage. A beautiful, kind and open girl won his heart forever. Now the Buynovs live in a large, hospitable house, where guests often gather. The couple have been married for more than 30 years.

Children of Alexander Buinov

In their second marriage, Alexander Buinov and Lyudmila had a daughter, Yulia (1973). And thanks to an extramarital affair, the singer also has a son, Alexey, born in 1987. Alexander Buinov’s children communicate with him. The musician maintains a particularly warm relationship with his daughter Julia and her children. Alexander Buinov loves his grandchildren very much and constantly visits them. He has three grandchildren in total: grandson Sasha (born in 2005), twin granddaughters Sofia and Daria (born in 2006).

Alena also gets along well with her husband’s daughter from her second marriage, Yulia, and considers her three children to be her grandchildren. Alexander Buinov himself is considered an unsurpassed grandfather. He dotes on his grandson Sasha and twin granddaughters Sofia and Dasha.

In 1967, Buinov made his debut in the group “Skomorokhi” as a keyboard player. In 1985, Alexander Buinov married for the third time to cosmetologist Alena Rafailovna Gutman.

In addition to Alexander, the family raised two more sons. The Buinov family lived in an area where there were a lot of punks, in Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane. In the early 60s of the last century, Alexander Buinov graduated music school. There he studied for seven years. At the same time, the Buinov family moved to Maria Ulyanova Street.

In 9th grade, Buinov and two classmates organized the “Antianarchists” ensemble. And in 1966 Buinov met Alexander Gradsky, at that time a young composer. Buynov played the piano. On December 31, 1971, Buinov was arrested for AWOL. Then there was the army. Alexander Buinov ended up in the engineering troops in Altai. The part was located in the steppe, and the nearest settlement was eleven kilometers away.

Singer Alexander Buinov admitted that he has an illegitimate son from a girl from Hungary, with whom he had a holiday romance 25 years ago.16+

By the way, it was there that Buynov met his first wife. In the mid-70s, Alexander managed to get married a second time and even have a daughter, Yulia. However, throughout the entire marriage, the singer had constant festivities “to the left.” Buinov recalls how, at the age of 25, he fell in love with a woman who was much older than himself.

The scandalous family of Alexander Buinov

I remember all my loved ones and have respect for each of them...”, recalls Alexander Buinov. In 1992, the artist graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (that is, GITIS) and received a diploma in the specialty of stage director.

Buinov jumped out of the car and miraculously escaped injury. As for the artist’s work, Buinov left the “Skomorokhi” team due to joining the army. After demobilization, the singer continued to make music, but in the Araks group. And then he moved to the “Flowers” ​​team.

Alexander Buinov: “I graduated from music school and studied at a music school

The ensemble, together with Alexander Buinov, recorded more than one hit song. Buinov’s awards, prizes and titles cannot be counted. In 2005, Alexander Buinov openly expressed his position on Khodorkovsky’s trial and signed a letter “In support of the verdict by the former head of Yukos.”

In this case it was me,” admits Alexander Buinov

From the daughter there is a grandson Alexander (November 2005), granddaughters Daria and Sophia (2006), all of them bear the surname Buinov. Third wife (since 1985) - Buynova (maiden Gutman) Elena (Alena) Rafailovna (born June 19, 1960) cosmetologist, producer. According to Buinov, Alena is the most desirable woman in his life, but there are no children in this marriage. Popular singer Alexander Buinov, who celebrated his 65th birthday last year, is known for his incredible love for his growing grandson and twin granddaughters.

In the spring of 1994, Alexander Buinov unexpectedly found himself in two unpleasant situations at once.

Today Dashka and Sofya Buinov are seven years old (well, seven). In the center - for comparison - I am. Happy Birthday, girls! Run, jump, exercise, bury your gadgets in the ground! Long live happy childhood!”, wrote Alexander Buinov. Popular singer Alexander Buinov, who is these days celebrating thirty years of happy married life with his beloved wife Alena, admitted that the relationship in their family has never been idyllic.

I went into a “dog” store, saw a dog’s “trail” with the inscription “good”, well, I think it will be just right for mine! Been laughing all morning! We made peace, of course,” wrote Alexander Buinov. Congratulations!”, fans of Alexander Buinov reacted to the story about his personal life.

Alexander Buinov's wife Alena is very jealous

When giving interviews to journalists, the famous grandfather always talks about his heirs, how he participates in their upbringing and considers his grandchildren his most important reward. Select the text with the error, press Ctrl+Enter and inform the editor. Sasha began studying music very early, at the age of five, when he entered a music school to study piano.

Russian singer Alexander Buinov congratulated his wife Alena on her 30th anniversary of family life. He published a post on Instagram

However, Alexander did not become a classical musician; he was fascinated by rock music, and he began playing in the group “Skomorokhi”. Then Buinov began writing songs. In 1968 he joined the army. Returning, he studied at the school for two years. Gnesins in the conducting and choral department. Already a famous singer, in 1992, Buinov graduated from the directing department of GITIS.

The 90s became the culmination of Buinov’s career. In 1996, Buynov took part in a concert tour in support of B.N. Yeltsin. His older brother Arkady Buinov, who worked as a producer of ORT music programs, sings in the choir of the church in the village of Litvinovo in the Moscow region.

The marriage lasted two years. In 2006, Buinov’s first wife died tragically. Alexander Buinov, singer: “I recently talked with my illegitimate son. Alexander Buinov: “For about a week, probably ten days, there was mad love. Alexander Buynov: “I look at other women with pleasure, but I love Alena. Over the years it becomes more interesting with each other.” Alexander Buinov: “Alena was nearby. I was in slight shock. The girl said she had no complaints.”

Buinov is all right with Alena and he swears that he never even cheated on her

Alexander Buinov: “They wanted to kick him out of school. I stood up to the head teacher and the director.” All year Russian singer Alexander Buinov fought for his life and, according to medical luminaries, the disease completely receded. It is worth noting that even before his illness, Buinov, a lover of women, willingly flirted with every pretty girl. For example, at the anniversary of Radio Dacha, Alexander Buinov danced merrily in the company of a pretty lady, and at the end of the dance they kissed passionately.

In 2012, Alexander Buinov participated in the “Battle of the Choirs” project on the Rossiya channel. This is how I sometimes managed to go on dates,” explained Alexander Buinov. In 1998, Buinov voiced the role of Rasputin in Russian in the Hollywood feature-length cartoon “Anastasia”.

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As we know, our country is rich in talent. Today we will tell you about life famous singer Alexandra Buinova.

Why about Buynov?

We were interested in the biography of Alexander Buinov - a singer, composer, actor, whose formative period was in the 60s and 70s. These, as you know, are the times of the hippies and the Thaw. The musician’s creativity flourished in the 80s and 90s, and his creative potential, despite everything, does not fade to this day.

Perhaps that is why singer Alexander Buinov, biography and creative path This man is still of interest to many. The life of Alexander Buinov, like any other creative personality, is full of many bright events that intrigue his many fans. And of course, we will do everything to satisfy this curiosity.

Buynov's childhood and youth

Singer Alexander Buynov ( full name- Nikolaevich) was born in Moscow on March 24, 1950. Alexander Buinov's family was large: his parents, the future singer and his two more brothers, one of whom, Arkady, is also associated with music.

Buinov's father was a military pilot, and his mother had a musical education, so as a child the boy was forced to go to music school.

The area in which the Buinovs lived was criminal, so from childhood the future singer had to learn to defend himself from hooligans. So, he became friends with them and became like them: he loved to spend time on the street, fought, broke glass, swore and even dealt with explosives. One such experiment was unsuccessful, and the boy injured his eye, after which he had to wear glasses all his life.

In the 60s, the fashion for rock came, and the future singer nevertheless graduated from music school. He even founded his own group, and later joined Alexander Gradsky’s group “Skomorokhi”.

Buynov's early years

The biography of Alexander Buinov in his youth is connected with the search for his creative path. At this time he met such celebrities as Alla Pugacheva.

In the late 70s and early 80s of the twentieth century, Buinov worked as part of the “Jolly Fellows” team. During the International Olympics held in 1980, Buinov recorded many foreign hits.

Career blossoming

The biography of Alexander Buinov during the heyday of his career is characterized by many areas of activity. Since the late 80s, Alexander Buinov worked in many places, was a singer, musician, artist, until he rose to become the artistic director of the Chao ensemble.

In the 90s, Buinov’s abilities were fully revealed, he performed as a soloist, became the director of his own show programs and numerous concerts, his songs were already hits, the videos of those times are now true classics of that time.

Since the mid-90s, Buinov was already known not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Europe, Israel, and America.

His albums gained popularity: “Islands of Love”, “Finance Sings Romances”, “Cold and Ice” and many of his songs.

In the late nineties, Buinov voiced Rasputin in the US-produced cartoon “Anastasia”, was on the jury of the show “Stars of the 21st Century”, and starred in the film “Old Songs about the Main Thing”.

How does a musician live now?

Now Alexander Buinov is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, who has won the “Song of the Year” music festival many times and has many other awards. Today, almost no official event or holiday is complete without his performance.

Alexander Buynov is one of the most significant figures in the world of modern show business. Having become a veteran of the Soviet and Russian stage, he takes part in many events, projects and celebrations, but at the same time considers himself a person far from politics.

Buinov, as before, considers it necessary to deal only with his creativity. His songs, like the songs of any artist, today can be easily found and downloaded online for free. There is even a musician’s personal website on the Internet, where anyone can visit.

The only thing we can add about Alexander Buinov’s personal preferences in music is that they have now changed towards the classics. Buinov, as always, values ​​his listeners, but prefers to lead a quieter life, devote less time to journalists and more to his family. He still loves horses, cars and beautiful women.

About the singer's personal life

Alexander met his first wife, Vdovina Lyubov Vasilievna, in the army, but they life together was short-lived. In her youth, the girl was very beautiful, her life ended tragically at the age of 49, she died in a fire. In the 70s, Buinov married again, his new wife’s name was Lyudmila, and with her the singer had a daughter, Yulia.

Today Alexander Buinov, whose personal life was turbulent for many years, has two adult children - a daughter and a son, and a grandson. The singer himself is already 65 years old. Alexander Buynov, whose wife died tragically, now began to value life and his family. Alexander Buinov’s current wife, Alena, is also his personal image consultant.

Fight against cancer

Many years ago, doctors diagnosed the singer with a serious illness - cancer. It may seem very strange to some, but many creative people are subject to this terrible diagnosis. Many celebrities have had this disease and died from it. Perhaps the mental and emotional predisposition of certain people to this disease is to blame. After all, cancer, as we know, can appear not only from bad heredity, but also from an excess of experiences. This led to the premature death of many, but in the case of Alexander Buinov everything ended well. According to him, it was his innate optimism that helped him finally overcome the disease.

Rumors about the disease are far-fetched

As you know, not all people are friendly and responsive, especially towards celebrities. Many people simply envy them and therefore strive to do harm and ruin their lives in every possible way. Once upon a time A. Buinov actually suffered from cancer. And now the topic “what is wrong with Alexander Buinov”, the topic of relapse of the disease, periodically pops up in various media. But rumors about the return of the singer’s terrible illness have no basis. Buinov himself is very dissatisfied with what is happening. “People, take care of yourself, stop prying into other people’s personal lives!” - this is his position in life, which quite logically appeals to many.

According to the singer, now, at sixty-five years old, he feels good and is constantly working on new creative projects.

Recipes for happiness from Buinov

What is the secret of the singer’s optimism and creative longevity? In one of the interviews, he revealed his simple secrets. Here are some of them:

  1. Having a job you love helps you never get discouraged.
  2. If suddenly something doesn’t work out, you should definitely switch, try yourself in a related activity, or take a short break to rethink your actions.
  3. Pay due attention to rest.
  4. Having a hobby helps you not to be depressed. Buinov's most famous hobbies are collecting cars and football - the favorite game of millions of people around the world.
  5. You need to enjoy every day, not spoil each other’s mood over trifles, let pedestrians pass at the intersection and not get angry at novice drivers.
  6. Appreciate life and those who remain close to you, no matter what.

These are the secrets of success from Buinov. In general, they are universal and will be quite useful for many.

Alexander Buinov wishes all the admirers of his talent all the best and assures that he will certainly delight them with his performances for a very long time. We hope that the detailed biography of Alexander Buinov that we provided told us a lot of new things about his life path.

Alexander Nikolaevich Buynov. Born on March 24, 1950 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer, actor, musician, composer. People's Artist Russian Federation (2010).

Alexander Buinov was born on March 24, 1950 in Moscow (previously, the place where he was born was a military town at an airfield).

Among his ancestors, the emphasis in the surname was on the first syllable.

Father - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Buinov (b. 1911), from the family of the dispossessed blacksmith Alexander Buinov, owner of one of the two forges that existed in those years in the city of Efremov, Tula region. He was a pilot and a good athlete.

Mother - Klavdiya Mikhailovna Buinova (born 1912) (nee Kosova), musician, studied piano at the conservatory and graduated with honors.

In addition to Alexander, there were three more brothers in the family - Vladimir, Arkady, Andrey. All received primary musical education.

Vladimir, a jazz pianist and improviser, died in an accident in the 1980s before he turned 40.

Arkady - worked in the conducting group of the Military Academy. Frunze, a radio correspondent, then switched to television, collaborating with Svyatoslav Belza. Over 20 years of work, he became a producer of music programs on the Kultura TV channel. Now a pensioner, he is a singer in the choir of the Church of the Archangel Michael in the village of Zagornovo, Ramensky district, Moscow region.

Andrey is a music teacher, founder of a jazz club in the Moscow Tekstilshchiki district.

As a child, Alexander Buynov lived for a long time with relatives in the city of Efremov, Tula region.

In the 1950s, the family settled in a communal apartment in Moscow, on Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane.

In his youth he suffered an eye injury and his vision dropped to minus five. As the artist said, he and his friends loved to play with carbide bombs. Once Buinov lit one such bomb, but at some point something went wrong, and the future performer received a burn to the cornea.

A meeting with Alexander Gradsky during his school years turned out to be important for Buinov. He made his debut as a keyboard player in the group created by Gradsky "Buffoons", where he announced himself as a composer. Left the group due to joining the army. He served in the missile forces in the city of Aleysk, Altai Territory.

After demobilization he played in a band "Araks", in ensemble "Flowers".

From 1973 to May 1989 - keyboardist of the ensemble "Cheerful guys", in which for 16 years of work he gained all-Union popularity. As part of the ensemble, he recorded many popular songs, took part in the Yerevan-1981 pop music festival, international competition"Bratislava Lyre" (1985) (Grand Prix).

He participated in the recording of records by the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”: “Love is a huge country”, “We need to be friends”, “Musical Globe”, “Disco Club-2”, “Just a minute!!!”, the magnetic album “Banana Islands”.

As part of the ensemble, he traveled abroad several times; they toured in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Finland, Cuba and other countries.

Since May 1989 he has been engaged solo career. Performs with his own band "Ciao".

The most famous songs: “Two Lives”, “Leaves are Falling”, “Empty Bamboo”, “Bitter Honey”, “Let It Go”, “Captain Katalkin”, “My Finances Sing Romances”, “Airborne Forces - Greetings from the Sky”, “In Paris at night."

At one time he was distinguished by extravagance in his stage appearances.

“At one time, I freaked worse than the guys of the “blue” orientation. That time has passed, but everything remains in our dressing room. I had dresses, then pink jackets! Pants with frills, even a crazy women’s swimsuit, in which I once performed. Borya Moiseev was jealous of me and said: “Sanya, what a cool swimsuit you have!” In “Merry Guys,” we played the fool! I was the first to wear a dress on the song “Wandering Artists.” I also had a white wedding dress!” he said.

Alexander Buynov - Leaves are falling

On June 28, 2005, he signed a “Letter in support of the verdict against the former leaders of YUKOS.” In February 2011, he stated that he was ashamed of this act.

Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia", member of the political council of the Moscow organization of the party "United Russia". Member of the Public Council of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region.

People's Artist of Ingushetia (2004). People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. In 2010, he was awarded the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Buinov's disease

In 2011, Buinov was successfully cured of cancer. He was diagnosed - prostate cancer. He received treatment without interrupting his concert activities.

In the fall of 2015, the media reported that Alexander Buinov was hospitalized in one of the Moscow clinics for the purpose of conducting a full examination. It was reported that the musician was again under the close supervision of doctors, who suspected the famous actor of the possibility of a relapse - the tumor could metastasize in other organs and tissues.

Later, the artist himself announced that everything was fine with him.

Alexander Buinov called his illness a punishment for sins. “I accept everything that fate has in store with gratitude. If God punishes me physically for something, then there is something for it. I have accumulated enough sins throughout my life, so when I was diagnosed, it didn’t occur to me to feel sorry for myself. I always I remembered some sins and misdeeds, and my soul became lighter. And those around me were even more worried than I was. I generally wanted no one to know about this. My father, a front-line pilot, always said: “I only believe. "If something was cut out, it means you were cured." I’m sure everything will be fine,” he said.

Took part in a TV show. For example, in 2012 he participated in the project “Battle of the Choirs” (channel “Russia-1”). He has experience working in films; as a rule, his vocals are heard in films.

Alexander Buinov's height: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Buinov:

Married three times

First wife - Lyubov Vasilievna Vdovina (1953-2006). We met during Buinov’s service in Altai. They were married in 1970-1972. In 2006, she died in a fire.

Lyubov Vdovina - the first wife of Alexander Buinov

Second wife - Lyudmila. They were married from 1972 to 1985. Buinov, according to his admission, entered into this marriage because his girlfriend was pregnant. He later regretted this. On July 5, 1973, the couple had a daughter, Yulia Buinova. His daughter gave him a grandson, Alexander (born in November 2005), and granddaughters Daria and Sofia (born in 2006), all of whom bear the surname Buinova.

Third wife Elena (Alena) Rafailovna Buinova (nee Gutman; born June 19, 1960), cosmetologist, producer.

Alexander Buinov met Alena when he was in his second marriage - his future third wife came to a concert of the “Jolly Fellows” ensemble.

“When we started dating, many people told her: “Why do you need him? There are so many handsome men around - find someone else.” But during our marriage, we proved our love. What could be better when your girlfriend wakes up and says: “I love you! » This is real happiness,” said the artist.

Has an illegitimate son, Alexei (born 1987), from a Hungarian friend - their short holiday romance took place in Sochi.

How, one day he became a victim of an encephalitis tick and as a result he suffered from paralysis of the upper limbs. “I feel my arms hanging. I don’t feel them. There is no pain, but there are no arms either,” he recalled. As a result, Alexander was diagnosed with tick-borne encephalitis. You need to take a puncture. Buynov spent almost a month in the hospital. Through friends, the artist learned about the healer and turned to her for help. She gradually restored the artist.

Filmography of Alexander Buinov:

1988 - Primorsky Boulevard
1988 - Primorsky Boulevard (vocals)
1997 - Anastasia (Grigory Rasputin, voice acting)
1998 - Old songs about the main thing - 3 - singer at the Munich disco
2000 - The Good and the Bad - Police Colonel
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co (vocals)
2001 - Old songs about the main thing. P.S
2007 - And the snow falls - cameo

Discography of Alexander Buinov:

1991 - “Ticket to Copenhagen”
1992 - “Yo-mine”
1993 - “Hotel Razgulnaya”
1994 - “Wow, life has brought it!”
1995 - “I Knew Love”
1996 - “I am Moscow!”
1997 - “Islands of Love”
1999 - “Finance sings romances”
2000 - “Love for two”
2001 - “No words”
2003 - “Catch”
2004 - “Everything”
2006 - “Into the Clouds”
2006 - “Adult Songs”
2010 - “P.R.O. Love"
2012 - “Two Lives”

  1. Alexander was born into the family of a blacksmith. His grandfather owned one of the two cousins ​​in the entire city of Efremov. Nikolai Buinov named his son in honor of his father; he himself chose the profession of a pilot and was actively involved in sports; in several disciplines he earned the title of master.
  2. Alexander's mother, Claudia, studied music. She graduated from the conservatory with great pleasure. Parents tried to give musical education to all children. In addition to Alexander, there were children Andrei, Vladimir and Arkady. All children chose professions related to music.
  3. Vladimir became a jazz performer and loved to improvise. Andrey was also fond of jazz and was a jazz teacher. Arkady is a producer and conductor.


  • parents instilled an aesthetic taste in their children not only in art, but also in clothing. The little Buynovs always left the house neat and elegant. As a child, Alexander got involved with local hooligans. He was an obedient child and wore clothes, but that was only to the nearest corner;
  • then he took off his cap and turned into an ordinary boy who likes to play with other guys and build explosive devices. One day the game almost cost Alexander his sight;
  • he went to see why the next firecracker did not explode, at which time an explosion occurred. The boy's eyes were damaged, after this incident Buinov began wearing glasses.

The beginning of creativity

  1. At the end of the 60s, the singer graduated from music school. For seven years, his parents forced him to study, but after that, Alexander seriously thought about a career in this profession. The creative path begins with the creation of his own group called “Antianarchists”.
  2. A tangible boost to my career came after meeting Alexander Gradsky. It was he who recognized the talent and potential of young Buinov. Gradsky invites him to play keyboards in the group “Skomorokhi”. The rapid takeoff was interrupted by army duty.
  3. Having returned, Alexander decides that he will continue to make music. He performs with other groups, and then in the truly famous group of that time - “Jolly Fellows”. While still playing the keyboard, Buinov and the group recorded more than one hit.
  4. It was a long period from 1973 to 1989, which provided great and invaluable experience. With this group, the name of Alexander Buinov became famous throughout the Union. The “Jolly Fellows” traveled to many Soviet countries, each of which had concert tours.


Having extensive experience in touring life and holding concerts, Buinov decides to start an independent career. After “Guys,” there were other groups in which Alexander was no longer a keyboard player, but a vocalist. “Rio” is a musical ballet and group created by Buinov. For the rest of his life, colleagues from this team became true friends for Alexander. Now the singer has tried on several new roles, artistic director, songwriter, director, performer.

  • "Captain Katalkin."
  • "Early Winter"
  • "Leaves are falling."
  • “Shard.”
  • "Dance like Petya."
  • "Hotel" and others.

Despite his increased popularity, Alexander decides to enroll in directing at GITIS. Upon its completion in 1992, Buinov presented his graduation work to the whole country, namely, a concert in St. Petersburg with the program “Captain Katalkin,” which he himself directed. After this, there were several more tours, which were entirely owned by Buinov.

Peak of popularity

  1. The 90s became the peak of popularity of the musician and performer. Alexander meets many prominent personalities in the field of show business. Among them is Igor Krutoy, who will later develop a true friendship. In 1997, together they released a new concert program, “Islands of Love.”
  2. In total, the singer’s discography includes 17 albums. From the very first, titled “Ticket to Copenhagen,” released in 1991, to the latest in 2017, “One Hundred Weeks.” Fame is fleeting and unpredictable. Alexander Buinov managed to catch luck by the tail and did not leave the stage after the first tour. His work became truly folk and classic for his time.
  3. Now the artist’s name does not appear on the music charts so often, but he continues to work, write songs, and release new compositions, often in collaboration with other artists. IN different times, Alika Smekhova, Yulia Savicheva, Anzhelika Agurbash and others sang in a duet with him.


Alexander has many titles and awards. The most significant of them:

  1. Honored Artist of Russia, which he received in 2002, for services to art.
  2. Order of Honor 2005, It is awarded for contribution to the development of Russian musical art.
  3. Order of Friendship 2017. This order is awarded for great contribution to the preparation and conduct of important events at the international level.

Personal life

  1. The singer’s personal life includes three official marriages. The first of which lasted almost two years, since the guys were very young. The girl was only 17 years old when soldier Buinov ran to her 12 kilometers from his unit. There were no children from this union.
  2. The second marriage lasted from 1972 to 1985. Alexander admitted that it was not worth tying oneself into family ties just because the girl was pregnant. He was not happy in his family. The couple had a daughter, Yulia, who gave Buinov three wonderful grandchildren.
  3. In 1985, Alexander met his true love. She turned out to be cosmetologist and producer Elena Gutman. Buinov is still happily married to this woman. There are no children from this union.

More recently, Alexander found out that he has illegitimate son, born in 1987. He was on tour in Sochi, and he had an affair with a Hungarian woman.


  • Even celebrities cannot boast of excellent health. Buinov was given a terrible diagnosis in 2011 - cancer. Alexander did not give up in the face of the disease, he steadfastly endured all the instructions and agreed to the operation. After it was carried out, the singer’s condition improved significantly;
  • the artist himself spoke of his illness as a punishment for sins. He was confident that everything would be fine and did not panic. His father also trusted the “scalpel,” that is, surgical intervention. Alexander really didn’t want anyone to know about his illness, because it was only his misfortune;
  • Alexander Buynov is still a welcome guest at any event, he collaborates with representatives of modern pop music, enters into duets and does not intend to leave the stage.

What do you think about Alexander Buynov? We are waiting for your comments.