Inguinal neuralgia symptoms in men. Pelvic neuralgia of the lower extremities and what to do

We specialize in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain.A noticeable improvement is usually possible within 2-4 weeks of treatment.Treatment is carried out by a neurologist-immunologist or rheumatologist. If necessary, we will involve a urologist or gynecologist in treatment.

The average duration of treatment is 3 months(You take your own medications.)
The average budget for treatment is 15 thousand rubles.
The planned result is a complete absence of pain.

Causes and symptoms of chronic pelvic pain

There are three main causes of chronic pelvic pain syndrome, usually we find a combination of two or all three causes at the same time.

The main causes of chronic pelvic pain:
1. Inflammation of the ligaments and tendons of the pelvic floor. Essentially this is a rheumatic reaction to something occurring in close proximity. inflammatory process involving infection (prostatitis, cystitis, inflammation of the intestines). The muscles and ligaments of the pelvis are very powerful, the tension in them develops significantly, hence the severe pain in the groin, abdomen, and anus.
2. Pinched nerves of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor ligaments are packed compactly next to the nerves that exit the sacrum and abdomen into the legs and scrotum. In case of inflammation, the ligaments swell, which means they increase in thickness and take up additional volume, putting pressure on the nearby nerves. From here pain along the nerves, radiating to the genitals, scrotum, legs, lower back, tailbone.
3. Increased perception of pain. This is due to the exhaustion of the nervous system due to prolonged pain. The brain spends too many resources on blocking all the incoming pain impulses, becomes exhausted and loses its ability to block pain. From hereweak analgesic effect X and night pain.

You can take as many painkillers as you like, but The problem can be radically solved by addressing the listed causes. This is how treatment will be structured in our clinic.

Diagnose and treat chronic pelvic pain syndrome

Certainly, We will offer you a suitable pain relief option, but the main treatment will be to eliminate the cause of the pain.

To do this we will do the following:
1. Let's find out the source of inflammation and clarify the state of the immune system. With normal functioning of the immune system, this kind of inflammation is in principle impossible. Based on the research results, we will carry out a course of restorative treatment for the immune system and at the same time treat current infections. As a result, inflammation of the tendons and ligaments of the pelvis will subside.
2. We will clarify which nerves and where exactly are pinched and, if possible, free them. This can be done through manual therapy (in this case we use gentle techniques for working with muscles: it does not hurt, is safe and works well). As a last resort, you can resort to local injection of an anti-inflammatory drug directly into the inflamed tendon (therapeutic block).
3. We will restore the healthy state of the nervous system and pain threshold, if necessary. Restoring a normal 8-hour night's sleep without awakening is usually sufficient. Sometimes we carry out more serious treatment; for this purpose, there are drugs that relieve nervous tension, reduce pain and at the same time have a positive effect on erection and sexual function.

When going to us, be sure to take with you the results of all previously performed studies, pictures - this will reduce the cost of time and money for examination.

Contact the clinic

If you have chronic pelvic pain syndrome or suspect it, we recommend that you first consult a neurologist.

The main mechanism causing pelvic pain in women is considered to be compression of the nerve in the anatomical structures through which they pass. This happens due to microcirculatory disorders that cause congestion of the vessels surrounding the nerve. Roughly speaking, the nerve is pinched by ligaments and tendons.

Causes of pelvic neuralgia in pregnant women

The main theories explaining this condition are:

  • Endocrine theory. Here the causative factor is the pathology of the endocrine glands (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism).
  • Shifts in hormonal levels during or pregnancy.
  • Anatomical defects of osteoarticular structures.

None of the presented hypotheses can fully explain the nature of the disorders. It is believed that pelvic neuralgia is a disease that has several causes.

Often pelvic neuralgia appears in the last trimester. This is due to an increase in the size of the fetus, growth of the uterus and an increase in the specific gravity of fluid in the body.

All this increases the load on the hip joints and spine, causing pelvic pain. In pregnant women with orthopedic defects, this condition may develop at an earlier stage.

Symptoms of pelvic neuralgia in a pregnant woman

Signs of pelvic neuralgia in expectant mothers do not have any special features. Usually these are chronic nagging pains or paroxysmal, burning sensations. In addition to soreness, there may be numbness or a crawling sensation. The pain may intensify with exertion or prolonged stay in the same position. This explains their intensification at night. Movement on the affected side may also cause discomfort. The variety of clinical symptoms may be explained by differences in the anatomical relationships of nerves and blood vessels.

What is the danger of pelvic neuralgia for a pregnant woman?

Pelvic neuralgia itself does not pose a danger to either the pregnant woman or the fetus. However, discomfort from chronic pain can disrupt the general condition for a long time and become a source of negative emotions.

Treatment of pelvic neuralgia during pregnancy

The difficulty of treating any disease in pregnant women lies in limiting the use of pharmacological agents.

Of the traditionally prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, we can recommend paracetamol, which can be used throughout pregnancy, and diclofenac, but only in the second and third trimesters. Complex vitamin preparations containing group B will not cause harm.

Normally used hormonal agents, warming ointments, manual therapy not prescribed during pregnancy.

Among non-drug methods, various orthopedic devices are widely used. Starting from a regular bandage that supports the pregnant belly, ending with special orthoses, the purpose of which is to fix the position of the limbs in order to stop squeezing the nerve.

Surgical treatment of tunnel neuropathies, which consists of eliminating compression factors, is not applicable during pregnancy.

Be careful with medicinal herbs. Many plants should not be used by a woman expecting a child. Some of them can cause spontaneous abortion.

A woman should reconsider her lifestyle, increase activity, try to spend more time walking. Expectant mother should monitor your weight so as not to create additional stress on the spine.

Don't forget about moderate physical activity. It would be optimal to regularly perform a special complex for pregnant women, which provides regular stress on all parts of the body, including the muscles of the back and pelvic girdle.

Oksana Kolenko, neurologist, Ph.D.

A disease such as pelvic neuralgia is quite common and very difficult to treat. One of the reasons for the difficulties encountered in treatment is that this disease is similar in its symptoms to urological diseases in men and gynecological diseases in women.

Most often, pelvic neuralgia makes itself felt by pain in the lumbar region, but many other ailments also have such symptoms. Another difficulty is that these tests are not always helpful in making an accurate diagnosis; in these cases, we can say that the etiology of pain is not determined.

About symptoms

When pelvic neuralgia occurs, the main symptoms are severe pain and a burning sensation. It should be noted that such symptoms appear as suddenly as they recede, and they affect the body for a short time; nevertheless, the pain is so strong that people believe that pain is always there. Painful sensations can also be in the hip area, they may not be localized at all, they most often occur on an intermittent basis. The most important thing is that with such an illness the pain can be transient, that is, it can easily spread to the kidneys, heart, and liver. If the pain has a wandering specificity, then it is almost impossible to determine the specific ailment.

The pain is especially noticeable during active walking, physical exercise, when a person sneezes and coughs. In any case, it is worth saying that in each specific case the pain sensations are different, here everything is directly dependent on which nerve is affected. Here we need to describe everything in more detail:

  1. If the femoral nerve is pinched, then the symptoms are as follows: acute pain is caused if there is pressure on the inguinal ligament, the knee joint bends, and the quadriceps muscle weakens.
  2. If the external cutaneous nerve is pinched, there is a burning sensation, as if goosebumps are crawling. Discomfort that intensifies to severe pain, the person sweats a lot, and hair may fall out.
  3. If the obturator nerve is pinched, the symptoms are as follows: pain is felt in the area of ​​the medial surface, it also hurts in the perineum, if the leg leaves the ground, it is difficult to stand.
  4. If the sciatic nerve is pinched, the buttock area becomes numb, it is difficult to bend the knees, the gait changes, the legs burn and feel heaviness. Also, the toes are difficult to bend or do not bend at all.
  5. If the superior gluteal nerve is pinched, there is severe pain in the buttock area, the hip is difficult to abduct, it is difficult for the body to stand, and the muscles of the buttocks undergo atrophy.
  6. If the lower gluteal nerve is pinched, the hip joint and buttocks hurt, all movements are difficult, especially in the legs.

When a person has any neuralgia, the pain is severe. Particular difficulties arise with infant, since he may cry from severe pain or just like that, and here the symptoms can generally confuse the most experienced specialist.

About pain relief

With such an illness, it is very important to effectively relieve pain at least temporarily; appropriate medications should be used. In this regard, nitroglycerin has proven itself well, as well as other drugs designed to relieve heart pain and other similar symptoms.

If your hip joint begins to hurt, you should visit a neurologist as soon as possible, since qualified medical care is urgently needed. In order to reduce negative feelings, the doctor may prescribe drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect; antidepressants have also proven themselves to be effective.

About diagnostics

Everything here is not very simple, since the pain does not have a constant location, which greatly complicates the diagnostic process. Often the localization of pain is in the lower back, in the lower back. The pain becomes stronger when a person walks, as the pelvic nerve begins to act. So, accurate tests often cannot be performed even after all the necessary studies, including laboratory ones, have been carried out.

Diagnosis is based on complaints, examination and laboratory data, and the doctor must monitor the patient until it is precisely determined what caused the pain.

About the types of pelvic neuralgia

Such neuralgia affects the body in two varieties:

  1. Neuralgia of the femoral nerve, in which pain increases significantly during active walking, running, or exercise physical exercise. This pathology occurs against the background of injuries to the hip joint, when there are ailments in the pelvic area (especially when there is inflammation), when there is an intervertebral hernia or purulent formations (they can be caused by tuberculosis).
  2. If the cutaneous nerve, which is located on the outside, is affected, the pain is localized shallowly under the skin, and the pain begins to hurt more strongly at night, that is, when the body is at rest.

About treatment

The initial goal of the treatment process is to remove or at least reduce pain. In this regard, an analgesic is used in most cases. Then you can use medications that are available in the form of gels and ointments. If there is a complex pinched nerve, then the use of various kinds of hormonal drugs is indicated, then the treatment will last a long time.

In addition to treatment with medications, physiotherapeutic methods are very actively used, which have proven themselves very well, such treatment is becoming more and more common. Treatment is also very popular traditional medicine, such remedies can really help a lot, but before using them you should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise the treatment may not end well. Such remedies often help reduce discomfort so effectively that even the use of antidepressants is not necessary. There are many such treatment options with folk remedies, it is worth talking about the most common:

  • you just need to grate the horseradish and apply it to the affected area;
  • take indoor geranium, apply its leaves where it hurts, then wrap everything in a bandage;
  • squeeze out the black radish and rub its juice on the affected area;
  • take lilac buds, dry them, crush them, mix with pork fat and use as a rub;
  • mix fresh wormwood and olive oil to make a paste and apply it where it hurts.

About pelvic neuralgia, when the genitals hurt

Often this disease is caused by gynecological problems of a chronic nature in women, that is, it begins to hurt in the perineal area. Infectious diseases can also occur here. When the diagnostic process is carried out, it is very important to identify signs that accurately indicate that the problem is in the genitals:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • there is a pathological discharge;
  • infertility is observed.

In such cases, representatives of the fair sex most often complain of pain in the lower back, abdomen, the vagina may hurt, and the pain intensifies during sexual intercourse. If pain is related to the menstrual cycle, then this is mainly the consequence of gynecological diseases.

About men

Painful sensations can occur in men, and the degree of localization can be different, as well as the intensity, but microbiological studies may not show anything. Localized pain is in the pelvis, urinary tract, and genitals. The reasons for this may be different: inflammations of various kinds (they can be detected by microbiological examination), as well as processes that are not inflammatory in nature. For representatives of the stronger sex, the following symptoms are typical:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • it hurts when a person urinates;
  • there are unpleasant sensations in the genitals;
  • Pain occurs during ejaculation.

However, only a urologist can determine the cause, and he will also prescribe appropriate treatment for the pelvic nerves.

About the state of pregnancy

It is known that female body in a state of pregnancy, undergoes various kinds of changes, and most of these changes affect the pelvic area. So, what could be the causes of pelvic neuralgia in expectant mothers? Here are the ones:

  • the uterus is rapidly increasing in size;
  • a large load is placed on the hip joints;
  • nerve endings are under severe pressure;
  • immunity is greatly weakened.

Most often, pain begins during the third trimester, as the fetus grows, pressure on the joints increases. Stagnation in the veins begins due to the fact that it is impossible to move fully, blood flow is disrupted when the fetus moves, the pain intensifies and the hip area is subjected to great pressure.

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