Optimal indoor air humidity for a child. Temperature conditions in the children's room

Many new parents have questions about arranging a room for their baby and comfortable living conditions. Often their heads are tormented by the question of what room temperature should be for a newborn baby. Let's take a closer look to take into account all the nuances.

Why is the temperature regime in the nursery so important?

Many conditions of the human body depend on the conditions of its environment. For example, if you are in a stuffy or cold room, this is, at best, limited to discomfort, and at worst, pathological conditions may develop (fainting, colds, etc.).

The small organism spent nine months in comfortable conditions, where stable humidity and temperature were maintained. Having entered this world, the baby received stress with a change in his usual conditions. The task of adults is to facilitate little man adaptation to a new life. If we neglect the temperature regime, the baby may experience a number of conditions associated with thermoregulation disorders.

What happens if the temperature regime is violated?

The thermoregulation of a baby in the first years of life differs from that of adults. If you do not monitor the temperature in the room where the child is, pathological changes may occur:

Hypothermia in a baby can be determined by cold extremities. Pediatricians recommend wearing socks, mittens and a hat made from natural materials in the first months of a child’s life.

Temperature in the nursery: what should it be?

Having analyzed in detail what disrupted temperature conditions lead to for a baby, we can conclude that the greater threat is overheating of the room.

Dr. Komarovsky and his supporters adhere to the principle of not overheating the child and recommend a temperature of 18-19 o C. Opponents claim that the norm is 21-23 o C. It is difficult to say what the optimal temperature is, all this is purely individual. The comfort zone can be determined by the child’s condition.

Children born at term and premature babies have different requirements, so this fact must be taken into account. The room of a premature baby with a low birth weight or with congenital pathologies should be a little warmer, but should not exceed 24 -25 o C. The room should be ventilated and wet cleaned daily.

Overheating should not be allowed even at . The water temperature should not exceed 37 o C, and the air in the room - 22 o C. In order not to violate these requirements, you need to purchase thermometers in advance to determine the temperature of water and air.

If you decide to harden your child, do it gradually in the absence of contraindications. The temperature of the air and water when swimming must be lowered gradually, since a sharp change can cause discomfort and the development of pathological conditions.

What you need to know about humidity in a nursery?

Too dry or humid air can also provoke a number of pathological conditions in a child.

High humidity is an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Extremely dry air can cause the development of:

  • atopic dermatitis,
  • infections of various etiologies (since the nasal mucosa dries out and there is no barrier to pathogens),
  • allergic reactions.

Scientific research by American scientists has proven that the influenza virus dies at air humidity of 40-60%. Such a discovery is one of the preventive measures for the occurrence of epidemics.

To keep humidity within the correct limits you need to:

  • carry out wet cleaning daily;
  • you can install a decorative fountain in the room;
  • use a room humidifier.

Do not forget to take into account that the air in winter requires additional humidification due to heating devices. Humidity is normal children's room should be 60-70%. Readings can be determined with a hygrometer.

Humidity, kept within normal limits, is an excellent method of preventing diseases, and is also necessary for the proper physical development of a baby in the first year of life.

Alla Pasenko, pediatrician-neonatologist, especially for the site

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After the silence and tranquility of the mother’s womb, the baby enters our world without effective thermoregulation mechanisms, so the responsibility for maintaining a comfortable temperature falls on the shoulders of caring parents. In order not to harm the child in the first days of life, it is important to maintain the right climate, avoiding hypothermia and overheating.

Signs of overheating easy to recognize, because they cause severe discomfort to the baby.

The baby's skin becomes red, covered with sweat, and diaper rash appears in places where sweat secretions accumulate. White spots of thrush may appear in the mouth, and dry crusts may form in the nose, making breathing difficult. Dehydration may cause your baby to have difficulty digesting.

If you notice these symptoms, try lowering the temperature in the room, rid your baby of excess clothing, and give him some water between feedings. .

If the baby is cold , you will notice that his nose, legs and arms are not just cool, but “icy”; he presses the arms of his legs to himself, keeping warm. In this case, you need to use socks and warmer clothes or a blanket. Signs of hypothermia may include decreased appetite and lethargy, and slower weight gain. Hypothermia increases the likelihood of developing colds. But still remember that it is much easier to overheat a child than to overcool him.

Optimal temperature in a baby's room

Pediatricians recommend maintaining the temperature in the baby's nursery at a level of 18 to 22 degrees. Under such conditions, a baby usually only needs a light bodysuit or a vest with a medium-weight blanket for a comfortable sleep. For children born ahead of schedule, it’s worth raising the temperature a little, to 24-26 degrees.

To easily control the climate in your child's room, hang a thermometer on the wall near the crib. One glance at his testimony will be enough for you to determine the cause of the baby’s anxiety.

How to regulate the room temperature?

Once you determine the appropriate temperature for your baby, all you have to do is maintain it at a constant level, which is far from easy in an ordinary apartment.

You can reduce the air temperature in the summer heat by using an air conditioner. It is important that the stream of cool air is not directed at the crib, and it is better to cool the room when the baby is outside. You can get by with regular ventilation, which is recommended several times a day while the baby is on a walk or in the next room.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature for a baby in winter can be more difficult than in summer. An electric heater without an open spiral is suitable for heating a room, but you can cool an excessively heated room by ventilating it. You can reduce the heat from a too hot battery if you cover it with a thick blanket or blanket.

When operating radiators or central heating It is important to pay attention to the relative air humidity, which in the baby’s room should not drop below 50%. Instead of special humidifiers, you can use open containers of water, wet towels or fountains.

Individual approach to each baby

Now you have an idea of ​​the general recommendations of pediatricians regarding the optimal temperature for a baby, but do not forget about the importance of an individual approach. Depending on your baby's metabolism, month of birth, and overall health, your baby may require a higher or lower temperature. Don't be afraid to deviate from general recommendations and use common sense to ensure the ideal environment for your baby.

For a healthy child, the normal temperature in the room is 18-21 degrees.

Birth is a transition from a comfortable environment amniotic fluid and the mother’s body into the air space in which a person is subject to three times the force of gravity. Optimal living conditions includetemperature in the newborn's room, normal it is clearly marked by obstetricians and pediatricians.

Principles of organizing living space for a newborn

The body temperature of a newborn is higher than that of adults. The baby loses heat mainly during breathing. A rapid pulse (110-140 beats per minute) is also normal. The number of heart beats increases after any physical activity, including feeding, bathing, changing clothes.

Air humidity should be at least 50% (it is often recommended to increase it to 70%). In such a microclimate, the baby can breathe easily, and crusts do not appear in the nose. Babies quickly lose moisture, which is released through the pores on the skin and evaporates. Regular humidification of the baby's room helps maintain moisture balance, prevents peeling and the appearance of microcracks on the baby's skin.

Babies born during the heating season especially feel how dry the air is, especially if fan heaters and infrared heaters are used to heat the room. In addition to basic hygiene items, the newborn’s room should also have the following attributes:


    hygrometer - a device for measuring air humidity levels.

Air change (ventilation) should be carried out regularly. When the baby grows up, you can safely reduce the usual temperature by 2-3 degrees. Fresh air combined with bathing promotes sound, restful sleep. When the window opens, the baby is taken out of the room so that drafts and temperature changes do not lead to a cold. It must be remembered that the air inhaled by the child acquires body temperature when it makes its way to the lungs. If the room has become a little colder than usual, this is not as critical as constant overheating, sweating and subsequent sudden cooling of the skin.

Gentle but thorough cleansing of a baby’s skin is a requirement of hygiene, a guarantee of health and comfort. To make the procedure enjoyable, the water should not cool below 37˚C. A water thermometer will help you monitor the indicator. It is with warm baths that the hardening process begins, if after the main stage of ablution you rinse the baby with 36-degree water, and then blot the skin with a soft towel.

During any procedure, the baby comes into contact with environment. Swaddling is a kind of air bath; ventilation is a necessary “step out of the comfort zone” for babies, who, due to their low weight, are not recommended to be taken outside for up to a month. This prescription was practically an axiom in years past. Now parents have the right to decide when to start walking, but they cannot do it without consulting a doctor. Thus, the baby’s weight is the main factor determining the normal temperature in the room where he lives.

For convenience, you can study the correspondence system “Baby weight and air temperature norm”:

    2-2.5 kg – 25-26˚С;

    2.5-3 kg – 23-24˚С;

    3 kg and above – 18-22˚С (permissible 18-19˚С).

For weights up to 2.5 kg, a constant room temperature is a requirement proper development and even survival. In special situations, the baby is placed in an “incubator”, which eliminates the possibility of overheating or hypothermia. With a weight of 4 kg, the optimal indicator for a room thermometer is 20-22˚C. In the future, we should try to maintain such conditions.

In addition, the regulatory processes in a child’s body already make him similar to adults, and to a greater extent this concerns the ability to maintain the desired body temperature, regardless of how warm or cold it is around. Of course, this does not mean that the baby can be in the heat under the scorching sun or lie in a stroller on the balcony on a frosty day. Everything has its time, place and control!