Ministry in emergency situation. Salaries of EMERCOM employees in Russia Central regional center

Moscow. December 14. INTERFAX - The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will allocate more than 6 billion rubles to pay social bonuses and allowances to employees of the ministry’s response units, the head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, said at an extended board meeting.

“There are resources at the federal level. We are sending 6 billion rubles to localities, but I demand that every penny reaches the people. This is a bonus for Rescuer Day and additional financial incentives for people,” said V. Puchkov. The Minister gave instructions to make payments to employees by December 25.

The minister warned about the responsibility of the heads of regional centers and the heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the work to bring payments to the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

“I personally warn all managers about strict compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and the timely delivery of salary and wages, all required social benefits and allowances to personnel. The priority of this work is the guards on duty and responding units - all those who directly extinguish fires, eliminate emergencies, respond to road accidents and carry out tasks in the most difficult conditions,” the minister noted.

V. Puchkov emphasized that not all local managers realize the importance and responsibility of this work, therefore, in 2017, in order to further optimize, a three-level financing system will be organized: the federal budget, at the subject level and directly in the responding units. According to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is being done in order to strengthen control over the distribution of budget funds and eliminate cases of social injustice in relation to junior commanders and rank and file of combat units.

“This year we took unprecedented measures to optimize the budget in order to provide the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with all mandatory social payments, we asked harshly from managers, we said goodbye to some heads of search and rescue and fire rescue teams, and heads of territorial bodies,” - he said, noting that despite the overall reduction in ministry expenditures, there was no reduction in funding for equipping responding units with fire and rescue vehicles and equipment.

As Stanislav Pischunnikov, director of the financial and economic department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, explained, the volume of limits on budget obligations has been increased to ensure the payment of bonuses for Rescuer Day. Thus, employees of the Federal Anti fire service(FPS) will be paid 30 thousand rubles each, federal civil servants 25 thousand rubles each, military personnel and employees of territorial bodies 25 thousand rubles each, military personnel of rescue military units - 20 thousand rubles each, employees of search and rescue teams and GIMS - 10 thousand rubles each.

Prime Minister Russian Federation YES. Medvedev approved a program for the gradual improvement of salaries in government agencies, which is planned to be fully implemented by 2018.

The Chairman of the Ministry of Finance said about this program that according to it, wages will be increased not only for employees in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also for firefighters. And the Minister of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, said that for employees of his department, in accordance with it, new conditions for calculating wages are provided. Based on parameters such as the category of the city where a particular employee works, and what his position is, he will receive a salary 60% more than what he currently has.

The minister said that even now the junior staff earns 2.5 times more than before the time when this program was introduced. And the head of senior staff can count on an increase in pay by 1.5 times in the future. Officers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receive a salary of an average of 50,000 rubles per month. The agency plans to announce a more accurate salary amount soon. But one can already imagine that if an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs now receives 60,000 rubles, then an increase in this amount of payment by 1.6 times will be quite significant. Based on the stated coefficients, we can preliminarily calculate average earnings firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in all places of Russia.

Vladimir Puchkov added that Emergencies Ministry employees will receive especially high remuneration for performing difficult combat missions, that is, those that involve a risk to life. They are present in services such as fire departments, aviation, rescue services, divers and dog handlers. But he also said that simply increasing salary levels is not enough to fully motivate employees. It is better to start developing new methods of stimulation through training in related specialties. In other words, if an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations works additionally in a fire department or a special unit, he receives the right to additional payment. Below are eight criteria that qualify for the premiums.

Additional payments and allowances for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

For special conditions of service, this also includes an allowance for working with personal respiratory protection equipment;
for working with information containing state secrets;
for special achievements in service;
incentive payments or bonuses;
length of service or length of service;
for class qualifications;
regional increasing coefficients;
for performing tasks involving risks to health and life and increased danger.

Moreover, for activities in which an employee faces a risk to his life, he receives an increase equal to his monthly salary.

With the help of bonuses, the state seeks to motivate employees in the Ministry of Emergency Situations to improve their professionalism and quality of work. Plus, the bonuses further guarantee their social protection. It is also possible to achieve an increase in the efficiency of the work of rescuers when they provide assistance to citizens. Because when a specialist is competent in various fields, he will be able to perform tasks comprehensively.

It should be added that this year, bonuses have been introduced for firefighters at the highest level, which will be given for such work as participation in extinguishing fires of the third category of complexity or more, as well as for extinguishing fires in large cities.

If we consider the earnings of EMERCOM employees by region of the Russian Federation, it turns out that those who, for example, work in the Moscow region receive almost 26,000 rubles, in the Kirov region - 10,000, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 30,000 rubles, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 17,500.

Since the beginning of 2014, along with an increase in the minimum wage, the earnings of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have increased by 5.5%.

MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will allocate more than 6 billion rubles. for the payment of social bonuses and allowances to employees of the ministry’s response units. The head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, announced this at an expanded board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on Wednesday.

“There are resources at the federal level. We are sending 6 billion rubles to localities, but I demand that every penny reaches the people. This is a bonus for Rescuer Day and additional financial incentives for people,” Puchkov said, ordering payments to employees by December 25 .

The minister warned about the responsibility of the heads of regional centers and the heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the work to bring payments to the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

“I personally warn all managers about strict compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and the timely delivery of salary and wages, all required social benefits and allowances to personnel. The priority of this work is the guards on duty and responding units - all those who directly extinguish fires, eliminate emergencies, respond to road accidents and carry out tasks in the most difficult conditions,” the minister noted.

Puchkov emphasized that not all local managers realize the importance and responsibility of this work, therefore, in 2017, in order to further optimize, a three-level financing system will be organized: the federal budget, at the subject level and directly in the responding units.

According to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is being done in order to strengthen control over the distribution of budget funds and eliminate cases of social injustice against junior commanders and rank and file of combat units.

“This year we took unprecedented measures to optimize the budget in order to provide the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with all mandatory social payments, we asked harshly from managers, we said goodbye to some heads of search and rescue and fire rescue teams, and heads of territorial bodies,” - he said, noting that despite the overall reduction in ministry expenses, there was no reduction in funding for equipping responding units with machinery and equipment.

As Stanislav Pischunnikov, director of the financial and economic department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, explained to TASS, the volume of limits on budget obligations has been brought to the local level to ensure the payment of bonuses. Thus, employees of the Federal Fire Service (FPS) will be paid 30 thousand rubles each, federal civil servants 25 thousand rubles each, military personnel and employees of territorial bodies 25 thousand rubles each, and military personnel of rescue military units - 20 thousand each. rubles, employees of search and rescue teams and the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS) - 10 thousand rubles each.

Vladimir Puchkov, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, is very worried about the income of his organization’s employees, because he believes that people who risk their health every day should not receive “pennies” for their work. Today the situation with wages employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can be called “deplorable”, because on average they earn 15 (sometimes, together with bonus payments, 20) thousand rubles, so the question of what the salary increase for Ministry of Emergency Situations employees will be in 2016 is very relevant.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations and its functions

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The ministry with such a serious name was created fifteen years ago, and it was not for nothing that they began to call it the department of emergency situations, because it included fire services, rescue squads, and inspectorates dealing with emergency situations. The main task of this organization is to ensure the protection of the entire population from disasters, and although its work sometimes remains unnoticed, it certainly cannot be called useless. Take, for example, the fact that in a relatively short time of their work, department employees were able to eliminate the consequences of various plane crashes, floods and endless fires, which lately worry Russians more and more often. It must also be said that it is the Ministry of Emergency Situations (as they are popularly called) who organize humanitarian aid to those regions that need it, transport people wounded in military conflicts and provide other physical assistance to the population.

Just from all of the above, it can be understood that increasing the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016 is a necessary measure, but this is only a small part of the functions of the organization that need to be paid attention to. The service must include highly qualified psychologists, whose work is very important, because usually during disasters people lose their property or loved ones, which leads them to despair. The task of the psychologist in this case is to instill hope in people for a better future (at the same time, they must believe in it themselves), and this only seems easy from the outside.

Should we expect a salary increase?

According to the latest news, deputies recently proposed increasing the salaries of fire inspectors, but the authorities prudently stipulated the conditions under which this could be done. Firefighters, for example, are offered to master a related specialty, for which they will receive a bonus (25%). In addition, for good job compensation payments and incentive bonuses are provided (in the amount of 25 and 25 percent, respectively).

Thus, the increase in wages for Ministry of Emergency Situations employees in 2016 will depend entirely on their own strengths, which, in principle, will allow them to at least slightly control the situation. The issue is being considered to significantly increase the monthly income of those people who are part of the “combat” units of the organization, and the increase, apparently, will be significant (6-15%), therefore, there is something to hope for.

What also gives people hope is how thoughtful the head of the department is about the issues of social security of the “rescuers.” He has repeatedly raised questions about the wages of his employees, and, importantly, he often draws the attention of regional leaders to the fact that employees of the organization who have foreign currency mortgages need additional social assistance from the regional budget. This cannot be ignored, although the majority of government members simply try to close their eyes and prefer not to notice that after the fall of the dollar, the “lucky” owners of mortgaged apartments have to survive.

What do they say about indexing?

Data on what will happen with salary indexation in 2016 by the Ministry of Emergency Situations must be discussed immediately for the reason that no one has any doubts about its implementation. In the recent past, it was canceled due to the crisis of the financial system, but today the authorities cannot afford to do the same. According to the new presidential decree, the salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be indexed by a factor of 5.5%, while the salary increase will not occur immediately after the end of the New Year's vacation of officials (as before), but in October, that is, almost at the end. It cannot be called significant, because 5.5% will not cover the increase in the price of food and utility bills. However, the authorities cannot yet offer their people anything else, which means they need to change the work of the entire system.

Government news on wage increases

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations very often says that no one will save people for “pennies,” and he is certainly right. There are, of course, recognized activists and enthusiasts, but there are few of them, so the situation urgently needs to change. The possibility of increasing wages for civilian employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is being discussed in 2016, but so far there is no relatively accurate information on this issue, but Vladimir Puchkov does not lose his enthusiasm and offers the government new options for resolving this issue.

Today he proposes to increase the rate on the organization’s extra-budgetary income so that it can have the opportunity to earn money on its own and keep the profit for itself (hence, subsequently it would even have to manage the money without additional help). In addition, the minister proposes to improve the social packages of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, paying special attention to large families (after all, this is a dangerous job, which means the family of every employee must be protected) and those who have problems with housing. At his instigation, the government is already considering a bill containing information on increasing salaries and increasing the level of “incentive” payments.

Reforming the work of the organization

Relatively recently, the reform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was adopted in 2016, according to which extensive optimization measures await employees of the “rescue” department. Optimization today is carried out almost everywhere, and everyone understands that it will not bring anything good to the population, since during its implementation millions of people lose their jobs. However, it is simply impossible to do without it in the current situation.

Some people think that only those who can be found on the street are employed in this industry, that is, firefighters responding to calls or employees of emergency structures, but this is far from the case. In fact, the coordinated work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is also ensured by the management team of the organization (it includes more than a dozen people), various programmers, financiers or accountants, without whom the work of the service could not be called successful.

Today, the total number of EMERCOM workers reaches 17 thousand, and all this was worth telling because there will be reductions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia in 2016, and approximately 3-4 thousand people will suffer from them. Thus, approximately a fifth of all employees will lose their jobs, and this is quite a large figure.

According to preliminary data, the management team of the organization, as well as all kinds of secretaries and personal assistants, will suffer the most. As for psychologists, lawyers or doctors, it is assumed that if they know their job well, they can easily get a position in another organization (of course, it’s difficult to believe this, but what can one do). All this is being done in order to approximately equalize the increase in wages for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016, because recent news indicates that at the top of the organization they are much higher today, and this situation is considered wrong (ordinary citizens simply cannot argue with this).

The reduction will not affect “combat” units. It is worth saying that the employees of this organization have a very negative attitude towards dismissal. They believe that the system can only work smoothly if certain conditions, if each of its elements remains in place, and as a result of the reduction, the number of employees is significantly reduced, accordingly, the responsibilities of those who remain will practically double. Considering all of the above, it is almost impossible to find at least some data on changes in the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for civilian employees in 2016, because an increase in the income of employees will entail even more layoffs, and no one wants this.

Optimization continues

In addition to reductions in EMERCOM employees, other optimization measures are expected, because the authorities have decided to transform the very structure of the organization. Now the Ministry of Emergency Situations includes 11 departments, which are divided into 10 directorates. However, as a result of optimization, another department (administrative work) will join them, and at the same time the name of the investment department will be changed.

There will also be optimization of equipment, premises and other objects that require any material costs from the state, but do not bring any profit and, accordingly, no benefit. At the same time, all released funds will be used to increase wages and improve the work of the organization as a whole. Thus, to the question of when the salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be increased in 2016, we can answer that this event will be associated with the end of optimization measures. True, the head of the department assures that everything should happen according to plan, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations should receive notifications about the reduction in accordance with current law(no one will be kicked out of work in two days).

Summing up, it’s worth talking about whether there will be a bonus on the day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016, because many employees of the department hope for it, but there are certain problems here. It turns out that the authorities decided on a one-time bonus payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, made in honor of their professional holiday, but the final decision on this issue must be made by each regional representative of the department, focusing on “free” financial resources. Naturally, it is always difficult to find free money, so you can only trust the authorities and hope for their prudence.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are, of course, people of a noble profession. It is unlikely that people go into this field of activity for big money or dizzying career growth. But still, saving lives is a job in which you often have to risk your own life to complete the task. Considering this circumstance, every future and current employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a fair desire to more or less adequately cover these risks. To understand what the Ministry of Emergency Situations salary is, you need to know how payments are formed here.

Key components of income generation in the structure:

  1. Fixed salary.
  2. Salary according to rank.
  3. Additional allowances.

Salaries: fixed and by rank - the values ​​are extremely clear, they are transparent and do not depend on external factors. Minor differences in the salary amount are allowed depending on the region of residence and work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employee. The gradation by rank is similar to that in a professional army - a sergeant will earn less than a lieutenant, and a lieutenant will earn less than a major, all other things being equal. It is worth considering in more detail the technology for distributing allowances; they form the final amount of earnings of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and determine the difference between the incomes of employees.

Supplements to basic salaries arise on certain grounds. The main ones include:

  • unusual conditions labor;
  • interaction with information falling into the category of “state secret”;
  • success in work;
  • bonuses and incentives;
  • loyalty bonuses - for work experience and length of service;
  • working conditions classified as harmful and hazardous to health;
  • regional coefficients.

From this list, special mention should be made of working conditions that are harmful and hazardous to health.

The bonus in this case is equal to the employee’s standard working salary, at least doubling the monthly income.

If we consider the salary in the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a whole for the entire department, we should distinguish between direct employees and employees of the organization. All employees are professional rescuers with ranks and titles; people from this group are elected to the leadership of the service.

Workers are hired citizens without an extensive list of privileges. The difference between the wages of mercenaries and the staff of the department is significant, both in terms of salaries and allowances. The salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees are higher. Moreover, the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations provides almost no allowances.

Salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work directly for the state and fall into the category of public sector workers. As you know, several years ago the government signed a decree on a systematic increase in salaries for employees of various ministries in stages. This program, which also increases salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces, should be completed in 2018. The ultimate goal of the program is to double wages.

Not long ago, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Finance spoke about the results of the program. According to him, as of 2016, junior staff already earn 2.5 times more compared to the period when the program was launched. Representatives of senior staff, at the same time, can count on a salary increase of 1.5 times in the near future.

Currently, the average salary of Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow employees of the Ministry in 2016 is 50 thousand rubles. Comparable income in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Nizhny Novgorod Region is slightly lower. These data are published on the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Independent statistical data contradict official information; the average salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations according to them is 25-30 thousand rubles.

Salary increase in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Increasing wages for Ministry of Emergency Situations workers was actively discussed back in 2015. So, on March 27, 2015, an official meeting of the heads of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was held, main theme which was an increase in salaries for fire service representatives in the near future. The top management also identified the unsatisfactory level of salaries as the most important problem of the department as a whole in the country. It was proposed to solve the problem by increasing bonuses across the board by a quarter, and employees of search and rescue teams should begin to receive a salary increase of 15 percent. Thus, the question of whether the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be increased no longer stood alone.

The first stage of salary increases took place in 2015, and the second was completed in 2016. The program is planned to be fully implemented in 2018. If in 2015 the average level reached 35 thousand according to official data, then in 2016 it was already 50,000. A significant increase in the level was achieved thanks to the new system of monetary allowances. Now both the salary of firefighters in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the salary of a rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as the salary of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will be calculated at increased rates based on the complexity of the work and its risk to life.

Salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 2017

Not much information is available regarding the indexation of salaries in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017, latest news The salaries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are mostly contradictory. On the other hand, the government did not cancel the above-mentioned program of planned salary increases until 2018. The income of each employee participating in the program should double. There is also no news from the State Duma yet - the salary increase for the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 has not yet been discussed. But, according to unconfirmed information from various sources, the government plans to increase the salary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017 due to an increase in incentive and compensation allowances for emergency services employees by 25 percent.