Is it possible to revive a person? It's interesting to know

Modern science working hard to solve one of the few problems of humanity that directly interferes with our lives... Taxes. Joke. For thousands of years, people have been looking for the key to immortality, and so far it is somewhere out there, far from our understanding. Now we can cheat death by freezing ourselves, uploading our minds into a computer, changing DNA, etc. But for now these are all games with death, and so far it wins us dry. Or not?

Luz Miraglos Veron

Analia Bouter was pregnant with her fifth child when she went into labor at 12 weeks ahead of schedule. After the birth, the doctors told her that the child was dead, and her husband was given a paper in which the fact of the child’s death was recorded. But the parents decided to return 12 hours later to see their daughter’s body, which by that time was already lying in the refrigerated chamber of the morgue. After the birth, all doctors diagnosed death, but when the parents opened the refrigerator box, the child began to cry, and they realized that their daughter had come to life. The girl was named Luz Miraglos (Wonderful Light) and the latest data about her says that the girl is stronger and completely healthy.

Alvaro Garza, Jr.

Alvaro Garza Jr. was born and lived in North Dakota, USA. He was 11 years old when he fell through the ice. The rescuers took a very long time to get to the place and by the time they arrived, Alvaro had already been under water for a full 45 minutes. When he was pulled out of the river, doctors declared clinical death: he had no pulse, and his body temperature dropped to 25 degrees. When he was brought to the hospital, he was connected to a heart-lung machine and he came back to life.

The explanation for this whole story is that Alvaro fought for his life for several minutes before he went under the ice. During this time, the body realized that there was a struggle for life, the body temperature dropped and the need for oxygen decreased to almost zero. Four days after the incident, he was able to communicate, and 17 days later he was discharged. At first, his limbs didn’t obey him well, but gradually everything returned to normal. Now he is completely healthy.

Risen at the polling station

Ty Houston, a Michigan nurse, was filling out her ballot in 2012 when she heard a cry for help. Running to the crowded place, the nurse saw an unconscious man. He had no pulse and no breathing. She began artificial respiration and after 10 minutes the man came to life. And his first phrase was: “Haven’t I voted yet?”

Resurrection in the morgue refrigerator

In July 2011, the owner of a morgue in Johannesburg (South Africa) was brought the body of a man who, by all indications, was dead. He was put in the refrigerator waiting for his relatives to pick him up. Twenty-one hours later, the dead man woke up and began screaming. It is clear that the owner of the morgue did not expect this. Frightened, the owner called the police and began to wait for them to arrive. The police opened the cell and pulled out a “dead” man who was showing signs of life. He was rushed to the hospital. The man fully recovered, and the owner of the morgue underwent a course with a psychiatrist.

Kelvin Santos

Kelvin Santos, a two-year-old boy from Brazil, died after complications from bronchial pneumonia that caused respiratory arrest. He was placed in a body bag and given to his family three hours later. When his aunt came to say goodbye to him, the body, as she said, began to move, after which the boy sat down in his coffin in front of the whole family, and asked his father for a sip of water. The family thought he had resurrected, but unfortunately he immediately lay down again and died again. He was taken to hospital, but doctors pronounced him dead a second time.

Carlos Camejo

Carlos Camejo was 33 when he was involved in a highway accident. He was pronounced dead and taken to the local morgue. His wife was notified of the death and invited to identify the body. Pathologists had already begun the autopsy when they realized that something was wrong. Blood began to flow from the wound. They began to stitch it up, and at that moment Carlos woke up, as he said, because the pain was unbearable. When his wife arrived, he was already conscious and was taken to the hospital. He has fully recovered (judging by the photo)

Erica Nigrelli

Erica Nigrelli, teacher in English from Missouri, was 36 weeks pregnant when she became ill and passed out while at work. Her husband Nathan, a teacher at the same school, called 911 and reported that Erica was having a seizure. Erica's heart stopped. The ambulance arrived and took Erica to the hospital. The heart was still silent. The decision was made to save the child. After emergency caesarean section Erica's heart started beating again. She was kept in an induced coma for five days, and as a result it was discovered that she was suffering from a heart condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. She had a pacemaker installed. After some time, Erica and her daughter, Elania, were discharged alive and well.

Incident at the MaNdlo Hotel

In March of this year, prostitutes in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stopped showing signs of life while “working” in a MaNdlo hotel room. An ambulance and police arrived to confirm his death. A crowd of onlookers gathered around. She had already been placed in a metal coffin, when suddenly the prostitute began screaming: “You want to kill me!” Naturally, the number of onlookers immediately became much smaller. The client whom the girl was serving wanted to run away, but he was stopped and explained that the authorities and the hotel had no claims against him. And from the hotel he received a big discount for staying in a room. So if you are staying at a hotel and want to get a big discount, let a prostitute die in your room and come to life in front of everyone.

Li Xiufeng

Li Xiufeng was 95 years old. And one morning a neighbor found her lifeless on her own bed. The neighbor then called the police, who pronounced him dead. The grandmother's body was placed in a coffin and left until the day of the funeral. On the day of the funeral, relatives came and found the coffin empty. A minute later she was found in the kitchen drinking tea. As it turned out, this “death” was the result of a head injury suffered two weeks earlier.

Lyudmila Steblitskaya

Lyudmila was also diagnosed with death and placed in the morgue, where she later woke up. What makes her different from the guy who spent 21 hours in the morgue, she spent three whole days in the cell.

In November 2011, her daughter Nastya went to the hospital to visit Lyudmila and was met by a nurse who said that her mother had died. The body was in the morgue, and the morgue was closed because... It was already Friday evening. The daughter prepared for the funeral and invited 50 people. To pay for the funeral, the daughter borrowed about $2,000. On Monday, Nastya entered the morgue with the opening and found her mother in perfect health. After this discovery, the daughter ran out of the morgue screaming. The hospital declined to comment on the incident.

Nastya took a long time to recover from the shock, and Lyudmila paid the money in the amount of $2,000 from her salary for a long time. About a year later, she “died” again for an hour. Now the daughter has decided to wait at least a week before recognizing her mother’s death.

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A radical procedure, during which the patient’s blood is replaced with a chilled saline solution, can bring a person in a state of clinical death back to life, a correspondent claims.

“If your body temperature is 10⁰C, your brain shows no signs of activity, your heart has stopped, there is no blood in your body - it’s unlikely that anyone will argue that you are dead,” says Arizona State University researcher Peter Rea. “But we can bring you back.” you to life."

Peter Rea isn't exaggerating. Experiments he conducted with his colleague at the University of Maryland, Samuel Tisherman, proved that the body can be maintained in a state of suspended animation for hours. Their technique, which has so far only been tested on animals, is one of the most daring in medicine.

During this procedure, all blood is removed from the patient’s body, and the body is cooled by more than 20⁰C. After surgery, blood is pumped back into the body and the body slowly warms up.

“As soon as blood is pumped into the body, the skin immediately turns pink, and at a certain temperature the heart turns on spontaneously,” says Peter Rea. “This is quite curious: at a temperature of 30⁰C, the heart begins to beat on its own. Then, when the body becomes even warmer, it independently restores normal rhythm."

What's amazing is that the animals used in this experiment show very little sign of any side effects after being brought back to life. “They are unsteady on their feet for a while, but the next day they behave absolutely normally,” says Samuel Tisherman.

Tisherman gained worldwide fame after his announcement of his willingness to apply this technique to patients in Pittsburgh hospitals. According to him, these should be those who received bullet wounds and were in critical condition when the heart had already stopped. For such people, the technique proposed by Tisherman is the last hope.

“Cheat death with suspended animation” - this is how CNN reported about this idea. The New York Times wrote about Tisherman's technique under an even more scathing headline: "Killing a Patient to Save His Life."

Unnecessary sensation

Such sensational coverage of his experiments sometimes hurts Samuel Tisherman. During the conversation, he gives the impression of a thoughtful, balanced person who does not seek to present his research in a sensational light.

The scientist is especially careful in using the term “anabiosis.”

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption Peter Rea (pictured right) suggests that salt anabiosis could be used for quite some time

"It doesn't bother me that they might be inaccurate. But when people hear that term, they think of Han Solo from" Star Wars"or space travelers who can be frozen and sent to Jupiter, where they will be revived," he says.

"This distorts the meaning of my research. It is important to understand that this is not science fiction. This theory is based on experimental work and is tested in strict accordance with scientific methodology before it is used to save people from death," says Samuel Tisherman.

His research partner, Peter Rhee, gained widespread fame after treating US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. In 2011, an attempt was made on her life, she received a severe wound to the head, but doctors managed to save her.

Peter Rea has bolder plans for using “salt suspended animation” than Tisherman. He does not exclude the possibility of maintaining the body in this state for a long time. Although, according to him, this is a matter of the distant future. "What we're doing now is just the beginning of the experiment," he says.

40-year-old man survives without any brain damage after three and a half hours of CPR

Samuel Tisherman began studying the problems of resuscitation in medical school, where he was mentored by Peter Safar. In the 1960s, Safar pioneered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Nowadays, indirect cardiac massage or chest compression is a well-known procedure: rhythmic pressure is applied to a person’s chest to force the heart to start working again.

Peter Safar's work has changed our understanding of death as a momentary phenomenon. "We tend to think that death is instantaneous, and once we die, there's no going back," says Sam Parnia of the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

"That used to be the case. But with the advent of CPR, we realized that the cells in our body do not die for several hours after we are in a state of clinical death. So, even after you have become a corpse, you can be returned to life," explains Sam Parnia.

Death: moment or process?

Tisherman considers death to be the moment (obviously subjective) when doctors stop cardiopulmonary resuscitation, seeing that it will no longer help. But, in his opinion, even after this some people could be brought back to life.

In December, a scientific article in the journal Resuscitation caught the attention of many physicians, claiming that half of the emergency physicians surveyed had at least once witnessed the so-called “Lazarus phenomenon” (autoresuscitation), when a patient’s heart spontaneously begins to beat after doctors had already given up all hope. .

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption The stronger the decrease in body temperature, the higher the chances of resuscitation

But getting the heart back to work is only one of the tasks facing the resuscitator. Lack of oxygen as a result of cardiac arrest can cause serious damage to the most important internal organs and, above all, the brain. “Every minute that these organs are not getting oxygen, a process of dying occurs,” says Samuel Tisherman.

To solve this problem, his former mentor Peter Safar proposed using therapeutic hypothermia - cooling the body to about 33⁰C. To do this, the patient's body, for example, can be covered with ice. At low temperatures, the vital activity of cells slows down, their metabolism decreases, and, consequently, ischemic tissue damage, which is caused by a lack of oxygen.

The use of machines that maintain artificial blood circulation and supply it with oxygen has helped extend the time between cardiac arrest and brain death. A Texas clinic recently reported that a 40-year-old man survived without any brain damage after three and a half hours of CPR.

He was given an indirect cardiac massage, taking turns from doctors, nurses and even medical students who happened to be nearby. “Everyone in the room who could help was asked to participate,” recalls Dr. Scott Taylor Bassett.

However, such cases are rare. Bassett says doctors continued resuscitation only because the patient regained consciousness during the procedure, even though his heart was still not beating.

“During resuscitation, he was able to talk to us, and we understood that he had not yet suffered neurological damage,” says Dr. Bassett. “I had never seen anything like this, either before or after this incident. That is why we decided to continue.” .

Timing is everything

Such prolonged CPR is currently not possible for those who have suffered cardiac arrest as a result of a severe gunshot wound or trauma such as a car accident. Now the best option for a surgeon in this situation is to block the arteries leading to the lower part of the body, then open the chest and massage the heart to supply a small amount of blood to the brain while the wounds are treated and stitched up. But, unfortunately, in such cases only one person out of ten survives.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Indirect cardiac massage in combination with other procedures can help maintain life for quite a long time

It is for this reason that Samuel Tisherman wants to cool the body to 10-15⁰C. This could give doctors more than two hours to operate. Such cooling is sometimes already used during heart surgery, but Tisherman’s technique is the first example of reviving a patient who is in a state of clinical death.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about this procedure is that doctors must drain all the blood from the patient's body and replace it with a cooled saline solution. Because the body's metabolism has stopped, it doesn't need blood to keep cells alive, and saline is the quickest way to cool a patient, Tisherman said.

Samuel Tisherman, along with Peter Rea and other colleagues, spent two decades building the evidence that the procedure was safe and effective. This is proven by numerous experiments on pigs that received injuries that were practically incompatible with life. During these operations, doctors saw that the animals were already far beyond the line of life and death, and, nevertheless, they were saved.

Patients with gunshot wounds were chosen for the first trials because in such cases it is easier to localize the site of bleeding

“The pig turned as white as possible,” says Peter Rea. “It turned into pale refrigerated meat.” However, if the animals could be cooled quickly enough - by about 2 degrees Celsius per minute - almost 90% of them survived when blood was pumped back into their bodies. Even after they lay there lifeless for over an hour. “It was an amazing sight for those present to see the animal's heart begin to beat again,” says Peter Rea.

After the test pigs returned to their normal state, the researchers ran a series of tests to see if their brains were damaged. To do this, before the procedure, they trained the pigs to open a container of a certain color in which an apple was hidden.

After being revived, most of the animals remembered where to look for the treat. Other pigs that were not taught this before the operation learned to do it soon after. They grasped the task as quickly as the others. This suggests that the procedure did not have any negative effect on their memory.

It is clear that it was very difficult to obtain permission for the same experiment with people. Earlier this year, Tisherman was finally allowed to use his technique as a test trial on patients who suffered gunshot wounds in Pittsburgh.

Many of us agree that to preserve the brain, the body needs to be cooled much more than is currently the case. But we don't dare to do this Sam Parnia

One or two such patients are admitted to hospitals in this American city for surgery every month. This suggests that over the past months, Tisherman’s technique has been tried on some of them. Although he himself does not want to share the results of this work yet. Tisherman intends to conduct similar trials in Baltimore, and if all goes well, Peter Rhee will begin the same work at a trauma center in Tucson, Arizona.

As with any medical research, transferring these tests from animals to humans presents some challenges. For example, animals receive their own blood at the end of the experiment, while humans will need donor blood that has been in storage for weeks. The animals were under anesthesia during the operation, but people will have to do without it.

All of this can affect how the body reacts. But Samuel Tisherman remains optimistic. "Dogs and pigs are thought to react to bleeding in the same way as humans," he says.

Doctors are watching these experiments with great interest. “This is very bold,” says Sam Parnia. “Many of us agree that to preserve the brain we need to cool the body much more than is currently being done. But we are hesitant to do this.”

If the trials go as planned, Tisherman intends to apply his method to treat other types of injuries. Patients with gunshot wounds were chosen for the first trials because in such cases it is easier to localize the site of bleeding.

But he hopes that eventually it will be possible to treat cases of internal bleeding in the same way - for example, as a result of the same road accidents. It is possible that someday this technique will be used to treat patients who have survived myocardial infarction and suffer from a number of other diseases.

The success of the tests may open the way to research into other forms of suspended animation. Some scientists would like to test whether a set of medications added to a saline solution could further slow down metabolism and prevent damage to body tissue.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption A defibrillator is a powerful tool, but often provides only a temporary effect

One promising candidate for this role is hydrogen sulfide, the chemical compound that gives rotten eggs their unpleasant odor. It has also been found to reduce metabolism in some animals. However, there is little evidence yet that hydrogen sulfide, which is a poisonous compound, can improve the chances of survival from cardiac arrest. Tisherman believes it would be better to instead find powerful antioxidants that can destroy cell-damaging chemicals.

Peter Rea is convinced that the “salt suspended animation” technique needs to be tested and implemented as quickly as possible. He told me about a patient whom he had seen in the hospital the day before our conversation.

“He was shot in the center of the abdomen, just below the rib cage,” he says. “The doctors did everything they could, but he died. This is exactly the kind of patient who we hope can be brought back to life when the doctors There will be more time for the operation."

Dear children of God! I would like to draw your attention to an instructive miracle performed by the prophet Elisha, which is recorded in the book of Kings. The hospitality of the Sonamite woman was rewarded with the birth of a son, but this joy, like all earthly blessings, turned out to be short-lived. After some time the child fell ill and died.

Filled with grief, the believing mother immediately hurried to the man of God. Through him, God promised to fulfill the desire of her heart, and she went with her grief to him.

Elisha's actions are described in the following verses: "And he said to Gehazi, Gird up your loins, and take my staff in your hand, and go. If you meet anyone, do not greet him, and if anyone greets you, do not answer him. And put down your staff. mine is on the baby's face.

And the mother of the child said: As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives! I won't leave you. And he got up and followed her. Gehazi went ahead of them and laid the rod on the child's face. But there was no voice, no answer. And he went out to meet him, and reported to him, and said: the child is not awakening.

And Elisha entered the house, and behold, the child lay dead on his bed. And he went in and locked the door behind him, and prayed to the Lord. And he rose and lay over the child, and put his lips to his lips, and his eyes to his eyes, and his palms to his palms, and stretched out on him, and the child’s body became warm. And he stood up and walked back and forth in the upper room; then he rose again and prostrated himself on him. And the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite woman. And he called her. She came to him, and he said: Take your son. And she came up and fell at his feet and bowed to the ground. And she took her son and went" (2 Kings 4:29-37).

The position of the prophet in this case was similar to your position, dear friends. Elisha had to deal with a dead child. This death was obvious, physical; but the death with which you have to fight is no less real, although invisible. It concerns the spiritual life of the child.

Children, no less than adults, are “dead in sins and crimes.” This is the real position of every person before God. It is impossible to provide true help to children without recognizing the disastrous state of their spiritual death. I beg you to treat them not as sleeping people who can be easily awakened, but as dead people who can only be revived by a power from above.

Elisha did not decorate the dead body, did not embalm it with aromas and myrrh, in order to leave it the same corpse, only in magnificent decoration. No, he wanted the child’s life and nothing else. Likewise, you are not satisfied with any minor successes, but strive only for one comprehensive goal - the salvation of the immortal soul.

Your job is not just to teach children to read the Bible and make them moral people. Your high calling is to be an instrument in the hands of God through which heaven can bestow life dead souls. Everything you teach your children will be of no use if they remain “dead in sins.” Even if they become useful, moral members of society and orderly church goers, your highest goal is not achieved unless the Lord has quickened them to Christ.

So, our goal is resurrection. We are tasked with raising the dead! How can we complete this unusual task? If we give way to unbelief, we will stumble over the obvious fact that the work to which the Lord has called us is beyond our capabilities. We are not able to raise the dead. However, in essence, we are no more powerless than Elisha, since he himself could not resurrect the son of the Shunammite.

We may not be able to give our children spiritual life, but let us not lose heart. On the contrary, convinced of our complete inability, let us turn entirely to the true source of strength. A person who lives by faith dwells in the realm of miracles. Faith works miracles, it looks at what is promised and, regardless of everything else, loudly proclaims victory, regardless of the impossible.

Now that the Spirit of God came upon Elisha, calling him to the work of the Lord, he was no longer an ordinary man. Also, you, who are awake and languishing in prayer for children, are no longer simple insignificant beings, you have become the temple of God, the Lord abides in you, and by faith you have entered the field of miracle workers. We were sent into the world to be participants in those works that the Lord God does by His Spirit through those who believe in Him.

We must work miracles, and therefore let us not consider the restoration of our dead children impossible and incredible. We are called to this, but let us remember the One who works in our weakness. Can't God raise the dead?

Please, look at your surroundings sensibly! Before you are spiritually dead children, and your heart longs for their revival. Fully aware that God alone can revive them, humbly pray that He will use you in His wonderful work and show you how to act.

If Elisha had remembered how he once served Elijah, and delved into the techniques of his teacher, he would not have sent Gehazi with his staff, but would have started immediately. to what he did only later. In 1 Kings 17 we see Elijah raising a dead child. Here the teacher left an example for his servant, and miraculous power manifested itself only when Elisha followed him exactly. So we must learn at our feet. Teacher and in the matter of saving souls act like Him.

Filled with deep compassion, Christ was surrounded by corrupt humanity, empathizing with us in our deplorable condition. So we must approach the souls of children, languish with them in His longing, cry over them with His tears, otherwise we will not see their deliverance from destruction. We can only learn this wisdom of soul winning by following the example and spirit of the Lord Jesus.

Elisha, however, forgetting about the example of his mentor, chose a new method for himself, as more befitting of his prophetic rank. Handing the rod to Gehazi, he told him to place it on the child. It probably seemed to Elisha that the power of God was so abundant in him that any method would be effective, and therefore there was no need for his personal participation. But that is not what the Lord decided.

I am afraid that the truths that we proclaim to children often resemble Elisha’s rod, that is, they remain something alien, external, like a staff that is held in the hand, but which still does not form part of the body. We take such and such a teaching, such and such a truth, as Gehazi took the staff, and place it on the child’s face, but we ourselves remain indifferent and do not experience the pangs of birth.

No matter how much we try to explain the truth more clearly, putting it in the most attractive form and using visual aids, if our words are not an echo of what is happening in our hearts and do not flow from the depths of our soul, they will never have an effect on the soul, as did the staff of Gehazi on the dead child. It is bitter to admit, but I have often proclaimed the Word of my Lord as the most faithful of all prophetic words, and yet without success! Oh, isn’t it because he preached the gospel without that fiery zeal and sincerity that is necessary for this?!

And you, my friends, don’t you admit the same thing? Haven’t you also happened to proclaim the Gospel, to speak correctly, to expound on what is undoubtedly true, and even to convey to others what was an ineffable treasure for your soul - and so what? - Unsuccessfully, unrequited!

Is it because everything that was said was not felt and you were indifferent to those to whom you testified about God? Was it not the same with you as with Gehazi, when he indifferently laid the staff on the face of the dead? In this case, it is not surprising that you also have to repeat the same words: “The child does not awaken.” True awakening power could not be manifested in lifeless, dry instruction. In fact, we don't even know if Gehazi was sure the boy was dead. From his words it can be assumed that the child is only sleeping.

God cannot bless those who are not wholeheartedly aware of the disastrous condition of their children. Therefore, if you are carried away only by illusory theories about human dignity, about the innocence of childhood and similar dreams and do not believe that children are sinners, do not be surprised if you do not see any fruit from your labor.

Can the Lord accomplish the work of resurrection through you if you do not see the need for it? If it had happened that the deceased had come to life, Gehazi would not have been surprised: “Well, that’s all I woke up from a deep sleep!” If the Lord were to awaken souls through the words of people who were not convinced of the death and complete corruption of the human race, they would certainly think: “What a moral influence the Gospel has! It is extremely useful and beneficial” and would not give glory and worship to the One who, sitting on the throne, creates “all things new” with His regenerating power.

Look at what Elisha does after his first failed attempt to resurrect the boy. He did not lose heart when he learned that the child had not regained consciousness, but he girded himself and energetically set to work. When you fail, you shouldn't quit because of it. If your children are still dead and all your efforts have failed, do not conclude from this that everything is in vain. Elisha did not despair and did not think that reviving the child was impossible. Failure does not mean quitting, but doing it differently. It didn’t work this time, try again and again.

Often you have to change techniques. If the first one turns out to be unsuitable, you need to try another, carefully examining the cause of the error. Thus, nurturing our spirit. The Lord can prepare us for such wide activities that we have never dreamed of.

Pay attention to where the child was placed. The Bible says that the deceased lay on the bed of the prophet. This was the very bed that the hospitable Shunammite woman had prepared for Elisha. The good woman did not think how famous this bed would become when, out of love for God's prophet, she prepared a place for him to rest.

The child was lying on Elisha's bed. This tells us that you should not leave your child away from you, somewhere outside the home. If we want to see him alive, we need to take him to the warmest place closest to our hearts.

“And Elisha went in... and shut the door behind him, and prayed to the Lord.” Now he sets to work with all his heart; and we can learn from him how to begin the great task of raising a dead child. Looking at the account of Elijah, we see that Elisha completely followed the example of his teacher. "And he (Elijah) said to her, Give me your son. And he took him from her hands, and carried him into the upper room where he lived, and laid him on his bed. And he cried to the Lord, and said: Lord my God Will you also do evil to the widow with whom I am staying, by killing her son? And, prostrating himself over the boy three times, he cried out to the Lord and said: “Lord my God, may the soul of this child return to him!” , and the soul of the lad returned to him, and he came to life" (1 Kings 17:19-22).

One ancient wisdom says: “True preaching is written in heaven.” This means that a true preacher must talk a lot with God. If we do not ask for blessings from the Lord, if we do not consider raising our children on our knees before Him, then our work cannot be successful. All power must come from above.

Can the Lord visit and delight you with the conversion of the children entrusted to you if you do not intercede for them before the throne of grace? I think it is an excellent way to invite the children one by one into your room and pray with them alone. Then you can expect their conversion, when you pray for each one separately, you watch over each one, you suffer for each one, you languish, you worry.

Often prayer alone has a much stronger impact on a child than general prayer in a congregation or family. Such prayers often serve as an answer in themselves, that is, the Lord can, while you pour out your soul before Him, through your prayer act on the child’s heart in a way that no admonitions have ever had.

Pray separately with your children and you will receive good fruits. If this is impossible, then, in any case, there should be a lot of prayer on your part - unceasing, constant, exciting prayer. People, flaming in spirit, overcame everything through prayer. They did not leave the throne of grace until they received the mercy they asked for. “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matt. 11:12).

After praying, Elisha took action. Prayer and action should always go hand in hand. To act without prayer is to persist, and to pray without action is to be a hypocrite.

Here in front of us lies a child, and next to him stands a venerable man of God. Look how strange he acts: he bends over the deceased, puts his lips to his lips. The warm, living lips of the prophet touched the cold, dead lips, and a life-giving stream of fresh, hot breath penetrated the cooled, petrified larynx and lungs. Then the holy elder, full of zeal and love, put his warm hands on the cold hands of the dead child and his eyes on his eyes. Not only that, he extended his whole body over him, as if wanting to convey his life to him.

If we sincerely wish to revive a child spiritually, we must, first of all, be clearly aware of his situation. The child is dead, yes, completely dead. The Lord wants us to know this and see him as dead in sins and crimes as we ourselves once were. God wants us to come into contact with this death, although it can be painful and depressing.

Let's see how our Teacher acted, wanting to raise us from the dead. He had to die himself: there was no other way. So you, if you want to resurrect your dead child, then you must certainly be imbued with the chilling horror of death.

It is impossible to pull a brand out of a fire without feeling the heat of the flame. Without a proper consciousness of all the horrors of God's coming judgment and His wrath, you will not have the zeal to work on souls and you will not be able to achieve success.

When the deadness of your children arouses in you feelings of oppression, fear and despair, then know that the Lord wants to bless you. Having thus comprehended the child’s condition, one should then, as far as possible, become accustomed to his nature, habits and character. You must speak in a child’s language so that the child understands, look at things through his eyes, share his feelings with your heart, and be a friend to the child. In a word, you need to study the world of a child with its temptations and enticements in order to, as far as possible, enter into the position of your child, share with him his joys and sorrows.

If all this seems boring and burdensome to you, why did you start a family? Raising children should not be treated with disdain! Whatever is required for this, everything must be done willingly, without coercion. The Lord will not resurrect a dead child through you if you are not ready to do anything to save his soul.

It is said about the prophet that he prostrated himself over the child. We would say: squeezed over him. After all, he was an adult, and he was still a boy, so wouldn’t the word “shrink” be more accurate? No, just “prostrated”. There is nothing more difficult for an adult than to “stretch out” according to a child’s standards. Getting children interested is no easy task. In order to teach little children, it is necessary to use all our wit, our deepest knowledge, our most sincere thoughts and all our strength.

You can't keep children busy with empty talk. We are required to exert all our strength, carefully prepare and deliberately work in order to properly educate these little ones. It is impossible to revive a child if you do not “prostrate” over him, no matter how strange it may seem. And myself smart person you will have to apply all your abilities to this.

While Elisha shuddered from the cold wafting from the corpse, his own warmth penetrated the numb body. In itself, of course, this could not resurrect the child, but the Lord used the prophet’s vital warmth to warm the dead body and through this revived the deceased.

It is good for everyone to reflect on the words of the Apostle Paul: “We...were gentle among you, just as a nurse treats her children tenderly. Thus, out of zeal for you, we wanted to convey to you not only the gospel of God, but also our souls, because you have become dear to us" (1 Thess. 2:7-8). Anyone who sincerely longs for the salvation of their children will understand these words. The Lord, through His Spirit, blesses our heartfelt experiences and often uses them to accomplish what the truth itself, coldly conveyed, would not accomplish. This is the secret of successful evangelism. You must give your soul to your children in such a way that their death seems to you your own death. If the wrath of God is upon them, then it is upon you as well. Therefore, confess their sins to the Lord as your own, pray and continually intercede for them, as the high priest did.

The prophet's actions soon resulted in the child's body becoming warm. How happy Elisha must have been! However, we do not see him resting on this. Never be satisfied that your children are beginning to show some hope of improvement.

If tears appeared in the child’s eyes when you talked about the love of Christ, rejoice, it means that the body is warming up. But don't stop there! Is it possible to give up on this? After all, the goal has not yet been achieved. We need life, not just warmth! We must not just convince our children, but lead them to God; impressions are not enough - revival is needed, that is new life from God, the life of Jesus Christ.

Let's look at Elisha again. “And he stood up and walked back and forth in the upper room.” He finds no place for himself, he is alarmed. The child warmed up, and thank God for this, but he is not alive yet; Therefore, the prophet does not sit down to rest at his table, but restlessly walks back and forth, sighs, yearns and languishes in soul. He is unable to look at his exhausted mother and hear her plaintive voice: “Has my son come to his senses?”

If you notice that a child's heart is touched, do not stop caring for him. The salvation of the soul is most precious of all and is never acquired easily. It is impossible to become a father in Christ without painful anxiety and suffering. You need to understand with your heart the words of the Apostle Paul: “I am again in the throes of birth until Christ is formed in you!” (Gal.4:19).

May the Holy Spirit give you the same mental anguish and the same anguish, worry and anxiety until your children become truly converted and saved.

Have you had a successful conversation with your children? Continue this way in the future. It’s very easy to destroy what was done before! If your warm attitude warmed children's souls, then God forbid that cooling on your part should cause them to freeze! Be sure that just as warmth emanated from Elisha, so coldness can emanate from you if there is no sincere zeal in your soul for the cause of their salvation.

Elisha again stretched out on his bed, and again the fervent prayer of faith and the sighs of the elder were heard. Finally the answer came, his wish came true: “And the child sneezed seven times...” The sound, in itself, was unattractive, but still meant life.

We cannot demand more from children when the Lord gives them spiritual life.

If a child has realized his worthlessness and relied on the finished work of Christ, then no matter how inarticulately and incoherently he expresses it, we should thank God. It is quite possible that Gehazi did not pay attention to the child’s sneezing, since he was not stretching over him. But Elisha was pleased. So we too will be sensitive to the slightest sign of grace and grateful to God if we really reached out in prayer for the lifeless souls of our children.

Following this, the child opened his eyes. Elisha probably thought those eyes were very beautiful. I don’t know whether they were blue or black, but I know that the eyes that we manage to open with God’s help will always be beautiful for us.

Dear friends, is Gehazi among you? I sincerely feel sorry for the one who only knows how to carry a baton. May the Lord grant you life by His mercy, otherwise you will not be able to revive another! If Elisha were dead, his body could not impart life to another, no matter how they were laid on top of each other. It is also useless to come into contact with your lifeless soul dead souls children. A cold stove will not warm a chilled wanderer. A frozen, numb mother cannot caress her children.

May the grace of God touch you first of all and make it His instrument for awakening many souls to the glory of God.

Scientists have managed to develop a technique for reviving people a day after their death.According to resuscitation expert Sam Parnia, if resuscitation is carried out correctly, brain cells do not die five minutes after cardiac arrest, as previously thought.

Today, with the use of special manipulations and the necessary equipment, the human brain is able to live for several more hours after recorded death. This period of time can last up to 72 hours.

According to the specialist, if the patient’s body is cooled to a temperature of 34 to 32 degrees Celsius, he can remain in this state for up to 24 hours. With a decrease in body temperature, the brain uses less oxygen, the formation of toxic substances stops, which, in turn, prevents the death of cells and gives doctors a chance to “pull a person out of the other world.”
At the same time, Parnia especially notes that for the method to work successfully, it is necessary to strictly perform all resuscitation procedures, because even one small mistake can lead to death or brain damage.
The doctor also recalled cases of “resurrection” in modern medicine. Thus, doctors were able to bring English Bolton midfielder Fabrice Muamba back to life. The athlete lost consciousness on March 17, 2012 in an FA Cup match with Tottenham, his heart didn't beat for about 1.5 hours.

July 2, 2009 Ha'aretz reported that an elderly Israeli man "came to life" after an ambulance team issued his death certificate and was about to send his body to the morgue.
Arriving on an urgent call to the apartment of an 84-year-old resident of the city of Ramat Gan, ambulance doctors found him lying on the floor without signs of life. Attempts to resuscitate the old man were considered unsuccessful, and doctors signed official documents confirming his death. However, when the doctors left, the policeman who remained in the apartment noticed that the “deceased” was breathing and moving his hands. By the time the ambulance arrived again, he had already regained consciousness.

August 19, 2008 Reuters reported that the baby, who was born in an Israeli hospital as a result of a forced abortion, showed signs of life after a five-hour stay in the refrigerator.
A girl weighing only 600 grams was born on August 18. Her mother had to have an involuntary abortion due to severe internal bleeding at 23 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors, considering the severely premature baby dead, put him in a refrigerator, where the girl spent at least five hours. Signs of life in the newborn were noticed by her parents, who came to pick her up for burial.
According to doctors, the temperature inside the refrigerator slowed down the child's metabolism, and this helped him survive. The child was admitted to the intensive neonatal care unit.

IN early 2008A Frenchman who suffered a myocardial infarction and whose cardiologists declared cardiac arrest “came to life” on the operating table when surgeons began to remove his organs for transplantation.
A 45-year-old man, who did not follow the regimen prescribed by doctors, suffered a massive myocardial infarction at the beginning of the year. An ambulance arrived and took him to a nearby hospital. However, when the man arrived at the hospital, his heart was not beating. Doctors decided that it was “technically impossible” to help him.
According to the law, in such cases of cardiac arrest, patients can automatically become organ donors. However, when surgeons began the operation, they found signs of breathing in the potential donor and suspended operations.

In November 2007A resident of the American city of Frederick (Texas, USA), 21-year-old Zach Dunlap was pronounced dead in a hospital in Wichita Falls (Texas), where he was taken after a car accident. Relatives had already given their consent to the use of the young man’s organs for transplantation, but during the farewell ceremony he unexpectedly moved his leg and hand. Then those present pressed Zach's nail and touched his foot with a pocket knife, to which the young man immediately reacted. After the “resurrection,” Zach spent another 48 days in the hospital.

In October 2005A 73-year-old pensioner from the Italian city of Mantova unexpectedly came to life 35 minutes after doctors declared him dead.
An elderly Italian man was lying in the cardiology department of the Carlo Poma Hospital in Mantova when an echocardiograph indicated that his heart had stopped. All attempts by doctors to resuscitate the man were useless: cardiac massage and artificial ventilation did not produce results. Doctors recorded death. However, suddenly the line on the echocardiograph began to move again: the man was alive. Soon the man, already declared dead, began to move and then began to recover.
As the doctors stated after the test, the equipment worked perfectly and the only plausible explanation is the assumption that a person is able to endure cardiac ischemia for such a long period.

In January 2004In the northern Indian state of Haryana, an Indian man was brought back to life after spending several hours in a morgue refrigerator.
The man was taken to the morgue by police, who found him lying by the road with injuries. The doctors of the hospital where he was taken, based on the results of the examination, wrote down: “dead at the time of arrival” - and identified the “body” to the morgue immediately after they handed over all the necessary papers to the police.
However, after a few hours, the “deceased” began to move, leaving the morgue staff in a state of shock. Morgue workers immediately took him back to the hospital.

January 5, 2004Reuters reported that a funeral director in New Mexico found Felipe Padilla, who had been pronounced dead at the hospital, breathing. The man “came to life” just minutes before Padilla’s body was to be embalmed. Felipe Padilla, 94, was taken to the same hospital where he was previously pronounced dead. However, a few hours later the old man died in the hospital.

In January 200379-year-old pensioner Roberto de Simone was taken to the cardiology department of the Cervello Hospital in almost hopeless condition. The patient was immediately connected to cardiac and cerebral activity support systems. Roberto de Simone's heart stopped for two minutes. Doctors attempted to restore the heart's function using adrenaline, but despite all efforts, death was recorded after some time. The doctors decided that the patient had died and handed over his body to his relatives so that they could say goodbye to him before the funeral. De Simone was taken home as if dead.
When everything was ready for the funeral ceremony and the coffin was to be closed, Simone opened his eyes and asked for water. The relatives decided that a “miracle” had happened and called the family doctor. He examined the patient and ordered to take him to the hospital. This time with a diagnosis of pneumology - a serious respiratory disease.

In April 2002 the man “came to life” a few hours after doctors in the Indian city of Lucknow (the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh) issued his relatives a death certificate.
A resident of one of the villages of the state, 55-year-old Sukhlal was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of tuberculosis. The prescribed course of treatment did not produce positive results, and one day the doctors had to declare the patient’s death. The patient's son was given a death certificate. When preparations for cremation were completed, the son came to the morgue to pick up his father's body, and then discovered that he was breathing. He immediately called doctors, who felt the “corpse’s” pulse and demanded that his son return the death certificate. Only thanks to the persistence of journalists, the hospital management undertook an internal investigation into this incident. However, the attending physician Mehrotra rejected all doubts about his professionalism; in his opinion, the case of the “revived” Sukhlal was a “miracle” that happened for the first time in his practice.
This is only a small part of the “miraculous” resurrection.

Resurrect me in three hundred years.
(...or a hypothesis about the possible resurrection of a person after death in the future using scientific methods).

As is known, identifying the attitude of adults to the problem of immortality allows us to divide them into three main categories: those who believe that practical, material immortality is both unnecessary and unattainable; those who are inclined to believe that it, alas, is unattainable, no matter how sad it is; and finally, those who think that it may someday become feasible, but that there is no need for it. But there is a fourth point of view...

Andrei Svetov is interested in the problem of immortality in a very practical way: he is part of the organizing committee to create a repository of genetic information about everyone who wishes to live after death.

I became interested in the topic in 1982, when I read Nikolai Fedorov’s one-volume book. It was he who inspired Tsiolkovsky to create spacecraft. I thought, if the second part of Fedorov’s project was realized, then why couldn’t the main one be realized? And very soon he collected material that clearly showed the direct path to human immortality.

But my book would not have existed if I had not learned about the research of molecular biologist Raoul Cano, who brought back to life organisms that died approximately 25-30 million years ago (!).

I contacted professors from the Institute of General Genetics and Defense Enterprises. Most of them are confident in the theoretical possibility of eternal life for humans.

It is known that Japanese scientists are working on creating an artificial brain, but you are convinced that it is possible to resurrect the dead. How can this be done practically?

The genetic material must be well preserved. What American cryogenization centers are doing is a scam of the purest water. They freeze entire corpses, which is not necessary, and they freeze them gradually. In this case, the crystallizing water breaks the cell membrane, every single cell nucleus located in these bodies is destroyed and it is no longer possible to restore them.

There are other technologies and they were developed in one of the closed enterprises in Moscow. This technology is for instant freezing of biological material while maintaining the integrity of all cell structures.


The first client of the cryogenization center that opened in America in the early 60s was James Bedford, whose cancer-ridden body is now stored at a temperature of about 200 degrees below zero. More recently, there were 4 cryogenization centers in America, containing more than 30 frozen corpses of millionaires and several hundred heads. The number of clients is constantly increasing, despite the considerable fees: 125 thousand dollars for storing a body or 50 thousand dollars for storing a head. Cryogenization centers exist in France and Japan.

But a storage facility in which thousands of corpses will be frozen will occupy a huge area?..

There is no need to freeze the entire body. Biomolecular research suggests that the genetic material in the nucleus of a single cell contains all the information about the species, including even memory. One cell is enough to store all the information about an individual.

In what form will man be resurrected again?

I think that in the future a person will be able to choose the age at which he will return to life. But if a five-year-old child is resurrected, he will have the experience of a person the age at which the DNA was taken for storage.

We have no evidence that human consciousness continues to exist after physical death. The works of Robert Moody show that after the physical death of a person, consciousness continues to exist for several hours. But it is not known how long this period of time is. Currently, scientists engaged in deciphering the material contained in the genetic material have not determined the content of 98 percent of the genes. 2 percent carry information about eye color, hair, height, skin color... There are skeptics who claim that 98 percent of genes are ballast, but nature is extremely economical in its manifestations. But there are researchers who suggest that “junk” genes contain information about a person’s personality. It was recently discovered that in the process of human learning, new genes are formed in the subcortex of the brain


In particular, according to Academician P.K. Anokhin, in a person’s “silent genes” all the information about what happens to a person during life is automatically encoded, and this molecular memory is much more complete and perfect than our ordinary memory associated with brain function.

So humanity can live forever?

I didn't think that all people would want this. Most people do not know what to do with one life, and they have no need for eternal existence.

But theoretically, everyone can want it, but the earth's resources are not unlimited. Then it is necessary to stop the birth?..

Fedorov discussed this. He came to the conclusion that man is not at all doomed to live on earth. In his opinion, the planets of the solar system and more distant worlds are our property, the ownership of which we have not yet entered into.

Humanity needs to explore space, whether people will return to life or not. The world's population is steadily increasing. According to the forecasts of scientists from the Roman Club of Futurologists, we are allotted 50 years of carefree life. After this, irreversible processes in the environment will begin.

What is needed in order to build a repository of information material of biological objects?

No less than 5 million dollars. You can use one of the old ballistic missile silos. You can build a room: it will be smaller in area than the Cosmos Hotel.

Will such a storage be able to exist automatically?

Yes. Several years ago, in one of the closed Moscow institutes, a completely autonomous system for maintaining the temperature of liquid helium was developed.

I don’t know for what military purposes this was needed, but there is experimental equipment that works in this mode.

Is it possible to resurrect Lenin?

Don't think. It is unlikely that his genetic material was stored properly, most likely his DNA chains were destroyed.

Andrey Svetov about DNA.

"... You are surprised by the reality that the nuclei of somatic cells of our body are capable of accumulating, encoding and storing in their DNA chains all information not only about phylogeny and ontogenesis (which, in fact, is meant when they talk about “genetic information”), but also all other information related to a specific person, that is, information of a mental nature?

The last statement is not generally accepted even among molecular biologists, but, paradoxically, could become an unconditional axiom for everyone who is even slightly familiar with quantum physics. In fact, if we already know that any elementary particle, for example, a quark, from which our Universe is built, like “bricks”, contains all the information about the entire Universe: about its past, present and future, then It will no longer seem strange to us that objects are much more “bulky”, and therefore much more “capacious” in terms of the volume of information that can be accumulated, than a quark; for example, objects such as the nuclei of the cells of our body are capable of containing all the information about man (an object much more modest in structural complexity and size than the visible universe).

All this can be substantiated right now, moving from the physics of subatomic particles to neurophysiology: The memory capacity of a mentally healthy adult contains at least 10 16 - 10 18 bits of information. However, the human nervous system contains only 10 10 neurons. Consequently, each neuron must process and serve 10 6 - 10 8 bits of information, and this far exceeds all conceivable physiological capabilities of a neuron. Consequently, a person constantly uses mental information not only from his brain, but also from some other sources located in the body, but outside the brain. But to the question: “what structures of the body, in addition to the brain, are involved in the accumulation, storage, use of information, and any other manipulation of information?”, there can be only one possible answer: information molecules - DNA molecules - contained in the nuclei of cells .

Moreover, there are many documented facts indicating that such a system for processing and storing information as the brain is not even the main one! (Which physiologist does not know the story of Phineas Gage, who for many years led a full life with an almost complete absence of a brain! - although this is no longer a sensation, but rather an everyday reality. Note by V.K.) Another thing is that we We still know little about the biological mechanisms that a somatic cell uses to accumulate and encode mental information."