Bogorodskaya carving. Bogorodskaya Toy Museum Bogorodskaya clay toy

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences L. REZANOV, technology teacher at Education Center No. 1828 “Saburovo” (Moscow).

From the history of the fishery

Science and life // Illustrations

Blacksmiths Mishka and Muzhik are a symbol of the Bogorodsk craft.

Toy with a balance ball.

The old building of the main educational building of the Bogorodsk vocational school. Photo from 1958.

Hereditary carver S.I. Balaev shows students of the Children's Academy of Russian Culture of the Saburovo Education Center how to make a pendulum toy.

The work of a master on a moving toy is no longer likened to the art of a sculptor, but of a designer who assembles a composition from various parts.

Pupils of the Children's Academy of Russian Culture in the home workshop of the hereditary carver V. G. Eroshkin (sitting on the right).

Handcrafting a toy takes quite a lot of time. First, the workpiece is cut out with an ax, then they begin to process it with chisels and special Bogorodsk knives.

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

The village of Bogorodskoye is located on the high bank of the Kunya River, not far from Sergiev Posad. The toy craft originated here in the 17th century under the influence of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery - at that time one of the largest centers of artistic crafts in Moscow Rus'. Local craftsmen carved figures of people and animals from wood. Often such figures had symbolic meaning. Bear, a character of many folk tales, according to pagan beliefs, was a symbol of power. The goat personified good power and patronized the harvest. The ram and cow symbolized fertility, the deer - abundance, a successful marriage.

The first figurines of people, animals and birds were single and, as usual, unpainted. The beauty was created with patterned carvings. From the second half of the 19th century century, carvers began to make sculptural groups of several figures on a common basis: “Peasant Farm”, “Troika”, “Cavalry”, “Tea Party”, etc. “The Man and the Bear” in various plot settings became the symbol of the craft.

In 1911, local residents decided to organize training workshops. In 1913, the Main Directorate of Agriculture and Land Management created an Educational and Demonstration Workshop with an instructor class in carving. The methodology of the educational process was first invented and introduced into the school by master Andrei Yakovlevich Chushkin. Children were taught drawing, woodworking technology and wood carving.

At the same time, craftsmen founded an artel - a small joint production, where they jointly solved the problems of acquiring material, improving the quality of tools, marketing products, etc. The creators of the artel are considered to be A. Ya. Chushkin and F. S. Balaev. The enterprise was called: “Handicraft and Toy Artel.” It included 19 talented carvers. They worked according to the charter approved by the Vladimir Governor-General I. N. Sazonov.

In 1914, a dormitory for 10 students who were on full government boarding appeared at the Educational and Demonstration Workshop. In 1922, the workshop was renamed the Vocational School, which in 1990 became the Bogorodsk Art and Industrial School.

The artel in 1923 received the name “Bogorodsky Carver”. Since 1961, it has been the Bogorodsk factory of artistic carvings. In 1993, the name “Bogorodsky Carver” was returned to the factory.

The chronicle of the craft includes many generations of famous master carvers: the Boblovkins, Barashkovs, Bardenkovs, Eroshkins, Zinins, Puchkovs, Stulovs, Ustratovs, Chushkins, Shishkins, etc. These names are the embodiment of brilliant performance skills and creative thought.

Toy manufacturing technology

Before a toy hits the shelf, it goes through a long journey. First you need to find a linden tree with fewer knots. Knots look bad on products, so they are either bypassed or cut out. You can remove a linden tree from its roots only in winter, when all the sap has gone into the ground and there is less moisture left in the tree. Why are toys made from linden? Yes, because it is the softest for the carver, pliable, and easier to work with. After removing the bark, the linden tree is dried for two to three years in the air under a canopy. Leave the bark only on the edges of the log in the form of rings so that the wood does not crack when drying. The dried log is sawn into “churaki”, that is, short trunks. And only after this the master begins the planned work.

Bogorodsk products are made both by hand and on lathes. Manual work is much more difficult. The workpiece is first cut down with an ax, the so-called notching is performed, and cuts are made with a hacksaw. These operations give the product an overall outline. Then they begin processing with chisels. The finished unpainted toy is called “linen”.

Dynamic, expressive, funny...

Bogorodsk toys are kind, funny, instructive, “alive”. You pull the string of the smiling Teddy Bear, and he will spread his paws to the sides, greeting us. Blacksmiths Mishka and Muzhik - the main characters of the Bogorodsk craft - hit the anvil with hammers if you move the bars one by one. The toy “Soldiers on Divorce” was made using the same principle. You move the wooden slats apart and the soldiers move apart; when you move the slats, they converge into orderly ranks. The Nutcracker chews hazelnuts when he touches the lever behind his back. “Chickens on a circle” peck grains thanks to a spinning ball-balance. And there are toys that operate on a spring mechanism hidden in a block-bedside table. When you press a button connected to a spring, the figures begin to move. The bear rocks the cradle, washes clothes, and can even iron them. To enliven genre scenes, carvers introduce into the composition images of trees with oscillating leaves attached to thin wire springs.

Pump and spin, pull and push, push and slide - these universal elements of moving mechanical toys serve to develop children's dexterity and develop fine motor skills of their fingers. For kids, such fun is the best.

Home workshop tour

Together with the students of the Children's Academy of Russian Culture of the Saburovo Education Center, I had the opportunity to visit Bogorodskoye more than once. Our last ethnographic expedition to these regions took place in February of this year. Moscow schoolchildren observed the work and worked themselves in the home workshops of V. G. Eroshkin and S. I. Balaev.

On the facade of the house of Sergei Ivanovich Balaev, whose grandfather stood at the origins of the creation of the artel, there are white painted carved figures of birds and animals. As you pass by, you can’t help but stare.

Sergei Ivanovich invited us to visit. Everything in his house reminds of the traditional way of life of a kind and strong peasant family. A large whitewashed stove, a red corner with icons, a high bed with numerous pillows, an old chest of drawers, black and white photographs on the walls. Of course, there is also a workbench. It is located near the window, where there is more natural light, so that the eyes are less strained. The tool is in the cells of a rag folding bag, which is easily laid out on a workbench and just as easily rolled up without taking up much space. The incisors in such a bag do not become dull and will not hurt anyone. On the front side of the workbench there is a short stop board, all pitted with cutters that jump off during work. Thanks to this board, which can be easily replaced with a new one, the workbench does not deteriorate. Above the workbench are hung the carpenter's tools and cardboard templates for various products. The template is applied to the workpiece and outlined with a pencil.

Next to the workbench there must be a stump on which the workpiece is hacked or cut out with a hacksaw. Only after this does the processing of the product begin with chisels and sharp Bogorodsk knives. The carver prepares the tool and material in advance. To prevent the wood from drying out, in winter it is stored in a plastic bag, and sometimes even wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a bag. Dried material is more difficult to cut.

Professionals do not have large waste of linden in their work. They value every piece and use it for all sorts of little things. And only shavings and knotty trimmings go into the stove.

Sergei Ivanovich gladly showed us how he makes the pendulum toy “A Boy Holding the Firebird by the Tail”, using the most simple tools- axe, knife, chisels and cutters.

How to become a toy maker

You can master the technique of carving and obtain the profession of an artist-master of a unique Russian folk craft at the Bogorodsk Art and Industrial School. Entrance exams for applicants in grades 9-11 are held annually in August. During the period of study (four incomplete years), students master academic drawing, sculpture, painting, and design graphics.

Teachers develop students' powers of observation and creative initiative and make a lot of efforts to ensure that students can participate in various competitions and exhibitions. Every year, students’ works are exhibited at the Moscow Fair of Russian Folk Art Crafts “Ladya”, in the “City of Masters” at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, at the All-Russian Exhibition “Young Talents of Russia” and often take prizes.

Over the 95 years of its existence, the Bogorodsk Art and Industrial School has produced hundreds of carvers, many of whom have become high-class artists. The museum of samples and diploma works of school graduates complements the huge collection of exhibits from the museum of the Bogorodsky Carver factory. Both collections preserve the history and heritage of the Bogorodsk craft.

Products of Bogorodsk craftsmen are exhibited at the State historical museum, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts, the Toy Museum and the Historical and Art State Museum-Reserve of Sergiev Posad and many other cultural centers of the country. They are also known abroad. Bogorodsk toys and sculptures were widely presented this fall at an exhibition in the Stroganov Palace, one of the branches of the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg).

The article is illustrated with photographs provided by the teaching staff of the Bogorodsk Art and Industrial School.

The business of carving various funny toys was founded in the village of Bogorodskoye. The key principles of carving figurines from wooden chocks in this place were laid down in the 16th-17th centuries by the Trinity-Sergius peasant serfs. It was from this period that the Bogorodsk toy and its homeland became known throughout the world. What is it character traits peasant craft?

The business of carving various funny toys was founded in the village of Bogorodskoye

There are several legends that have been telling for more than 300 years about the appearance of the first figurine carved from wood. One of them tells about a peasant family. A mother carved a funny toy out of a block of wood for her children, which she nicknamed “auka.” The children played with her for a short time and then threw her behind the stove. Out of interest, the husband decided to take the auka with him to the market to show it to the traders. The people liked the funny toy made so much that they immediately bought it, and, in addition, ordered another batch.

There is another belief. According to him, an unknown resident of Sergiev Posad carved a doll from wood, which was 9 inches in size. It was made from a block of linden. Taking his creation with him, he went to the Lavra, to the merchant Erofeev. The merchant, without hesitation, agreed to sell the doll and placed it in his shop as decoration. However, a few minutes later he was approached by a buyer who immediately purchased the doll and ordered another batch from the merchant.

Which of the legends presented is true is not known. However, it was from this time that the craft of carving toys from wood began to develop, which later began to be called Bogorodsk toys.

How did the craft develop?

The history of this fishery is very interesting. The majority of the peasant population living in the village of Bogorodskoye and Sergiev Posad was engaged in carving. However, all the carvers were completely dependent on the buyers who traded in Sergiev Posad. It was for them that the peasants carried out orders for cutting out toys. Sergiev's trade consisted of buying unprocessed toys from peasants. Subsequently, the resulting material was processed, signed and sold.

The history of this fishery is very interesting.

The dawn of Bogorodsk craft dates back to the 19th century. Among the carvers at this time, the most famous were F. S. Balaev, A. N. Zinin, A. Ya. Chushkin. The following important dates for the formation of needlework were associated with these people:

  • in 1913, under the leadership of the listed masters, an artel workshop was founded, as a result of which the Bogorodsk toy received complete independence and was freed from buyers;
  • since 1923, a school has been organized at the artel, which teaches children from the age of 7 years old how to cut out funny figures from wood;
  • Since 1960, the artel has acquired the status of a factory.

It is interesting that the artistic carving factory was formed in the year of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Bogorodsk toy.

Gallery: Bogorodskaya toy (25 photos)

How carved figures were made in Rus': Bogorodsk toy (video)

Bogorodskaya wood carving

Folk crafts of the village of Bogorodskoye are based on the use of soft wood. Mainly linden, alder, and aspen are used to make toys. This choice is due to the fact that the soft structure of the wood greatly facilitates the work of the master, and, therefore, speeds it up. Linden logs are prepared in advance and undergo a 4-year drying process using a special technology. Due to such a long preparation of materials, their procurement is carried out continuously. The finished logs are sent for cutting, after which special blanks fall into the hands of the craftsmen.

The carver uses a template to mark the design and then begins to cut out the shape of the toy. During the cutting process, a specific Bogorodsk knife is used, as well as chisels. The master cuts out individual parts of the toy, after which they are sent to a special workshop and assembled there. The blanks are painted at the final stage. Sometimes a carved toy is not painted. In this case, it is simply varnished and allowed to dry thoroughly. It is quite possible to make such toys in senior group kindergarten. Pictures for the sample can be printed ready-made.

Key Features

One of the symbols of Bogorodsk craft is a toy placed on a moving bar “Blacksmiths”. It was invented more than 300 years ago and consists of interestingly carved figures of a man and a bear, who take turns hitting an anvil. The toy is activated by the movement of the slats relative to each other.

One of the symbols of Bogorodsk craft is a toy placed on a moving bar

Another famous craft is “Chickens”. Its distinctive feature is the bar and balance, which sets the structure in motion. As a result of the movements performed, the birds begin to peck the grain one by one. The plots of such toys are not accidental, because the peasants drew most of them from own life, as well as folk tales. It was in them that the heroes were: a bear, a simple village man, birds.

Interestingly, to this day, modern masters preserve these peasant traditions. For their skill and traditions, modern masters have been repeatedly awarded gold medals at exhibitions held in Paris, Brussels, and New York.

How to make a Bogorodsk bear with your own hands?

One of the symbols of the Bogorodsk toy is a bear.

You can make it yourself from the following materials:

  • linden block;
  • chisel;
  • knife;
  • axe.

One of the symbols of the Bogorodsk toy is a bear

In order to make a Bogorodsk bear, you must follow the instructions:

  1. The first step is to find a piece of linden with a minimum number of knots. These elements can not only spoil appearance product, but also make it fragile. The tree should be cut in winter, as it contains the least sap at this time.
  2. The log is placed in the air under a canopy and dried for 2-3 years. The bark is left in the form of rings only on the edges of the log. This is necessary to ensure that the wood does not crack during drying.
  3. The finished log is sawn into logs.
  4. A suitable size block is cut from the chock using an ax.
  5. Using knives, the product is given a general outline: the bear’s head, its body, and the direction of its paws are outlined.
  6. Then, using a chisel, the hair on the paws is cut through. It should be pointing down.
  7. Then, indentations are made along the perimeter of the paws in order to give the toy the outline of an animal and make it three-dimensional.
  8. Then the hair on the body is cut through. This is done with free movements using a chisel in the direction from top to bottom.
  9. The last stage in the formation of a bear is considered to be cutting out its muzzle. To do this, with a straight horizontal movement of the knife, you should mark the animal’s nose, and then its length, cutting off the excess.
  10. A bevel is made from the nose upward, where the eyes are cut out using a chisel.
  11. Ears are formed on the head using a thin chisel. The neck deepens, and then the head becomes covered with hair. You should use a slightly smaller chisel on it than for processing the body.

The completed carving must be varnished. For these purposes, it is necessary to use wood varnish.

Harvesting linden in the village of Bogorodskoye is a continuous process. After all, in order for high-quality blanks to come out of the trunk, the linden must dry in natural conditions for at least four years. That is why, after initial processing, linden trunks are put into huts or stacks and left for several years in special hangars.

The dried tree is sent for logging. On a lathe or by hand with an axe, craftsmen mark out the most general outlines future toy, cutting or sawing out the blank according to the template. Then the product is processed with a chisel and a special knife, the so-called “pike”, which are made especially for Bogorodsk carvings by hereditary village craftsmen.

The cut and carefully processed parts of the future movable wooden toy are sanded, then the rough edges are polished, making the wood absolutely smooth and velvety to the touch. The resulting parts are assembled into a moving composition, painted by hand if necessary, and several layers of varnish are applied.

The symbol of the craft is moving wooden toys.

The Bogorodsk craft of wooden carved toys is akin to Sergievo Posad. Carving school The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the ancestor for both of these crafts and known since the 15th century. In the 18th century, fishing was a seasonal peasant production. From November to early April, there is usually no work in the village, so in order to somehow occupy themselves and earn some money, the men took up knives and cut wooden toys from linden. They took finished products to Sergiev Posad to sell them.

By the middle of the 19th century, Bogorodsk carving became an independent handicraft that gained Russian and then world fame.

Gradually, the Bogorodsk toy moved from the category of handicraft peasant crafts into the direction of folk art, acquiring its own unique features.

In 1913, the Bogorodsky Carver artel was organized in the village, which allowed the craftsmen to gain economic independence and bring samples of their craft to the international market. Distinctive feature By this time, the trade had become moving wooden toys, which sharply distanced the artel from the neighboring Sergievo Posad, which retained the traditional Russian nesting doll as a symbol and the main operating model.

The symbol of the Bogorodsk craft, known throughout the world, has become the toy “Blacksmiths,” which consists of wooden figures of a man and a bear alternately hitting an anvil with hammers. Blacksmiths usually do not paint the pieces cut from light linden wood, but simply cover them with several layers of colorless varnish.

The price of urbanization is the decline of folk crafts.

By 1960, under the influence of the so-called fabrication of folk crafts, an artistic carving factory was created on the territory of the village of Borogodskoye. The disappearance of the artel organization of labor gradually alienated craftsmen from each other, depriving them of the simplicity of rural communication so necessary for the development of the craft. Under the yoke of the universally imposed principles of a planned economy, village traditions languished, and the development of the village territory with panel high-rise buildings, deforestation and demolition of ancient carved wooden buildings gradually brought to naught the harvesting and drying of wood, which led to the need to purchase expensive third-party raw materials. High energy prices aggravated the already increased production costs; the master carvers who moved to the upper floors of new buildings finally lost touch with both each other and with folk roots, and traditional sales markets became inaccessible, because the price of Bogorodsk toys increased greatly, and the quality Unfortunately, it left much to be desired.

Bogorodskaya toy from the manufacturer. High quality and reasonable price.

Located in the Sergiev Posad district, the production of the online store for souvenirs and gifts “Golden Grail” has united masters of various areas of folk art crafts. A carefully created and carefully preserved reputation, low prices and consistently high quality of products have made our company the undisputed leader in the production and sale of Russian souvenirs.

Sergievo Posad nesting dolls self made, Bogorodsk toy, birch bark products, painted boxes, Gzhel and Khokhloma - this is not a complete set of souvenirs that you can purchase. Our specialists are ready to answer any questions that may arise, provide guarantees of the authenticity of our products and give advice on the use and storage of souvenir products we produce.

Contact us and remain our clients for many years!

Hello friends! It's no secret that Primary School - additional source creative inspiration not only for children, but also for their parents (at least for those parents who are not averse to making crafts in their spare time). Various competitions and creative tasks (for example, decorating a classroom for a holiday) will not let you get bored. And sometimes they prompt very interesting experiments that would hardly have a place in their own schedule.

Our son Volodya is in third grade, and now the school is holding a competition on making a Slavic toy with his own hands from any materials. The competition is for students, but parental participation is implied. :)

The mission to support the honor of the class in this competition fell to us. We somehow immediately decided on the theme - the famous Bogorodsk toy “Blacksmiths”, the one where a man and a bear hit an anvil with sledgehammers.

By the way, while collecting material for our venture, I also read about the history of the Bogorodsk toy. So, the birthplace of this folk craft of carved wooden toys and sculptures is the ancient village of Bogorodskoye near Moscow. At the end of the 16th century, the village was transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, which was one of the major centers of artistic crafts in Rus'.

It is believed that it was thanks to the influence of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery that the Bogorodsky craft was born and developed. The Blacksmiths toy is over 300 years old, and it is rightfully a symbol of the craft.

According to references in ancient documents, Peter I gave “Kuznetsov” to his son Tsarevich Alexei. And the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, looking at this Bogorodsk toy, said: “The people who created this toy - great people

If you wish, you will find a lot on the Internet interesting information about history and modern development Bogorodsky fishery.

In the meantime, we will move on. Of course, we didn’t even think about making the “Blacksmiths” toy, as expected, out of wood. But to make it from a softer and more pliable material - corrugated cardboard - this idea seemed quite feasible to us.

As it turned out later, we were not mistaken in our predictions; the toy turned out just right! Characteristic feature Bogorodsk toy - the mobility of the elements - was realized to its fullest: a man and a bear are merrily pounding on an anvil, and the sound is made almost like knocking on wood.

In general, the product turned out to be quite durable thanks to its multi-layer construction.

But let's move on to the manufacturing process itself, and you will see all the nuances for yourself.

Master class: Bogorodsk toy “Blacksmiths” made of cardboard

Materials and tools:

— sheets of A4 size office paper (for printing templates);
- micro-corrugated cardboard;
- wooden skewers;
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- metal ruler;
— a punch and a hammer or an awl;
— glue “Moment Crystal”;
- double sided tape;
- acrylic paints and brushes.

It all started with this drawing of the “Blacksmiths” toy, found on the Internet.

Based on it, templates for cutting out of cardboard were prepared, and things started to work. You can immediately download the templates here:

I would like to dwell separately on the main material for making toys. We used micro-corrugated cardboard (this is one of the types of corrugated packaging cardboard). It is three-layer (two flat, one corrugated), its thickness is 1.5-2 mm.

Why micro-corrugated cardboard? In addition to the fact that we have a long-standing warm relationship with corrugated cardboard, this material is very easy to process. It is easy to cut, and when several layers are glued together, the parts are quite dense and durable.

In principle, as an alternative, you can use, for example, 1.5 mm thick bookbinding cardboard. But it's harder to cut. It will be especially difficult to cut out the heads of the man and the bear.

In addition, microcorrugated cardboard is much cheaper. And if you use used boxes, it will generally cost free. Microcorrugated cardboard boxes are usually used to pack confectionery, tableware, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, and much more.

Finding suitable boxes is not difficult. And given the scale of the parts, you won’t need much cardboard at all.

1. Preparing the parts of the “Blacksmiths” toy.

We cut out all the details from cardboard using templates. For convenience, the number of templates is equal to the number of parts.

The technology is simple: we cut out a template or a group of templates with small allowances and attach them to the wrong side of the cardboard with pieces of double-sided tape, after which we cut out the parts. This process is demonstrated in more detail and clearly.

When placing templates on cardboard, pay attention to recommended directions of corrugated layer waves(the file contains the corresponding designations). Both the appearance and mechanical characteristics of the parts depend on this.

Here are all the parts of the anvil cut out:

Two trapezoidal parts (they are needed to fill the gaps between the anvil parts and the bar) need to be flattened.

Cut out the sledgehammer parts. Well, everything here is extremely simple.

The handles will be pieces of wooden skewer length 30 mm. In this case, it is better to use a thicker skewer.
Next, cut out the details of the planks. Here, to increase rigidity, pieces of a wooden skewer are inserted into the middle part of each plank, just in case (this skewer is smaller in diameter than a skewer for sledgehammers).

In principle, this is not necessary. It’s just that the parts are narrow and long, so they bend easily (especially taking into account the transverse arrangement of the waves of the corrugated layer). I didn’t want to take any risks - they strengthened it just in case.

When you glue layers of planks together even without skewers, their strength and rigidity will noticeably increase. And no transverse forces should be applied to the slats when the finished “Blacksmiths” toy is functioning. I think everything should be fine either way.

But if you still want more reliability, you know what to do. :)

On the outer parts of the lower bar, immediately use the tip of a knife to make small marks where the anvil should be.

We make holes on all parts of the planks. We used a punch from the Bison set.

If such a tool is not available, then simply pierce the holes with an awl, and then widen them with a skewer, the pieces of which you will use as rods when assembling the toy.

Important point: The skewer should rotate freely in the holes of the bar.

We move on to the most difficult and important stage - cutting out the details of the man and the bear.

There are 2 groups of parts in mirror image. This is done so that the finished figure has external parts on both sides with the front layer facing outward.

At first we even drew the fingers on the bear's paws and the man's hands. But cutting it out is too much of a chore. Although it seems to have worked out.

The final templates in this part have been simplified, so it will be a little easier for you. :)

For those who will be cutting out such figures from cardboard for the first time, clue: complex small contours (for example, a man’s face or a bear’s muzzle) should be cut with short pressing movements with the very tip of the knife blade. First, push the outline of the area in this way, then cut the line through the entire thickness of the cardboard.

And on some parts, you immediately need to make holes for the rods on which the figures of our “blacksmiths” will be attached.

Important point: and in this case the skewer should fit tightly into the hole.

2. Assembling the “Blacksmiths” toy.

Glue together the parts of all the elements of the toy.

Drop a little glue into the hole of the sledgehammer (it’s convenient to use a toothpick for this) and insert the handle.

We glue the anvil parts together with blocks, as shown in the photo.

Then we glue the blocks. Press the work surface of the anvil against the table until it is level.

Glue the parts of the top and bottom strips together.

At the same time we will prepare 4 rods. The length is determined depending on the number of layers and the thickness of the cardboard.

Apply glue to the trapezoidal parts of the anvil and glue them to the bottom bar. Insert the top bar as well to make sure it moves freely.

Gluing the man's parts together. Here, assemble the entire middle part, glue one assembled side to it. Do not attach the other side yet.

We prepare the parts of the bear in the same way.

Well, all that remains is to attach our “blacksmiths” to the movable slats.

We insert it into the holes on the bear's leg and glue 2 rods, as shown in the photo.

We insert the rods into the holes of the planks.

Apply glue to the surface of the middle part of the bear, as well as the holes on the second leg. And glue the rest of the figure so that the rods fit into the holes.

Insert and glue the sledgehammer.

If you plan to paint the toy, you don’t have to glue the sledgehammer for now. It’s even better to first paint the parts of the Blacksmiths toy, and then start assembling.

We attach the man to the slats in the same way.

That's it now. Our cardboard copy of the Bogorodsk toy “Blacksmiths” is ready!

It’s funny to say, but we ourselves experienced childish delight when we tried it out. :) It works! Everything is moving, the hammers are knocking - it’s just a miracle))

What can we say about our third-graders, who, when we finally presented the result, were also happy to move the planks and listen to the ringing clatter of cardboard sledgehammers.)

By the way, in the process of preparing the description, an idea arose about how to make the cardboard “color” of the toy at the ends more uniform. Now, as you can see, one half is darker, the other is lighter. A trifle, of course, but still...

So, you can alternate mirror layers: 1 layer from one group of parts, then a layer from the second group, etc.

This is our work to create a Russian folk toys"Blacksmiths" was completed. But it’s too early to draw a conclusion. The toy still had to be painted.

A team of artists from our class took on this task. And Volodya took upon himself, let’s say, coordination functions. :)

The toy was painted with acrylic paints.

The girls got down to business seriously, even studied samples folk costumes.

The result was such an elegant and fun moving toy with traditional plot.

Now we are waiting for the results of the competition. :)

Friends, how do you like this embodiment of the Bogorodsk “Blacksmiths”? It seems to me that such a toy is quite worthy of being used for its intended purpose - for children to play with.

Ultra-budget option. But this, of course, is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you can easily make a toy with your own hands and even involve children in this entertaining process. If, due to age, it is still too early to cut and glue cardboard parts, then there is no need for coloring age restrictions No.

* * *

PS. On the eve of the March 8 holiday, Olya Kachurovskaya developed new thematic templates for cutting in continuation of the series of festive chocolate bowls.

If you haven't downloaded it yet free templates in the Kartonkino store, pick up our holiday gift right now:

Happy upcoming holiday, dear readers! Have a sunny mood! Let the coming spring fill you with fresh strength, energy, and inspiration! Let there be more reasons for joyful smiles! Love, happiness, family well-being all to you!

See you again at KARTONKINO!

Your Inna Pyshkina.

We have already seen the famous Bogorodsk toy at an exhibition at the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts in Moscow. It's time to go to Bogorodskoye itself, near Moscow. There is a factory where these toys are made, and there is a museum next to it. It is quite easy to identify the factory: there are carved figures already above the gate.

A wooden sculpture greets us in the factory courtyard - we just have to look closely.

The museum is located in the factory complex itself. So, feel free to go inside, where “entrance” is written on the door - they will already explain to you what and how.
They will also explain that the tradition of wooden carving in Bogorodskoye is very old. It has long been used to decorate everyday things: rockers, spinning wheels and so on.

When did toys appear here? Often referred to as the 17th century. However, it is, of course, difficult to name the exact date. The museum at the factory - then still the Bogorodsky Carver artel - appeared more than a hundred years ago. Initially, as an assortment cabinet - that is, a collection of samples for internal use. But later it opened to the public. The works of Borogodsk masters from the 19th century to the present day are collected here - in total there are over three thousand exhibits in the collection.

The Bogorodsk toy began with characters and scenes of an everyday nature.

Of course, there are also soldiers here.

Early figurines were mostly small - the traditional toy was primarily aimed at children. And here the fact that the toy moves stands out - although it is unlikely that its first authors would have been able to scientifically discuss the benefits of developing micromotor skills.

There are several technologies here. Here is a push-button toy - it starts to move when you press a button or key on the pedestal. Then the fox will try to grab Kolobok, and the bear will begin to chop the log.

The second kinetic technique is balance. To put such a toy into action, you need to swing the ball suspended from below. This is how the classic Bogorodsk “hens” work, pecking at grain.

A wide variety of characters and plots are also possible here.

Finally, the most classic - “slats”. This is how the famous “Man and the Bear” are constructed, which - if the bars are moved relative to each other - take turns hitting the anvil.

It is no coincidence that this particular toy became the emblem of the Bogorodsk factory and is displayed on its facade. And in the museum she is presented even in human size - little visitors can feel themselves in the role of one of the heroes.

Here is another version of the “plank” toy.

And a variation of the same technique - here the slats move according to the accordion principle.

There are also rarer ways to set toys in motion. Basically these are larger and more detailed compositions.

Here we are already moving on to the peculiar genre of “armchair sculpture”. Initially there were rural scenes, carriages, and “tea parties.” But sometimes historical characters too.

But still, the main character of Bogorodsk carvings has long been a bear. Sometimes on its own, sometimes together with a person.

But now we get to the shop windows of the Soviet period and we see completely different scenes.

A man and a bear present us with the Soviet coat of arms. And the next scene is “Decree on Land”.

In general, there are quite a lot of Lenins in different variations and types. Although such things were not made in large numbers - they were mainly made to order as official gifts.

But these “three heroes” are actually Frunze, Budyonny and Kotovsky. And other Chapaevs and carts are also present.

But the same era gives us fairy-tale and literary subjects.

And here is young Pushkin with Arina Rodionovna.

What’s funny is that sculptures depicting politicians are sometimes commissioned from Bogorodsk craftsmen even today. They told me, in particular, the names of Putin and Luzhkov. It’s a pity, but their images are not presented in the museum exhibition.

But, of course, not only are children's toys still in production in abundance (where now a hare can appear not only with a drum, but also with a laptop), but also cabinet sculpture. Mostly now it’s animal art.

There are also interesting variants of high reliefs.

Moreover, such an office sculpture may well reach the size of a park - in full bear height.

Another recent innovation is the appearance of religious subjects (after all, Sergiev Posad is not far away).

And of course, the technology of hand carving itself is shown - of course, using the example of bears. The material is soft wood - mainly linden.

And here is the owner of the museum, Natalya Alexandrovna, who will tell you all these and many other details.

We go out into the street and once again look at the park sculptures installed there. The plots are mostly fairy tales. Well, or “bearish”.

But the trees stood so frost-covered on the road to Bogorodskoye. Well, I can’t promise a similar spectacle at any time - it depends on the weather.

In principle, the museum regularly Bogorodsk factory open on weekdays until 17:00. However, firstly, you can book a tour and even a master class on Saturdays - you just need to do this in advance.

Secondly, in May, here, on the territory of the factory, there will be a traditional festival- this is May 16-17-18, that is, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The festival is, of course, open to the public.

Well, and thirdly, the museum is seriously thinking about making Saturday an open excursion day. We will wait for information on this matter.

Now how to get there.

Firstly, get to Sergiev Posad one way or another. You can go by car (which is convenient, although it is fraught with traffic jams on the way out of Moscow). You can take the train (which, as it turned out, run in the direction of Sergiev Posad quite often - you most likely won’t have to wait more than half an hour at any time of the day).

Next for motorists: having entered Sergiev Posad and moving along the main road, do not miss the left turn to Uglich-Kalyazin shortly after the Lavra remains on the left. Further according to the scheme presented on the museum’s website (or, more simply put, straight ahead all the time, right up to turning right at the huge sign “Zagorsk PSPP”).

For those who travel by public transport: there is a bus station directly opposite the railway station in Sergiev Posad. From where you can get to Bogorodskoye by bus or minibus with the same number 49. The minibus runs more often and goes faster. The bus is less frequent and on schedule (about once an hour). In general, it has an advantage, perhaps, only for regularly traveling local residents who have travel cards for it, but for a one-time trip, a minibus is still more convenient.

In any case, you need to go to the final stop. From which walk forward a little in the direction of travel (the reference point is a healthy red and white pipe). The official address of the factory is Bogorodskoye, 79 B (that’s right, no street).