All about Bogorodsk carved toys. Bogorodskaya factory

We have already seen the famous Bogorodsk toy at an exhibition at the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts in Moscow. It's time to go to Bogorodskoye itself, near Moscow. There is a factory where these toys are made, and there is a museum next to it. It is quite easy to identify the factory: there are carved figures already above the gate.

A wooden sculpture greets us in the factory courtyard - we just have to look closely.

The museum is located in the factory complex itself. So, feel free to go inside, where “entrance” is written on the door - they will already explain to you what and how.
They will also explain that the tradition of wooden carving in Bogorodskoye is very old. It has long been used to decorate everyday things: rockers, spinning wheels and so on.

When did toys appear here? Often referred to as the 17th century. However, it is, of course, difficult to name the exact date. The museum at the factory - then still the Bogorodsky Carver artel - appeared more than a hundred years ago. Initially, as an assortment cabinet - that is, a collection of samples for internal use. But later it opened to the public. The works of Borogodsk masters from the 19th century to the present day are collected here - in total there are over three thousand exhibits in the collection.

The Bogorodsk toy began with characters and scenes of an everyday nature.

Of course, there are also soldiers here.

Early figurines were mostly small - the traditional toy was primarily aimed at children. And here the fact that the toy moves stands out - although it is unlikely that its first authors would have been able to scientifically discuss the benefits of developing micromotor skills.

There are several technologies here. Here is a push-button toy - it starts to move when you press a button or key on the pedestal. Then the fox will try to grab Kolobok, and the bear will begin to chop the log.

The second kinetic technique is balance. To put such a toy into action, you need to swing the ball suspended from below. This is how the classic Bogorodsk “hens” work, pecking at grain.

A wide variety of characters and plots are also possible here.

Finally, the most classic - “slats”. This is how the famous “Man and the Bear” are constructed, which - if the bars are moved relative to each other - take turns hitting the anvil.

It is no coincidence that this particular toy became the emblem of the Bogorodsk factory and is displayed on its facade. And in the museum she is presented even in human size - little visitors can feel themselves in the role of one of the heroes.

Here is another version of the “plank” toy.

And a variation of the same technique - here the slats move according to the accordion principle.

There are also rarer ways to set toys in motion. Basically these are larger and more detailed compositions.

Here we are already moving on to the peculiar genre of “armchair sculpture”. Initially there were rural scenes, carriages, and “tea parties.” But sometimes historical characters too.

But still, the main character of Bogorodsk carvings has long been a bear. Sometimes on its own, sometimes together with a person.

But now we get to the shop windows of the Soviet period and we see completely different scenes.

A man and a bear present us with the Soviet coat of arms. And the next scene is “Decree on Land”.

In general, there are quite a lot of Lenins in different variations and types. Although such things were not made in large numbers - they were mainly made to order as official gifts.

But these “three heroes” are actually Frunze, Budyonny and Kotovsky. And other Chapaevs and carts are also present.

But the same era gives us fairy-tale and literary subjects.

And here is young Pushkin with Arina Rodionovna.

What’s funny is that sculptures depicting politicians are sometimes commissioned from Bogorodsk craftsmen even today. They told me, in particular, the names of Putin and Luzhkov. It’s a pity, but their images are not presented in the museum exhibition.

But, of course, not only are children's toys still in production in abundance (where now a hare can appear not only with a drum, but also with a laptop), but also cabinet sculpture. Mostly now it’s animal art.

There are also interesting variants of high reliefs.

Moreover, such an office sculpture may well reach the size of a park - in full bear growth.

Another recent innovation is the appearance of religious subjects (after all, Sergiev Posad is not far away).

And of course, the technology of hand carving itself is shown - of course, using the example of bears. The material is soft wood - mainly linden.

And here is the owner of the museum, Natalya Alexandrovna, who will tell you all these and many other details.

We go out into the street and once again look at the park sculptures installed there. The plots are mostly fairy tales. Well, or “bearish”.

But the trees stood so frost-covered on the road to Bogorodskoye. Well, I can’t promise a similar spectacle at any time - it depends on the weather.

In principle, the museum at the Bogorodsk factory is regularly open on weekdays, until 17:00. However, firstly, you can book a tour and even a master class on Saturdays - you just need to do this in advance.

Secondly, in May, here, on the territory of the factory, there will be a traditional festival- this is May 16-17-18, that is, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The festival is, of course, open to the public.

Well, and thirdly, the museum is seriously thinking about making Saturday an open excursion day. We will wait for information on this matter.

Now how to get there.

Firstly, get to Sergiev Posad one way or another. You can go by car (which is convenient, although it is fraught with traffic jams on the way out of Moscow). You can take the train (which, as it turned out, run in the direction of Sergiev Posad quite often - you most likely won’t have to wait more than half an hour at any time of the day).

Next for motorists: having entered Sergiev Posad and moving along the main road, do not miss the left turn to Uglich-Kalyazin shortly after the Lavra remains on the left. Further according to the scheme presented on the museum’s website (or, more simply put, straight ahead all the time, right up to turning right at the huge sign “Zagorsk PSPP”).

For those who travel by public transport: there is a bus station directly opposite the railway station in Sergiev Posad. From where you can get to Bogorodskoye by bus or minibus with the same number 49. The minibus runs more often and goes faster. The bus is less frequent and on schedule (about once an hour). In general, it has an advantage, perhaps, only for regularly traveling local residents who have travel cards for it, but for a one-time trip, a minibus is still more convenient.

In any case, you need to go to the final stop. From which walk forward a little in the direction of travel (the reference point is a healthy red and white pipe). The official address of the factory is Bogorodskoye, 79 B (that’s right, no street).

In the village of Bogorodskoye, not far from Sergiev Posad, woodcarving masters live and work, continuers of the glorious traditions of Russian artisans. Bogorodskaya carving appeared as a craft back in the 16th century. The peasant made toys for his children, for other people’s children, and then, lo and behold, he began to sell them on the sly. The neighbors in the village, seeing such a thing, began to engage in profitable business themselves, and off we go.

Over time, there was not a single family left in the village that did not carve wood. The characters that the masters took as prototypes for their toys surrounded them from childhood. Shepherd, woodcutter, peasant with a cow, mower. Later, craftsmen, ladies and hussars, landowners and officials appeared in the works of the Bogorodians. If ordinary people in the works of Bogorodsk craftsmen were depicted, as a rule, with love and warmth, then in the figures of ladies and hussars one can almost always notice subtle humor and irony. Feature Bogorodskaya toy - the fact that all the characters are depicted in movement, in the action inherent in this character. If he is a woodcutter, then he is swinging an ax; if he is a hussar, then he is prancing on a horse.

Such toys as “Blacksmiths” and “Chickens”, with movable figures on wooden slats, are widely known. Animals are not uncommon in the works of Bogorodsk carvers; the most popular character of the animal world in Bogorodsk toys is, of course, the bear. In the 19th century, multi-figure compositions and genre scenes from life appeared in the works of Bogorodsk woodcarving masters. A troika with a sleigh and a dashing coachman, a peasant party, a tea party - these are the common subjects of such compositions. Bogorodskaya toy 19th century - a real almanac of village life of that time. A large place in the works of the masters is occupied by scenes from peasant life, from the life of village craftsmen - blacksmiths, coopers, carpenters - all of them are captured by Bogorodsk masters in their work, both individually and in multi-figure compositions.

The material for Bogorodsk toys is soft, pliable wood of alder, linden, and aspen. According to tradition, Bogorodsk carvers always worked without sketches and outlines, “from the fly” - hence the second name of Bogorodsk carving - fly. One of the compositional techniques of Bogorodsk carving is carving from a triangular block of wood, obtained by splitting a log. When carving, the main tool of the master carver is a sharp knife of a unique shape, called the Bogorodsk knife.
IN Soviet era The craft did not disappear; in 1923, the Bogorodsky Carver artel was organized, transformed in 1960 into an artistic carving factory.

In our time, the factory continues to exist, although it is not going through its best period. Numerous cheap fakes and handicrafts by home-grown “masters” have flooded the capital’s markets, driving down prices and flooding the market with low-quality goods. After all, anyone who has not seen a real Bogorodsk toy cannot distinguish genuine craftsmanship from hackwork.

Now there is a museum of Bogorodsk toys at the factory, you can also go on a tour of the workshops and try to assemble a toy yourself from ready-made parts. The Bogorodskaya toy is alive, and it is a truly Russian folk tradition in the rich and diverse culture of Russia.

Previously, it was in many kindergartens, and orders for production even came from above. Now it’s very difficult for the Bogorodskaya toy. The state doesn’t care about fishing. The craftsmen who work in the factory for pennies do not let her die completely. Even with private woodworking orders you can’t go far; they lift your spirits more than the job. Factory workers still remember how one day a new Russian came and asked to make a stupa for his mother-in-law as a gift. With a hint)

Today it is the Bogorodsk Toy Factory.
The toy is about 350 years old. Then, under the control of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, wood processing began to develop in the nearby village of Bogorodskoye. They carved iconostases, platbands, wooden sculptures and toys. Later, a school of master carvers and a professional artel, the current factory, appeared.

A more romantic version talks about a peasant whose children got tired of playing with a wooden doll and abandoned it. The peasant took the doll to the fair, where he was lucky - a merchant saw the toy and ordered a shipment. This is how the residents of Bogorodskoye began to engage in the “toy business”.

1. A toy is made from linden dried for 3-5 years. This soft wood is good for cutting

2. After drying, the tree is sent for cutting. The future toy is processed manually or on a lathe

3. The product blank is first cut out with an ax or sawed out using a hacksaw according to a template

4. Then they process it with tools - chisels and special very sharp Bogorodsk knives. Yes, the knives were also local. Once upon a time, while one part of the village was making toys, the second was preparing knives and chisels for their manufacture. Now craftsmen use imported tools or make them themselves, only the name remains

5. An experienced worker spends 15-20 minutes cutting one piece. However, the working day of the foreman at the factory is short - until lunch. Then many go home to private work or to fulfill factory orders. We arrived just in time for lunch, and all the craftsmen had already left. I had to show everything to the escort

6. According to the norm, 130-140 products are delivered per month. Cuts and abrasions are a common occurrence at work, but people do not lose heart

7. They work here. It smells like wood inside

9. After processing, the toy is assembled in parts

10. And these are the future Carlsons. Below will be colored

11. Although traditionally the toy was not painted, now this rule is sometimes deviated from. It turns out no worse)
They work with gouache and then cover it with a harmless oil varnish.

12. Previously, things were going well at the factory and several hundred people worked. Now there are fewer and fewer workers, some workshops are even empty. They say that in 12 years the team has shrunk by half and has aged a lot

13. However, the toy is still wonderful. Look how cool the Carlsons are

14. Kind and cheerful

15. Simply cool. The toy is held in the hands, the ball rotates - Carlson moves his hand and eats jam, a jar of which has not yet been assigned to him

16. But the spoon has already been given out

17. And he is happy)

18. There are toys with heroes of other fairy tales. Here the ball is spinning, and grandma and grandpa are baking buns


There are different moving scenes - a cat catches fish, chickens peck grain. This toy develops imagination and hands.

20. An unpainted toy often depicts the life of a peasant, who is “helped” by animals. However, there are many plots, and what the heroes will do depends on the imagination of the master. There are also mobile ones, like this one - the most famous - “Blacksmiths”

21. Just toys with animals

22. Mostly with bears

23. Or a panel

24. In the museum at the factory you come across compositions on fairy-tale themes

25. Craftsmen also carve unique things, like this “Northern War” chess set. Peter and Charles XII with their queens

The factory's big problem is new personnel. After graduating from the local art school, young people either leave or take up private cutting. Otherwise, you won’t survive. So workshops are being created at home. Many workers also find it more profitable to work at home and receive a percentage of the factory’s order than to go to work for a ridiculous salary of several thousand.
The situation is also spoiled by the “masters” who sell fakes. According to the workers, there are many of them. Their quality is low, and the client can be easily deceived.
The Zagorskaya PSPP, located in Bogorodskoe, also helps the factory. The museum and some of its premises have been renovated, craft festivals are held, and traditions are not allowed to be completely forgotten.

In addition to toys, the factory’s craftsmen make custom-made carved furniture and wooden wall panels with three-dimensional images of people and animals. There are no problems with raw materials. In the village, traders sell linden from their cars. The prices are affordable - one cubic meter costs several thousand, and it will last for a year of work.

Some people say that the creation of a single factory ruined the fishery. Making a toy is a creative matter, and putting a craftsman in an office for a working day, demanding from him monthly norm- mockery. In such conditions, no one will remember about inspiration; you will have to work for the plan, and not for the soul. There is something truthful in this.

I also remembered Masha recently walking around the Internet. It’s a pity, such producers are now better off than good industry

Photo from the Internet

The Bogorodsk toy was not included in the symbols of the Olympics in Sochi, it was not called beautiful at the top, but in fact an empty set of television words like “the pride of the region, with the help of which Russia continues to revive.” It is not given to foreigners at receptions. Today, the times of higher and mass orders are gone. But the toy is alive. The remaining masters, mostly women, are fans of their craft.

There is a store at the factory. Prices start from several hundred rubles, there is a choice. It will probably be more expensive in Moscow stores. And in general, is it possible to buy this toy in Moscow?

The business of carving various funny toys was founded in the village of Bogorodskoye. The key principles of carving figurines from wooden chocks in this place were laid down in the 16th-17th centuries by the Trinity-Sergius peasant serfs. It was from this period that the Bogorodsk toy and its homeland became known throughout the world. What is it characteristic features peasant craft?

The business of carving various funny toys was founded in the village of Bogorodskoye

There are several legends that have been telling for more than 300 years about the appearance of the first figurine carved from wood. One of them tells about a peasant family. A mother carved a funny toy out of a block of wood for her children, which she nicknamed “auka.” The children played with her for a short time and then threw her behind the stove. Out of interest, the husband decided to take the auka with him to the market to show it to the traders. The people liked the funny toy made so much that they immediately bought it, and, in addition, ordered another batch.

There is another belief. According to him, an unknown resident of Sergiev Posad carved a doll from wood, which was 9 inches in size. It was made from a block of linden. Taking his creation with him, he went to the Lavra, to the merchant Erofeev. The merchant, without hesitation, agreed to sell the doll and placed it in his shop as decoration. However, a few minutes later he was approached by a buyer who immediately purchased the doll and ordered another batch from the merchant.

Which of the legends presented is true is not known. However, it was from this time that the craft of carving toys from wood began to develop, which later began to be called Bogorodsk toys.

How did the craft develop?

The history of this fishery is very interesting. The majority of the peasant population living in the village of Bogorodskoye and Sergiev Posad was engaged in carving. However, all the carvers were completely dependent on the buyers who traded in Sergiev Posad. It was for them that the peasants carried out orders for cutting out toys. Sergiev's trade consisted of buying unprocessed toys from peasants. Subsequently, the resulting material was processed, signed and sold.

The history of this fishery is very interesting.

The dawn of Bogorodsk craft dates back to the 19th century. Among the carvers at this time, the most famous were F. S. Balaev, A. N. Zinin, A. Ya. Chushkin. The following important dates for the formation of needlework were associated with these people:

  • in 1913, under the leadership of the listed masters, an artel workshop was founded, as a result of which the Bogorodsk toy received complete independence and was freed from buyers;
  • since 1923, a school has been organized at the artel, which teaches children from the age of 7 years old how to cut out funny figures from wood;
  • Since 1960, the artel has acquired the status of a factory.

It is interesting that the artistic carving factory was formed in the year of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Bogorodsk toy.

Gallery: Bogorodskaya toy (25 photos)

How carved figures were made in Rus': Bogorodsk toy (video)

Bogorodskaya wood carving

Folk crafts of the village of Bogorodskoye are based on the use of soft wood. Mainly linden, alder, and aspen are used to make toys. This choice is due to the fact that the soft structure of the wood greatly facilitates the work of the master, and, therefore, speeds it up. Linden logs are prepared in advance and undergo a 4-year drying process using a special technology. Due to such a long preparation of materials, their procurement is carried out continuously. The finished logs are sent for cutting, after which special blanks fall into the hands of the craftsmen.

The carver marks out the design using a template and then begins cutting out the shape of the toy. During the cutting process, a specific Bogorodsk knife is used, as well as chisels. The master cuts out individual parts of the toy, after which they are sent to a special workshop and assembled there. The blanks are painted at the final stage. Sometimes a carved toy is not painted. In this case, it is simply varnished and allowed to dry thoroughly. It is quite possible to make such toys in senior group kindergarten. Pictures for the sample can be printed ready-made.

Main Features

One of the symbols of Bogorodsk craft is a toy placed on a moving bar “Blacksmiths”. It was invented more than 300 years ago and consists of interestingly carved figures of a man and a bear, who take turns hitting an anvil. The toy is activated by the movement of the slats relative to each other.

One of the symbols of Bogorodsk craft is a toy placed on a moving bar

Another famous craft is “Chickens”. Its distinctive feature is the bar and balance, which sets the structure in motion. As a result of the movements performed, the birds begin to peck the grain one by one. The plots of such toys are not accidental, because the peasants drew most of them from own life, and also folk tales. It was in them that the heroes were: a bear, a simple village man, birds.

Interestingly, to this day, modern masters preserve these peasant traditions. For their skill and traditions, modern masters have been repeatedly awarded gold medals at exhibitions held in Paris, Brussels, and New York.

How to make a Bogorodsk bear with your own hands?

One of the symbols of the Bogorodsk toy is a bear.

You can make it yourself from the following materials:

  • linden block;
  • chisel;
  • knife;
  • axe.

One of the symbols of the Bogorodsk toy is a bear

In order to make a Bogorodsk bear, you must follow the instructions:

  1. The first step is to find a piece of linden with a minimum number of knots. These elements can not only spoil appearance product, but also make it fragile. The tree should be cut in winter, as it contains the least sap at this time.
  2. The log is placed in the air under a canopy and dried for 2-3 years. The bark is left in the form of rings only on the edges of the log. This is necessary to ensure that the wood does not crack during drying.
  3. The finished log is sawn into logs.
  4. A suitable size block is cut from the chock using an ax.
  5. Using knives, the product is given general outline: the bear’s head, its body, and the direction of its paws are outlined.
  6. Then, using a chisel, the hair on the paws is cut through. It should be pointing down.
  7. Then, indentations are made along the perimeter of the paws in order to give the toy the outline of an animal and make it three-dimensional.
  8. Then the hair on the body is cut through. This is done with free movements using a chisel in the direction from top to bottom.
  9. The last stage in the formation of a bear is considered to be cutting out its muzzle. To do this, with a straight horizontal movement of the knife, you should mark the animal’s nose, and then its length, cutting off the excess.
  10. A bevel is made from the nose upward, where the eyes are cut out using a chisel.
  11. Ears are formed on the head using a thin chisel. The neck deepens, and then the head becomes covered with hair. You should use a slightly smaller chisel on it than for processing the body.

The completed carving must be varnished. For these purposes, it is necessary to use wood varnish.

Bogorodskaya toy, or Bogorodskaya carving, is a Russian folk craft that includes the production of carved toys and sculptures from soft woods: linden, alder, aspen. This method of needlework originated in the village of Bogorodskoye, Moscow region. Home distinctive feature Such art is the making of moving toys.

Back in the 15th century, the school of three-dimensional wood carving was known, which was located at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. In many villages that were located nearby, craftsmen were engaged in making toys, but the village of Bogorodskoye became the most famous. It is located only 30 km from Sergiev Posad, which at that time was considered the center of the toy business.

The emergence of style

Unfortunately, the exact time of the origin of this craft is unknown, but many experts believe that already in the 17th century, wood carving was practiced in this village. The basis for such judgments were references from the palace books of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. They contain information about wooden toys for children, purchased in the village of Bogorodskoye.

According to other sources, the first works of rural art, located in a number of historical museums, date back to the beginning of the 19th century. From this we can conclude that, most likely, the origin of this craft can be attributed to the 17th-18th centuries. ekam, and complete formation by the end of the 18th - early XIX centuries.

As the history of Bogorodsk toys shows, at first this trade was carried out by peasants who had a free period after agricultural work. Therefore, the production of toys was seasonal. Moreover, mainly only blanks were made according to orders from the Sergievsky craft, which were then sent for painting to Sergiev Posad. However, it is believed that it was during this period that the first masterpieces in the form of figures appeared:

  • shepherd;
  • lions with cubs;
  • bears;
  • dogs with puppies.

Although this craft originated among peasants, it was also strongly influenced by handicraft production. Thus, there was a fusion of peasant and urban traditions, including under the influence of porcelain sculpture, book illustrations and works of artists.

Further development of the fishery

In the middle of the 19th century, the village of Bogorodskoye gradually became a fishing center, and Bogorodskaya carving woodworking becomes an independent production. At that time, such masters as Zinin and, a little later, Ustratov, who was from this village, had a special influence on the creation of the style. Experts believe that it was during that period that the heyday of crafts and Bogorodsk painting began.

Subsequently, the Moscow provincial zemstvo played a major role in the development of the craft, thanks to which a training and demonstration workshop was organized in Sergiev Posad at the end of the 19th century. Its goal was research and educational activities, as well as the sale of products in Russia and abroad. The Handicraft Museum was opened in Moscow, which, in turn, became the basis for the revival of folk art.

A little later, the artist and collector Bartram founded and began to manage State Museum toys, with the help of which he wanted to preserve the works of the old masters. However, Bogorodsk carvers were not interested in ancient works. Then Bartram wanted to convince them to work in a folk style, but using examples from professional artists. Many experts did not like this idea, since, in their opinion, this led to the artificial salvation of folk craft.

However, it was the intervention of professional artists that led to the fact that the products of those times were considered a model for masters of carved art. In 1913, an artel was organized in Bogorodskoye, which allowed local craftsmen to gain independence from buyers from Sergiev Posad.

All management was carried out by a council, which included well-known masters of those times. A year later, a zemstvo school was opened in the village, where students were recruited to learn this craft.

At first, most of the products were kept in the countryside, but a considerable amount of products were also exported. In the early 20s of the last century, the artel in Bogorodskoye began work again, old famous masters again gathered in it, which allowed this craft to regain significance.

Due to changes in the social production system, Bogorodsk carvers began to look for other forms and artistic solutions. So, in the 30s, a Bogorodsk carved toy appeared in the form of a sculpture, which was distinguished by a new theme. Subsequently, woodcarvers, not only Bogorodsk ones, began to be actively influenced by professional artists and critics. Thus, the active politicization of the craft began, which imposed on the craftsmen completely different themes that were far from the peasant nature.

However, local carvers responded to such pressure in an original way, switching to fairy tale themes in their production. Was a little covered and historical theme, mainly dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The most difficult times for craftsmen came with the formation of the Bogorodsk factory of artistic wood carving. As such, the fishery ceased to exist and was replaced by such concepts as:

  • art industry;
  • plan;
  • shaft, etc.

Another 15 years later, workers in the energy industry drew attention to these places, and especially to the Kunya River. Wooden houses were demolished, gardens were cut down, and high-rise buildings appeared in their place. Doing what I love became very difficult.

Despite the difficult situation, the factory currently continues to operate and produce products. But fewer and fewer local youth want to engage in this trade, which nullifies the Bogorodsk tradition.