Scale of main values ​​in human life. Personal value system in a person’s life Own value system

Values- this is a social concept, a natural object that acquires social significance and can be the object of activity. Values ​​are the guideline of a person's life. they are necessary to maintain social order and are embodied in behavior and norm formation.

American social psychologist Gordon Allport (1897-1967) developed the following classification of values:







There is a conflict of values, which at the same time is the source of their development. In this regard, values ​​are divided into two categories:

1) basic, terminal, stable value-goals (for example, freedom);

2) instrumental, i.e. means-values ​​as personality properties, abilities that help or hinder the achievement of a goal (for example, strong will, endurance, honesty, education, efficiency, accuracy).

You can also divide values ​​into actual, present and possible. Due to the variety of classifications, it is quite difficult to study values. Indeed, how to move from the study of ideals and goals desired and approved by society to real structures of values ​​that exist in the mind?

The value system reflects the essential goals, ideas, and ideals of its era. The results of research conducted at St. Petersburg University showed that in the 1930-1950s. Among the values, romance and hard work were in first place; in the 1970s-1980s - practicality and perseverance. During the period from 1988 to 1990, the value of individual human existence increased and orientation towards the wider human community decreased. Correlating values ​​with one or another sociocultural foundation in the depths of which they arose, they can be classified as follows:

Traditional, focused on the reproduction of long-established goals and norms of life;

Modern, focused on innovation and progress towards sustainable goals;

Universal, equally focused on the reproduction of long-established goals and norms of life, and on their innovation.

Values ​​can also be distinguished by relating them to the corresponding needs of individuals:

Vital (well-being, comfort, safety);

Interactionist (communication, interaction with other people);

Meaningful (norms and patterns of behavior approved in a given ethnic group, society, culture). Based on the role of values ​​for the functioning and development of society as an integral system, they are divided into:

Mainly integrating;

Mainly differentiating;



For applied purposes, the typology of values ​​according to their place in the status-hierarchical structure of the value consciousness of members of society is important. By this basis stand out:

"core", i.e. values ​​of the highest status (fundamental moral values, they are shared by at least 50% of the population);

“structural reserve”, i.e. values ​​of average status, which at a certain time can move to the “core” (in this area value conflicts are most intense), they are approved by 30-45% of the population:

"tail", i.e. values ​​of lower status, their composition is inactive (as a rule, they are inherited from past layers of culture), they are shared by less than 30% of the Russian population.

Table 3.1 Sociocultural parameters of values*



Civilization affiliation

Correlation with human needs

terminal instrumental traditional modern universal vital intraoperative socialization meaningful life
Human life + + ++
Freedom + + + + ++
Moral + + + ++
Communication + + ++
Family + + + ++
Job + + ++
Wellbeing + + +
Initiative + + ++
Traditionality + +
Independence + + +
Self-sacrifice + + ++
Authority + ++
Legality + + ++ + +
Liberty + + ++ +

* “+” there is a match; “++” there is a good match

Experts have recorded changes in the status-hierarchical structure of 14 basic (terminal and instrumental) values ​​that occurred during the period of reform of Russian society in the 1990s. (Table 3.1).

The peculiarity of values ​​as cultural phenomena is that even opposing values ​​can be combined in the consciousness of one person. Therefore, the typology of people according to the criterion of values ​​is particularly complex and does not coincide with the typology of the population according to socio-professional characteristics. Below is the change in the prevalence of values ​​among Russians from 1990 to 1994, i.e. during the period" of the most dramatic changes in the objective conditions of the social environment (Table 3.2).

Russian society is changing. These changes, in fact, have no historical analogues. Conflict of values ​​in modern Russian society very complex and multifaceted. Since it is values ​​that are the system-forming component of culture, it is necessary when analyzing the interaction between them and social behavior individuals take into account, first of all, changes in the value system. If earlier interaction “went” from needs to values ​​through interests, today, to an increasing extent, the impulse of interaction comes from values ​​to interests and from them to needs.

Table 3.2 change in the prevalence of values ​​among Russians (1990-1994),%



Place of values ​​and sociocultural evolution

Main array Hot spots


Legality 1 65,3 80,0 74,8 1 Legality

Universal terminal-integrating kernel

Communication 2 65,1 67,0 73,9 2 Communication
Family 3 61,0 65,0 69,3 3 Family

Between opposition and dominance

Job 4 50,0 61,9 56,1 4 Freedom
Moral 5 48,4 53,2
Freedom 6 46,1 49,5 5 Independence

Modernist terminal-integrating reserve

Life of an individual 7 45,8 51.0 49,6 6 Life of an individual
50,4 46,7 7 Moral
49,0 44,1 8 Job


Self-sacrifice 8 44,0 44,0 44,9 9 Initiative

Mixed Instrument Differential

Traditionality 9 41,0 44,0 37,1 10 Traditionality
Independence 10 40,0
Initiative 11 36,2 38,3 34,3 11 Self-sacrifice

Minority values

Liberty 12 23,3 32,0 25,0 12 Wellbeing

Mixed differentiating tail

Wellbeing 13 23,0 23,9 24,7 13 Liberty
Authority 14 18,0 20,0 19,6 14 Authority

In this regard, when considering the norms of interaction between individuals, one should also proceed from the system and dynamics of values. Social norms are implemented in human relationships and social interaction. These are unique social standards for establishing modal proper behavior (proper from the point of view of society). They perform the function of integration, ordering the lives of individuals, groups, and society. The main thing about a norm is its prescriptive nature. Compliance with norms leads to the exclusion of the influence of random motives; they provide reliability, standardization, and predictability of behavior. All social norms can be divided into universal (mores, customs), intragroup (rituals), personal, and individual. All norms are impersonal rules of behavior. The degree of their awareness and effectiveness is manifested in the fact that a person knows about the consequences of his actions for other people and recognizes his responsibility for actions in accordance with the norms.

Questions and tasks for review

1. Describe the concept of “value”.

2. What classifications of values ​​do you know?

3. Describe the “value system”

Values ​​in human life play a huge role.

They determine his thinking and guide his actions.

Each person has his own hierarchy of core values.

Definition of the concept and signs

What is it?

Life values- these are the views and beliefs that a person adheres to when committing his actions.

Based on his own life values, a person makes a decision about what is acceptable to him and what is not.

Despite the fact that people themselves determine life guidelines for themselves, in the process of constant existence in society, they gradually begin to automatically obey their own attitudes and act in accordance with them.

This is explained by the fact that the existing norms and rules that a person adheres to are inherent in himself.

If he betrays his own views and beliefs, this will invariably lead to, and demotion.

List of main features:

A life position that affirms the value of a person as an individual is called humanism.


Components of personality

Values ​​are an integral part of personality person.

If a person tends to love his family, strive for career success, and engage in spiritual development, then other people can use knowledge about his values ​​when characterizing his personality.

Love for family characterizes a person as responsible, loving and caring. Career success They talk about discipline and determination. Striving for spiritual development indicates high morality and intelligence.

Prerequisites for behavior

At the same time, values ​​are motivation of human behavior.

If for a person among life values If his own health takes priority, then all his behavior will be aimed at observing this value - maintaining a healthy lifestyle, constant monitoring of your health, avoiding situations dangerous to the body, etc.

If for a person kindness, decency and sincerity are integral elements of spiritual values, then meanness, betrayal, and lies cannot be expected from him.

The exception is cases when a person departs from his life goals under the influence of external factors: thirst for profit, avoidance of responsibility, etc.

In this case, it is possible to commit actions contrary to existing principles.

Often the result obtained does not bring the expected satisfaction to a person due to the contradiction that has arisen between internal principles and committed actions.

How are they formed?

A value system begins to take shape in childhood during the process of education and life. Change your own views and beliefs, being a mature, formed personality, almost impossible. The main factors influencing the formation of internal attitudes:


What are a person's values? Pyramid of human values:

Examples of life values:

  1. Relationships with a loved one. Having a permanent relationship with a like-minded person plays a big role for a person. Such people have a predominant need for affection, care, tenderness, and mutual understanding. Having found a suitable partner, they strive to maintain the relationship with him and get married.

    In marriage, such people turn out to be faithful and caring spouses, for whom personal life always comes first.

  2. Money. Material gain, financial well-being and prosperity are the main goals in the life of a person for whom money is the highest value. His actions are primarily aimed at generating income and achieving material wealth.
  3. Power. People who value power above all else strive throughout their lives to improve their social status. They want to occupy a certain position in society that allows them to influence others.

Classification in the table

The variety of values ​​can be classified by combining them into the main parts that make up a person’s life:

Basic, true values


Intelligence, education, upbringing, decency, self-control, working on oneself, health.

Relationships, family

Trust and mutual understanding with a partner, raising children, comfort in the home, relationships with relatives.

Communication, mutual assistance.

Material assets

Success, professionalism, prospects, respect in a professional environment, income.

Position in society

Social status, influence, power, money, popularity.

Spiritual values

Spiritual development

Education, self-education, self-knowledge.

Secondary values


Fun pastime, travel, new experiences, gambling.

Value system for men and women

Historically, the main value of men is implementation in society, and the main value of women is implementation in the family as a mother, wife.

Creating a comfortable environment at home by the wife guarantees the husband success in his endeavors thanks to the support and understanding that is provided to the man at home.

Nowadays, women often choose fulfillment in society as an important life value. Creating a family and having children remain no less important tasks.

The general value system of men and women primarily includes the following factors: health, material well-being, family well-being (having a spouse and children), personal development, career success.

The value of human relationships

Human relationships are of great value, since any individual is social creature. Not a single person can live in society without communicating with other people, without entering into social relationships - friendships, love, partnerships.

Of particular value to humans are friendly and love relationship , because in them you can find support, understanding, support.

In relationships that inspire trust in a person, he can reveal himself and develop.

Having like-minded people nearby gives, endows with positive emotions.

Hierarchy of values

Each person's hierarchy of values ​​has its own characteristics. Each life value in such a hierarchy takes its place depending on the degree of its significance for the individual.

If we summarize the results of numerous studies, we can determine the following common hierarchical sequence of life values:

  • family;
  • children;
  • health;
  • career;
  • money;
  • self-realization;
  • Friends;
  • entertainment;
  • public recognition.

Thus, basic personal and family values are at the top of the hierarchy, and material and other values ​​are at the very bottom.


There are certain signs by which a person understands that his value system needs rethinking:

Thus, life values ​​not only determine our behavior, but also guide our lives. A clear understanding of your own life values ​​is the key to satisfaction with your life and a full, successful existence in society.

Value system. Stability and variability. Adaptability.

Evolution, biological and social.


The tragic story of dinosaurs confirms the well-known truth that we live in a constantly changing world. Of course, the quality and speed of changes at the biological level and at the social level are different. And, although social changes are faster and affect us more deeply, biological changes are not always a matter of generations, because, say, climate changes occurring within our memory also make us think.

Well, social change is fast and frightening.

And, both before humanity as a whole and before each person, the question arises of adapting to changes. Moreover, not much time is allocated for adaptation. Or rather, it doesn’t stand out at all: until you figure out what’s what, everything around has changed again.

And so. You cannot step into the same river twice; everything flows and everything changes; the only thing that remains constant is change.

How changes happen.

Man is so designed that he cannot perceive something completely new. For perception and successful use new strategy it should contain no more than 20% novelty. At least that's what innovation experts think. They believe that changes of less than 7% are not noticed at all.

An interesting conclusion arises from this. In order for strategy changes to be possible, a person needs to accept all of his previous life experiences. Even traumatic ones, even experiences that he is trying to forget or repress. Because the more life experience accepted, the larger the base it has against which something can be changed.

From this it becomes clear why I pay so much attention to accepting not particularly pleasant experiences. We accept the pleasant one just like that, without additional prodding.

Fear of change.

And this is also understandable. I want to learn to live once and for all. Trying something new is scary; there may be mistakes, failures and new traumatic experiences. And only the experience of accepting old traumatic experiences can support us at the risk of getting a new trauma. And all that remains is to repeat the ancient Chinese curse “so that you live in an era of change,” and change. Because the era of change is the only era we have.

The outside world most often changes gradually, in small, unnoticeable steps (remember, we simply don’t notice 7%). And then suddenly, oops, we found ourselves in a strange new world, and we had to learn to live in it.

Do you have friends who refused to study? Remember them holding on to the past. And dinosaurs too.


No one has canceled evolutionary processes. Not every evolutionary process leads to the complication of representatives of a particular species; amoebas are simple and resistant to changes in the external environment precisely because of their simplicity. But here the choice is made for you, you are a representative of quite complex type, whose adaptive evolutionary process is associated with brain development. And your brain changes regardless of your desire. But your choice is what changes these will be: development or simplification. For humanity as a species, your choice is not important; statistical laws work in biology - someone develops, and someone chooses the fate of dinosaurs. But this choice is important for you. Adapting to changes in the external environment, you feel your contact with it; you are surrounded by an interesting and vibrant world, sometimes frightening and sometimes delightful. By choosing dinosaurism, you find yourself in a frightening, increasingly incomprehensible environment, and, in the end, a definitely traumatic experience of misunderstanding.


So, the components of the evolutionary process are as follows:

Maintaining successful strategies or adopting any existing experience,

Willingness to change or adaptability.

You can look at a biology textbook, it says the same thing.

Everything changes, even the support.

Old and new.

Whatever the external social events, each person experiences biologically determined changes, as well as personal surprises: birth, growing up, maturation, starting a family, having children, changing jobs, maturity, old age. What do all these changes have in common? Depending on a person’s status, his social roles change, he enters into fundamentally new social interactions, and, most importantly, his system of priorities and values ​​changes. Moreover, some social changes can be considered the result of changes in the value system, while others, on the contrary, precede these changes. In the second case, old values ​​come into conflict with new, desired, but not yet changed. And it arises serious problem choice, and you need to find out what you want right now: “either flowers and music, or to stab someone.”

To complete the picture of the conflict of values, it is also worth paying attention to the fact that with a change in social status, values ​​from social stereotypes also try to make their way into the value system. It is at such moments that a person becomes especially vulnerable to the values ​​​​imposed by the cultural environment, to the ideas of how things should be according to the rules. This is a difficult experience that something is wrong with me, since I don’t feel or don’t want what is right to feel and want in a new status, you’ve probably encountered it at least once in your life.

Do I need this?

How can you determine that your value system is a little behind your real life?

You choose between two evils. A situation where every possible choice is bad, this is precisely a situation of conflict of values: you simply do not have clear criteria for choice.

Do you feel like you don't measure up? social status. You feel that you are a bad mother, a fake specialist, or dress incorrectly. Or vice versa. You start doing something that you don’t like at all, but “you have to”, otherwise others won’t understand you.

You feel lost. You don’t know what you want, and for some reason you are less and less happy.

The list is open, you can continue it yourself.

What to do with all this?

First you need to determine the values ​​according to which you act. Whatever values ​​you declare for yourself, in everyday life you can easily and without energy expenditure do only what corresponds to your real values. But actions determined by “immature” or “alien” values ​​cause resistance and go through the “must” and “should” columns.

You will need notes. Write down all your actions for the day and give them a rating on a ten-point scale according to three parameters: “want”, “should” and “important”. Pay attention to your financial expenses; expenses also reflect values. Remember that any action has its own value content. Especially if you keep in mind that pleasure, joy, relaxation are also included in the value system.

In just a week you can start doing the calculations.

First, just write down all the actions and count how many times you did them during the week. Actions driven by mature values ​​will have very high scores on the “important” parameter and there will always be a score above 5 “I want.” Let's start with them. What value do these actions represent? Again, one action can relate to several values ​​at once.

And here is the support.

Write a list of mature values. You have received a list that you can rely on in difficult cases. This is your resource, a resource that you can use right now. Calculate what percentage of all your actions are values ​​from this list. You've got an idea of ​​where you are now. This does not mean that this list is unchanged, but now, in your current state, this list is the core of stability that you can count on.

It's important to understand that while this list is a list of what you can rely on now, it may change over time. The value system is our only internal support in any changing situation, but this support is dynamic, it constantly moves and it is very plastic.

To consolidate the identified mature values, come up with some interesting action: write a story about these values, make a collage of bright pictures, or simply dance a dance about them. Moreover, you can work both with each value from the list and with their relationship.

Weak values.

What are lists for?

One of the principles of coaching is the concept of positive intentions. This concept implies that any person, based on the resources available to him at the time of action, acts in the most effective way. Later, the balance of resources may change, and it turns out that it was possible to act differently. This is especially noticeable when the result of the action is already known.

If we rephrase the concept of positive intention, we can say that any action reflects the balance of a person’s resources at the time of this action. That is why I started from what you do every day, and not from your plans, desires or picture of the world as a whole. Unfortunately, the resource for choosing a strategy will not be the presence of any value on your list, but your contact with this value, your ability to make a decision based on it. And only your real actions can change your value system.

Unfortunately, your daily activities during the week reflect your value system much better than your description of your values ​​in your resume. Then let’s move on to actions with high “should” ratings and low, or even absent, “want” and “important” ratings.

Old or new?

These are the most difficult actions. Some of my clients come with a request to find motivation for such actions. It seems that these actions are imposed from the outside; they are not about values ​​at all. These actions are a zone of internal and often external conflict.

It is most likely that these actions demonstrate a conflict between two value systems: either they remained from the old one and lost their original meaning, or they came from the new one, but correspond to values ​​that are still weak. And, as you might guess, it is important to find out what system they are from, because this determines what to do with them next. After all, it’s so tempting to just stop doing what you should do for no one and no one knows why. And if this “should” is left over from the old value system and continues out of habit, this is exactly what you can do.

What if not? If this terrible “should” is actually a weak sprout of your new life?

Who owes whom and what exactly?

Write down these actions. You won’t find value in them right away. But write for each of these actions, and to whom exactly do you owe this action? Why are you doing it anyway? What do you get as a result of this action?

Are you doing this action to please your parents or children? This means that relationships with your parents or children are important to you. Do you work overtime to earn money for vacation? This means that rest is important to you. There are values ​​behind these actions, it’s just that these values ​​are not found directly, but in two moves.

And values ​​that are achieved in several moves are weak.

Strengthen or refuse?

Why are weak values ​​interesting? If strong values ​​are your support, your support in difficult situations, your criteria for choice, then weak values ​​are your resource for adaptability. These are the values ​​that you can strengthen in case of need and make them your additional support, or you can abandon them if the situation requires it.

Having received a list of weak values, you along with it get a feeling of your flexibility and readiness for change. Even though you cannot step into the same river twice, you have a set of tools that will help you enter any river.

Before deciding what to do with these values, get a feel for each of them. What will change in your life if you strengthen it? What will change if you give it up? What changes will happen if everything remains as is?

It turned out to be an interesting designer, right?

And yet, how do you add “important” to “should”?

You have a list of values. They stopped hiding behind your “should.” What other activities will support this value? Choose from these actions that directly indicate the value itself - then your score in the “important” column will increase. Also, look for actions that make you happy, thereby increasing your score in the “I want” column.

And yes. With these actions you will strengthen the weak value. She will become stronger.

Just like climbing a Christmas tree without tearing your tights.


How to choose from two values ​​the most important one today. I would like to go to the theater and help the child do his homework. It's important to see your friends, but it's equally important to go to the pool. In a word, what to do when values ​​of equal strength and importance come into conflict?

And there are also weak values, so as not to weaken them completely. And there are only 24 hours in an earthly day... And it is impossible to change the planet at this particular moment.

I love conflict. This is where the potential for future change lies. And, as in any other conflict, in a conflict of values ​​the first thing that needs to be determined is what unites them? Or at least it can unite? In the examples in the paragraph above, you should think about why you need to help your child do his homework? For study or to communicate with a child? In the second case, you can go to the theater with your child. And in the first - ask a friend or family members to help with homework. What does communication with friends have in common with your health? Yes, the pool is what brings people together. Go to the pool with your friends.

You have a new and interesting area for creativity. Find actions that embrace as many of your values ​​as possible. Changing your actions according to what really matters to you is incredibly exciting. The main thing is to believe that there is always a solution. Try it - and soon the belief in the existence of a solution will grow into confidence.

But what if you still need to choose?

You remember that values ​​are a selection criterion. The trouble is that if there is a conflict of values, no matter what choice we make, it will be perceived as bad. And how do you choose?

So, you want to go to the theater for a completely adult play, but you have to do homework with your child, and no one else can handle it except you. The play is performed once, and the child has a test tomorrow. Ugh. You go to the theater, but don’t watch the play, but imagine the horrors of tomorrow’s test. You stay to do your homework, but you are inattentive - you regret not watching the play.

And yes, there is probably a good solution somewhere, but you are already scared of the choice and don’t see it.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the theater. See what you are wearing, feel the breath of many people, notice the play of shadows, pay attention to the brightest sensation in the body. And then open your eyes, take three deep breaths and exhale and close them again. Just now see yourself at home, with your child, as you enthusiastically analyze the material for the test. Again, pay attention to the lighting, air movement and your body. Which of the two pictures is brighter? Which one resonates with joy in the body? Which one is causing concern? Is it easier for you to make a choice now? This choice will not change your value system. But by doing it, you will listen to yourself, your feelings, and move a little away from the rational assessment of the situation. And most importantly, such a choice will allow you to be more and more fully present where you find yourself, and not worry about what you did not choose.

Maybe not every conflict needs immediate resolution and analysis?

While you were imagining yourself in these two situations, what changed in your value system? Have the names of the values ​​changed, were there randomly inserted strangers among your values, were there values ​​to which you attached unreasonably high importance?

Why do you need “other people’s” values?

Other people's values ​​love to conflict with yours. However, do not rush to cross them out. Try to work through them using the method described in the last letter. That is, determine whether there is a second layer behind the first, obvious layer. It's not just that you hold on to them. Yours are hidden behind “other people’s” values. For example, if you realize that “career growth” is not exactly what makes you happy, look for what else you need career growth for. For recognition and respect from loved ones? To assess your own place in the world?

And, if, after reviewing your activities and analyzing conflicts, you find something outdated or clearly alien, do not forget to check why you need it right now. And then you won’t have to throw them away. It’s just that the place of these values ​​will be taken by others, deeper, perhaps weaker, but their own.

Changes without destruction.

If you are doing something right now, it means you need it for something. You don't always need the direct result of your action. But any action, in addition to the obvious result, also has a couple of secondary ones. And if the direct result does not please you, look for secondary ones. Are you dressing awkwardly not to look like your “status”? Then approval is important to you significant people. Are you failing three important jobs in a row? You probably need a rest.

Don’t rush to destroy your “other people’s” values. Yours are hidden behind them. And when you find your true needs, you will find actions that will no longer seem “foreign.”

Discipline without violence.

Let's say you want to somehow change your life. Well, for example, take a closer look at your health. The idea of ​​exercising in the morning is terrifying - all your life you have felt like a weak-willed whiner, because people with a strong will do exercises in the morning and cheerfully run somewhere to do their important business. And in the morning you can barely move your feet and the only physical effort available to you at this time is to make coffee.

Imagine investing your time in the Health value. A little bit, just enough to not stress you out and shackle you with horror. At least 10 minutes a day. Where can I get these 10 minutes? See what value you have is the strongest. Family, comfort, freedom, relaxation? Take it from them. You are not taking time away from your family. You invest this time in your health. And, over time, this time will return to the family again, because with improved health, you will be able to do exercises with your family or not waste this time on a visit to the doctor.

The only thing that is constant is change.

The value system, as you already understand, is not something immutable. On the contrary, it is constantly changing, adapting to changes in the surrounding world. You don’t notice some changes, but some may even scare you. Increasing your focus on your value system will help you be more attentive to your needs and to the demands of the environment.

Even if it seems that the whole world around is hostile, it is contact with the value system that allows you to interact with it without losing self-esteem. By becoming aware of your values, you gain both support and a means of adaptability at the same time.

Also, as long as you are in touch with your values, you evolve.

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In this topic we will highlight only the most significant points that are relevant to predicting the future. Values ​​guide decision making. The more a certain value is widespread in society, the more likely decisions are made in its favor at all levels - from everyday to state. Values ​​are culturally determined forms of implementation of genetic programs.

Values ​​are based on genetically specified behavioral programs (self-preservation, reproduction, the value of the family), as well as on the need for pleasure. At the same time, values ​​are culturally adapted ways of realizing these needs. In some societies, self-preservation values ​​are more common (security culture in modern Western society), in others, group values ​​and clan loyalty (nationalism) are more common. Values ​​are spread in society through people's imitation of each other, education, membership in certain social groups, advertising and government propaganda.

In their internal structure, values ​​consist of three parts:

1) title expressed in words;
2) a pleasant experience associated with the title;
2) a group of people who share this value.

For example, a title is football, a pleasant experience is victory
favorite team, group of people - football fans.


Values ​​evolve, changing during the historical process. New values ​​emerge and old ones become more complex as people become more demanding and selective in their preferences.

Values ​​compete for human consciousness. The dominant value turns into an ideology. Ideologies are more interested in self-propagation than in the realization of the original value; they connect values ​​and geopolitics. Values ​​determine the direction of development and methods of application of technology. Moreover, if the development of technology also depends on the previous state of the technical and economic base, then the use of technology is almost completely determined by values.

Values ​​are conservative in nature. They lag behind the development of technology by about 30–50 years. New discoveries and opportunities are initially, as a rule, met with hostility (for example, the possibility of space flights in the first half of the 20th century, when the possibility of creating rockets had already been proven, or anesthesia in the middle of the 19th century).

In a sense, this idea is contained in Karl Marx’s philosophical interpretation of the theory of the development of productive forces and production relations (productive forces determine production relations) and in Hakob Nazaretyan’s theory of techno-humanitarian balance. The hypothesis of techno-humanitarian balance assumes that technological progress determines the development of cultural regulators of behavior and thinking. The growing power of technology requires the development of increasingly complex moral constraints. As a result, those societies that were unable to adapt to increased technological capabilities in a timely manner undermine the natural and/or geopolitical foundations of their existence.

We have the power to speed up or slow down the process of changing values. In this way, it is possible to influence the course of progress, since changes in values ​​lead to changes in investments in certain projects. For example, low interest in cryonics results in a lack of funding for cryobiology research.


This trend is reflected in a decrease in violence, a culture of safety, concern for the lives of others and a desire to prolong life.

However, the rate of spread of the value of human life is currently insufficient to become dominant and determine the rapid growth of scientific technologies in this area. Right now it is important to change the priority of values ​​in human consciousness in favor of those that can give immortality and the opportunity to avoid a global catastrophe. Now accelerating the development of biomedical technologies may be crucial for preserving and radically extending the lives of the majority of those reading these lines.

Avoiding a global catastrophe also depends on values: only a civilization that has set indestructibility as its goal can survive. Humanity may be crushed by the blind development of technology. Those versions of AI that are created without taking into account human values ​​will almost certainly be unfriendly and pose a danger to humanity. To achieve immortality and avoid global catastrophe main value should be the idea of ​​self-preservation. Nowadays there is an increase in the importance and popularity of the value of human life, but at the same time, the values ​​of nationalism and religion lead to an increase in the likelihood of war. To achieve a radical extension of life, the value of self-preservation alone is not enough; the value of rationality is also needed.

People really want not to die, but various religious ideas about immortality give them the illusion of a possible solution to this problem. We consider this path illusory, since there is no scientific evidence of life after death. Only the growth of the value of rationality and the cult of reason will make it possible to understand that a person must achieve prolongation of life through his own efforts, using his intellect.

In our opinion, the achievement of this goal is hampered by false values, some of which directly oppose the development of progress (religion), others are waste of time and resources (high performance sports), and others are a direct threat to life and health (alcohol, drugs, weapons). To accelerate the onset of a positive scenario, when technological progress will lead to immortality, and not to a global catastrophe, the dominance of two basic values ​​is necessary - life and rationality.


1. Life expectancy and safety. For the development of most values, it is necessary that a person lives longer and realizes them longer. A healthy, active and long-living person can realize more different values.

2. Money. Money allows for a dialogue between values ​​and formalizes conflicts between them, transferring them into a peaceful direction. Money acts as a measure of different values ​​and at the same time as a tool for transforming values ​​into decisions. Money is a softer form of power, it is measurable, is not associated with “feudal” dependence and does not encroach on the freedom of another person.

3. Ratings and fame. In society there is an increase in the importance of a person as such, the role of a specific individual is growing. There is a growing need to quantify this role. In the future, the totality of a person’s personal ratings will be comparable in importance to money as an indicator of his position in society. By rating we mean a set of ideas about a person in the eyes of other people, expressed through some simple indicator (the number of friends in social network, position in a certain prestigious list, number of mentions in a search engine).

4. Tolerance. This is recognition of the right of other people to have other values ​​and to realize them if they do not threaten other people. In other words, tolerance is the recognition of people's freedom.

5. Entertainment. Since the point of contact between different values ​​is the ability to cause pleasant experiences, a person gradually emerges who is sophisticated in the field of values ​​and perceives them more egocentrically. For such a person, entertainment is the only measure of the value of any events and phenomena.

What determines the future?

The existence of general laws of development, manifested in the laws of evolution, historical patterns, and the dynamics of values ​​are the basis for the possibility of reliable prediction of the future, since in the future these patterns will determine the development of humanity. We believe that the future is primarily determined by the main trend of evolution, which consists in the growth of intelligence and the acceleration of development. However, this trend is accompanied by deviations associated with dominant values, which lead to technically possible achievements being either accelerated or delayed.

People would have flown to the Moon in any case, based on the general trend of expansion and technological development. But in the 18th century they technically would not have been able to do this, no matter what values ​​would have prevailed at that moment. In the 1950s, political differences prevented the United States from being the first to launch a space satellite, and the atheistic ideology in the USSR contributed to this. In the 1960s, manned flights to the Moon became a value in America thanks to the personal initiative of President Kennedy. The development of the “lunar program” accelerated sharply, and on July 20, 1969, a team of American astronauts led by Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon.

In the 1970s, flights to the Moon ceased to be valuable, and the implementation of the US “lunar program” slowed down, with the next flight planned no earlier than 2020.
In this example, we see three acting forces, each of which is an order of magnitude weaker than the previous one.

1. Acceleration of technological development, which determines the course of human history in our era with an accuracy of centuries.

2. Values ​​that determine the life of society for decades. They can lead to acceleration or inhibition of the main line of progress within a few decades.

3. Changes in values ​​over several years as a result of the activities of passionaries such as Lenin, Kennedy, Gorbachev. In certain situations, dominant values ​​may change over the course of a few years. This framework applies to today, when events occur at a faster pace.

In the past, one person could accelerate the development of society by millennia (for example, by inventing fire earlier). Today, if a discovery is not made by one person this year, it will most likely be made within the next year by another person. If we rely only on the main trend, that is, on technological progress, then we can certainly say that in 150 years AI will be created, immortality will be achieved and long-distance space flights will be carried out. However, all this can be achieved much faster - even in our lifetime, if society adopts the appropriate value system. Let us note once again that public institutions are means of realizing values, and resources are the fruit of progress.

The fate of civilization in the coming decades greatly depends on values ​​and ways of changing them, as well as on leaders who will take responsibility for implementing the tasks of progress. Whether medicines for old age will be created in 20 years or 150 years depends on what global values ​​will be. And this determines the personal chances for immortality of each reader of this book. The choice of global values ​​depends on the activity of the passionaries who promote them.

Turchin A.V., Batin M.A.

If you imagine human value system, like a vertical scale and break it down into separate components, then at the very top mark of this scale there will be life. Then, descending, health, which, as a potential, supports this life. These two components are given to a person at birth. Depending on how a person manages this potential (loses, multiplies, rationally distributes) his life depends.

Health is the inner, vital potential, and not the absence of disease.

This is the level of sustainability vitality, body, soul, mind of a person. As a person grows and develops, he builds relationships (interacts) with the world around him. This is first of all the mother, then the surrounding relatives. Then the children's group (kindergarten, school), educational institutions, Job.

In the same order a system of values ​​is formed. If order is disrupted (distortions occur), the system becomes feverish. A person loses his bearings, takes on different things, spends a lot of effort and energy on it (he thinks that this is the most important thing), and in the end he realizes that this is not what should have been done. The result is disappointment and discomfort.

Look around you. How many people put making money at the forefront. The more you work, the less time (and energy) you have for yourself, your loved ones, friends, and hobbies. It's a funnel that sucks in more and more. As a result, health is lost (much faster than we imagine), personal life does not work out, relationships with relatives deteriorate, friends and acquaintances fade into the background. Sound familiar? Life is not at all what you dreamed of.

Where to start? How to decide?

First, take a piece of paper and write down what is most valuable to you in life. Write in the order that comes to mind.

After that, set your priorities. In order: 1,2,3, etc. by degree of importance and indicate in percentage terms how important it is.

Then draw a circle in the center - a dot - this is you, and from this point strictly in sectors, maintaining the proportion as a percentage, draw your values, perhaps in a color scheme.

This will be your value system, your living space.
See if everything suits you? If not, then at the expense of which sector would you like to increase something or introduce something new? Analyze it and draw conclusions.

Once at one training, participants were tasked with drawing a value system. One girl, having finished drawing, burst into tears. What made her so excited? It turns out that her value system did not include her mother. “But I love her so much,” she said. The coach asked to look at what in her value system absorbed the time of communication with her mother (this is what forced her out of the girl’s subconscious) and make adjustments. .
When this was done, the girl smiled and said: “Today I will buy flowers, go to my mother and tell her that I love her very much and will never forget about her.” It was very educational for everyone.

If you don't like your value system, don't worry. Draw one that would make you feel comfortable and accept it into your life.
Life tasks are solved (in order of importance) in the same order in which the system of values ​​is built, starting from the top, namely: 1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, etc., then 2, 2.2, 2.3, etc.( vertically and horizontally). If order is violated, it will become feverish and the process of destruction will begin. This is not immediately noticeable, but appears over time. In order to recover, a process of rethinking is activated.

The value system also matters when building relationships.

If they are similar, the relationship is harmonious, people speak “the same language,” if not, there is a conflict. Two ways to solve the problem: either correct it by changing priorities, or look for a compatible pair.

Can the value system change?

Certainly. This happens often. For example, you urgently need to earn a certain amount of money. All energy and time are devoted to work, because... this is the priority at the moment. It is important that this does not drag on for too long. Probably everyone has had moments in their life when they themselves felt bad or something happened to loved ones. Were we thinking about work, about friends, about fun? No! We tried our best to get out of this situation as soon as possible, because we were very uncomfortable. This is much more important in life. All this is a single energy-informational process, which also has manifestations in the physical plane (cause-and-effect relationship).