Church names in October for girls. Name days in October, Orthodox holidays in October. What to name a girl born in October - church names.

Are you expecting a new addition to your family in October? Don't know what to name your child? Yes, choosing a name is a very difficult question, since the child is given one name, but two parents have several options. At the same time, there are also close relatives, in the person of grandparents, as well as uncles and aunts, who are also not averse to taking part in this process. It is at this moment that parents begin to remember the names of girls born in October and compare their character traits.

Name for a girl born under the sign of Libra

The female version of Ottavio means energetic and confident. It is also the name of the famous mixed martial arts athlete, Ottavia Bourdain. If you want your girlfriend to have a strong personality, you can call her in Ottavia. Inspired by the name Ottavia, you can shorten the name even further and call your little angel Tavia. The name highlights strong and noble traits and you would surely want your girlfriend to get these wonderful aspects. In a competitive era where a woman must stand on equal terms with a man and compete in all fields, Tawiah is a name that can symbolize strong personality your child.

What is the character of girls born in October?

Let's consider the features of the character meaning of those born in October and names in October. October- people born in October are easy to communicate with and obliging, but only in cases where it concerns work. With friends, they believe, it is not always possible to be obligatory. They like to lie and are witty. Enterprising. They are selfless in friendly relations, but practical and careful in financial matters. Generous. They do not rush to conclusions, do not make rash decisions, and try to listen to as many different opinions as possible, on the basis of which they build their line of behavior. They always act at their own discretion; only very close people are their authority. Women are principled and objective. They have a good memory and easily make a career. Treason and betrayal are not forgiven. They try with all their might to save the family. They are leaders in the family and rarely rely on the support of their spouse.

Annona is a Latin name that symbolizes the ancient Roman goddess of the annual harvest. This name means a morally strong and truthful person. The name also became popular after the success of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland novels. Octavius ​​is inspired by the name of the Roman Emperor Gaius Octavius. It is a name of Latin origin that symbolizes strength and power. People with this name may have an inner desire for leadership and personal independence. If you want your little guy to have those strong masculine attributes, you can call him with this name!

It should be noted that people born in October are intellectual, practical and enterprising. It is rare that October girls make premature conclusions, and even less often they make hasty decisions. But there is still risk in the character of October girls; they take risks only if they are justified.

Girls born in October are very careful, first of all, this concerns finances. Many of them have an extraordinary mind, good memory and organizational skills, which is why they quickly move up the career ladder. But not all of them can conduct business on their own; they are most often helped in this by partners or assistants.

The name symbolizes a good or beautiful face. It is a pleasant name and creates a pleasant feeling in the mind. People with this name may have a deep desire to serve humanity and use creativity and artistic ability to earn immense fame. The name is especially suitable for boys who seem to dominate nature. If you want your son to achieve success in life, you can call him by this name.

It symbolizes great strength and quality of leadership. People with this name may have a deep inner desire for a loving and stable family attachment. If you want your little guy to have these strong attributes, please name him Walter!

Most October children are born under the sign of Libra, and Libras are not always careful in their affairs, they easily break promises, they can lie a little, but they are not selfish. Libra always has their own opinion, and they act as they see fit, but they are in no hurry to resolve the issue and never make hasty decisions.

IN family life girls born in October are very stable, balanced and democratic. For them, nothing is more important than family, and in the family there is trust and honesty. Libra women are very economical, neat, thrifty, they do not get offended by little things, are not vindictive and are not quick-tempered. Girls born in October are always distinguished by their decency and integrity, but they have a heightened sense of justice and never forgive a partner’s betrayal or adultery.

If you want your son to achieve heroic traits, name him Gordon. The name is of Greek origin meaning "keen hearing" and symbolizes a person with utmost patience and calmness. When you want your child to recognize these subtle characteristics, you can call it by name.

Tyson may even remind you of the famous personality and champion boxer Mike Tyson. The name means one who belongs to the defending army. Soon we will be looking at an army of apples, and the whole country will collapse on its own. But when it comes to baby naming, we Catholics have our own temptations and disadvantages to avoid. Meet new names, same as old names.

The most successful names for girls born in October are:




Names of girls born in October according to Saints:

You can also give your child a name according to the calendar calendar. But, unfortunately, not all calendar days have the names of Saints. And if you don’t like this or that name, then you can take the name of the Saint, up to the eighth day from the birth of the girl. For example, your daughter was born on October 8, in church calendar this day is celebrated by Saint Euphrosyne. Since this name is too unusual and a bit complicated, you can take another name. For example, Anna.

Think about the possibilities when you take your daughter to a play date at her friend Linoleum's house and you are asked if there is a "Mary" or a last name or something else. Resist the impulse to saddle your newborn with the vaguest holy name you can find.

But perhaps your taste in saint names runs toward the more exotic. This is a particular temptation for parents with little background in theology or history. Artaxes is an excellent example of an early witness of the Faith; Yes, Quadragesimus was the shepherd who raised the guy from the dead; But the instant gratification of reintroducing these names into the world, joining them with your offspring, is not worth the burning. Artax will feel life through people with people who believe that he is named after a minor deity from Scientology, or that you will suffer every time You must specify full name young Quaddie when you sign him up for football.

October 1 Ariadna, Irina, Sofia

October 6 Iraida, Polyxenia

October 8 Euphrosinia

October 15 Anna, Ustinya

October 17 Virineya, Veronica

October 21 Taisiya, Pelageya

October 24 Zinaida

October 27 Praskovya

What name should be given to the child according to the Saints if she was born in October? It should be noted that the Saints calendar is used mainly only by believing families. If you are one of the Orthodox families, then choosing a name for girls according to the Saints for October is the most right decision. IN Orthodox tradition the custom of giving children names in honor of Saints became relevant in lately. So, parents want to endow their children with at least a piece of the Holy. In addition, there is an opinion among the people that the Saint, after whom the child was named, will patronize him.

We have a wide range of names available to us new parents. But if you absolutely have to dig deep into Butler to let the world know that your little daughter is under the patronage of Queen St. Cundegunda of Poland, hey, that's what middle names are for. But this brings us to another rule.

Names of girls born in October according to Saints

The middle title is a great place to record more obscure holy names or testaments to personal heroes. And the temptation can be strong to save the music: another heavenly patron can only be good, right? Not to mention, you worked hard to make this baby, and keep him alive; At the very least, it can be a kind of walking shield for your spiritual and historical interests.

The names of girls according to the Saints in October are the most diverse, there are native Russian names, but most of the names in the church calendar are names that came from other cultures, but over time adapted to our time and language. How to choose a name for a girl born in October according to Saints? You open the church calendar of the church where you will take your daughter to baptize, and in the month of October, look through the names of the girls. It should be noted that each monastery has its own list of names, so editions of the Saints may differ from each other. So, when choosing a name for an October girl according to the Saints, check whether your church gives permission to take any October names in the church calendar. The fact is that there are churches in which it is customary to take names before the 8th date from the date of birth, that is, if a daughter was born on the 6th, then names can be chosen from the 6th to the 13th of the month. But there are churches where you can take the names of the entire month, the main thing is not to use the names of past days. If the child was born on the 6th, then names, in this case, can only be taken from the 6th until the end of the month. After you decide on the rules of the church, you have to make a choice among the specified names. Some parents, when choosing girls' names according to the Saints for October, also pay attention to the meaning of the names. Since many parents believe that the meaning of the name plays an important role in the lives of children. If you want your daughter to be wise, smart and kind, then we advise you to pay attention to names with this meaning; the name Sofia means wise, smart. For example, by giving a child the name Elizabeth, you thereby connect her with God, since in translation Elizabeth means one who worships God.

There's a fine line between cheerful abundance and pathetic excess. Leave some names for all of us. Get a good night's sleep before you sign anything. We've all since agreed to pretend otherwise. Some Catholic parents do not feel the need to give their eldest sons middle names after each of the Aganum martyrs. They prefer to delve into the Old Testament.

Without a canon of saints, without a living presence Christian history around them, New World protesters celebrated their own tradition with a variety of Jemimah and Jebediah. In my opinion, there is no absolute reason why Catholics should avoid Old Testament names. We respect Jacob, David and the rest for the role they played in salvation history. It makes sense to me to want to shine the brightest light on those models of faith who knew and lived for Christ by name. For the love of God, don't call your child "Todd."

Girls' names according to the Saints: October

October 1: Ariadne, Arina, Euphrosyne, Irina, Sofia

October 2: Maria

October 3: Tatiana

October 4: Vassa

October 5: Praskovya

October 6: Iraida, Raisa

October 7: Thekla

October 8: Dosithea, Euphrosyne

October 10: Dora, Dorothea, Fevronia

October 11: Anna, Maria, Tatyana

Meaning: Rose, Flower has grown. Rosita is a popular name

There was no such saint, no prophet, no patriarch. And it rhymes with "weird." Other children will understand this.

Rosana is a popular name

Socket - popular name. Rosalba is a popular name. Rosalia is a popular name. Name Day is a tradition in many European and American countries that consists of celebrating the day of the year associated with one name.

Celebrating personal days has been a tradition in Catholic and Orthodox countries since the Middle Ages. The custom originated with the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic saints' calendars, where believers named after a particular saint would celebrate that saint's feast day. However, in many countries there is no longer any clear connection with Christianity. Name days are more popular in Southern and Eastern Europe rather than Northern Europe. Each country has a different list called "Name Day".

October 13: Alexandra, Marianna, Polina

October 14: Vera, Nana

October 15: Anna, Euphrosyne, Ustinya

October 16: Feodosia

October 17: Veronica, Virinea

October 18: Alexandra

October 20: Pelagia

October 21: Elizaveta, Maria, Nadezhda, Pelageya, Taisiya, Tatyana

October 24: Zinaida

October 26: Zlata, Chrysa

October 27: Praskovya

"Horoscopic" name for a girl born in October. Scales

Children with the star sign Libra are curious and outgoing children who require a lot of mental stimulation and variety. They are very sociable and approach different people and new situations openly. Children of astrological proportions are often really little spellcasters who know exactly how they can turn their environment around your finger. Personal problems of horoscope scales. A peaceful and beautiful home and harmonious relationships are the necessary basic needs of children of the zodiac sign.

October 31: Euphrosyne, Elizabeth, Zlata, Chrysa.