Female names born in February. Girl's names for those born in December, January, February: a complete list of "winter" female names. February names for girls.

Choosing a name for your child is such a responsible undertaking that many parents take a lot of time to find the right one. However, in the old days such problems did not arise, because all young parents always turned to the clergy in church, who helped with choosing names on a given day. They were helped in this by a book called Saints or Months, containing almost 2 thousand names of Orthodox great martyrs and saints, whose names it was customary to name babies. How to choose name your child according to the Saints?

This name is of Hebrew origin and with a very illuminated meaning refers to one of the. "Leap year, year of loss", "leap year and year of couples, year of chances" or worst "leap year, house, vineyard, orchard, port." If a normal year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 56 seconds, this is not the case, since it only has the day when they will be able to celebrate with all the law their birthday of the thousands of people who are bishops in Spain - according to the National Institute of Statistics - or a little more than 4.8 million.

People who are all over the world. In fact, it is not easy to be born in a leap because the numbers say that the probability of entering the world on February 29th is only 1 inch. Thus, these people feel so lucky and unique. For example, that only triplets in the world come from Valencia and for four years now. Or in Ireland the winches receive a prize of 100 euros or in Anthony, a city in Texas, they celebrate once again, as every four years, a festival with visits to farms and dancing in the squares.

How to name a child according to the Saints, according to the church calendar

It is customary to give a name to a child only on the eighth day after birth. If the name for the child was chosen in honor of the patron saint on a given date, then the baby received another holiday - the day of the angel or Name Day (see church year for 2017 by month). The fashion of celebrating Angel Day in Russia was in vogue until the establishment of Soviet power. It should be mentioned that now this trend is returning again, and many modern parents are happy to celebrate, in addition to their child’s birthday, his Name Day.

January names for girls

And the fact is that this area is famous in the world for being the world capital summer year. For the Agerors, February 29 is combined with the evil Pharao. For the Romans, February was the month of the dead; Add another day - add another naughty day. In Greece, people today still avoid getting married on that day.

April names for girls

Leap years are associated with some catastrophes of mankind: the sinking of the Titanic, the beginning civil war in Spain and deaths such as Gandhi, Robert Kennedy, Luther King and John Lennon. Leap years are years Olympic Games, as well as years of presidential transition in the United States and China.

If a child born in February cannot be baptized on the eighth day after birth, then this can be done on the fortieth day. It was after this number of days that it was previously customary to bring a child into the temple. And on this day you can also choose a name to your baby.

Church Orthodox calendar of names for February 2017

If one of the parents does not like the list of names that gives them specific dates to choose from ( according to the church calendar), then you can make your choice from those names that are on the list of the next few days (see Orthodox by month).

However, the largest group of people born on February 29th is the World Club of Bizestos, according to the Guinness Book. This year predicts that it will be " big holiday, with anecdotes, laughter and rarities." Since Sainz personally doesn't know anyone else who is turning their age this year, he decided to organize an event to bring everyone together. This time its members were able to celebrate their birthdays in their city of Cuenca.

Of course, your baby's name is an important decision. It will take his whole life or at least until he is 18 he can legally change it. Choosing an extravagant name is not the most common decision. Sometimes they follow family traditions, and sometimes they follow fashion. There are parents who don’t clarify, and others for whom it’s clear from day one. It's not just books and websites dedicated to this issue, but all friends and family want to give their opinions almost from the first day of pregnancy.

Beautiful names for boys born in February 2017

Arseny ("courageous"), Arkady ("solid"), Anatoly ("ascending"), Akim ("God will raise"), David ("beloved"), Dmitry ("related to Demeter"), Elisha ("salvation" ), Zakhar (“memorable to God”), Hippolytus (“unharnesser of horses”), Cyril (“master”), Constantine (“constant”), Makar (“happy”), Maximilian (“messenger of God”), Maxim (“ the greatest"), Timothy (“who worships God”), Peter (“strong as a stone”), Prochorus (“leading the dance”), Raphael (“God will heal”), Tryphon (“luxurious”), Julian (“wavy” ).

Given the panorama, it is quite understandable that the company would offer to choose a name for the family and present it as an outsourced job: they did this at the request of the parents, who were the first to enjoy their services. The five most popular names among men are Antonio, Jose, Manuel, Francisco and Juan.

But Antonio is in steep decline: until the 1960s there were more than 000 new Antonios every year, but currently they do not reach 000 every 12 months. His average age is 54 years. Something similar is happening with Jose, falling from the 60s and with an average age of 59.6 years; With Manuel; With Francisco and Juan.

Beautiful names for girls born in February 2017

Anna (“merciful”), Valentina (“strong”), Vasilisa (“reigning”), Catherine (“pure”), Elizabeth (“God’s oath”), Christina (“dedicated to Christ”), Maria (“sad”) , Sophia (“wisdom”).

Parents give their child not only life, but also a name that accompanies him throughout his life. The fact that a name is not a simple word, but endowed with a certain power that can influence a person’s behavior and fate, forces us to think it over carefully.

For women, the most common names are Maria Carmen, Maria, Carmen, Josefa and Isabel. Similar luck governs other classics such as Pilar, with an average age of 61.5 years, and has virtually disappeared among newborns. Another option that is taken into account are names that, while classic, have never been in fashion, or even disappeared. They have the advantage that the child won't be dating four or five classmates with the same name, but the truth is that they aren't funny or memorable.

In this line we find names such as Ana, Elena, Miguel, Andres and Jaime. In this category, you can add names that had a moment of brilliance, but instead of being forgotten are still moderately common, either because they are classic names like Alberto, or because their moment of glory came out of nowhere. and they already had certain Presence on the roster, such as Oscar, Sylvia and Eva.

Eat different ways, traditions, family characteristics of choosing names. For example, when determining a name, the time of year that greeted the baby is taken into account. But here you can use different techniques.

If we take as a basis church calendar, then maiden names for those born in December, January, February may be as follows.


So, for December babies you can choose a name from the following: Anna, Anastasia, Aza, Angel, Angelina, Anfisa, Alice, Adelaide, Augusta, Agavva, Apphia, Anfia, Ada, Boguta, Virginia, Victoria, Varvara, Glyceria, Ekaterina, Elizabeth , Zoya, Mastridia, Nina, Zephania, Tatona, Thekla, Philotea (Filothea), Thekla, Feofania, Juliania,

Dolores is increasingly ignored: since the 1960s it has been used less and less for girls. Women named Lola have an average age of 7.9 years. This is not the only diminutive used in this way. This happens to Nora and Theo. And Biel and Quim often visit Catalonia. And something similar is happening with Candelas, who is 8.4 years old on average. This name is now more popular than Candelaria.

When it comes to baby names, Lucia is the star. Its average age is 22.5 years, and the decade in which more new Lucias arrived was popular in New: it was 12 years in a row as a favorite among Spanish parents. Since it is trendy, many families will likely start choosing other names as they often don't like ones that are too common. But even if it may go out of style in a few years, it has the advantage of coming from nothing: it's a traditional name, like Paula, Sarah and Sophia, which are also in the top ten most popular.

Names for girls born in December, January, February can be very different, both generally accepted and original, forgotten.


For January girls: Aglaida, Akilla, Amma, Antonina, Antonia, Anasya, Agafya, Anataia, Vavila, Vasilisa, Evgenia, Efimiya, Zosima, Zina, Irina, Claudia, Ksenia, Melania, Martina, Olympiodora, Pavla, Tatyana, Feodosia, Theodora, Emilia, Juliania.

Lucky name and numerology

Can lead a similar fate to Sylvia or Ana, and remain for decades without forgetting. Not the same with Danielas, Karlas, Valerias and Albas. These names have become fashionable in recent years, but it is possible that they will reduce their frequency in the future without remaining a classic, devoid of tradition in Spain.

A special case is Martina, which almost disappeared in the 80s, but it is worth mentioning that there was something more common until the 70s. Hugo's average age is 8.8 years. We can compare the chart with data from Daniel, Pablo and Alejandro, the next most popular names. Although they have registered growth in recent years, this growth has been maintained since Daniel has been growing and stable since the 70s since Paul almost doubled in size in the 1990s.


For those born in February: Agnia, Anna, Agafya, Afanasia, Bertha, Beatrice, Vavila, Valentina, Galina, Domna, Eusevia, Eudoxia, Efrasia, Zosima, Inna, Irma, Jonah, Isabella, Callista, Ksenia, Louise, Mina, Maria , Marciana, Martha, Pinna, Paul, Rimma, Theodosius, Felitsata, Christina, Chrysia.

There is an opinion that girl names for those born in December, January, and February should be soft so that girls with a hardened winter character become softer. This is Alena, Alisa, Anna, Amira, Ariadna, Asya, Bella, Bogdana, Veta, Varvara, Victoria, Vera, Vitalia, Gayane, Galina, Gretta, Gemma, Dina, Julia, Eva, Zoya, Irina, Ivona, Lyubov, Leah , Lesya, Larisa, Marianna, Marina, Mirra, Mikhailina, Natalia, Natella, Nika, Nonna, Nora, Oksana, Olesya, Pavel, Polina, Raisa, Rosa, Svetlana, Silvia Snezhana, Stella, Faina, Hristya, Eda, Iya, Ella, Elmira, Yaroslava.

Distinctive character traits of February girls

Does anyone remember Vanessa and Jonathan? The danger of following name trends is very clear in the graphics of Jessica, Vanessa, Jonathan and Kevin. The peak of popularity, only to fall into oblivion, although Jonathan and Kevin hold up better. In fact, and unless there is a recovery in the next few years, the average age, which is in the 20s, will move until these now juvenile-sounding names become typical for older people. In a few years, Vanessa may sound like Josefa.

When choosing a name for a girl born in winter, you need to be guided by intuition, your own taste and a beautiful combination with your surname and patronymic.

Unusual names for girls

Unusual names for girls from other countries are also firmly rooted in the Russian language: Evelina, Juliet, Ivanna, Yuliana, Charlotte, Sofia. And if some names are considered quite common and almost everyday, then others are very rare and incomprehensible to us.

Orthodox tradition of naming babies

That is, they come almost out of nowhere and grow very quickly and then fall. In addition to the examples we've already mentioned, we see a similar trend in names like Ximena, Noah, Enzo, Lev and Gael, which are in this first phase of the curve. The fact that they have almost no antecedents suggests that such destinations can be fulfilled. Especially considering that Leo is popularized by Leo Messi and, in the case of Gael, influences the popularity of Gael García Bernal.

This doesn't just happen with Anglo-Saxon names. Lorraine comes from French, as many Lorraine born in the decade. The case of Izan is particularly interesting. It is not entirely clear where it came from, but many believe it is the castilianization of ethane. Apparently this would have nothing to do with Izani, the medieval Basque name, or the verb izan, which means “to be” in Euskera. It ranks two years among the top 20 most popular baby names. Izanes has an average of 5.3 years.

When thinking about what name to choose for a girl, first of all think about the child himself. Your child still has to go to kindergarten and school. It is not always possible to predict how peers will feel about your daughter’s name.

Of course, at a more mature age, your child will thank you for the wonderful and, perhaps, rare name. But during the first 15-17 years of life, due to constant ridicule from his peers, a child may simply hate his name. So be sure to weigh the pros and cons of any unusual name.

There were fewer than 500 in the 1990s, and none before. Dubner, many parents choose their children's names based on desirable components, but in particular, the example of other wealthy families who choose the same names for their children. When this name reaches its peak, it begins to gradually fade away. According to the authors, this happened, for example, with Britney Spears: she was a different Britney who followed this fashion, and not the one marked by this trend. If she had been born earlier, she might have called herself Jennifer.

As a counterexample, the authors recall several girls named Madonna in the 1980s or. And recently and in connection with Joseph Bowie, the son of Tanya Llasera, we have seen how, but often these are minority options. The same can be said about almost 500 Shakira years.

Video materials about the secrets of the name

How to name the baby:

10 banned baby names:

Female name and stones:

Call me nice:

However, there are cases where the influence of celebrities is noticed: Ana Belen was not one of the 151 girls with the same name born in the 50s: her name is Maria del Pilar. In this decade there have already been 492 girls with this name, although the boom will arrive in the 70s, adding more than a thousand new Ana Belén novelties. By the way, something similar is happening with Victor Manuel, but on a smaller scale.

Choosing a baby name is not an easy task, we know that and that's why we want to give you some ideas to get inspired. In fact, you can take the names of the children of the saints of the month of February as a basis. Don't just summarize February February February, but we'll explain. In addition, we also provide you with different options if you want to bet on a more exotic name or one with a more modern sound.