Inna Malikova: “I can lean on my husband’s strong shoulder. Inna and Dmitry Malikov about family traditions: One for all, and all for one Inna Malikova personal life

Inna Malikova is a famous Russian TV presenter, singer, and actress who also tries her hand as a producer. Today she is 41 years old, height 163 cm. Inna...

From Masterweb

05.10.2018 00:00

Inna Malikova is a famous Russian TV presenter, singer, and actress who also tries her hand as a producer. Today she is 41 years old, height 163 cm. Inna is not married - she is divorced. The woman continues the family’s work, devoting herself entirely to music. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. She is very sociable. Topics of personal life, biography, and children of Inna Malikova often appear in articles from well-known publications that carefully monitor the life of the star.

Biography of Inna Malikova

Inna was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow (Russia). The parents were creative people who tried to raise their children accordingly. The Malikovs are known throughout the country as a musical dynasty, where everyone in one way or another connects their life with creativity. Father Yuri is the founder of the Gems group, famous in the 70s, mother Lyuda is a dancer. She was also a soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. Inna's brother is famous Russian singer Dmitry Malikov.

The spirit of art always lived in their house; dad taught his daughter and son to listen to high-quality music. IN kindergarten Inna walked only for a short time; her mother decided to study with her daughter at home. Being very young, the girl, at the request of her parents, goes to the Merzlyakovsky music school (piano class).

Girl's school years

Creative biography Inna Malikova begins in the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. It was then that the father decides to transfer his child to musical and choreographic educational institution. It is very famous among show business stars. At one time, Nikolai Baskov and girls from the Lyceum team studied at this school. Inna graduated from the Merzlyakov school with excellent marks, and she also mastered the violin.

The girl's favorite subjects at school were literature and biology. She always prepared most carefully for these lessons. In addition, the biology teacher often praised Inna for her diligence and desire to learn something new.

Life of Inna Malikova after school

Having received a school certificate, the girl went to apply to a music school. Her choice fell on the conducting and choral faculty. She was immediately enrolled in the ranks of students. From September 1, the girl was already focused on her studies. Active and full of energy, Inna signed up for additional classes. So, in the biography of Inna Malikova, a column about vocal education appeared, because she was talented in everything. Vladimir Khachaturov became her mentor.

Having received a college diploma, the girl realized that she did not want to stop there. She went to storm the well-known GITIS.

Girl's career

My beloved older brother gave a song called “At the Summer Festival” for my sister Inna Malikova’s birthday. The girl’s biography and discography have since been supplemented with her first solo composition. The young artist performed with her in many Russian television programs.

Then the aspiring performer’s career took off rapidly. Some of the first songs that Inna recorded were “Who Was Right” and “I Don’t Want to Be Serious.” After some time, video clips were shot for these compositions.

One of the most memorable events in Inna Malikova’s biography was the release of her video for the song “Coffee and Chocolate.” Then a huge number of people worked on the creation of this work. They filmed frame by frame for many weeks, resting 4 hours a day. Inna appeared on the set at 4 a.m. and left after midnight. The result of such long and painstaking work pleased everyone.

Work in the theater

Inna also tried her hand at the theater stage. Thus, she became one of the main characters in the production of “Divorce, Moscow Style” under the direction of the Lekur agency. She was also invited to play Adele in Die Fledermaus, to which Malikova, of course, agreed.

Several more times Inna tried to go on the theater stage, but realized that the pop stage is what she really likes and what she wants to connect her life with.

"New Gems"

In 2006, Inna and her father Yuri Malikov decide to create the group “New Gems” in honor of the 35th anniversary of the legendary group of the 70s. The participants of the newly formed “Gems” were the young, talented Yana Daineko, Misha Veselov, Andrey Dievsky. Inna served as the main leader of the team. After several years of existence, the group releases its first album, which is called “Inna Malikova. Gems New."

Inna's further fate

In 2010, a young and talented girl tries herself as a TV presenter. So, she receives an offer to host the program “Good Evening, Moscow” with Kharatyan and, of course, agrees.

In 2014, the artist released another album, which was recorded with the group “New Gems” and was called “The Whole Life Ahead.” It includes famous compositions of the legendary group in the form of remixes. The viewer adequately appreciated this work. Inna gained many fans who began to send her expensive gifts and interesting messages. But the only thing that Inna Malikova did not have time for at that moment was her personal life. The biography of this girl could already be seen in many well-known publications with the title “How to gain popularity on your own.” Inna often gave interviews to journalists, talking about her plans.

New songs for “New Gems”

Inna and her father understood that it would be good to cover the band’s old songs, but they wouldn’t last long at this. Therefore, it was decided to smoothly change the repertoire to a more modern one.

In 2016 music group turned exactly 10 years old. They devoted this time to recording songs, filming video clips and, of course, touring their native Russia. Over these 10 years, the composition of the team has not changed. Some publications recognized "New Gems" best group countries over the past decade.

Personal life in the biography of Inna Malikova

Inna was married. She is now divorced. The star's husband was the famous businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. From the very beginning of their relationship, the couple was called the most beautiful in Russian show business. They gave birth to a wonderful son, who was named Dmitry in honor of Inna’s brother. When he was 12 years old, the family broke up, the divorce was explained by misunderstanding and mistrust. So, the husband did not appear in Inna Malikova’s biography for long.

Inna was active creative person, who often disappeared on tours, filming video clips, and photo shoots. The husband, alas, could not treat this with understanding. He was more conservative in his views on the family. In his opinion, the wife should always be at home, cooking, washing, cleaning and raising the child. Now the singer is not interested ex-husband personal life. Children in Inna Malikova’s biography come first today.

After the divorce, this couple could not resolve the issue of custody for a long time. Since Dima was already an adult boy, he gave preference to his mother. With her they were closer in spirit. In Inna Malikova’s biography, children are the most valuable and important thing. She is very grateful to her son for this choice. Although for a split second, when Dima was asked who he wanted to be with, she doubted. After all, as a rule, boys choose their dad, Malikov shares her emotions.

Inna's son bears her family's star surname. Despite the fact that everyone around only knows what to talk about creativity, the guy chose the profession of a cook. Since his school years, he knew how to cook unusual dishes and always delighted his family with them on holidays. Dima interned with a famous Italian chef, then became a student at one of the best culinary institutes in France.

The guy wanted to get an education there so much that in a short six months he perfectly mastered French. That’s how persistent the Malikovs’ children can be. In Inna’s biography it is repeatedly mentioned that the main character traits of their entire family are determination and perseverance. The son always pleases his mother with visits on weekends or holidays. According to Inna herself, everything is fine in her personal life. Now she has a beloved man, whose name she is still hiding. Nowadays, not much is said about Inna Malikova’s personal life and children, which is probably why the paparazzi are watching her more and more closely.

Kievyan Street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

Inna Malikova is a famous Russian TV presenter, singer, actress who also tries her hand as a producer. Today she is 41 years old, height 163 cm. Inna is not married - she is divorced. The woman continues the family’s work, devoting herself entirely to music. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. She is very sociable. Topics of personal life, biography, and children of Inna Malikova often appear in articles from well-known publications that carefully monitor the life of the star.

Biography of Inna Malikova

Inna was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow (Russia). The parents were creative people who tried to raise their children accordingly. The Malikovs are known throughout the country as a musical dynasty, where everyone in one way or another connects their life with creativity. Father Yuri is the founder of the Gems group, famous in the 70s, mother Lyuda is a dancer. She was also a soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. Inna's brother is the famous Russian singer Dmitry Malikov.

The spirit of art always lived in their house; dad taught his daughter and son to listen to high-quality music. Inna went to kindergarten for only a short time; her mother decided to study with her daughter at home. Being very young, the girl, at the request of her parents, goes to the Merzlyakovsky music school (piano class).

Girl's school years

The creative biography of Inna Malikova begins in the 5th grade of a comprehensive school. It was then that the father decides to transfer his child to a music and choreographic educational institution. It is very famous among show business stars. At one time, Nikolai Baskov and girls from the Lyceum team studied at this school. Inna graduated from the Merzlyakov school with excellent marks, and she also mastered the violin.

The girl's favorite subjects at school were literature and biology. She always prepared most carefully for these lessons. In addition, the biology teacher often praised Inna for her diligence and desire to learn something new.

Life of Inna Malikova after school

Having received a school certificate, the girl went to apply to a music school. Her choice fell on the conducting and choral faculty. She was immediately enrolled in the ranks of students. From September 1, the girl was already focused on her studies. Active and full of energy, Inna signed up for additional classes. So, in the biography of Inna Malikova, a column about vocal education appeared, because she was talented in everything. Vladimir Khachaturov became her mentor.

Having received a college diploma, the girl realized that she did not want to stop there. She went to storm the well-known GITIS.

Girl's career

My beloved older brother gave a song called “At the Summer Festival” for my sister Inna Malikova’s birthday. The girl’s biography and discography have since been supplemented with her first solo composition. The young artist performed with her in many Russian television programs.

Then the aspiring performer’s career took off rapidly. Some of the first songs that Inna recorded were “Who Was Right” and “I Don’t Want to Be Serious.” After some time, video clips were shot for these compositions.

One of the most memorable events in Inna Malikova’s biography was the release of her video for the song “Coffee and Chocolate.” Then a huge number of people worked on the creation of this work. They filmed frame by frame for many weeks, resting 4 hours a day. Inna appeared on the set at 4 a.m. and left after midnight. The result of such long and painstaking work pleased everyone.

Work in the theater

Inna also tried her hand at the theater stage. Thus, she became one of the main characters in the production of “Divorce, Moscow Style” under the direction of the Lekur agency. She was also invited to play Adele in Die Fledermaus, to which Malikova, of course, agreed.

Several more times Inna tried to go on the theater stage, but realized that the pop stage is what she really likes and what she wants to connect her life with.

"New Gems"

In 2006, Inna and her father Yuri Malikov decide to create the group “New Gems” in honor of the 35th anniversary of the legendary group of the 70s. The participants of the newly formed “Gems” were the young, talented Yana Daineko, Misha Veselov, Andrey Dievsky. Inna served as the main leader of the team. After several years of existence, the group releases its first album, which is called “Inna Malikova. Gems New."

Inna's further fate

In 2010, a young and talented girl tries herself as a TV presenter. So, she receives an offer to host the program “Good Evening, Moscow” with Kharatyan and, of course, agrees.

In 2014, the artist released another album, which was recorded with the group “New Gems” and was called “The Whole Life Ahead.” It includes famous compositions of the legendary group in the form of remixes. The viewer adequately appreciated this work. Inna gained many fans who began to send her expensive gifts and interesting messages. But the only thing that Inna Malikova did not have time for at that moment was her personal life. The biography of this girl could already be seen in many well-known publications with the title “How to gain popularity on your own.” Inna often gave interviews to journalists, talking about her plans.

New songs for “New Gems”

Inna and her father understood that it would be good to cover the band’s old songs, but they wouldn’t last long at this. Therefore, it was decided to smoothly change the repertoire to a more modern one.

In 2016, the music group turned 10 years old. They devoted this time to recording songs, filming video clips and, of course, touring their native Russia. Over these 10 years, the composition of the team has not changed. Some publications recognized New Gems as the best group in the country over the past decade.

Personal life in the biography of Inna Malikova

Inna was married. She is now divorced. The star's husband was the famous businessman Vladimir Antonichuk. From the very beginning of their relationship, the couple was called the most beautiful in Russian show business. They gave birth to a wonderful son, who was named Dmitry in honor of Inna’s brother. When he was 12 years old, the family broke up, the divorce was explained by misunderstanding and mistrust. So, the husband did not appear in Inna Malikova’s biography for long.

Inna was an active, creative person who often disappeared on tours, filming video clips, and photo shoots. The husband, alas, could not treat this with understanding. He was more conservative in his views on the family. In his opinion, the wife should always be at home, cooking, washing, cleaning and raising the child. Now the singer is not interested in her ex-husband’s personal life. Children in Inna Malikova’s biography come first today.

After the divorce, this couple could not resolve the issue of custody for a long time. Since Dima was already an adult boy, he gave preference to his mother. With her they were closer in spirit. In the biography of Inna Malikova, children are the most valuable and important thing. She is very grateful to her son for this choice. Although for a split second, when Dima was asked who he wanted to be with, she doubted. After all, as a rule, boys choose their dad, Malikov shares her emotions.

Inna's son bears her family's star surname. Despite the fact that everyone around only knows what to talk about creativity, the guy chose the profession of a cook. Since his school years, he knew how to cook unusual dishes and always delighted his family with them on holidays. Dima interned with a famous Italian chef, then became a student at one of the best culinary institutes in France.

The guy wanted to get an education there so much that in a short six months he mastered the French language perfectly. That’s how persistent the Malikovs’ children can be. In Inna’s biography it is repeatedly mentioned that the main character traits of their entire family are determination and perseverance. The son always pleases his mother with visits on weekends or holidays. According to Inna herself, everything is fine in her personal life. Now she has a beloved man, whose name she is still hiding. Nowadays, not much is said about Inna Malikova’s personal life and children, which is probably why the paparazzi are watching her more and more closely.

- Russian singer, producer, actress and TV presenter. Soloist and leader of the group “New Gems”. Honored Artist of Russia.


Inna Malikova was born on January 1, 1977 in Moscow, in musical family. Her father is Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, musician, composer, founder and director of the VIA “Gems”. Mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, at that time a soloist of the Moscow Music Hall. Brother - Dmitry Malikov, singer, pianist and composer.


Music and an atmosphere of creativity accompanied Inna literally from the first days. Instead of lullabies, parents played recordings of the Gems or the Beatles, and often took them on tour. Inna Malikova received her secondary musical education in music school at the Moscow Conservatory, the legendary “Merzlyakovka”, in piano class. Then the girl entered the conducting and choral department of the music school and at the same time took vocal lessons from the outstanding teacher V.Kh. Khachaturov at the pop and jazz school. In addition, starting from the fifth grade, Inna studied at the famous school No. 1113 with in-depth study of music and choreography, on Tverskaya Street. Other future “stars” of the national stage also studied here: Nikolai Baskov, members of the “Lyceum” group and many others.

Start of a career

Inna recorded her first song in 1993. Dmitry Malikov gave the composition “At the Summer Festival” to his sister for her 16th birthday. With her, Inna first appeared on television, taking part in the popular music programs “Morning Star” and “Under the Zodiac Sign.”

The singer’s debut solo album, “Who Was Right,” was released in 2000. The second one, “Coffee and Chocolate”, is five years later. Inna Malikova collaborated with such famous composers as Oleg Molchanov, Evgeny Kuritsin, Sergei Nizovtsev and others.

New Gems

In 2006, at a festive concert dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the legendary Gems, Inna Malikova and Alexander Postolenko performed one of the group’s songs as a duet. Her father, Yuri Malikov, liked the idea so much that it was decided to create a group that would continue the work of VIA Gems. Like-minded people were found quickly, and within a month Inna assembled a team. Thus the New Gems were born. According to Inna herself, she is a born organizer. It gives her real pleasure to watch her group grow and gain popularity.

In addition to Inna, the team included young, talented artists: participant of the musicals Notre Dame de Paris, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Count of Monte Cristo” Alexander Postolenko, daughter of the soloist of “Belarusian Pesnyary” Yana Daineko, winner of the fifth “Star Factory” Mikhail Veselov. And Inna Malikova is not only the soloist of the group, but also its leader.

“New Gems” are rightfully considered one of the most successful cover projects in Russia. The artists are active in concerts, experiment a lot in the studio, and their music is heard on the air of the largest radio stations in the country. The first album, “Inna Malikova & Gems NEW,” was released in 2009, the second, “The Whole Life Ahead,” was released in 2014. In 2018, for the 12th anniversary of the group, “New Gems” released their third album with the symbolic name “12”.

Work in theater and television

In 2006, after graduating from the variety department of GITIS, Inna Malikova received an invitation from the Lekur theatrical agency to play one of the main roles in the enterprise play “Divorce, Moscow Style.” And in 2008, the premiere of another performance took place - “The Bat”. Here Inna played the role of the maid Adele. Both works of the young actress received favorable reviews from critics.

Inna Malikova graduated from the School of TV Presenters at Ostankino and from 2010 to 2011, together with Dmitry Kharatyan, hosted the TV program “Good Evening, Moscow!”

Personal life

Married to businessman Vladimir Antonichuk (until 2011). Son Dmitry Vladimirovich Malikov Jr. (born January 26, 1999). Dmitry is an excellent cook and conducts culinary master classes. He has his own channel on YouTube. In the future, he plans to master the profession of a chef.


2000 – “Who Was Right”

2005 – “Coffee and Chocolate”

2009 – “Inna Malikova & Gems New”

2014 – “Your whole life is ahead”


1996 – “I don’t want to be serious”

2000 – “Who Was Right”

2003 – “Everything that happened”

2004 – “Coffee and Chocolate”

2012 – “Remember Modern Talking”

2012 – “Heart is not a stone”

2014 – “Your whole life is ahead”

2015 – “The world is not simple”

2016 – “Heart is not a stone”

2018 – “Glue it together”

Inna is the face of the Swiss watch company MILUS (since 2004).

Inna's favorite treat is coffee latte. She loves it even more than chocolate.

Inna Malikova is a singer and also the daughter famous performer Yuri Malikov, who created the group “Gems”, popular in the 70s. Her brother Dmitry was a famous pop singer, and her mother Lyudmila worked as her son’s concert director. Inna was born on January 1 (Capricorn according to the horoscope) 1977 in Moscow. Her height is 163 centimeters.

Being in a creative atmosphere, the girl was soon assigned to a music school, where she studied piano. After some time, her parents decide to send her to a music and choreography school, where such stars as Nikolai Baskov and Nikolai Slichenko previously studied. In addition to playing the piano, she also mastered the violin. During school, Inna carefully practiced her vocals and prepared herself for a stellar future.

Beginning of a career as a singer

The girl did not want to be limited by her existing education, and therefore entered GITIS. The debut song was “At the Summer Festival,” which her brother Dmitry gave her for her 16th birthday. Thanks to this, she was able to attract the attention of many producers and composers. After some time, she releases the rest of the songs from her first album, which are later used to film a video.
In 2002, Inna began her collaboration with such composers as: Kuritsin, Yesenen and Nizovtsev. Thanks to their collaboration, she releases her second album.

First appearance on stage

In 2006, she became known to many theatergoers. Having learned about her talent, Inna is invited to play in a play called “Divorce, Moscow Style.” Two years later, she again crosses the threshold of the theater, where she plays the role of Adele in Die Fledermaus.
But in fact, it was the stage that brought great success rather than the theater. In 2006, the ensemble “Gems” celebrated its 35th anniversary, and on this occasion, the father, together with his daughter, organized a group called “New Gems”. The lineup included quite young talents who managed to become famous in show business.
After that, she auditions for the role of a TV presenter in the program “Good Evening, Moscow!”

Beloved son Dmitry

Inna's first marriage was with businessman Vladimir Antonichukov. They lived quite a long time and happy life until their opinions were divided. Inna's husband was very old-fashioned and wanted Malikova to devote herself entirely to him and her son Dmitry. After some time, they divorce, since Inna did not want to leave her creative life.

Negotiations about custody went on for a long time, but son Dmitry, who was 12 years old at the time, could already independently declare who he would like to live with. Spiritually, his mother was closest to him, with whom he stayed.
Having good qualities as a singer, Dmitry nevertheless chooses another profession and becomes a cook, in which his mother undoubtedly supports him. At the moment, Inna has a loved one, whose identity she still hides.

Inna Malikova– producer and leader of the group “New Gems”. Honored Artist of Russia.

Inna Malikova continues the famous creative dynasty. Her father is Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, People's Artist of Russia, founder of the legendary VIA "Gems". Mother, former soloist Moscow Music Hall Lyudmila Vyunkova. Already from childhood, her parents taught Inna and her older brother Dmitry to perceive music - instead of a lullaby, songs of “Gems” and records of The Beatles were played in the house. The artists also took their children on tour, so it is not surprising that Inna continued the family tradition and connected her life with music.

Malikova began her training in the piano class at the famous Merzlyakov Music School at the Conservatory. General education she received it at music and choreographic school No. 1113, where other future stars studied, including Nikolai Baskov and the soloists of the Lyceum group. Inna’s brother Dmitry wrote her first song, “At the Summer Festival,” for her 16th birthday. It was with this composition that the girl successfully performed in the popular television programs “Morning Star” and “Under the Sign of the Zodiac.”

After graduating from school, the young singer entered the conducting and choral department of a music school. At the same time, Inna studied vocals at the pop-jazz school with the outstanding teacher Vladimir Khachaturov. At the same time, her debut album “Who Was Right?” was released, which brought her first fame. Inna's second solo album, “Coffee and Chocolate,” created in collaboration with composers Evgeny Kuritsyn, Pavel Yesenin and Sergei Nizovtsev, was released in 2006. The collection evoked even more response from listeners, and the videos for the songs “Everything That Was” and “Coffee and Chocolate” more than once topped the music charts.

However, the singer was also attracted to the theater, so after graduating from music school, Inna entered the RATI (GITIS) in the pop department. After graduating from the institute, the young actress received an offer to play in the play “Divorce, Moscow Style.” Her stage partners then became already famous actors - Stanislav Sadalsky, Zhanna Epple, Alexey Panin and Alla Dovlatova. However, Inna was not lost among them: critics noted her work good reviews, and soon the artist was invited to participate in the popular play “The Bat”.

Simultaneously with her work in theater projects, Inna graduated from another university - the Institute for the Training of TV Presenters. Over the next few years, the artist hosted the main entertainment show on the TVC channel “Good Evening, Moscow!” together with Dmitry Kharatyan.

In 2005, the largest Swiss watch company MILUS invited Inna to represent its brand in Russia and Switzerland. The collaboration lasted for eight years. In 2015, Inna became the official representative of the largest Russian jewelry manufacturer, the Crystal jewelry house.

Today Inna Malikova devotes all her time to the musical project “New Gems”. Organizational skills and incredible love for the stage were embodied in the leadership of the group. “By nature, I am a born organizer,” says Inna. “I always wanted to have a real business of my own, and it is a great happiness for me to see how our team is developing.”

Today, “New Gems” occupy a leading position among Russian musical performers. The group's repertoire includes a large concert program: everyone's favorite Samotsvetov songs, the most famous Russian and world hits, as well as compositions of their own composition. The band members have vast experience in concert activities, numerous performances on leading TV channels, radio stations and music venues in Russia.

In the fall of 2009, the debut album of the group “Inna Malikova & Samotsvety NEW” was released. In 2014, the team released their second album, “The Whole Life Ahead.” In 2016, the group celebrated its 10th anniversary with a big festive performance at the concert venue in Backstage Crocus City.

In 2018, for the 12th anniversary of the group, “New Gems” released their third album with the symbolic name “12”.

In addition to the team, Inna Malikova is also involved in her own career: she hosts various events, participates in charity events, collaborates with fashionable Russian designers, and is an ardent fan of the sports lifestyle. She admits that she is attracted to socially significant projects. Perhaps the organization of assistance to elderly and low-income people in the near future will become another main focus of its activities.