What are the names of girls born in... Beautiful names for girls born in the year of the red rooster

It seems that it couldn't be easier than choosing a suitable name for your unborn child. But this happens only until people come face to face with this problem.

Modern astrologers recommend that parents choose names for girls in 2016 in accordance with the zodiac or eastern horoscope. Our advice today, which you will find in this article, is dedicated to parents of future girls; they should help you choose rare and beautiful names.

What is the best name to choose for a girl?

When choosing a name for a child, what exactly are the future parents guided by? First of all, they want to choose a beautiful, memorable and harmonious name. But, despite this, each name has its own meaning and symbolism. Not every parent, when choosing a suitable name for their child, thinks about what they are determining at that moment. future fate your child and his character.

Those people who believe in symbolism claim that it is possible to predict by the child’s name how his future life will turn out, whether it will be successful, and which men the girl will prefer as an adult. After recent research by psychologists, it was found that the names of children and their sound influence the decision-making of modern people. We suggest considering several factors that should be taken into account:


When choosing rare and beautiful names for girls 2016, it is not advisable to choose her mother’s name for a girl. Psychologists say that a girl will not feel very comfortable with such a name. Subconscious comparison with one's mother can contribute to the development of an inferiority complex, which can result in difficult communication between mother and child. You should not name a girl in honor of your deceased relatives or close friends, no matter how important the role they played in your life. The child will repeat the same fate of the deceased person.


Beautiful names for girls 2016 should also be combined with a middle name. Because this is what your child will be called when he grows up. Remember that a foreign name will not go well with a Russian patronymic. For example, Linda Petrovna, you will agree, it sounds very funny.

Also, a not very good duet can turn out when the girl’s middle name begins with the same letter that her name ends with. Svetlana Andreevna or Elena Anatolyevna is not pronounced very conveniently. If a girl has a long middle name, then it is advisable to choose a short name for her. You can even find special tables containing the most traditional and harmonious combinations.

Hardness and softness

Some experts argue that tough names for girls, for example, such as Zhanna, Ivanna, Margarita, cause their owners to develop a more stubborn, firm and capricious character. Modern names, which sound softer, give girls more femininity and tenderness.

What name to choose for a girl in 2016?

First of all, you should remember that when choosing a suitable name, you should not be guided only by its popularity or fashion trends. It is also necessary to take into account the euphony of the chosen name, its compatibility with the surname and patronymic, the time of birth of the child, religious beliefs and family traditions. Everyone knows that the chosen name will affect the future fate of the child. After all, all parents want their children to have a wonderful and happy life.

The problem of choosing a name did not exist for quite a long time, since children were named taking into account the church calendar. First of all, this is a tribute to long-established traditions and the protection of a guardian angel, as the church claims, for life. If you decide to choose this path, then you don’t have to worry about anything, since the name of your unborn child will be written in the calendar.

There is an opinion that names for girls 2016 with double letters (Ivanna, Inna, Anna) give their owners several guardian angels! When baptizing a child, some parents decide to give him the name that was written down in the calendar, but in ordinary life the child is called differently - this is an ancient custom.

Names for girls by month of 2016

Those people who are involved in anthroponymy claim that the most modern and beautiful names for girls in 2016 will be: Ekaterina (“immaculate, pure”), Elizaveta (“my oath is God”), Anastasia (“Sunday”), Oksana ( "guest, foreigner")

By choosing a name for a girl by month, parents have the opportunity to connect it with ancient Russian traditions - giving children the names of saints whose day in the calendar coincides with the girl’s birthday.

You can see the full options and diminutive names by month in the list below:

  • Affectionately call girls who are about to be born in January month you can do it this way: Agafyushka, Tanyusha, Mashenka, Nastenka, Ninochka, Irochka, Melanyushka.
  • Girls born in February month, will have an affectionate character with the following names: Valechka, Ksyusha, Zoenka, Aksinya, Nika.
  • For girls born in March, the most suitable names are: Vasya (Vasilisa), Kira, Tonechka, Ulyanka, Galochka, Marinka.
  • In April It’s better to name the girls this month: Eva, Matryona, Allochka, Sonechka, Dashenka, Anyuta.
  • Girls born will be beauties in May: Valyusha, Faina, Akulina, Lizonka.
  • Girls born in June, will be happy with the following names: Julianna, Rimma, Marfa, Alevtina, Yulia, Maria, Euphrosyne.
  • In August It’s better to name the babies this month: Olympiada, Fima, Nonna, Praskovya, Valyusha, Ivanna, Evdokia, Anita, Magdalena.
  • In September month - Sofyushka, Lyudmila, Rufina, Nadenka, Tamara, Verochka, Lyubov.
  • The girl who is about to be born in October month, it is better to name Zlata, Ariadna, Ustinya, Palash, Zina.
  • For November the following names are more suitable for the month: Capitolina, Olga, Matryona, Cleopatra, Ulyana, Nelya, Praskovya, Anastasia.
  • For December months are more suitable: Varechka, Fisa, Marina, Ulyana, Annushka, Katenka.

Names for girls according to the church calendar

In the last few decades, people are increasingly remembering ancient traditions. Choosing a name for a child among our ancestors was not so painful and lengthy. At that time, the name of the child was given exclusively according to the “saints”. The Orthodox book contains all the existing names of saints whom the church reveres.

The born child was named after the saint who was commemorated on that day. On some days, the church may commemorate several saints at once. If not a single saint was commemorated on the baby’s birthday, the parents called him by the name of those saints who were commemorated in the following days.

Many believed that by naming their children after saints, parents helped him get his guardian angel, who accompanied and protected him throughout his life. According to this tradition of choosing names for children, the day of the angel or name day occurred. Since in church calendar Some names may correspond to several days of an angel in a year, then the name day is considered to be those days that are closest to the birthday.

Modern, rare and beautiful names for girls in 2016

Olga is a Scandinavian name that will be very popular next year. Translated, it means “sacred, great.” Girls named by this name are very ambitious, thoughtful, feminine, a good wife and housewife, and can be a little touchy and emotional. She will not cause problems to her teachers and parents, since she never misbehaves or is insolent. Olga will always achieve in life what she herself desires.

Anna– this name translated means “merciful, grace.” Anna is considered the most popular name among women and there is a reason for this: girls with this name are very beautiful, artistic, she has a big heart that is ready to warm every person. She is a good needlewoman and has a delicate taste. She is always very attentive, careful, does not regret what she has done and has a subtle intuition. Anna is always confident in herself and therefore she will never fall under the influence of others.

Hope- an ancient Slavic name. Girls with this name will be purposeful, restrained, not devoid of emotionality, adventurousness and noisiness. Family is very important to her and her mother’s authority is of great importance. Very smart and sociable, she can become a good support for family and friends.

Faith is also a Slavic name meaning “belief, faith.” She is always prudent and reasonable, has logical thinking and worldly wisdom. Having chosen a path in her life, Vera tries to follow it. She is ready to help any person because she has a kind heart.

Milena is a fairly rare Slavic name that will be very popular next year. Milena is very gentle, light, soft and kind girl. She needs care, so family is of great importance to her. Virtuous and faithful, she is loved by her parents, friends, and work colleagues.

If you are looking for beautiful names for girls in 2016, then pay attention to these popular names like Miroslava, Pelageya, Nika, Agnia, Maya, Marfa, Ulyana, Ustinya. In addition, the following names will also be fashionable in the coming year: Ekaterina, Maria, Daria, Anastasia, Sophia, Elizaveta.

What names for girls should you not choose?

When choosing a suitable name for their child, parents should remember to combine the chosen name with the middle name and surname. It is not advisable to name a girl Odette, Cleopatra, Dulcinea if their middle name is Ivanovna, Fedotovna or Nikitovna. It is also necessary to take into account the child’s last name.

To our ears, names for girls that end in a consonant are also unusual - Michelle, Carmen, Claire, Lourdes, Claire. It is also worth thinking about the existence of a diminutive name - it should be gentle and short: Alevtina - Alya, Sofia - Sonya, Olesya - Lelya.

Without a doubt, what to name a newborn child will be decided by his parents, and we can only give our recommendations on the selection a suitable name. The most important thing is that you and your daughter like the chosen name when she grows up.

No matter what the skeptics say, the name given to a person at birth, plays an important role in later life. It was not for nothing that some ancient tribes sacredly kept the secret of the name. In the culture of many peoples of the world there is a tradition of giving two names. One was for everyday communication, everyone around him knew it, the other was kept secret.

How to choose a name for a girl

What are parents usually guided by when choosing a name for a girl? They try to choose a harmonious, memorable and beautiful name. Meanwhile, all names have their own meaning, some symbolism. Not all parents think about the fact that right now they are partly predetermining the fate of their daughter and her character.

People who believe in symbolism believe that one can predict by name whether her career will be successful, how her personal life will turn out, and what kind of men she will prefer in the future. Modern psychologists have conducted research and found that names (or rather their sound) really influence the decision-making of a modern person.

A few obvious factors to consider:


Beautiful female names should also go beautifully with the middle name. This is what your daughter will be called when she grows up. A foreign name does not go well with a Russian patronymic. For example, Jessica Ivanovna - it sounds at least funny.

A discordant duet results when the middle name begins with the same letters that the name ends with: Elena Anatolyevna, Svetlana Andreevna. It's awkward to pronounce such names. For the owner of a long middle name, a short name, for example, Anna Veniaminovna, is more suitable. There are special tables that present the most harmonious and traditional combinations.


You should not name a girl after her mother. It has been proven that such a child will feel uncomfortable. Constant subconscious comparison with the mother often contributes to the appearance of an inferiority complex and complicates communication between mother and daughter. Do not give your baby a name in honor of deceased friends or relatives, no matter how important the role they played in your life. She can project their destiny along with the name.

Softness and hardness

It is believed that tough names, such as Margarita, Zhanna, determine a more capricious, stubborn and firm character. Beautiful names for girls, sounding soft, endow their owners with tenderness and femininity.

Reviving Orthodox Traditions

In recent decades, we are increasingly remembering our traditions. For our ancestors, choosing a name for a newborn was not as long and painful as for modern parents. The baby was named according to the Saints. This Orthodox book contains all the names of saints revered by the church.

The child was named after the saint who was commemorated on that day. There are days on which the church commemorates several saints at once. These days, parents could choose a name for their child. If no one was remembered on the baby’s birthday, the mother and father named him after the saints from the following days.

It was believed that by naming the baby in honor of a saint, the parents thereby gave him a personal guardian angel to help him, who accompanied and protected the child throughout his life. It is from this Orthodox tradition choose names and name day, or angel day, occurred. Since some names in the church calendar correspond to several name days in a year, those name days are usually considered the day of your angel. which is closest to your birthday.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Saints

The meaning of the name and the character traits that are inherent in it largely depend on the time of year. Winter children, as a rule, are physically strong and purposeful. Even girls born in winter have remarkable acumen, will and assertiveness. Therefore, they try to give them soft names in order to smooth out this winter severity in their character.


  • Anastasia- resurrection
  • Ulyana- belonging to the Yuliev family
  • Aglaya- youngest of three daughters of Zeus
  • Eve- life, living
  • Vasilina- derived from Vasilisa the Beautiful, the heroine of Russian fairy tales
  • Tatiana- founder
  • Nina- great-granddaughter, derived from the male name Nin (great-grandson)
  • Susanna- white lily
  • Evgeniya- noble
  • Claudia- female version of the name Claudius Agathia - kind
  • Anisiya- success, accomplishment
  • Appolinaria- dedicated to Apollo


  • Agnia- immaculate
  • Xenia- wanderer, foreigner
  • Rimma- Roman
  • Maria- desired, serene, lady
  • Christina- otherwise Christina, which means “Christ’s”
  • Zoya- life
  • Valentina- healthy, strong
  • Veronica- victorious
  • Anna- grace, strength
  • Inna- floating, stormy stream

Girls born in spring are selfish, vulnerable, overly cautious and squeamish. They are afraid of any changes. Such character traits often leave their personal life unsettled. Therefore, girls born at this time of year are given names. adding determination and self-confidence.


  • Marianne- Maryana, sad beauty
  • Regina- queen, queen
  • Galina- silence, calm
  • Kira- madam
  • Nika- victory
  • Marina- sea


  • Praskovya- cooking
  • Svetlana- Earth
  • Daria- strong, victorious
  • Alexandra- courageous
  • Larisa- seagull
  • Sofia- wisdom
  • Lydia- originally from Lydia


  • Elizabeth- worshiping God
  • Glafira- smooth
  • Taisiya- dedicated to Isis, goddess of fertility
  • Faina- light
  • Euphrosyne- joy
  • Pelagia- sea

Summer girls inherit a stormy temperament and a thirst for adventure. Such girls often become leaders both among friends and in the family. It is better to give them soft and calm names in order to balance the temperament given to them by nature.


  • Elena- torch, Valeria - strong
  • Antonina- acquiring in return
  • Kaleria- the same as Valeria
  • Akulina- eagle


  • Alevtina- strong
  • Olga- Clear, wise, bright
  • Angelina- messenger, angel
  • Evdokia- favor
  • Agrippina- wild horse


  • Magdalene- native of Migdal
  • Milena- Darling
  • Seraphim- fiery
  • Nonna- dedicated to god
  • Anita- executive, charitable
  • Olympics- glorifying the sky

Autumn is a time for summing up and reflection. Autumn babies will grow up to be principled, independent and not too tactful. Delving into the intricacies of feelings is not for them. To compensate for the missing softness and femininity, it is better to choose gentle names.


  • Natalia- natural
  • Faith- service to God, faith
  • Hope- waiting, hopelessness
  • Love- means "love"


  • Praskovya- Friday. cooking
  • Ariadne- keeping strictly marital fidelity
  • Ustinya- persistent, stubborn
  • Zlata- gold, golden
  • Eulampia- blessed


  • Zinovia- living a godly life
  • Cleopatra- glory to the fathers
  • Nellie- young
  • Capitolina- Capitol
  • Matryona- mother of the family, madam, lady of honor


  • Catherine- immaculate, pure
  • Varvara- double protection
  • Anfisa- flower
  • Augusta- full of dignity, majestic.

The choice of a name for a child must be taken responsibly. He will hear this word most often throughout his life. When choosing a name, you seem to choose the character of the person in advance. whom you will raise.

For a long time, parents have tried to give only those names for their newborn children that will bring them well-being in later life, success and recognition from society. Among the huge number of options, it is necessary to choose exactly the name that is determined for this or that baby. A calendar of names, which is created for each specific period of the year, can always come to the rescue in a difficult choice.

It is important to remember that quite a lot of factors also depend on the year of birth of the child, because each star constellation contributes only its own features to the internal characteristics of the children. How to choose a name for a child in December 2018? What options should be given preference in order to make the fate of your own child the most prosperous?

Month of birth and character of the baby

The most beautiful and auspicious names of girls and boys born in December must be chosen based on several important factors. The month of December in 2018 will still belong to the power of the Dog. This mischievous animal brings notes of success and luck into the character of kids.

Such children will always succeed in everything in life, but the children’s tendency towards competition and mischief will often not serve them very well. Small dogs are more creative people, from the very beginning early years Everything in their life becomes interesting and curious to them. In adulthood, curiosity will not dry up; moreover, it will develop into a stage of determination and impetuosity.

The choice of name for those born in December 2018 will mostly depend on the time of the specified year, which endows the kids with their own skills. It has been determined that in winter strong and active children are born into the world; from infancy, the baby will have a rather stern character, which, however, will become the main assistant in achieving important things and circumstances in life.

December children have the makings of a leader; they always and definitely want to be the first in everything. Often, children do not take into account the opinions of their parents or peers; they want to do everything as their mind requires. This quality will not always bring positive moments into the lives of December children, so you should not be surprised if the children do not have many friends or good comrades.

It is important to ensure that women's and male names, babies born in December had softening notes. This is necessary in order to extinguish the natural severity in the souls of children and give fate a more prosperous meaning. For example, you can choose the following names that will make your “master” more gentle and loyal:

  • girls - Svetlana, Milana, Lydia, Alena;
  • boys - Savely, Leonid, Daniil, Matvey.
The character of December children also has such characteristic qualities as disgust, indecisiveness, selfishness, and vulnerability. Such characteristic features are considered negative, so they can significantly ruin the lives of December people. It is important to choose names for children born in December that do not exacerbate this quality. It is not recommended to give funny and exotic names, for example, Isolde or Sebastian. One should also take into account the fact that the name should be in smooth harmony with the patronymic, as well as the surname. Parents should try to ensure that such a combination fits smoothly into the child’s adult life, and does not in any way spoil his successful destiny. For children born in the last month of the year, it is not recommended to give foreign names, for example, Sylvia or Ronaldo.

Names for December babies

In any calendar, for each month of the year, naming options are given that are most preferable to achieving the well-being of the baby’s destiny.

As already indicated, children born in December 2018 (Year of the Dog) are quite strong and domineering natures; they rarely retreat back, although indecision and doubtfulness often settle in their souls. Help the well-being of the future adult life The December child can have the following names:

  • Boys - Alexander, Afanasy, Peter, Vladimir, Alexey, Victor, Andrey, Boris, Ilya, Savva.
  • Girls - Anna, Margarita, Varvara, Tatyana, Svetlana, Angelina, Alexandra.

The Orthodox calendar of names for December 2018 expresses its preferences regarding the corresponding names. According to Christianity, it is believed that a well-chosen name will help a little person move through life with dignity, because he will be protected by a guardian angel.

What names does Christianity offer for children born in December?

  • Boys - Roman, Rodion, Arkhip, Evgeniy, Ian, Fedor.
  • Girls - Praskovya, Ekaterina, Fekla, Anisiya, Ulyana, Anfisa, Kira.