Honor and dishonor. Reason is given to man to understand: one cannot live by reason alone

"Honor and Dishonor". A direction based on two completely opposite concepts. The student can talk about a person’s complex moral choice: to remain true to his voice of conscience or to follow the path of dishonor and betrayal, hypocrisy and lies. A large number of writers in their works asked this question: what the hero will do, whether he will betray his moral ideals or decide to listen to the voice of conscience.

"Victory and Defeat". The direction in which a graduate can reflect on victory and defeat, in one case, he can use some historical events, described in the work, which lead the hero/heroes to victory or defeat, in another case about internal struggle a person with himself, its causes and results. Many classics often showed in their works the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of “victory” and “defeat” in different historical conditions and life situations.

"Experience and mistakes". In this direction, it is possible to reason about the value of practical and spiritual experience of an individual, humanity as a whole, as well as about the cost of mistakes on the path of understanding the world, gaining life experience. Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes, without which it is impossible to move forward. life path, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

"Friendship and Enmity". The direction focuses on reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between people, their communities and even entire nations. Contents of many literary works associated with the warmth of human relationships or the hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity or vice versa, with the image of a person who is capable or incapable of valuing friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or who sows enmity.

We are working in the second direction
topics of the final essay
"Honor and

The directions are based on polar
concepts related to human choice:
to be true to the voice of conscience, to follow
moral principles or follow the path
betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many
writers focused on
depicting different manifestations of a person:
from loyalty to moral rules to
various forms of compromise with conscience,
up to a deep moral decline.

What topics might there be in this area?
1. “True honor is always in accordance with conscience” (D.S. Likhachev)
2. “Honor is inner conscience, and conscience is inner honor”
(A. Schopenhauer)
3. “Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost” (A.P. Chekhov)
4. “The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and self-dignity are stronger
everything" (F.M. Dostoevsky)
5. “Only the unsullied can defeat the dishonest” (Samed Vurgu)
6. "Honor" more valuable than life"(Schiller)
7. “Honor is the reward awarded for virtue...” (Aristotle)
8. “I will endure injustice, but not dishonor” (Caecilius)
9. “A dishonest man is ready for a dishonest deed” (Proverb)
10. “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age” (Proverb)
11.What does it mean to walk the path of honor?
12. How do you understand the words honor and dishonor?
13. Honor and honesty give birth to the mind, but dishonesty takes it away
14.What is the difference between honor and honesty?

Artistic works

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
A.P. Chekhov "Student"
V.G. Rasputin “French Lessons”, “Fire”, “Women’s
conversation”, “Ivan’s daughter, Ivan’s mother”, “Live and remember”
V.P. Astafiev "Sad Detective"
M.A. Bulgakov "The White Guard"
M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”, “At the Bottom”
V. Bykov “Sotnikov”
E. Hemingway “A Farewell to Arms!”

Reflections on honor and conscience
How to write about honor and conscience in our time? Time for permissiveness
substitution of concepts, a time of liberation from moral principles... Probably the goal
my essay will be a reminder, and perhaps clarification, of what
what honor and conscience are and how the understanding of these concepts was reflected in
Until the beginning of the 18th century, there was no concept of personal honor in Russia. This meant that
the dishonor of one member of a clan or family lay a stain on the whole family,
for the whole family. We see this understanding of honor most clearly in
historical poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich,
the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov.” Having learned that his wife,
Alena Dmitrievna, disgraced by Kiribievich, the first thing Kalashnikov does is call his two younger brothers, tell them about what happened, remind them
telling them that tomorrow there will be a fist fight on the Moscow River under the Tsar. "And I'll go out
Then I’ll fight the guardsman to the death, until last bit of strength, And he will beat me -
come out..."
Thus, Kalashnikov ensures guaranteed destruction
offender Kiribeevich and restoration of family honor. For the unsullied
reputation, I didn’t feel sorry for my life, nor the lives of my loved ones...

Even Pushkin, explaining his irreconcilability towards Dantes, said that, in addition to
good name, he, Pushkin, has nothing to leave to his children. Honest name
cost Pushkin his life...
The idea of ​​personal honor was finally established in Russia at the beginning
19th century. At the same time, the custom came from the West to wash away insults with blood.
duel. But the concept of personal honor was characteristic of a very narrow circle
nobility, mainly metropolitan nobility(Onegin) and Guards
officers (Pechorin). In this environment there is only a hint of cowardice, ignoble
behavior was perceived as an insult that was washed away in blood
through a duel. A striking illustration of this can be seen in the episode with
Onegin and Lensky. These heroes of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"
was connected by sincere friendship, but even that did not stop the senseless
bloodshed. Onegin understood perfectly well that the disagreement between him and Lensky
- a slight misunderstanding, but a falsely understood code of honor forced Onegin
pronounce the fatal formula: “Always ready”:
...And here is public opinion!
Spring of honor, our idol!
And this is what the world revolves on!

Onegin was afraid of gossip, gossip, protected himself from explanations in cowardice and did not
I felt sorry for my friend. By the way, for the same far-fetched reasons there arose
duel between other heroes. These are Pechorin and Grushnitsky. The first defended honor
unfortunate (insulted by him) Princess Mary, and the other was filled with false
ideas about honor and dishonor and paid for it in full. So when
the matter concerned issues of honor, people were ready to “overpay” and did not consider these
wasteful spending.
In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov’s word honor, in addition to the interpretations that we touched upon, has
one more meaning. This is female honor, chastity. Such a shortage these days!
It is very noticeable that in the modern information space these concepts are completely
are not used. But in vain. Respect for maiden, feminine honor speaks of high
spiritual qualities of literary heroines, in particular. And the brightest of them, of course
Tatyana Larina is Pushkin’s “sweet ideal.” In the last explanation with Onegin
The tear-stained princess chooses duty, that is, honor, between happiness and duty:
I got married. You should
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride, and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

What a brilliantly simple formula! It could rightfully be used by
Natasha Rostova, despite mistakes and throwing, and Princess Marya (the heroine of L.N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace”); and the amazing, meek captain’s daughter Masha
Mironova, who accomplished a feat for the sake of her loved one.
By the way, about Pyotr Grinev. This hero of Pushkin's novel " Captain's daughter" I
I consider it an absolute in the understanding of officer honor, the honor of a warrior, a defender.
A.S. Pushkin provided his hero with maximum opportunity to show his
ideas about honor. Of course, here Grinev was favored by chance. Hare
sheepskin coat, Pugachev's persistent whim to be grateful, the efforts of the devoted Savelich and
etc. But I am sure that if it were not for Grinev, a pure soul, fate would have turned away from him.
What qualities did Grinev demonstrate? First, loyalty to the Fatherland, oath
(“... I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you”); secondly,
loyalty to the word, decency, honesty (“And if I let you go,” said Pugachev, “so
Do you promise... not to serve against me?” - “How can I promise you this?” –
I answered"). And finally, thirdly, fidelity in love (defended Masha’s good name
Mironova in a duel with the disgusting Shvabrin; Risking his life, he saved her from captivity).
What unites the above? literary heroes? They acted according to the laws
honor, guided by “a sense of moral responsibility to others
people, society” (Onegin), that is, a sense of conscience. That's right
Shakhtarina A.F.

This concept is interpreted in the explanatory dictionary. A man of honor is guided through life by feeling
conscience, guarded by shame, which we all need today
recall. It’s not without reason that they say about a person who has lost his moral guidelines:
"No shame, no conscience."
Concluding my thoughts on honor and conscience, I would like to note the special symbolism in
return school essay according to literature. Society is looking for a way out of the situation
general moral decay, mental blindness and indifference. I want to believe
that it’s not too late... It’s not too late to return to the pure sources of human existence,
brilliantly reflected in best works Russian literature.
(The essay was written by the teacher
Russian language and literature)
Shakhtarina A.F.


(basic level)
Shakhtarina A.F.

11. 1.Introduction

Honor... What is it?
Honor is the moral qualities of a person, his principles,
worthy of respect and pride, this is a high spiritual
a force that can
keep a person from
meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. For
of us a state of lost honor
(dishonor) is a severe pain in the soul, since it is precisely
this state disrupts our spiritual connection
other people, with society. Without honor you have no
a person of real life.
Shakhtarina A.F.

12. The main part of the essay

World classics fiction, in that
including Russian, created
many works where
tells about heroes who are different
relate to the concept of honor and dignity. Yes, in the novel
A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" focuses on the issue of honor
the most serious attention. The author shows two Russians
officers - Grinev and Shvabrin. Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is a man of honor and duty, but call Shvabrin that
it is forbidden. Why is this happening? Life often tests
people, presents them with a choice. What to do, what to do
specific situations? To act according to honor and conscience or
come to dishonor?
Shakhtarina A.F.


IN parental home Peter got a healthy start in
life, his moral qualities and life principles
worthy of respect. The father, accompanying Peter to the service, gave
he is ordered to serve honestly and remember that for
A person's honor is the most important thing. The young officer remembers
father’s commandment “Take care of honor from a young age.” Grinev
inherent nobility and loyalty. Honor and duty for a Russian
officers are the meaning of life. He refused to serve
Pugachev, explained this by the fact that he took an oath to serve
to the Empress. Pyotr Andreevich behaves boldly,
honestly, behaves with dignity. Pugachev rated Grinev as
a man of honor. And we see that the path of honor is very difficult,
but correct in life.
Shakhtarina A.F.


And Shvabrin? He is also a Russian officer. But which one? U
Shvabrina lacks a sense of duty and humanity
dignity. Having violated the military oath, he switched to
side of Pugachev, crawled at the feet of the impostor, begged
forgiveness. He betrayed his homeland, his colleague Grinev,
so many
who rejected his love. And this is the real thing
Rereading the pages of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Captain's"
daughter,” we begin to clearly understand that “honor with
the uniform is not issued. Honor is a moral filling,”
that dishonor leads to the collapse of the human personality.
Shakhtarina A.F.


In the novel “Dubrovsky” A. S. Pushkin shows two landowners,
old friends - Kirill Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich
Dubrovsky. What does honor mean to each of them? For a long time
the only person to whom Troekurov treated with respect
and respect, was his neighbor from Kistenevka - Dubrovsky. Old friends
quarreled. Both landowners had a hot temper, both were proud.
Troekurov maintained this state in himself with the consciousness of wealth and
authorities. And Dubrovsky - awareness of the antiquity of his family and noble
honor. The incident at the kennel shows Dubrovsky as a proud man,
who has self-esteem. Troekurov
with his actions he brought ex-friend to
insanity and death. Such actions destroy personality.
Rereading A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”, we think
over the fact that honor is the main core of a person, his moral
ridge when the judge of human actions and actions becomes
conscience, which is also our best “controller”.
Shakhtarina A.F.

16. Conclusion on the topic of the essay

So, discussing the problem of honor and dishonor, remembering
pages of two novels by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, I
I come to the conclusion that the concept of honor never
will become obsolete, since it is honor that helps a person live,
being on top helps
make the right one
moral choice, to make a spiritual connection with
people, with society. And this is a lot in human life.
And I really want to hope that in our time among
my contemporaries will be as many people as possible, for
which the concept of honor will never lose its high
Shakhtarina A.F.

    The mind gives birth to honor, but timelessness deprives it. See HONOR HONOR...

    The mind gives birth to honor, but the latter takes away dishonor. See HONOR HONOR... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Women the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience. A man of honor, unblemished honor. On my honor, I assure you on my honor, assurance, affirmation. An act inconsistent with honor. Honor to the skin... ... Dictionary Dahl

    At the top your head will spin. Don't hit me in the face, it's more expensive for yourself. They give the fool honor, but he doesn’t know where to sit. You can't save your honor (i.e., honor) for a fool. The pig knows no honor. One honor to the pig: slop. A pig has only one honor in the garden: a log. Old... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    The dignity of man, his right to respect himself in the face of God and the right to be respected by spiritually sighted people (I.A. Ilyin). In this sense, in the concepts of Holy Rus', “honor is above all.” “The mind gives birth to honor, but dishonor takes away”, “The head is for honor... ... Russian history

    A fool loves a crush. A dumping ground for fools. A booby rides on a booby, he drives the booby. Donkey on donkey, fool on fool. The light stands on fools (or: it is painted). They all have no way, their brains are askew. Whatever the fool, he's also a woman. Stupidly, what a waste of time. It’s just that... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Honor despises the One who calls himself the son of honor. But he doesn't look like his mother. Praise be to him. Who is not painted by his ancestors, but by his deeds. The end of the whole thing is the crown. Shortly after returning from Africa, I reported some of my observations of the crocodile... ... Animal Life

    - - born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow, on Nemetskaya Street in Skvortsov’s house; died January 29, 1837 in St. Petersburg. On his father's side, Pushkin belonged to the ancient noble family, who, according to the legend of genealogies, came from a native “from ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (Bovidae)** * * The family of bovids, or bulls, is the largest and most diverse group of artiodactyls, including 45-50 modern genera and about 130 species. Bovids form a natural, clearly defined group. No matter how... ...Animal life

    ISAAC SIRIN- [Isaac of Nineveh; sir. , ], Greek ᾿Ισαὰκ ὁ Σύρος] (no earlier than the middle of the 6th century, Bet Qatrayeh (Qatar) no later than the 1st half of the 8th century, Khuzestan), St. (mem. January 28), bishop. Nineveh, Father of the Church, author of ascetic works. Life Biographical information about... Orthodox Encyclopedia


  • Italian collection. Giovanni Verga. Country honor. Textbook, O. Romanova. The book includes selected stories by Giovanni Verga (1840-1922), the founder of the realistic movement in Italian literature. Born and lived most of his life in Sicily,...

    1.The issue of honor and conscience has affected people of different centuries. I believe that this problem is still relevant today. The topic of honor and dishonor has been discussed for many years. Consequently, in modern world the issue at hand is controversial and therefore relevant.
    2. A proverb from A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” has become a topical topic that people are thinking about famous writers many eras. In my opinion, honor is worth protecting at any age, whether you are young or old. By making the wrong decision in your youth, which can lead to shame and dishonor both yourself and your family, you can change your future for the worse. In order to avoid this mistake, Pushkin, with his proverb, calls for thinking about one’s actions and the consequences after what has been done.

    Answer Delete

  1. Problems of honor and conscience are eternal. Society always faces moral choice. “Why is that?” - you ask yourself. The answer is simple, as long as humanity lives, there will be happiness and sorrow, devotion and betrayal, honor and dishonor...
    It is the duty of every generation to do everything to leave a clean world for their ancestors. A world without lies, betrayal, hatred, malice. A world where everyone acts according to honor and conscience. It is precisely this truth that people have always strived for from century to century. Modern society took over the baton. Today the future is ours. What it will be like tomorrow depends only on us...
    “Take care of your honor from a young age...”
    Honor is truthfulness, moral qualities, and a sense of pride in one’s actions. To protect honor means to protect dignity, your human appearance. One mistake. All. Your soul will not be the same, its beauty will be eclipsed. From a very young age it is necessary to act with honor in order to be the happy owner of a beautiful soul in old age.

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  2. Many people often encounter the problem of honor and dishonor. This problem is still quite relevant. Each person himself decides to be a person of honor or dishonor. Honor usually manifests itself in actions that a person is ready to do for the good of other people, for the good of his Motherland. But unfortunately we also have dishonest people who are nothing does not care about those around him. Therefore, every person should strive to have such a quality as honor, and then our world will become much better. Since it depends on us what choice each person submits to, but not every person understands the correctness of his actions.
    "Take care of your honor from a young age..."
    For many people, honor is its main quality, if a person loses the most best quality in his life, he will change. Nothing can change him, since it was a dignity in his life, and now there will be no respect for him, because he will lose his honor. For every person, honor is important, since this is what quality is checked the purity and beauty of your soul.

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  3. 1) Honor... Dishonor... These polar concepts are of great importance in our lives to this day. We often face the problem of being honest with ourselves, or walking the road of betrayal. It’s all up to us, everyone chooses their own moral path. Yes, dishonor is the easy way, it is weakness, where you think only about yourself and your own benefit. Agree, it is better to live according to the laws of honor, not to betray yourself and the people around you, because honor is the power of conscience. We all must be aware of the correctness of our choice.
    2) For a long time among the people, the concept of honor was one of the most important among moral principles. A.S. Pushkin’s proverb from the story “The Captain’s Daughter”: “Take care of your honor from a young age...” has become eternal. After all, honor contains moral qualities worthy of respect and pride. It is not for nothing that at an early age a person learns to distinguish good from bad. The concept of honor must be taught from childhood, and the main thing is to be able to maintain this strength with early years and there is nothing to stumble on, because this is a step towards an honest, decent and happy life.

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  4. 1) Is it appropriate to talk about honor in our time?
    Honor has been and will be valuable at all times as long as people exist. Many philosophers and poets of all times reflect on it. They died in duels for honor, and if they lost it, they believed that there would never be the same life again. The concept of honor involves a great desire for ideals. Honor is a high spiritual force that keeps a person from betrayal and lies, from immoral behavior and meanness.
    2) “Take care of your honor from a young age...”
    Honor has always come first in matters of morality. The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. Immorality destroys a person. “Take care of your honor from a young age...” - this is a proverb from the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", which carries great meaning. Honor and morality act as a life assistant that will help in overcoming harsh life situations, therefore, honor must be learned from a very young age.

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  5. 1) Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time? I believe that undoubtedly, because the problem raised will be relevant at all times. After all, honor and human dignity are the most important moral concepts. They help to see the line between truth and lies, to understand the difference between benefit for oneself and the good of society, humanity as a whole. If we are guided not only by our selfish interests, but also by social needs, then the world will then begin to prosper.
    2) “Take care of your honor from a young age...” Honor is, first of all, your reputation. Therefore, from a young age you need to act in such a way that no one can accuse you of hypocrisy, lies, or betrayal. It is very difficult to regain your good name after ruining it in your youth. People around you will forever remember all the inappropriate and obscene acts that you have committed, and, thus, their attitude towards you will be appropriate. After all, if a person has even once set foot on the path of dishonor, he has already become tainted. I think people are mistaken if they think that when they are young, all their misdeeds are forgiven and forgotten. This is far from true. Honor is given to a person for the rest of his life and it must be carefully preserved.

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  6. Are the concepts of conscience and honor relevant in our time? Are they everlasting? Conscience is the inner voice of a person that can protect you from any actions. If a person does not listen to his conscience, then it can “torment” him after committing an offense. Over time, nothing has changed, so the question of conscience and honor is an issue that will be relevant at any time.
    2. The concept of honor is one of the important moral issues, which will be relevant at any time. “Take care of your honor from a young age” - this proverb means to take care of the dignity of an honest person, to be responsible for your actions at any age. Honor, indeed, must be protected from a young age, because the mistakes that a person can make in his youth can ruin his entire future life.

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  7. A person himself chooses what to do in a given situation, he himself determines which path to take in life: either the path of honor or the path of dishonor. Due to the problem of choice, a person sometimes chooses the easiest path, which he thinks is the right one. However, dishonor is the path of betrayal, lies, hypocrisy and spiritual corruption of the human soul. It is because of this path that people become dishonest.
    “Take care of your honor from a young age” - this proverb implies true beauty human souls, loyalty to the voice of conscience, adherence to moral principles, internal moral dignity. Dishonest people appear because of the wrong choice, because of the temptations that await them at every step. Many people follow such an easy path, after which they lose their real face, kill everything that is pure, denigrating and spoiling their soul and conscience.

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  8. Honor, one of the main categories of ethics, determines a person’s attitude towards himself and the attitude towards him from society. This is justice, moral qualities, a sense of pride in one’s actions. “Take care of your honor from a young age” - this proverb means that you need to take care of your dignity from a young age, since a person shapes himself from childhood. In order not to make mistakes that could ruin your future life, you need to behave with dignity from a young age and do only good deeds. To protect honor means to protect dignity, your human appearance.

    Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?
    I think it is appropriate. The issue of honor and dishonor is relevant. Every person has the choice to be a person of honor or dishonor. I believe that every person should have honor, because this contributes to a high level of moral development, since honor is the soul of a person. The path of honor is not easy, but nothing comes easy, you need to strive and achieve. It is important to remember that honor is very easy to lose and take the path of dishonor. Many people believe that this path is quick and easy, but a dishonest person must remember the profitability of his every action, and he also needs to calculate all his steps. It is better to live according to the laws of honor, not to betray yourself and the people around you, because honor is the power of conscience. We all must be aware of the correctness of our choice.

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  9. Svetlana Belogorskaya
    1) I believe that the conversation about honor and conscience is relevant regardless of the time. For example, conscience is an integral part of a person. In any situation, it tells us what choice to make or what decision to make. The voice of conscience often protects us from immoral acts; if we listen to it, a person will not go down the path of dishonor.
    2) Currently - a century of technological progress and modern technologies, many people think that the meaning of honor is outdated and has faded into the background. In fact, this is not at all the case, as the Russian proverb tells us: “Take care of your honor from a young age,” which is still relevant. The meaning of this proverb is that honor must be taken care of from a young age; one cannot stick to the path of dishonor and then, in an instant, become a man of honor. Often, maintaining one's honor requires a lot of effort on oneself, which can be difficult for a person who has led a dishonorable life. That is why from an early age it is worth instilling in children such concepts as conscience and honor, because this strengthens a person’s character and helps him not to stray from the chosen path.

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  10. 1. Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?
    What is honor? What is dishonor? Is it necessary to talk about honor in our time? These and other questions have been and are being asked by many writers of Russian and foreign literature. Life presents every person with a choice: to be honest and follow the path of conscience and morality, or to follow the path of dishonor and be a deceitful, selfish and hypocritical person. The path of honor... It is quite complicated, but it is in it that a person’s moral dignity is revealed. It is important to remember that it is very easy to lose honor and take the path of dishonor. Many people believe that this path is quick and easy, but a dishonest person must remember the profitability of his every action, and he also needs to calculate all his steps. We can say that honor is loyalty to one’s principles, as well as society’s opinion about a person’s moral merits. Nowadays, people most often choose the path of lies and betrayal, thinking that this path is faster and more convenient.
    2. "Take care of your honor from a young age"
    We first encounter this proverb in A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter.” The family should instill the concept of honor in the child from childhood. Only conscience and moral dignity can preserve the person in everyone. The presence of honor speaks of the moral integrity of a person. It is very necessary to take care of honor in our world, so as not to accidentally lose it and not take the path of dishonor, which seems simple to some people.