How to reduce the heat of pepper in a dish. What to do if you over-pepper a dish: A simple way to “stew out” even hot peppers

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What to do if you oversalt the meat

You can remove excess salt from meat by adding or oil-based sauce, which will remove excess salt. This is done either during stewing or when serving the dish to the table, but not during cooking. It is possible to correct the situation by preparing a bland, unseasoned side dish for over-salted meat. In addition to all our recommendations, we advise you to find out delicious culinary recipes on the website Served to Eat! where I found a sea of ​​different delicious solutions and quite simple ones. Which, in general, is very necessary for a modern housewife today. In any case, you need to strive for perfection and know as many recipes as possible... If you have over-salted the raw minced cutlet, you can revive it by adding a little unleavened boiled rice. If all else fails, meat dish lost for you. Therefore, it is always better to under-salt meat, especially minced meat for pies, cutlets and pieces of meat.

What to do if you oversalt poultry (chicken, turkey)

Did you over-salt the finished poultry dish? Don’t despair, it’s very easy to remove excess salt; just remove all the meat from the bones, prepare a sauce without salt, put the meat in it and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Chicken meat can be saved by additionally stewing it with any vegetables. If you over-salt raw poultry, milk or water will help remove the salt. Submerge the meat in the liquid for 15-20 minutes and it will neutralize the salt.

What to do if you oversalt buckwheat, rice, millet, pilaf

Place over-salted buckwheat or other grains in a colander and washed with cold water. Allow the water to drain completely, transfer to a bowl, add a little boiled water (so as not to burn), a little butter and set to simmer on low heat until the liquid evaporates and the dish is heated. Is the rice too salty? No problem, rinse it several times in cold water. Over-salted pilaf can also be brought back to life. Add separately cooked rice and vegetables without salt to it, you can just add a little spices and mix with salt. The essence of another method to get rid of over-salting in pilaf is to add soaked raisins. Stir and let the dish stand for 15 minutes, the raisins will absorb the salt.

Not all peppers are equal in heat. Sometimes even after tasting it in advance, it is quite difficult to correctly calculate the amount to add to the dish. In addition, the process of cooking is in many ways a creative process and in a fit of inspiration anyone can make a mistake with the proportions.

We offer you 5 ways to help reduce the severity and save lunch or dinner.

1. Add more other ingredients

If the dish you are preparing is not very complex, such as soup, rice or vegetables, then simply try increasing the amount of other ingredients. So, if you have peppered soup on the stove, then add more broth, and if you have rice, then add rice cereal. More other ingredients will help cover up the overpowering flavor of the pepper.

2. Add sugar

You can try to drown out the taste of pepper with a product that is completely opposite in its effect - sugar. Of course, this method is not a panacea. If you have heavily peppered the dish, then a sweet product is unlikely to help. However, for a dish that is only slightly spicier than expected, a teaspoon of sugar should be sufficient. To enhance the effect, add another drop of vinegar.

3. Prepare a side dish of vegetables

This method is only suitable for main courses. This is due to the fact that fresh vegetables willingly take on excess pepper. That is why peppered rice or potatoes will not seem so spicy if there is a vegetable side dish on the plate. Choose light vegetables that contain a lot of water. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes. Add also fresh herbs.

4. Add sour cream

This technique is suitable for thick dishes. Sour cream will not significantly affect appearance dishes, but will help make the taste a little softer. So, the delicate consistency of this product will dull the spiciness of the pepper. 2 tablespoons will be enough. Instead of sour cream, you can use some other fermented milk product. For example, natural yogurt.

5. Add something sour

The acid neutralizes the effect of the pepper. However, you need to be careful with this culinary technique. Choose additional ingredients that will not seriously affect the taste of the dish. For example, vinegar, lemon or lime juice. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk completely ruining the dinner. Add no more than one teaspoon of acid. By the way, you can safely add tomatoes instead of lemon juice. They are very similar in principle of operation.

What to do if you oversalt a dish? Surely everyone made this small mistake. And every time I panicked, not knowing how to save the situation, or even threw out the spoiled dish in frustration.

Too salty food may not only not be the healthiest for people who care about their health or are on special diets, but also simply tasteless. But any situation can be fixed. Follow our simple tips and correct the taste of the dish.

If the soup is too salty A classic problem for which our grandmothers provided so many tips. We boil 150 grams of rice or any other cereal in a gauze bag or portioned bag in over-salted broth, and then serve the same cereal, like our economic grandmothers, as a side dish. No rice? We use 2-3 raw potatoes or any noodles - all these ingredients are excellent at removing salt. We make sure that they are not overcooked, otherwise our clear broth risks becoming cloudy. You can also add whipped egg whites to the soup and then remove it with a slotted spoon or experiment with adding sugar, but strong salting, alas, cannot be saved with sugar.

If vegetables and mushrooms have been over-salted, pour water over the over-salted vegetables - boiled whole beets, carrots and potatoes - bring to a boil and hold in the water for several minutes, the excess salt should go away. But mashed potatoes can be saved by adding an egg to it. An over-salted stew is helped out by finely chopped tomatoes, which should be lightly sautéed, added to the stew and simmered one more time. Another way to save over-salted vegetables is to play with soft cheeses, such as mozzarella or ricotta. Well, you can always turn over-salted vegetables into puree, leveling out the overall taste by adding an unsalted portion of puree from the same vegetables. But over-salted mushrooms will feel better with the addition of flour, rice, mashed potatoes, sour cream or onion. You can also prepare a portion of unsalted mushrooms and mix them with over-salted ones - mushrooms are excellent at absorbing salt. And one more trick - add a small amount of water with lemon juice to the mushrooms.

If the meat or fish is over-salted, simply mix the over-salted minced meat with boiled rice, unsalted mashed potatoes, grated zucchini, carrots and onions. This stuffing filling will make the taste of the dish softer and the cutlets more tender. Sour cream sauce can be a savior for over-salted meat or fish. Just marinate the meat in it for a while and then heat it up - the sauce will absorb excess salt. Over-salting meat or fish can also even out bland side dishes of unsalted starchy foods or grains, such as polenta, quinoa, mashed potatoes, and rice. In this case, the overall feeling of saltiness of the dish will become more harmonious. ​

If you have absolutely no time to prepare and boil something, just serve sparkling wine or champagne with the over-salted dish - the bubbles perfectly cleanse the taste buds and “zero” the salty taste. And most importantly - don't be upset. With the proper skill and imagination, you can save even the most hopeless dish. In any case, the oversalting can be attributed to the fact that the cook fell in love.

Many of us like spicy food. However, it often happens that during the cooking process we overdo it with the amount of spices. Then the fruits of our culinary efforts usually end up in the trash. But it shouldn’t be this way, because even too spicy food can be “softened.” How to save a dish if it has been over-peppered, what to do if there is not only too much pepper, but also other spices with “character”?

There are several effective ways save spicy food. You will find a list of them below. Thanks to them, the next time your hand trembles and too much pepper goes into a soup or main dish, you will be able to turn them into a completely edible and tasty concoction.

Saving spicy food, method 1: add more ingredients

This method is the simplest, but it can’t always be used - if you over-pepper the dish, you can save it by adding more ingredients that will soften the taste of the seasonings. If you are making a soup or stew, simply add more broth or water. If you've over-seasoned your rice or pasta, add some thinly sliced ​​sweet bell pepper to the sauce.

Saving spicy food, method 2: dairy products

If you've ever bitten or sipped something too spicy, then you know that water doesn't put out the fire that's burning in your mouth. Regular milk will cope with this task much more effectively.

The situation is similar in the case of overly generously seasoned dishes. The protein contained in milk binds to capsaicin molecules, neutralizing its irritating and warming power.

If you do not want to change the consistency of the dishes, you can replace the milk with thick sour cream and add it to the composition. Another trick is to decorate food with a portion of sour cream. Then we will feel its calming effect when it combines in our mouth with the other ingredients.

Saving spicy food, method 3: sugar

Another trick is to add sugar or (in the case of Asian dishes) a mixture of honey and soy sauce to the peppered dish.

Saving spicy food, method 4: lemon juice or vinegar

Another effective solution is a sweet and sour mix. A few drops of lemon or lime juice will do wonders. More best idea is a combination of it with the sweetness of tomatoes. Another good way is to use a quarter cup of balsamic vinegar to neutralize the sharp taste.