“Wrong” music and men of Irina Otieva: how the talented jazz singer lives now. Irina Otieva always dated the wrong men and sang the “wrong” music

About what lately They've been saying this since last summer. The impetus for rumors and speculation was a program on one of the Russian TV channels, where the singer looked terrifying. However, judge for yourself:

A wrinkled and haggard face, a wrinkled and somehow folded neck, sagging breasts and flabby skin... Unfortunately, disgusting makeup also does not contribute to good appearance artists. Literally the next day, after the broadcast aired, the Internet exploded with messages that Irina was seriously and seriously ill. True, no one could confirm this fact. But the assumption that diet is to blame for the way Irina Otieva looks bad seems much more plausible.

Looking at the singer’s figure, I believe this much more. The fact is that Irina has never been particularly slim. Quite the opposite. Genes and a national predisposition to obesity, aggravated by childbirth, have long turned Otieva into a plump woman, which, however, did not affect her voice in any way. But having become a participant in a fashionable television project designed to remind viewers of forgotten stars, Irina decided to take coordinated measures. Many TV viewers were surprised at how quickly the singer began to lose pounds.

And considering that with a sharp decrease in weight, the skin usually sags, the result looks depressing. However, judging by the pictures, Irina did not stop there and continued to lose weight, which led to such results. Instead of a young and slender middle-aged woman, we see a tired and “sick” lady of indeterminate age, with blurred features and excess loose skin. Perhaps if Irina started playing sports or didn’t cut her hair so short, her appearance would be healthier and more presentable.

Later she began to tour not only in the Fatherland, but also abroad. She participated in various competitions, including international ones. She performed jazz in Russian for the first time. Irina charmed everyone with her magical voice of 3.5 octaves, and there are only 8 octaves. Most of today's pop singers have a voice of 2 octaves. To become famous, she worked day and night, never gave up, and only moved forward.

Personal life

Irina is a spectacular woman, she could conquer any man with one look. Cavaliers always hovered around her like snakes. She had affairs, but was never married. Sometimes I dated men for a long time, but their relationship did not develop into a happy family. Rumor has it that a long time ago she loved a man who betrayed her. And since then, on a subconscious level, she does not trust men.

Most of all in her life she dreamed of a child. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time and, finally, a miracle happened. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter and named her Zlata. The girl's father was a married man and did not want to leave his wife for Irina.

Zlata is a wonderful daughter, she was always smart and well-mannered, Irina put her whole soul into the child. The girl did not follow in her mother’s footsteps; she entered the Faculty of Journalism, which she is very happy about.

Life today

Fans are interested in how Irina Otieva lives now. Irina has been a pensioner for three years now. She hasn’t changed her habits since she retired; she still lives in grand style. He works as a teacher in Gnesinka, takes part in tours, although he does not travel abroad as often as before.

From time to time she comes to the show as an expert or jury. One day she came to a TV program and no one recognized her. She has changed in appearance, but not in better side. The cheekbones on her face began to stand out and she lost weight. The skin is sagging on the neck, chest and face. And the makeup only added age to her. Everyone was sure that Otieva was overcome by a terrible illness.

It turned out that she was not sick with anything, but was simply undergoing a weight loss course. But who does she want to make a fool of? We all know that when you suddenly lose excess weight, your skin becomes loose and sagging.

Irina always had a piquant, seductive figure. This is what distinguished her from the pretty models. Losing weight did not suit her, she began to look worse, even her age is now difficult to determine.

It's probably better to lose weight gradually. Eat right and go to gym. And if you can’t buy a fitness membership, you can fully exercise at home.

The singer smokes a lot, which is why her skin has a yellowish tint. Smoking is not the most favorable for your appearance. Wrinkles also appear from an addiction. In addition, she likes alcohol, but not everyone does. Prefers to drink Bloody Mary or vodka and soda. Her body does not accept other alcohol, and an allergy begins.

Irina maintains contact with her large Armenian family. IN summer period She and her family go to a country house and even grow vegetables.

The singer cannot boast of having friends, she simply does not have them. He doesn’t attend social events and doesn’t want to see people’s envious and flattering glances.

Irina also began to actively participate in political programs. She became a member of the Yabloko party, but did not achieve any political victories. She has participated in only a few different campaign programs.

But nevertheless, Otieva is praised by millions. Her voice and jazz music are a wonderful combination in one outstanding person. It doesn't matter how often she performs in public. The main thing is the songs that she gives to her fans. She is appreciated and loved for her amazing talent.

The main thing is that the woman is happy and is satisfied with a measured, quiet life in retirement.

Previously, the talented jazz singer Irina Otieva filled the headlines of the most famous newspapers. She basked in the rays of glory, and this was all her merit. The singer was popular not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. Later, the media stopped writing about Irina. Where did she go?


In the late 50s, a girl named Irina was born into a family of doctors. Tbilisi (Georgia) is her homeland, but her parents have Armenian roots. The family had the surname Otyan, but Irina decided to change it, make it closer to Russian, and therefore she still bears the surname Otieva.

Irina’s love for music began from her youth. She loved to sing, she had good qualities to become a singer. At the age of 17, she took part in a festival dedicated to jazz music. She came home as a winner, this was the first time. Immediately after the festival, Yuri Chugunov offered her a job. At that moment, the parents believed that their daughter would become famous and would be able to surprise everyone.

Study and work

After school, Irina entered the Gnessin School, as she planned, to the pop department in vocal class. She was an energetic student and managed to do a lot. Irina constantly strived for knowledge.

She took additional vocal classes at a jazz studio, and also worked part-time in Joseph Kobzon’s orchestra and in Igor Bril’s jazz group. She perfectly combined her work with her studies; there is no other way to describe her as a talented person.

Later she began to tour not only in the Fatherland, but also abroad. She participated in various competitions, including international ones. She performed jazz in Russian for the first time. Irina charmed everyone with her magical voice of 3.5 octaves, and there are only 8 octaves. Most of today's pop singers have a voice of 2 octaves. To become famous, she worked day and night, never gave up, and only moved forward.

Personal life

Irina is a spectacular woman, she could conquer any man with one look. Cavaliers always hovered around her like snakes. She had affairs, but was never married. Sometimes I dated men for a long time, but their relationship did not develop into a happy family. Rumor has it that a long time ago she loved a man who betrayed her. And since then, on a subconscious level, she does not trust men.

Most of all in her life she dreamed of a child. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time and, finally, a miracle happened. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter and named her Zlata. The girl's father was a married man and did not want to leave his wife for Irina.

Zlata is a wonderful daughter, she was always smart and well-mannered, Irina put her whole soul into the child. The girl did not follow in her mother’s footsteps; she entered the Faculty of Journalism, which she is very happy about.

Life today

Fans are interested in how Irina Otieva lives now. Irina has been a pensioner for three years now. She hasn’t changed her habits since she retired; she still lives in grand style. He works as a teacher in Gnesinka, takes part in tours, although he does not travel abroad as often as before.

From time to time she comes to the show as an expert or jury. One day she came to a TV program and no one recognized her. She has changed externally, but not for the better. The cheekbones on her face began to stand out and she lost weight. The skin is sagging on the neck, chest and face. And the makeup only added age to her. Everyone was sure that Otieva was overcome by a terrible illness.

It turned out that she was not sick with anything, but was simply undergoing a weight loss course. But who does she want to make a fool of? We all know that when you suddenly lose excess weight, your skin becomes loose and sagging.

Irina always had a piquant, seductive figure. This is what distinguished her from the pretty models. Losing weight did not suit her, she began to look worse, even her age is now difficult to determine.

It's probably better to lose weight gradually. Eat right and go to the gym. And if you can’t buy a fitness membership, you can fully exercise at home.

The singer smokes a lot, which is why her skin has a yellowish tint. Smoking is not the most favorable for your appearance. Wrinkles also appear from an addiction. In addition, she likes alcohol, but not everyone does. Prefers to drink Bloody Mary or vodka and soda. Her body does not accept other alcohol, and an allergy begins.

Irina maintains contact with her large Armenian family. In the summer, she and her family go to a country house and even grow vegetables.

The singer cannot boast of having friends, she simply does not have them. He doesn’t attend social events and doesn’t want to see people’s envious and flattering glances.

Irina also began to actively participate in political programs. She became a member of the Yabloko party, but did not achieve any political victories. She has participated in only a few different campaign programs.

But nevertheless, Otieva is praised by millions. Her voice and jazz music are a wonderful combination in one outstanding person. It doesn't matter how often she performs in public. The main thing is the songs that she gives to her fans. She is appreciated and loved for her amazing talent.

The main thing is that the woman is happy and is satisfied with a measured, quiet life in retirement.

Her real name— Otiyan, Irina is Armenian by nationality, although she was born in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. Here she sat down at the piano for the first time, and here her path to the stage began. She achieved her first notable success at the age of 17: she won the jazz music festival in Moscow.

Disgraced Jazz

After this, the girl was accepted into the pop department of the music school named after. Gnesins. Even after becoming famous singer, Irina will continue to study and improve her skills. After college, she also graduated from the Gnessin Music and Pedagogical Institute.

“This is the first Soviet singer with a higher pop vocal education,” they would say about her on television in 1988.

By that time, Irina Otiyan had already become Irina Otieva, changing the sound of her surname to a more Russian one. After studying, she immediately joined the famous jazz orchestra under the direction of Oleg Lundstrem. As part of its composition, Otieva won a lot of music awards - despite difficult circumstances.

Those who sing jazz were not trusted in the USSR. This is the music of the West, their influence. “Today you play jazz, and tomorrow you will sell your homeland,” wrote Soviet newspapers. By the 80s it became easier, but Otieva’s work still caused discontent in the Ministry of Culture and the State Concert.

She is not invited to radio and television, she is not allowed to participate in international competitions, do not take interviews.

Despite everything, in 1985 Irina created her own group, wrote music and lyrics herself - and achieved popularity.

Yelled at God

By the early nineties, she toured a lot, performed solo in New York at the World jazz festival at Lincoln Center, where her partners on stage are the legendary Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.

She is in demand - but still lonely. By the age of 32, Irina Otieva had neither a husband nor children. And she really wanted to become a mother.

“...Very much, I even shouted at God. I said: all evil spirits give birth, all kinds of creatures give birth, but normal people do not give birth. After that I got pregnant. Apparently, my scream reached him.”

On the singer’s official website, next to the “Music”, “Photo” and “Video” sections there is a “Daughter” section. A girl named Zlata was born in 1996, when Irina turned 33. “There is no father,” the website says briefly.

Otieva never hid the fact that she has always enjoyed great success with men. The novels were bright and stormy, but not a single one ended in marriage. Zlata's father, according to rumors, was married - Irina broke up with him as soon as she found out about her pregnancy.

After the birth of her daughter, Otieva continued to have affairs: she does not hesitate to admit that she always preferred men younger than herself - because she was “charged” with energy from them. And the singer without embarrassment called lovemaking her hobby.

But most main love her life, without a doubt, remained jazz. 20th anniversary creative life Irina celebrated with the release of the album “20 Years in Love.” I noted it and said goodbye to my active touring schedule.

Now she teaches vocals at the Academy. Gnesins, communicates a lot with his Armenian family, raises his daughter and only occasionally appears in public. Irina admits that she has no friends in show business, and she does not strive to maintain popularity with public parties.

And he hardly needs it. Those who once heard Otieva’s “Last Poem” can no longer imagine this song in a different performance. This means that everything was not in vain.