How old is Allegrova’s ex-husband? Former husbands of Irina Allegrova

How old is Irina Allegrova? Is she married? Does she have children?

    I looked at photographs of the wonderful pop singer Irina Allegrova. I wanted to call her empress (see photo). Always fit, proud, slim, graceful. Age doesn't age her.

    I will give information about the singer from sources:

    Here are her awards and titles at the beginning of her career:

    And here - in recent years:

    As we see, talented singer has earned many awards and recognitions (a small part of them is given).

    A lot has been written about the singer’s personal life (there are separate questions on BV). I will only answer this question. At this time, the star is 62 years old. She is not married. From his first marriage to basketball player Georgiy Tairov, he has a daughter, Lala (born in 1972), and a grandson, Alexander (he will be 19 years old in September). I. Allegrova dotes on them. He gives all his attention to his grandson.

    Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova, Russian singer and actress, as well as People's Artist of Russia, was born January 20, 1952(she is currently 62 years old). Irina was married four times and has a daughter, Lala.

    Now Irina Allegrova is 62 years old, a folk singer and actress of Russia, she was born in 1952, on January 20 this year she will turn 63 years old, she was married four times, she has a daughter Lala and a grandson Alexander.

    Do not have a daughter - Lala (born 1972) from the singer’s first husband, basketball player Georgy Tairov.

    Irina Allegrova has a grandson Sasha (born 1995).

    Now Irina Allegrova is single and not married.


    Irina Allegrova is a Russian singer, born in 1952. She was married several times, has a daughter, Lala, and a grandson, Alexander. Despite the fact that the singer performs mainly songs about heavy female share and loneliness, no longer wants to get married.

    In January 1952, Irina Allegrova was born into a family of artists. Surrounded by pop masters and classical genre The future celebrity grew up and didn’t think twice about choosing a profession; she followed in the footsteps of her relatives. In collaboration with Oscar Feltsman, the artist began her path to great fame.

    And in the Electroclub group, Irina Allegrova was remembered by the TV viewer. With a repertoire of songs by famous poets and composers, she begins a solo career. By this time, Lala's loving daughter is growing up, and she decides to become a family director and director of concert performances.

    This year the artist turned 64 years old, despite her age she is beautiful and young. He loves his only daughter and adores his adult grandson Alexander.

    Allegrova is 61 years old, she has a daughter, she has been married several times

    Irina Allegrova was born on January 20, 1952 in Russia in Rostov-on-Don. She is an Honored People's Artist of Russia. She was the first to appear on the big stage as part of the Electroclub group.

    Now the singer is single, but she was married and has a daughter, Lala, whom she gave birth to in 1972. And now she no longer has a grandson. In total, Irina Allegrova was officially married three times.

    This is one of the popular singers in Russia. She was born on January 20, 1952, making her now sixty-four years old.

    Ex-husbands singers:

    1) Georgy Tairov (1971-1972);

    2) Vladimir Blekher (1976-1977);

    3) Vladimir Dubovitsky (1984/85-1990);

    4) Igor Kapusta (1992-1999).

    There is a daughter from her first marriage, her name is Lala.

    Irina Allegrova became popular quite late and at first I personally didn’t like her for something, I don’t know what, but I didn’t like her. But this quickly changed to the opposite and became one of my favorite singers. And she was born back in 1952 on January 20 in Rostov-on-Don. At the moment she is not married, and judging by some interviews on television, she does not strive to be so. Probably the current one marital status I'm quite happy with it. A good house, an adult daughter (Lala, born in 1972), an adult grandson (Sasha, born in 1995).

    Irina Allegrova was born on January 20. The year of her birth is 1952. lately Irina, unfortunately, performs less and rarely pleases with hits. They wrote that she planned to move to Italy and devote more time to her family - her daughter, grandson.

    Lala's daughter is quite grown up. According to her father, she is a Lezgin, born in the marriage of Irina Allegrova with Alexander Tairov.

Popular Soviet and Russian pop singer Irina Allegrova won the hearts of listeners with frank songs about unrequited love, strong feelings, meetings and partings. Here is the personal life of the performer herself - a series of bright flashes and separations. On January 20, Irina Allegrova’s birthday, we’ll take a look at her secret album.

The singer's first husband was Georgy Tairov, a handsome basketball player. Irina was 19 years old at the time of the relationship. By that time, she was already dubbing for Indian films and working in the Yerevan orchestra, conducted by Konstantin Orbelyan. As Irina herself admits, this marriage was doomed, as she got married out of revenge. The dream of all Baku girls, a real macho “with a stunning figure and emerald eyes. The real Alain Delon, only more courageous.” In this marriage, Allegrova’s only daughter, Lala, was born. A year and a half later, the couple divorced.

Irina leaves for Moscow, works in various VIAs, and tries to arrange her life. An attempt to enter GITIS (1975) was unsuccessful, and Allegrova gives private music lessons and also works as an accompanist at a choreographic school. In 1976, she was accepted into the Utesov Orchestra, and later she became a soloist of the Inspiration ensemble at the Mosconcert. In 1977, she became a soloist at the Young Voices VIA, which was then led by the talented musician Vladimir Blekher. Irina lived on stage, and Vladimir became more and more attached to the young soloist. Soon they got married. For his beloved, Blecher wrote the song “Flood,” which relatively recently entered the singer’s repertoire:

With the group “Young Voices” Irina toured the USSR a lot, from a shy person she turned into a real singer, gaining not only invaluable performance experience, but also self-confidence. It wasn't just true love. And Blecher soon got burned out on currency speculation and left for places not so distant. By that time, Allegrova’s career had begun to improve, and in order to avoid falling into disgrace with the authorities, she initiated a break in relations. When Blecher received his term, “Young Voices” split into two independent groups, and Allegrova joined the VIA “Fakel” together with pianist I. Krutoy. There was a period in her life when she even decided to give up her singing career and went into the culinary business (1982), but her passion for music prevailed. In 1983, Irina met producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, who brought her to Oscar Feltsman, who made Allegrova a pop star.

And then she became a soloist of D. Tukhmanov’s “Electroclub”.

Vladimir Dubovitsky did everything possible and even impossible to make Irina famous, and then their life began to crack: the husband turned out to be a notorious womanizer. Irina could not forgive the betrayal. They divorced only in 1990. And in 1987, Igor Talkov entered Allegrova’s life. You could say that it was office romance, which broke out in collaboration on songs.

The relationship did not last long and, apart from disappointments, did not bring anything to Irina. A temperamental woman needed a strong man, but there were none on the horizon. The song “Wanderer” became a new stage in the singer’s career and personal life.

“Photography”, “There was no sadness”, “Don’t fly away, love!”, “Believe in love, girls” appear in Irina Allegrova’s repertoire, and she begins to perform solo.

It seems that at heart she remained a naive girl, like her heroines. And Irina Allegrova’s career took off. She is a regular participant in popular music television programs and cultural events: “Slavic Bazaar”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “50/50”, records discs. In 1993, she became the singer of the year, as well as the winner of the Ovation Award as the best pop diva. On the wave of success, Irina Alexandrovna falls in love with a dancer from her group, Igor Kapusta. At the time the relationship developed, the guy was not free - he lived in civil marriage with a dancer. But Irina did everything possible to make Kapusta break up with the girl. She fired her from her team, but provided her with work. The “young” were not registered at the registry office, but they got married before God.

This was Irina Allegrova’s longest marriage (1992-1997). The song “The Thief” refers to the singer’s whirlwind romance.

Rumor has it that the reason for the break in relations was Allegrova’s adult daughter Lala, who was jealous of her mother’s happiness. In 1997, Igor and Irina broke up. And if she is still on good terms with Dubovitsky, she doesn’t want to see Kapusta. In 2012, Igor was arrested for drug trafficking - he did not receive support from his former lover.
Now in the life of Irina Allegrova there is one real man - her grandson Alexander, who is already 18 years old. Three women put all their strength into him so that he grows up to be a worthy man.

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The title of People's Artist was given to Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova very difficult. Her path to fame was long and thorny, but in the end she achieved what she wanted, despite all the difficulties. Now Allegrova is a famous actress and pop singer. “Crazy Empress” - that’s how you can characterize this amazing woman. In Irina Alexandrovna’s personal life, not everything is going smoothly either, but she does not lose heart and moves forward, as before, with her head held high.

Allegrova's relatives are mostly artistic. The singer's parents are very creative individuals. Alexander Allegrov was an Honored Artist of Russia and the Azerbaijan SSR; in the world of art, this man established himself as a talented actor and director. Being Armenian origin Alexander Grigorievich in his youth had the surname Sarkisov, but along with the fame of the actor, he came up with the idea of ​​​​changing it to the surname Allegrov.

Irina’s mother was no less talented and famous. Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya’s career couldn’t have worked out better. She had an operatic voice, sang and acted beautifully on stage. It is clear that their daughter has inherited acting and vocal talent.

Continuing to list eminent ancestors, one cannot help but recall Grigory Minaevich Sarkisov, his grandfather on his father’s side. At one time he was famous musician in Baku, and even managed to work as an accountant. His wife Maria Ivanovna was a heroine mother, she gave birth to seven children. She had nothing to do with music; her job was to raise heirs. Grandfather and grandmother on my mother’s side were simpler people. Mikhail Yakovlevich Kalinin was famous throughout Tashkent for his talent as a shoemaker. His wife Anna Yakovlevna worked in a hairdressing salon.

Childhood of Irina Allegrova

“The Empress” was born in Rostov-on-Don in 1952 on January 20. In the same city, Ira went to school until she was nine years old. Then the entire Allegrov family moved to Azeybarjan. In Baku, the father and mother of the future star conquered the stage of the local musical comedy theater, their daughter tried to keep up with them, trying to become the same famous artist. Moreover, they always had a large number of eminent guests in their house such as Magomayev, Khachaturyan, Shmyga and many others.

The first thing the girl did upon arriving in Baku was to enter the music school at the conservatory. Ira was so talented that she was immediately enrolled in 3rd grade. At the entrance exam, she amazed the committee with a perfect performance of one of Bach's works.

In addition to music, Allegrova was seriously involved in ballet, participated in various festivals and competitions, taking first places. In a word, the schoolgirl’s life was in full swing!

The choice that determined the future of life

Naturally, after the high school graduation, the girl went to enroll in the local conservatory. All her close people were sure that Irina would easily pass the entrance exams and begin her studies. Unfortunately, the plans were disrupted by illness, due to which Allegrova was unable to come to the exam. Despite the obstacles, she did not deviate from her choice, but for now she got a job doing voice-overs for films.

The hard path to fame of Irina Allegrova

The vocal abilities of the young singer were appreciated by Rashid Behbudov. Being the head of the song theater, he enrolled Ira in his team. Then her first tour and work in the Yerevan orchestra awaited her. Tours have become an integral part of Irina’s life.

Although Allegrova was already in musical world, but the thought of studying couldn’t get out of her head. She really wanted to enter Moscow GITIS, but she did not succeed. Still, fate had mercy on her and “introduced” her to Igor Krutoy. At that time, the talented composer was a pianist at the Fakel VIA, where Irina also worked.

Producer Vladimir Dubovitsky helped Allegrova take a significant step on the path to fame. It was he who convinced the famous Feltsman to write a wonderful musical creation, “The Child’s Song,” especially for his protégé. This allowed the young singer to perform at “Song of the Year-85”.


Next, Irina had to take another step up to popularity. She is taken into the group “Electroclub”, which is led by David Tukhmanov and which was considered an already well-known ensemble. In addition to Allegrova, the soloist of the Electroclub was Igor Talkov.

After a little time, the singer, having left the band, began performing solo. His place was given to Viktor Saltykov. This change brought the group stunning success. “Electroclub” brings together full halls and stadiums at its concerts. With the beginning of the nineties, Allegrova makes the difficult decision to leave the group and take up solo career. As it turned out later, the decision was correct.

Long-awaited popularity

During this difficult time for the singer, she was lucky enough to enter into a collaboration with Igor Nikolaev. The composer writes the song “The Wanderer” for Irina, which instantly becomes a hit. To ensure that the fire of long-awaited popularity does not subside, a whole series of hit works appear that are still successful. This glorious list includes the following songs: “Womanizer”, “Transit”, “Photography”, etc.

Then her longtime friend Igor Krutoy joins Allegrova’s career. His songs take the singer to the top of Olympus. It is worth noting the following mega hits: “The Hijacker”, “The Empress”, “An Unfinished Novel”, “My Wanderer”, etc. In addition to concerts and tours, Irina appears in music videos, which makes her even more popular. What Allegrova had been striving for all her life had finally come. She was at the top of the musical Olympus!

The swing of life - up and down!

It's time to talk about the personal life of the famous singer. A beautiful, talented, successful woman tried more than once to build her family nest and become a beloved wife. Let's try to break it all down now:

  • Allegrova lived with her first husband for only a year, but during this time she managed to give birth to his daughter Lala. Georgy Tairov was handsome man, a basketball player, but the singer believes that marriage with him is a mistake. She married to spite another man. Now George is no longer alive.
  • For the second time, the pop star went down the aisle with the director of “Jolly Fellows.” Vladimir Blekher was her husband for 6 years, then the marriage broke up. Vladimir was convicted of currency transactions; in the seventies this was considered a serious crime.
  • From 1985 to 1990, Allegrova lived with Vladimir Dubovitsky. He significantly contributed to the artist’s advancement to fame. Together the couple looked great, but in 1990 the singer filed for divorce and left her husband.
  • Having decided to live with a man under the same roof for the fourth time, Irina flatly refuses to walk down the aisle with her chosen one. She was only in a civil marriage with Igor Kapusta. The relationship lasted from 1994 to 1999. The guy was very handsome, worked as a dancer in Allegrova’s group and knew how to look after beautifully. After breaking up with Irina, fate was not kind to him. In 2012, he was caught selling drugs.

The singer did not want to experiment anymore with family happiness. According to her, life in terms of love threw her, now up, now down, like on a swing.

A daughter and grandson are the meaning of life!

Allegrova never considered herself lonely. She has a wonderful daughter and beloved grandson Sasha. Lala works as a director of variety and mass shows, her husband Artem Artemyev is a co-owner of the Artemyev Wrestling School. He himself is an excellent athlete - a judoka and sambist. Irina was lucky with her son-in-law, as well as with her daughter and grandson. His career was also successful. What else is needed for happiness?

Celebrity biography – Irina Allegrova

Popular pop singer in Russia.


On January 20, 1952, a girl was born in the city of Rostov-on-Don, and her childhood years were spent there. Irina's family was intelligent and musical. So the girl absorbed all this from childhood. Her father was of Armenian origin and worked as an actor and theater director. Even in his youth, Irina’s father officially took a different surname. He was Sarkisov, but became Allegrov. So his new surname seemed more sonorous to him. Mother, Serafima Sosnovskaya was also an actress.

In 1961, the family decided to move to Baku. Parents went to work at the musical comedy theater, and famous people often visited their house: Muslim Magomaev, Mstislav Rostropovich, Galina Vishnevskaya.

Parents of Irina Allegrova: mother - Serafima Sosnovskaya (10/26/1923-04/12/2012); father - Alexander Allegrov (04/15/1915-05/24/1994)

Before leaving for Baku, the girl managed to finish 2 grades; she studied at a comprehensive school and 1 grade at a music school. In Baku, Irina was taken straight into the third grade of the Central music school, who worked at the city conservatory, where she played a work by Johann Bach during the entrance exams. After graduating from school, Irina prepared S. Rachmaninov’s Second Concerto for her final exam.

Also in her childhood, the girl was fond of ballet and attended a special club. Since childhood, she liked to draw sketches of clothes.

Ira Allegrova was a creative child

In 1969, the girl graduated from school and wanted to enter the Baku Conservatory, but missed the entrance exams; she was ill at that time. That same year, she was offered a job - dubbing for Indian films at a film festival. A year later, the girl begins working in the Yerevan Orchestra.

The beginning of a creative journey

We can say that the path to fame was long. In the 70-80s, the singer had to work in different groups in search of her place in life. She toured a lot in the cities of the Soviet Union.

In 1975, Irina decided to enter GITIS, arriving in Moscow. However, she failed to pass the entrance exams.

Like many talented people, she had to go through certain tests. To earn a living, the girl gave private music lessons, and then got a job as an accompanist. A year later, she was lucky: the girl got a job in an orchestra and met Leonid Utesov there.

Then there was work in several ensembles, all this time the search for myself and the use of my talent continued. Thus, while working in one of them, “Young Voices,” the girl managed to become a laureate in the all-Union competition “Sochi 78.”

Since 1981, Allegrova performed in the Fakel ensemble, where the girl met pianist Igor Krutoy. And a year later, the singer was even thinking about quitting her job as a singer; she settled at home and did part-time work at home - baking cakes and sweets.

In 1983, Irina worked in the variety show of the largest restaurants in Moscow, where she was lucky to meet producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was he who facilitated the singer’s audition with Oscar Feltsman; he was the author of the hit “Lily of the Valley.”

After some time, Feltsman opened the group “Lights of Moscow”, the leader of which was soon David Tukhmanov and with the participation of the latter the group was renamed “Electroclub”, Irina Allegrova and the young and very talented Igor Talkov sang in it.

Allegrova in Electroclub

In 1990, the singer decided to leave the group; even then she sang the song “Wanderer,” which Igor Nikolaev wrote for her. Thanks to this song, Irina was named the best singer of the year. Then new hits were written and tours around the country began, as well as appearances on television. These were her glory years. The halls were completely filled, the songs became hits one after another, and the singer herself was loved and recognized throughout the country.

In 1992, the singer released her first solo album, “My Wanderer.”

In 1995, the second solo album “The Hijacker” was released, and the concerts were held under the name “Empress” - these were bright, costumed shows that attracted the viewer like a magnet.

In 1996, collaboration with Igor Krutoy began, which lasted for 3 years; the albums “Table for Two” and “Unfinished Romance” were released to sum up the results of the collaboration.

Currently actively performing and practicing charitable activities. Many albums have been released.

"Empress" of the Russian stage!

Happiness is when you happily rush from home to work, and after work you happily return home. If you measure it this way, then yes, I am happy. And as for female happiness... Probably, my happiest marriage has already taken place - with my beloved Spectator.

Personal life

Officially, the singer was married four times. She married for the first time in 1971 to Georgy Tairov. A year later, a girl was born into the marriage, a daughter, Lala. It is not known what influenced this, but the marriage broke up with the birth of a daughter.

From 1974 to 1979 she was married to Vladimir Blekher and directed the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”.

Irina Allegrova and her second husband Vladimir Blekher

From 1985 to 1990 she was married to Vladimir Dubovitsky, he also worked in the Moscow Lights ensemble, was a musician and producer.

Allegrova's third husband - Vladimir Dubovitsky

From 1994 to 1999 she was married to Igor Kapusta, and also worked with her in the same team as a dancer.

Allegrova’s fourth (as the singer herself says, “extreme”) husband is Igor Kapusta

The daughter followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a pop director. In 1995 she gave birth to a son, Alexander.

Irina Alexandrovna with her daughter Lala and grandson Alexander

By the way, one of the singer’s hobbies is cooking - Allegrova cooks a lot and deliciously!

YEREVAN, February 5 - Sputnik. The famous Russian singer of Armenian origin Irina Allegrova got married four times, and each marriage has its own special story, writes Channel Five.

Today, 66-year-old Allegrova rarely performs, and for “reserves” she sets a fee of 4 million rubles. Allegrova's daughter Lala is her director and manages all affairs. And grandson Sasha is studying and will soon become a diplomat.

Irina spoke in the program “My Truth” on Channel Five about how she fell in love for the first time with a neighbor’s guy.

“If I fell in love, then head over heels. Baba is in love, she’s wearing rose-colored glasses...” the singer admitted.

Then she decided to take a desperate step - she married Alain Delon from Baku, basketball player Georgiy Tairov. To spite the neighbor guy who was going to marry someone else. The athlete was head over heels in love with the future Russian pop star, but Allegrova herself was sure that they were different people.

“We were completely different people. But it’s useless to try to dissuade me. I always believed that I had to get big on my own,” the artist explains about the quick wedding against the will of her parents. From Tairov she gave birth to a daughter, Lala.

However, Allegrova was never able to love her husband and filed for divorce. The singer’s daughter was raised by her grandfather, since Irina left Baku for Moscow to conquer the Russian capital.

“From my early youth I was an ambitious comrade, I wanted to go forward and conquer,” says Allegrova.

She sang in Moscow restaurants, and later was able to transport her parents and daughter to the Russian capital. The director of the Young Voices ensemble, Vladimir Blekher, saw Irina at an audition and fell in love. She agreed to get married, and her husband lived for a long time without money. The singer shared that she stood at the stove at night.

“I baked cakes to order of amazing beauty, at night. Then the dream was born to open my own bakery someday,” noted Allegrova. But this marriage ended with Blecher’s arrest - he was accused of currency fraud.

After this, Allegrova had to decide on an important step: bake at night, help her convicted husband, or become a Soviet pop star. Then the singer again decided to divorce.

The actress's third husband was producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, who invited her to become not only a soloist of the Moscow Lights ensemble, but also to become his wife. Then the modest brunette turned into a fiery blonde, just as her producer husband wanted.

The whole country fell in love with the daring blonde Allegrova. The singer wanted a solo career, but her husband saw her in a group. Then the brave Armenian woman went against the will of her husband and divorced him.

“For our loved ones, our divorce was nonsense... I think I would have turned into a very good wife,” the singer noted.

Allegrova began performing as a solo artist, performing the hits “Wanderer”, “Photography”, “Toy”. Then she started her own ballet, in which her future fourth husband, Igor Kapusta, danced, eight years younger than the singer.

Irina stole her lover from his common-law wife. In 1994 they got married. The couple lived together for six years, but conflicts destroyed the family. Later it turned out that he cheated on Allegrova. And the singer said that Cabbage had been sitting on her neck for all six years.

© Sputnik / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Singer Irina Allegrova before the concert "Song of the Year"

After the divorce, Allegrova had a nervous breakdown. Having recovered, she began a relationship with Alexei Garnizov, because after the young dancer she wanted to see an adult next to her.

But this relationship did not bring happiness to the singer; she became addicted to alcohol. Then her daughter Lala saved her, breaking off all contacts with Garnizov. Today Allegrova is a free and happy woman. According to the singer, she has everything she dreamed of.