Malakhov health. Gennady Malakhov: my wife and I had an office romance: I worked as a loader, she worked as a boss

Gennady Petrovich Malakhov is one of the most discussed personalities on Russian television. The author of several books on health, a popularizer of alternative methods of treatment and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the author of many of which is himself, the TV presenter draws sharp criticism from qualified doctors. Are there those who were helped by Malakhov’s methods to recover from serious illnesses?

Early years: place and date of birth, childhood

TV presenter, author of several books and pseudoscientific publications about various methods of healing, urinotherapist was born on September 20, 1954. The biography of Gennady Malakhov began in a small industrial town in the center of the Rostov region - Kamensk-Shakhtinsky. There is no information in open sources about Gennady Petrovich’s parents. From numerous interviews and publications it is known that as a child he was an ordinary guy, was not interested in unconventional methods of treatment and did not even dream of working on television. Gennady went in for sports and completed eleven grades at school.

Education of a Russian writer

After graduating from school, Gennady Malakhov entered a vocational school, where he began studying to become a mechanic, while simultaneously doing physical training. After completing his studies, he received the specialty “electrician” and a rank. Gennady Petrovich got a job in his specialty, but did not stay in the working profession for long. The young man decided to continue his education and entered the Central Institute of Physical Culture. He dreamed of a good education, so he set off to conquer the capital of our homeland - Moscow. Gennady managed to enter the chosen university the first time. Gennady graduated from the institute in 1988, when he was already 34 years old. It would seem that it was training in this profile that determined the future activities of Gennady Malakhov, but fate decreed otherwise.

Passion for a healthy lifestyle

How did Gennady Malakhov become interested in unconventional methods of treatment and healing the body? This did not happen at the institute, although the young man had been involved in sports since childhood and, one might say, followed the principles of a healthy lifestyle. But a common illness became decisive in his future life and career. When trying to leave the sport, Gennady Petrovich suffered severe pathology of the tonsils. He tried to cope with a complex disease on his own, since traditional medicine did not help. To do this, he turned to a certain Yuri Pavlovich.

All that is known about Yuri Pavlovich is that he is a trainer who practices yoga, who helped Gennady Petrovich improve his health. He managed to recover by doing breathing exercises. The disease receded, but left behind a passion for unconventional methods of treatment. Then Malakhov began to become interested in the works of famous authors from the USA and Europe. He read Norman Walker, Paul Bragg, Herbert Shelton and others. It was these authors who influenced his worldview and life attitudes.

It is also known that Gennady Malakhov (he would write books on his own later, at that time the man had just begun to “comprehend” alternative medicine) met a follower of the teachings of P. Ivanov, the writer V. Cherkassov. Ivanov called himself the Conqueror of Nature, Teacher of the People and God of the Earth. He was also known by the nickname Parshek. This is the creator of a health system that gained some popularity in the USSR. Ivanov himself walked barefoot, could easily endure frost and cold, dressed only in shorts, went for a long time without food and water, and practiced dousing. He led this lifestyle for 50 years, and lived for a total of 85 years.

Work: alternative medicine and writing books

Gennady Malakhov on television

In 2006, Channel One first aired a TV show about a healthy lifestyle. Gennady Malakhov’s program was called “Malakhov plus Malakhov,” he hosted it together with Andrei Malakhov, a showman, journalist, editor of StarHit magazine and journalism teacher at the Russian State University for the Humanities. A month and a half later, Andrei left, then the name was changed - “Malakhov+”. Gennady’s co-host was Elena Proklova, a Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter.

Four years later, an exceptional incident occurred. Gennady Malakhov’s program was not aired; it was urgently replaced by “Meeting the Parents.” The follower of alternative medicine simply did not show up for filming. His neighbors said that Gennady tried to commit suicide, but stopped in time. He later told reporters that he was tired, he had neither the moral nor physical strength left to continue working on television. In addition, the presenter said that his brainchild in lately“lost its nationality”, “became heavy”.

The program changed its name, so Malakhov decided to break his contract with Channel One. Representatives of the television company replied that he could do this only if he paid a penalty. It was necessary to pay 1.5-2 million rubles. Malakhov then complained that he had a weak heart and injured his back during filming. The program was closed; until November 2012, only reruns were aired.

After this incident, in 2010, Malakhov moved to Channel Eight. There he became the host of the program “Visiting Gennady Malakhov.” Then he became widely known for announcing on air about the possibility of treating chickenpox with vodka. In 2011, Gennady Malakhov began talking about cleansing the body at Inter (Ukraine). The TV show was called “Healthy Bulls with Malakhov.”

In 2012, Malakhov took part in the “With a New Home” program on “Russia-1”. There he acted as an expert on alternative methods of treatment. From 2012 to 2014, Gennady Petrovich worked with Angelina Vovk. He led "Good health!" on Channel One. In addition, he took part (2016) in the Tablet program. In the fall of the same year, he became the presenter of “Tabletka” on TV-3.

Harsh criticism of treatment methods

Qualified doctors have repeatedly argued that the treatment methods offered by Gennady Petrovich not only do not help, but can also be dangerous. The consequences can even be fatal. Malakhov offers kerosene treatment, urine therapy and other very unusual ways to eliminate diseases. This is all aggravated by widespread advertising in the media and large circulations of books by him. So, associate professor of the Medical Academy. Sechenova calls the recommendations of the TV show host “nonsense.” Experts consider Malakhov’s methods to be pseudoscientific.

Most viewers who watched his programs also leave negative reviews. People understand that the advice of an adherent of alternative medicine can be life-threatening. It is unknown whether Gennady Malakhov’s recommendations helped anyone. It was not possible to find such reviews in open sources.

Internet scandal involving Malakhov

Once again the name of Gennady Malakhov was remembered in a scandal in 2010. Then the “medic” showed in the program a boy with diabetes who “jumped” off insulin. The boy was treated with proper breathing and squats. Experts commented on this by saying that the little patient was just experiencing the so-called “diabetes honeymoon.” This condition, which occurs about a year after confirmation of the diagnosis, is characterized by an increase in insulin levels. But this is a normal course of the disease, and the patient should under no circumstances be stopped from taking insulin.

Personal life of Gennady Petrovich

The personal life of Gennady Malakhov is not discussed in the media, but it is known that he is married to Nina Mikhailovna Malakhova. The couple has a daughter, Ekaterina, and a son, Leonid. Gennady notes that his family helps him write “medical” books. This concerns primarily the wife; little information is known about the children. Leonid managed to start a family, and Ekaterina received a specialty as a linguist-translator.

Malakhov Gennady Petrovich now

What is the TV presenter doing now? The latest project at the moment with the participation of Gennady is “The ABC of Health”. The program airs on the TV-3 channel. In the interview, Gennady Petrovich continues to give advice on a healthy lifestyle. For example, for the general tone of the body, providing energy and improving health, he recommended doing enemas with coffee. This was in 2017.

"Malakhov plus"

TV channel: "Channel One"

G great hero, The host and ideologist of the program is the author of original methods for improving health, Gennady Malakhov. He described his many years of experience in calendar books. Viewers of the program will receive tips and techniques developed taking into account lunar rhythms and the daily activity of the human body.

L medicines, tinctures, ointments, herbal preparations, the recipes of which have been tested for more than one generation, will be prepared directly in the studio and immediately tested by representatives of official medicine.

IN talk show "Malakhov +" is a kaleidoscope of folk wisdom, colossal worldly experience and optimism. The program explores the richest material of healing methods for all kinds of misfortunes and ailments.One of the most important commandments of the program is “Do no harm!” Therefore, professional medical practitioners will warn viewers against using dubious recipes.

IN visiting the program– famous people who share their own secrets of youth, beauty, health and good mood.

IN traveling:doctor Gennady Malakhov and actress Elena Proklova.

In issues with the participation of Elena:

05/31/2007 Topic: “Sculpting a Bust”

There are things that are not customary to talk about out loud due to their intimate nature. One of these things is women's breasts. For many women, it can become a cause of worry and anxiety. And, nevertheless, each of us should know very well how to maintain breast health, its youth, its beauty.

Duration 60 minutes with ads Broadcasting Channel Channel One Premiere April 10th Broadcast time on weekdays in the morning Rating Audience share 20.8% (2nd half of August 2008) Official website

Malakhov+- a television program about a healthy lifestyle and ways to maintain it, about unconventional methods of treating various diseases and other aspects traditional medicine. It first aired on Channel One under the title “Malakhov plus Malakhov” on April 10 with the main presenter - Gennady Malakhov and co-host Andrei Malakhov.

“Malakhov+” still airs on Channel One in the morning and is one of the highest-rated programs in morning broadcast on Russian television.

Talk show features

In the studio itself live The TV presenter and his assistants make medicines, ointments, tinctures and other remedies, and also describe various recipes for various diseases, which, according to the organizers, are tested by professional doctors and pharmacists.

The program has two sections: "Recipe of the day" And “Procedure of the day from Gennady Malakhov”, where viewers will learn the basic methods of eliminating their ailments.

Despite all this, many media representatives call the “Malakhov+” program a successor to completely different television programs: it is called an analogue of the sessions of Kashpirovsky (held in the late 1980s) and Alan Chumak, who allegedly “charged tap water”, and also appeared in in the mid-1990s, a program on the NTV channel called “The Third Eye”, to which sorcerers and magicians were invited.

Main presenter

The host of the “Malakhov+” program, its main “hero” and its “ideologist” is Gennady Malakhov, who is the author of original healing techniques. In 1986-1987, he opened a health club in his city, called “Bodrost”, which later began to practice hardening, proper nutrition, methods of cleansing the body, especially the liver, etc. Soon G. Malakhov published his first books based on from personal experience: "Healing powers"(several volumes), which became especially widespread in the mid-1990s. from that time on, the folk healer began to disseminate his knowledge of self-medication, using “methods of natural, folk, oriental and modern medicine.” Often, the author of the books himself develops and tests new methods of self-medication, including urine therapy, kerosene treatment, fasting, dietetics, etc. He also published his experimental research in calendar books, which are in great demand among people who want to take care of their health . Gennady Malakhov has more than 20 books on improving the health of the body, published in huge numbers both in Russia and abroad. In one of these books, its author is described in the following words:

“During the “operation” (occult diagnostics with the help of spirits and Higher powers), special “symptoms” were unexpectedly revealed, indicating that he is not one of us... we now see him in the new light of the sages of the great sixth race.”


After the launch of the new project, its ratings were very high, which continues to this day. So in mid-July 2006, the talk show “Malakhov+” took 85th place in the table of the hundred most popular programs in Moscow, and its rating was 3.2%, which, for example, is higher than the rating of matches of the Russian Football Championship 2006, series “Soldiers” and other programs. And in terms of the share of the audience (26.6%) watching TV at one time or another (in our case in the morning, when the talk show “Malakhov+” is on), it is comparable to the news programs “Vesti” and “News”, “ Program Maximum" on NTV and some other high-rated TV shows. Thus, from 10:55 to 11:59 (the time the program aired when the rating was compiled), more than 26% of the Moscow television audience watched the Malakhov+ program.


The release of the Malakhov+ program entitled “Dandelion for 100 Diseases”, dedicated, as the name suggests, to methods of alternative treatment for all kinds of diseases using dandelion, reached the finals of the TEFI television competition - in the category “ Entertainment program: way of life."

Diagnostics of treatment methods

One of the most important commandments of the “Malakhov+” program is “Do no harm!” In this regard, practicing medical professionals test and give their own opinions on various, and especially dubious, unknown and time-untested recipes and self-medication techniques, in order to avoid their potentially harmful effects on the health of viewers who decide to use such a recipe.

But despite all the assurances from the organizers of the program that each treatment method is thoroughly tested, there are a large number of skeptics who doubt the “professional medical support” of this program.


Almost immediately after the release of the first episodes of the talk show “Malakhov+”, a large number of critical statements, articles and letters appeared addressed to Channel One, its general director Konstantin Ernst and the show’s presenters.

Critical letters

One of the first letters of criticism of programs with medical topics, including the talk show “Malakhov+”, sent to Channel One was sent from the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists.

“On the promotion of treatment methods whose effectiveness has not been confirmed in the program „ Good morning“, Malakhov + Malakhov on Channel One and in other programs. Every day on the morning broadcast of the ORT channel, advice is given on treating ailments and maintaining health, which not only do not have scientific evidence of effectiveness, but often pose a direct threat to the health of citizens. The harm caused by obscurantism, promoted by biased manufacturers of miraculous healing remedies and naive adherents of “folk” and “alternative” medicine, can be associated not only with the refusal of effective treatment prescribed by the attending physician... Irrational recommendations for the use of shamanic healing methods in healthy people and the use of unexplored substances used to treat people suffering from diseases may cause direct harm to health. In the event of harm to health caused by subsequent “lotions” and “extracts”, proving the guilt of the first channel will be a relatively simple task. In addition to the legal aspects of the problem, there is, in the end, journalistic ethics and responsibility, which one has to rely on in situations where medical ethics and the system of training doctors, unfortunately, give unforgivable failures. After all, I hope you yourself don’t rush to tie horseradish to aching joints and perform other pre-medieval actions regularly promoted in your program. Moreover, it seems unlikely to me... that such stories can contribute to the ratings of the program, since a significant part of the "ORT" audience still has intellectual abilities that correspond to a level acceptable at least for the 20th century... The Association "Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists" addresses you with a request to eliminate or at least “civilize” the propaganda of various pseudo-medical, including nutritional, methods, the effectiveness of which has never been scientifically confirmed...”

- From an Open Letter to the management of Channel One, from Kirill Danishevsky, President of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists.

“We are particularly concerned that recently there has been an increasingly sharp trend in the editorial policy on Channel One, which can only be called an orgy of pseudoscience, obscurantism and the occult.

“Educational” programs about magic, fortune-telling, the evil eye and damage, etc. regularly appear on the air. Moreover, they are directed so sophisticatedly and craftily that the abilities of sorcerers and fortune-tellers, the possibility of inducing the evil eye and damage, reincarnation, etc. are presented as reality . In the programs there is practically no counter-opinion of clergy, doctors and psychologists on the problem presented, or it is extremely short and is necessarily framed by subsequent comments from occultists in such a light that, they say, “they still don’t understand a lot.”

It is with great regret that we perceive the long existence of the “Malakhov+” program on Channel One, which is hosted by the famous occultist and propagandist of occult-sectarian, pseudoscientific and frankly insane methods of “healing” Gennady Malakhov. Every time, a tub of poisonous occult obscurantism spills out onto TV viewers, perhaps with a “teaspoon” of truly useful folk wisdom and experience of alternative medicine.”

- From a letter to the General Director of Channel One K.L. Ernst from the Archbishop of Ufa and Sterlitamak, as well as the Administrator of the Ufa Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Nikon dated November 23, 2006, first published on the website.

Another letter, which is more of a request, was written to the general director of Channel One from the deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation, A.E. Lebedev. It was published in Novaya Gazeta.

“November 3rd. At about 8:45 am I was watching my favorite Channel One... There was a story on the morning broadcast that explained how to use kerosene to treat various diseases. In particular, from the TV screen, my grandmother told me that I should rub my feet with kerosene when I have a cold, and the interviewed man, based on his own experience, recommended using a little kerosene for stomach upsets. The story also reported that aviation kerosene is best suited for these purposes, as it is cleaner and has better healing properties. Just during this period, I had a cold and experienced stomach pain... and decided to try on myself a new remedy recommended by your channel. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find aviation kerosene... I had to use regular... Unfortunately, I have not yet felt any improvement in my condition; on the contrary, my health has deteriorated somewhat: the pain in my stomach intensified, signs of a respiratory disease appeared, and my blood pressure increased. I admit that a positive result is still to come, as one of the program participants promised (“the effect does not appear immediately, but on the second or third day...”). Unfortunately, I will temporarily not be able to fulfill my duties as a deputy of the State Duma, a member of the United Russia faction until the positive effect from the use of kerosene occurs... I would urge you, dear Konstantin Lvovich, to help the audience and deputies of the State Duma to better understand the usefulness and miraculous properties of kerosene ...If I used the recommendations incorrectly, I ask you to cover this topic in more detail in the next program...”

- From a letter General Director Channel One K.L. Ernst from the Deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation A.E. Lebedev published in Novaya Gazeta.

Criticism of treatments

One of Gennady Malakhov’s favorite topics is urine therapy (treatment using urine). He always recommends to his patients to take “evaporated urine,” which leads to an increase in the concentration of steroid hormones. The scientific point of view is that as a result of such treatment “Long-term uncontrolled hormonal “treatment” is being carried out in unacceptable doses. Receiving additional portions of hormones, the adrenal cortex rapidly ages, and as a result, diseases of old age will occur much earlier: menopause, osteoporosis, obesity...”

Another favorite area of ​​healing by G. Malakhov is “cleansing the liver” with the help of considerable use of oil, including for cholelithiasis, and this is all, despite the fact that it “strictly contraindicated in the presence of gallstones”. As a doctor from Nizhny Novgorod writes about this: Anna ANDRONOVA in his article "Malakhov minus".

Malakhov Gennady

Men's health: treatment and prevention of diseases


Most of the diseases that men face are often related to their lifestyle. Unfortunately, alcohol, smoking, overeating, and lack of physical activity have become so integrated into their daily lives that almost no one pays attention to it. But it is precisely this lifestyle, to which various infections are added, that leads to the appearance of various diseases. Knowing the reasons for their occurrence, you can choose effective ways helping your body.

In working to improve your body, you need to find interest and inspiration. If it is a burden to you and causes unpleasant troubles, this is not healing. It is necessary to understand one more truth: living to please your bad habits, tastes, and character traits will certainly lead to illness. Getting healthy with a negative mood does not give good results. Treatment without normalization and harmonization of the body’s connections with environment gives only a temporary effect.

In treatment, recovery and rejuvenation, a person has no choice other than natural. Nature has indicated one path - normalization, harmonization of the connections of the human body with the environment throughout life. And you need to follow this path with joy and inspiration.

Chapter 1



Statistics give us the following figures. 20% of human health depends on heredity. Another 20% of health is determined by the environmental situation. Only 8.5% of human health depends on healthcare. And 51.5% of a person’s health is determined by his lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at this data and how we can influence it.

20% of our health depends on heredity - a good number, and it seems that it is impossible to influence it - it is given to one, and not to another. But this is only at first glance. Of course, we cannot influence our heredity, but we can influence the heredity of our children and grandchildren and make it much better.

20% of our health depends on the environmental situation. But people also influence this figure. Who pollutes his environment if not man himself with his unreasonable activities, and then reaps the fruits of “bad” ecology. We live on our own, we don’t want to take care of our health, and when we get sick we take pills. A pharmaceutical factory produces millions of tons of all kinds of drugs, and people regularly consume them. It was recently discovered that underground drinking springs in Alpine resorts are poisoned by... 30 types of the most common drugs.

It turned out that the medicine, after passing through the body, does not break down, but retains its healing properties. Together with urine, it will end up in wastewater, and then mixes with underground drinking water and accumulates in it. Drinking such “drinking water”, even bathing in it (especially small children), leads to allergies and other ailments. Antibiotics, sedatives, cardiac, contraceptive and other drugs repeatedly “bombard” the human body. Moreover, harmful microorganisms, constantly staying in the Medicinal environment, adapt to it and become more resistant to the effects of drugs. This is how viruses, fungi, and microbes appear, against which modern medicines powerless. Other, more powerful ones are required. To stop this useless race, stop poisoning the environment, treat yourself using natural remedies.

8.5% of human health depends on healthcare. I will omit consideration of this issue, which most of all relates to the restoration of health in emergency cases - poisoning, injuries and other acute situations. The fight against epidemics relates more to the economic conditions of life.

The remaining 51.5% relates directly to a person’s lifestyle. How a person lives - thinks, breathes, eats, moves, preventatively cleanses or unloads - his health depends.

To summarize, we can say that, except for 8.5% of cases, a person’s health and well-being depend on himself. Due to the proper organization of his life, a person can cope with any disease himself.


A person can be viewed in different ways and the concepts of “health” and “illness” can be explained differently. I prefer to consider a person as a harmonious system that exists due to the fact that it constantly passes through itself flows of information, energy and matter. Thanks to this, a person can navigate the surrounding space (working with information flows), act (working with energies), and manifest himself in physical form (working with matter - nutrition). When one or another failure occurs in the flows being passed through, it manifests itself in the form of some kind of disease. For example, medicine has 23 thousand diseases!

Human health is a state when normal, harmonious, informational, energy and material exchange occurs between the human body and nature (environment), between man and society, and the body’s reserve abilities are quite large.

A human disease is a condition in which the normal, harmonious, informational, energy and material exchange between the human body and nature, man and society is disrupted, and the body’s reserve abilities are reduced or insufficient.


Consciousness - an upbeat and joyful mood prevails, there are no strong negative experiences, obsessive thoughts and fatigue, curiosity is developed.

Breathing - a healthy person makes five to seven respiratory cycles (inhalation, exhalation and pauses between them - one respiratory cycle) per minute. (The fewer cycles, the healthier the person.)

Nutrition - satiation with a small amount of natural food, a constant feeling of a slight feeling of hunger (this indicates that the person is not overeating), normal stool after each meal (which means the ideal functioning of the digestive tract).

The skin is clean, smooth, without flaws or unpleasant odor, heat exchange is perfectly regulated.

Immunity - absence of any diseases, rapid healing of wounds, cuts, burns, etc.

Muscles are elastic, hardy, moderately strong (good flexibility of all ligaments and joints), proportionally developed.

In general, a healthy person has good posture, is proportionally built, has a small layer of fat, practically does not get tired, is friendly to others, perceives extreme events soberly, reasonably, without unnecessary emotional overtones.


Any change in the activity of consciousness, breathing, nutrition, skin, immunity, muscles towards deterioration indicates one or another degree of ill health or illness.

Consciousness - depressed mood, frequent strong feelings, obsessive thoughts, constant feeling of fatigue and indifference to life.

Breathing - significantly more than seven respiratory cycles per minute.

Nutrition - saturation with a large amount of thermally processed or unnatural food, lack of hunger, difficult stool or its absence during the day.

Skin - greasy or dry, cracked, with acne, pimples, and an unpleasant odor.

Immunity - the constant presence of any diseases, especially infectious ones, slow healing of wounds, cuts, burns, etc.

Muscles are weak, flaccid, stiff, disproportionately developed.

A sick person, as a rule, has poor posture, is disproportionately built, has excess or lack of fat, gets tired quickly, experiences dissatisfaction or irritation over trifles, any event for him is stress with a strong emotional overtones.


Health work should be carried out comprehensively and harmoniously with all the healing powers of the body at the same time. These healing powers are: consciousness, breathing, nutrition, skin (mainly through hardening, cleansing), immunity (mainly through cleansing, proper nutrition, herbs, hardening) and physical activity.

With the right approach, self-medication goes very quickly - from a week to six months. Remember: self-healing is not a one-time event, but leisurely, thoughtful, regular work throughout a person’s life. The lifestyle is built in such a way that strengthening one’s own health is not a boring task, but becomes a joyful element that colors our everyday life.

How does Malakhov actually treat himself?

Why did I consider it necessary to dwell on the lifestyle of Paul Bragg in a book dedicated to the system of Gennady Malakhov? Only because Gennady Malakhov skillfully hides his lifestyle. And I couldn’t find a description of Gennady Malakhov’s lifestyle in any of his books, but I was surprised to find it in one of the interviews that Malakhov gave to AiF Health.

This interview seems so revealing to me that I want to give it in full. Read and think about his lifestyle and you will find many similarities with the lifestyle of Paul Bragg. So, the interview:

“The famous folk healer Gennady MALAKHOV, whose healing techniques have helped many Russians get rid of serious illnesses, does not like to be in the spotlight. He never advertises for himself, reluctantly agrees to speak to the public in large halls, and rarely meets with journalists. He doesn't have mobile phone, but I can’t get around to installing a home one. Therefore, it is not easy to find it. However, if you set yourself such a task, it can be easily solved.

TO DO THIS, you need to go to the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, in the Rostov region, and walk along any of its quiet, uncrowded streets, asking random passers-by the same question: “Do you know where Malakhov lives?” True, you will have to repeat it 50 times, no less: even in his homeland, the healer does not strive for fame. However, the 51st time you will probably be lucky, and someone will definitely show you the way to the house located on the outskirts of the city.

And here is the owner himself - tall, athletic, calm, good-natured, a little reserved, but easy to get along with. Being next to him, there is an involuntary desire to raise your head high, tighten your stomach, straighten your shoulders and... And you also want to be just like him: self-confident, strong, healthy.

- Gennady Petrovich, how did it happen that health became the work of your life?

Until some time I had nothing to do with medicine. There were no healers or doctors in my family. Since childhood, I was fond of sports, so immediately after the army I entered the Institute of Physical Education and successfully graduated from it. However, already in my youth I started serious problems with health. No matter how many times I consulted doctors, it was all to no avail. And then I decided to try to heal myself.

Since I did not have any purely medical knowledge, first I had to study a lot of specialized literature. At the same time, I tested some techniques on myself.

As a result, I have accumulated, firstly, a huge theoretical baggage, and secondly, personal experience and thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, over the years of painstaking work and tireless work on myself, I got rid of all illnesses.

I used my own money to publish the first book about how I managed to regain my health. I continue to write books about healing to this day, still testing everything stated in them on myself, and also answering numerous letters from those who read these books.

- Why do you think people get sick?

I consider a person as a single system inextricably linked with the environment and outer space, which passes through various energy-information flows every second. If everything goes well and there are no obstacles in the way of these flows, the person is practically healthy. If any disruptions occur in this process, a disease begins to develop in the body.

Well, let's say, it is known that the flow of information passes through human consciousness. Its material representatives in the body are the brain and spinal cord, as well as the nervous system. If a person has any negative traits character or bad habits, which indicates his mental ill-health, this information gradually (for some over 5, for others over 10 or more years) seems to fall from the mental level to the physiological and manifests itself in the form of one or another disease.

To prevent this from happening, you need to eradicate bad habits as soon as possible and treat any information wisely. Don't be offended by someone's bad words. When you learn about something unpleasant, do not become depressed. Do not take sensational news heard on radio or television to heart.

You need to be careful with your thoughts, especially the bad ones. After all, any thought is an information flow sent by us into space, into the Universe. And the Universe is like the surface of a pond. They threw a pebble into the pond from the shore - it started making circles. Where? To the shore. So the sent thought returns from the Universe to the one who sent it. Therefore, do not disturb the Universe with bad thoughts - this will primarily affect your health.

- Is it really possible that in order to be healthy, only one thing is enough: to learn to control your consciousness?

Not only that. My health formula, which I derived by summarizing all the accumulated knowledge and my own experience, is based on six components. The first component is consciousness. Unfortunately, we live in an atmosphere of social tension and injustice. If a person is not protected from this by his consciousness, he begins to break. If a person’s consciousness is at the proper level, then he will always be able to direct his lifestyle, habits, thoughts, feelings, and emotions back to normal.

The second component is breathing. Usually we don't pay attention to breathing. Meanwhile, you can breathe in different ways. Insufficient breathing causes oxygen starvation. On the contrary, excessively strong and frequent breathing leads to spasms and loss of consciousness. If you breathe incorrectly, a person can get sick, as Buteyko claimed, with 156 types of diseases.

The third component is nutrition. But you need to eat, like breathe, correctly. Poor or unbalanced nutrition leads to dystrophy, overeating leads to slagging of the body, abundant proliferation of harmful microorganisms, which entails a lot of all kinds of pathologies - from mild vitamin deficiency to oncology.

The fourth component of health is the skin. The skin is connected to all internal organs. By influencing certain areas of the skin, you can specifically influence the function of certain internal organs. In the same way, the condition of the internal organs is reflected in the condition of the skin. It is no coincidence that it is called the mirror of health.

And finally, the last, sixth component is movement. Thanks to movement, all previous components are activated. Lack of movement not only leads to weakening of muscles, but also causes general weakness and accelerates the aging process.

These components can be called differently: natural healing powers. By skillfully working with them, everyone is, in principle, able to treat, heal and rejuvenate their body on their own - without pills, clinics and hospitals.

- Who, according to your formula, can be called a healthy person?

In a healthy person, natural healing powers are characterized by the following parameters.

Consciousness - a constant predominance of an upbeat and joyful mood, the absence of strong negative experiences, obsessive thoughts and fatigue, curiosity.

Breathing - a healthy person does 5–7 respiratory cycles per minute (one breathing cycle is inhalation, exhalation and a pause between them); The fewer respiratory cycles per minute, the healthier the person.

Nutrition - satiation with a small amount of natural food, a constant feeling of a slight feeling of hunger (this indicates that the person is not overeating), light, sausage-like stools after each meal (this means the ideal functioning of the digestive tract).

The skin is clean, beautiful, without any flaws or unpleasant odors; Heat exchange is perfectly regulated through such skin.

Immunity - the absence of any ailments, painful conditions and obvious symptoms of a particular disease, rapid healing of wounds, cuts, burns.

Movement - elastic, hardy, moderately strong and proportionally developed muscles, good flexibility of all ligaments and joints.

In addition, a healthy person has good posture, is proportionally built, has a small layer of fat, practically does not get tired, is friendly, and in extreme situations behaves soberly, reasonably, without unnecessary emotional stress.

- Where would you advise someone to start who has been sick and sick and finally decided to take up recovery?

For a person embarking on the path of self-healing or already doing so noble cause, you need to understand a simple but important truth: a tangible effect can only be achieved when all the healing forces I have named are used in combination. Many people think: in the spring I will do cleansing procedures, in the summer I will fast, in the fall I will go to gym, and in winter I’ll work on my consciousness - and I’ll be healthy. With this approach to treatment, healing and rejuvenation, nothing will work: the effect will be unstable or will not exist at all.

The most common mistake is that people in self-healing, as well as in life, try to follow the path of least resistance. Instead of switching to proper nutrition, they periodically perform gentle cleansing using enemas or short fasting. Instead of systematically giving their body physical activity, they sometimes, depending on their mood, do morning exercises. Instead of constantly getting rid of such vices as envy, hot temper, arrogance, greed, and other filth, they do it from time to time. This is nothing more than self-deception. But you can’t fool the body.

Let’s say that after 2–3 years of intensive work on oneself in all six areas, a person felt that he was healthy. Is it possible to take a break from a health marathon?

This is the second biggest mistake. Having received good results, a person begins to cut himself some slack in one thing or another. As a result, everything that has been acquired over the years of working on oneself is quickly lost.

Remember: self-healing is not a one-time event. It is a way of life, a way of thinking, a style of behavior. This is hard, thoughtful and regular work that requires patience, willpower and self-discipline. The duration of this work is the entire human life.

I heard that some people, as soon as they start practicing according to your methods, do not experience improvement, but, on the contrary, a sharp deterioration in their health...

This also happens, but there is no need to get scared and quit classes. This is a completely normal reaction of the body, confirming that the process has begun - the body has begun to free itself from the nastiness that has accumulated in it.

For example, during cleansing, a person may experience severe attacks of malaise: migraines, pain in the abdomen, kidneys, bladder, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible allergies and skin rash. Sometimes even boils pop up and blood counts change.

If a person strictly adheres to the recommendations given in my books, then do not let such changes bother him. We must be patient and continue self-healing in full. After some time (this is individual for everyone), a turning point will definitely come and the healing process will begin to gain momentum.

- Gennady Petrovich, what is included in your daily wellness program?

Every morning I do about a 30-minute set of exercises, mainly aimed at increasing the flexibility of the spine and strengthening the back muscles. After that, in any weather, I go out into the yard and breathe for 10 minutes like Strelnikov, taking a quick, energetic breath in through my nose and an equally quick exhalation through my mouth.

Three times a week for about an hour I lift weights. I lift dumbbells - this is a good load on my arms. Then I press a 24 kg weight 10-15 times, doing 3 such approaches. At the end of the classes, I definitely pump my abs on a homemade exercise machine with a load of 35 kg - I do 3-4 approaches, 15 swings each approach. From time to time, on the same machine, I pump up my legs and arms with a load of 50 to 70 kg - 5 approaches, 10 swings each approach.

- How do you eat?

In the morning I don’t have breakfast, I drink only clean water or herbal decoction. I eat once a day, at lunch. As a rule, the wife prepares soup or borscht for the first meal, and porridge or meat with vegetables for the second course. In the evening I try not to eat anything other than some fruit or cheese (I love it very much). I eat very little bread. I drink tea without sugar, replacing it with honey.

In general, I had a terrible sweet tooth. When I switched to a proper nutrition system, my eating habits changed a lot. If before I often allowed myself to enjoy a cake, now it happens mainly on holidays. Moreover, I’ll eat a small piece and I won’t want it anymore.

- If it's not a secret, what kind of cakes do you like?

To be honest, the most harmful to health: those fatty, with butter cream and large bright roses.

- How often do you go hungry?

I have tried all types of fasting on myself. I went hungry for 40, 20, 14, and 7 days. And I came to the conclusion: if a person eats right, there is no need to go on long fasts, because it is still not easy to endure them, and getting out of them requires a lot of willpower so as not to break down and attack food.

Prolonged fasting is useful at the initial stage of healing the body. They help him get rid of all sorts of rubbish, along with which many diseases disappear from the body. If a person, according to the system I proposed or according to some other system, managed to bring his health to a relatively normal state, it is enough to fast only once a week for 24 or 36 hours. At the same time, of course, you need to eat right the rest of the time.

If you get involved in this process, then in addition to improving your health, you will very soon receive another equally important result: your attitude towards life will change. You will feel extraordinary lightness in your body, and in your soul - harmony, peace, and tranquility. In a word, life will be a joy for you. But this is so necessary for each of us...

It is very important that when starting self-healing, a person believes in success. He must give himself the mindset to improve his health. This is the so-called motivation, which depends on the degree of consciousness and development. If you don’t believe in success, you shouldn’t start: there will be no results. You'll just be wasting your time and energy.

Physical recovery must be preceded by spiritual recovery. Bad habits and negative traits character have a bad effect on the body. Try to get rid of them first: don’t be angry, don’t envy, don’t take revenge, don’t judge anyone, don’t be offended yourself and don’t offend others. This is not easy to do. It will take time, persistence, and endurance. But there is no other way. Without peace, harmony and harmony in the soul, it is impossible to achieve full health.

Natalya ROSTOVA»

This article brilliantly confirms what I tried to show using the example of Paul Bragg - the way of life heals first of all.

Look how Gennady Malakhov lives. This is a real example to follow. Quiet town, own estate, 30-minute spinal flexibility training every day, training with weights three times a week, clean water, no overeating. Let's add here the absence of bosses, a favorite job and family comfort. Well, can any diseases remain with such a lifestyle? Of course not. His lifestyle is simply an ideal for every resident of Russia! He probably also goes to the bathhouse 1-2 times a week. What else is needed for good health?!

But all the experiments with his health that Malakhov does in such a comfortable environment will not help at all those who do not have this environment!

Here we see the same mistake as Paul Bragg - he does one thing and attributes the effect to another!

Malakhov does not see what is really healing him, does not understand where recovery comes from. Therefore, as a miracle remedy, he offers either hunger, or urine, or breathing to cleanse the field form... And what is most valuable in his system - his way of life - Malakhov does not seem to consider at all something special. Doesn’t realize that he needs to promote the lifestyle he leads, and not promote fasting or evaporated urine, all healing effect which is explained by an increase in the concentration of steroid hormones in the blood.

I believe that the positive effect of Malakhov’s system on Malakhov himself lies only in his lifestyle, but not in the magical “field form cleansing”, Strelnikov breathing and “urine harmonization”.