Test "Literature Olympiad". Literature Olympiad Knowledge of literary text

Open All-Russian Intellectual Olympiad “Our Heritage”

School tour 2017/18 (grades 5-7)


1. B

A. Login

B. Nickname

V. Synonym

A. Zhitkov B.S.

B. Marshak S.Ya.

V. Nosov N.N.

G. Uspensky E.N.

A. Tale

B. Story

V. Roman

G. Tom

4. Capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:

A. Copenhagen

B. Oslo

V. Stockholm


A. Almanac

B. Atlas

B. Catalog

G. Coloring book

A. “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Chipolino”

B. “Living Hat”, “Dunno on the Moon”, “Deniska’s Stories”

V. “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Mishkina porridge”

A. Aivazovsky I.K.

B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

V. Malevich K.S.

G. Michelangelo B.

was printed...

A. Ivan Kulibin

B. Ivan Fedorov

V. Kuzma Minin

G. Nikolai Karamzin

A. 1

B. 2

V. 3

G. 4

A. Bambi

B. Leader of the Redskins

V. Mowgli

G. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi


1. Six vowels have been dropped from the proverb, restore it:

2. How many quadrilaterals are there in the picture?







4. Fill in the blank cells.

2 29 13 (BY L I N A) 10 15 1

19 12 1 (. . . . . .) 9 12 1

7. Arrange the letters in the boxes so that you get the author and the bird, one of the heroines of his works.




10. Solve the metagram by writing both words in the answer

I am a folk creation

Fun for the kids.

Just replace the letter for me -

In the teacher's hand.


Full name__________________________________________ Class___________________________


Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. The first library is usually referred to as a collection of clay tablets dating back to approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. In one of the tombs near Egyptian Thebes, a box with papyri from the II transition period (XVIII-XVII centuries BC) was discovered. During the New Kingdom era, Ramesses II collected about 20,000 papyri. The most famous ancient Eastern library is a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the Assyrian king of the 7th century BC. e. Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. The main part of the signs contains legal information. IN ancient Greece the first public library was founded in Heraclea by the tyrant Clearchus (IV century BC).

The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. It was created in the 3rd century BC. e. Ptolemy I and was the center of education of the entire Hellenistic world. The Library of Alexandria was part of the mouseĩon (museum) complex. The complex included living rooms, dining rooms, reading rooms, botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory and a library. Later, medical and astronomical instruments, stuffed animals, statues and busts were added and used for teaching. Mouseĩon included 200,000 papyri in the Temple (almost all libraries of antiquity were attached to temples) and 700,000 documents in the School. The museum and most of the Library of Alexandria were destroyed around 270 AD.

In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. During the Renaissance, Renaissance figures literally “hunted” for Greek and Latin texts preserved in monasteries. Due to the enormous cost of manuscripts and the laboriousness of their production, books were chained to library shelves.

The invention of the printing press and the development of book printing brought enormous changes to the appearance and activities of libraries, which were now increasingly different from archives. Library collections are beginning to grow rapidly. With the spread of literacy in modern times, the number of library visitors also increases.

In total, today there are approximately 130 million book titles in libraries.

Text taken from Wikipedia

1. Clay 2. Cuneiform 3. Papyrus 4. Stuffed animals





Workshop for copying manuscripts, mainly in monasteries.





KEYS TO SCHOOL TOUR for grades 5-7


1. B fictitious name with which the author signs the work:

B. Nickname

V. Nosov N.N.

3. Big narrative work of art with complex plot:

V. Roman

Capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:

V. Stockholm

5. An album containing images of various objects (maps, drawings, drawings), serving for educational or practical purposes:

B. Atlas

6. Select the option that shows works written by one author:

G. “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

7. Name of the famous children's book illustrator:

B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

8. The first printed book in Russia “Apostle”, dated 1564,was printed...

B. Ivan Fedorov

9. The works of how many foreign writers are indicated in the presented list: “Wild Swans”, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, “Kashtanka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, “Chuk and Huck” "?

B. 2

10. Based on the quote, determine the title of the work: “- Once you shed your skin, you can’t fit into it again. This is the Law of the Jungle, said Kaa.”

V. Mowgli



2. How many quadrilaterals are there in the picture?


3. What combination of letters is the following?






4. Fill in the blank cells.

5. Insert the missing letter so that you can read the name literary genre. Write this word.

6. Define the word in brackets.

1 28 12 (BY L I N A) 9 14 0

18 11 0 (. . . . . .) 8 11 0

7. Arrange the letters in the boxes so that you get the name of a famous Russian fabulist and one of the heroines of his works.


8. Guess what word is hidden in the picture (isograph):


9. Having solved the rebus, write down the title of the work and indicate its author:


10. Remembering literary terms, solve the metagram by writing both words that consist of 6 letters in your answer.

The first consists of combinations of the second

The first differs from the second by the penultimate letter

The first one has a note at the end

Reading the letters in them in order 5432, we will see in the first strengthening,

and in the second there is a sports ground.


Full name__________________________________________ Class___________________________


The reigns of Emperors Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II are the “golden years” of charity and mercy. At this time, a whole system of guardianship begins to take shape. Among the representatives of the reigning House of Romanov there were real devotees of charity and mercy: Empresses Maria Alexandrovna, Alexandra Feodorovna, Maria Feodorovna (mother of Nicholas II), Grand Duchesses Elizaveta Feodorovna (now the holy martyr Elizabeth), Alexandra Petrovna (now the holy nun Anastasia of Kiev), a close relative of the imperial family, Prince Peter of Oldenburg - trustee of the Kiev Home for the Poor, patron of the Eye Hospital. Many members of the House of Romanov used their own funds to build charitable institutions, shelters and almshouses, and actively patronized charitable institutions.

The tradition of Russian charity was broken by the 1917 revolution. All funds of public and private charitable organizations were quickly nationalized, their property was transferred to the state, and the organizations themselves were abolished by special decrees.

The “Our Heritage” Olympics cooperates with the Orthodox aid service “Mercy”.

27 service projects located in different parts Moscow, and some programs extend throughout the country. The “Mercy” service is a single organism, a single service for helping the most disadvantaged: lonely old people, disabled people, pregnant women who find themselves without a roof over their heads, orphans, homeless people, HIV-infected people.

One of the key features of the “Mercy” service is the presence of its own infrastructure, thanks to which it provides comprehensive, professional and long-term assistance to permanent wards. St. Sophia Social House, Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Elizavetinsky orphanage, St. Spyridonievskaya almshouse, “House for Mom” and many other projects are non-governmental non-profit institutions that are part of the “Mercy” service.

80% of the “Mercy” service exists on donations, so the fate of everyone whom the service helps depends on how regularly funds are received from philanthropists. The "Mercy" service has about 400 permanent clients - those whom the "Mercy" employees take care of from year to year. These are orphans raised in orphanages and state boarding schools, lonely old people in an almshouse, disabled adults in a psychoneurological boarding school and others. In just one year, the Mercy service helps more than 20,000 people in need.

It would be great if at least once a year each participant in our Olympiad consciously refuses, for example, from buying ice cream and transfers these funds to support one of the Mercy services.https://miloserdie.help/projects/ .

Together we can do a lot of good.

1. Fill out the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point for matching):

1. Almshouse 2. Monasticism 3. Ophthalmology 4. Home





2. Identify the word by description (2 points):

___________________________ - transfer to state ownership of land, industrial enterprises, banks, transport or other property owned by private individuals.

3. Fill out the table (2 points for correct completion. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):


1. Make words from the letters of the word


according to the number of letters specified in the previous cell. Words must only be nouns, common nouns, in the singular.


Maximum 10 points for each task. Maximum 40 points for the work. Time to write a paper: 30 minutes


1 . In 1868, the famous magazine “Domestic Notes” began to be edited by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G.Z. Eliseev and Russian poet, writer and publicist, author of the poems “Frost, Red Nose”, “Russian Women”, the poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”. Name it:

B. Nekrasov N.A.

2. In 1868, Samarkand was occupied by Russian troops and annexed to Russian Empire, and became the center of the Zeravshan district, transformed in 1887 into the Samarkand region. On the territory of which modern state is Samarkand located?

G. Uzbekistan

3. Russian ethnographer, anthropologist, biologist and traveler who studied the indigenous populations of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, including the Papuans of the northeastern coast of New Guinea:

V. Miklouho-Maclay N. N.

4. What nickname did Emperor Alexander III receive from his contemporaries?

B. Peacemaker

5. In 1880, a monument was erected in Moscow, created with public donations by the sculptor A.M. Opekushin. To whom is the monument dedicated, to which “the people’s path will not be overgrown”?

G. Pushkin A.S.

6. What name did Nicholas II’s wife, née Princess Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, take when she joined Orthodoxy?

A. Alexandra Fedorovna

7. How many children were there in the family of Nicholas II?

G. four girls and a boy

8. During what war did the crossing of the Danube, the siege of Plevna, the defense of Shipka, and the battle of Sheinovo take place?

V. Russian-Turkish

9. From the list provided, select a discovery that was made at the end of the 19th century:

B. Mendeleev’s periodic table of chemical elements

10. Select a list that lists works that appeared in the second half of the 19th century:

G. Epic novel “War and Peace”, painting “Bogatyrs”, monument “Millennium of Russia”


1. Book - key To knowledge
Another option: “Books are the key to knowledge”

2. 22

3. IBLIBAOTEC (the first and last letters are moved one letter towards each other)

In the first cell - the product of the numbers in the two previous cells, in the second - the sum of the same numbers.





9. Ruslan and Lyudmila, Pushkin



1. Fill out the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point for matching):

1. Almshouse 2. Monasticism 3. Ophthalmology 4. Home





2. Identify the word by description (2 points):

NATIONALIZATION - transfer to state ownership of land, industrial enterprises, banks, transport or other property owned by private individuals.

3. Fill out the table (2 points for correct completion. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):












































KEYS TO SCHOOL TOUR for grades 5-7
Maximum 10 points for each task. Maximum 40 points for the work. Time to write a paper: 30 minutes

3. Large narrative work of fiction with a complex plot:
V. Roman

Capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:
V. Stockholm

5. An album containing images of various objects (maps, drawings, drawings), serving for educational or practical purposes:
B. Atlas

6. Select the option that shows works written by one author:
G. “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

7. Name of the famous children's book illustrator:
B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

8. The first printed book in Russia, “The Apostle,” dated 1564, was printed
B. Ivan Fedorov

9. The works of how many foreign writers are indicated in the presented list: “Wild Swans”, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, “Kashtanka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, “Chuk and Huck” "?
B. 2

10. Based on the quote, determine the title of the work: “- Once you shed your skin, you can’t fit into it again. This is the Law of the Jungle, said Kaa.”
V. Mowgli

1. [Download the file to view the link] [Download the file to view the link] to [Download the file to view the link]or: “Books are the key to knowledge”
2. 22
3. IBLIBAOTEC (the first and last letters are moved one letter towards each other)


In the first cell is the product of the numbers in the two previous cells, in the second the sum of the same numbers.
9. Ruslan and Lyudmila, Pushkin


1. Fill out the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point for matching):

1. Clay 2. Cuneiform 3. Papyrus 4. Stuffed animals



2. Identify the word by description (2 points):

SCRIPTTORY workshop for copying manuscripts, mainly in monasteries.

3. Fill out the table (2 points for correct completion. Words must be in the correct case and written without errors):
3.1. IN WHAT CENTURY was the Library of Alexandria destroyed?

3.2. Precisely write down the name of the ruler who founded the first public library in ancient Greece.

Points for questions 3.1 and 3.2 can only be obtained if the century is indicated (in a word, not necessarily in a number), if the year is indicated incorrectly. The name Clearchus must be written without errors in the nominative case (with 1 spelling error or wrong case, 1 point for question 3.2)






B. Nickname

V. Synonym

A. Zhitkov B.S.

B. Marshak S.Ya.

V. Nosov N.N.

G. Uspensky E.N.

3. Large narrative work of fiction with a complex plot:

A. Tale

B. Story

4. Capital of Sweden. The famous writer Astrid Lindgren lived in this city:

A. Copenhagen

V. Stockholm


5. An album containing images of various objects (maps, drawings, drawings), serving for educational or practical purposes:

A. Almanac

B. Catalog

G. Coloring book

6. Select the option that shows works written by one author:

A. “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Chipolino”

B. “Living Hat”, “Dunno on the Moon”, “Deniska’s Stories”

V. “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Mishkina porridge”

G. “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”

7. Name of the famous children's book illustrator:

A. Aivazovsky I.K.

B. Vasnetsov Yu.A.

V. Malevich K.S.

G. Michelangelo B.

8. The first printed book in Russia, “The Apostle,” dated 1564, was printed...

A. Ivan Kulibin

B. Ivan Fedorov

V. Kuzma Minin

G. Nikolai Karamzin

The works of how many foreign writers are indicated in the presented list: “Wild Swans”, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, “Kashtanka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof”, “Chuk and Huck”?

Based on the quote, determine the title of the work: “Once you shed your skin, you can’t fit back into it. This is the Law of the Jungle, said Kaa.”

B. Leader of the Redskins

V. Mowgli

G. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi


1. Six vowels have been dropped from the proverb, restore it:

Kng - klch to znn


How many quadrilaterals are there in the picture?


What combination of letters is the following?






Fill in the empty cells.

Define the word in brackets.

2 29 13 (BY L I N A) 10 15 1

19 12 1 (. . . . . .) 9 12 1

Arrange the letters in the boxes so that you get the author and the bird, one of the heroines of his works.


8. Guess what word is hidden in the picture (isograph):


9. Having solved the rebus, write down the title of the work and indicate its author:


Solve the metagram by writing both words in your answer.

I am a folk creation

Fun for the kids.

Just replace the letter for me -

In the teacher's hand.


Full name__________________________________________ Class___________________________


Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. The first library is usually referred to as a collection of clay tablets dating back to approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. In one of the tombs near Egyptian Thebes, a box with papyri from the II transition period (XVIII-XVII centuries BC) was discovered. During the New Kingdom era, Ramesses II collected about 20,000 papyri. The most famous ancient Eastern library is a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the Assyrian king of the 7th century BC. e. Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. The main part of the signs contains legal information. In ancient Greece, the first public library was founded in Heraclea by the tyrant Clearchus (IV century BC).

The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. It was created in the 3rd century BC. e. Ptolemy I and was the center of education of the entire Hellenistic world. The Library of Alexandria was part of the mouseĩon (museum) complex. The complex included living rooms, dining rooms, reading rooms, botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory and a library. Later, medical and astronomical instruments, stuffed animals, statues and busts were added and used for teaching. Mouseĩon included 200,000 papyri in the Temple (almost all libraries of antiquity were attached to temples) and 700,000 documents in the School. The museum and most of the Library of Alexandria were destroyed around 270 AD.

In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. During the Renaissance, Renaissance figures literally “hunted” for Greek and Latin texts preserved in monasteries. Due to the enormous cost of manuscripts and the laboriousness of their production, books were chained to library shelves.

The invention of the printing press and the development of book printing brought enormous changes to the appearance and activities of libraries, which were now increasingly different from archives. Library collections are beginning to grow rapidly. With the spread of literacy in modern times, the number of library visitors also increases.

In total, today there are approximately 130 million book titles in libraries.

Text taken from Wikipedia

1. Fill out the table. Under each word, write down the corresponding word or its number from the list (1 point for matching):

Clay 2. Cuneiform 3. Papyrus 4. Stuffed animals


1. Make words from the letters of the word


according to the number of letters specified in the previous cell. Words must only be nouns, common nouns, in the singular.


Option No. 747190

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers. Write your answers without spaces, commas or other additional characters. For tasks 8-9, give a coherent answer in 5-10 sentences. When completing task 9, select two works of different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is acceptable to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Performing tasks 10-14 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers. When completing task 15-16, rely on author's position, if necessary, state your point of view. Justify your answer based on the text of the work. When completing task 16, select two works of different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

For task 17, give a detailed, reasoned answer in the genre of an essay of at least 200 words (an essay of less than 150 words is scored zero points). Analyze literary work, relying on the author’s position, drawing on the necessary theoretical and literary concepts. When giving an answer, follow the norms of speech.

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Indicate the genre to which N.V. Gogol’s work “The Overcoat” belongs.

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


This part of the work introduces the reader to the scene of action and the main character. What is the name of this element of composition?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic essay, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


Part of the above fragment is occupied by a description of the appearance of the main character. What is this character characterization tool called?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


Match the three characters in “The Overcoat” with the quotes that relate to them. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Write your answer in numbers in the table.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


In your answer, list the numbers of the correct options in the appropriate order, without spaces or commas.

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


In the author's reasoning that opens the narrative, there is hidden mockery. What is this type of comic called?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


Name a literary movement that flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose principles were embodied in Gogol’s “The Overcoat”.

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”


What characteristic features of Gogol’s prose are present in the above fragment of “The Overcoat”?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”

In which works of Russian literature is “ little man"and how these works can be compared with N.V. Gogol’s “The Overcoat.”

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

In the department... but it’s better not to say in which department. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. They say that quite recently a request was received from one police captain, I don’t remember any city, in which he clearly states that state regulations are being destroyed and that his sacred name is being pronounced in vain. And as proof, he attached to the request a huge volume of some romantic work, where every ten pages the police captain appears, sometimes even completely drunk. So, in order to avoid any troubles, it is better to call the department in question one department. So, one official served in one department; the official cannot be said to be very remarkable, of short stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat blind in appearance, with a small bald spot on his forehead, with wrinkles on both sides of the cheeks and a complexion that is called hemorrhoidal. What to do! The St. Petersburg climate is to blame. As for the rank (for with us, first of all, it is necessary to declare the rank), he was what is called an eternal titular councilor, over whom, as you know, various writers mocked and made jokes, having the commendable habit of leaning on those who cannot bite . The official's last name was Bashmachkin. Already from the name itself it is clear that it once came from a shoe; but when, at what time and how it came from the shoe, none of this is known. And father, and grandfather, and even brother-in-law, and all completely Bashmachkin, walked in boots, changing the soles only three times a year. His name was Akaki Akakievich. Perhaps it will seem somewhat strange and searched out to the reader, but we can assure that they were not looking for it in any way, but that such circumstances happened of their own accord that it was impossible to give another name...

N. V. Gogol “The Overcoat”

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The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

What is the name of the type of poetry that reveals the most general, fundamental problems of existence?

M. Yu. Lermontov, 1831


The poem is based on the contrast of images of earth and sky. What is this technique called?

Read below lyrical work and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.

M. Yu. Lermontov, 1831


What is the name of the rhyme used in all stanzas of the poem?