How old is Vladislav Ram now? Ex-soloist of MBAND Vladislav Ramm and his musical career

Being one of the most prominent members of the boy group MBAND, Vlad Ramm, of course, enjoyed wild popularity among the girl audience. However, it seems that the artist does not have long to break the hearts of the fair half of humanity from the stage, since, judging by the news feed of the first half of November, he will no longer sing as part of the popular group. It is unknown what exactly Vlad Ramm did that aroused the wrath of the band’s all-powerful producer Konstantin Meladze, but he is absolutely adamant in his decision to no longer allow the guy on stage. Be that as it may, it is difficult not to recognize the fact that in addition to his beauty and brightness, this participant was also the most scandalous in the group. What is the story worth? wife of Vlad Ramm Veronica abandoned by him for the sake of the stage?

This story is still actively discussed on social networks by fans of the artist. Of course, many do not want to believe that their idol is capable of such meanness as leaving his pregnant wife, and even in public. However, there are also those who in every possible way confirm the reliability of all the facts. Apparently, the recognition of Vlad Ramm himself, made literally at the beginning of the year in a long interview, is not enough for them. Judging by the young age of the member of the popular group, this marriage was concluded as a result of ardent youthful love. Most likely, not only Vladislav Ramm, but also his newly-made wife were not too ready for family life, so it is not surprising that their union broke up. In this situation, what is more alarming is the fact that the decision to separate was made by the unfaithful husband already during the “I want to see Meladze” project, which clearly speaks of self-PR. In principle, Vlad Ramm himself does not deny that in this matter he played a little for the public.

By the way, such a PR move added popularity not only to the member of the boy group, but also to his ex-wife, who has since become an incredibly popular person on social networks. How could it be otherwise? After all, now all the fans of Vlad Ramm are looking for her friendship or at least communication, in whose heads suspicions have matured about the truth of the existence of the performer’s wife. By the way, the pregnancy of the singer’s ex-wife was also resolved very successfully - the girl gave birth to a beautiful daughter, named rare name Nicole. Unfortunately, Vlad Ramm is no longer interested in either the baby or her mother. To be completely objective, it is worth adding that Veronica herself, when asked if she still has any feelings towards the idol of millions of girls, replies that she does not love either him or the group MBAND, in which he performed until recently her ex-husband.

According to friends of Vladislav Ramm, rumors about his close relationships with men were spread by an offended woman

According to friends of Vladislav Ramm, rumors about his close relationships with men were spread by an offended woman

Before the boy group “MBAND,” created as part of the NTV project “I Want to Meladze,” had time to celebrate its first anniversary, news spread about the departure of one of its four soloists, 20-year-old Vladislav RAMMA. He himself announced on Instagram that he had decided to start a solo career. However, the group's producer Konstantin MELADZE said on Love Radio that Ramm was fired for professional incompetence and would not be able to work independently on stage until the end of the contract concluded until 2021. In music circles, other versions of what happened were also expressed - more intricate and scandalous.

- Fans have long noticed a very ambiguous relationship Vlada Ramma with the youngest lead singer of the group - 17 years old Nikita Kiosse, - said Mara Belyak, member of the online community dedicated to “MBAND”. - Many people had the impression that they were not just friends, but lovers. Of course, the guys clearly didn’t show it. But by their looks, gestures... And when it became known that Vlad had left MBAND, assumptions immediately arose that this was the reason for his dismissal. “Ramm burned their relationship with Kiosse, and hit him in the ass with a stirrer,” fans wrote. - Meladze there is no need for a fuss that the boys in his group are gay.”

True, it is not entirely clear why one was kicked out and the other was left. After all, you could just ask them not to show anything unnecessary in public. The two-faced behavior of Kiosse, who, along with other members of “MBAND”, hastened to accuse Ramm of betrayal, is also incomprehensible. How could he renounce a person so quickly, when just recently he hugged him in a completely unbrotherly way, stood up for him in different situations and told him how he loved him and how they lived together with his friend Vlad Andrey Vitvitsky?!

“Yes, after the project, Vladislav and Nikita really stayed with me,” confirmed Vitvitsky, a participant in the shows “I want to go to Meladze” and “Dom-2”. - The guys are not Muscovites. They have not yet acquired their own housing in the capital. Then Kostya helped them rent an apartment. They couldn't take the first one they came across. They needed something good. And while they were looking for a suitable option, I gave them shelter. But Vlad and Nikita have no other relationship except purely friendly and working ones. Everything else that is said about them is unsubstantiated Internet rumors. The guys are completely normal, traditional. Meladze, who already had a sad experience with one of the soloists of the BiS group, selected them precisely on this principle.

Nikita is generally a schoolboy. He hasn't had a serious relationship with anyone yet. And Vlad is dating Misha Romanova from the new composition of the group " VIA Gra" This is not PR at all. Everything is for real with them. Vlad also has a child - daughter Nicole. With the baby's mother - Veronica Generalova- He recently broke up. The love just passed. Maybe she is now spreading rumors about his relationships with men? An offended woman always says that she was abandoned not because she is somehow different, but because the man is not like that.

As far as I know, Vladislav made the decision to leave the group himself. You see, all the participants in “MBAND” have complex characters. Everyone is actually trying to pull the blanket over themselves. It’s just that someone continues to play a game called “We’re such cool guys, we’re all together.” And Vlad had the courage to openly declare his ambitions.

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As for Meladze’s words about professional incompetence... It seems to me that Kostya simply did not want to let him go, got angry and gave out such information. Personally, I’m on Vlad’s side, regardless of whether he’s right or wrong. In my opinion, he is quite professional. And he has a great future.

If Ramm does not work at MBAND, this is probably the right decision,” he shared his thoughts Vyacheslav Basyul, who also participated in the “I want to go to Meladze” program. - I think Kostya doesn’t make wrong decisions. I am not aware of the personal relationships of the MBAND members. As they say, I didn’t hold a candle. But, as far as I know Ranma from the project, he is a rather headstrong person and allows himself too much. Even during the project, Ramm was constantly late everywhere. Which, in my opinion, is unacceptable. And if Vlad didn’t like something, he immediately got offended and struck a pose. There was such a thing that he almost got into a fight when they started teasing him about his relationship with Kiosse. But then the conflict was quickly resolved. Most likely, all this bothered Kostya. And probably the guys too.

At the same time, Ramm’s departure is a good news opportunity before the release of the film with the participation of “MBAND” and their large tour of Russia. The fans are now crying and cutting their wrists. The thought even crossed my mind that this whole story about leaving was deliberately invented to create a stir. Well, what's the point of Rammu leaving the group when there are such big events ahead?! Perhaps this is only temporary, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow everything will return to normal.

“You are snatching absolutely mind-blowing versions from somewhere out of the moon, I don’t even know how to comment on them,” the “MBAND” PR agent threw up his hands. Denis Orlov. - That Ranma was kicked out of the group because of his love for Kyosse is absolute nonsense! I have never heard anything more crazy. Everyone who knows Vlad and Nikita knows that they have been in a relationship for a long time. But not with each other. And Vlad was DISMISSED from working at MBAND for professional incompetence. We communicated this briefly and clearly. Of course, he did not suddenly become unsuitable for his profession. Why did Meladze take him into the group? Unfortunately, it is impossible to recruit everyone perfectly at once. Everyone has the right to make mistakes.

Favorite quote from Vladislav Ramm:

“Only in difficult moments do you see who your true friend is.”

A former member of a popular group, who left the group with a scandal, met such people along the way. The singer found support both in his work and, as fans hope, in his personal life. Going on a solo voyage, Ramm proved that he has an inner core, clearly knows where he is going, and at the same time remains an open and sincere guy.

Childhood and youth

Vladislav Ramm was born on September 17, 1995 in Kemerovo. In the family, the father was involved in raising and shaping the boy’s character, thanks to whom Vladislav, in his words, comprehended truly masculine concepts of life. Ramm considers his father best friend and respects you endlessly.

The boy inherited his love for music from his mother, who worked as a musical theater artist. ABOUT early life Little is known about the guy: since childhood, Vlad has strived for fame and was seriously interested in music. The boy chose his life goal - to become a musician and tried in every possible way to achieve it.

At first the guy studied at music school playing the piano, studying musical literacy. Later he studied vocals at private courses.

After school, Vladislav followed in his mother's footsteps and entered the Moscow Theater College, cherishing the dream of becoming an artist. Studying was easy for the guy, he moved to a dormitory, fun company students educational institution. But in his 1st year, Ramm decided to leave college because he could no longer be around the girl who broke his heart.


Vladislav Ramm began his musical career by participating in a television project. On April 30, 2014, the famous composer and producer announced the start of casting for the reality show “I Want to Meladze.” Based on the results of the program, it was planned to create a male pop group from the finalists. This project became a chance for Vladislav to get into the music industry.

Vladislav Ramm in the show “I want to see Meladze”

On September 13, 2014, Ramm made his debut performance on television. The guy decided to amaze the audience and the judges with an unusual act: he came down from the roof of the filming hall with a bunch of balloons and a bouquet of flowers.

The feat was noticed and appreciated by the judges of the competition, in particular, the ex-soloist let the young performer onto the stage without a queue. It was simply impossible not to notice and remember the handsome handsome man (Vlad’s height is 194 cm, weight –76 kg) with his torso covered in tattoos.

Subsequently, the attention of the audience was focused on the person of Vladislav Ramm due to information about his status as a married man. The 18-year-old performer told the audience that he was married to a Muscovite named Veronica. The girl came to the shooting several times to support her husband.

Vladislav Ramm in the reality show “I want to go to Meladze”

During the project, the singer managed to be on the team, and then moved to the group, while the rest of the members of his team left the show. As a result, Vladislav became one of the winners of the competition, having the opportunity to be part of the new team “MBand” together with, and.

On November 24, 2014, the MBand group released their first single, “She Will Return.” A month later, a video of the same name appeared on the screens. The team made its debut at the "Big Love Show 2015" concert, dedicated to the Day to all lovers in February 2015. Subsequently, the team became the owner of the title “Discovery of the Year” and “Favorite Artist of the Year”.

Vladislav Ramm and the group “MBand”

In June 2015, the start of filming of the reality show “One Day with MBand” for the STS Love TV channel was announced. As part of the program, four band members spent time with 8 fans who were selected during a large-scale casting in Russia.

The singer also managed to make his film debut. Ramm played one of the main roles in the comedy “Fix It All.”

Group "MBand" - "She will return"

However, Ramm did not stay with MBand for long. The artist had a conflict with Meladze. At the end of 2015, the performer left the group. According to the producer, the guy was fired from the team for incompetence. Ramm, on the contrary, claimed that he left the group himself and that it was his personal initiative. The reason for leaving was the desire to pursue a solo career.

“I want to develop, be creative and be an independent artist. I, like any man, must establish myself in this life, self-realize.”

In parting, the singer thanked him via "Instagram" other participants and the producer, who “gave him a ticket to this interesting world.”

The producer himself immediately complained in a radio interview that people like Ramm should not work in a team and generally appear on stage. Meladze also stated that his decision to fire Ramm was not his own and that other members of the group breathed a sigh of relief. Colleagues allegedly tolerated the performer’s lateness and other misconduct for a long time. As a result, “classmates” attributed everything to star fever that overtook the young guy.

Vladislav Ramm explained his departure from the group

The decision was also not hasty, just a statement from the performer through social media came as a surprise to his fans and fans of the group. One way or another, Ramm promised the fans he would return. And he did it a year later, although Konstantin Meladze threatened to leave the performer without a stage until 2021, while the artist was bound by a contract with him.

Meladze perceived Vladislav’s intentions to gain creative freedom in court with a grin. In the absence human qualities and talent, no court will help you become a star, the producer said. hastened to dispel rumors that he allegedly lent a friendly shoulder to the “disgraced boy.” According to him, he also did not offer Ramm help.

At the end of 2016, to the delight of numerous fans, Vladislav Ramm presented his debut solo album entitled “#First”. In January 2017, the album was pre-ordered and the track “Influence” was presented on iTunes and Google Play.

In the first days of release, the song hit the top charts on iTunes. After the album's premiere, it also topped the iTunes top chart, and a few days later, it topped Google Play. Among the new songs are not only “Influence,” but also the popular “Morning” and “I Will Sound.”

Vladislav Ramm - “Influence”

The young performer also has music videos in his arsenal. While performing in the group, videos were shot for the songs “She’ll Come Back” and “Look at Me.”

Personal life

As befits a member of a male pop group whose target audience is women, Vladislav Ramm’s personal life is filled with rumors and scandalous details. Before participating in the “I Want to Meladze” project, the guy dated Muscovite Veronica Generalova. During the show, he stated that he was married, but no details about the wedding were known.

At the end of the show, Ramm suddenly announced a divorce. In an interview with the magazine "Viva!" the artist later admitted that he made such a decision even before participating in the project, but decided to maintain the intrigue until the end of the program.

On the set, Vladislav Ramm fell in love with a ballet dancer, with whom he began an affair. For further development The audience followed the events with special care, which greatly fueled interest in the person of the young performer. At the finale of the show, Ramm appeared in front of the cameras with Veronica and admitted that he cheated on her on the project, so they were forced to break up. The girl responded by announcing she was pregnant.

Some sided with the abandoned wife, but most of the artist’s fans were only happy with Ramm’s newfound freedom. His relationship with the dancer did not work out; after the end of the project, their paths diverged, and in an interview the guy said that he did not count on a serious and long-term relationship. December 2, 2014 ex-wife Ranma, Veronica, gave birth to a daughter, Nicole.

In March 2015, rumors appeared in the press about Ramm's affair with a member of the VIA Gra group. The young people attended festivals together and vacationed in Thailand, the artist posted common photos on his Instagram page. However, Vladislav himself claimed that he liked to spend time with the girl in a friendly atmosphere. One way or another, after Ramm left the group, the young people broke up.

Vladislav Ramm now

In 2017 in creative biography Vladislav took a new turn. Ranma undertook to produce. The singer is friends with Yana’s older children, and not only this fact pushed the woman to cooperate. Rudkovskaya liked the performer’s voice, sincerity and desire to satisfy the needs of young listeners, even if there was something she didn’t like. In addition, Vlad wrote 2 songs for, which were successfully sold on iTunes.

Yana is confident that joint projects with Ramm will receive the same recognition as in the case of Bilan. The producer gave an angry rebuke to spiteful critics who wrote unflattering comments on social networks, allegedly everything will come back like a boomerang.

The first product of the new tandem was the song “Enough Spirit,” and at the “New Wave” competition Vladislav performed the composition “Neither You nor Me.” Both works were recorded together with Yana’s son, Nikolai Baturin. The young man took the creative name Kolyas. Rudkovskaya herself played the role of the good fairy in the “Ya-Na” video.

Vlad Ramm ft. Kolyas - “Neither you nor me”

The model, Ramm’s current passion, starred in the “Neither You nor Me” video. The beauty, similar to, previously dated a player of the Russian national football team. Vladislav is mentally ready for family life, but there are serious goals ahead, and work comes first.

“I have a lot of useful things to do, first of all for my family!”

When journalists inquired about Rudkovskaya’s relationship with the production center Velvet Music, which now owns the rights to Vladislav, Yana replied that she was ready for dialogue. Termination of the contract with the previous team is a formality, and new songs are its property.

In 2018, Vladislav’s album entitled “Lu4she” was released. The genre of songs is from “clubby” to soul. One track was recorded in collaboration with Vadim Shirshov, performing under the pseudonym Valium. Ramm admitted that he does not get hung up on the fashionability or unfashionability of a particular style, he loves music in all its diversity, but is aware that the public prefers dance tracks. However, according to the inner feeling of the musician, “a thick beat at a medium tempo” is closer.

Vladislav Ramm - “Lu4she” (premiere 2018)

On the Internet, fans of Vladislav Ramm have created an original community. Its members call themselves “rammers.” In addition to discussing the singer’s work, before the New Year, participants hold an action - the exchange of small souvenirs, not virtual, but the most tangible: “rummers” send notepads, chocolates, postcards and other pleasant little things by mail. The main thing is not the gift, but the attention. The same exchange took place ahead of 2019.


As part of "MBAND"

  • 2014 – “She’ll be back” (single)
  • 2015 – “Look at me” (single)

Solo albums

  • 2016 - “#First”
  • 2018 – “Lu4she”

Vladislav Ramm burst into domestic show business by descending from the roof of a building on a bunch of balloons. So the young man appeared at the casting of the show “I want to see Meladze” and immediately aroused great interest in his person.

Vladislav Ramm: biography

Despite his stellar popularity, about the singer's life before creative career little is known. Here are a few facts from the guy’s personal life. He was born in Kemerovo on September 17, 1995. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming a singer, attended a music school and studied vocals. At the time of Meladze’s participation in the project, the guy had already completed his studies at the local Lyceum No. 89; according to some sources, he did not graduate. Vladislav Ramm was also married. More precisely, he came to the show in the status of a “unfree guy,” but the singer’s future career put everything in its place.

An interesting fact is that Vladislav Ramm, real name whom Ivanov has already become a father, his ex gave birth to his daughter Nicole. The media does not know whether the singer communicates with his ex-wife and daughter.

Debut in show business

Since childhood, Vladislav Ramm, whose biography after arriving in the capital began to interest a huge number of his fans, dreamed of a “star” career as a pop performer. There is information that the young man even tried himself in several musical projects, but without success.

The fact that the guy was seriously aimed at the musical Olympus is evidenced by the change of his last name at the age of 18; before that he was Ivanov. About the show “I want to Meladze” and the search for new artists for teenage music men's project The guy heard it quite by accident, on radio “Chanson”. Without thinking twice, he decided to try his luck and set off to conquer the capital.

Vladislav Ramm appeared in the show very impressively, which immediately made him a favorite among other participants. He descended onto the site with a bunch of balloons and a bouquet of roses. He dedicated this gesture to the casting host Vera Brezhneva. After the first selections and getting to know the participants more closely, it turned out that the young man was married, and this became “his thing” on the project.

Moreover, initially he told his friends that his significant other fully supported him. But as it turned out, Vlad could not remain faithful to Veronica and during the project he cheated on her with one of the dancers. The real thing played out right on the show family drama. Veronica came to the project and admitted to Vlad that she was pregnant, but this did not stop him from breaking up with his former lover.

Work at MBAND

After three months of personal and group castings, Konstantin Meladze decided on the composition of the members of the new team; they were Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse, Anatoly Tsoi and Artem Pindyura.

On November 22, 2014, the creation of a new team MBAND under the leadership of Konstantin Meladze was officially announced. The guys signed a contract with the producer until 2021. A busy schedule of concerts and studio work immediately began. Rehearsals gave way to filming, and so on day after day.

It turned out that the singer's job is not only about a sweet voice and pretty appearance. The main component is enormous efficiency. Over the course of the year, the guys released several videos and became the group of the year, and then rumors spread in the press about the difficult relationships between the members within the group. And they were connected precisely with the extraordinary Vladislav. The denouement did not take long to arrive.

Scandalous departure from the group

On the eve of the band's first anniversary, information appeared on Ramm's Instagram page that he was leaving the band and going “on a solo voyage.” A few days later, comments were received from the group’s producer, who stated that Vladislav Ramm was fired from the team due to professional incompetence.

The guy will not start a solo career, since he has a contract with the Meladze production center until 2021. Vladislav Ramm, whose photos now appear quite often in the press, stated that it was he who initiated leaving the team, no one fired him.

An interesting fact is that Ramm’s former colleagues are not eager to communicate with their friend, much less resume work with the guy. There are rumors that Vlad was overtaken by “star fever”. He simply ignored the work process, showing absolute disrespect for his colleagues.

Ramm himself in an interview talks about his enormous affection for his colleagues and gratitude to Konstantin Meladze. Despite such frank statements, the guy is confident that he will be able to challenge the contract with the production center in court.

Vladislav Ramm and his solo project

Information has appeared in the media that the guy wants to start a solo career without the support of a producer, but some famous people in the capital's show business have already approached him. Vladislav talks about contacts with Igor Matvienko, but he himself does not want to cooperate with any of the producers, considering this to be wrong.

On the way to solo career Ramm has some obstacles, namely the current contract. The guy hopes to have it terminated in court if the problem cannot be resolved “amicably.”

Meladze himself has already declared the absolute unprofessionalism of his former ward and the absence of any moral principles and normal human qualities. Konstantin was also supported by his wife Vera Brezhneva. The producer has already stated that going to court will not help Ramm terminate his contract, much less become a successful singer.

Many of you know this name - Vladislav Ramm. And today we’ll talk about whether VKontakte has it real page. Well, for those who don’t know, we’ll also tell you what kind of person he is. We are publishing for you, dear friends, his short biography.

Believe me, no matter who you are, you will be very interested in reading about how exactly this person became famous.

The guy amazed the audience of the TV project “I want to go to Meladze” with his singing. But, let's tell you about his Path in order. From start to finish. And immediately after this we will talk about whether the real Vladislav Ramm is registered in VKontakte.

Brief biography

  • Little Vladislav was born in September 1995. Not so long ago, as you can see. He was raised by his father. And despite his somewhat feminine appearance and habits, Vladislav himself says that his father strengthened his character and taught him the wisdom of men. It is not clear, however, how this is expressed in his life. However, he respects his father immensely, which is very commendable.
  • But his mother instilled in him a love of music. She worked in musical theater. So, I was always close to the beautiful. In fact, not much is known about the guy’s childhood. We only know that from a very young age he dreamed of becoming famous. And now, today his dreams have partially come true.
  • Vladislav studied piano at a music school and also studied vocals, but a little later in private courses.
  • Immediately after graduating from school, Vladislav entered a theater college located in Moscow. According to the guy, studying was very easy for him, without stress.
  • The guy began his musical career with the television show “I want to go to Meladze.” The project started last spring. During the filming of this pop project, Vladislav managed to be in a team with Timati, and then with Sergei Lazarev. He eventually became a member of a boy band called "MBAND". By the way, together with, which we have already written about on our website.
  • As for Ramm’s personal life, it is filled with rumors and speculation among ordinary people. He himself stated that he was married to a girl named Veronica. She, by the way, came to root for him on the show “I want to go to Meladze.” However, a little later the guy announced a divorce. In general, as soon as he became more or less famous, he immediately didn’t need his ex-wife (and even a pregnant one). And they needed a ballet dancer, with whom an eighteen-year-old guy fell in love and with whom he had already slept (we hope that at least she is not pregnant from him).

Singer and social network

We hasten to please the fans of this guy! After all, he is registered on the social network Vk. So, Vladislav Ramm VKontakte (real page):

Vladislav, at the time of writing this article, has more than 145 thousand subscribers and exactly 166 friends. Among them are probably those whom he knows personally, so don’t even hope to get on this list of friends. But subscribers are always welcome!

On the singer’s page you will find 247 photographs, which, as a rule, depict Vladislav Ramm directly. There are no videos, but there is music that the guy likes and you will probably like. The wall is quite lively and interesting. On it you will find Vladislav’s thoughts, his memories and comments from those who were lucky enough to be on his list of VKontakte friends. After all, for others the opportunity to comment is closed.

So, add him as a subscriber and receive news regarding the life and work of Vladislav first-hand.