Works that depict the image of a prosecutor. Text analysis The story of the prosecutor in “Dead Souls”

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Let's repeat what we learned

The main method of depicting landowners in the poem is detailed portraits, which are accompanied by:

  • interior,
  • details,
  • characteristics of other characters, the hero’s behavior during the transaction,
  • speaking names.
  • Slide 3

    • Courteous
    • Careless
    • Courteous
    • Primitive
    • Idle talker
    • Sweet
    • Characterized by ingratiating manners
    • Feigned profundity
    • “Nice meeting.”

    Landowner Manilov is a fruitless dreamer and visionary.

    Slide 4

    Landowner Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna is a collegiate secretary who is ready to sell you

    even your soul at a bargain price.


    • Wary
    • Rude
    • Stingy
    • Stupid
    • Distrustful
    • Greedy
    • Prudent
  • Slide 5

    The landowner Nozdryov - a reveler, a gambler and a talker - will with great pleasure lose everything he has to you

    a fortune at cards, then he will drink and eat at your expense in any tavern.

    • Reveler, talker
    • Playboy
    • Cantankerous
    • Chatterbox, liar
    • Empty
  • Slide 6

    Landowner Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonovich - a hater of enlightenment, a strong master, unyielding

    in the auction - he will be happy to “throw mud” at all his acquaintances over a hearty dinner in his home.


    • Glutton
    • Tenacious
    • Ruthless
    • Uncouth
  • Slide 7

    Landowner Stepan Plyushkin is a cruel serf owner, stingy, suspicious, distrustful of everyone

    - does not want to see you on his estate and is not going to treat you even to last year’s Easter cake.

    • Pettyly suspicious
    • Spiritually and physically degenerate
    • Lost human form
    • Slave to things
    • Storage
    • Extremely stingy
    • A fallen man
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    Chichikov's arrival in town N

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    • Manilov
    • Box
    • Nozdryov
    • Sobakevich
    • Plyushkin
    • Governor
    • Prosecutor
    • Chief of Police
    • The system of images of the poem
    • Postmaster
    • Landowners, villagers
    • Officials, city residents
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    Officials of the provincial city

    • What are the main occupations of officials?
    • Why does Sobakevich call officials “idle people”?
    • What comparison does the author use to create a collective portrait of officials?
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    At the governor's ball

    At the governor's ball, young and elderly officials are shown rushing in heaps across the parquet floor, like “flies scampering on white shining refined sugar during the hot July summer.”

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    Chapter 7. In the provincial office

    • What strikes the reader when the author describes the office?
    • How are Chichikov greeted at the office?
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    Image of Themis - goddess of justice

    “Themis simply received guests as she was, in a negligee and robe.”

    Why N.V. Does Gogol use a caricature of Themis?

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    Ivan Antonovich “jug snout” - a subtle official

    The official’s ability to transform either into an eagle or into a fly is amazing. At his desk, Ivan Antonovich is an eagle, and in his boss’s office he is a fly.

    This is a bribe-taker, a bureaucrat, a clever lawyer for all sorts of illegal cases. Even Chichikov gave him a bribe, although he was a friend of his boss.

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    Ivan Antonovich “jug snout” - a typical hero

    All officials, starting with the minor official provincial town, and ending with the nobleman, reveal the same pattern: the guardians of the law are swindlers, soulless people.

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    “How they injected the purchase…”

    “...they approached the table from all sides with forks and began to discover, as they say, every

    your own character and inclinations, some leaning on caviar, some on salmon, some on cheese.”

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    • What is the characteristic of Governor Manilov? Sobakevich?
    • What does the author say about the Governor’s preferences? What technique does he use for this?
    • How do officials treat the Governor?
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    The governor - a “secular” man, amiable and charming - was neither fat nor thin, had Anna on his neck, and it was even rumored that he was introduced to a star, however, he was a great good-natured person and even “sometimes embroidered on tulle himself.”

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    Police Chief Alexey Ivanovich

    • What characterization does N.V. give? Gogol to the police chief in chapter 7?
    • How do the townspeople feel about him? What feature of the police chief contributes to this?
    • Why is the phrase “he mastered his position perfectly” used in relation to the police chief?

    Artist P. Boklevsky

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    Conclusion about the image of the police chief

    The police chief, “the father and benefactor of the city,” must strictly and unswervingly monitor how the laws are implemented, bring to justice those who violate them, but when he visits the Gostiny Dvor, he feels here as if in his own storeroom. “Even though he will take it,” the merchants say, “he will certainly not give you away.” In other words, a bribe will cover up a crime. This gained him love and “perfect nationality.”

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    • What story will the postmaster tell the provincial society?
    • How does this characterize him?

    The postmaster is a smoker like everyone else. He is negligent in his duties: he may leave work early and is involved in illegal transfers.

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    The postmaster is a wit and a “philosopher” who unsuccessfully suggested that Chichikov is Captain Kopeikin:

    “This, gentlemen, my sir, is none other than Captain Kopeikin!”

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    • What detail is used by the author in the portrait of the prosecutor?
    • What does Sobakevich call the prosecutor?
    • How did the prosecutor feel about fulfilling his duties?
    • What strikes the reader about the death of the prosecutor's funeral?

    Death of a prosecutor

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    • The prosecutor did nothing except mindlessly sign papers, since he left all decisions to the solicitor, “the first grabber in the world.”
    • Obviously, the cause of his death was rumors about the sale of “dead souls,” since it was he who was responsible for all the illegal affairs that took place in the city.
    • Bitter Gogolian irony is heard in thoughts about the meaning of the prosecutor’s life: “...why he died, or why he lived, only God knows.”
    • Even Chichikov, looking at the prosecutor’s funeral, involuntarily comes to the conclusion that the only thing the deceased can be remembered for is his thick black eyebrows.
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    Provincial Olympus

    The city's leaders are unanimous only in their desire to live widely at the expense of "the sums of their dearly beloved fatherland." Officials rob both the state and the petitioners. Embezzlement, bribery, robbery of the population are everyday and completely natural phenomena. No request is considered without a bribe.

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    Chichikov is going to the ball

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    Ch. 8 Provincial Society

    • How will Chichikov show himself at the ball?
    • How do the governor's guests treat him? Why? How does this characterize provincial society?
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    Nozdryov's appearance at the ball

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    • How does Chichikov react to Nozdryov's appearance?
    • Will officials believe Nozdryov, who told about the purchase of dead souls by Chichikov? Why?
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    Ch. 8 Ladies of the city N

    • What constitutes the world of interests of the ladies of provincial society?
    • What special does N.V. Gogol note in the ladies’ speech?
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    One said that Chichikov was a maker of state banknotes, and then he himself added: “or maybe not a maker”; another claimed that he was an official of the Governor General's

    office, and immediately added: but, the devil knows, you can’t read it on the forehead.”


    The insignificance of their bureaucratic rule.

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    Chichikov's face, if he turns and stands sideways, looks very much like a portrait of Napoleon.

    Is Chichikov Napoleon in disguise?

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    • mediocre gentleman
    • nice person
    • Kherson landowner
    • collegiate advisor
    • Napoleon
    • counterfeiter
    • spy
    • robber
    • Antichrist
    • millionaire
    • hero - lover
    • eligible bachelor
    • scoundrel
    • acquirer
    • master

    Who does Chichikov appear before us?

    Slide 38

    Slide 39


    Bribes, theft, veneration, mutual responsibility are the vices of officials. Officials are cruel and inhumane.

    By satirically depicting provincial officials, the author attacks the bureaucratic apparatus of the entire autocratic-serf state and makes it clear that these “guardians of order and legality” are the same dead souls as the landowners.

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    Resources used

    B.I. Turyanskaya, L.N. Gorokhova and others. Literature in 9th grade. Lesson after lesson. – M.: LLC TID “Russkoe Slovo”, 2002


    View all slides

    It was to the hero of the Prosecutor that Gogol allocated a small role. We see him in just a few scenes: in the governor's house with Chichikov, at the ball with Nozdryov, the death of the prosecutor. But this role of the Prosecutor shows us its enormous importance: the failure to see a fraudster in Chichikov shows us the insignificance of the people in power. They almost shouted to the prosecutor that Chichikov was a swindler, that he was buying up dead peasants. But he thought it over. And who could stop Chichikov? Of course, none other than the prosecutor. But he kept thinking and thinking that he died from thoughts. And here the death of the prosecutor itself should have somehow influenced the officials. After all, he was always with them, playing cards, drinking wine. And suddenly he lies dead, and the officials continue to think only about themselves and their happiness.

    In the image of Gogol’s prosecutor, we see people who are absolutely not indifferent to the experiences and fears of the people, but who are absolutely unable to do anything. We understand their uselessness and that if one doesn’t exist, another will be the same. This is also what the officials in Gogol’s poem thought when the prosecutor died. They thought who would take the place of the prosecutor, and what fate awaited them under his power.

    In our time, the people described by Gogol have long disappeared. But some similarities can still be found. Therefore, this poem has not yet lost its relevance and teaches us to see the harm caused by people who have similar negative traits character.

    The role of the prosecutor in Gogol's poem is insignificant. The hero's acquaintance occurs in the first chapter of the poem at the governor's party. Gogol skillfully draws comical, vivid images; the prosecutor appears before the reader as a man with thick black eyebrows and a constantly winking left eye.

    At a reception with the governor main character Chichikov mentally divides the entire assembled society into thin and fat. Noticing that thin people are always on the premises of fat people, their existence is airy and unreliable. But the fat ones do not occupy indirect positions, firmly hold on to their position, and increase their wealth year after year. The prosecutor belongs to the second group.

    After the reception with the governor, Chichikov takes turns visiting officials of the city of N; he attended dinner with the prosecutor, who, as the author writes, was worth more.

    The landowner Sobakevich speaks of the prosecutor as the only decent person among the officials of the city of N, but to tell the truth, even he is a pig.
    When making a deal to buy dead souls, the governor asks to send for the prosecutor as a witness “... Send now to the prosecutor, he is an idle man and, probably, sits at home, the lawyer Zolotukha, the greatest grabber in the world, does everything for him...”

    In the poem, the prosecutor appears to be a lazy and stupid person. Despite the fact that Chichikov’s scam was started right in front of his nose, he was unable to discern the fraudster in him and prevent the crime. Even when Nozdryov openly hints to him about buying dead souls, he only wiggles his eyebrows and dreams of quickly getting rid of a friendly walk with Nozdryov. After the ladies informed the prosecutor about Chichikov’s crime and his attempt to steal the governor’s daughter, he stood blinking his eyes for a long time and absolutely could not understand anything.

    Since the prosecutor was an emotional person (as evidenced by his constantly twitching eye), the case of “dead souls” greatly influenced him and other officials of the city of N, all of them were emaciated from experiences. The death of the prosecutor occurred in his house from excessive thoughts about the Chichikov case. He thought and thought and died.

    The prosecutor is one of the examples of a useless existence, both in life and in his position “... why he died or why he lived, only God knows about this...”

    The image of the prosecutor, along with other officials, reflects Gogol’s main idea to show “insignificant people” and all the vices of the Russian state

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    The share of the prosecutor's participation in the narrative is small: Chichikov's first meeting with him in the governor's house, his appearance at the ball in Nozdryov's company, the death of the prosecutor and Chichikov's collision with the funeral procession - nevertheless, Gogol pays attention to the prosecutor for a reason.

    The inability of those in power to discern a fraudster in a visitor emphasizes a very important idea - to show “insignificant people.”

    “I needed,” Gogol wrote, “to take away from all the wonderful people I knew everything vulgar and disgusting that they had taken by accident, and return it to its rightful owners. Don’t ask why the first part should be all vulgarity and why everything in it should be every single person must be SOPE: other topics will give you the answer to that. That’s all!”

    So, Chichikov successfully buys dead souls, and the one who should have stopped him - the prosecutor - dies.

    The prosecutor becomes one of the first listeners of Nozdryov's revelations. They almost shout in his ears that Chichikov is buying up dead souls. The atmosphere thickens. The prosecutor is brought to the attention of a lady's invention about the kidnapping of the governor's daughter. All this needs to be thought through.

    "...He began to think and think and suddenly, as they say, for no reason at all, he died. Whether it was paralysis or something else, he just sat there and fell backwards from his chair. They screamed, as usual, They clasped their hands: “Oh, my God!” - they sent for the doctor to draw blood, but they saw that the prosecutor was already just a soulless body. Then they only learned with condolences that the dead man actually had a soul, although he was so modest. never showed it."

    V. Ermilov, assessing the significance of the figure of the prosecutor for the theme of “Dead Souls,” wrote: “The subtlest sad irony is hidden in the history of the prosecutor. The comedy of Sobakevich’s remark that in the whole city there is only one prosecutor “a decent man, and even that is a pig” has its own internal significance. Indeed, the prosecutor experiences the general confusion and fear caused by the Chichikov “case” more deeply than anyone else. He even dies for the sole reason that he began to think... By his very position, he really should have died. think most of all about everything that surfaced in the minds of the shocked officials in connection with the incomprehensible case of Chichikov..."

    The death of the prosecutor gives Gogol the opportunity for another lyrical insertion, reflections on the fact that in the face of death everyone is equal: “Meanwhile, the appearance of death was just as terrible in a small person, just as it is terrible in a great man: the one who not so long ago walked , moved, played whist, signed various papers and was so often visible among the officials with his thick eyebrows and blinking eye, now lay on the table, his left eye no longer blinked at all, but one eyebrow was still raised with some kind of questioning expression "What the dead man asked: why he died or why he lived - only God knows about this."

    But no death will make city officials think about the frailty of the world: “All their thoughts were concentrated at that time in themselves: they thought what the new governor-general would be like, how he would get down to business and how he would receive them...” This The first volume of the poem ends with a sad picture.

    Landowner Stepan Plyushkin - a cruel serf owner, stingy, suspicious, distrustful of everyone - does not want to see you on his estate and is not going to treat you even to last year's Easter cake. Plyushkin Pettly suspicious Spiritually and physically degenerate Lost human form Slave of things Hoarder Extremely stingy Degraded person

    Ivan Antonovich “jug snout” - a subtle official The ability of an official to turn into an eagle or a fly is amazing. Ivan Antonovich has an eagle at his desk and a fly in his boss’s office. This is a bribe-taker, a bureaucrat, a clever lawyer for all sorts of illegal cases. Even Chichikov gave him a bribe, although he was a friend of his boss.

    Police Chief Alexey Ivanovich What characterization does N.V. give? Gogol to the police chief in chapter 7? How do the townspeople feel about him? What feature of the police chief contributes to this? Why is the phrase “he mastered his position perfectly” used in relation to the police chief? Artist P. Boklevsky

    Conclusion about the image of the police chief The police chief, “the father and benefactor of the city,” must strictly and unswervingly monitor how the laws are carried out, bring into the hands of justice those who violate them, but when visiting the Gostiny Dvor, he feels here as if in his own pantry. “Even though he will take you, the merchants say, he will certainly not give you away.” In other words, a bribe will cover up a crime. This gained him love and “perfect nationality.”

    Conclusion: The prosecutor did nothing but mindlessly sign papers, since he left all the decisions to the solicitor, “the first grabber in the world.” Obviously, the cause of his death was rumors about the sale of “dead souls,” since it was he who was responsible for all the illegal affairs that took place in the city. Bitter Gogolian irony is heard in thoughts about the meaning of the prosecutor’s life: “...why he died, or why he lived, only God knows.” Even Chichikov, looking at the prosecutor’s funeral, involuntarily comes to the conclusion that the only thing the deceased can be remembered for is his thick black eyebrows.

    Provincial Olympus Conclusions: The city’s leaders are unanimous only in their desire to live widely at the expense of “the sums of their dearly beloved fatherland.” Officials rob both the state and the petitioners. Embezzlement, bribery, robbery of the population are everyday and completely natural phenomena. No request is considered without a bribe.

    Ch. 9 Ladies of the city N Gogol ridicules the vulgarity, hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness characteristic of provincial ladies. Gossip, idle chatter about city news, and heated debates about outfits are combined with claims to taste and education. These women strive to imitate metropolitan society in the manner of speaking and dressing, they blindly copy foreign traditions. Gogol reveals the emptiness of their lack of spirituality inner world. How does the dialogue between two “nice” ladies characterize?

    One said that Chichikov was a maker of state banknotes, and then he himself added: “or maybe not a maker”; the other claimed that he was an official of the Governor General's office, and immediately added: but, the devil knows, you can't read it on his forehead." Officials Officials. The insignificance of their bureaucratic rule.

    Thus, Bribes, theft, veneration, mutual responsibility are the vices of officials. Officials are cruel and inhumane. By satirically depicting provincial officials, the author attacks the bureaucratic apparatus of the entire autocratic-serf state and makes it clear that these “guardians of order and legality” are the same dead souls as the landowners.

    Gogol, a contemporary of Pushkin, created his works in the historical conditions that developed in our country after the unsuccessful speech of the Decembrists in 1825. Thanks to the new socio-political situation, figures of literature and social thought were faced with tasks that were deeply reflected in the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich. Developing the principles in his work, this author became one of the most significant representatives of this trend in Russian literature. According to Belinsky, it was Gogol who for the first time managed to look directly and boldly at Russian reality.

    In this article we will describe the image of officials in the poem " Dead Souls".

    Collective image of officials

    In Nikolai Vasilyevich’s notes relating to the first volume of the novel, there is the following remark: “The dead insensibility of life.” This, according to the author, is the collective image of officials in the poem. It should be noted the difference in the image of them and the landowners. The landowners in the work are individualized, but the officials, on the contrary, are impersonal. It is possible to create only a collective portrait of them, from which the postmaster, police chief, prosecutor and governor stand out slightly.

    Names and surnames of officials

    It should be noted that all the individuals who make up the collective image of officials in the poem “Dead Souls” do not have surnames, and their names are often named in grotesque and comic contexts, sometimes duplicated (Ivan Antonovich, Ivan Andreevich). Of these, some come to the fore only for a short time, after which they disappear in the crowd of others. The subject of Gogol's satire was not positions and personalities, but social vices, the social environment, which is the main object of depiction in the poem.

    It should be noted the grotesque beginning in the image of Ivan Antonovich, his comic, rude nickname (Pitcher Snout), which simultaneously refers to the world of animals and inanimate things. The department is ironically described as a “temple of Themis.” This place is important for Gogol. The department is often depicted in St. Petersburg stories, in which it appears as an anti-world, a kind of hell in miniature.

    The most important episodes in the depiction of officials

    The image of officials in the poem “Dead Souls” can be traced through the following episodes. This is primarily the governor's "house party" described in the first chapter; then - a ball at the governor's (chapter eight), as well as breakfast at the police chief's (tenth). In general, in chapters 7-10 it is bureaucracy as a psychological and social phenomenon that comes to the fore.

    Traditional motives in the depiction of officials

    You can find many traditional motifs characteristic of Russian satirical comedies in the “bureaucratic” plots of Nikolai Vasilyevich. These techniques and motives go back to Griboyedov and Fonvizin. The officials of the provincial city are also very reminiscent of their “colleagues” from Abuse, arbitrariness, and inactivity. Bribery, veneration, bureaucracy are social evils that are traditionally ridiculed. Suffice it to recall the story described in "The Overcoat" with " significant person", fear of the auditor and the desire to bribe him in work of the same name and the bribe that is given to Ivan Antonovich in the 7th chapter of the poem “Dead Souls”. Very characteristic are the images of the police chief, the “philanthropist” and the “father” who visited the guest courtyard and shops as if they were his own storeroom; the chairman of the civil chamber, who not only exempted his friends from bribes, but also from the need to pay fees for processing documents; Ivan Antonovich, who did nothing without “gratitude.”

    Compositional structure of the poem

    The poem itself is based on the adventures of an official (Chichikov) who buys up dead souls. This image is impersonal: the author practically does not talk about Chichikov himself.

    The 1st volume of the work, according to Gogol's plan, shows various negative aspects of the life of Russia at that time - both bureaucratic and landowner. The entire provincial society is part of the “dead world”.

    The exposition is given in the first chapter, in which a portrait of one provincial city is drawn. There is desolation, disorder, and dirt everywhere, which emphasizes the indifference of local authorities to the needs of residents. Then, after Chichikov visited the landowners, chapters 7 to 10 describe a collective portrait of the bureaucracy of the Russia of that time. In several episodes, various images of officials are given in the poem "Dead Souls". Through the chapters you can see how the author characterizes this social class.

    What do officials have in common with landowners?

    However, the worst thing is that such officials are no exception. These are typical representatives of the bureaucracy system in Russia. Corruption and bureaucracy reign in their midst.

    Registration of a bill of sale

    Together with Chichikov, who has returned to the city, we are transported to the court chamber, where this hero will have to draw up a bill of sale (Chapter 7). The characterization of the images of officials in the poem “Dead Souls” is given in this episode in very detail. Gogol ironically uses a high symbol - a temple in which the “priests of Themis” serve, impartial and incorruptible. However, what is most striking is the desolation and dirt in this “temple”. Themis's "unattractive appearance" is explained by the fact that she receives visitors in a simple way, "in a dressing gown."

    However, this simplicity actually turns into outright disregard for the laws. No one is going to take care of business, and the “priests of Themis” (officials) only care about how to take tribute, that is, bribes, from visitors. And they are really successful at it.

    There is a lot of paperwork and fuss all around, but all this serves only one purpose - to confuse the applicants, so that they cannot do without help, kindly provided for a fee, of course. Chichikov, this rascal and expert in behind-the-scenes affairs, nevertheless had to use it to get into the presence.

    He gained access to the necessary person only after he openly offered a bribe to Ivan Antonovich. We understand how much of an institutionalized phenomenon it has become in the life of Russian bureaucrats when the main character finally gets to the chairman of the chamber, who accepts him as his old acquaintance.

    Conversation with the Chairman

    The heroes, after polite phrases, get down to business, and here the chairman says that his friends “shouldn’t pay.” A bribe here, it turns out, is so obligatory that only close friends of officials can do without it.

    Another remarkable detail from the life of city officials is revealed in a conversation with the chairman. Very interesting in this episode is the analysis of the image of an official in the poem “Dead Souls”. It turns out that even for such an unusual activity, which was described in the judicial chamber, not all representatives of this class consider it necessary to go to service. Like an “idle man,” the prosecutor sits at home. All cases are decided for him by a lawyer, who in the work is called “the first grabber.”

    Governor's Ball

    In the scene described by Gogol in (Chapter 8) we see a review of dead souls. Gossip and balls become a form of wretched mental and public life. The image of officials in the poem "Dead Souls" brief description which we are compiling, can be supplemented in this episode with the following details. At the level of discussing fashionable styles and colors of materials, officials have ideas about beauty, and respectability is determined by the way a person ties a tie and blows his nose. There is not and cannot be real culture or morality here, since norms of behavior depend entirely on ideas about how things should be. That is why Chichikov is initially received so warmly: he knows how to sensitively respond to the needs of this public.

    This is briefly the image of officials in the poem “Dead Souls”. Summary We did not describe the work itself. We hope you remember him. The characteristics presented by us can be supplemented based on the content of the poem. The topic “The image of officials in the poem “Dead Souls”” is very interesting. Quotes from the work, which can be found in the text by referring to the chapters we indicated, will help you supplement this characteristic.