A fairy tale presentation by a student of the year participant. Business card script for the student of the year competition for a girl

Business card “Student of the Year 2013”

Slide 1

Music sounds, young men from the “True Gentlemen's Club” appear, they carry on a leisurely conversation.
1 D: Don't you think, sir, that the weather is fine today?
2 D: It doesn’t seem like it, sir...I’m just sure, no matter what the weather outside the window is today, it will be simply magnificent in this beautiful hall!

3 D: (mysteriously) And I even know why.
4 D: Probably some significant event, sir?

1 D: How, sir? Don't you know?

2 D: The “Student of the Year” competition sums up its results. There is an opportunity to reflect...

3 D: About what, sir?

4 D: (romantic) Well, for example, about the mysterious female soul... about the secrets and mysteries that she keeps and which are not accessible to everyone...

1 D: (perplexed) Hmm... isn't it a little early for you, sir... to think about such things?

2 D: (with unshakable confidence) The main thing is that it’s not too late!

3 D: And in fact, dear friends, isn’t this a miracle? For example, a student of our school, Ksenia Tsvetkova, is smart, beautiful and...

4 D: (interrupts and complements) ... and just good, interesting person, trusted friend.

Slide 2

(Speech by Tsvetkova K.)

1.Good afternoon, my friends! It's me! Tsvetkova Ksenia!

I am a 5th grade student at Arkhangelsk Secondary School.

1 D: (formally) Yes, gentlemen, I propose to devote the current off-site meeting of the “True Gentlemen” club of our school to the consideration of this unique phenomenon.

2 D: According to legend ancient Greece The muses accompanied a person at all important moments of life, such as birth, death, love and marriage, creativity, choice of path and destiny - at moments when his fate was decided.

3 D: They were also believed to have the gift of prediction and foresight of the future and were connected with what lay ahead.
4 D: So I think, gentlemen, that some of these muses marked our classmate with their gifts even at birth...

Slide 3

1D: For example, Urania is the patroness of science. It symbolizes those forces that are hidden in a person and must awaken during his life.

2 D: In this case, Urania was more than supportive of Ksenia Tsvetkova...

Slide 4

Speech by Tsvetkova K.

2. I really like to study. My favorite subjects: biology, geography, Russian language.

This year I participated in the district stage of the regional competition research work“The Future of Altai” with the work “Our health is in our hands.”

I like to study, because knowledge helps us to be more confident, and self-confidence is the key to further success.

Slide 5

3 D: And here comes Terpsichore, the patron muse of dancing. Her very name carries the imprint of rhythm and harmony to the world. This incomparable goddess reveals to people the magical combination between the external and inner world, soul and body.

4 D: So I think, dear sir, that Terpsichore was one of the first to appear to the heroine of our story. How else could one explain her undoubted talents...

Slide 6, 7, 8, 9

(Speech by Tsvetkova K.)

3. I really like to dance, and I am good at it, and more than once we have been participants in various competitions.

I enjoy working in a circle of young fashion designers, and participated in the regional and regional competition “Fashion and Time”.

I also really love singing, so I willingly participate in our school choir, which has repeatedly performed on the regional stage. And in schools and villages, not a single concert is complete without our songs.

Slide 10

1 D: Melpomene...who doesn’t know the name of the theater’s patron muse. A goddess who gives people an indescribable feeling of belonging to the beautiful and magical world. Her goal is to comprehend the mysteries of life's tragedy and replace doubt with faith.

Slide 11

(Speech by Tsvetkova K.)

4. I discovered my acting abilities very early and enjoy playing in theatrical productions at our school.

2 D: So, perhaps, dear sir, you will be able to convince me that the goddesses stood in line... competing in the championship...
3 D: Why words, sir...the facts speak for themselves.

4 D: (inspired) And that's not all! Calliope, gentlemen, Calliope!

Slide 12 - 16

1 D: (perplexed) What are you talking about, dear sir?

2 D: Of course, about the patron muse of poetry and eloquence. This is a goddess who tells people the true path to creativity, overshadowed by nature itself.

3 D: And our classmate not only knows her, but is even friendly...

(Speech by Tsvetkova K.)

5. Poems about kindness

In this huge world in which you and I live,
There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.
Let's learn together to take care of each other and love each other,
Together we will learn to shine on each other like stars.
Let them not give us marks at school for the generosity of our souls,
Just take it one day and do good,
And then in the cold there will be a nagging smell of spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on earth!
Hundreds of roads await us, but everyone will have their own,
And, of course, friends will help you get to your goal.
So that our long-time dreams come true soon,
Let the main lesson always be the lesson of kindness!

1 D: Well, dear friends, the away meeting of our club has come to its logical conclusion. And we realized...

2 D: ...We will never comprehend the mysterious female soul...

3 D: But at least we tried...

Slide 17

4 D: And the god of the nine muses himself, if he were among us at this moment, I think...no, I’m sure, he would remain in admiration of our classmate Ksenia Tsvetkova.

Business card for the “Student of the Year” competition

It was in December

The whole class thought...

About what?! About the holidays?

No! About who is the best in our class!

1st The best is only the one who helps in trouble

Who, without sadness, will give you a hand,

The one who knows how not to let himself down,

To be above everyone, but not to humiliate.

2nd Listen and hear, see and know,

Say a word in reproach and defense.

To be ahead, to help those who follow -

This is just part of being the best with honor.

3 - It would seem, who cares,

Who is the best in our class?

But we really need a participant for the Student of the Year competition!

Who will they be? Who's the best?

4-Let our classmate be a participant -

Both smart and a beautiful girl!

Now he draws, now he sings,

Then he bakes cakes for us,

Reads smart books,

He knows about everything in the world!

5th Five constantly receives,

Golden character kind soul and - shy.

Everything works out great for her

And everyone, of course, will like it!

Everything Even if we go around the whole world, we won’t find a better person than Nastya!

1) Nimble, sporty

2) Brave, active

3) Smart

4) Curious,

5) Yes, and very attractive!

6) She is a reliable, loyal friend, she doesn’t reveal other people’s secrets!

7) If trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid!

8) And in school lessons he knows about everything in the world!

9) He serves as an example to us all and understands us all!

Sun, smiles,

Joy and laughter

Let this be today for everyone.

Greetings, fellow competitors!

Our participant's name is Anastasia!

She has a little bit of a mixture of talents.

In everything, only victory awaits her!

And therefore, on this day and at this hour, we invite her to the stage to continue the story about her!

Thanks friends! I am grateful to you for good words!

Yes, I am different:

Sometimes I joke, sometimes I remain silent,

But I always want to be the best!

I'm starting my path to victory

And I know for sure that I will reach the top,

When there are friends, parents, teachers around!

I will definitely achieve success!

One by one, they raise the signs with letters.

TO – sociable

L - best student

A – active

WITH – diligent

WITH – modest

Everyone (in unison):

We declare without any pretense: Our Nastya is simplyCLASS!

Introducing yourself is a simple task,

After all, my mother’s daughter is golden!

I cook, wash and sew with my mother,

I always go to my mother for advice.

I always try to help my mother -

I’m already her adult daughter!

I know in order to achieve something in life

I need to work hard and hard!

What else can you tell about yourself?

Watch movies, listen to music,

Well, and, of course, hang out with friends!

I have few friends

But I value their friendship.
If it's a difficult moment,

I will always support them!

Our motto of friendship is:

More and more to do - less words!

We wish our opponents success!

The audience in the hall smiles and laughs!

We wish you all to prove yourself!

The most worthy one will win today!

Presentation for the competition “STUDENT OF THE YEAR”,
Film slide

All this happened back when God was giving people their future hobbies.
Slides: Attention fellow citizens! Issuance of "hobbies" only on Fridays!
Used hobbies cannot be returned or exchanged!
- The teacher, as usual, had no time!
Slide with calculation of the teacher’s rest and work time.
On stage, God is distributing, “hobbies” and a queue for him. In the distance, a teacher at his desk checks a huge stack of notebooks.
- Comrades, live up, we don’t argue that we got what we got and we live with it, no, we can’t exchange! Are there many of you still there? We need a lot! Some people live without hobbies and can’t give a damn! And with that - give me something! Let me remind you that today I only work until 2! Those who didn't have time are late! What a day, thank God everyone! And he gave everything away!

Sings the song “I look after her, there is nothing in her

Guy-storyteller: “I’m not a wizard yet, I’m just learning, but I already know how to do something. For example, I help people see their talents and believe in them"

This girl, as they say, God stroked her head with his hand, but she doesn’t know about it

Same music

a girl contestant appears. Dreamily goes on stage as if no one is there

Who are you, I don’t know you… you’re not from our school….

O incomparable Reyan, you are wrong!
- I?!!! Well, of course, I love theater, I love to play, I love to dream…………, but my dreams often help me, especially in literature
- And this is literary mastery! – thanks to him, you write excellent essays and participate in literary competitions. (slides with the names of competitions and certificates in Tatar)

Who is strong in learning slide-2
You'll see right away.
All A's in the diary, he shines with knowledge
And with his high intellect he strikes on the spot,

Reyan: There is no special secret in this
There is only one answer: we need to be strict with ourselves, not be distracted in lessons, try not to miss them, always complete assignments

(Sits down, holds a book, reads.)

kind and caring daughter

Always cheerful and cheerful

In all Olympiads

Always participates

Creativity celebrated

All her friends

Bright, beautiful,

Very fair

She can do any work,

Modest, cheerful,

She has a lot of friends

I value their friendship very much.

And it will never let you down.

Does not suffer from idleness

Doing handicrafts

He also sings and dances

Embroiders and draws

Having fun and playing

Never gets discouraged

Respects mother, grandmother, grandfather

Helps with housework.

Whoever you become in life

If only I wasn't tired

Open and be surprised

To conquer, not to submit

Believe people, believe miracles,

And I hope you'll do better.

Two professors arrive

Professor: Hello, I am a professor of historical sciences, and I am a professor of mathematical sciences. We heard that a student from the Black Sea Secondary School No. 1, whose name is Reyan Veisova, came to the “Student of the Year” competition.
Yes. She writes different scientific works, participates in NOU conferences, is an active participant in the intellectual club “Seeker”.
Professor. Wonderful. I’m here looking for an assistant for myself. And I’m looking for me, no, she was recommended to me. We'd like to take a closer look at it. What is she interested in?

Don't argue, she will manage everything, the girl is talented..
If we talk about her hobbies, then even an hour would not be enough to just list them.

And they live in me?
- In you, only you don’t notice them. And sometimes they show themselves very clearly.
- I'm pleased to meet them. And who is this?
- But this is an aesthetic talent: Wall newspapers and computer presentations, leaflets and posters, decorating gifts and neatness in notebooks. Taste for clothes and home design, love for art - that’s all she has. (Slides)

All these talents help you perform successfully in school!
- Actually, I thought that everyone lives like this, does this, learns like this...

There is a very important talent - your intellect and your ability to study. It helps you study well, think logically and reason philosophically.
(He opens his face and shows educational documents: like a fan or a “folding bed” falling down)
-And all this together is still ahead, these merits of yours will be in the near future. But that will be a further story

Do you remember in your class there was a seedy student?

(Slide with photo of Nikita Ivanov)

Which, let’s say, was scary to ask!

Grabbed cola based on behavior
-And didn’t leave the corner
Walsh: But he’s with you, to everyone’s surprise
And I loved discipline!
All: As a gift for her, for her birthday, he entered the Military Commissariat!

Wizard: Only those who develop all their talents from childhood can achieve much.

I, youth is your Country!
I, the breath of fresh flowers,
In my eyes there are rivers of blue
And I am a part of the universe.

I, the daylight of the school windows,
And my goal is to learn everything
And in your future, Country
I hope you find it useful.

I, the daughter of my parents,
They raised me in love,
Taught elders to respect
They instilled love for family, for work.

I am the stadium's light flag,
I am the stages, bright spotlights
I love to be everywhere and everywhere,
All doors are open for me

I, the sand of your streets,
There is a trace of history hidden in it
I hope, my humble talent,
You, my region, will need it

Look at me, my Country!
My verse and dedication to you!
And even though I am unforgivably young
I am the future incarnation!

Movie with kids

V. Even if you go around the whole world, you won’t find better than our Reyan!
M. Reliable, serious and capable of anything.
B. She is a reliable friend, she doesn’t reveal other people’s secrets.
M. If trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid.
V. He can cope with any task, the boys really like it!
M. A heartfelt smile and the sparkle of radiant eyes shine day and night for you, friends, and us!
V. In all lessons at school he knows everything in the world, serves as an example for us all and understands us all.
All participants leave, with the exception of Artyom and Diana.
1. Diana has a very difficult task:
Lead forward, dare, seek,
2. There is fire and flame around her,
And it's very hard to resist
3. Before the charm and look,
Before a sensitive word at the right moment.
4. So there is no need to resist,
It's better to be with her.
1. Most of all in life, Diana loves to smile and laugh.
2. She looks forward to her future with hope and faith.
3. An optimist and enthusiast, she always finds advantages and positive aspects in everything.
4. She is not afraid of responsibility, and leads those who doubt by the hand.
5. Diana believes in miracles, and does not consider it “childhood”!

Listen to a fairy tale, friends, About what I love, What I am passionate about, Well, in a word, a fairy tale about me. Everything in life interests me! I love reading and dancing on stage. I sew and embroider at the same time. I have excellent taste in everything. Horoscope and basketball, of course, I go to class with all my heart, because I’m just interested there. I am always hardworking and diligent. I sit at my notebook painstakingly. Where necessary, I will help in the kitchen, wash the dishes and tidy up nicely. There are no limits to my imagination - Active, impulsive without limit, I catch everything in life on the fly. I always know what I want.

For the sake of selfishness I will not betray, And promises to friends

I always try to do it. What else can I say about myself? I like to meet my friends, communicate with good people and read a smart book. I like to go to the theater, to the cinema, with children, with animals, I like to have fun with friends. I dream of being happy in life

And I wish the same to you all!

My business card
Hey everyone! Everyone knows me -... As you may have guessed, my name is….. I…. years old, I study in the 10th grade, I live in ……. At school, I love almost all subjects, and in general I love to study. Our school has a HUGE MANY clubs and sections, so I actively attend......
I love to sing, dance, play musical instruments, walk with dogs, study, I like to play something, surf the Internet and much more.
I'm active and creative person, but sometimes I can be harmful.
I have no love for animals!!! My favorite season is Winter. I'm not exactly a romantic, but I often write poetry, sometimes even songs. Stories and fairy tales are also my strong point. I like to sew I like to listen to music I am a very loving person and therefore there are few things in the world that I don’t like, I respect it very much I like to watch movies, look at the work of other guys. I am very glad that I appeared on the forum again - my friends are here, and the forum is my family

10 interesting facts about me:

1. Ideas keep popping out of my head.
2. I love taking pictures and being photographed
3. In general, I am an absent-minded person and constantly get confused, for example, I will eat yogurt, throw the spoon in the trash, and put the glass in the sink
4. I hardly listen to music on headphones, but turn it on at full volume.
5. I am why, I always wonder WHY?
6. My friends used to call me Lick
7. People rarely call me by my last name.
8. I really love “old” rock. This love was passed on to me from my dad; I often listen to Red Zeppelin, Queen, etc.
9. When I look at someone’s creativity, I get inspired (no no, I’m not licking it. I just get other very creative ideas)
10. I don’t like high heels (unlike my classmates), I find sneakers or ballet shoes much more comfortable. I also don’t like shopping, in a word, I don’t like shopping, choosing clothes, putting on makeup, painting my nails, why? I don’t like doing this, I am the way I am, the way God created me.

5 words that can describe me:
- cheerful
- harmful
- creative (informal)
- loving
- good

My preferences:

Music: Adele, “Skyfall”
Food: Pizza and chocolates
Book: T. L. Stewart “The Secret Society of Mister Benedict”
Poet: Lermontov, Pushkin, Bergoltz
Writer: difficult...
Film: Now You See Me

Business card for student of the year
S: Hello, Christina.
D: Hello, Natasha! Have you heard our news?
The school announced a competition - the best student of the year! And everyone rushed to search for this at the same moment.
S: There’s no point wasting time, now I’ll take the mirror (takes the magic mirror)
Well, tell me the mirror and tell me the whole truth, is there such a student? So that she is smart and clear-faced, so that she knows a lot and shines with her talents.
- Mirror: (voice-over) There is such a student, and she is smart, and clear-faced, hard-working, black-browed, with such a meek disposition, but she herself is majestic, acts like a peahen, and her speech is like a gurgling river. And she is rich in talents, all the guys know her.
- Who is this?
- Poteryayeva Angelina, she is a creative person who has achieved great success in full.
(The artist comes out to Masha’s song with a palette and a large brush) Dancing
- Good afternoon, my friends! Angelina - it's me! Being here is the best reward. I am glad to welcome you. Nomination Talent
Today I will introduce to you.

1) - Our Gelya is smart, serious, capable of anything. It can cope with any task, we all really like it!
2. And beautiful, and slim, cheerful, nimble, smart!
3 lessons Loves all his friends and tries to help
She is great at drawing.
2)- She is a reliable, loyal friend, she does not reveal other people’s secrets. And if trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid.

- Even if you go around the whole school, you won’t find a better Geli!
Gelya. It's all about me!
Because I study at the most wonderful school.
School can really teach
And most importantly, develop talent.
Gelya - I go to school with joy,
I'm friends with everyone in the class.
I've been interested in everything in the world since childhood!
And school lessons
Open the doors to the world of wonderful sciences!
- I love to sing and dance,
read, sculpt and draw,
And also to play sports, and also go ice skating! I love the forest, I love the fire, Going on hikes with my family! All hobbies - there are a lot of them
I won't be able to re-read it to you.
- But I’m telling you a secret.
I love art the most.
-I’ll sit down to draw again
Palette, brushes, paints.
I’ll start looking for a gentler tone,
so that everything would be like in a fairy tale.
- Any proportion, chiaroscuro, color
The drawing skillfully reflects it.

I love to draw
And my skill in this is strong.
I want to introduce you now
A collection of my works.
(music plays, creative works are brought out)
- There are still lifes, compositions, landscapes,
Well, there are some portraits.
I draw them with these hands.
I realize my imagination and abilities here.
- This is creativity and seeing the world in its own way, this is originality in the image and a flight of fantasy.
- Well, the work is a sight for sore eyes,
To everyone's surprise.
This is the beginning of the exhibition
After all, she has a lot of work.
-You Gelya, well done!
don't waste your time in vain
art school visiting.
Gelya - At art school I learn to draw
To adult life become an artist.
-I take an active part in drawing competitions
And I receive awards for my creativity.
I always take part in drawing competitions
Moreover, I take prizes.
- It’s not in vain that Gelya attended the Izo studio at school for three years
She is on international competition"House for the Turtle"
I won.
- Annually research projects is.
He always speaks at Naumov and Cherepanov readings.
- I can be different: Business and Important,
Thoughtful and modest,
Sometimes I joke, sometimes I remain silent,
But I always want to draw!
- I’m not afraid to work, I boldly take up my brush.
-Let only smiles bloom in this hall today,
-Let the fans cheer, let them wait for the winners,
-Let a very strict jury judge fairly. Everyone has their own path, feel free to follow it.

Sing a song
Calculate the path of the star, CONDUCT EXPERIMENTS,
GEEL can weave flowers from threads!
There are no barriers for her to paint a picture,
convey the image in her, Gelya is an artist...

Gelya to us best friend, everyone around you will tell you,
The best and student will say her diary.
Creative talent is a talent, it cannot be taken away.
Gelya deserves to represent her class in the competition.

Chorus: The teachers know that they didn’t waste their time,
They know it was not in vain that they taught us to think and draw Yes, yes, yes!

Gelya listened to everyone attentively,
Whatever they asked her, she did it with perfect marks.

Student of the Year 2017

Business card of F - howl Alina 9th grade

(Text to accompany the presentation)

1. Hello, here I am

And my story is about me. (slide)

My name is Alina Zh -ova, I am 15 years old, I study in the 9th grade at Panovskaya Secondary School.

2.My family comes first (slide)

Through thick and thin we are all together.

I'll tell you frankly,

That I love all my relatives so much!

3.I visited kindergarten and dreamed of going to school as soon as possible, counting the days, months, and now I’m on the threshold of school! Time flies unnoticed: dictations and tests, problems and equations, great historical figures and the wonders of nature - and now I’m already in 9th grade. I'm interested in absolutely everything! This is probably why I study with “good” and “excellent” marks.

I'll tell you guys honestly:

I'm interested in learning

There are many objects in the world

Very, very different.

For me, I know for sure -

School is a holiday!

4. I constantly participate in school Olympiads in various subjects, and have repeatedly become the winner and prize-winner of not only the school, but also the municipal stage. She also participated in Internet projects, master classes, I have diplomas and certificates.

5. I try to be active everywhere,

Don’t forget about school and your class;

I am a member of the school’s Senior Student Council,

And I host events.

6. I love to work,

I defend the honor of the school.

I write projects, reports, poems,

I perform in promotions and competitions

And I take prizes!

6. Our hands are not for boredom!

Approved by the whole people.

Let me introduce you

Exhibition of my works!

I have knitted toys

Here is a picture on glass.

I am proficient in testoplasty

Quite masterfully.

I will prepare gifts for everyone:

These ribbon flowers are so bright!

Christmas tree, and everyone's friend -

New Year's cockerel.

7. I’ll tell you a secret

I sing in the school choir. (slide)

With violin and piano

I am happy to be friends. (Performs a musical etude)

I love to cook, draw,

And even kick the ball around.

8. I like to play sports (slide)

Skiing from big mountains!

I love to play basketball

And wave the racket.

And as a result - medals and awards,

Won in fair fights,

All my family, of course, are happy for me

And they even encourage you during warm-ups.

9. I know how to make friends with guys (slide)

I don't dare betray my friends.

We've been together for many years now.

They are support and advice!

10. In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of my life continues. I am sure that it will contain new discoveries, victories, joyful moments, because I am only 15, my whole life is ahead of me!

I look at my future with optimism and adhere to my motto: “Dare and make discoveries! We create our own destiny!”