Presentation on the topic “Research project “Snow Maiden””. The history of the appearance of the image of the Snow Maiden Research work on the topic of the image of the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden is unique and extraordinary in its own way interesting character. She is a good hero of New Year's mythology.

As a character she was reflected in fine arts, literature, cinema, music. And the images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in painting became the personification of the girl’s external image.

Snow Maiden: the origin of the heroine

Only Russian New Year's mythology includes positive hero female. Despite its uniqueness, its origin is shrouded in mystery. There are three most popular theories that are not only unrelated, but also contradict each other.

The images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in fine art clearly describe all three theories.

Various family connections are attributed to the young companion of Santa Claus. She and the daughter of Big Spruce, who appeared out of nowhere: crawled out from under a spreading spruce branch. She is the daughter of Frost and Spring. Also, its appearance is associated with childless old people who, in their twilight years, started thinking about children. Ivan and Marya made a little girl out of snow, and the Snow Maiden was born.

Girl made of snow

V.I. Dahl wrote that in Rus' snow maidens, snowmen and bullfinches were called ptah (birds) that spent the winter in the forests. In addition, he noted that they were “blockheads made of snow.” According to V.I. Dahl, these idiots had the image of a man.

It is noteworthy that Dahl’s words generally characterize all the images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in the visual arts.

The image of a girl molded from snow by old men appeared after the baptism of Rus'.

“The Snow Maiden” is Ostrovsky’s fairy tale; it is the most popular reflection of the character we are considering. However, the work is not isolated and unique.

The Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden" shows us a heroine who was born from direct contact with a stove: grandmother and grandfather...

V.I. Dahl in his fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl” presents the birth of the heroine as follows:

Mythologized image of frozen winter waters

Zharnikova S.V., ethnologist, believes that the image of the Snow Maiden found its first reflection in the god Varun. Svetlana Vasilievna explains this simply: Snegurochka is the faithful companion of Father Frost, and he dates back to the time of Varun. Therefore, Zharnikova suggests that the Snow Maiden is the embodiment of frozen (winter) waters. Her traditional attire also corresponds to her origin: white clothes combined with silver ornaments.

The Snow Maiden is the prototype of Kostroma

Some researchers connect our heroine with the Slavic funeral rite of Kostroma.

What do the images of Kostroma and the Snow Maiden have in common? Seasonality and external image (in one of the interpretations).

Kostroma is depicted as a young woman in snow-white robes, holding an oak branch in her hands. Most often shown surrounded by many people (round dance).

It is this face of Kostroma that makes her similar to the Snow Maiden. However, the straw effigy of a woman (the second image of Kostroma) also has much in common with the snow maiden. It is believed that the games end with the burning of the effigy: this means that winter is over - spring is coming. The Snow Maiden ends her annual cycle in a similar way: she melts after jumping over the fire.

What else do Snegurochka and Kostroma have in common? Kostroma is not only a female folklore image, but also a city in the Central Federal District of Russia, which is the birthplace of the granddaughter of Father Frost.

Fairy tale-play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

The Shchelykovo estate, located in the Kostroma region, is the small homeland of the playwright who wrote the work “The Snow Maiden”.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky’s fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” reveals the image of a girl from a slightly different side than the works of Russian folklore.

Ostrovsky tests his heroine:

  • those around her (residents of Sloboda) do not understand her;
  • Bobyl and Bobylikha, unlike the grandfather and grandmother from folk tale, they don’t love their daughter, but use her, pursuing only one goal: profit.

Ostrovsky subjects the girl to tests: she goes through mental anguish.

Images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in fine art

“Spring Tale” by A.N. Ostrovsky came to life and acquired its melody thanks to the composer, whose name is N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

After the first reading of the play, the composer was not inspired by its drama, but already in the winter of 1879 he began to think about creating the opera “The Snow Maiden”.

Here the images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” begin their journey in fine art.

The first artist to capture the image of a fabulous Russian beauty can be called V.M. Vasnetsova. It was he who designed the scenery for N.A.’s opera. Rimsky-Korsakov's "The Snow Maiden", staged at the Bolshoi Theater.

Inspired by the opera, Viktor Mikhailovich not only created the scenery for the production, but also became the author separate work: paintings “The Snow Maiden” (1899).

Vasnetsov - no the only artist, who brought to life the images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. Sketches of costumes and scenery are by N.K. Roerich. He designed the play “The Snow Maiden” four times.

The first versions of the design (1908 and 1912) by N.K. Roerich transported the viewer to the world of ancient pre-Christian Rus', when paganism reigned in society and people recklessly believed in fairy tales. And the 1921 production was distinguished by a more modern (for those years) vision of the plot. When creating his works, he drew inspiration from V.M. Vasnetsov. He used motifs of Russian embroidery and wood painting to decorate the royal chambers.

Viktor Mikhailovich created the image of the Snow Maiden, consisting of a sundress and a hoop on her head. It is noteworthy that the artist himself was involved in painting the girl’s attire. His brushes also belong to many parts of the scenery. Later art critics will say that V.M. Vasnetsov became a full co-author of the play.

Tales of the Snow Maiden were studied by the famous ethnographer, publisher and editor of Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev in the second volume of his work “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” (1867). Most of the names of the authors of the published tales are not known. But among them there are also famous collectors of folklore, such as P. I. Yakushkin, Voronezh local historian N. I. Vtorov, V. I. Dal.

1. Images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in Russian fine arts and scenography
2. Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden” in the works of illustrators
3. Heroes of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in Russian lacquer miniatures

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Topic: “Images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in fine art”


The image of the Snow Maiden is unique to Russian culture. There are no female characters in the New Year and Christmas mythology of other peoples of the world. Snow Maiden - this is what the Russian Snow Maiden is called abroad.

There is a version about the connection of the image of the Snow Maiden with pagan spring rituals, when they called for spring and burned (or drowned in the river) a symbolic effigy of Kostroma. But, most likely, the Snow Maiden is not a ritual, but a purely folklore character. Found in legends in the form of a girl - a granddaughter, made from snow by a childless old man and an old woman and revived.

Tales of the Snow Maiden were studied by the famous ethnographer, publisher and editor of Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev in the second volume of his work “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” (1867). Most of the names of the authors of the published tales are not known. But among them there are also famous collectors of folklore, such as P. I. Yakushkin, Voronezh local historian N. I. Vtorov, V. I. Dal.

Afanasyev's research inspired N.A. Ostrovsky to write the play “The Snow Maiden” in 1873. In the spring fairy tale by A. N. Ostrovsky, the image of the Snow Maiden takes on a new coloring. Now she is no longer a little girl, but a beautiful blonde girl.

She is the daughter of Frost and Spring. This contradiction contains a certain compromise, and it makes the image of the Snow Maiden tragic, arouses sympathy and interest. There is no way they can accept her in the sunny Berendey kingdom - she is a stranger to everyone. She is attracted to “people’s songs,” passionate and sad melodies about love. The Snow Maiden dreams of experiencing this wonderful feeling, but there is no one to awaken in her the “desire for love.” The Snow Maiden is disappointed when shepherd Lel betrays her, easily exchanging her for Kupava. The heroine turns to Mother Spring with a request for the “gift of love.” A complex wreath given in the spring awakens the “slumber of the soul” and reveals to the Snow Maiden the true beauty of the world. The “proud in spirit” Mizgir becomes the chosen one of her soul. The “Frozen Heart” of the Snow Maiden, having known love, turns into an ordinary, living, human heart, and she dies with the words: “I love and melt, I melt from the sweet feelings of love.” The “wonderful death” of the Snow Maiden restores the epic balance of the kingdom of the Berendeys, as an atoning sacrifice designed to appease the formidable Yarila.

The play was published in Vestnik Evropy and then staged at the Bolshoi Theater. All three troupes of the Imperial Moscow theaters took part in the performance - drama, opera and ballet. The music for the play, at the personal request of playwright Ostrovsky, was commissioned from 33-year-old Tchaikovsky, a young professor at the Moscow Conservatory.

Both Ostrovsky and Tchaikovsky worked with great enthusiasm and passion, exchanged what they had written, and discussed what they had done. Ostrovsky constantly offered the composer certain Russian folk songs and tunes to use. The orchestra at the premiere was conducted by N.G. Rubinstein.

In 1882, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote an opera of the same name based on Ostrovsky’s play. The success was instant, loud and unconditional.

Further development The image of the Snow Maiden appeared in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scripts for children's Christmas trees. Even before the revolution, Snow Maiden figurines were hung on the Christmas tree, girls dressed up in Snow Maiden costumes, fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky’s plays or operas were staged.

Over time, the image of the heroine in the popular consciousness transformed: the Snow Maiden became the granddaughter of Father Frost, her image is firmly associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays.

1. Images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in Russian fine art and scenography.

The image of the Snow Maiden attracted many artists, and each found their own unique features in this image.

Many of Ostrovsky’s contemporaries did not accept the play, reproaching him for “deviating from social problems" But there were also opposing opinions. I.S. liked the fairy tale extremely. Turgenev and A.I. Goncharov. The Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Mamontov, who staged a performance of the play on his home stage in Abramtsevo, and then, in 1885, staged the opera in his “Private Russian Opera”, was also partial to it. Sketches of costumes and scenery for the play, and then for the opera, were made by V. M. Vasnetsov in collaboration with I. I. Levintan and K.A. Korovin. (Appendix: Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4).

In his memoirs, Korovin writes how, after meeting with Ostrovsky, V. M. Vasnetsov said: “He told the truth, the truth - no one will understand. It’s hard, sad, that’s what it is, people live differently. This art is not needed. And this poem “The Snow Maiden” is the best there is. Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet...".

In the process of creating the scenery of the fabulous royal chambers, Vasnetsov used architectural details of ancient Russian architecture, motifs of Russian folk embroidery, carving and wood painting. The scenery, created during the general preparation of the performance, determined many of the mise-en-scenes and provided artistic solutions for entire paintings. As well as costume sketches, future images of the performance were outlined.

The basis for all costumes was white homespun canvas, in combination with which various color schemes of ornaments created expressive characteristics of the characters and a bright decorative effect. For the first time, it was Vasnetsov who portrayed the Snow Maiden in a sundress and with a hoop on her head. The artist delved with pleasure into the details of the smallest pattern on a girl’s sundress and independently, without any technical assistants, painted huge panels of scenery, depicting pictures of a protected forest or a royal palace. Many years later, admiring art critics will say that it was Vasnetsov, in the design of “The Snow Maiden,” who turned out to be the first Russian artist who, on the theatrical stage, became an equal co-author of the play, in fact, the first real theater artist.

Vasnetsov, following the author, created an amazing gallery of the ancient Russian people, in all its wonderful and beautiful appearance. Half a century later, the artist Grabar will say: “The drawings for “The Snow Maiden”, located in Tretyakov Gallery, in the sense of the penetration and flair of the Russian spirit, have not yet been surpassed, despite the fact that half a century separates them from our days.”

Almost twenty years later, Vasnetsov painted a portrait of the Snow Maiden, capturing her at the edge of the forest. The Snow Maiden’s fur coat in the picture is one-piece, slightly flared, going back to the “princess” silhouette that was fashionable at the end of the 19th century. The brocade on the fur coat is embroidered in an amazing way. It would seem that snowflakes would be appropriate here, and Vasnetsov drew strawberries. (Appendix: Fig. 4)

Alexander Benois said that it was in this painting that the artist managed to discover “the law of ancient Russian beauty.” Another contemporary was even more categorical: “There is no other artist for the Snow Maiden except Vasnetsov.” This statement can be disputed.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the production of "The Snow Maiden" - both an opera and a dramatic performance - was a significant event. As if competing with each other, many serious artists were looking for their own image of an image that was already loved by everyone.

Composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote many operas in fairy tales, but he considered “The Snow Maiden” the most successful. And Vrubel recognized Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela as the best performer of this operatic role. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote to her husband, the artist Mikhail Vrubel: “I have never heard the Snow Maiden so sung as Nadezhda Ivanovna.”

The Vrubels were infinitely devoted to each other, and from the day of their wedding, Nadezhda Zabela never turned to another theater artist to create her stage images. And Vrubel painted her tirelessly, turning her either into a modest model for a realistic portrait or into the Swan Princess. His costume sketches for Rimsky-Korsakov's opera are also portraits of his wife. (Appendix: Fig. 5)

The charm of the opera and the fairy tale itself was so great that Vrubel did not stop at designing the performance. He created a whole series of sculptures using the majolica technique. There are Mizgir and Lel there. And Tsar Berendey, according to many experts, is simply a stylized portrait of Rimsky-Korsakov, with whom Vrubel was friends and whom he respected immensely.

The artist Nicholas Roerich fell in love with “The Snow Maiden” in his youth. In their worldview, Roerich and Rimsky-Korsakov had much in common: they both found true values ​​in nature, Russian antiquity, history, and folklore. “The Snow Maiden, like all of Rimsky-Korsakov’s works, is close to me,” Roerich admitted.

Four times (in 1908, 1912, 1919 and 1921) Nicholas Roerich turned to the design of “The Snow Maiden” for the opera and dramatic stage. The performances were performed in theaters in St. Petersburg, London and Chicago. The appearance of the Snow Maiden changed, but each time she was beautiful in a new way.

The first production, although not realized, was Roerich’s work on Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera for the Paris Opera Comique theater. (Appendix: Fig.6)

In 1920, Roerich accepted an offer to stage the opera “The Snow Maiden” for the Chicago Opera Compani theater. The artist created dozens of sketches and drawings for this production.

Previous stage versions in 1908 and 1912 transported audiences to fairy world pagan Rus'. (Appendix: Fig. 8)

The works of 1921 were distinguished by a completely new, somewhat unexpected approach to dramatic material and different characteristics of the characters.

The new interpretation of “The Snow Maiden” mixes “all the elements of influence on Russia”: Byzantium (Tsar Berendey and his court life), the East (trading guest Mizgir and Spring, arriving from warm countries), the North (Frost, the Snow Maiden, goblin). The artist found a lot in common with the legendary shepherd Lel and the Hindu Krishna. “Beyond excessive historicity, without far-fetchedness, The Snow Maiden reveals so much of the real meaning of Russia that all its elements become part of a universal legend and understandable to every heart,” Roerich explained his interpretation. That is why the appearance of the characters in the opera is so diverse. The sketch “Berendey and the Snow Maiden” is stylized by the author as an ancient Russian icon. In the works “Lel and the Snow Maiden” and “Kupava” a very specific Asian ethnic type was created. (Appendix: Fig. 8)

The design of the opera was such a success with the American public that the lines and ornaments of the costumes based on Roerich’s drawings were introduced into the household fashion of the current season. Roerich recalled how in “Chicago, during the production of The Snow Maiden, Marshal Field’s workshops made an interesting experiment by constructing modern costumes on the ornaments of prehistoric Slavic robes.” “It was instructive to see,” the artist noted, “how many modern forms naturally merged with the most ancient ornaments.”

Currently, theatrical scenery by artist K.A. Most of Korovin have already been lost. Most of Korovin's surviving works are located in St. Petersburg in the academic Maly Opera and Ballet Theater. Four operas currently performing in the theater are associated with the name of Korovin. These are “The Snow Maiden” and “May Night” by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, “La Boheme” and “Cio-Cio-San” by G. Puccini.

In 1910, the management of the imperial theaters had a question about reviving The Snow Maiden, which had not been in the repertoire for several years. At first, the design of the opera was entrusted to D.S. Stelletsky - an artist passionately in love with Ancient Rus'. However, his sketches, consistent with the traditions of icon painting, were not at all suitable for “The Snow Maiden” by Ostrovsky - Rimsky-Korsakov. After much wrangling with Stelletsky, who defended his plan, the order was transferred to Konstantin Korovin. At the same time, it was decided to resume the opera not in St. Petersburg, but in the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.

Unfortunately, in the spring of 1914, almost all the scenery burned down during a fire. In April 1915, Korovin, together with his assistants G.I. Golov and N.A. Klodtom began resuming the design of The Snow Maiden. But only the costumes were left unchanged; the artists, apparently, thoroughly reworked the sketches of the scenery. From these originals in 1916 the sets and costumes were made for Mariinsky Theater, and then transferred to the Maly Opera House. (Appendix: Fig. 9)

The years that have passed since the production of the opera, of course, have left their mark on its design. However, it is mainly only the decorative canvas itself that has aged, and especially the fragile meshes combined with it. The painting and colors, as in Korovin’s easel works, still amaze with their amazing freshness. Despite the long-term use of the decorations, there are no craquelures or screes on them. The theater restorers repeatedly changed the decorative meshes, torn places on the panels were glued on the back side, but all the painting remained untouched.

Of course, Korovin’s perfect knowledge of painting technology also played a huge role in preserving Korovin’s theatrical painting.

Other artists also designed the performance.

For example, the talented writer of everyday life, master of psychological portraiture, author of book illustrations and theater decorator B.M. Kustodiev.

In 1911, Kustodiev first began working in the theater. The artist was captivated by the work of creating the scenery. Kustodiev’s talent as a decorator was manifested with particular brightness in the design of A.N.’s plays. Ostrovsky: “Our people - we will be numbered”, “Wolves and sheep”, “Thunderstorm” and others. He demonstrated deep insight into the essence of the author's intention. Kustodiev painted the scenery easily and quickly.

On New Year's Eve, a good wizard comes to children from all over the world - Santa Claus, Joulupukki, Bobo Natale, Sinterklass, Pierre Noel and others. Each nationality has its own heroes. Well, Russian children are expecting gifts from Santa Claus in the New Year.

Many of the New Year's characters have helpers, just like our Santa Claus. And if all Russian children are looking forward to Grandfather in the New Year with great impatience, then Snegurochka is deprived of attention. Often, Santa Claus “forgets” his assistant at home and comes to visit alone.

However, this character is very interesting in his own way, so we will talk about the Snow Maiden.

The folk image of the Snow Maiden

The origin of the Snow Maiden is not entirely clear. It is assumed that its prototype were ice idols, which were built by the ancient pagan Slavs who lived in the northern regions of Rus'. Legends of those times often spoke of ice girls coming to life. Obviously, over the course of many centuries, this image was transformed and by the 18th-19th centuries it took shape into the Snegurka (Snowgirl) - the granddaughter of a lonely old man and old woman who, as a consolation, blinded themselves a girl from the snow, who then came to life. Later, Snegurochka begins to be associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays and is proclaimed the granddaughter of Father Frost.

According to another theory, the fairy tale of the Snow Maiden originated from the ancient funeral rite of Kostroma, and in fact the Snow Maiden personifies Kostroma.

It is significant that in Russian folk tales the Snow Maiden is presented as a living person. And A.N. made her a Slavic goddess. Ostrovsky.

New Year's tradition

The Snow Maiden appeared on Russian Christmas trees along with Father Frost, but only in the form of Christmas tree decorations. And along with him, she was consigned to oblivion after 1929, when Christmas and new year holidays were cancelled.

In 1935, New Year celebrations resumed. We also remembered about the Snow Maiden. Here she appeared before the audience as a full-fledged holiday character - an assistant to Santa Claus. But at first she was considered his daughter. Only a couple of years later the Snow Maiden began to be considered his granddaughter. At the same time, the process of “growing up” of the Snow Maiden was going on. Initially, her role was played by girls, but for practical reasons, girls and young women gradually began to play the image of the Snow Maiden.

The war also affected the Snow Maiden - they forgot about her again. Only in the early 50s did the granddaughter of Santa Claus become his constant companion and heroine New Year's performances. Children's writers Lev Kassil and Sergei Mikhalkov, who wrote scripts for Kremlin Christmas trees, played an important role in this.

The image of the Snow Maiden in literature and art

But for the first time in Russian literature, the Snow Maiden appeared in V. Dahl’s fairy tale “The Girl Snow Maiden”. In fact, the writer retold a folk legend.

In 1873, the play “The Snow Maiden” appeared, in which Ostrovsky adapted the story of the ice girl in his own way. His Snow Maiden is a girl of extraordinary beauty. Nine years later, in 1882, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov staged an opera based on the play, which was a huge success.

Since then, the image of the Snow Maiden has become one of the most beloved and in demand during the New Year holidays.

The Snow Maiden also attracted the attention of Russian artists. Under the influence of the works of Vasnetsov, Vrubel and Roerich, the idea of ​​​​her appearance- about beauty and outfits.

Films with the Snow Maiden:

  • « Snow Maiden" (1952) - cartoon based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky to music by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, arranged by L.A. Schwartz
  • « The Tale of the Snow Maiden" (1957) - cartoon
  • « Snow Maiden" (1968)
  • « Snow Maiden (1969) - cartoon
  • « Spring Tale" (1971)
  • « New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya" (1975)
  • « Partisan Snow Maiden" (1981) - cartoon
  • « Have you called the Snow Maiden?” (1985)
  • « Snow Maiden" (2006) - cartoon
  • « Irony of fate. Continued" (2007)
  • “My mother is the Snow Maiden” (2007)
  • “Santa Claus Urgently Required” (2007)
  • "Snow Maiden. Easter Tale" (2010)

Where does the Snow Maiden live?

Art project on the topic: “The image of the Snow Maiden in Russian art and literature” The goal of the project is to show the originality and uniqueness of the image of the Snow Maiden in the culture of the Russian people. The image of the Snow Maiden in Russian art In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, influenced by the ideas of Afanasyev, wrote the play “The Snow Maiden”. In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Father Frost and Spring the Red, who dies during the summer ritual of honoring the Sun God Yaril. In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, influenced by Afanasyev’s ideas, wrote the play “The Snow Maiden”. In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Father Frost and Spring the Red, who dies during the summer ritual of honoring the Sun God Yaril. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Snow Maiden” N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Snow Maiden” (creation – 1882) “The Snow Maiden”. Feature film. "Snow Maiden". Feature film. (creation - 1968) The image of the Snow Maiden received further development in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees. The image of the Snow Maiden was further developed in the works of teachers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees. Even before the revolution, figures of the Snow Maiden decorated the New Year tree, girls dressed up in Snow Maiden costumes, and fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky’s plays or operas were staged. At this time, the Snow Maiden did not act as a presenter. Even before the revolution, figures of the Snow Maiden decorated the New Year tree, girls dressed up in Snow Maiden costumes, and fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky’s plays or operas were staged. At this time, the Snow Maiden did not act as a presenter. The image of the Snow Maiden received its modern appearance in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In books on organizing New Year trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Father Frost as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and children. The image of the Snow Maiden received its modern appearance in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In books on organizing New Year trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Father Frost as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and children. At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together for the Christmas tree celebration at the Moscow House of Unions. It is curious that in early Soviet images the Snow Maiden is often depicted as a little girl; she began to be represented as a girl later. At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together for the Christmas tree celebration at the Moscow House of Unions. It is curious that in early Soviet images the Snow Maiden is often depicted as a little girl; she began to be represented as a girl later. In the post-war period, the Snow Maiden is an almost obligatory companion of Father Frost in all holiday celebrations, congratulations, etc. In the post-war period, the Snow Maiden is an almost obligatory companion of Father Frost in all holiday celebrations, congratulations, etc. Under New Year Theater students and actresses often worked as Snow Maidens. In amateur productions, older girls and young women, often with fair hair, were chosen for the role of the Snow Maidens. On New Year's Eve, theater students and actresses often worked as Snow Maidens. In amateur productions, older girls and young women, often with fair hair, were chosen for the role of the Snow Maidens. The image of the Snow Maiden is unique to Russian culture. In the New Year and Christmas mythology of other countries, there are no female characters with the same character traits as the Snow Maiden, and even having a “male” partner, such as Father Frost. The image of the Snow Maiden is unique to Russian culture. In the New Year and Christmas mythology of other countries, there are no female characters with the same character traits as the Snow Maiden, and even having a “male” partner, such as Father Frost. The image of the Snow Maiden in fine art

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich “Snow Maiden”

Roerich Nicholas Konstantinovich “Snow Maiden” Costume sketch

Kondurina Natalya “Snow Maiden”

Ilya Glazunov “The Snow Maiden” Ilya Glazunov “The Snow Maiden” Malkus Marina Illustrations for the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” Malkus Marina Illustrations for the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” Thank you for your attention!!!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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“Mighty nature is full of wonders. Spring fairy tale "Snow Maiden" Project work. Completed the work: 8th grade student of MAOU "BMSOSH" Khusnutdinov I.I.

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Selection and justification of the project Study and research of the image of the Snow Maiden in the visual, decorative applied arts, cartoon, movie, etc...

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Goal: To reveal your understanding of the deep meaning of the good instructive story-fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” Tasks: To study the origins of the image of the Snow Maiden. Classify information about the image of the Snow Maiden. Using Internet sources, find out how deep the image of the Snow Maiden is... Based on the description, create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. Draw conclusions about the place of the Snow Maiden in world literature.

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Project implementation stages. Search and processing of information. The choice of methodology and its implementation in practice. Evaluation of the results obtained.

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Contents The origins of the image of the Snow Maiden in the pagan culture of the Slavs. Variants of folk fairy tales. Play for the theater by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden” Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky for the play of the same name. Opera-fairy tale N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov The image of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in fine arts, decorative and applied arts, painting, costume designs and scenery Films and cartoons The Snow Maiden

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For many years now, one of the favorite and adored characters of the New Year has been a beautiful and sweet girl - the Snow Maiden. Even the ancient Slavs revered the image of the Snow Maiden, the daughter of the Snow Queen and Frost. However, such a character did not appear in folk rituals. The Snow Maiden came to us from Russian folklore as a girl made of snow and coming to life in a folk tale.

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For the first time, this image was studied by A. N. Afanasyev. And a little later, inspired by this idea, the outstanding playwright A. N. Ostrovsky embodied the image of the Snow Maiden in the play of the same name. According to the author, Snegurochka is a fair-haired girl, whose parents were Father Frost and Vesna - Krasna. She looked very pale and her clothes matched the same, a white and blue fur coat with a fur hat and mittens. The play was written in the form of a drama, a beautiful and sweet girl dies in the summer during an ancient Slavic ritual in honor of the Sun God Yarila.

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Until now, the Snow Maiden is very popular and is an obligatory companion of Father Frost. At the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, the image of the Snow Maiden began to be used very often in scenarios for various children's New Year's events. Christmas trees were decorated with figures of the Snow Maiden, and Snow Maiden costumes were prepared for the girls. Small dramatizations of popular folk tales, plays and operas, where the main character was the Snow Maiden, were very popular. The Snow Maiden acts on a par with Father Frost, as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and the children. At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together for the Christmas tree celebration at the Moscow House of Unions.

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The image of the beautiful Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Father Frost, is even more mysterious than Father Frost himself. As such, he is absent from the pantheon of Slavic gods (at least in the form that has come down to us) and has no analogues in the mythology of other peoples. This unique image is found only in Russian folklore. The origins of the image of the Snow Maiden in the pagan culture of the Slavs. On the question of the origin of the Snow Maiden, there are 2 versions: 1. the image of the daughter of Frost 2. the symbol of frozen waters

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The Snow Maiden is a New Year's character from Russian legends, the granddaughter of Father Frost. However, among the Slavs, Snegurochka was considered the daughter of Frost and the Snow Queen. The image of the Snow Maiden is unique to Russian culture. The true roots of the Snow Maiden's kinship go back to the pre-Christian mythology of the Slavs. In the northern regions of pagan Rus' there was a custom of making idols from snow and ice. And the image of a revived ice girl is often found in the legends of those times. The image of the Snow Maiden is not recorded in Russian folk ritual. However, in Russian folklore she appears as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life. This snowy girl goes into the forest with her friends in the summer to pick berries and either gets lost in the forest or melts while jumping over a fire (apparently a Kupala fire)

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The last option is more indicative and, most likely, is the original one. It reflects the myth of natural spirits dying when the season changes. Here a connection is revealed with the calendar ritual of jumping over a fire, which is an initiation ritual (at this moment a girl turns into a girl). The Snow Maiden, as a seasonal character, dies with the arrival of summer. According to many versions of the fairy tale, she is, in fact, a snow woman come to life. Dvina (Ardvi of ancient Iranians). Thus, the Snow Maiden is the embodiment of frozen waters in general and the waters of the Northern Dvina in particular. She is dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbolism. The ornament is made only with silver threads. The headdress is an eight-rayed crown, embroidered with silver and pearls.

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"The Snow Maiden" in fine art. The image of the Snow Maiden received its modern appearance in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. It is curious that in early Soviet images the Snow Maiden is often depicted as a little girl; she began to be represented as a girl later. The Snow Maiden looks like a beautiful pale blonde girl. Dressed in blue and white clothes with fur trim and a kokoshnik. In 1882, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov staged an opera of the same name based on the play, which was a huge success. Many artists turned to the image of the Snow Maiden in their work, such as Vasnetsov, Roerich, Korovin, Mikhail Vrubel, Vladimir Nesterov, Alexander Daineka, Svetlana Kim and many others

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The Snow Maiden is one of the most interesting and famous heroes of all time. She is the hero of not one, not even two, but dozens the most interesting fairy tales, stories, plays, operas, songs, paintings of the Russian people. The Snow Maiden is the favorite of all children and adults.

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General conclusions. The image of the Snow Maiden is not recorded in Russian folk ritual. However, in Russian folklore she appears as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life. In 1873 A. N. Ostrovsky wrote the play “The Snow Maiden”. Most researchers of Ostrovsky’s work, speaking about the play “The Snow Maiden,” refer to the playwright’s diary, which he kept in the spring of 1848, when he moved with his family from Moscow to Shchelykovo. Perhaps, during a stop in Pereslavl-Zalessky, the author of “The Snow Maiden” heard a local legend “about the kingdom of the happy Berendeys, ruled by a kind and wise king.” The fabulous nature of Shelykov evokes folklore motifs and images. Therefore, the appearance of the fairy tale play “The Snow Maiden” in the playwright’s work is not at all accidental. Thus, it is possible that the Snow Maiden’s homeland may be Shchelykovo. But on the other hand, Abramtsevo can also be considered the birthplace of the Snow Maiden. In 1882, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov staged an opera of the same name based on the play, which was a huge success. And in 1882 for real“revived” Ostrovsky S.I.’s Snow Maiden. Mamontov. The artists of the Abramtsevo art circle created by Mamontov staged a play based on Ostrovsky’s play in 1882. And it was in Abramtsevo that V.M. Vasnetsov painted the painting “The Snow Maiden - the Daughter of Frost and Spring.” Enormous credit for the specific implementation of the image of the Snow Maiden belongs to V.M. Vasnetsov. The success of the play and opera was largely due to its amazing scenery, which is one of the pinnacles of the artist’s creativity. Thus, two places can be considered the birthplace of the Snow Maiden: Abramtsevo and Shchelykovo. And the image of the Snow Maiden received its modern appearance in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appeared together for the first time at the Christmas tree celebration at the Moscow House of Unions

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List of used literature and Internet resources: 1. Desk reference book for schoolchildren “Five in the diary”. Saint Petersburg. Publishing group "Ves" 2007 2. 3. 4. www.