Platonov yushka genre of work. Retelling and brief description of the work “Yushka” by A.P. Platonov

The story “Yushka” was written by Platonov in the first half of the 30s, and published only after the writer’s death, in 1966, in “Izbranny”.

Literary direction and genre

“Yushka” is a story that reveals in a few pages the way of thinking of the population of an entire town and the mentality of a person as such.

The work has an unexpected ending associated with the arrival of an orphan trained to be a doctor in the city. This ending makes the story look like a novella. There are similarities in the work with a parable, if you perceive the ending as a morality showing true mercy.

Topic, main idea and issues

The theme of the story is the nature of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, beauty human soul. The main idea can be expressed by several biblical truths at once: one must do good unselfishly; human hearts are deceitful and extremely wicked, so people do not know what they are doing; you must love your neighbor as yourself. The problems of the story are also related to morality. Platonov raises the problem of belated gratitude, contempt and cruelty towards those who are different from everyone else. One of the most important problems is the moral deadness of the heroes, contrasted with the moral liveliness of Yushka, although it is precisely his liveliness that the children doubt.

Plot and composition

The story takes place “in ancient times.” Such a reference to the past makes the story almost a fairy tale, beginning with the words “once upon a time there lived in a certain kingdom.” That is, the hero of the story is immediately presented as a universal, timeless hero, who embodies the moral guidelines of humanity.

The blacksmith's assistant Yushka, whom all the inhabitants of the city laugh at as a meek and unrequited creature, leaves for a month every summer. According to him, either to his niece, or to another relative in the village or in Moscow. That year, when Yushka did not go anywhere, feeling very bad, he died, knocked down by another mocker.

In the fall, an orphan appeared in the city, whom Yushka fed and taught all her life. The girl came to cure her benefactor of tuberculosis. She remained in the city and devoted her whole life to selflessly helping the sick.


The story is named after the main character. Yushka is not a nickname, as many readers think, but a diminutive name, which in the Voronezh province was formed from the southern Russian version of the name Efim - Yukhim. But the word Yushka in the same southern Russian dialect it means liquid food like soup, liquid in general, and even blood. Thus, the hero’s name seems to be telling. It hints at the hero’s ability to adapt to the harsh, evil world, just as water adapts to the shape of a vessel. And also the name is a hint at the death of the hero, who died from bleeding, obviously provoked by a blow to the chest.

Yushka is a blacksmith's assistant. Nowadays, a person who does such work “that needed to be done” would be called a laborer. His age is defined as "old-looking". Only in the middle of the story does the reader learn that Yushka was 40 years old, and he looked weak and old due to illness.

The story turned out to be prophetic for Platonov himself, who died of tuberculosis, having become infected from his son, who went to prison at the age of 15 and was released 2.5 years later, already seriously ill.

The portrait of Yushka emphasizes his thinness and short stature. The eyes are especially highlighted, white, like a blind man’s, with tears constantly standing in them. This image is not accidental: Yushka sees the world not as it really is. He does not notice evil, considering it a manifestation of love, and seems to always cry for the needs of others.

Yushka looks like the blessed one that the Russian people imagined them to be. The only difference is that it was not customary to offend the blessed. But Yushka is humiliated and beaten, calling him not blessed, but blessed, unlike, animal, God's scarecrow, worthless fool. And they demand that Yushka be like them, live like everyone else.

Yushka considers all people equal “by necessity.” He is accidentally killed by a fellow villager precisely because he dared to compare himself with him.

We even compare the hero with Christ, who suffered for the people, enduring torment. When the Roman soldiers mocked Christ, he remained silent, without explaining anything to them. But the hero of Bulgakov’s novel, written a little later than Yushka, in 1937, is even more similar to Yushka. Yeshua, unlike the biblical Jesus, actively justifies the offenders, calling them good people. So Yushka calls the children who offend him relatives, little ones.

Yushka believes that both children and adults need it. He would seem to mistakenly conclude that children and adults need him because they love him. But over the years, it becomes clear that they really loved him, just unable to express either love or need for him. And that’s exactly what Yushka, who was offended, thought.

Like many blessed people, Yushka gets by with little. Yushka does not spend his tiny income (seven rubles and sixty kopecks a month) on tea and sugar, being content with the simple free food of the blacksmith - bread, cabbage soup and porridge. Yushka’s clothes are just as simple, which over all the years do not seem to wear out, remaining uniformly shabby and full of holes, but fulfilling its purpose.

The people offended Yushka, because in the hearts of people "fierce rage", "evil grief and resentment". Yushka's meekness is contrasted with people's aggression, provoked by their grief, of which everyone considers Yushka to be the culprit.

Dasha, the blacksmith’s daughter, is kind to Yushka. She tries to explain to Yushka that no one loves him, that his life is in vain. But Yushka knows why he lives: by the will of his parents and for a purpose that he does not tell anyone about, as well as about his love for all living things.

Yushka does not need people the way they need him, but when he went to deserted places, Yushka experienced unity with nature. He felt orphaned even by the death of a beetle or insect. It was living nature that healed the hero, giving him strength.

After his death, Yushka shares the fate of many holy fools and saints. The carpenter who found his corpse immediately asks for forgiveness: “People rejected you”. All the people came to say goodbye to him. But then they forgot Yushka, just as they forget ordinary people, holy fools, and saints. Lonely Yushka turned out to be a benefactor, giving the people someone who began to take care of them - an orphan raised and educated with his money, who became a doctor. They call her the daughter of the good Yushka, without remembering him.

Style Features

The story contains motifs traditional for Platonov. One of them is the motive of death. The children doubt that Yushka is alive because he does not return their evil with evil.

The landscape in the story reveals the source of the hero’s spiritual strength. Unlike people who draw energy from the pleasure of offending the weak, Yushka supported the weak and perceived himself as part of nature. A strange Platonic expression "beetle faces", found in other works, shows that Yushka perceived nature as equal to himself, humanizing it.

Platonov creates a convincing image of the happiness that happens to people despite their evil deeds. The writer's life was in many ways similar to the life of his hero: hard, thankless work into which he poured his soul, and premature death from illness.

1) Features of the genre. The work of A. Platonov “Yushka” belongs to the short story genre.

2) Theme and problems of the story. The main theme of A. Platonov’s story “Yushka” is the theme of mercy and compassion. Andrei Platonov in his works creates a special world that amazes us, fascinates or bewilders us, but always makes us think deeply. The writer reveals to us the beauty and greatness, kindness and openness of ordinary people who are able to endure the unbearable, to survive in conditions in which it would seem impossible to survive. Such people, according to the author, can transform the world. The hero of the story “Yushka” appears before us as such an extraordinary person.

3) The main idea of ​​the story. main idea work of art is an expression author's attitude to what is depicted, its correlation of this image with the ideals of life and man affirmed or denied by the writer. Platonov affirms in his story the idea of ​​​​the importance of love and goodness coming from person to person. He strives to bring to life the principle taken from children's fairy tales: nothing is impossible, everything is possible. The author himself said: “We must love the Universe that can be, and not the one that is. The impossible is the bride of humanity, and our souls fly towards the impossible...” Unfortunately, good does not always win in life. But goodness and love, according to Platonov, do not dry up and do not leave the world with the death of a person. Years have passed since Yushka's death. The city has long forgotten him. But Yushka raised with his small means, denying himself everything, an orphan who, having studied, became a doctor and helped people. The doctor's wife is called the daughter of the good Yushka.

4) Characteristics of the characters in the story.

Image of Yushka. The main character of the story is Yushka. Kind and warm-hearted Yushka has a rare gift of love. This love is truly holy and pure: “He bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not be spoiled by his breath, he stroked the bark of the trees and picked up butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead, and peered for a long time in their faces, feeling orphaned without them.” Immersing himself in the world of nature, inhaling the aroma of forests and herbs, he rests his soul and even stops feeling his illness (poor Yushka suffers from consumption). He sincerely loves people, especially one orphan whom he raised and educated in Moscow, denying himself everything: he never drank tea or ate sugar, “so that she would eat it.” Every year he goes to visit the girl, bringing money for the whole year so that she can live and study. He loves her more than anything in the world, and she is probably the only one of all people who answers him “with all the warmth and light of her heart.” Dostoevsky wrote: “Man is a mystery.” Yushka, in his “naked” simplicity, seems frankly understandable to people. But his dissimilarity from everyone irritates not only adults, but also children, and also attracts a person “with a blind heart” to him. All the life of the unfortunate Yushka, everyone beats, insults and offends him. Children and adults make fun of Yushka and reproach him “for his unrequited stupidity.” However, he never shows anger towards people, never responds to their insults. Children throw stones and dirt at him, push him, not understanding why he doesn’t scold them, doesn’t chase them with a twig, like other adults. On the contrary, when he was in real pain, this strange man would say: “What are you doing, my dears, what are you doing, little ones!.. You must love me?.. Why do you all need me?..” The naive Yushka sees in the continuous bullying of people, a perverted form of self-love: “People love me, Dasha!” - he says to the owner’s daughter. Before us is an old-looking man, weak, sick. “He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face, instead of a mustache and beard, sparse gray hairs grew separately; the eyes were white, like a blind man’s, and there was always moisture in them, like never-cooling tears.” For many years he wears the same clothes, reminiscent of rags, without changing. And his table is modest: he did not drink tea and did not buy sugar. He is a handy assistant to the main blacksmith, performing work invisible to the prying eye, although necessary. He is the first to go to the forge in the morning and the last to leave, so old men and women check the beginning and end of the day by him. But in the eyes of adults, fathers and mothers, Yushka is a flawed person, unable to live, abnormal, and that is why they remember him , scolding the children: they say, you will be like Yushka. In addition, every year Yupzha goes somewhere for a month and then returns. Having gone far from people, Yushka is transformed. It is open to the world: the fragrance of herbs, the voice of rivers, the singing of birds, the joy of dragonflies, beetles, grasshoppers - it lives in one breath, one living joy with this world. We see Yushka cheerful and happy. And Yushka dies because his fundamental feeling and conviction that each person “by necessity” is equal to another is insulted. Only after his death it turns out that he was still right in his beliefs: people really needed him.

The image of the adopted daughter Yushka. Having become a doctor, the girl came to the town to cure Yushka of the illness that was tormenting him. But, unfortunately, it was already too late. Not having time to save her adoptive father, the girl still remains to spread to all people the feelings kindled in her soul by the unfortunate holy fool - her warmth and kindness. She stays to “heal and comfort sick people without getting tired of quenching! suffering and delay death from the weak.”

The work of A. Platonov is complex and multifaceted. The writer’s style is not immediately understood and accepted by modern schoolchildren. The story “Yushka” occupies a special place: the problems of the story did not leave seventh graders indifferent. By answering independent work questions, 7th grade students were able to demonstrate correct understanding author's intention, and also expressed their attitude to the events occurring in the story.


1. How do you understand the words: “The whole world needs me too”?

2. Why did all the people come to say goodbye to Yushka?

3. How did life in the city change after Yushka’s death?

4. Why do you think Yushka’s “adopted daughter” came to the city and stayed to work?

5.What can life history teach?

Here are some examples of student work:

I understand Platonov’s words “the whole world needs me too” this way: all people were born on earth equal and everyone has the right to life. When Yushka died, all the people came to say goodbye to him, because they wanted to apologize to Yushka for tormenting him. After Yushka’s death, the life of the city changed a lot. The people had no one to make fun of and people began to quarrel among themselves and throw out evil at each other.

Yushka’s “adopted daughter” stayed because she wanted to thank him; in his memory, she worked in this town, treating people.

Yushka’s life story teaches that there is no need to offend people who cannot defend themselves. And also, you need to respect all people

Gavrilov Elisey.

I think that Yushka is tired of everyone offending him with impunity and with the words “The whole world needs me too,” he wanted to say that he is like everyone else, and he has the right to live. Feeling guilty, people came to say goodbye to him after his death.

City life after Yushka’s death became boring and cruel, people had no one to take out their anger on.

Yushka’s daughter came to the city and stayed to work, treat people, help the sick.

The story teaches respect for people.

Chekmenev Dmitry.

All people are equal, everyone should value themselves and respect others. All the people came to say goodbye to Yushka, because they were used to him, he was part of this people.

Previously, people splashed out their anger and malice on Yushka, and after death people left “their mockery among themselves.”

Yushka’s daughter knew about his illness and, having become a doctor, found the meaning of her life in helping sick people.

I believe that Yushka knew his purpose in this world and lived for the sake of others.

Shabanova Kristina.

“The whole world needs me too,” I understand Yushka’s words this way: he was born to live and work. Work for the whole people, benefit not only yourself, but all people.

After Yushka’s death, all the people came to say goodbye to him, because they felt guilty before him and understood that they had ruined him. That he is no longer there.

I believe that life “after Yushka” became bad, because people began to pour out all their anger on each other. Once they offended Yushka, and when he was gone, they began to offend each other.

I think that Yushka’s “adopted daughter” came to the town and stayed to treat other people and help them. She didn’t want anyone to suffer like Yushka.

Yushka’s life story can teach us to respect and feel sorry for people. After all, all people are born to live, communicate and love.

Privezentseva Kristina.

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The genre-oriented work is a short story written in a realistic style, touching on the issues of manifestation of merciful and kind qualities in a person, as well as the existence of human cruelty and callousness on earth.

The compositional structure of the story is presented in a simple sequential form, covering a fairly significant time period, while the development of the narrative action occurs rapidly and a special role in this is given to the portrait image of the main character and his adopted daughter, emphasizing the unbranched system of literary images.

The main character of the story is a village forty-year-old man Efim, presented in the form of a blacksmith's assistant, a laborer, popularly nicknamed Yushka, giving the impression of an old, emaciated man due to a debilitating serious consumptive illness and hard everyday work. Outwardly, Efim appears to be a small, thin man, distinguished by a wrinkled face with no hair and constantly wet, watery eyes.

The storyline of the work tells the story of Yushka’s life, who works tirelessly and responsibly in order to obtain a permanent income, which he sends, as it turns out later, to his adopted child, who is studying in the city.

The local population of the village is unfriendly towards Yefim, taking out their anger and discontent on him, sometimes using remarkable physical violence, but Yushka, being a simple-minded and kind person, considered blessed and holy fool among those around him, justifies and forgives his fellow villagers, considering their actions to be heart blindness.

Every year Yushka leaves his native village and spends a whole month surrounded by wild nature, where, in the absence of people, he state of mind transforms, the man experiences real human happiness, observing living beings surrounded by bird songs and the fragrance of plants.

One day, a tragic incident happens to Yushka, which results in his death at the hands of an embittered village drunk. After the death of the main character, his adopted daughter returns to the village, who received a medical education, dreamed of healing her sick father from consumption and decided to devote her life to selfless service to people, becoming a village doctor, popularly called the daughter of blessed Yushka.

The semantic load of the story “Yushka” is determined by the image of the main character, who expresses his own worldview, different from other people, in which there is no evil, aggression, cruelty, pain, and there is an inexhaustible faith in a wonderful future.

The writer demonstrates in the work the beauty, greatness of the virtuous and open soul an extraordinary person, revealing the depth of his moral state, conveying the special meaning of love, generosity, compassion and kindness in the life of every person.

Sample 2

The work was created in the early 30s, but published only after the death of the writer in the late 60s. The story is based on the constant confrontation between good and evil, human mercy and cruelty. In some questions, the author refers the reader to the biblical commandments: love for your neighbor, the need to do good without expecting gratitude.

One of the main problems of the story is the spiritual callousness of the characters, which is opposed by Yushka’s slightly naive, but so pure spiritual openness and kindness. Gratitude and understanding of whose life comes belatedly, only after his death. The story has an unexpected ending, the arrival of a doctor’s girl who does good and gives real mercy. Such an ending shows the true moral of the work.

The author calls the time in which the events of the story take place “ancient”, thereby blurring the time frame of what is happening and making the story relevant, not tied to specific dates. A person like Yushka can still be met today.

Yushka, main character In the story, he has been working as a blacksmith's assistant for many years. He is a meek and unrequited person, he denies himself everything. Yushka is a diminutive name from the name Efim, or as they said in the south of Russia Ekhvim. Also in villages this word was often used to describe liquid soup. In the word itself, the author lays down the hero’s ability to adapt to difficult life circumstances, just as a liquid can take the form of a vessel. Yushka looks like an old man, although in the middle of the story the reader learns that he is only forty years old, he is simply sick with consumption.

Describing the appearance of his hero, Platonov especially highlights his eyes - white, like a blind man’s, constantly filled with tears. The author emphasizes that Yushka sees the world around him differently than everyone else. He sees no evil. In Rus', such people were called holy fools. Those around him constantly offend him, take out their anger and dissatisfaction with life on him, and he humbly endures, considering these insults a manifestation of love. Yushka considers all people equal, and when he tries to compare himself with others, an angry neighbor kills him for it.

Undoubtedly, in the image of Yushka there is something similar to Christ. He suffers, takes insults and beatings, and responds only with kindness. He calls the children who beat him small and dear, justifying their actions. The hero himself considers himself necessary and useful, just not always understood by other people. Unfortunately, the people around him understand this only after his death.

Yushka draws her strength and love for life from unity with nature. Once a year he went into the forest and there he rested and gained strength.

As often happened in Rus', after death holy fools and blessed people become saints. So Yushka becomes useful to all the townspeople. An orphan trained with his savings becomes a doctor and treats many patients for free. Many consider the girl to be Yushka’s daughter, although he is already beginning to be forgotten.

In the image of Yushka, Platonov shows a unique model of human happiness, a person tragic fate. At some points in the story there are autobiographical coincidences. The life of the writer himself was also very difficult, and his early death occurred due to illness.

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Platonov is a writer who very often in his works described the ordinary everyday relationships of people, trying through these relationships to get to know a person and his soul more deeply. His heroes are simple people; Yushka, the hero of Platonov’s work “Yushka,” was a simple person.

Platonov's story Yushka

Working on the work “Yushka” by Platonov and its analysis, it is worth noting the genre of this work and this is a story. A story that tells us the story of one person: kind, sympathetic, who knew how to love sincerely, no matter what. In addition, this is a story that shows us the cruelty of humanity, which could not understand what it is to love and how to love just like that. Here we see inhumanity, cruelty, people’s mistakes, and the author also showed us that among all this there are kind people who know how to enjoy the beauty of nature, who can take care of their neighbors.

Heroes of the story Yushka

The author introduces us to the main character of the story “Yushka” at the very beginning and this is Efim Dmitrievich. True, no one called him that, for everyone he was Yushka. He was a forty-year-old man who had been prematurely aged by illness. He suffered from consumption. He worked for a blacksmith, doing menial work for which he received pennies. He was very poor, because he couldn’t even afford new clothes, he drank water instead of tea, and lived in the kitchen of a blacksmith’s apartment.

Everything would have been fine, but out of the kindness of his heart, having a real gift of love, Yushka attracted attention to himself and everyone wanted to offend him, provoke him into conflict, hit him. He was constantly offended by both adults and children, taking out their anger on him, but Yushka himself believed that this was how they showed their love for him, it’s just that no one taught them to love in any other way. That's exactly what this guy thought kindest person, so he didn’t insult me ​​in return. To the children, he just said: “What are you doing, my dears, what are you doing, little ones! You must love me? Why do you all need me?"

In Platonov's story "Yushka" and summary we see that not only does he treat people with kindness and love, he also treats nature with a feeling of tenderness, and we see this when he bends down to inhale the aroma of flowers, without breathing, so as not to spoil their beauty with his breath. We see how he picks up dead bugs and insects, feeling orphaned without them, how he enjoys the singing of birds and grasshoppers.

Despite the cruelty of those around him, he did not lose his humanity, and meanwhile, for twenty-five years everyone mocked him, and one day, a meeting with another passer-by who beat Yushka ended in tears for Efim Dmitrievich. He died. He was buried, and the whole city came to the funeral. Maybe because people felt a great loss, because with his death they lost love. They have lost something bright, they have lost what each of them lacks.

Another heroine is an orphan, a girl whom we learn about at the end of the work. She came to visit Yushka, and not just to visit, but to cure him. From her story we learn that Yushka took the girl under his wing. He, denying himself everything, managed to teach the girl, bringing her money for her studies, and now, having graduated from the university and trained to be a doctor, she came to help him. But I didn’t have time, because I didn’t find him alive. This was probably the only person who truly loved Yushka with all his heart, with all his soul. During his life, Yushka managed to teach the girl to love people and do good for them, so she stayed in the city and treated people who suffered from consumption for free.

Yushka's essay plan

1. Acquaintance with Efim Dmitrievich - Yushka. Description of his work and living conditions
2. Children’s cruelty towards Yushka
3. Parents scare their children with Yushka for bad behavior
4. Adult cruelty
5. Conversation with Dasha, the blacksmith’s daughter
6. Yushka’s annual hike. Enjoying nature and relaxing Yushka from the city and its inhabitants
7. More work and more bullying
8. The disease progresses
9. A passerby caused Yushka’s death
10. Yushka’s funeral
11. Orphan – named daughter of Yushka
12. A girl doctor who treated tuberculosis patients free of charge