Rotocan instructions for use in gynecology douching. Rotocan in gastroenterology. Side effects when using Rotokan

Pain and sore throat accompany all respiratory diseases. At the first symptoms you should seek medical help. Treatment of any disease must be comprehensive. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use gargling - the most effective and fastest-acting procedure. The solution can be prepared from available ingredients (salt, soda, herbal decoctions) or from pharmaceutical preparations. The herbal mixture Rotokan for gargling is popular. Due to its naturalness, it can be used at any age and has virtually no contraindications.

Rotokan is a concentrated alcohol tincture based on herbal collection. Consists of three components - chamomile, calendula, yarrow. Each of them has a targeted effect on eliminating painful symptoms. Thus, chamomile is designed to anesthetize and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, calendula - soothes the inflammatory and swelling process, disinfects, heals ulcers and injuries, yarrow - improves blood circulation in the tissues of the larynx, stimulates their regeneration and restoration.

The main function of Rotokan is antiseptic. It also has antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative effects. Therefore, the solution can be used both for viral and bacterial diseases of the throat, and for any problems of the respiratory tract and oral cavity that are not of an infectious nature.

Externally, Rotokan is a dark brown liquid. Sometimes a cloudy precipitate may be present. This is considered the norm, since the composition includes an extract from natural ingredients. Available in glass containers of various sizes. It has a sharp herbal smell and a slightly unpleasant bitter taste, like all herbal infusions. But at the same time, it usually does not cause any negative reactions (nausea, vomiting) in an adult. But for a child it can be disgusting, so the concentration of the baby rinse should be much lower. The alcohol content in the drug is insignificant, therefore, if the correct proportions are observed, it cannot cause any adverse reactions.

Rotokan for the throat is prescribed to both adults and children who can gargle without swallowing liquid. The main thing is to read the instructions carefully before use and strictly follow the recommendations for using the drug at different ages. The solution contains herbs in a concentrated form, so sticking to the dosage is very important. Otherwise, instead of treatment and pain relief, you may experience worsening health conditions and side effects.

Treatment with Rotokan - indications, contraindications

The scope of use of Rotokan is quite large. In medical practice, it is most often prescribed as a symptomatic treatment for throat diseases:

  • for acute respiratory infections, which are accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, tonsils, and soft palate;
  • for acute and chronic tonsillitis as an anesthetic and rinsing agent;
  • for infectious and occupational laryngitis, if there is hyperemia and inflammation of the tissues of the larynx, dry cough, rawness, hoarseness;
  • for pharyngitis of various etiologies to relieve and eliminate unpleasant sensations on the back wall of the throat;
  • with allergic reactions manifested by discomfort in the respiratory tract and larynx;
  • in case of mechanical damage as a healing and regenerating agent;
  • for any complaint that can be characterized as “discomfort in the throat” and sore throat.

In addition to direct throat diseases, Rotokan has additional indications: treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, purulent formations of the gums, erosive lesions of the mucous membrane, any diseases of the oral cavity and even gastroenterological problems. In such treatment regimens, Rotokan can be used both in the usual solution for rinsing, and in the form of lotions, liquids for oral administration, as well as microenemas.

Despite its versatility and good tolerability, the drug also has some contraindications that are important to consider before using it:

  • allergy to any of the components of the solution, including the alcohol component;
  • hypersensitivity to herbal tinctures;
  • history of itching, urticaria;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases in the acute stage;
  • children under 5 years of age.

Rotocan is available without a prescription, but it would be a good idea to consult a doctor about the advisability of using this medication. If there is a tendency to be allergic to medications, then before the first use it is worth conducting a tolerance test.

Proportions, rules for gargling with Rotokan

Instructions for use of any drug are required to be studied. Herbal remedies, including Rotokan, are no exception. It describes in detail how to gargle with Rotokan.

How to dilute Rotokan for gargling and throat? The rinse solution should never be used in its pure form, because the concentration of medicinal herbs in it is high. It is designed for dilution in warm boiled water. The proportions may be different depending on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, and susceptibility to the components. The standard dosage for an adult is 2 teaspoons of Rotokan per 200-250 ml of water. In a trial version, if there are concerns about the use of herbs, you can dilute 1 spoon in the same volume of water. If the drug is well tolerated, its content in the finished rinse liquid can be increased to 3 teaspoons. Don't forget to shake the solution before use.

Gargling with Rotokan in children under 12 years of age implies its own limitations on the preparation of the solution. How to do this correctly? Due to the presence of ethanol (alcohol), a child's gargle is prepared in the proportion of 0.5 teaspoon to half a glass of warm water. This amount is quite enough for one procedure. There is no need to rinse more than 3 times a day.

The concentration and dosage of Rotokan also depends on the disease. Thus, an inflammatory process in the throat during ARVI is treated with 1-2 tablespoons of the product per glass of water. More complex infections, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, require increasing the dosage to 3 teaspoons of herbal solution (for adults). Children's dosage does not change depending on the disease.

The instructions for use state that the frequency of rinsing varies on average from 3 to 5 times a day. It is not worth carrying out the procedure every hour, as this will greatly dry out the mucous membrane. If desired, you can alternate rinsing with Rotokan and other means, for example, Furacilin, Angilex or regular salt.

The effectiveness of the event and the speed of recovery depend on the rinsing process itself. The temperature of the finished mixture should be room temperature or slightly warm. Hot and cold will only harm a sore throat and cause additional discomfort. The solution should be taken into the mouth in a small amount, tilt the head back as low as possible and rinse for 20-30 seconds. The wider you can open your mouth, the better - the solution will reach farther and thoroughly wash the tonsils and throat walls. The steps are repeated until the prepared liquid runs out. On average, one rinsing procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes. The entire course of treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days. If after this period there is no relief and recovery, you need to consult a doctor and, possibly, discontinue or replace the drug.

The use of Rotokan for diseases of the oral cavity, dental problems, and gastrointestinal diseases is carried out according to an individual scheme. The dosage can be completely different - from a few drops to a 100% concentrated product.

Rotokan during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, Rotokan is not contraindicated. You need to gargle urgently - Rotokan can help. But there are certain cautions due to the presence of alcohol and yarrow in its composition. The opinions of experts on the question of whether it is possible to gargle with Rotokan are divided. But most agree that local use for treating the throat can still be carried out for pregnant women.

The dosage of the product should be minimal, namely 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water. It is important to be careful not to swallow the solution. In any case, the possibility of using Rotocan during such a period must be agreed upon with the attending physician, so as not to harm yourself and the unborn child. If the doctor allows it, and expectant mother there is no allergy to the components of the drug - you can safely gargle 3-4 times a day.

It is important to ensure that the solution is not expired. If it has been left open for a long time and there are doubts about its effectiveness, it is better to throw it away. A small amount of cloudy sediment at the bottom is not evidence of spoilage. In the case of herbal medicines, this option is quite acceptable. Just shake the bottle before use.

You should not prepare a lot of liquid at once. After standing for a long time, it loses its beneficial properties, the alcohol evaporates. A new solution must be diluted each time immediately before use. There is no need to fill Rotokan with hot water, as this will kill its active ingredients.

Rotokan – good remedy for the treatment of any inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx for several reasons. Firstly, it is in accessible price category. Secondly, it is made exclusively on the basis of natural ingredients and does not contain any chemicals. Thirdly, preparing the solution takes literally a couple of minutes, which is very important when you feel unwell, when it’s hard to even get out of bed (not to mention brewing and infusing herbs). Fourthly, the concentration of medicinal components in it is very high, so the product is enough for more than one course of treatment.

Rotokan is a combined herbal medicine for systemic and local use, with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and hemostatic effects.

Release form and composition

The herbal medicine is available in the form of an extract for oral administration and local use: a dark brown with an orange tint liquid with a peculiar odor (25, 50 or 100 ml in an orange glass bottle with a screw neck, sealed with a polyethylene stopper and a screw-on plastic cap, in a cardboard box 1 bottle, it is possible to place bottles in group packaging).

Composition of the drug (for preparing 1 liter of extract):

  • Active ingredients: yarrow herb – 250 g, marigold flowers – 250 g, chamomile flowers – 500 g;
  • Additional component: ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 40%.

Indications for use

  • Inflammatory diseases of the periodontium and oral mucosa of various natures (ulcerative necrotizing gingivostomatitis, periodontitis, aphthous stomatitis);
  • Chronic colitis and enteritis, gastroduodenitis (as part of complex treatment).


  • Liver diseases;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Severe renal dysfunction;
  • Brain diseases;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Particular caution is required when taking the drug orally in the presence of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

During breastfeeding and pregnancy, the use of the solution is contraindicated due to its high ethanol content.

Directions for use and dosage

Shake the bottle with the product before use.

Rotocan is used in the form of an aqueous solution, which is prepared immediately before use by stirring 1 teaspoon of the drug in a glass of warm boiled water. Provided the product is well tolerated, the concentration of the aqueous solution can be increased to 3 teaspoons.

When treating diseases of the oral mucosa, the product is used 2-3 times a day for rinsing the mouth (1-2 minutes) or in the form of applications (15-20 minutes) for 2-5 days.

Periodontal therapy is carried out after removing tartar and curettage of pathological gum pockets. To do this, it is recommended to inject turunda richly soaked in solution into the gum pockets for 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out once a day, every day or every other day. The course of treatment is 4-6 procedures.

For the treatment of gastroenterological lesions, Rotocan is taken orally and used as microenemas. Orally - 30 minutes before meals or 40-60 minutes after meals, 1/3 - 1/2 cup of solution 3-4 times a day for 14-21 days.

Microenemas with 50-100 ml of solution are given 1-2 times a day after a cleansing enema, the course is 3-6 days.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may occur during drug therapy.

Cases of overdose have not been reported to date. When taking the solution orally in doses exceeding the recommended ones, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness may occur. Treatment is symptomatic.

Special instructions

Rotokan contains at least 33% ethanol. It should be taken into account that when diluting 1 teaspoon of the product in a glass of water, the content of absolute ethyl alcohol is equal to 0.8 g, and when diluting three teaspoons - 3.2 g.

Drug interactions

There is no information on the interaction of Rotocan with other drugs.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Shelf life – 2 years.

For inflammation and ulcers in the mouth, as well as for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the patient needs a good antiseptic that quickly disinfects the affected area and eliminates inflammation. For these purposes, doctors advise storing in home medicine cabinet herbal remedy Rotokan. Instructions for use will tell you about the unique composition of this medicine and its wide range of uses.

Composition of Rotokan

It should be said that Rotokan is a plant extract for topical use and oral administration. 100 grams of healing liquid includes extracts:

  • 25 g of common yarrow;
  • 25 g medicinal calendula;
  • 50 g of pharmaceutical chamomile.

Pharmacological action

The herbal medicine Rotokan is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. In addition to its main action, the medication effectively fights microbes, stops bleeding and helps restore the integrity of the mucous membranes. Let's consider the effect of the main components of the medicine:

  • chamomile is an excellent antiseptic, which also perfectly calms the nervous system, relieves spasms, relieves pain and relieves inflammation;
  • Calendula has a powerful bactericidal effect, as it effectively suppresses streptococci and staphylococci. In addition, this extract helps in the treatment of gastric ulcers, heart rhythm disturbances, as well as diseases of the liver and bile ducts;
  • yarrow perfectly heals wounds, helping with hemorrhoids and bleeding from the uterus, treats kidney and gastrointestinal diseases, saves from dysentery and disorders menstrual cycle, from fibroids and inflammation of the ovaries.

Rotokan acts gently, but quite effectively, especially in the early stages of inflammation.

Indications for use

In most cases, Rotokan is used:

  • in gastroenterology (to combat chronic enteritis, colitis and gastroduodenitis);
  • for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (gingivostomatitis, aphthous stomatitis and periodontitis).

Analogues of the drug

Medications with a similar effect include: Rotokan Vilar, ZheKaTon and Diarotokan.

How to take Rotokan

After removing deposits on the teeth and scraping out the gum pockets, in Rotokan it is necessary to moisten cotton pads and then insert them into the gum pockets. Such procedures are carried out daily or every other day. As a rule, 5 applications relieve the inflammatory process.

In case of damage to the oral mucosa, it is enough to hold Rotokan in the mouth for 2 minutes or lubricate the sores with this product using a cotton swab. (To avoid irritation of the mucous membrane, 1 tablespoon of Rotokan should be diluted in 200 ml of water). The procedures need to be carried out 3 times a day and already on the 4-5th day a positive result will be noticeable.

When prescribing Rotocan orally, it is necessary to take the drug before meals (30 minutes before). In this case, the patient should drink 50–100 ml of the medicinal extract 3-4 times a day, and the duration of therapy will be no more than 3 weeks.

In case of damage to the rectal mucosa or in the treatment of hemorrhoids, Rotocan is administered using microenemas - 50-100 ml up to two times a day. Therapy lasts up to 6 days. Before each procedure, you should do a cleansing enema.


It should be said about the existing contraindications of the drug Rotokan. Instructions for use in this regard highlight: kidney dysfunction, the presence of traumatic brain injuries, brain diseases, intolerance to drug components, alcoholism, breastfeeding, pregnancy and age under 18 years.

Side effects

The product causes virtually no side effects. The only thing that can be accompanied by taking Rotokan is mild allergic reactions that go away on their own within 24 hours. Good health to you!

The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is in no way intended to be a guide to self-medication. Be sure to consult your doctor.

Herbal preparations (one of them is Rotokan, the use of which is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process) have been used for a long time to treat various kinds of diseases. The named drug is widely used in dentistry because it helps to cope with inflammation of the gums and throat.

Rotocan Vilar is a liquid alcoholic extract of calendula, chamomile and yarrow. This drug is different in that each of its components has a positive effect on the oral cavity and helps relieve inflammation. The composition of the drug is completely safe, it can be prescribed to children, but the dosage must be strictly observed.

Chamomile flowers significantly reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

Yarrow is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent qualities. In addition, it makes it possible to improve blood circulation in all tissues, while promoting the healing of wounds in the oral cavity.

Calendula has excellent wound healing properties, which makes it possible to use it to treat many diseases. In addition, it tones and calms.

The composition of the drug is completely natural, which is why it can be prescribed to children and women during pregnancy. Rotokan Vilar, due to its composition, has the following beneficial properties, How:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

However, despite the fact that the drug is completely safe, you should first consult with your doctor regarding its use and strictly adhere to the dosage.

How exactly should Rotokan be used?

Often, for tonsillitis, the doctor prescribes gargling with herbal decoctions. Rotokan is very suitable for gargling, since its composition is absolutely safe and effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria. Rotokan must first be diluted with water, otherwise the alcohol tincture may cause a burn to the oral mucosa. The instructions for use say that in such cases the solution is diluted at the rate of 1 tsp. concentrated preparation per 1 glass of water.

Gargling should be frequent, the course of treatment is approximately one week. If after the first use of the drug no side effects are observed, then its dosage can be increased to enhance the effect. During pregnancy and children, you should not increase the concentration of Rotokan.

To treat various throat diseases in children, Rotokan is most often used for inhalation, which is especially helpful for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For this, a weak solution is used. For stomatitis, the solution is used in the same concentration. It is used for oral baths or in the form of special applications. This remedy quickly eliminates swelling of the oral mucosa, significantly reduces pain, helps remove plaque directly from the surface of teeth and ulcers, helping them to heal faster. In addition, this product perfectly eliminates bad breath, which is observed with stomatitis. Very often, Rotocan is used to treat periodontitis. After performing high-quality professional teeth cleaning, the doctor applies special applications that are soaked in the solution.

The procedures are performed several times, as a result of which inflammation is reduced and the condition of the gums is improved.

Instructions for use of Rotokan

Recently, they have become widespread medicines, created exclusively on a plant basis, since their composition is as safe as possible and makes it possible to provide high-quality treatment even to small children. Among the most common of this group is the drug Rotokan, which is used to treat a variety of inflammatory processes in the body.

The use of Rotokan is widespread because it effectively copes with even the most complex diseases. However, before using the drug, you must carefully study the instructions for use so that no side effects or allergic reactions occur.

Rotokan is ideal for treating various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, colds, improves digestion, and eliminates rashes on the facial skin.

If diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are observed, then Rotokan will help to effectively cope with them, the instructions for use of which indicate that it has hemostatic and healing properties. For treatment, it is worth using a very weak solution of the drug, because its alcohol base can harm the body.

Rotokan is excellent for inhalation, as it makes it possible to quickly and effectively cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and treats even acute forms of sore throat and bronchitis.

In order to use the drug correctly and not harm your health, you should carefully study the method of using the product and first consult with your doctor.

Among all the symptoms of a cold in the upper respiratory tract, the most unpleasant and bothersome is a sore throat, which gets worse when swallowing and talking. It is associated with inflammatory processes in the cells of the mucous membrane, which lose their ability to independently moisturize. Swelling, dryness, irritation, and redness occur. All this forms a complex of unpleasant sensations: a feeling of tickling, pain, a feeling of lack of air and much more.

To eliminate a sore throat, many methods and pharmacological drugs are used. The use of the drug "Rotokan" for gargling is widely practiced in both therapeutic and pediatric practice. Use this drug correctly, for its intended purpose, since it is important to know how to dilute it correctly and for how long the resulting solution is valid.

The instructions for use of Rotokan provide comprehensive information on this issue. We will try to convey this information in simple and understandable language. Use during pregnancy is still questionable. But in view of the local therapeutic effect of the components included in the drug, gargling is allowed, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

In what cases is it appropriate to use?

A sore throat can be associated with several negative factors:

  • irritation from polluted and dry air and the resulting dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • smoking and inhalation of vapors of irritating substances (ethanol, ammonia, chlorine and other compounds);
  • consuming hot food and liquids and resulting burns;
  • viral infection (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza);
  • the bacterial form of infection most often causes a sore throat;
  • secondary reactions in response to a prolonged dry cough without sputum production;
  • clinical manifestations of pathologies of internal organs (gastritis, gastric ulcer, esophagitis, inflammation of the thyroid gland).

In which of the cases listed above would it be appropriate to use the drug “Rotokan” for gargling in order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms? Let's try to figure it out.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that the drug contains an extract of three medicinal plants widely used in medicine. These are pharmaceutical chamomile (has antiseptic properties), calendula (softens damaged mucous membranes) and yarrow, which can strengthen local immunity. Taken together, all these components provide a pronounced antiseptic and regenerating effect when used correctly. Thus, the use of the drug for gargling will be appropriate for any type of inflammatory, toxic or traumatic damage to the mucous membrane of the throat.

But here it is worth making a note that in the presence of a viral and bacterial infection it should be used as an adjuvant. The main emphasis of therapy should be aimed at strengthening the immune system and etiotropic effects on the causative agent of the disease. If internal organs are affected, maximum attention should be paid to the treatment of these pathologies, using Rotokan exclusively as a symptomatic remedy. Those. It is worth realizing that gargling with the consequences of heartburn does not treat the gastritis that causes it, but only eliminates the discomfort in the throat.

Therapeutic properties of the drug and indications for its use

The main therapeutic properties of the drug are aimed at sanitizing the cells of the mucous membranes of the throat from pathogens. However, this action is exclusively local. The active substances do not penetrate into the lacunae of the tonsils and their glandular structure or enter in negligible concentrations.

The antiseptic effect is complemented by regenerating properties and the ability to strengthen the vascular wall of capillaries. Taken together, the indications for use of the drug “Rotokan” include the following pathological processes:

  • inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity (stomatitis, glossitis, gingivitis in dentistry);
  • complex treatment of candidiasis, lacunar, follicular, catarrhal and purulent tonsillitis;
  • adenoiditis and chronic tonsillitis as a means of maintaining microflora balance (for constant gargling daily in the morning and evening);
  • viral infections, including seasonal ones, as an auxiliary measure to soften, moisturize and relieve pain of the mucous membrane;
  • laryngitis and pharyngitis in the acute and chronic phase;
  • conditions after chemical and thermal burns of the tissues of the throat and pharynx.

With regular gargling with Rotokan, in all of these cases, a rapid improvement in the condition of the affected tissues is achieved. The patient experiences relief from a sore throat and no cough reflex.

A contraindication for such therapy may be individual intolerance to any of the components included in the composition. When used in persons with an allergic background, increased caution is required due to the high risk of developing immediate reactions (anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, urticaria, difficulty breathing).

How to dilute Rotokan for gargling in children, adults and pregnant women

The use of alcohol tincture without prior preparation is unacceptable due to the high probability of burns to the mucous membranes. You need to know how to properly dilute Rotokan for gargling in patients from different age groups.

Regardless of whether the procedure is performed on children or adults, before each use a new solution is prepared and the bottle with the extract is thoroughly shaken for 20 - 30 seconds. This is necessary so that the precipitated extractive substances from the sediment become suspended.

For pregnant women, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage and carefully ensure that the prepared solution is not ingested.

Before diluting Rotokan for gargling, you need to prepare water. It should be boiled for 3 minutes and then cooled to room temperature. When the temperature of the solution increases to 40 degrees Celsius, the antibacterial properties of the drug may be partially or completely lost.

Standard dilution proportions for an adult (including pregnant women) are 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water. (gradually, with satisfactory tolerance and absence of allergic reactions, you can increase the dosage of Rotokan to 3 teaspoons per 200 ml of water).

For children, Rotokan is diluted as a gargle as follows: ½ teaspoon per 200 ml of water. The use of an adult dosage is possible in children over 12 years of age.

The frequency of gargling depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. On the first day from the onset of the disease, it is recommended to carry out at least 8 procedures per day at equal intervals. Then the frequency is reduced to 4-6 procedures and used until complete recovery. For chronic inflammatory processes The duration of treatment can reach 40 - 60 days with twice daily gargling in the morning and evening.

"Rotokan" during pregnancy can be used exclusively for gargling and mouthwash in the above proportions and dosages for an adult.

Physician-therapist Konopleva R.G.